Jeux de données
Gaurier Benoit, Ordonez-Sanchez Stéphanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Martinez Rodrigo, Salvatore Francesco, Santic Ivan, Davey Thomas, 0ld Chris, Sellar Brian (2021). MaRINET2 Tidal "Round Robin" dataset: comparisons between towing and circulating tanks test results for a tidal energy converter submitted to wave and current interactions . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Payne Grégory, Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Shoukat Gohar (2021). Force variations measurement on a tidal turbine model due to tower proximity . SEANOE .
Smyth Amanda, Young Anna, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2021). Comparison of three different turbine designs in unsteady flow conditions . SEANOE .
Marty Antoine, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Bacchetti Thomas (2020). Experimental investigation of the marine growth effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions . SEANOE .
Marty Antoine, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2020). Experimental database of the seabed roughness effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Duran-Medina Olmo (2018). Experimental measurements of a synchronized flow velocity and a marine current turbine power production . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Day Sandy, Johnstone Cameron, Di Felice Fabio, Costanzo Marcello (2018). Towing and circulating tanks tidal energy converter test results . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Baudet Lætitia, Birades Michel (2018). Marine growth effects on the hydrodynamical forces of a circular cylinder . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Carlier Clement, Pinon Grégory (2018). Three tidal turbines in interaction: an experimental data-set on wake and performances . SEANOE .
Robache Kévin, Hubert Zéline, Gallot Clémentine, Epinoux Alexandre, Louchart Arnaud, Facq Jean-Valery, Lefebvre Alain, Répécaud Michel, Cornille Vincent, Verhaeghe Florine, Audinet Yann, Brutier Laurent, Schmitt François G., Artigas Luis Felipe . Multi-scale phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal system of the Eastern English Channel: the Boulogne-sur-Mer coastal area . EGUsphere [preprint] IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoît, Druault Philippe, Ahssayni Nabila, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Gomez Benoit (2024). Étude de l'écoulement proche du rotor d'une hydrolienne et de son intéraction avec celle-ci, lorsqu'elle est soumise à un courant réaliste . Actes des 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2024. 26-28 novembre 2024, Nantes. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 5 : Energies marines renouvelables. 12p .
Allmark Matthew James, Mason-Jones Allan, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, O’doherty Tim . The Effect of Combined Yawed and Turbulence Intensity on the Wake Development and Performance of a Tidal Stream Turbine . Preprint IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Eparkhina Dina, Nolan Joseph E., (eds) (2023). Proceedings of the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference. European Operational Oceanography for the ocean we want - Addressing the UN Ocean Decade challenges. 3-5 October 2023, Galway, Ireland .
Saouli Yanis, Coquet , Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Gomez Benoit, Marcon , Maurice Guillaume, Moreau Martin (2023). Experimental comparison of the flow-induced loading between a ducted bottom-mounted twin vertical axis tidal turbine at still and an unducted prototype . Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference , 15, ??
Halawi Ghosn Raed, Poisson-Caillault Émilie, Charria Guillaume, Bonnat Armel, Repecaud Michel, Facq Jean-Valery, Quéméner Loïc, Duquesne Vincent, Blondel Camille, Lefebvre Alain (2023). MAREL Carnot data and metadata from Coriolis Data Center . Earth System Science Data , 15(9), 4205-4218 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Facq Jean-Valery, Vaz Sandrine, Laffargue Pascal, Carlier Antoine (2023). Outil PAGURE : Résultats et perspectives après 10 ans d’utilisation . PDG/REM/RDT/LHyMar 14LHYMARBL23 .
Ifremer (2023). WORKSHOP Méthodes expérimentales et numériques pour l’hydrolien organisé par le Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique Marine . .
Halawi Ghosn Raed, Lefebvre Alain (2023). Report of the MAREL Carnot station, a high frequency monitoring station in an anthropogenically influenced coastal zone (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Period 2020-2022. Report n°15. RST ODE/UL/LER-BL/23.01 .
Moreau M., Derveaux C., Maurice G., Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory (2023). Experimental study of two opposed flow directions effect on a ducted twin vertical axis tidal turbine . Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–10 November 2022). 2023. C. Guedes Soares (Ed.). ISBN 9781032420035. Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series. Volume 10. Part Tidal energy, pp.161-168 .
Dufour Marc-Amaury, Pinon Grégory, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Togneri Michael, Represas Fabio, Nicolas Erwann, Marcille Julie (2023). Comparison of the experimental response of two horizontal axis tidal turbines to wave and current from a frequency dependency point of view . Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–10 November 2022). 2023. C. Guedes Soares (Ed.). ISBN 9781032420035. Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series. Volume 10. Part Tidal energy, pp.123-132 .
