Technological developments for ocean observation. Biofouling protection for marine sensors. Metrology for ocean observation.
Marine observation infrastructures, Coastal Marine observation infrastructure.
JERICO-S3 - Joint European Research Infrstructure For Coastal Observation - Science, Servicxes and Sustainability
JERICO-DS - Joint European Research Infrstructure For Coastal Observation - Design Study
Delauney Laurent, Coppola Laurent, Durand Dominique,
Bensoussan Nathaniel, Le Guen Annaig,
Lefebvre Alain,
Cocquempot Lucie,
Riou Philippe, Epinoux Alexandre (2025).
JERICO - The pan-European Coastal Ocean Observing System . EGU General Assembly 2025. 27 Apr–2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria .
Artigas Luis Felipe, Hubert Zéline, Gallot Clémentine, Epinoux Alexandre, Palazot Maialen (2024).
Best practices document for sampling procedures of biological automatic sensors (imaging-in-flow, automated flow cytometry and multispectral fluorometry) . JERICO-S3-WP5-D5.6-26092024-V1.0 .
Seppälä Jukka, Frangoulis Costas, Coppola Laurent, Bourrin François, Brix Holger, Möller Klas Ove,
Lefebvre Alain, Blauw Anouk, Petihakis George (2024).
Assessment of PSS implementation . JERICO-S3-WP4-D4.4-30072024-V1.0 .
Delauney Laurent,
Lefebvre Alain, Artigas Luis Felipe, Grémare Antoine, King Andrew, Engesmo Anette, Egge Elianne, Ødegaard Øyvind Tangen, Jaccard Pierre, Durand Dominique (2024).
Prototype sensor packages and WASP . JERICO-S3-WP7-D7.4-300724-V1.1 .
Mantovani Carlo, Créach Véronique, Vitorino Joao, Lima Vânia (2024).
Report on training workshops including production of guidelines on best practices aimed at staff training . JERICO-S3-WP10-D10.5-290724-V1.0 .
Cantoni Carolina, Petihakis George, Seppälä Jukka, Brix Holger,
Delauney Laurent, Durand Dominique (2024).
Collaboration and interoperability with other RIs . JERICO-S3-WP2-D2.1-290724-V1 .
Durand Dominique, Mangin Antoine (2024).
Roadmap for cooperation with COPERNICUS and industries . JERICO-S3-WP2-D2.2-260724-V2.0 .
Coppola Laurent, Rubio Anna, Grémare Antoine, Durand Dominique (2024).
JERICO Science Strategy . JERICO-S3-WP1-D1.5-260724-V1.0 .
Frigstad Helene, King Andrew, Wehde Henning, Vitorino Joao, Pfannkuchen Martin, Brunetti Fabio, Rubio Anna, Karlson Bengt (2024).
Final report on integration . JERICO-S3-WP3-D3.5-26072024-V2.0 .
Coppola Laurent, Nair Rajesh, Mantovani Carlo, Rubio Anna, Durand Dominique, Seppälä Jukka, Juza Mélanie, Frigstad Helene (2024).
Technical recommendations for integration based on the monitored experiences in PSS/IRS . JERICO-S3-WP5-D5.7-26072024-V1.1 .
Cianca Andrés, Delory Eric,
Blandin Jerome, Durand Dominique, King Andrew Luke, Grémare Antoine, Martínez Enoc, Jirka Simon, Poisson Caillault Emilie,
Repecaud Michel,
Lefebvre Alain, Del Rio Joaquin,
Bescond Tanguy,
Moreau Bertrand, Marini Simone,
Delauney Laurent (2024).
Technological innovation demonstration report . JERICO-S3-WP7-D7.9-150724-V1.0 .
Thijsse Peter, Perivoliotis Leonidas, Créach Véronique (2024).
Final data management plan . JERICO-S3-WP6-D6.12-080724-V1.0 .
Rubio Anna, Grémare Antoine, Coppola Laurent, Durand Dominique (2024).
