Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
CGFS 99 | Gwen Drez | 1999 | Manche orientale et sud mer du Nord |
CGFS 98 | Gwen Drez | 1998 | Manche orientale et Sud mer du Nord |
CGFS 97 | Gwen Drez | 1997 | Manche Orientale et Sud mer du Nord |
CGFS 96 | Gwen Drez | 1996 | Manche Orientale et sud Mer du Nord |
CGFS 95 | Gwen Drez | 1995 | Manche orientale et sud Mer du Nord |
CGFS 93 | Gwen Drez | 1993 | Manche Est et Sud Mer du Nord |
CGFS 92 | Gwen Drez | 1992 | Manche Est / Sud Mer du Nord |
CGFS 91 | Gwen Drez | 1991 | Manche Orientale - Sud Mer du Nord |
CGFS 90 | Gwen Drez | 1990 | Manche Orientale et Sud Mer du Nord |
CGFS 89 | Gwen Drez | 1989 | Manche Est |
CGFS 88 | Gwen Drez | 1988 | Manche Est |
Ifremer Nouvelle-Calédonie (2015). Dossier d’évaluation. Bilan pour la période 2011-2015. Projet pour la période 2016-2020 .
Marchal Paul, Carpentier Andre, Foucher Eric (2015). The Channel Programme: A Large-Scale Integrated Approach . In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. Editors: Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi, Yves Hénocque, Yasuyuki Koike, Teruhisa Komatsu, Georges Stora, Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin. 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online) . pp.161-167 (Springer Science + Business Media) .
Mahe Kelig, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Vaz Sandrine, Coppin Franck, Koubbi Philippe, Carpentier Andre (2014). Morphological variability of the shape of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in relation to stock discrimination between the Bay of Biscay and the eastern English Channel . Journal Of Fish Biology , 84(4), 1063-1073 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig, Coppin Franck, Vaz Sandrine, Carpentier Andre (2013). Striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus, Linnaeus, 1758) in the eastern English Channel and southern North Sea: growth and reproductive biology . Journal Of Applied Ichthyology , 29(5), 1067-1072 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pelletier Dominique, Roman William, Loubersac Lionel, Broutoi Jean-Marc, Carpentier Liliane, Carpentier Andre (2013). Fiche synthèse campagne d'échantillonnage vidéo : Corne sud . AMBIO/A/06 .
Martin Corinne, Vaz Sandrine, Ellis J. R., Lauria Valentina, Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre (2012). Modelled distributions of ten demersal elasmobranchs of the eastern English Channel in relation to the environment . Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology , 418, 91-103 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delavenne Juliette, Metcalfe Kristian, Smith Robert J., Vaz Sandrine, Martin Corinne S., Dupuis Ludovic, Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre (2012). Systematic conservation planning in the eastern English Channel: comparing the Marxan and Zonation decision-support tools . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 69(1), 75-83 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Vaz Sandrine, Ernande Bruno, Gardel Laure, Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre, Martin Corinne, Eastwood Paul D., Ota Yoshi, Harrop Stuart (2011). The Charm Project: Defying the Channel’s loss by facing environmental challenges across borders . La Mer , 49(3-4), 83-92 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Carpentier Andre (2011). The Charm Project: Defying the Channel's degradation by facing environmental challenges across borders . Techno-Ocean Conference: Oceanic Engineering Conference, 14-16 October 2010, Kobe, Japan .
Lauria Valentina, Vaz Sandrine, Martin Corinne, Mackinson Steve, Carpentier Andre (2011). What influences European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) distribution in the eastern English Channel? Using habitat modelling and GIS to predict habitat utilization . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(7), 1500-1510 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Carpentier Andre (2011). Laboratoire Ressources Halieutiques de Boulogne/mer. Rapport d’activité pour l’année 2010 .
