European Marine Board (Ed.) (2024).
Navigating the Future VI: Placing the Ocean within the wider Earth system . Position Paper 28 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 116pp. ISSN: 0167-9309 ISBN: 9789464206265 .
Popescu Speranta-Maria, Jimenez-Moreno Gonzalo, Klotz Stefan,
Lericolais Gilles, Guichard François, Cagatay M. Namik, Giosan Liviu, Calleja Michel, Fauquette Séverine, Suc Jean-Pierre (2021).
Late Quaternary vegetation and climate of SE Europe – NW Asia according to pollen records in three offshore cores from the Black and Marmara seas .
Palaeobiodiversity And Palaeoenvironments , 101(1), 197-212 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-020-00464-x , Open Access version :
Lericolais Gilles, Algan Oya, Morigi Caterina, Okay Seda, Kirci-Elmas Elmas, Cifci Gunay (2019).
Overview of the Bosphorus Depositional Fan from Data Sets Recovered on the Black Sea Shelf off the Strait of Istanbul .
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources , 17(1), 555959 (19p.) . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.19080/IJESNR.2019.17.555959 , Open Access version :
Okay Seda, Cifci Gunay, Lericolais Gilles, Algan Oya, Kirci-Elmas Elmas, Morigi Caterina (2018). Synthesis of data sets recovered on the Black Sea shelf off the Strait of Istanbul (Bosporus) providing an overview of its depositional fan . ZAKS-Tagung Archaeology of the Black Sea in the new light "Endet das Lied des Meeres an der Küste/Does the song of the sea end at the coast", Khalil Gibran. 21-23 November 2018, Halle .
Lericolais Gilles (2017).
Late Pleistocene Environmental Factors defining the Black Sea, and Submerged Landscapes on the Western Continental Shelf . In Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. 2017. Nicholas C. Flemming (Editor), Jan Harff (Editor), Delminda Moura (Editor), Anthony Burgess (Editor), Geoffrey N. Bailey (Editor). ISBN: 978-1-118-92213-2. Chap.17 pp.479-495 (Wiley) .
Harff Jan, Flemming Nicholas C, Groh Andreas, Hunicke Birgit,
Lericolais Gilles, Meschede Martin, Rosentau Alar, Sakellariou Dimitris, Uscinowicz Szymon, Zhang Wenyan, Zorita Eduardo (2017).
Sea Level and Climate . In Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. 2017. Nicholas C. Flemming (Editor), Jan Harff (Editor), Delminda Moura (Editor), Anthony Burgess (Editor), Geoffrey N. Bailey (Editor). ISBN: 978-1-118-92213-2. Chap.2 pp.11-49 (Wiley) .
Matenco Liviu, Munteanu Ioan, Ter Borgh Marten, Stanica Adrian, Tilita Marius,
Lericolais Gilles, Dinu Corneliu, Oaie Gheorghe (2016).
The interplay between tectonics, sediment dynamics and gateways evolution in the Danube system from the Pannonian Basin to the western Black Sea .
Science Of The Total Environment , 543, 807-827 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.081 , Open Access version :
Suc Jean-Pierre, Gillet Herve, Cagatay M. Namik, Popescu Speranta-Maria,
Lericolais Gilles, Armijo Rolando, Melinte-Dobrinescu Mihaela Carmen, Sen Sevket, Clauzon Georges, Sakinc Mehmet, Zabci Cengiz, Ucarkus Gulsen, Meyer Bertrand, Cakir Ziyadin, Karakas Cagil, Jouannic Gwenael, Macalet Rodica (2015).
The region of the Strandja Sill (North Turkey) and the Messinian events .
Marine And Petroleum Geology , 66, 149-164 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.01.013 , Open Access version :
Flemming Nicholas, Cagatay M. Namik, Chiocci Francesco Latino, Galanidou Nena, Jons Hauke,
Lericolais Gilles, Missiaen Tine, Moore Fionnbarr, Rosentau Alar, Sakellariou Dimitris, Skar Brigitte, Stevenson Alan, Weerts Henk (2014).
Land Beneath the Waves. Submerged landscapes and sea level change. A joint geoscience-humanities strategy for European Continental Shelf Prehistoric Rese . Chu, N.C. and McDonough, N. (Eds.) Position Paper 21 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 171 pp. ISBN 978-94-920430-3-0 .
Lericolais Gilles (2014). Boreal submerged black sea landscapes . In Underwater Seascapes. from Geographical to Ecological Perspectives. 2014 Musard, O., Le Dû-Blayo, L., Francour, P., Beurier, J.-P., Feunteun, E., Talassinos, L. (Eds.) ISBN 978-3-319-03440-9. Chap. 6, pp. 73-88 .
