Castro-Ruiz Diana, Andree Karl B., Solovyev Mikhail M., Fernández-Méndez Christian, García-Dávila Carmen, Cahu Chantal, Gisbert Enric, Darias Maria J. (2021). The Digestive Function of Pseudoplatystoma punctifer Early Juveniles Is Differentially Modulated by Dietary Protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate Content and Their Ratios . Animals , 11(2), 369 (27p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Castro-Ruiz Diana, Mozanzadeh Mansour Torfi, Fernández-Méndez Christian, Andree Karl B., García-Dávila Carmen, Cahu Chantal, Gisbert Enric, Darias Maria J. (2019). Ontogeny of the digestive enzyme activity of the Amazonian pimelodid catfish Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855) . Aquaculture , 504, 210-218 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal (2019). L’ aquaculture : quelle réponse à la demande croissante de nourriture dans le monde ? Études marines , (15 Nourrir), 40-49 . Open Access version :
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Mazurais David, Dubuc Alexia, Queau Pierre, Vanderplancke Gwenaelle, Servili Arianna, Cahu Chantal, Le Bayon Nicolas, Huelvan Christine, Claireaux Guy (2017). An early-life hypoxia event has a long-term impact on protein digestion and growth in European sea bass juvenile. Journal Of Experimental Biology , 220(10), 1846-1851 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Guyader Soizick, Cahu Chantal (2017). Produits de la mer et santé publique . In L'océan à découvert. 2017. ISBN : 978-2-271-11652-9. Partie 5 Les usages de l'océan. 13. pp. 204-205 (CNRS Editions) .
Gourmelon Françoise, Cahu Chantal, Euzen Agathe (2017). The growth of maritime uses . In The Ocean revealed. ISBN 978-2-271-11907-0. Part 5, 1. pp.181 (CNRS Editions) .
Cahu Chantal (2017). The major challenges of aquaculture . In The Ocean revealed. ISBN 978-2-271-11907-0. Part 5, 10. pp.198-199 (CNRS Editions) .
Le Guyader Soizick, Cahu Chantal (2017). Seafood and public health . In The Ocean revealed. ISBN 978-2-271-11907-0. Part 5, 13. pp.204-205 (CNRS Editions) .
Cahu Chantal (2017). Les grands enjeux de l'aquaculture . In L'océan à découvert. 2017. ISBN : 978-2-271-11652-9. Partie 5 Les usages de l'océan, 10. pp. 198-199 (CNRS Editions) .
Gourmelon Françoise, Cahu Chantal, Euzen Agathe (2017). La maritimisation des usages . In L'océan à découvert. 2017. ISBN : 978-2-271-11652-9. Partie 5 Les usages de l'océan. 1. pp.181 (CNRS Editions) .
Cardona Emilie, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Chim Liet, Goguenheim Jean, Le Delliou Herve, Cahu Chantal (2016). Biofloc contribution to antioxidant defence status, lipid nutrition and reproductive performance of broodstock of the shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris: Consequences for the quality of eggs and larvae . Aquaculture , 452, 252-262 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darias M. J., Castro-Ruiz D., Estivals G., Quazuguel Patrick, Fernandez-Mendez C., Nunez-Rodriguez J., Clota Frederic, Gilles S., Garcia-Davila C., Gisbert E., Cahu Chantal (2015). Influence of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth performance and the incidence of cannibalism in Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855) larvae and early juveniles . Journal Of Applied Ichthyology , 31, 74-82 .
Mazurais David, Coves Denis, Papandroulakis Nikos, Ortega Aurelio, Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Huelvan Christine, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, de La Gandara Fernando, Cahu Chantal (2015). Gene expression pattern of digestive and antioxidant enzymes during the larval development of reared Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), Thunnus thynnus L. Aquaculture Research , 46(10), 2323-2331 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Del Castillo Torres Dennis, Baudoin Mario, Cahu Chantal, Exequiel Luis, Panfili Jacques (2015). Rapport d’évaluation conjointe 2015 Laboratoire mixte international. “Evolution et domestication de l’ichtyofaune amazonienne” (LMI EDIA). Rapport pour l'IRD et l'Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP). Iquitos, Perou, 1-2 octobre 2015 .