Martin Corinne, Vaz Sandrine, Ellis J. R., Coppin Franck, Le Roy Didier, Carpentier Andre (2010). Spatio-temporal patterns in demersal elasmobranchs from trawl surveys in the eastern English Channel (1988-2008) . Marine Ecology-progress Series , 417, 211-228 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rochet Marie-Joelle, Trenkel Verena, Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Gil De Sola Luis, Leaute Jean-Pierre, Mahe Jean-Claude, Maiorano Porzia, Mannini Alessandro, Murenu Matteo, Piet Gerjan, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Reale Bruno, Spedicato Maria-Teresa, Tserpes George, Bertrand Jacques (2010). Do changes in environmental and fishing pressures impact marine communities? An empirical assessment . Journal Of Applied Ecology , 47(4), 741-750 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martin Corinne, Vaz Sandrine, Koubbi Philippe, Meaden Geoff, Engelhard Georg H., Lauria Valentina, Gardel Laure, Coppin Franck, Delavenne Juliette, Dupuis Ludovic, Ernande Bruno, Foveau Aurelie, Lelievre Stephanie, Morin Jocelyne, Warembourg Caroline, Carpentier Andre (2010). A digital atlas to link ontogenic shifts in fish spatial distribution to the environment of the eastern English Channel. Dab, Limanda limanda as a case-study . Cybium , 34(1), 59-71 . Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Carpentier Andre, Vaz Sandrine, Martin Corinne, Coppin Franck, Curet Lucie, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Delavenne Juliette, Dewarmez Jean-Michel, Dupuis Ludovic, Engelhard Georg, Ernande Bruno, Foveau Aurelie, Garcia Clement, Gardel Laure, Harrop Stuart, Just Roger, Koubbi Philippe, Lauria Valentina, Meaden Geoff, Morin Jocelyne, Ota Yoshi, Rostiaux Emilie, Smith R, Spilmont Nicolas, Verin Yves, Warembourg Caroline (2010). The Charm Project: Defying the Channel’s loss by facing environmental challenges across borders (ICES Annual Conference) . ICES Annual Conference, 19-23 September 2010, Nantes .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Martin Corinne, Gardel Laure, Vaz Sandrine, Coppin Franck, Ota Yoshi, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Smith Bob, Harrop Stuart, Carpentier Andre (2010). A numerical atlas of the Channel Marine Resources: The Charm Project . How minimizing the footprint of aquaculture and fisheries on the ecosystem? Proceedings of the French-Japanese Symposium, Ifremer, Sète, France , 1-3 September 2010. pp.218-220 .
Martin C. S., Carpentier Andre, Vaz Sandrine, Coppin Franck, Curet L., Dauvin J. -C., Delavenne Juliette, Dewarumez J. -M., Dupuis L., Engelhard G., Ernande Bruno, Foveau Aurelie, Garcia C., Gardel Laure, Harrop S., Just R., Koubbi P., Lauria Valentina, Meaden G. J., Morin Jocelyne, Ota Y., Rostiaux Emilie, Smith R., Spilmont N., Verin Yves, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Warembourg Caroline (2009). The Channel habitat atlas for marine resource management (CHARM): an aid for planning and decision-making in an area under strong anthropogenic pressure . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 499-508 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Curet Lucie, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Delavenne Juliette, Dewarumez Jean-Marie, Dupuis Ludovic, Foveau Aurélie, Garcia Clément, Gardel Laure, Harrop Stuart, Just Roger, Koubbi Philippe, Lauria Valentina, Martin Corinne, Meaden Geoff, Morin Jocelyne, Ota Yoshi, Rostiaux Emilie, Smith Bob, Spilmont Nicolas, Vaz Sandrine, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Verin Yves, Walton Joanne, Warembourg Caroline (2009). Atlas des Habitats des Ressources Marines de la Manche Orientale - CHARM II / Channel Habitat Atlas for marine Resource Management - CHARM II . PROGRAMME INTERREG 3A .
Rochet Marie-Joelle, Prigent M, Bertrand Jacques, Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Delpech Jean-Paul, Fontenelle G, Foucher Eric, Mahe Kelig, Rostiaux Emilie, Trenkel Verena (2008). Ecosystem trends: evidence for agreement between fishers' perceptions and scientific information . ICES Journal of Marine Science , 65(6), 1057-1068 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prouzet Patrick (2008). Rapport de restitution du Programme : Démarche intégrée pour une gestion écosystémique des ressources halieutiques - DEMOSTEM .
