Jean-François Bourillet

Jean-François Bourillet

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-6982-592X

ResearcherID : O-9761-2017


Survol virtuel du canyon de Capbreton
Remontée du niveau marin dans la Manche
Modélisation du canyon sous-marin de Lampaul
Modélisation du relief de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest

Direction de campagnes océanographiques

NODULE-2024Pourquoi Pas?2024Zone de Clarion-Clipperton
BOBGEO2Suroit2010Haut de la pente de la marge du Golfe de Gascogne : du canyon de Lampaul au Nord au canyon d'Arcachon au Sud
BOBGEOPourquoi Pas?2009Haut de pente des bassins versants de la Chapelle, Bretagne Ouest-Sud. Du canyon de Lampaul au canyon du Croisic.
VT 99 / CALYTESTMarion22008Océan Atlantique Nord
PLA-GVThalia2006Plateau du Golfe de Gascogne
MD 142 / ALIENOR 2Marion22004Golfe de Gascogne
PROGRAMME SEDICAR 4Marion22004Golfe de Gascogne
MD 133 / SEDICARMarion22003Golfe de Gascogne
TROPHAL ISuroit2002Nord de la Grande Vasière
ZAIANGOCARSuroit2000Gabon, Angola, eventail profond Zaire
SEDIMANCHE 1Atalante1992Mer d'Iroise
TAT 9-89/2Jean Charc1989GOLFE DE GASCOGNE
TAT 9Jean Charc1988Océan Atlantique Nord



