Pascal Pelleau

Pascal Pelleau

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


Direction of oceanographic cruises

CruiseBoatDateGeographic coverage
ARMEMSEurope2024Golfe du Lion
MAYOBS8Unknown2019Mozambique Channel
MAYOBS7Unknown2019Mozambique Channel
NODULE 2015Atalante2015N15° W130°



Poncelet Cyrille, Billant Gael, Corre Marie-Paule, Saunier Anthony (2025). Globe (GLobal Oceanographic Bathymetry Explorer) Software . SEANOE .


Batsi Evangelia, Geli Louis, Pelleau Pascal, Nurcan Meral Özel (2017). Ocean Bottom (OBS) data from Ifremer’s temporary network deployed in the Sea of Marmara in 2014 (2 months) . SEANOE .
Geli Louis, Pelleau Pascal, Batsi Evangelia, Namik Çagatay (2017). Ocean Bottom (OBS) data from Ifremer’s temporary network deployed in the Sea of Marmara in 2011 (4 months) . SEANOE .
Klingelhoefer Frauke, Pelleau Pascal, Geli Louis (2017). Ocean bottom seismometer recording April-June 2016 offshore Molène Island, Brittany, France . SEANOE .



Rimpot Joachim, Hibert Clément, Retailleau Lise, Saurel Jean-Marie, Malet Jean-Philippe, Forestier Germain, Weber Jonathan, Stangeland Tord S, Turquet Antoine, Pelleau Pascal (2024). Self-supervised learning of seismological data reveals new eruptive sequences at the Mayotte submarine volcano . Geophysical Journal International , 240(1), 1-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sultan Nabil, Roudaut Mickael, Pelleau Pascal (2024). M198 - Onboard geotechnical analyses on gravity cores and piezometer deployments . Factual report .
Leparoux D., Michel Loïc, Pelleau Pascal, Rousset J., Allemand T., Evain Mikael, Sourice A., Schnurle Philippe, Baltzer Agnes, Valishin O., Lehijeur M. (2024). Sea Bottom Surface Wave Seismic for Windfarm Implantation and Foundations . First EAGE/SUT Workshop on Integrated Site Characterization for Offshore Renewable Energy. 22-23 -May 2024, Boston, Massachusetts .
Hibert Clément, Rimpot Joachim, Retailleau Lise, Saurel Jean-Marie, Malet Jean-Philippe, Forestier Germain, Weber Jonathan, Strangeland Tord S., Turquet Antoine, Pelleau Pascal (2024). Self-supervised learning for the exploration of continuous seismic records at the Fani Maoré submarine volcano (Mayotte) . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .


Gutscher Marc-Andre, Murphy Shane, Graindorge David, Poitou Charles, Prunier Christophe, Pelleau Pascal, Lenhof Edgar, Murphy Darren, Jamieson Gregor, Ahopelto Taru, Schwartz Ralf, Busse Marc (2023). FocusX3 Cruise Report. 17-27 February 2023, Catania - Catania, R/V Atalante .
Evain Mikael, Pelleau Pascal, Schnurle Philippe, Bazin Sara, Geli Louis, Galve Audrey, Oregioni Davide, Ambrois David, Fligiel Damien, Bonnin Mickael (2023). Tests de capteurs OBS . Lettre d'information Résif , (23), 17-18 .
Perea H, Martínez-Loriente S., Canari Bordoy A., Strength Cruise Party (2023). Using ultra-high resolution methodologies to imaging active submarine faults: The STRENGTH 2023 cruise in the Alboran sea . Bulletin of the Geological Society. Special publication , (11), 110-113 . Open Access version :