Carpentier Andre (2008). Bilan du projet CHAMAN. Approche Intégrée Manche - Mer du Nord . PDG0209 - DEMOSTEM/CHAMAN .
Vaz Sandrine, Martin C, Eastwood P, Ernande Bruno, Carpentier Andre, Meaden G, Coppin Franck (2008). Modelling species distributions using regression quantiles . Journal of Applied Ecology , 45(1), 204-217 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig, Leroy Didier, Carpentier Andre (2008). Poissons de Manche orientale et sud mer du Nord : courbes de croissance (taille et poids) et maturité sexuelle / Fishes from the eastern English Channel and southern North Sea : growth curve (weight and size) and sexual maturity .
Vaz Sandrine, Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck (2007). Eastern English Channel fish assemblages: measuring the structuring effect of habitats on distinct sub-communities . ICES Journal of Marine Science , 64(2), 271-287 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig, Delpech Jean-Paul, Carpentier Andre (2007). Synthèse bibliographique des principales espèces de Manche orientale et du Golfe de Gascogne .
Koubbi Philippe, Loots Christophe, Cotonnec Gwenaelle, Harlay Xavier, Grioche Alain, Vaz Sandrine, Martin Canterbury Christ Church University, Walkey Mike, Carpentier Andre (2006). Spatial patterns and GIS habitat modelling of Solea solea, Pleuronectes flesus and Limanda limanda fish larvae in the eastern English Channel during the spring . Scientia Marina , 147-157 . Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching Maria, Ernande Bruno, Vaz Sandrine, Delpech Jean-Paul, Carpentier Andre (2006). Trophic food web and ecosystem attributes of the Eastern English Channel. A work package in the Eastern Channel Habitat Atlas for Marine Resource Management (CHARM II) Interreg IIIA project . CM 2006/ I: 41 .
Mahe Kelig, Delpech Jean-Paul, Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre (2006). Débarquements internationaux. Façade "Manche est" .
Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Desroy Nicolas, Dewarumez Jean-Marie, Eastwood Paul D., Ernande Bruno, Harrop Stuart, Kemp Zarine, Koubbi Philippe, Williams Nigel Leader, Lefebvre Alain, Lemoine Michel, Loots Christophe, S. Martin Corinne, Meaden Geoff J., Ryan Nick, Tan Lei, Vaz Sandrine, Walkey Mike (2005). CHARM : Atlas des Habitats des Ressources Marines de la Manche Orientale . PROJET CHARM - RAPPORT FINAL (ATLAS ET RAPPORT TECHNIQUE) .
Martin Corinne S., Vaz Sandrine, Ernande Bruno, Ellis J.R., Eastwood P.D., Coppin Franck, Harrop S., Meaden G.J., Carpentier Andre (2005). Spatial distributions (1989-2004) and preferential habitats of thornback ray and lesser-spotted dogfish in the Eastern English Channel . ICESCM 2005/N:23 - Theme Session N on Elasmobranch Fisheries Science. 27p.
Ifremer (2005). Université d'été : Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Résumé des exposés. 8 et 9 septembre 2005, Centre Ifremer de Nantes .
Vaz Sandrine, Martin C.S., Ernande Bruno, Coppin Franck, Harrop S., Carpentier Andre (2005). Using geostatistics to quantify annual distribution and aggregation patterns of fishes in the Eastern English Channel. ICES CM 2005/L:21 The spatial dimension of ecosystem structure and dynamics .22p.
Augris Claude, Arsmtrong Lauwrence, Lemoine Michel, Ernande Bruno, Carpentier Andre, Dreves Luc (2004). Avis de l'Ifremer sur la demande de Permis Exclusif de Recherche de granulats dit P.E.R. Charlemagne . DRIRE de Basse-Normandie, Bureau Instruction Administrative, Hérouville St-Clair , Ref. Ifremer PDG-2004/326 - courrier JLC/FF-519/2004 du 21 juin 2004 , 4p., 2p.
Vaz Sandrine, Carpentier Andre, Loots Christophe, Koubbi Philippe (2004). Modelling Fish Habitat Suitability in the Eastern English Channel. Application to community habitat level . ICES ASC 2004 conference proceedings CD ROM .