Lavergne Edouard, Pedron Nicolas, Calves Isabelle, Claireaux Guy, Mazurais David, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Le Bayon Nicolas, Cahu Chantal, Laroche Jean (2015). Does the chronic chemical contamination of a European flounder population decrease its thermal tolerance? Marine Pollution Bulletin , 95(2), 658-664 .
Chim Liet, Cardona Emilie, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Gueguen Yannick, Saulnier Denis, Goguenheim Jean, Wantiez Laurent, Cahu Chantal (2014). Biofloc technology applied to rear shrimp Litopenaeus Stylirostris broodstock: An integrated and development research project in New Caledonia and French Polynesia . Europe Aqauculture Symposium, October 14-17, San Sebastian, Spain .
Castro-Ruiz D., Estivals G., Quazuguel Patrick, Fernandez C., Nunez J., Clota E., Gilles S., Garcia-Davila C., Duponchelle F., Renno J. F., Gisbert E., Cahu Chantal, Darias M. J. (2014). Towards Artemia replacement by inert diets in reared Pseudplatystoma punctifer larvae: the dietary/lipid ratio affects growth in early stages . 4th International Conference RIIA- Research Network on Amazonian Ichthyofauna Universidad Mayor de San Simon, UMSS, Cochabamba, Bolivia .
Hubert Bernard (2014). Atelier de Réflexion Prospective (ARP) MERMED : Adaptation aux changements environnementaux en mer Méditerranée : quelles recherches et quels partenariats ? Synthèse des fiches prospectives : Le bassin méditerranéen à l’horizon 2030 : Quels défis à relever pour la mer Méditerranée ?
Cahu Chantal (2013). Answering the specific requirements of fish larvae . Aquativ Technical Symposium, World Aquaculture Society Conference, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, December 10-13, 2013 .
Ben Khemis Ines, Gisbert Enric, Alcaraz Carles, Zouiten Dora, Besbes Raouf, Zouiten Amina, Masmoudi Ahmed Slaheddine, Cahu Chantal (2013). Allometric growth patterns and development in larvae and juveniles of thick-lipped grey mullet Chelon labrosus reared in mesocosm conditions . Aquaculture Research , 44(12), 1872-1888 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coves Denis, Falguiere Jean-Claude, Gasset Eric, Dutto Gilbert, Breuil Gilles, Saulnier Denis, Knockaert Camille, Leroi Francoise, Cahu Chantal, Fauvel Christian, Girard Sophie, Callier Myriam, Buchet Vincent, Della Patrona Luc (2013). Développement durable de la pisciculture en Outre-Mer, projet "DDPOM" : historique et perspectives . Journées RBE 2013 - Rencontres scientifiques du département RBE : "Biodiversité et usage durable des ressources biologiques marines dans un contexte de changement global et de pressions anthropiques. Quels enjeux, quelles recherches et quel avenir?". 5-6 novembre 2013, Nantes, France .
Mazurais David, Kjorsvik Elin, Wold Per-Arvid, Politis S., Cahu Chantal, Tomkiewicz J., Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2013). Biochemical, histological and molecular study of digestive tract development in European eel larvae (Anguilla anguilla) prior to exogenous feeding . AE2013 - Aquaculture Europe 2013, 9-12 August 2013, Tronheim, Norway .
UAOM, ITAVI Service technique Aquaculture (2013). Appui technique/Recherche-Développement : Aquaculture Outre-Mer. Réunion d'échanges . Réunion d'échanges sur l'appui technique et le développement de la pisciculture dans les DOM, RITA, 12 juin 2013, Paris .
Cahu Chantal (2013). Les grands défis de l’aquaculture en France et dans le monde . Responsabilité & Environnement , 70, 24-30 .
Coves Denis, Bosc Pierre, Marot D, Falguiere Jean-Claude, Breuil Gilles, Knockaert Camille, Cahu Chantal (2013). Bilan de l'accord cadre ARDA-AQUAMAY-Ifremer (Réf. 07/1216679) portant sur la période 2007-2011 .