Synthesis of the implementation . JERICO-S3-WP1-D1.3-050724-V2.0 .
Ramis-Ferrer Constanza, Charcos-Llorens Miguel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Alcalde Miguel Angel, Keeble Simon, Novellino Antonio, Hienola Anca,
Carval Thierry, Deyzel Shaun, Mancini Sebastien, Tintoré Joaquin (2024).
VA Final Report from External International Board . JERICO-S3-WP11-D11.4-01.07.2024-V1.0 .
Vitorino Joao, Durand Dominique (2024).
Dissemination and Exploitation Plan - Impact report . JERICO-S3-WP10-D10.6-05.09.2024-V2.0 .
Lips Inga, Pearlman Jay, Brix Holger,
Delauney Laurent (2024).
Planned Joint International Activities . JERICO-S3-WP2-D2.4-210324-V1.3 .
Ramis-Ferrer Constanza, Charcos-Llorens Miguel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Keeble Simon, Tintoré Joaquin, With Contributions From All Wp11 Partners. (2024).
Second Report on VA JERICO Resources Access Statistics and Service Provision . JERICO-S3-WP11-D11.3-26.11.2021-V1.0 .
Thijsse Peter, Gorringe Patrick (2024).
Report of coastal citizen science adoption options and harmonisation . JERICO-S3-WP6-D6.11-200424-V0.3 .
Mantovani Carlo, Magaldi Marcello G., Gaughan Paul, Brunetti Fabio, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Loughlin Christine, Legrand Sébastien, Lips Inga (2024).
Report on updated JERICO-RI Label . JERICO-DS-WP5-D5.2-310124_V1.1. 31 p.
Wehde Henning,
Delauney Laurent (2024).
Report on the conceptual design model of JERICORI including structure, external relation and HR . JERICO-DS-WP5-D5.1-310124_V1.1. 16p.
Legrand Sébastien (2024).
Preliminary operational Plan for e-JERICO service delivery, including draft agreement with JERICO partners delivering e-JERICO services and data . JERICO-DS-WP3-D3.3-310124_V1.0. 54p.
Seppälä Jukka, Kuuppo Katri, Frigstad Helene, King Andrew, Blauw Anouk, Mészáros Lőrinc (2024).
Roadmap for technological implementation of the JERICO-RI . JERICO-DS-WP2-D6/D2.3-310124_V1.0. 47p.
Charcos Llorens Miguel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Ramis Ferrer Constanza, Villoria Juan Miguel, Legrand Sébastien, Gorringe Patrick, Brévière Emilie, Mader Julien, Gaughan Paul, Durand Dominique, Henning Wehde,
Delauney Laurent, Tintoré Joaquin (2024).
Outlined e-JERICO Strategic Plan for implementation . JERICO-DS-WP3-D11/D3.5-190124_V1.0. 52p.
Eparkhina Dina, Nolan Joseph E., (eds) (2023). Proceedings of the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference. European Operational Oceanography for the ocean we want - Addressing the UN Ocean Decade challenges. 3-5 October 2023, Galway, Ireland .
She Jun, Schulz-Stellenfleth Johannes, Blauw Anouk, Laakso Lauri, Mourre Baptiste, Wehde Henning (2023).
Regional connectivity and multi-scale processes . JERICO-S3-WP2-D2.3-311023-V1.0 .
Legrand Sébastien, Charcos-Llorens Miguel, Villoria Juan Miguel, Brévière Emilie, Fernandez Juan Gabriel (2023). Outlined JERICO virtual resources Access and Security policies . JERICO-DS-WP3-D7/D3.1-070923_V1.1. 24p.
Blauw Anouk, Mészáros Lőrinc, Seppälä Jukka, Kuuppo Katri, Frigstad Helene, King Andrew, Coppola Laurent (2023).
Gap analysis for JERICO-RI technologies . JERICO-DS-WP2-D2.2-01062023_V1.1. 36p.