Edinger Evan, Bourillet Jean-François, Menot Lenaick, Lartaud Franck, Chemel Mathilde, Jorry Stephan (2025). Late Holocene and Recent cold-water coral calcium carbonate production in Guilvinec Canyon, Bay of Biscay, France. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 220, 105451 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Cam Chloé, Baudin Eric, Bourillet Jean-François, Dutreuil Sébastien, Evans Anna, Floc'h Nicolas, Guillory Marie-Cécile, Michelot Agnès, Reveillas Justine, Rousseau Gaëlle, Spitz Jérôme, Frey François (2024). Les leçons de Ziphia : un cas d’étude pour mieux protéger les mammifères marins du bruit anthropique dans la zone économique exclusive française . Natures Sciences Sociétés , 32(2), 204-215 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
David Ophelie, Penaud Aurélie, Vidal Muriel, Fersi Wiem, Lambert Clément, Goubert Evelyne, Herlédan Maiwenn, Stéphan Pierre, Pailler Yvan, Bourillet Jean-François, Baltzer Agnes (2022). Sedimentological and palynological records since 10 ka BP along a proximal-distal gradient on the Armorican shelf (NW France) . Quaternary Science Reviews , 293, 107678 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Soulet Guillaume, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Boswell Steven M., Dennielou Bernard, Waelbroeck Claire, Bayon Germain, Mojtahid Meryem, Bosq Mathieu, Sabine Marjolaine, Zaragosi Sébastien, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Mercier Herle (2021). The North Atlantic Glacial Eastern Boundary Current as a key driver for ice‐sheet – AMOC interactions and climate instability . Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology , 36(3), e2020PA004068 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boavida Joana, Becheler Ronan, Choquet Marvin, Frank Norbert, Taviani Marco, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Meistertzheim Anne‐leila, Grehan Anthony, Savini Alessandra, Arnaud-Haond Sophie (2019). Out of the Mediterranean? Post‐glacial colonization pathways varied among cold‐water coral species . Journal Of Biogeography , 46(5), 915-931 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Merillet Laurene, Kopp Dorothee, Robert Marianne, Salaun Michele, Mehault Sonia, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Mouchet Maud (2018). Are trawl marks a good indicator of trawling pressure in muddy sand fishing grounds? Ecological Indicators , 85, 570-574 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mojtahid M., Toucanne Samuel, Fentimen R., Barras C., Le Houedec S., Soulet Guillaume, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Michel E. (2017). Changes in northeast Atlantic hydrology during Termination 1: Insights from Celtic margin's benthic foraminifera . Quaternary Science Reviews , 175, 45-59 .
Davies J. S., Guillaumont Brigitte, Tempera Fernando, Vertino A., Beuck L., Olafsdottir S. H., Smith C. J., Fossa J. H., Van Den Beld Inge, Savini A., Rengstorf A., Bayle Christophe, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Grehan A. (2017). A new classification scheme of European cold-water coral habitats: implications for ecosystem-based management of the deep sea . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 145, 102-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Van Den Beld Inge, Becheler Ronan, Orejas C., Menot Lenaick, Frank N., Grehan A., Bourillet Jean-Francois (2017). Two “pillars” of cold-water coral reefs along Atlantic European margins: Prevalent association of Madrepora oculata with Lophelia pertusa, from reef to colony scale . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 145, 110-119 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Den Beld Inge, Guillaumont Brigitte, Menot Lenaick, Bayle Christophe, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2017). Marine litter in submarine canyons of the Bay of Biscay . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 145, 142-152 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Den Beld Inge, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, de Chambure Laurent, Davies Jaime S, Guillaumont Brigitte, Olu Karine, Menot Lenaick (2017). Cold-water coral habitats in submarine canyons of the Bay of Biscay . Frontiers In Marine Science , 4(118), 1-30 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Soulet Guillaume, Freslon Nicolas, Jacinto Ricardo Silva, Dennielou Bernard, Zaragosi Sebastien, Eynaud Frederique, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Bayon Germain (2015). Millennial-scale fluctuations of the European Ice Sheet at the end of the last glacial, and their potential impact on global climate . Quaternary Science Reviews , 123, 113-133 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dupre Stephanie, Berger Laurent, Le Bouffant Naig, Scalabrin Carla, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2014). Fluid emissions at the Aquitaine Shelf (Bay of Biscay, France): A biogenic origin or the expression of hydrocarbon leakage? Continental Shelf Research , 88, 24-33 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Zaragosi Sebastien, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Dennielou Bernard, Jorry Stephan, Jouet Gwenael, Cremer Michel (2012). External controls on turbidite sedimentation on the glacially-influenced Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay, western European margin) . Marine Geology , 303, 137-153 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Zaragosi S., Eynaud F., Bourillet Jean-Francois, Lericolais Gilles, Gibbard P. L. (2011). Comments to Westaway and Bridgland - 'Causes, consequences and chronology of large-magnitude palaeoflows in Middle and Late Pleistocene river systems of northwest Europe' . Earth Surface Processes And Landforms , 36(10), 1410-1413 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rakotonarivo Sandrine, Legris Michel, Desmare Rozenn, Sessarego Jean-Pierre, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2011). Forward modeling for marine sediment characterization using chirp sonars . Geophysics , 76(4), T91-T99 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Roy Pascal, Gracia-Garay Claire, Guennoc Pol, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Reynaud Jean-Yves, Thinon Isabelle, Kervevan Patrick, Paquet Fabien, Menier David, Bulois Cedric (2011). Cenozoic tectonics of the Western Approaches Channel basins and its control of local drainage systems . Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France , 182(5), 451-463 . Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Zaragosi Sebastien, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Marieu Vincent, Cremer Michel, Kageyama Masa, Van Vliet-Lanoe Brigitte, Eynaud Frederique, Turon Jean-Louis, Gibbard Philip L. (2010). The first estimation of Fleuve Manche palaeoriver discharge during the last deglaciation: Evidence for Fennoscandian ice sheet meltwater flow in the English Channel ca 20-18 ka ago . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 290(3-4), 459-473 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Paquet Fabien, Menier David, Estournes Guilhem, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Leroy Pascal, Guillocheau Francois (2010). Buried fluvial incisions as a record of Middle-Late Miocene eustasy fall on the Armorican Shelf (Bay of Biscay, France) . Marine Geology , 268(1-4), 137-151 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Zaragosi S., Bourillet Jean-Francois, Gibbard P. L., Eynaud F., Giraudeau J., Turon J. L., Cremer M., Cortijo E., Martinez P., Rossignol L. (2009). A 1.2 Ma record of glaciation and fluvial discharge from the West European Atlantic margin . Quaternary Science Reviews , 28(25-26), 2974-2981 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Guilloux E., Olu Karine, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Savoye Bruno, Iglesias S. P., Sibuet Myriam (2009). First observations of deep-sea coral reefs along the Angola margin . Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography , 56(23), 2394-2403 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Penaud A., Eynaud F., Turon J. L., Zaragosi S., Malaize B., Toucanne Samuel, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2009). What forced the collapse of European ice sheets during the last two glacial periods (150 ka BP and 18 ka cal BP)? Palynological evidence . Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology , 281(1-2), 66-78 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Zaragosi S., Bourillet Jean-Francois, Cremer M., Eynaud Frederique, Van Vliet-Lanoe B., Penaud A., Fontanier C., Turon J. L., Cortijo E., Gibbard P. L. (2009). Timing of massive ‘Fleuve Manche’ discharges over the last 350 kyr: insights into the European ice-sheet oscillations and the European drainage network from MIS 10 to 2 . Quaternary Science Reviews , 28(13-14), 1238-1256 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Penaud A, Eynaud F, Turon J, Zaragosi S, Marret F, Bourillet Jean-François (2008). Interglacial variability (MIS 5 and MIS 7) and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic) . Marine Micropaleontology , 68(1-2), 136-155 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel, Zaragosi S, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Naughton F, Cremer M, Eynaud F, Dennielou Bernard (2008). Activity of the turbidite levees of the Celtic-Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay) during the last 30,000 years: Imprints of the last European deglaciation and Heinrich events . Marine Geology , 247(1-2), 84-103 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Naughton F, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Fernanda M, Turon J, Jouanneau J (2007). Long-term and millennial-scale climate variability in northwestern France during the last 8850 years . The Holocene , 17(7), 939-953 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dubrulle C, Jouanneau J, Lesueur P, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Weber O (2007). Nature and rates of fine-sedimentation on a mid-shelf: "La Grande Vasiere" (Bay of Biscay, France) . Continental Shelf Research , 27(16), 2099-2115 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Eynaud F, Zaragosi S, Scourse J, Mojtahid M, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Hall I. R., Penaud A, Locascio M, Reijonen A (2007). Deglacial laminated facies on the NW European continental margin: The hydrographic significance of British-Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation and Fleuve Manche paleoriver discharges . Geophysic Geochemistry Geosystems , 8(6), NIL_24-NIL_42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zaragosi Sébastien, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Eynaud Frédérique, Toucanne Samuel, Denhard Benjamin, Van Toer Aurélie, Lanfumey Valentine (2006). The impact of the last European deglaciation on the deep-sea turbidite systems of the Celtic-Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay) . Geo-Marine Letters , 26(6), 317-329 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Zaragosi S, Mulder T (2006). The French Atlantic margin and deep-sea submarine systems . Geo-Marine Letters , 26(6), 311-315 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gonthier E, Cirac P, Faugeres J, Gaudin Mathieu, Cremer M, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2006). Instabilities and deformation in the sedimentary cover on the upper slope of the southern Aquitaine continental margin, north of the Capbreton canyon (Bay of Biscay) . Scientia Marina , 70(1), 89-100 . Open Access version :
Ondreas Helene, Olu Karine, Fouquet Yves, Charlou Jean-Luc, Gay Aurelien, Dennielou Bernard, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fifis Alexis, Nadalig Thierry, Cochonat Pierre, Cauquil E, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Le Moigne Morgan, Sibuet Myriam (2005). ROV study of a giant pockmark on the Gabon continental margin . Geo-Marine Letters , 25(5), 281-292 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mojtahid M, Eynaud F, Zaragosi S, Scourse J, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Garlan T (2005). Palaeoclimatology and palaeohydrography of the glacial stages on Celtic and Armorican margins over the last 360 000 yrs . Marine Geology , 224(1-4), 57-82 .
Rabineau Marina, Berne Serge, Aslanian Daniel, Olivet Jean-Louis, Joseph Philippe, Guillocheau François, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Le Drezen Eliane, Granjeon Didier (2005). Sedimentary sequences in the Gulf of Lion: A record of 100,000 years climatic cycles . Marine and Petroleum Geology , 22(6-7), 775-804 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mulder Thierry, Cirac Pierre, Gaudin Mathieu, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Trainer J., Normand Alain, Weber O., Griboulard R., Jouanneau Jean-Marie, Anschutz Pierre, Jorissen Frans (2004). Understanding continent-ocean sediment transfer . EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union , 85(27), 257 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sultan Nabil, Cochonat Pierre, Cayocca Florence, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Colliat Jl (2004). Analysis of submarine slumping in the Gabon continental slope . Aapg Bulletin , 88(6), 781-799 .
Sultan Nabil, Foucher Jean-Paul, Cochonat Pierre, Tonnerre T, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Ondreas Helene, Cauquil E, Grauls D (2004). Dynamics of gas hydrate: case of the Congo continental slope . Marine Geology , 206(1-4), 1-18 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Reynaud Jy, Baltzer Agness, Zaragosi S (2003). The 'Fleuve Manche': the submarine sedimentary features from the outer shelf to the deep-sea fans . Journal Of Quaternary Science , 18(3-4), 261-282 .
Lericolais Gilles, Auffret Jp, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2003). The Quaternary Channel River: seismic stratigraphy of its palaeo-valleys and deeps . Journal Of Quaternary Science , 18(3-4), 245-260 .