Laroche J, Pedron N, Lavergne E, Calves I, Labonne M, Quiniou L, Claireaux G, Amérand A, Théron M, Loizeau V, Guinand B, Le Bayon N, Mazurais D, Zambonino-Infante Jl, Cahu C (2013). EVOLFISH: Effets du réchauffement global et de la contamination locale sur les réponses évolutives d’un poisson côtier le flet, Platichthys flesus . Programme VMCS 2008, séminaire ANR les 17 et 18 avril 2013 à Toulouse .
Yu Hai-Rui, Ai Qing-Hui, Mai Kang-Sen, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal Louise (2013). Methionine requirement of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea R.) larvae . Acta hydrobiologica sinica , 37(6), 1094-2202 .
Yu Hai-Rui, Ai Qing-Hui, Mai Kang-Sen, Ma Hong-Ming, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal Louise (2012). Evaluation of microdiets and frozen copepods on digestive enzyme activities, intestinal and liver microstructures of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea R.) larvae . Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica , 36(6), 1087-1096 .
Coves Denis, Falguiere Jean-Claude, Gasset Eric, Breuil Gilles, Knockaert Camille, Leroi Francoise, Cahu Chantal, Fauvel Christian, Girard Sophie, Buchet Vincent, Della Patrona Luc (2012). Ifremer R&D project for a sustainable marine finfish aquaculture in french overseas territories . Guadeloupe Aquaculture 2012, 4èmes biennales de l'aquaculture des outremers - Rencontres Caribéennes, 4-7 décembre 2012, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe .
Faure Leslie, Regina Françoise, Dutto Gilbert, Falguiere Jean-Claude, Coves Denis, Cahu Chantal (2012). Effet du ratio lipides/protéines de l'aliment sur la croissance de l'ombrine ocellée (Sciaenops ocellatus) et sur les rejets biologiques . Journées Recherche de la Filière Piscicole, 3-4 juillet 2012, Paris .
Hamza N., Kestemont P., Khemis I. B., Mhetli M., Cahu Chantal (2012). Effect of different sources and levels of dietary phospholipids on performances and fatty acid composition of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae . Aquaculture Nutrition , 18(3), 249-257 .
Geay Florian, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Reinhardt Richard, Kuhl Heiner, Santigosa Ester, Cahu Chantal, Mazurais David (2012). Characteristics of fads2 gene expression and putative promoter in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Comparison with salmonid species and analysis of CpG methylation . Marine Genomics , 5, 7-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Yu Hairui, Ai Qinghui, Mai Kangsen, Ma Hongming, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2012). Effects of dietary protein levels on the growth, survival, amylase and trypsin activities in large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena Crocea R., larvae . Aquaculture Research , 43(2), 178-186 .
Mazurais David, Darias Maria, Fernandez Ignacio, Cahu Chantal, Gisbert Enric, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2012). Gene Expression Pattern during European Sea Bass Larvae Development: Impact of Dietary Vitamins . In Functional Genomic in Aquaculture (Wiley-Blackwell) .
Geay Florian, Ferraresso Serena, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Bargelloni Luca, Quentel Claire, Vandeputte Marc, Kaushik Sachi, Cahu Chantal, Mazurais David (2011). Effects of the total replacement of fish-based diet with plant-based diet on the hepatic transcriptome of two European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) half-sibfamilies showing different growth rates with the plant-based diet . Bmc Genomics , 12(522), 1-18 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coves Denis, de Vogue Benoist, Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Dhormes Benoit, Fievet Julie, Huelvan Christine, Lallement Stephane, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Ruelle Francois, Vidal Marie-Odile, Castex M., Mazurais David, Cahu Chantal, Gatesoupe François-Joel (2011). Probiotic treatment of live food organisms for Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae: microbiological & immunological criteria . Aquaculture Europe 2011 - Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020, October 18-21 2011, Rhodes, Greece .