Villoria Juan Miguel, Alcalde Miguel Angel, Charcos Llorens Miguel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Reyes Emma, Tintoré Joaquin (2023).
e-JERICO technical design . JERICO-DS-WP3-D8/D3.2-2023.06.01-V2.0. 101p.
Brévière Emilie, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Legrand Sébastien, Mader Julien (2023).
Data Management Plan for e-JERICO added value products . JERICO-DS-WP3-D10/D3.4-2023.05.29-V1.0. 22p.
Charcos-Llorens Miguel, Alcalde Miguel Ángel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Pearlman Jay, Pearlman Francoise, Tintore Joaquin, Villoria Juan Miguel, Alba Marco,
Bruvry-Lagadec Leo,
Carval Thierry, Corgnati Lorenzo, Delory Eric,
Detoc Jerome, Gorringe Patrick, Jeffery Keith, Keeble Simon, Mader Julien, Mantovani Carlo,
Maudire Gilbert, Novellino Antonio, Queric Antoine, Rita Damia, Simpson Pauline, Thijsse Peter (2023).
Documentation of JERICO-RI e-infrastructure and capabilities . JERICO-S3-WP7-D7.6-28.02.2023-V1.0 .
King Andrew Luke, Frigstad Helene, Vitorino Joao, Brunetti Fabio, Rubio Anna, Karlson Bengt, Wehde Henning, Pfannkuchen Martin (2023).
Recommendations based on regional data handling and accessibility . JERICO-S3-WP3-D3.3-050423-V2.0 .
King Andrew Luke, Pfannkuchen Martin, Rubio Anna, Wehde Henning, Brunetti Fabio, Vitorino Joao, Frigstad Helene, Karlson Bengt, Voynova Yoana (2023).
Report on integration progress within and between IRSs . JERICO-S3-WP3-D3.2-25.01.23-V2.0 .
Martin-Cabrera Patricia, Shepers Lennert, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Lombard Fabian, Stemmann Lars, Moller Klas Ove, Ruhl Saskia, Creach Véronique, Lindh Markus (2023).
JERICO-S3 D6.4 - WP6 - “Best practices & recommendations for plankton imaging data management” . JERICO-S3-WP6-D6.4-07.04.2022-V1.1 .
Mantovani Carlo, Charcos Miguel, Corgnati Lorenzo, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Frontera Biel, Notario Xisco, Pearlman Jay, Reyes Emma, Solabarrieta Lohitzune, Zarokanellos Nikolaos (2023).
JERICO-S3 D.5.5 - WP5 - Report on the functional homogenization tools that will support the implementation of best practices within the JERICO-RI. Version 1.0.
Cocquempot Lucie, Magaldi Marcello G., Gremare Antoine, Brix Holger,
Delauney Laurent (2022).
First elements to unify environmental RI efforts at national level: national scientific expectations across RIs (specific goals, expertise, data). JERICO-DS-WP1-D1.2-01122022_V2.0. 22p.
Frigstad Helene, King Andrew, Seppälä Jukka, Kuuppo Katri, Elovaara Samu, Blauw Anouk, Meszaros Lorinc (2022).
Technical and Technology outlook for an operational JERICO-RI. JERICO-DS-WP2-D2.1-24102022_V1.4 . 44p.
Pfannkuchen Martin, Rubio Anna, Wehde Henning, Brunetti Fabio, Vitorino Joao, Brévière Emilie, King Andrew Luke, Karlson Bengt, Grémare Antoine (2021).
Initial analysis and summary of region-specific and region-wide monitoring strategies, and regional sustainability plans . JERICO-S3-WP3-D3.1-22.07.2021-V2.1 .
AANCHOR (All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation) (2021).
Proposed joint actions addressing Convergence and alignment of R&I Infrastructure Initiatives . D7.4. WP7 Convergence and alignment of R&I Infrastructure Initiatives .
Delory Eric, Marini Simone,
Blandin Jerome, Boccadoro Catherine, Durand Miguel, Cianca Andres, Tintore Joaquin, Pearlman Jay, Charcos Miguel, Alcalde Miguel Angel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel,
Delauney Laurent (2021).