Marty Antoine, Schoefs Franck, Damblans G., Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory (2022). Experimental study of two kinds of hard marine growth effects on the hydrodynamic behavior of a cylinder submitted to wave and current loading . Ocean Engineering , 263, 112194 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Shoukat G., Gaurier Benoît, Facq Jean-Valery, Payne G.S. (2022). Experimental investigation of the influence of mast proximity on rotor loads for horizontal axis tidal turbines . Renewable Energy , 200, 983-995 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Boulluec Marc, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Gomez Benoit, Giusti Olivier, Le Roux Dominique, Ercolanelli Julien (2022). Analyse numérique et expérimentale des performances propulsives d'un profil portant animé de mouvements de pilonnement et tangage . Actes des 18èmes JH. Session Hydrodynamique marine et navale. n°413119, 16p.
Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2022). Determination of the Response Amplitude Operator of a tidal turbine as a spectral transfer function . International Marine Energy Journal , 5(2), 151-160 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dufour Marc-Amaury, Gaurier Benoît, Pinon Grégory, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Togneric Michael, Represas Fabio, Nicolas Erwann, Marcillee Julie (2022). Comparison of the experimental response of two horizontal axis tidal turbines to wave and current . CFM2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 2 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Marty Antoine, Berhault Christian, Damblans Guillaume, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Soulard T., Schoefs Franck (2021). Experimental study of hard marine growth effect on the hydrodynamical behaviour of a submarine cable . Applied Ocean Research , 114, 102810 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2021). Determination of the Response Amplitude Operator of a tidal turbine as a spectral transfer function . Proceedings of the 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 5-9th Sept 2021, Plymouth, UK. ISSN: 2706-6940 (online) 2706-6932 (CD-ROM) 2706-6932 (Print). pp.???
Slama Myriam, Pinon Grégory, El Hadi Charifa, Togneri Michael, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Nuño José, Mansilla Pablo, Nicolas Erwann, Marcille Julie, Pacheco André (2021). Turbine design dependency to turbulence: An experimental study of three scaled tidal turbines . Ocean Engineering , 234, 109035 (20p.) .
Marty Antoine, Schoefs Franck, Soulard Thomas, Berhault Christian, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2021). Effect of Roughness of Mussels on Cylinder Forces from a Realistic Shape Modelling . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 9(6), 598 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martinez Rodrigo, Gaurier Benoit, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Santic Ivan, Salvatore Francesco, Davey Thomas, Old Chris, Sellar Brian G. (2021). Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests: A Comparison of Flow Measurements and Turbine Loading . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 9(4), 425 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marty Antoine, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Damblans Guillaume, Germain Nicolas, Harris Jeffrey, Maison Antoine, Peyrard Christophe, Relun Nicolas (2020). Experimental investigation of the seabed roughness effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions. Actes des 17èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2020. 4 au 26 novembre 2020, Cherbourg. Session ? :? . 12p .
Marty Antoine, Berhault Christian, Damblans Guillaume, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Soulard Thomas, Schoefs Franck (2020). Marine growth effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions. Actes des 17èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2020. 4 au 26 novembre 2020, Cherbourg. Session ? :? . 12p.
Lefebvre Alain, Grassi Kelly (2020). MAREL Carnot. Bilan d’une surveillance à haute fréquence en zone côtière sous influence anthropique (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Bilan 2019. Rapport n°14 . ODE/UL/RST.LER.BL/20.05 .
Gaurier Benoit, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Martinez Rodrigo, Salvatore Francesco, Santic Ivan, Davey Thomas, Old Chris, Sellar Brian (2020). MaRINET2 Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests—Performance Comparison of a Horizontal Axis Turbine Subjected to Combined Wave and Current Conditions . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 8(6), 463 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ikhennicheu Maria, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Druault Philippe, Pinon Grégory, Facq Jean-Valery (2019). Experimental study of the wall-mounted cylinder wake effects on a tidal turbine behaviour compared to free stream turbulence . Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 1 - 6 Sept. 2019, Napoli, Italy. ISSN 2309-1983. pp.1346-1/1346-9 .
Pinon Gregory, El Hadi Charifa, Slama Myriam, Nuno Jose, Mansilla Pablo, Nicolas Erwann, Marcille Julie, Facq Jean-Valery, Belarbi Ines, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Pacheco Andre, Togneri Michael (2019). Influence of turbulence and wave flow conditions on different scaled tidal turbines . Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 1 - 6 Sept. 2019, Napoli, Italy. ISSN 2309-1983. pp.1495-1/1495-11 .