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Lericolais Gilles (2003). Morphology and Seismic stratigraphy of the Manche Paleoriver System, Western Approaches . European Margin Sediment Dynamics Side Scan Sonar And Seismic Images , 229-232 .
Zaragosi S, Le Suave Raymond, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Auffret Gerard, Faugeres Jc, Pujol C, Garlan T (2001). The deep-sea Armorican depositional system (Bay of Biscay), a multiple source, ramp model . Geo Marine Letters , 20(4), 219-232 .
Sultan Nabil, Cochonat Pierre, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Cayocca Florence (2001). Evaluation of the risk of marine slope instability: A pseudo-3D approach for application to large areas . Marine Georesources and Geotechnology , 19(2), 107-133 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cirac P, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Griboulard R, Normand Alain, Mulder T, Bellec Valerie, Berne Serge, Cremer M, Gorini C, Gonthier E, Michel D, Satra Catherine, Viana A (2001). Canyon of Capbreton: new morphostructural and morphosedimentary approaches. First results of the ITSAS cruise . Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 332(7), 447-455 .
Assier-Rzadkiewicz S, Heinrich P, Sabatier Pc, Savoye Bruno, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2000). Numerical modelling of a landslide-generated Tsunami: The 1979 Nice event . Pure And Applied Geophysics , 157(10), 1707-1727 .
Sultan Nabil, Cochonat Pierre, Dennielou Bernard, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Savoye Bruno, Colliat Jl (2000). Apparent overconsolidation and osmotic pressure in a marine sediment . Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 331(5), 379-386 .
Savoye Bruno, Cochonat Pierre, Apprioual Ronan, Bain Olivier, Baltzer Agness, Bellec Valerie, Beuzart Paul, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Cagna Reanaud, Cremer M, Crusson Alban, Dennielou Bernard, Diebler D, Droz Laurence, Ennes Jc, Floch Gilbert, Guiomar M, Harmegnies Francois, Kerbrat Rene, Klein B, Kuhn H, Landure Jean-Yves, Lasnier C, Le Drezen Eliane, Le Formal Jean-Pierre, Lopez M, Loubrieu Benoit, Marsset Tania, Migeon Sebastien, Normand Alain, Nouze Herve, Ondreas Helene, Pelleau Pascal, Saget Philippe, Seranne M, Sibuet Jean-Claude, Tofani R, Voisset Michel (2000). Structure and recent evolution of the Zaire deep-sea fan: preliminary results of the ZaiAngo 1 and 2 cruises (Angola-Congo margin). Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 331(3), 211-220 .
Auffret Gérard-André, Zaragosi S, Voisset Michel, Droz Laurence, Loubrieu Benoit, Pelleau Pascal, Savoye R, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Baltzer Agness, Bourquin S, Dennielou Bernard, Coutelle Alain, Weber N, Floch Gilbert (2000). Premières observations sur la morphologie et les processus sédimentaires récents de l'Éventail celtique . Oceanologica Acta , 23(1), 109-116 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reynaud Jean, Tessier Bernadette, Proust Jn, Dalrymple R, Marsset Tania, de Batist M, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Lericolais Gilles (1999). Eustatic and hydrodynamic controls on the architecture of a deep shelf sand bank (Celtic Sea) . Sedimentology , 46(4), 703-721 .
Reynaud Jean, Tessier Bernadette, Proust Jn, Dalrymple R, Bourillet Jean-Francois, de Batist M, Lericolais Gilles, Berne S, Marsset Tania (1999). Architecture and sequence stratigraphy of a late Neogene incised valley at the shelf margin, southern Celtic Sea . Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 69(2), 351-364 .
Droz Laurence, Auffret Gerard, Savoye Bruno, Bourillet Jean-Francois (1999). L'éventail profond de la marge celtique: stratigraphie et évolution sédimentaire . Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 328(3), 173-180 .
Berne S, Lericolais Gilles, Marsset Tania, Bourillet Jean-Francois, de Batist M (1998). Erosional offshore sand ridges and lowstand shorefaces: Examples from tide- and wave-dominated environments of France . Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 68(4), 540-555 .
Liu Zhenxia, Xia Dengxing, Berne S, Wang Ky, Marsset Tania, Tang Yx, Bourillet Jean-Francois (1998). Tidal deposition systems of China's continental shelf, with special reference to the eastern Bohai Sea . Marine Geology , 145(3-4), 225-253 .
Marsset Tania, Xia D, Berne Serge, Liu Z, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Wang K (1996). Stratigraphy and sedimentary environments during the Late Quaternary, in the Eastern Bohai Sea (North China Platform) . Marine Geology , 135(1-4), 97-114 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Edy Christian, Rambert F, Satra Catherine, Loubrieu Benoit (1996). Swath mapping system processing: Bathymetry and cartography . Marine Geophysical Researches , 18(2-4), 487-506 .
Auffret Gerard, Pujol C, Baltzer Agnes, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Muller C, Tisot Jp (1996). Quaternary sedimentary regime on the Berthois Spur (Bay of Biscay) . Geo-marine Letters , 16(2), 76-84 .
Lericolais Gilles, Guennoc Pol, Auffret J.P., Bourillet Jean-Francois, Berne Serge (1996). Detailed survey of the western end of the Hurd Deep (English Channel): new facts for a tectonic origin . Geological Society Special publication , 117, 203-215 .​GSL.SP.1996.117.01.12
Lericolais Gilles, Auffret J.P., Bourillet Jean-Francois, Berne Serge, Guennoc Pol, Le Drezen Eliane, Normand Alain, Guillocheau Francois (1995). L'énigmatique Fosse Centrale de la Manche : une approche de sa morphologie et de son remplissage par géophysique haute résolution . Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science , 321, 39-46 . Open Access version :
Mulder T, Tisot Jp, Cochonat Pierre, Bourillet Jean-Francois (1994). Regional assessment of mass failure events in the baie-des-anges, Mediterranean-sea . Marine Geology , 122(1-2), 29-45 .
Cochonat Pierre, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Savoye Bruno, Dodd L (1993). Geotechnical characteristics and instability of submarine slope sediments, the nice slope (N-W Nediterranean-sea) . Marine Georesources & Geotechnology , 11(2), 131-151 .
Mulder Th., Tisot J.-P., Cochonat Pierre, Bourillet Jean-Francois (1993). Stabilité des pentes sous-marines dans la Baie des Anges, Nice, France. Approche géotechnique. / Offshore slope stability in the Baie des Anges, Nice, France. Geotechnical approach . Revue Française de Géotechnique , (64), 21-30 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berne S, Auffret Ga, Augris C, Bourillet Jf, Carre D, Bertron M, Butin A, Crawford C S, Clark J F (1990). Campagne Seamewe 1: Reconnaissance de trace de cable sous-marin en Mer rouge . Oceanologica Acta, Special issue Open Access version :
Lesuave R, Voisset Michel, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Cochonat Pierre, Guillaume J, Ledrezen E, Morel Yves, Ollier G, Rey S, Ricou S, Saget Philippe (1987). Evidence of intraplate erosion and recent tectonic activity in the north equatorial pacific-ocean - examples from data acquired with the deep-towed acoustic system sar . Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii , 305(14), 1211-1216 .