Calves Gerome,
Toucanne Samuel,
Jouet Gwenael, Charrier Simon,
Thereau Estelle,
Etoubleau Joel,
Marsset Tania, Droz Laurence, Bez M., Abreu V.,
Jorry Stephan, Mulder T.,
Lericolais Gilles (2013).
Inferring denudation variations from the sediment record; an example of the last glacial cycle record of the Golo Basin and watershed, East Corsica, western Mediterranean sea .
Basin Research , 25(2), 197-218 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2117.2012.00556.x , Open Access version :
Soulet Guillaume, Menot Guillemette,
Bayon Germain, Rostek Frauke,
Ponzevera Emmanuel,
Toucanne Samuel,
Lericolais Gilles, Bard Edouard (2013).
Abrupt drainage cycles of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet .
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America , 110(17), 6682-6687 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1214676110 , Open Access version :
Toucanne Samuel,
Jouet Gwenael, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Bassetti Maria-Angela,
Dennielou Bernard, Minto'o Charlie Morelle Angue, Lahmi Marjolaine, Touyet Nicolas, Charlier Karine,
Lericolais Gilles, Mulder Thierry (2012).
A 130,000-year record of Levantine Intermediate Water flow variability in the Corsica Trough, western Mediterranean Sea .
Quaternary Science Reviews , 33, 55-73 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.11.020 , Open Access version :
Lericolais Gilles, Bourget Julien,
Jorry Stephan, Popescu Irina, Abreu Victor, Jouannic Gwenael,
Bayon Germain (2012).
The “Sink” of the Danube River Basin: The Distal Danube Deep-Sea Fan . New Understanding of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World: 32nd Annual. Edited by Norman C. Rosen, Paul Weimer, Sylvia Maria Coutes dos Anjos, Sverre Henrickson, Edmundo Marques, Mike Mayall, Richard Fillon, Tony D'Agostino, Art Saller, Kurt Campion, Tim Huang, Rick Sarg, and Fred Schroeder. DOI 10.5724/gcs.12.32.0701. Vol. 32. 2012. P.701-735 .
Lericolais Gilles, Bourget Julien, Jermannaud Paul,
Jorry Stephan, Mulder Thierry, Popescu Irina (2011).
The active sink of the Danube river Basin: The Danube deep-sea fan . European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 3-8 April 2011, Vienna .
Lericolais Gilles, Guichard F., Morigi C., Popescu Irina, Bulois Cedric, Gillet Herve, Ryan W. B. F. (2011). Assessment of Black Sea water-level fluctuations since the Last Glacial Maximum . In Buynevich, I., Yanko-Hombach, V., Gilbert, A.S., and Martin, R.E., eds., Geology and Geoarchaeology of the Black Sea Region: Beyond the Flood Hypothesis: Geological Society of America Special Paper 473. ISBN print: 9780813724737. pp. 1–18 (Geological Soc Amer Inc) .
Okay Seda, Jupinet Benoit,
Lericolais Gilles, Cifci Gunay, Morigi Catherina (2011).
Morphological and Stratigraphic Investigation of a Holocene Subaqueous Shelf Fan, North of the Istanbul Strait in the Black Sea .
Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences , 20(3), 287-305 . Open Access version :
Fenies Hugues,
Lericolais Gilles, Posamentier Henry W. (2010).
Comparison of wave-and tide-dominated incised valleys: specific processes controlling systems tract architecture and reservoir geometry .
Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France , 181(2), 171-181 .
Cagatay M. N., Eris K., Ryan W. B. F., Sancar Ue, Polonia A., Akcer S., Biltekin D., Gasperini L., Gorur N.,
Lericolais Gilles, Bard E. (2009).
Late Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of the northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara .
Marine Geology , 265(3-4), 87-100 .
Lericolais Gilles (2009). Un bassin marginal semi-fermé en condition anoxique : La mer Noire comme archive paléo-climatique . HDR.
Fontugne Michel, Guichard Francois, Bentaleb Ilham, Strechie Claudia, Lericolais Gilles (2009). Variations in c-14 reservoir ages of black sea waters and sedimentary organic carbon during anoxic periods: influence of photosynthetic versus chemoautotrophic production . Radiocarbon , 51(3), 969-976 .
Eris K. K., Ryan W. B. F., Cagatay M. N.,
Lericolais Gilles, Sancar U., Bard E., Menot G. (2008).