Zouiten Dora, Ben Khemis Ines, Masmoudi Ahmed Slaheddin, Huelvan Christine, Cahu Chantal (2011). Comparison of growth, digestive system maturation and skeletal development in sea bass larvae reared in an intensive or a mesocosm system . Aquaculture Research , 42(11), 1723-1736 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mazurais David, Darias M., Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2011). Transcriptomics for understanding marine fish larval development . Canadian Journal Of Zoology-revue Canadienne De Zoologie , 89(7), 599-611 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darias Maria, Mazurais David, Koumoundouros Giorgos, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Huelvan Christine, Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Quazuguel Patrick, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2011). Imbalanced dietary ascorbic acid alters molecular pathways involved in skeletogenesis of developing European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology , 159(1), 46-55 .
Darias Maria, Mazurais David, Koumoundouros G., Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2011). Overview of vitamin D and C requirements in fish and their influence on the skeletal system . Aquaculture , 315(1-2), 49-60 .
Savoie A., Le Francois N. R., Lamarre S. G., Blier P. U., Beaulieu L., Cahu Chantal (2011). Dietary protein hydrolysate and trypsin inhibitor effects on digestive capacities and performances during early-stages of spotted wolffish: Suggested mechanisms . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology , 158(4), 525-530 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Georga Ioanna, Glynatsi Nomiki, Baltzois Athanasios, Karamanos Dimitrios, Mazurais David, Darias Maria J., Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Koumoundouros Giorgos (2011). Effect of vitamin A on the skeletal morphogenesis of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) . Aquaculture Research , 42(5), 684-692 .
Santigosa Ester, Geay Florian, Tonon Thierry, Le Delliou Herve, Kuhl Heiner, Reinhardt Richard, Corcos Laurent, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Mazurais David (2011). Cloning, Tissue Expression Analysis, and Functional Characterization of Two Δ6-Desaturase Variants of Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) . Marine Biotechnology , 13(1), 22-31 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coves Denis, Falguiere Jean-Claude, Gasset Eric, Breuil Gilles, Knockaert Camille, Cahu Chantal, Fauvel Christian, Girard Sophie (2010). Ifremer R&D project for a sustainable marine finfish aquaculture in french overseas territories. Tahiti Aquaculture 2010 . Tahiti Aquaculture 2010 "Aquaculture durable en milieu insulaire tropical/Sustainable aquaculture on tropical islands", 6-11 décembre 2010, Arue, Tahiti, Polynésie française .
Cahu Chantal, Petton Bruno, Falguiere Jean-Claude, Gasset Eric, Zambonino-Infante Jose Luis, Mazurais David, Coves Denis (2010). Recent results on influence of nutrients on fish larvae development : a transcriptomic study . Tahiti Aquaculture 2010 "Aquaculture durable en milieu insulaire tropical/Sustainable aquaculture on tropical islands", 6-11 décembre 2010, Arue, Tahiti, Polynésie française .
Geay Florian, Culi E. Santigosa I., Corporeau Charlotte, Boudry Pierre, Dreano Y., Corcos L., Bodin Nathalie, Vandeputte Marc, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Mazurais David, Cahu Chantal (2010). Regulation of FADS2 expression and activity in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) fed a vegetable diet . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 156(4), 237-243 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hamza Neila, Silvestre Frederic, Mhetli Mohamed, Ben Khemis Ines, Dieu Marc, Raes Martine, Cahu Chantal, Kestemont Patrick (2010). Differential protein expression profile in the liver of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae fed with increasing levels of phospholipids . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology D-genomics & Proteomics , 5(2), 130-137 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darias M. J., Wing O. Lan Chow, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Mazurais David (2010). Double staining protocol for developing European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Journal of Applied Ichthyology , 26(2), 280-285 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tovar-Ramirez D., Mazurais David, Gatesoupe J. F., Quazuguel Patrick, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante J. L. (2010). Dietary probiotic live yeast modulates antioxidant enzyme activities and gene expression of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Aquaculture , 300(1-4), 142-147 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darias Maria J., Mazurais David, Koumoundouros Giorgos, Glynatsi Nomiki, Christodoulopoulou Stavroula, Huelvan Christine, Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Quazuguel Patrick, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose L. (2010). Dietary vitamin D-3 affects digestive system ontogenesis and ossification in European sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758) . Aquaculture , 298(3-4), 300-307 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2010). Effect of nutrition on marine fish development and quality . In Recent advances in aquaculture research (Transworld Research Network) .