Communication avec actes

Legrand Julien, Perie Frederic, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Barbero Aurore, Bouchoucha Marc, Lagadec Jean Romain (2021). MACROCOSME, An Innovative Buoy To Assess Marine Environment Ecological Health . OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, San Diego, CA, USA, 2021, pp. 1-5 .
Satra Le Bris Catherine, Gautier Emeric, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2011). Recopla : Inventaire de données de géosciences marines pour une cartographie moderne du plateau continental français . ICC2011, Digital proceedings, n°CO-465 .
Magneron Cedric, Jeannee Nicolas, Le Moine Olivier, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2010). Integrating Prior Knowledge and Locally Varying Parameters with Moving-GeoStatistics: Methodology and Application to Bathymetric Mapping . 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Southampton, ENGLAND, SEP, 2008 .
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Damy Gilbert, Dussud Loic, Sultan Nabil, Woerther Patrice, Migeon Sebastien (2007). Behaviour Of A Piston Corer From Accelerometers And New Insights On Quality Of The Recovery . Proceedings of the 6th International Off shore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, 11–13 September 2007, London, UK .
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Jouanneau J.M., Macher Claire, Le Hir Pierre, Naughton F (2006). "La Grande Vasière" mid-shelf mud belt : Holocene sedimentary structure, natural and anthropogenic impacts . X International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, April 19-21 2006. Vigo, Galicia. Spain.


