Valerie Harscoat

Valerie Harscoat

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-3371-008X



Quimbert Erwann, Schmidt Sabine, Mercier Caroline, Carval Thierry, Cotten Clemence, Dibarboure Gerald, Obaton Dominique, Piel Steven, Harscoat Valerie, Piolle Jean-Francois, Germineaud Cyril, Sudre Joel, Andre François, Hoebeke Mark, Schmechtig Catherine, Cariou Valérie, Pouvreau Nicolas, Mendes Fabrice, Calvat Pascal, Caer Gwenaël (2024). Rapport d’activité ODATIS 2023 .


Ybert Sebastien (2023). Plan de gestion des données, Mission DMA et CCZ . REM2023/011 .
Quimbert Erwann, Schmidt Sabine, Mercier Caroline, Vernet Marine, Dibarboure Gerald, Sudre Joel, Piolle Jean-Francois, Hoebeke Mark, Germineaud Cyril, Carval Thierry, Schmechtig Catherine, Cariou Valérie, Harscoat Valerie, Andre François, Calvat Pascal, Obaton Dominique (2023). Rapport d’activité ODATIS 2022 .


Nys Cecile, Sudre Joel, Harscoat Valerie (2021). Guide des recommandations du pôle Océan - ODATIS pour les métadonnées et les données .
Nys Cecile, Sudre Joel, Harscoat Valerie (2021). Guide ANR COPiLOtE - Certification CTS. Guide ANR COPiLOtE pour la certification CoreTrustSeal (CTS) . Version 2.0 du 24 juin 2021.
Sudre Joel, Nys Cecile, Boulanger Damien, Carval Thierry, Mercier Caroline (2021). Compte rendu de l'atelier technique des 15 et 16 décembre 2020 .
Sudre Joel, Nys Cecile, Schmidt Sabine, Harscoat Valerie, Rabevolo Clemence, Gimenez-Papiol Gemma, Hoebeke Mark, Borremans Catherine, Rouilly Arnaud (2021). Compte rendu de l'atelier technique des 22 et 23 septembre 2020 .


Schmidt Sabine, Maudire Gilbert, Nys Cecile, Sudre Joel, Harscoat Valerie, Dibarboure Gérald, Huynh Frédéric (2020). Streamlining Data and Service Centers for Easier Access to Data and Analytical Services: The Strategy of ODATIS as the Gateway to French Marine Data . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 548126 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Tanhua Toste, Pouliquen Sylvie, Hausman Jessica, O’brien Kevin, Bricher Pip, de Bruin Taco, Buck Justin J. H., Burger Eugene F., Carval Thierry, Casey Kenneth S., Diggs Steve, Giorgetti Alessandra, Glaves Helen, Harscoat Valerie, Kinkade Danie, Muelbert Jose H., Novellino Antonio, Pfeil Benjamin, Pulsifer Peter L., Van De Putte Anton, Robinson Erin, Schaap Dick, Smirnov Alexander, Smith Neville, Snowden Derrick, Spears Tobias, Stall Shelley, Tacoma Marten, Thijsse Peter, Tronstad Stein, Vandenberghe Thomas, Wengren Micah, Wyborn Lesley, Zhao Zhiming (2019). Ocean FAIR Data Services . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(440), 17p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pearlman Jay, Bushnell Mark, Coppola Laurent, Karstensen Johannes, Buttigieg Pier Luigi, Pearlman Francoise, Simpsons Pauline, Barbier Michele, Muller-Karger Frank E., Munoz-Mas Cristian, Pissierssens Peter, Chandler Cyndy, Hermes Juliet, Heslop Emma, Jenkyns Reyna, Achterberg Eric P., Bensi Manuel, Bittig Henry C., Blandin Jerome, Bosch Julie, Bourles Bernard, Bozzano Roberto, Buck Justin J. H., Burger Eugene F., Cano Daniel, Cardin Vanessa, Llorens Miguel Charcos, Cianca Andres, Chen Hua, Cusack Caroline, Delory Eric, Garello Rene, Giovanetti Gabriele, Harscoat Valerie, Hartman Susan, Heitsenrether Robert, Jirka Simon, Lara-Lopez Ana, Lanteri Nadine, Leadbetter Adam, Manzella Giuseppe, Maso Joan, McCurdy Andrea, Moussat Eric, Ntoumas Manolis, Pensieri Sara, Petihakis George, Pinardi Nadia, Pouliquen Sylvie, Przeslawski Rachel, Roden Nicholas P., Silke Joe, Tamburri Mario N., Tang Hairong, Tanhua Toste, Telszewski Maciej, Testor Pierre, Thomas Julie, Waldmann Christoph, Whoriskey Fred (2019). Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices and Standards for the Next Decade . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(277), 19p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delory Eric (2019). Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System Shared Infrastructure Report . AtlantOS Deliverable, D6.6 .


Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Atlantos Wp7 Partners (2018). AtlantOS Data Services Report . Deliverable D7.15 .
FAO (2018). Report of the Workshop on Strategic Data Policies, Rome, Italy, 21–22 September 2015 . FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report , (1180) . Open Access version :
Pouliquen Sylvie, Harscoat Valerie, Atlantos Wp7 Partners (2018). Towards an integrated EU data system within AtlantOS . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.27-34 .


Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie (2017). Data flow and Data integration - WP7. Report on Tasks 7.1 7.2 - fourth meeting. 14 December afternoon - 16 December 2016 morning, 11 January 2017 Ifremer, Brest .
Reverdin Gilles, Thierry Virginie, Utiz Julia, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Bradshaw Elizabeth, Pfeil Benjamin (2017). QC Report. AtlantOS project . D7.2 .
Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Atlantos Wp7 Partners (2017). Data flow and Data integration - WP7. 5th meeting – Implementation phase, 20th November 2017 at PLOCAN, Gran Canaria .


Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Atlantos Wp7 Partners (representatives Of Networks And Integrators) (2016). Data Management Handbook Atlantos . D7.4 .
Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Atlantoswp7 Partners (2016). Towards an integrated EU data system within AtlantOS . IMDIS 2016, International conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, Gdansk, Pologne, 11-13 Octobre 2016 .
Koop-Jakobsen , Waldmann , Huber , Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie (2016). Data Harmonization Report. AtlantOS project . D7.1 .
Carval Thierry (2016). Catalogue of data and platforms at Network GDAC level, including the example of Copernicus In Situ TAC . IMN/IDM/ISI/FM/16-024 .


Vignot Celine, Engelhard Georg, Leonardi Sophie (2012). CHARM. Action 6 : Commercial exploitation data of fisheries species. Action 6.1 : Exploitation data : landings and effort .


Demaneche Sebastien, Begot Eric, Gouello Antoine, Habasque Jeremie, Merrien Claude, Leblond Emilie, Berthou Patrick, Harscoat Valerie, Fritsch Manon, Leneveu Clement, Laurans Martial (2010). Projet SACROIS "IFREMER/DPMA" - Rapport final - Convention SACROIS 2008-2010 .
Harscoat Valerie (2010). Règlement et cahier des charges de l'appel d'offres pour la maintenance évolutive du système informatique HARMONIE . IDM/ISI/10-037 .


Harscoat Valerie, Leblond Emilie, Treguer Mickael, Berthou Patrick (2008). A GIS interface to the French Fisheries Information System of Ifremer . ICES CM 2008/R:13 - Theme Session R: Environmental and fisheries data management, access, and integration. 11p.


Merrien Claude, Leblond Emilie, Berthou Patrick, Job Nicolas, Demaneche Sebastien, Laurans Martial, Leneveu Clement, Harscoat Valerie (2007). Etude Effort de pêche Ifremer-DPMA . R.INT.STHSIH/2007 .