Mazurais David, Glynatsi Nomiki, Darias Maria J., Christodoulopoulou Stavroula, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Koumoundouros Giorgos (2009). Optimal levels of dietary vitamin A for reduced deformity incidence during development of European sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) depend on malformation type . Aquaculture , 294(3-4), 262-270 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kjorsvik Elin, Olsen Cecilia, Wold Per-Arvid, Hoehne-Reitan Katja, Cahu Chantal, Rainuzzo Jose, Olsen Atle Ivar, Oie Gunvor, Olsen Yngvar (2009). Comparison of dietary phospholipids and neutral lipids on skeletal development and fatty acid composition in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) . Aquaculture , 294(3-4), 246-255 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal, Gisbert Enric, Villeneuve Laure A. N., Morais Sofia, Hamza Neila, Wold Per-Avid, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2009). Influence of dietary phospholipids on early ontogenesis of fish . Aquaculture Research , 40(9), 989-999 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Geay Florian, Darias Maria J., Santigosa E., Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Quazuguel Patrick, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Mazurais David (2009). Cloning of endothelin-1 (ET-1) from European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and its gene expression analysis in larvae with retinoic acid-induced malformations . Aquaculture , 287(1-2), 169-173 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wold P. -A., Hoehne-Reitan K., Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Rainuzzo J., Kjorsvik E. (2009). Comparison of dietary phospholipids and neutral lipids: effects on gut, liver and pancreas histology in Atlantic cod (Gadus morha L.) larvae . Aquaculture Nutrition , 15(1), 73-84 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darias Maria J., Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Hugot K, Cahu Chantal, Mazurais David (2008). Gene expression patterns during the larval development of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by microarray analysis . Marine Biotechnology , 10(4), 416-428 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zouiten Dora, Ben Khemis I, Besbes R, Cahu Chantal (2008). Ontogeny of the digestive tract of thick lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus) larvae reared in "mesocosms" . Aquaculture , 279(1-4), 166-172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Savoie A, Le Francois N, Cahu Chantal, Blier P (2008). Metabolic and digestive activity profiles of newly hatched spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen): effect of temperature . Aquaculture Research , 39(4), 382-389 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hamza N, Mhetli M, Ben Khemis I, Cahu Chantal, Kestemont P (2008). Effect of dietary phospholipid levels on performance, enzyme activities and fatty acid composition of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae . Aquaculture , 275(1-4), 274-282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mazurais David, Darias Maria J., Gouillou-Coustans Marie-Francoise, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Huelvan Christine, Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Quazuguel Patrick, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2008). Dietary vitamin mix levels influence the ossification process in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology , 294(2), R520-R527 .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Gisbert E, Sarasquete C, Navarro I, Gutiérrez J, Cahu Chantal (2008). Ontogeny and physiology of the digestive system of marine fish larvae . In Feeding and Digestive Functions of Fishes (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd) .
Wold P, Hoehne Reitan K, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Rainuzzo J, Kjorsvik E (2007). Phospholipids vs. neutral lipids: Effects on digestive enzymes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae . Aquaculture , 272(1-4), 502-513 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ducasse Cabanot S, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Richard N, Medale Francoise, Corraze Genevieve, Mambrini M, Robin Jean, Cahu Chantal, Kaushik Sadasivam, Panserat S (2007). Reduced lipid intake leads to changes in digestive enzymes in the intestine but has minor effect on key enzymes of hepatic intermediary metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) . Animal , 1(9), 1272-1282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morais Sofia, Conceicao L, Ronnestad I, Koven W, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Dinis M (2007). Dietary neutral lipid level and source in marine fish larvae: Effects on digestive physiology and food intake . Aquaculture , 268(1-4), 106-122 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2007). Dietary modulation of some digestive enzymes and Metabolic processes in developing marine fish: Applications to diet formulation . Aquaculture , 268(1-4), 98-105 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kotzamanis Y. P., Gisbert E., Gatesoupe Joel, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2007). Effects of different dietary levels of fish protein hydrolysates on growth, digestive enzymes, gut microbiota, and resistance to Vibrio anguillarum in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology , 147(1), 205-214 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer (2007). Recueil des publications 2006 du Département Physiologie Fonctionnelle des Organismes Marins .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2007). Ontogenèse des fonctions digestives et besoins nutritionnels chez les larves de poissons marins . Cybium , 31(2), 217-226 . Open Access version :
Savoie A, Le Francois Nathalie, Cahu Chantal, Blier P, Andreassen I (2006). Do protein hydrolysates improve survival and growth of newly-hatched spotted, wolffish (Anarhichas minor), a non-metamorphic aquaculture fish species? Aquaculture , 261(2), 782-788 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal (2006). Nutrition, digestion et développement des larves de crevettes et poissons marins . HDR.