Bazin Marie-Helene (2024). Bilan des émissions de GES* de la Flotte Océanographique Française pour l’année 2022. Présentation de la méthodologie et des résultats obtenus . DG 2024 - 837 .
Bourillet Jean-François (2024). Analyse de la consommation gazole du NO Pourquoi pas ? REM/2024-013 .
Robbe Philippe (captain), Bourillet Jean-François (chief Scient.) (2024). Cahier de quart. Mission NODULE-2024. 02 avril 2024 – 18 avril 2024, N/O Pourquoi Pas ?
Audinet Rozenn, de Bélinay Alix, Dupuis–rémond Cécile, Gillin Maria, Loriot Louise, Mantione Emilie, Saudubray Margot (2024). Nouvelles plateformes et initiatives privées en océanographie. Perspectives partenariales pour la Flotte océanographique française .
de Chambure Laurent, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Bartel Claire (2013). Geomorphological classification in Bay of Biscay. Morpho-sedimentary mapping of the seabed in selected areas . REM/GM/LES 2013 .
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Menot Lenaick, Laffargue Pascal, Guillaumont Brigitte, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Raguenes Bruno (2013). Contribution to the final periodic report - CoralFish . REM/EEP/LEP 13-18 .
(2010) Campagne BobGeo2. Cahier de Quart. 18 juillet - 25 juillet 2010, N/O Le Suroit .
Gautier Emeric, Kerjean Mathieu, Satra Le Bris Catherine, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2010). ACTION RECOPLA - Inventaire et bancarisation des données de Géosciences Marines pour les façades Atlantique, Manche et Méditerranée . DCB/GM/LES/R.INT.2010.06 .
Salzat Laure, Woerther Patrice, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2010). Géométrie et qualité des couches par carottage gravitaire à piston - Mission ESSCAR 9 . RDT/SMI/10/064 .
(2009) Campagne BobGeo. Cahier de quart. 14 octobre - 28 octobre 2009, N/O Pourquoi pas ?
Stephan Michele, Satra Le Bris Catherine, Augris Claude, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2008). Synthèses géologiques sur le plateau continental français métropolitain. Recensement des campagnes côtières et de documents produits (2ème édition) . DCB/GM/R.INT 2008-02 .
Augris Claude, Simplet Laure, Maze Jean-Pierre, Morvan Laetitia, Satra Le Bris Catherine, Fitamant Nadege, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Stephan Michele (2006). Inventaire des ressources en matériaux marins : Façades « Manche-Est » et « Loire-Gironde » .
Turon Jean-Louis, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Delpeint Arnaud, Simplet Laure (2004). MD141 – ALIÉNOR. Rapport scientifique à bord du Marion Dufresne II .
Bourillet Jean-François, Turon Jean-Louis (2003). SEDICAR MD 133 - Rapport scientifique à bord du Marion Dufresne II . OCE/2003/04 .
Stephan Michele, Satra Catherine, Augris Claude, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2002). Synthèses géologiques sur le plateau continental français métropolitain - Recensement des campagnes côtières et des documents produits . R.INT.DRO/GM 2001-01 .
Boucher Jean, Bacher Cedric, Bechemin Christian, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Gentien Patrick, Guillaud Jean-Francois, Guyader Olivier, Herbland Alain, Lagardere Françoise, Lazure Pascal, Le Hir Pierre, Loizeau Veronique, Marchand Philippe, Morizur Yvon, Petitgas Pierre, Pelletier Dominique, Rigaud Vincent, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Talidec Catherine (2001). Chantier golfe de Gascogne - Définition du projet.
Le Suave Raymond, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Coutelle Alain (2000). La marge nord du golfe de Gascogne : Connaissances générales et apport des nouvelles synthèses de données multifaisceaux .
Ifremer, Université de Bordeaux (1991). Compte-rendu de mission en Chine - Campagne BOHAI - 9 septembre-1er octobre 1991 .
Augris Claude, Berthou Patrick (1990). Les gisements de maërl en Bretagne .
Morel Yann (1987). Etude détaillée de la zone NIXO 45 . DERO - GM - 06 .