JERICO-S3 Integrated Innovative Technologies for Coastal Monitoring . Fernandez Vicente, Lara-Lopez Ana, Eparkhina Dina, Cocquempot Lucie, Lochet Corine, Lips Inga (eds.) (2021). Proceedings of the 9th EuroGOOS International Conference ‘Advances in Operational Oceanography: Expanding Europe’s Observing and Forecasting Capacity’. 3 – 5 May 2021. EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2021. pp.186-192 .
JPI Oceans (2021). Marine Metrology in Europe. White Paper . Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans, Brussels.
Simpson Pauline, Pearlman Françoise, Pearlman Jay (2020).
Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices Workshop III, 02– 03 December 2019, UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium: Proceedings . 10.25607/OBP-788 .
Puillat Ingrid,
Delauney Laurent, Tagliana Bastien, Blauw Anouk, Brix Holger, Burden Joanne,
Cocquempot Lucie, Coppola Laurent, Durand Dominique, Fernandez Juan-Gabriel, Gaughan Paul, Godiveau Léa, Grémare Antoine, Griffa Annalisa, Legrand Sébastien, Liblik Taavi, Magaldi Marcello, Muñoz Cristian, Nair Rajesh, Nolan Glenn, Petihakis George, Pfannkuchen Martin, Rabouille Christophe, Reilly Kieran, Rubio Anna, Seppälä Jukka, Vitorino Joao, Wehde Henning (2020).
Main elements for the design of the Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories - JERICO-RI .
Delauney Laurent (2019). Integrated Ocean Observation: a Coastal case in EU with JERICO-RI . G-STIC 2019 - the global sustainable technology & innovation conference connecting technological innovation to decision making for sustainability. Digital Technologies in the Ocean Economy : Exploring the Future. November 20, 2019 - Brussels .
Delauney Laurent (2019). OceanObs’19 feedback . EuroGoos Executive Board Meeting. 15-16 october 2019, RBINS, Brussels .
Delauney Laurent (2019). Integrated Ocean Observation: a Coastal case in EU with JERICO-RI . OCEANOBS'19 : An Ocean of Opportunity. September 16-20 2019, Honolulu, HI, US .
Salvetat Florence, Nair Rajesh, Seppala Jukka (2019).
Report on the JERICO-NEXT activities relating to calibration and assessment . JERICO-NEXT-WP2-D2.6-030919-V1.2 .
Ove Moller Klas, Petersen Wilhelm, Nair Rajesh (2019).
Report on Best Practice in the utilization of sensors used for measuring nutrients, biology related optical properties, variables of the marine carbonate system, and for coastal profiling. JERICO-NEXT-WP2-D2.5-100919-V1.0 .
Farcy Patrick, Durand Dominique,
Charria Guillaume, Painting Suzanne J., Tamminem Timo, Collingridge Kate, Grémare Antoine J.,
Delauney Laurent,
Puillat Ingrid (2019).
Toward a European Coastal Observing Network to Provide Better Answers to Science and to Societal Challenges; The JERICO Research Infrastructure .
Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(529), 13p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delauney Laurent,
Puillat Ingrid,
Farcy Patrick (2019).
JERICO-RI, the Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories. OceanObs’19 "An ocean of opportunity". 16-20 September 2019, Honolulu, Hawai .
Gremare Antoine, Durand Dominique,
Delauney Laurent, Seppala Jukka, Creach Veronique,
Farcy Patrick (2019).
Report on the science strategy required to answer the targeted scientific questions, policy requirements, and societal challenges within JERICO-NEXT . JERICO-NEXT-WP1-D1.2-300819-V4.4 .
Artigas Felipe, Creach Veronique, Houliez Emilie, Karlson Bengt, Lizon Fabrice, Seppala Jukka, Wacquet Guillaume (2019).
Report on the technical and analytical improvements of innovative techniques and recommendations on their use . ERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.2-120819-V5 .