Reply to Comment on "The timing and evolution of the post-glacial transgression across the Sea of Marmara shelf south of Istanbul" by Hiscott et al., Marine Geology 248, 228-236 .
Marine Geology , 254(3-4), 230-236 . Publisher's official version :
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Zitter T, Henry P, Aloisi G, Delaygue G, Cagatay M, de Lepinay B, Al Samir M, Fornacciari F, Tesmer M, Pekdeger A, Wallmann K,
Lericolais Gilles (2008).
Cold seeps along the main Marmara Fault in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) .
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers , 55(4), 552-570 . Publisher's official version :
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2008.01.002 , Open Access version :
Clauzon Georges, Suc Jean-Pierre, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Melinte-Dobrinescu Mihaela Carmen, Quillévéré Frédéric, Warny Sophie A, Fauquette Sévrine, Armijo Rolando, Meyer Bertrand, Rubino Jean-Loup, Lericolais Gilles, Gillet Hervé, Cagatay M. Namik, Ucarkus Gülsen, Escarguel Gilles, Jouannic Gwénaël, Dalesme Florent (2008). Chronology of the Messinian events and paleogeography of the Mediterranean region s.l. CIESM workshop monographs , (33), 31-37 .
Vincent Patrick (2007). Océan et Climat : au croisement de multiples questions au coeur de l'ifremer .
Lericolais Gilles, Popescu Irina, Guichard Francois, Popescu Speranta Maria (2007).
A Black Sea lowstand at 8500 yr BP indicated by a relict coastal dune system at a depth of 90 m below sea level .
Coastline Changes: Interrelation Of Climate And Geological Processes , 426, 171-188 .
Lericolais Gilles, Koral H (2006).
The western black sea fault : its significance in the late tertiary-quaternary tectonic setting . IGCP 521 Second Plenary Meeting and Field Trip, Odessa, Ukraine, August 20-28, 2006 .
Lericolais Gilles, Bulois C, Gillet H (2006).
Coastal sand dunes at 100m under sea level as proof of a post Younger-Dryas Black Sea lowstand . IGCP 521 2nd plenary meeting and field trip , 20-28 August 2006, Odessa, Ukraine .
Dimitrov P, Ryan W, Ballard R, Haarmann H, Dimitrov D, Solakov D, Slavova K, Peev P, Peychev V, Petrov P,
Lericolais Gilles (2006).
The Flood in the Black Sea - Science and Mythology . IGCP 521 2nd plenary meeting and field trip , 20-28 August 2006, Odessa, Ukraine .
Popescu Irina, de Batist Marc,
Lericolais Gilles, Nouze Herve, Poort Jeffrey, Panin Nicolae, Versteeg Wim, Gillet Herve (2006).
Multiple bottom-simulating reflections in the Black Sea: Potential proxies of past climate conditions .
Marine Geology , 227(3-4), 163-176 . Publisher's official version :
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Mienert Jurgen, Weaver Philip, Berne Serge, Dullo Wolf, Evans Dan, Freiwald André, Henriet Jean-Pierre, Joergensen B.B.,
Lericolais Gilles, Lykousis Vasilios, Parkes John, Trincardi Fabio, Westbrook Graham (2004).
Overview of Recent, Ongoing, and Future Investigations on the Dynamics and Evolution of European Margins .
Oceanography , 17(4), 16-33 .
Henry Pierre, Delaygues G, Lericolais Gilles (2004). Marmara VT/Marmacore 2. Cruise of R.V. Marion-Dufresne. May 4-8, 2004. Canakkale (Turkey) - Istanbul (Turkey) . MarmaraVT/Marmacore2 cruise report - 2nd draft .
Lericolais Gilles, Popescu Irina, Panin Nicolae, Guichard François, Popescu Sperenta, Manolakakis Laurence (2004). Evidence from recent oceanographic surveys of a last rapid sea level rise of the Black Sea . CIESM workshop monographs , (24), 109-117 .
Gillet Herve,
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The Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy and the Messinian erosional surface in Black Sea, high-resolution seismic stratigraphy .
Comptes Rendus Geoscience , 335(12), 907-916 .
Bourillet Jean-Francois,
Lericolais Gilles (2003).
Morphology and Seismic stratigraphy of the Manche Paleoriver System, Western Approaches .
European Margin Sediment Dynamics Side Scan Sonar And Seismic Images , 229-232 .
Lericolais Gilles (2002). Compte-rendu de campagne à la mer sur un navire hauturier Ifremer. BLASON 2 .