Ouvrage / Actes de colloque / Chapitre d'ouvrage

Costello Mark J, Harris Peter T, Bryony Pearce, Fiorentino Andrea, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Hamylton Sarah M (2019). A Glossary of Terminology Used in Marine Biology, Ecology, and Geology . In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 2019. ISBN 9780124095489, ( (Elsevier BV) .
Baltzer Agnes, Mokeddem Zohra, Goubert Evelyne, Lartaud Franck, Labourdette Nathalie, Fournier Jérôme, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2015). The “Turritella Layer”: A Potential Proxy of a Drastic Holocene Environmental Change on the North–East Atlantic Coast . In Sediment Fluxes in Coastal Areas. Editors: Mohamed Maanan, Marc Robin ISBN: 978-94-017-9259-2 (Print) 978-94-017-9260-8 (Online). Volume 10 of the series Coastal Research Library. Chapitre 1 pp 3-21 (Springer Science + Business Media) .
Bourillet Jean-Francois, de Chambure Laurent, Loubrieu Benoit (2012). Sur les traces des coraux d'eau froide du golfe de Gascogne. 8 cartes bathymorphologiques et géomorphologiques au 1/100.000 / Cold water corals of the Bay of Biscay: 8 bathymorphological and geomorphological maps at 1:100,000 . Editions Quae.
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Augris Claude, Cirac Pierre, Maze Jean-Pierre, Normand Alain, Loubrieu Benoit, Crusson Alban, Gaudin Mathieu, Poirier Dominique, Satra Le Bris Catherine, Simplet Laure (2007). Le canyon de Capbreton - Carte morpho-bathymétrique - Échelle 1/50 000 . Ifremer.
Auffret Gerard, Le Suave Raymond, Garlan Thierry, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Henriet Jean-Pierre, Zaragosi Sebastien, Voisset Michel, Lucas Sylvain (2003). The new view of the Celtic and Armorican margins . In European Margin Sediment Dynamics : Sidescan Sonar and Seismic Images (J. Mienert, Weaver, P.P. (Editor)) .
Zaragosi Sebastien, Le Suave Raymond, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Auffret Gerard, Garlan Thierry (2003). Physiography of the Armorican Turbidite System (Bay of Biscay) . In European Margin Sediment Dynamics : Sidescan Sonar and Seismic Images (J. Mienert, Weaver, P.P. (Editor)) .
Berne Serge, Satra Le Bris Catherine (2002). Carte morpho-bathymétrique du Golfe du Lion au 1/100 000. Notice explicative .

Expertises / Avis

Oger-Jeanneret Helene, Bourillet Jean-Francois, de Casamajor Marie-Noelle, Caill-Milly Nathalie, Morandeau Gilles, Trut Gilles (2019). Avis technique et scientifique sur le dossier de demande d'autorisation environnementale (AE), plus particulièrement sur le volet maritime, des travaux notamment le franchissement du gouf de Capbreton et l'atterrage des câbles au niveau du Porge. DDTM 33 - Direction départementale des territoires et de la mer de la Gironde, Bordeaux , Ref. LER/AR/022-2019/HOJ/ft - Votre mail du 25/04/2019 , 11p.
Augris Claude, Simplet Laure, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2009). Suivi d'exploitation 2008 de la concession du Pilier . Préfecture Loire Atlantique, Direction de l’Aménagement et de l’Environnement, Nantes 44 , Ref. PDG/DPCP 2009-228 , 4p.
Augris Claude, Simplet Laure, Veron Gerard, Bourillet Jean-Francois (2009). Extraction de maërl sur le site des Pourceaux - Extraction de trez sur le site du Petit Minou . DDE 29 - Direction Départementale de l'Equipement du Finistère, Unité Littoral, Quimper , Ref. D/CB/CMR/09.023 , 1p.


Menot Lenaick, Van Den Beld Inge, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Davies J.S., Guillaumont Brigitte, Olu Karine (2018). The Ecological Role of Patchy Cold-Water Coral Habitats: Does Coral Density Influence Local Biodiversity in Submarine Canyons of the Bay of Biscay? DSBS 2018 - 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 09 au 14/09/2018, Monterey (Californie) .

Communications sans actes

Collart Tim, Verreydt Wencke, Stewart Heather, Howell Kerry, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Llave Estefania, Blamart Dominique, Van Rooij David (2016). Cold-water coral mini-mounds on the Ferrol Canyon (Cantabrian Margin): initiation and controlling factors . GB 2016 : 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress. 26-29 January 2016, Mons, Belgium .
Woerther Patrice, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Damy Gilbert, Dussud Loic, Sultan Nabil (2012). Improving in piston coring quality with acceleration and pressure measurements and new insights on quality of the recovery . 8th International Marine Technicians Symposium, INMARTECH 2012, 25 and 28 September 2012, Texel, the Netherlands .
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Dubrulle Carole, Goubert Evelyne, Jouanneau Jean-Marie, Cortijo Elsa, Weber Olivier, Lesueur Patrick (2005). La Grande Vasière : architecture, mise en place et estimation des facteurs de son évolution . Colloque Golfe de Gascogne. 22-24 mars 2005, Brest .

