Omnes Marie-Helene, Le Goasduff Julien, Le Delliou Herve, Le Bayon Nicolas, Quazuguel Patrick, Robin Jean (2017). Effects of dietary tannin on growth, feed utilization and digestibility, and carcass composition in juvenile European seabass ( Dicentrarchus labrax L.) . Aquaculture Reports , 6, 21-27 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Omnes Marie-Helene, Silva Francisco, Moriceau Jacques, Aguirre P., Kaushik Sadasivam, Gatesoupe F. J. (2015). Influence of lupin and rapeseed meals on the integrity of digestive tract and organs in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) and goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) juveniles . Aquaculture Nutrition , 21(2), 223-233 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Omnes Marie-Helene, Lemerre Charlotte, Le Bayon Nicolas, Le Delliou Herve, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Munschy Catherine, Loizeau Veronique (2012). Long-term exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) through diet affects embryonic development of common sole (Solea solea) . Fish and amphibian embryos as alternative models in toxicology and teratology. 11th-12th Oct 2012, Aulnay-sous-Bois, Paris, France .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Gatesoupe François-Joel, Robin Jean (2009). Performance de croissance et fonction digestive chez le bar Européen Dicentrarchus labrax alimenté avec un régime enrichi en polyphénols . Communication dans un volume d'actes non édité .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Silva Flavia Cristina De Paula, Desbruyeres Elisabeth, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Moriceau Jacques, Le Ven Alain, Severe Armelle, Aguirre Peyot, Gatesoupe François-Joel, Kaushik Sadasivam (2008). Influence of dietary fibre on the digestive tract and organs of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata and goldfish Carassius auratus . XIII ISFNF – International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Fish and Crustacean Nutrition: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives – June 1-5, 2008 – FLORIANOPOLIS, BRAZIL .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Le Goasduff Julien, Le Bayon Nicolas, Le Delliou Herve, Quazuguel Patrick, Minier Marie, Severe Armelle, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Gatesoupe François-Joel, Robin Jean (2008). Responses to a polyphenol metabolite on seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) growth performance and digestive function . XIII ISFNF – International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Fish and Crustacean Nutrition: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives, June 1-5, 2008 – FLORIANOPOLIS, BRAZIL .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Recek Sophie, Barone Herve, Le Delliou Herve, Schmitz Audrey, Mutelet Alexis, Suquet Marc, Robin Jean H. (2004). Influence of dry diets on reproductive performance and egg lipid composition during the first spawning season of captive pollack . "Nature and Culture" Comparative Biology and Interactions of Wild and Farmed Fish. Annual International Conference. Imperial College, London, 19-23 July 2004 .
Omnes Marie-Helene (2003). Le saint-pierre (Zeus faber). Biologie, pêche, marché et potentiel aquacole . Ifremer.
Omnes Marie-Helene (2002). Rapport de mission. Conférence Internationale "Seafarming: today and tomorrow", 16 – 19 octobre 2002 - Trieste, Italie .
Suquet Marc, Omnes Marie-Helene, Normant Yvon, Petton Bruno, Severe Armelle, Fauvel Christian, Barone Herve, Quemener Loic, Buchet Vincent, Pasco Laurent, Menard E, Gaignon Jean-Louis (2002). Cod (Gadus morhua) rearing attempts in France . Special Publication EAS - Seafarming Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of Aquaculture Europe 2002, Trieste, Italy, October 16–19, 2002. Vol.32 pp. 394-395. 492-493 .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Severe Armelle, Barone Herve, Suquet Marc, Buchet Vincent, Le Roux Annick, Gaignon Jean-Louis, Fostier Alexis, Fauvel Christian (2002). Growth and reproductive performances of juveniles and sexually mature pollack Pollachius pollachius in different conditions . Special Publication EAS - Seafarming Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of Aquaculture Europe 2002, Trieste, Italy, October 16–19, 2002. Vol.32 pp. 394-395.
Buchet Vincent, Suquet Marc, Omnes Marie-Helene, Petton Bruno, Normant Yvon, Severe Armelle, Quemener Loic, Barone Herve, Fauvel Christian, Gaignon Jean-Louis (2002). Pollack (Pollachius pollachius): Acquisition of biologic data in a breeding purpose . Special Publication EAS - Seafarming Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of Aquaculture Europe 2002, Trieste, Italy, October 16–19, 2002. Vol.32 pp. 165-166 .
Omnes Marie-Helene (2002). La morue Gadus morhua: biologie, pêche, marché et potentiel aquacole . Ifremer.
Suquet Marc, Chereguini Olvido, Omnes Marie-Helene, Rasines Inmaculada, Normant Yvon, Souto Isabel, Quemener Loic (1999). Effect of temperature, volume of ova batches, and addition of a diluent, an antibiotic, oxygen and a protein inhibitor on short-term storage capacities of turbot, Psetta maxima, ova . Aquatic Living Resources , 12(4), 239-246 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Omnes Marie-Helene, Dorange Germaine, Suquet Marc, Normant Yvon (1999). Application of staining techniques to improve the viability assessment of turbot (Psetta maxima) ova . Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen, July 4-9 1999 .