Villeneuve Laure, Gisbert Enric, Moriceau Jacques, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2006). Intake of high levels of vitamin A and polyunsaturated fatty acids during different developmental periods modifies the expression of morphogenesis genes in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) . British Journal of Nutrition , 95(4), 677-687 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Han Ching Lucay, Cahu Chantal, Medale Francoise, Baud Jean-Pierre, Forest Andre, Knockaert Camille, Lassus Patrick, Paquotte Philippe (2006). Progrès technologiques au sein des industries alimentaires : impact sur la qualité des produits. Groupe "produits alimentaires d'origine aquatique" .
Villeneuve Laure, Gisbert Enric, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Quazuguel Patrick, Cahu Chantal (2005). Effect of nature of dietary lipids on European sea bass morphogenesis: implication of retinoid receptors . British Journal of Nutrition , 94(6), 877-884 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mai Kangsen, Yu Hairui, Ma Hongming, Duan Qingyuan, Gisbert Enric, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2005). A histological study on the development of the digestive system of Pseudosciaena crocea larvae and juveniles . Journal of Fish Biology , 67(4), 1094-1106 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thouard Emmanuel, Buchet Vincent, Cahu Chantal, Coeurdacier Jean-Luc, Elie Pierre, Gerard André, Hussenot Jerome, Legendre Marc, Prou Jean, Robert Rene (2005). Compte-rendu de mission en Tunisie (13-17 Juin 2005). Atelier de travail sur les nouvelles perspectives de la recherche scientifique en aquaculture .
Gisbert Enric, Villeneuve Laure, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Quazuguel Patrick, Cahu Chantal (2005). Dietary phospholipids are more efficient than neutral lipids for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supply in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larval development . Lipids , 40(6), 609-618 . Open Access version :
Villeneuve Laure, Gisbert Enric, Le Delliou Herve, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2005). Dietary levels of all-trans retinol affect retinoid nuclear receptor expression and skeletal development in European sea bass larvae . British Journal Of Nutrition , 93(6), 791-801 .
Ma Hongming, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Yu Hairui, Duan Qingyuan, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Mai Kangsen (2005). Activities of selected digestive enzymes during larval development of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) . Aquaculture , 245(1-4), 239-248 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villeneuve Laure, Gisbert E, Cahu Chantal, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2004). Expression and localization of some retinoid receptors during European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae development . Aquaculture , 242(1-4), 537-551 .
Cahu Chantal, Ronnestad I, Grangier V, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2004). Expression and activities of pancreatic enzymes in developing sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) in relation to intact and hydrolyzed dietary protein; involvement of cholecystokinin . Aquaculture , 238(1-4), 295-308 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal (2004). Domestication and nutrition in fish . INRA Productions Animales , 17(3), 205-210 . Open Access version :
Morais Sophia, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Robin Jean, Ronnestad I, Dinis M, Conceicao L (2004). Dietary TAG source and level affect performance and lipase expression in larval sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) . Lipids , 39(5), 449-458 . Open Access version :
Tovar Ramirez Dariel, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Gatesoupe Joel, Vazquez Juarez R (2004). Influence of dietary live yeast on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larval development . Aquaculture , 234(1-4), 415-427 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pham Dominique, Chim Liet, Cahu Chantal, Corneillie S., Roem A. (2004). Test of Gemma Micro for Artemia replacement in shrimp larval rearing . Contract N° 04/2 210 710/F .