Berne Serge, Vagner Pierre, Guichard F,
Lericolais Gilles, Liu Zhenxia, Trentesaux A, Yin Ping, Yi Hi (2002).
Pleistocene forced regressions and tidal sand ridges in the East China Sea .
Marine Geology , 188(3-4), 293-315 .
Popescu Irina, Lericolais Gilles, Panin Nicolae, Droz Laurence, Wong How Kin, Dinu Corneliu (2002). Architecture and recent sedimentary evolution of the Danube deep-sea fan (Black Sea). CIESM workshop monographs , (17), 81-84 .
Lericolais Gilles, Popescu Irina, Panin Nicolae, Le Drezen Eliane, Normand Alain, Nouze Herve, Garfield Timothy R (2002). Viteaz Canyon, the only sediment pathway of the Black Sea shelf ? CIESM workshop monographs , (17), 77-80 .
Ion Gabriel, Lericolais Gilles, Nouze Herve, Panin Nicolae, Ion Elena (2002). Seismo-acoustics evidence of gases in sedimentary edifices of the paleo-Danube realm. CIESM workshop monographs , (17), 91-95 .
Strechie C, Andre F, Jelinowska A, Tucholka P, Guichard F,
Lericolais Gilles, Panin N (2002).
Magnetic minerals as indicators of major environmental change in holocene Black Sea sediments: preliminary results .
Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth , 27(25-31), 1363-1370 .
Reynaud Jean-Yves, Lauriat-Rage Agnès, Tessier Bernadette, Neraudeau Didier, Braccini Eric, Carriol René-Pierre, Clet-Pellerin Martine, Moullade Michel,
Lericolais Gilles (1999).
Importations et remaniements de thanatofaunes dans les sables de la plate-forme profonde des approches occidentales de la Manche .
Oceanologica Acta , 22(4), 381-396 . Publisher's official version :
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Reynaud Jean, Tessier Bernadette, Proust Jn, Dalrymple R,
Bourillet Jean-Francois, de Batist M,
Lericolais Gilles, Berne S,
Marsset Tania (1999).
Architecture and sequence stratigraphy of a late Neogene incised valley at the shelf margin, southern Celtic Sea .
Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 69(2), 351-364 .
Lautridou Jp, Auffret Jp, Baltzer Agnes, Clet M, Lecolle F, Lefebvre D, Lericolais Gilles, Roblin-Jouve A, Balescu S, Carpentier G, Descombes Jc, Occhietti S, Rousseau Dd (1999). Le fleuve Seine, le fleuve Manche . Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France , 170(4), 545-558 .
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3D architecture of lowstand and transgressive Quaternary sand bodies on the outer shelf of the Gulf of Lion, France .
Marine And Petroleum Geology , 15(5), 439-452 .
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Erosional offshore sand ridges and lowstand shorefaces: Examples from tide- and wave-dominated environments of France .
Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 68(4), 540-555 .
Lericolais Gilles, Fenies Hugues, Tastet Jean-Pierre, Berne Serge (1998).
Reconnaissance par stratigraphie sismique haute résolution de la paléovallée de la Gironde sur le plateau continental .
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II Fascicule A-sciences de la Terre et des Planetes , 326(10), 701-708 .
Lericolais Gilles, Nouze Herve (1998). Compte rendu de la mission BlaSON. Coopération franco-roumaine en océanographie Compte-rendu de la mission Océanographique BlaSON à bord du NO "Le SUROIT" de Constantza à Constantza (Roumanie) Du 22 Avril au 23 Mai 1998 .
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Evolution du fleuve Manche depuis l'oligocène : stratigraphie et géomorphologie d'une plateforme continentale en régime périglaciaire . PhD Thesis , Unersité Bordeaux I .
Cirac P, Berne Serge, Lericolais Gilles, Weber O (1997). Séquences de dépôt dans le Quaternaire terminal du plateau continental nord aquitain (océan Atlantique, France) . Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France , 168(6), 717-725 .
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Contribution of the very high-resolution seismic stratigraphy to the genetic interpretation of a Celtic Sea sand bank .
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii , 320(2), 125-132 .
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L'énigmatique Fosse Centrale de la Manche : une approche de sa morphologie et de son remplissage par géophysique haute résolution .
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science , 321, 39-46 . Open Access version :
Berne Serge, Castaing Patrice, Le Drezen Eliane,
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Morphology, internal structure, and reversal of asymmetry of large subtidal dunes in the entrance to Gironde Estuary (France) .
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology , 63(5), 780-793 .
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