Gaurier Benoit, Ordonnez-Sanchez Stéphanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Martinez Rodrigo, Santic Ivan, Salvatore Francesco (2019). First round of MaRINET 2 Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests: combined wave and current tests . Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 1 - 6 Sept. 2019, Napoli, Italy. ISSN 2309-1983. pp.1276-1/1276-10 .
Charria Guillaume, Schmitt François, Artigas Felipe, Berthebaud Eric, Bonnat Armel, Bourrin François, Bozec Yann, Cariou Thierry, Claquin Pascal, Conan Pascal, Coppola Laurent, Delalée Franck, Facq Jean-Valery, Farcy Patrick, Ferreira Sophie, Garcia Fabrice, Grisoni Jean-Michel, Jacqueline Franck, Jacquet Matthias, Lefebvre Alain, Leredde Yann, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Mas Sébastien, Mostajir Behzad, Mousseau Laure, Pairaud Ivane, Petton Sebastien, Pouvreau Stephane, Quemener Loic, Ravel Christophe, Raimbault Patrick, Repecaud Michel, Retho Michael, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Riou Philippe, Savoye Nicolas, Souchu Philippe, Verney Romaric, Vuillemin Renaud (2019). National observation infrastructures in a European framework: COAST-HF A fixed-platform network along French coasts . OCEANOBS'19 : An Ocean of Opportunity. September 16-20 2019, Honolulu, HI, US .
Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Charria Guillaume, Pairaud Ivane, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Claquin Pascal, Jacqueline Franck, Lefebvre Alain, Facq Jean-Valery, Retho Michael, Verney Romaric (2019). National observation infrastructure: an example of a fixed-plateforms network along the French Coast: COAST HF . OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, Marseille, France, 2019. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-1450-7 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-1451-4, pp. 1-6.
Gaurier Benoit, Ikhennicheu Maria, Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Pinon Grégory (2018). Experimental study of the wake of a wide wall-mounted obstacle on the behaviour of a marine current turbine . Actes des 16èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2018. 27-29 novembre 2018, Marseille. Session 12 : Posters. 10p.
Lefebvre Alain, Poisson-Caillault Emilie, Grassi Kelly (2018). MAREL Carnot : Rapport n° 12 : Bilan d’une surveillanceà haute fréquence en zone côtière sous influence anthropique (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Bilan 2017 . Ifremer/RST.LER.BL/18.05 .
Ikhennicheu Maria, Bacchetti Thomas, Druault Philippe, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2018). Caractérisation expérimentale de l'écoulement autour d'enchainements d'objets posés sur le fond . RDT/LCSM - 08CSMBL18 .
Menet-Nedelec Florence, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Maheux Frank, Pierre-Duplessix Olivier, Simon Benjamin, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Repecaud Michel, Facq Jean-Valery (2018). Etude d’outils d’évaluation de la contamination ChimiqUe dans les eaux de la ManchE - ECUME . RST/ODE/UL/LERN/18-02 .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2018). Wave and current flume tank of IFREMER at Boulogne-sur-mer. Description of the facility and its equipment . 19CSMBL18 .
Puillat Ingrid, Carlier Antoine, Facq Jean-Valery, Rubio Anna, Lazure Pascal, Delauney Laurent, Petihakis George, Karlson Bengt, Artigas Felipe, Farcy Patrick (2018). Deployment of new observing systems within the JERICO-RI . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.43-51 .
Carlier Antoine (2017). Report on developments dedicated to monitor and study benthic comportment and processes . JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.10-170917-V1.3 .
Carlier Antoine, Vaz Sandrine, Facq Jean-Valery (2017). JERICO-NEXT. Report on developments dedicated to monitor and study benthic comportment and processes. D3.10 . JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.10-170917-V1.3 .
Repecaud Michel (2017). Compte rendu de l’intervention sur la station Marel Carnot 20 / 22 juin 2017 . RDT/LDCM/17_020MR/R .
Lefebvre Alain, Poisson-Caillault Emilie (2017). MAREL Carnot. Bilan d’une surveillance à haute fréquence en zone côtière sous influence anthropique (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Opérations lors de l’année 2016. Rapport n°11 . Ifremer/RST.LER.BL/17.06 .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2017). Experimental study of the Marine Current Turbine behaviour submitted to macro-particle impacts . EWTEC 2017 - European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. 27th August to 2nd September 2017, Cork, Ireland.