Jeux de données


David Ophélie, Penaud Aurélie, Vidal Muriel, Wiem Fersi, Lambert Clément, Goubert Evelyne, Herledan Maiwenn, Stephan Pierre, Pailler Yvan, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Baltzer Agnès (2022). Sedimentological and palynological records since 8.5 ka BP along a proximal-distal gradient on the northern Bay of Biscay (NW Europe) . SEANOE .


Toucanne Samuel, Soulet Guillaume, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Boswell Steven, Dennielou Bernard, Waelbroeck Claire, Bayon Germain, Mojtahid Meryem, Bosq Mathieu, Sabine Marjolaine, Zaragosi Sébastien, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Mercier Herle (2020). Sedimentological and geochemical records of the North Atlantic Glacial Eastern Boundary Current, 50-15 ka BP . SEANOE .


Van Den Beld Inge, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, de Chambure Laurent, Davies Jaime, Guillaumont Brigitte, Olu Karine, Menot Lenaick (2018). The distribution of Cold Water Corals along the continental margins of the Bay of Biscay . SEANOE .


Michel Guillaume, Dupre Stephanie, Saout Johan, Ehrhold Axel, Guerin Charline, Gautier Emeric, Breton Cecile, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Loubrieu Benoit (2017). Pockmark morphological attributes at the Aquitaine slope, GAZCOGNE1 (2013) and BOBGEO2 (2010) marine expeditions . SEANOE .
BOURILLET Jean-Francois, SIMPLET Laure, STERCKMAN Aurore, MOREAU Julien, VESLIN Mathieu, BIVILLE Romain (2017). Formations superficielles du plateau aquitain (J-F. Bourillet, 2017). Ifremer.


BOURILLET Jean-Francois, DE CHAMBURE Laurent, MENOT Lenaick, SIMPLET Laure, LOUBRIEU Benoit (2016). Classification Géomorphologique de la pente continentale du Golfe de Gascogne (1/500 000). Ifremer.
BOURILLET Jean-Francois, DE CHAMBURE Laurent, MENOT Lenaick, SIMPLET Laure, LOUBRIEU Benoit (2016). Classification géomorphologique de la pente continentale de la façade méditerranéenne (1/500 000). Ifremer.


Bourillet Jean-Francois, Loubrieu Benoit (2012). Bathymétrie du canyon de Cap-Ferret au canyon d’Arcachon (synthèse, projet CoralFISH, 2012). Géosciences Marines (Ifremer).
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Loubrieu Benoit (2012). Bathymétrie du canyon de Penmarc'h au canyon de Saint-Nazaire (synthèse, projet CoralFISH, 2012). Géosciences Marines (Ifremer).
Bourillet Jean-Francois, Loubrieu Benoit (2012). Bathymétrie du canyon des Sables d’Olonne au canyon d’Ars (synthèse, projet CoralFISH, 2012). Géosciences Marines (Ifremer).
Bourillet Jean-Francois, De Chambure Laurent, Loubrieu Benoit (2012). Sur les traces des coraux d’eau froide du golfe de Gascogne : 8 jeux de données bathymorphologiques et géomorphologiques au 1 / 100 000.


BOURILLET Jean-Francois, AUGRIS Claude, CIRAC Pierre, MAZE Jean-Pierre, NORMAND Alain, LOUBRIEU Benoît, CRUSSON Alban, GAUDIN Mathieu, POIRIER Dominique, SATRA LE BRIS Catherine, SIMPLET Laure (2018). Bathymétrie - canyon de Capbreton (synthèse, édition 2007). Ifremer.


BOURILLET Jean-Francois, LOUBRIEU Benoit (1995). Bathymétrie - marge des entrées de la Manche (campagne SEDIMANCHE 1, 1992) résolution 200 m. Ifremer.
BOURILLET Jean-Francois, LOUBRIEU Benoît (1995). Rétrodiffusion du fond marin - entrées de la Manche (campagne SEDIMANCHE 1, 1992). Ifremer.


AUGRIS Claude, CLABAUT Philippe, BOURILLET Jean-Francois (1993). Formations superficielles du domaine marin côtier entre Dieppe et Le Tréport (C. Augris, 1993), données vectorielles. Ifremer.

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