Carotenuto Federico,
Delauney Laurent,
Dussud Loic, Gioli Benamino, Turpin Victor, Zaldei Alessandro (2019).
Report on opportunities and applications of unmanned observatories for usage across RIs . Work package 1 - New sensor technologies: innovation and services. D1.5 .
Delauney Laurent (2019). JERICO-S3 . Réunion n°3 du Conseil scientifique ILICO. 18 juin 2019, Paris .
Delauney Laurent (2019). JERICO-NEXT Status . 9th FerryBox Workshop. 24-26 April 2019, Genoa, Italy.
Delauney Laurent (2019). JERICO-S3 . 9th FerryBox Workshop. 24-26 April 2019, Genoa, Italy .
Gilbert Olivier, Langlais Mickael, Delbart Franck, Bourjaillat Bastien, Piard Luc,
Dussud Loic,
Delauney Laurent (2019).
Report on the use of energy units in extreme environments . Work package 3 - Improving measurement networks: common technology solutions. D3.1 .
Delauney Laurent (2019). JERICO-S3 . Eighth MonGOOS Meeting & Workshop on "Modelling and observations in the coastal Mediterranean Sea. Physical and biogeochemical processes". December 3-5, 2019 Trieste, Italy .
Kozin Philipp, Paris Jean-Daniel,
Rolin Jean-Francois,
Delauney Laurent, Carotenuto Federico, Mazzola Mauro, Papale Dario, Maurissen Diane, Haslinger Florian, Delory Eric, Gilbert Olivier (2018).
Emerging technologies, emerging markets – fostering the innovation potential of research infrastructures . Work package 1 – New sensor technologies: innovation and services. D1.1 .
Delauney Laurent (2018). Biofouling protection by electro-chlorination on optical windows for oceanographic sensors and imaging devices . ASIMO Workshop - Autonomous Systems for Integrated Marine and Maritime Observations in Coastal areas. 17-19 september 2018, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
Petihakis George,
Delauney Laurent,
Farcy Patrick,
Puillat Ingrid, Jerico-Next Consortium (2018).
JERICO-RI: the European coastal observing system of systems . ASIMO Workshop - Autonomous Systems for Integrated Marine and Maritime Observations in Coastal areas. 17-19 september 2018, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain .
Delauney Laurent,
Dussud Loic (2018).
USV Novel platforms . ASIMO Workshop - Autonomous Systems for Integrated Marine and Maritime Observations in Coastal areas. 17-19 september 2018, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
Compere Chantal,
Dreanno Catherine, Colas Florent,
Delauney Laurent,
Henneke Ghislaine,
Flament Didier (2018).
In situ Biosensors and associated Diagnose Methods . ASIMO Workshop - Autonomous Systems for Integrated Marine and Maritime Observations in Coastal areas. 17-19 september 2018, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
Delauney Laurent (2018). In situ Sensors Development . ASIMO Workshop - Autonomous Systems for Integrated Marine and Maritime Observations in Coastal areas. 17-19 september 2018, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
King Andrew, Voynova Yoana, Rerolle Victoire (2018). Final report on improved carbon system sensors . JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.9-070918-V1.3 .
Delauney Laurent (2018). Existing marine observation technologies: platforms, systems, sensors. Sharing, harmonisation and future developments. JERICO-NEXT Malta Summer School 2018: Operational Oceanography for Blue Growth. 9th-14th July 2018, Malta .
Delauney Laurent (2018). Harmonized observation between coastal and open ocean - Technological gaps . The 2018 MyCOAST progress meeting, IBI-ROOS annual meeting and an AtlantOS workshop : "Shelf & Shelf break observing strategy in the Atlantic". 23-26 April 2018, Bordeaux .
Delauney Laurent (2018). Interoperability technologies for sharing ocean instruments and real-time data . OI18 - Oceanology International 2018. 13-15 March 2018, London .