Cahu Chantal, Salen P, de Lorgeril M (2004). Farmed and wild fish in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: Assessing possible differences in lipid nutritional values . Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases , 14(1), 34-41 .
Gamboa Delgado Julián, Molina Poveda César, Cahu Chantal (2003). Digestive enzyme activity and food ingesta in juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) as a function of body weight . Aquaculture Research , 34(15), 1403-1411 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Takeuchi Toshio (2003). Nutritional components affecting skeletal development in fish larvae . Aquaculture , 227(1-4), 245-258 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Blair Tammy, Castell Fisheries And Oceans Canada, Neil Steven, D'Abramo Louis, Cahu Chantal, Harmon Paul, Ogunmoye Kehinde (2003). Evaluation of microdiets versus live feeds on growth, survival and fatty acid composition of larval haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) . Aquaculture , 225(1-4), 451-461 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Barbosa Valerie (2003). Effect of dietary phospholipid level and phospholipid : neutral lipid value on the development of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae fed a compound diet . British Journal Of Nutrition , 90(1), 21-28 .
Muller-Feuga Arnaud, Robert Rene, Cahu Chantal, Robin Jean, Divanach Pascal (2003). Uses of Microalgae in Aquaculture . In Live feeds in marine aquaculture. Edited by Josianne G. Stottrup ; Lesley A. McEvoy. 2003. chap.7 pp.253-299 (Blackwell Science) .
Ribeiro L, Zambonino-Infante Jl, Cahu Chantal, Dinis Mt (2002). Digestive enzymes profile of Solea senegalensis post larvae fed Artemia and a compound diet . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 27(1-2), 61-69 .
Tovar Dariel, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Gatesoupe Joel, Vazquez-Juarez R, Lesel R (2002). Effect of live yeast incorporation in compound diet on digestive enzyme activity in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Aquaculture , 204(1-2), 113-123 .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2001). Ontogeny of the gastrointestinal tract of marine fish larvae . Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology , 130(4), 477-487 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (2001). Substitution of live food by formulated diets in marine fish larvae . Aquaculture , 200(1-2), 161-180 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Corraze Genevieve, Coves Denis (2000). Dietary lipid level affects fatty acid composition and hydrolase activities of intestinal brush border membrane in seabass . Fish Physiology and Biochemistry , 23(2), 165-172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Buchet Vincent, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (2000). Effect of lipid level in a compound diet on the development of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae . Aquaculture , 184(3-4), 339-347 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baroiller Jean-François, Bernardet Jean-François, Cahu Chantal, Fuchs Jacques, Harache Yves, Jalabert Bernard, Jones Alan, Lemarie Gilles, Zheng Li, Maisse Gérard, Vandeputte Marc (2000). Compte-rendu de mission en CHINE. Pisciculture marine et d'eau douce. 1 - 11 mars 2000. Séminaire sino-français "pisciculture marine et d'eau douce" de Wuhan 1-5/03/2000, Visites des provinces de Fujian et du Shandong 6 -1 1/03/2000 . Rapport conjoint IFREMER - INRA - CIRAD .
Ribeiro Laura, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Dinis Mt (1999). Development of digestive enzymes in larvae of Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858 . Aquaculture , 179(1-4), 465-473 .
Cahu Chantal, Fuchs Jacques (1999). Compte rendu de la réunion annuelle du département des ressources aquacoles. Le Bono (Morbihan) - 17 et 18 juin 1999. Thème: Appels d'offre européens .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (1999). High dietary lipid levels enhance digestive tract maturation and improve Dicentrarchus labrax larval development . Journal Of Nutrition , 129(6), 1195-1200 .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Quazuguel Patrick, Le Gall Mm (1999). Protein hydrolysate vs, fish meal in compound diets for 10-day old sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larvae . Aquaculture , 171(1-2), 109-119 .