Vaz Sandrine, Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck (2004). Eastern English Channel Fish Community from 1988 to 2003 and its Relation to the Environment . ICES CM 2004/K:40 - Theme Session K on the Life History, Dynamics and Exploitation of Living Marine Resources: Advances in Knowledge and Methodology. 18p.
Eastwood Pd, Meaden Gj, Carpentier Andre, Rogers Si (2003). Estimating limits to the spatial extent and suitability of sole (Solea solea) nursery grounds in the Dover Strait . Journal Of Sea Research , 50(2-3), 151-165 .
Reynal Lionel, Doray Mathieu, Carpentier Andre, Druault-Aubin Vomakassi, Taquet Marc, Lagin Alain (2002). Perspectives de développement de la pêche associée aux DCP ancrés dans la Caraïbe . Proceedings - Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, University of Miami , 53, 177-190 . Open Access version :
Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre, Delpech Jean-Paul, Schlaich Ivan (2002). Manuel des protocoles de campagne halieutique. Campagnes CGFS. V 3 . DRV/RH/DT/2002-001 .
Verin Yves, Coppin Franck, Delpech Jean-Paul, Dufour Jean-Louis (2001). Campagnes d'évaluation des Ressources Halieutiques en mer du Nord et Manche Orientale. Volume I Présentation des campagnes I.B.T.S. C.G.F.S. Volume II. Résultats des campagnes I.B.T.S. 99, I.B.T.S. 2000 C.G.F.S. 99, C.G.F.S. 2000 . Contrat BIOECO n° 98/058 .
Galgani Francois, Leaute Jean-Pierre, Moguedet Philippe, Souplet Arnauld, Verin Yves, Carpentier Andre, Goraguer Herle, Latrouite Daniel, Andral Bruno, Cadiou Yvon, Mahe Jean-Claude, Poulard Jean-Charles, Nerisson Patrick (2000). Litter on the sea floor along European coasts . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 40(6), 516-527 .
Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck (2000). Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en Manche orientale. Les campagnes C.G.F.S. 1997 & 1998 . RST 2000-03 DRV/RH BOULOGNE/MER .
Le Pape Olivier, Morin Jocelyne, Rogers Stuart, Riou Philippe, Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre, Lemoine Michel (2000). Nursery grounds in the coastal zone of the Eastern Channel : typology and management measures - Final report .
Halgand Daniel, Arzul Geneviève, Cochard Marie-Laure, Erard-Le Denn Evelyne, Huet Jérôme, Le Claire Jacques, Quiniou Françoise (1998). Surveillance écologique et halieutique de l'environnement marin du site de la centrale de Penly (Manche Est) : année 1997 . DRV/RH/RST/98/04 .
Carpentier Andre (1998). Observations sur la répartition et l’abondance du merlan Merlangius merlangus (Gadidae) en Manche orientale à partir des données des campagnes CGFS . Cybium , 22(4), 333-344 . Open Access version :
Verin Yves, Carpentier Andre (1997). Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en mer du nord et manche orientale. Volime. I : les campagnes IBTS 1995 & 1996. Volume II : les campagnes CGFS 1995 & 1996 .
Verin Yves, Carpentier Andre (1996). Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en Mer du Nord et Manche Orientale . Rapport préliminaire. Volume I Les campagnes IBTS. Volume II Les campagnes CGFS .
Vigneau Joel (1993). Évaluation du stock de coquilles St-Jacques de la Manche-Est. Campagne COMOR XXIII. N.O. Thalia .
Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Dufour Jean-Louis, Emonnet Raimonde, Lemoine Michel, Reynal Lionel, Souplet Arnauld, Verin Yves (1988). Étude de l'impact d'un éventuel rejet en mer des résidus provenant des mines de potasse d'Alsace sur les ressources halieutiques et les activités de pêche .
Desprez M., Ducrotoy J.P., Lemoine Michel (1985). L'exploitation des ressources naturelles de l'estuaire de la Somme. Première évaluation directe de la ressource en coques Cerastoderma edule .