Sheehan Emma V., Vaz Sandrine, Pettifer Erin, Foster Nicola L., Nancollas Sarah J., Cousens Sophie, Holmes Luke, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Attrill Martin J. (2016). An experimental comparison of three Towed Underwater Video Systems using species metrics, benthic impact and performance . Methods In Ecology And Evolution , 7(7), 843-852 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lefebvre Alain, Poisson-Caillault Emilie (2016). MAREL Carnot. Bilan d’une surveillance à haute fréquence en zone côtière sous influence anthropique (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Bilan de l’année 2015 Rapport N°10 . Ifremer/RST.LER.BL/16.06 .
Mallat Bachar, Germain Gregory, Billard Jy, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2016). Visualisation 3D du phénomène de bullage autour de deux modèles d’étraves / A 3D Visualization of the Bubble Sweep-down Phenomenon around two Ship Bow Models . Actes des 15èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique. 22 au 24 novembre 2016, Brest. ISSN 1161-1847. Session 4. Bulles. pp.1-12 .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Johnstone C.M., Grant A.D., Day A.H., Nixon E., Di Felice F., Costanzo M. (2015). Tidal Energy ”Round Robin” Tests Comparisons between towing tank and circulating tank results . International Journal of Marine Energy , 12, 87-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lefebvre Alain, Devreker David (2015). MAREL Carnot. Bilan d‟une surveillance à haute fréquence en zone côtière sous influence anthropique (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Bilan de l‟année 2014. Rapport n° 9 . Ifremer/RST.LER.BL/15.06 .
Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2015). PIV measurements combined with the motion tracking technique to analyze flow around a moving porous structure . Journal Of Fluids And Structures , 56, 190-204 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Khaddaj-Mallat Bachar, Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2015). Bubble sweep-down trials on the Thalassa bow . RDT/CSM - 10CSMBL15 .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Baudet Laetitia, Birades Michel, Schoefs Franck (2014). Effet des concrétions marines sur le comportement hydrodynamique de structures circulaires . 14èmes journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Val de Reuil, 18-20 novembre 2014 .
Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Billard Jean-Yves, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2014). Etude expérimentale du phénomène d’entraînement de bulles à l’étrave des navires scientifiques . 14èmes journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Val de Reuil, 18-20 novembre 2014 .
Kervella Youen, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2014). Mise en évidence de l’importance de la turbulence ambiante sur les effets d’interaction entre hydroliennes . XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, 2-4 juillet 2014, Dunkerque. Ed.: D.Levacher, M. Sanchez, A. Hequette et Y.Lalaut. ISBN 978-2- 35921-012-5. Thème 5 : Energies marines, pp.743-750 .
Bucas Karenn (2014). Les faces cachées des analyseurs chimiques in situ . Colloque Instrumentation haute fréquence pour l'observation et la surveillance de l'environnement marin, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 13 juin 2014 .
Lefebvre Alain, Rousseeuw Kevin (2014). MAREL Carnot. Bilan d'une surveillance à haute fréquence en zone côtière sous influence anthropique (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Bilan de l'année 2013. Rapport n°8 . Ifremer/RST.LER.BL/14.02 .
Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Billard Jean-Yves, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2014). Experimental study of bubbles sweep-down occurence on oceanographic research vessels . ASME 2014 - 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 1A: Offshore Technology San Francisco, California, USA, June 8–13, 2014 .Conference Sponsors: Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4537-0. Paper No. OMAE2014-23541, pp. V01AT01A042 .
Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2013). Comparaison de systèmes radar et marégraphes pour la mesure de houle . RDT/CSM - 43CSMBL13 .
Mycek Paul, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Pinon Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2013). Characterisation of the Interactions between Horizontal Axis Turbines Aligned with the Flow . Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - EWTEC 2013, 2-5 Sep, Aalborg, Denmark. pp.1-8 .
Mycek Paul, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Pinon Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2013). Étude des interactions entre deux hydroliennes à axe horizontal alignées avec l'écoulement . CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, 26-30 août 2013. S14-FLUISTRU - Interactions fluides-structures et contrôle, pp.1-6 .
Pinon Gregory, Germain Gregory, Mycek Paul, Gaurier Benoit, Rivoalen Elie, Cherfils Jean-Marc, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2012). Hydroliennes et effets de sillage . 9ème édition des journées scientifiques et techniques du CETMEF. 3-5 décembre 2012, Paris .
