This tool allows you to identify a contact in one expertise area of Ifremer (eg aquaculture, fisheries, marine technology ...).

Search tips:

  • Truncation (*) allows you to get more documents. Ex: fish* will bring up all documents with fish, fishes, fisheries, ...
  • To narrow or widen your search, you can also use the Boolean connectors AND / OR (uppercase). Those operators can be combined with parentheses. Ex: aquaculture* AND ( "dicentrarchus labrax" OR "sea bass" )
  • Online help is available for more details

Be carefull, the results offered by this system come from automatic calculations. They are not always significant. Also note that more you move away from Ifremer's research themes and less the results are relevant.

You are about to contact an Ifremer's employee. In addition to the warning below regarding the relevance of the selected contact, you should be aware that the answer you may get must not be considered as the official position of the Institute