Gatesoupe Joel, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Bergot P (1999). Ontogenèse, Développement et Physiologie chez les larves de poissons . In Nutrition et alimentation des poissons (Editions INRA) .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Escaffre Am, Bergot Pierre, Kaushik Sadasivam (1998). Preliminary results on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae rearing with compound diet from first feeding. Comparison with carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae . Aquaculture , 169(1-2), 1-7 .
Peres Armande, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (1998). Dietary regulation of activities and mRNA levels of trypsin and amylase in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 19(2), 145-152 .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Peres Armande, Quazuguel Patrick, Le Gall Mm (1998). Algal addition in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae rearing: effect on digestive enzymes . Aquaculture , 161(1-4), 479-489 .
Gatesoupe Fj, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Quazuguel Patrick (1997). Early weaning of seabass larvae, Dicentrarchus labrax: the effect on microbiota, with particular attention to iron supply and exoenzymes . Aquaculture , 158(1-2), 117-127 .
Peres Armande, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (1997). Dietary spermine supplementation induces intestinal maturation in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 16(6), 479-485 .
Escaffre Am, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Mambrini M, Bergot Pierre, Kaushik Sadasivam (1997). Nutritional value of soy protein concentrate for larvae of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) based on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities . Aquaculture , 153(1-2), 63-80 .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Peres Armande (1997). Partial substitution of di- and tripeptides for native proteins in sea bass diet improves dicentrarchus labrax larval development . Journal Of Nutrition , 127(4), 608-614 . Open Access version :
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (1997). Is the digestive capacity of marine fish larvae sufficient for compound diet feeding? Aquaculture International , 5(2), 151-160 .
Peres Armande, Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Legall Mm, Quazuguel Patrick (1996). Amylase and trypsin responses to intake of dietary carbohydrate and protein depend on the developmental stage in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 15(3), 237-242 .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal, Peres Armande, Quazuguel Patrick, Legall Mm (1996). Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae fed different Artemia rations: Growth, pancreas enzymatic response and development of digestive functions . Aquaculture , 139(1-2), 129-138 .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (1995). Maturation of the pancreatic and intestinal digestive functions in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Effect of weaning with different protein sources . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 14(6), 431-437 .
Cahu Chantal, Cuzon Gerard, Quazuguel Patrick (1995). Effect of highly unsaturated fatty acids, alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid in broodstock diet on egg composition and development of Penaeus indicus . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-physiology , 112(3-4), 417-424 .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (1995). Effect of the molecular-form of dietary nitrogen supply in sea bass larvae - response of pancreatic-enzymes and intestinal peptidases . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 14(3), 209-214 .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (1994). Influence of diet on pepsin and some pancreatic-enzymes in sea bass (dicentrarchus-labrax) larvae . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-physiology , 109(2), 209-212 .
Cahu Chantal, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis (1994). Early weaning of sea bass (dicentrarchus-labrax) larvae with a compound diet - effect on digestive enzymes . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-physiology , 109(2), 213-222 .
Cahu Chantal, Guillaume Jc, Stephan Gwendal, Chim Liet (1994). Influence of phospholipid and highly unsaturated fatty acids on spawning rate and egg and tissue composition in Penaeus vannamei fed semi-purified diets . Aquaculture , 126(1-2), 159-170 .
Cuzon Gerard, Guillaume Jean, Cahu Chantal (1994). Composition, preparation and utilization of feeds for Crustacea . Aquaculture , 124(1-4), 253-267 .
Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Cahu Chantal (1994). Development and response to a diet change of some digestive enzymes in sea bass (dicentrarchus-labrax) larvae . Fish Physiology And Biochemistry , 12(5), 399-408 .
Lacroix Denis, Fauvel Christian, Cahu Chantal (1992). Rapport de mission aux Philippines et à Hong-Kong. Contacts avec plusieurs organismes de recherche (9-16 novembre 1992) .
Cahu Chantal, Ferlin Philippe, Fuchs Jacques, Mazurie Joseph, Thouard Emmanuel (1991). Rapport de mission aux Philippines. Octobre 1990 .