Laes Agathe,
Sarradin Pierre-Marie,
Cathalot Cecile, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy,
Ouisse Vincent,
Davy Romain,
Munaron Dominique,
Repecaud Michel,
Mazeas Florence,
Delauney Laurent,
Thomas Lena,
Salvetat Florence, Waeles Mathieu, Colas Florent (2018).
Compte-rendu de Réunion. Bilan Chemini/Pepito . RDT/LDCM/18-004-ALH/CR .
Delauney Laurent, Ralston Emilie, Zargiel-Hunsucker Kelli (2018).
Increasing Reliability: Smart Biofouling Prevention Systems . In Challenges and Innovations in Ocean In Situ Sensors. Measuring Inner Ocean Processes and Health in the Digital Age. 2018. Eric Delory, Jay Pearlman (Eds). Paperback ISBN: 9780128098868 eBook ISBN: 9780128098875. Chapter 4 - Ocean In Situ Sensors Crosscutting Innovations. Chap.4.3, pp.147-159 (Elsevier) .
Golmen L, Delory E, Zielinski O, Del Rio J, Kvalsund K, Pearlman J, de Swart L,
Delauney Laurent, Rieke M, Osterhus S (2018).
Novel, multi-platform acoustic and optical sensors and data services developed in the NeXOS project L. Golmen, E. Delory, O. Zielinski, J. del Rio . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.97-104 .
Puillat Ingrid,
Carlier Antoine,
Facq Jean-Valery, Rubio Anna,
Lazure Pascal,
Delauney Laurent, Petihakis George, Karlson Bengt, Artigas Felipe,
Farcy Patrick (2018).
Deployment of new observing systems within the JERICO-RI . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.43-51 .
Laes Agathe,
Sarradin Pierre-Marie,
Cathalot Cecile, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy,
Ouisse Vincent,
Davy Romain,
Munaron Dominique,
Repecaud Michel,
Mazeas Florence,
Delauney Laurent,
Thomas Lena,
Salvetat Florence, Waeles Mathieu, Colas Florent (2018).
CR Réunion bilan Chemini Pepito : 13 ans de développement . RDT/LDCM/18-004-ALH/CR .
Boccadoro Catherine, Petersen Wilhelm, Karlson Bengt, Colas Florent (2017).
JERICO-NEXT. Progress report after development of microbial and molecular sensors. D3.7 . JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.7- 6 Oct. 2017-V2.0 .
Davy Romain,
Munaron Dominique,
Bellamy Elise,
Cotty Cecile, David Marine,
Delauney Laurent,
Dussud Loic,
Fortune Martine, Gautier Laurent,
Laes Agathe, Le Floc'h Emilie,
Le Fur Ines,
Le Piver David, Mas Sébastien,
Mazeas Florence,
Messiaen Gregory, Parin David,
Richard Marion, Rodellas Valenti,
Rousseaux Patrick, Stieglitz Thomas,
Ouisse Vincent (2017).
CHAMbres benthiques AUTomatiques en milieu côtier. vers des mesures hautes-fréquences. Exemple des mesures in situ d’Ammonium . aei-2017 - Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation. 17-19 > oct. 2017, Brest .
Golmen Lars, Delory Eric, Zielinski Oliver, Del Rio Joaquin, Kvalsund K, Pearlman Jay, de Swart L,
Delauney Laurent, Rieke M, Osterhus S (2017).
Novel, multi-platform acoustic and optical sensors and data services developed in the NeXOS project . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. Part. Ocean Observations: Observing networks and sensors.pp.97-104 .
Cotty Cecile,
Le Piver David,
Bellamy Elise, David Marine,
Davy Romain,
Delauney Laurent,
Dussud Loic,
Fortune Martine, Gautier Laurent,
Laes Agathe, Le Floc'h Emilie,
Le Fur Ines, Mas Sébastien,
Mazeas Florence,
Messiaen Gregory,
Munaron Dominique, Parin David,
Richard Marion, Rodellas Valenti,
Rousseaux Patrick, Stieglitz Thomas,
Ouisse Vincent (2017).