Pouliquen Daniel, Omnes Marie-Helene, Seguin François, Gaignon Jean-Louis (1998). Changes in the dynamics of structured water and metabolite contents in early developing stages of eggs of turbot (Psetta maxima) . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 120(4), 715-726 .
Suquet Marc, Dreanno Catherine, Petton Bruno, Normant Yvon, Omnes Marie-Helene, Billard Roland (1998). Long-term effects of the cryopreservation of turbot (Psetta maxima) spermatozoa . Aquatic Living Resources , 11(1), 45-48 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fauvel Christian, Omnes Marie-Helene, Suquet Marc, Normant Yvon (1993). Reliable assessment of overripening in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) by a simple pH measurement . Aquaculture , 117(1-2), 107-113 .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Temey Yann, Daniel Jean-Yves, Nicolas Jean-Louis (1993). Bacterial environment of gametes and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) eggs. World Aquaculture '93 International Conférence, 26-28 May 1993, Torremolinos (Spain) .
Suquet Marc, Dorange G, Omnes Marie-Helene, Normant Yvon, Le Roux Annick, Fauvel Christian (1993). Composition of the seminal fluid ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus ). Journal Of Fish Biology , 42(4), 509-516 .
Fauvel Christian, Omnes Marie-Helene, Mugnier Chantal, Normant Yvon, Dorange Germaine, Suquet Marc (1993). La reproduction du turbot. Aspects biologiques et gestion des reproducteurs. La Pisciculture française d'eau vive et d'étang saumâtre et marine , 112, 23-29 .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Normant Yvon, Suquet Marc, Fauvel Christian (1992). Egg production in the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in relation to broodstock management . Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Quality, International Conference, University of Scotland, June 23-27 1992, Stirling, Scotland.
Suquet Marc, Omnes Marie-Helene, Normant Yvon, Fauvel Christian (1992). Assessment of sperm concentration and motility in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus ). Aquaculture , 101(1-2), 177-185 .
Fauvel Christian, Omnes Marie-Helene, Suquet Marc, Normant Yvon (1992). Enhancement of the production of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), larvae by controlling overripening in mature females. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management , 23(2), 209-216 .
Suquet Marc, Omnes Marie-Helene, Normant Yvon, Fauvel Christian (1992). Influence of photoperiod, frequency of stripping and presence of females on sperm output in turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.) . Aquaculture and Fisheries Management , 23(2), 217-225 .
Fauvel Christian, Omnes Marie-Helene, Suquet Marc, Normant Yvon (1991). Effect of stripping frequency on turbot spawn quality. ICES - C.M. 1991/F:34, pp.1-12 .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Normant Yvon, Suquet Marc, Fauvel Christian (1991). Analysis of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) broodstock pilot scale production. EAS Special Publication n°14, 245-246 .
Omnes Marie-Helene (1987). Le développement de la mytiliculture sur filières en Bretagne. Bilan des travaux . Contrat de plan Etat - Région Bretagne, DRV, Laboratoire Ressources Aquacoles de la Trinité sur Mer .
Omnes Marie-Helene (1986). Le développement de la mytiliculture sur filières (situation en 1985) : rapport d'avancement des travaux . Contrat de plan Etat - Région Bretagne, DRV, Laboratoire Ressources Aquacoles de la Trinité sur Mer .
Omnes Marie-Helene (1985). Le développement de la myticulture sur filières ; région Bretagne (situation en 1984) . Contrat de plan Etat - Région Bretagne, DRV, Laboratoire Ressources Aquacoles de la Trinité sur Mer .
Omnes Marie-Helene, Populus Dominique (1984). Etude de surveillance écologique des ressources halieutiques Paluel (Seine-Maritime). Zooplanctonologie. 25 janvier - 25 octobre 1983 . Contrat EDF-RE Clamart/ISTPM n°PA 1645 .
Omnes Marie-Helene (1983). Etude de surveillance écologique des ressources halieutiques Paluel (Seine-Maritime). Zooplanctonologie. 2 février - 7 décembre 1982 . Contrat EDF- RE Clamart/ISTPM n° PA 1645 .
Camus Patrick, Omnes Marie-Helene, Delpech Jean-Paul (1983). Etude de la répartition du zooplancton et de l'ichthyoplancton en fonction de l'hydrologie sur le site de Plogoff (Finistère). Complément à l'étude de Projet . Contrat EDF-ISTPM n° AQ 1641 du 16 janvier 1981 .
Camus Patrick, Delpech Jean-Paul, Omnes Marie-Helene, Mastail Max (1983). Fluctuations d'abondance de l'ichtyoplancton sur une zone frontale cotiere (Golfe de Gascogne: Baie d'Audierne) . Oceanologica Acta. Volume special , SP 1983, 51-56 . Open Access version :
Halgand Daniel, Martin Jocelyne (1982). Etude de surveillance écologique des ressources halieutiques Paluel (Seine-Maritime). Zooplanctonologie. 27 janvier - 9 décembre 1981 . Contrat EDF RE Clamart/ISTPM n° PA 1645 .
Morizur Yvon, Conan Gérard, Guenole A., Omnes Marie-Helene (1981). Fécondité de Nephrops norvegicus dans le golfe de Gascogne . Marine Biology , 63(3), 319-324 . Open Access version :