Lefebvre Alain, Rousseeuw Kevin (2012). MAREL Carnot : Variabilités mensuelle et interannuelle de la fluorescence,de la salinité, de la turbidité et de l’oxygène . Ifremer/RST.LERBL/12.10 .
Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2011). Mesures PIV sur le dispositif AQUAGO dans le bassin de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Quantification des performances du brassage . RDT/HO - 23HOBL11 .
Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2011). Essais combinés houle irrégulière - courant. Caractérisation des conditions générées au bassin de Boulogne-sur-Mer . 10HOBL11 .
Bouhoubeiny Elkhadim, Germain Gregory, Druault Philippe, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2011). Couche limite et sillage rencontrés sur un chalut de fond . 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique de Besançon, 29 août - 2septembre 2011 .
Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory (2010). Etude hydrodynamique d’un « cul piscine » . 10HOBL10 .
Germain Gregory, Maganga Fabrice, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Pinon Grégory, Rivoalen Elie, Etancelin Jean-Matthieu (2010). Vers une caractérisation réaliste des conditions de fonctionnement des hydroliennes . 12èmes journées de l'hydrodynamique, Nantes, 2010 .
Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2010). Essais combinés houle - courant / Caractérisation des conditions générées au bassin de Boulogne-sur-Mer . 07HOBL10 .
Maganga Fabrice, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Rivoalen Elie, Pinon Grégory (2010). Caractérisation expérimentale du sillage généré par une hydrolienne - Influence du taux de turbulence ambiant . Journées Genie Civil/Génie Côtier 2010, Sables d'Olonne .
Kervella Youen, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Cayocca Florence, Lesueur Patrick (2010). Experimental study of the near-field impact of an oyster table on the flow . European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids , 29(1), 32-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kervella Youen, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Cayocca Florence, Lesueur Patrick (2009). Boundary layer development and shear stresses measurements around an oyster table . AMT’09, Nantes .
Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2006). PGS 2006. Caractérisation de panneaux divergents . 20HOBL06 .
Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2006). Vérification du fonctionnement de courantomètres Doppler en veine de circulation . ERT/HO CR16HOBL06 .
Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Le Boulluec Marc (2006). Projet RTPG CO.3007/04. Risers grandes profondeurs. Rapport final Ifremer . ERT/HO R13HOBL06 .
Mortreux Serge, Minet Jean-Pierre, Brabant Jean-Claude (2001). SAUPLIMOR. SAUvegarde des juvéniles de PLIe et de MORue dans le détroit du Pas-de-Calais. Rapport de synthèse . TMSI/TP/01-019 .
Repecaud Michel, Facq Jean-Valery, Depuydt Arnaud, Robiez Sébastien, Mortreux Serge (2001). Report of the trials completed in the scope of the European project « Eurogrid » . Measurement of the strains exerted on a selective grid . TMSI/RED/HA/R19HA00 .
Mortreux Serge, Bouche Ludovic, Minet Jean-Pierre, Brabant Jean-Claude (2000). SAUPLIMOR 4. SAUvegarde des juvéniles de Plies et de MORues dans le détroit du Pas-de -Calais. Rapport n° 4. Quatrième phase : octobre-novembre 2000 . TMSI/TP/ 00-106 .
Mortreux Serge, Caroff Nicolas, Minet Jean-Pierre, Brabant Jean-Claude, Vacherot Jean-Philippe (2000). SAUPLIMOR 3. SAUvegarde des juvéniles de Plies et de MORues dans le détroit du Pas-de -Calais. Rapport n° 3. Troisième phase : avril 2000 . TMSI/TP/2000-32 .
Mortreux Serge, Caroff Nicolas, Minet Jean-Pierre, Brabant Jean-Claude (2000). SAUPLIMOR 2. SAUvegarde des juvéniles de Plies et de MORues dans le détroit du Pas-de -Calais. Rapport n° 2. Deuxième phase : septembre-octobre 1999 . R.INT. TMSI/TP 2000-01 .
Mortreux Serge, Caroff Nicolas, Minet Jean-Pierre, Brabant Jean-Claude (1999). SAUPLIMOR 1. SAUvegarde des juvéniles de Plies et de MORues dans le détroit du Pas-de -Calais. Rapport n° 1. Première phase : avril-mai 1999 . TMSI/TP n° 9930 .
Repecaud Michel, Facq Jean-Valery, Depuydt Arnaud, Mortreux Serge, Robiez Sébastien (1999). Essais sur grilles sélectives norvégiennes (contrat I.M.R.) . DITl/GO/TP/99-83 .