CHAMbres benthiques AUTomatiques en milieu côtier : vers des mesures hautes-fréquences. Développement d’une instrumentation autonome . aei-2017 - Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation. 17-19 oct. 2017, Brest .
Corgnati Lorenzo, Horstmann Jochen, Griffa Annalisa (2017). JERICO-NEXT. Report on first methodological improvements on retrieval algorithms and HF radar network design. D3.3 . JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.3-150917-V1.0 .
Petersen Wilhelm, Möller Klas (2017).
Report on the status of sensors used for measuring nutrients, biology-related optical properties, variables of the marine carbonate system, and for coastal profiling, within the JERICO network and, more generally, in the European context . JERICO-NEXT-WP2-D2.2-28062017-V1.2 .
Dussud Loic,
Delauney Laurent (2017).
On-board energy of autonomous marine stations . RDT/SI2M/17R-020 .
Golmen Lars G, Waldmann Christoph,
Delauney Laurent, Delory Eric, Memè Simone (2017).
NeXOS - Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management. D 8.2 Validation Report. 170228-NXS-WP8_D.8.2 –v5.4 .
Golmen Lars G., Reggiani Emanuele (2017). NeXOS - Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management. Deliverable 8.1 – Platform Integration Report. 170228-NXS-WP8_D.8.1 -v.1.9 .
Rolin Jean-Francois,
Delauney Laurent,
Bigourdan Benoit,
Salvetat Florence, Galvan Blas J., Elejalde Yanira (2017).
Engineering approach (reliability analysis, metrology and environmental testing procedures) for newly developed marine sensors . Proceedings of OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen. ISBN 978-1-5090-5278-3/17/$31.00. 8p.
Ifremer (2017). Processus côtiers et littoraux . Rapport du groupe 1b - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Delauney Laurent, Pavanello Pavanello (2016). NeXOS. Biofouling protection control system, Test and Sites Dependence Report . Deliverable 3.4 .
Delauney Laurent (2016). Evaluation de modules fluidiques par impression 3D. IMPR3D . Compte-rendu de fin de projet. Institut CARNOT Ifremer-EDROME .
Mader Julien, Horstmann Jochen, Del Rio Joaquin, Nair Rajesh (2016).
Report on the status of HF-radar systems and cabled coastal observatories . JERICO-NEXT-W2-D2.1.-24112016-V2.0 .
Woerther Patrice (2016).
Nexos. Acceptance and Calibration Report. Deliverable 7.4 . Deliverable Code: 27052014-NXS-WP7_D.7_4 / Ifremer code: RDT/I2M/ 16-R085 .
Colas Florent,
Crassous Marie-Pierre,
Laurent Sebastien, Litaker Richard W.,
Rinnert Emmanuel,
Le Gall Erwan, Lunven Michel,
Delauney Laurent,
Compere Chantal (2016).
A surface plasmon resonance system for the underwater detection of domoic acid .
Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 14(7), 456-465 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delauney Laurent (2016). In situ Sensors Development related to deep sea exploitation . OO&S Workshop Ocean Observation and Sensors "Synergies with Energy Industries". 16-17 May 2016, Telde, Gran Canaria, Spain .
Lanteri Nadine, Beranzoli Laura,
Delauney Laurent, Embriaco Davide, Giovanetti Gabriele, Marinaro Giudita, Petihakis Georges,
Rolin Jean-Francois,
Salvetat Florence (2016).
EMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument module. Sensor test documentation. D3.1 . EMSODEV-D3.1 .
Delauney Laurent, Pavanello Giovanni (2015). NeXOS. Biofouling Compilation Report . Deliverable3.3 .
Blandin Jerome,
Rinnert Emmanuel,
Delauney Laurent,
Jaussaud Patrick (2015).
MONICA-AROMATICS Phase 1 - Detection of HC leaks by optical methods using commercial devices. Task 1.4 - Compatibility with deployment vectors and used scenario . REM/RDT/I2M/15-R057 .
Blandin Jerome,
Rinnert Emmanuel,
Delauney Laurent,
Jaussaud Patrick (2015).
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