Pelleau Pascal, Apprioual Ronan, Ferrant Anthony, Aslanian Daniel (2022). A Cagey Approach to Speedy and Safe Seafloor Deployments . Eos , 103 .
Pelleau Pascal, Gouriou Jeremie (2022). Campagne MAYOBS20 : récupération LotOBS . REM/GEOOCEAN/ANTIPOD-2022-PP02 .
Saurel Jean-Marie, Jacques Eric, Aiken Chastity, Lemoine Anne, Retailleau Lise, Lavayssière Aude, Foix Oceane, Dofal Anthony, Laurent Angèle, Mercury Nicolas, Crawford Wayne, Lemarchand Arnaud, Daniel Romuald, Pelleau Pascal, de Berc Maxime Bès, Dectot Grégoire, Bertil Didier, Roullé Agathe, Broucke Céleste, Colombain Alison, Jund Hélène, Besançon Simon, Guyavarch Pierre, Kowalski Philippe, Roudaut Mickael, Apprioual Ronan, Battaglia Jean, Bodihar Soumya, Boissier Patrice, Bouin Marie Paule, Brunet Christophe, Canjamale Kévin, Catherine Philippe, Desfete Nicolas, Doubre Cécile, Dretzen Rémi, Dumouche Tom, Fernagu Philippe, Ferrazzini Valérie, Fontaine Fabrice, Gaillot Arnaud, Géli Louis, Griot Cyprien, Grunberg Marc, Guzel Emre Can, Hoste-Colomer Roser, Lambotte Sophie, Lauret Frédéric, Léger Félix, Maros Emmanuel, Peltier Aline, Vergne Jérôme, Satriano Claudio, Tronel Frédéric, Van Der Woerd Jérôme, Fouquet Yves, Jorry Stephan, Rinnert Emmanuel, Thinon Isabelle, Feuillet Nathalie (2022). Mayotte seismic crisis: building knowledge in near real-time by combining land and ocean-bottom seismometers, first results . Geophysical Journal International , 228(2), 1281-1293 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Feuillet Nathalie, Jorry Stephan, Crawford Wayne C., Deplus Christine, Thinon Isabelle, Jacques Eric, Saurel Jean Marie, Lemoine Anne, Paquet Fabien, Satriano Claudio, Aiken Chastity, Foix Oceane, Kowalski Philippe, Laurent Angèle, Rinnert Emmanuel, Cathalot Cecile, Donval Jean-Pierre, Guyader Vivien, Gaillot Arnaud, Scalabrin Carla, Moreira Manuel, Peltier Aline, Beauducel François, Grandin Raphaël, Ballu Valérie, Daniel Romuald, Pelleau Pascal, Gomez Jérémy, Besançon Simon, Geli Louis, Bernard Pascal, Bachelery Patrick, Fouquet Yves, Bertil Didier, Lemarchand Arnaud, Van Der Woerd Jérome (2021). Birth of a large volcanic edifice offshore Mayotte via lithosphere-scale dyke intrusion . Nature Geoscience , 14(10), 787-795 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aslanian Daniel, Gallais Flora, Afilhado Alexandra, Schnurle Philippe, Moulin Maryline, Evain Mikael, Dias Nuno, Soares Jose, Fuck Reinhart, Da Cruz Pessoa Neto Otaviano, Viana Adriano (2021). Deep structure of the Pará-Maranhão/Barreirinhas passive margin in the equatorial Atlantic (NE Brazil) . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 110, 103322 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Saurel Jean-Marie, Aiken Chastity, Jacques Eric, Lemoine Anne, Crawford Wayne, Lemarchand Arnaud, Daniel Romuald, Pelleau Pascal, Bès De Berc Maxime, Dectot Grégoire, Bertil Didier, Roulle Agathe, Broucke Céleste, Colombain Alsion, Besançon Simon, Guyavarch Pierre, Kowalski Philippe, Roudaut Mickael, Dofal Anthony, Foix Océane, Geli Louis, Gomez Jérémy, Grunberg Marc, Laurent Angèle, Léger Félix, Satriano Claudio, Tronel Frédéric, Vanderwoerd Jérôme, Jorry Stephan, Thinon Isabelle, Feuillet Nathalie (2019). High-Resolution Onboard Manual Locations of Mayotte Seismicity since March 2019, Using Local Land and Seafloor Stations . AGU Fall Meeting. 9 – 13 December 2019, San Francisco .
Feuillet Nathalie, Jorry Stephan, Crawford Wayne, Deplus Christine, Thinon Isabelle, Jacques Eric, Saurel Jean-Marie, Lemoine Anne, Paquet Fabien, Daniel Romuald, Gaillot Arnaud, Satriano Claudio, Peltier Aline, Aiken Chastity, Foix Océane, Kowalski Philippe, Laurent Angèle, Beauducel François, Grandin Raphael, Ballu Valérie, Bernard Pascal, Donval Jean-Pierre, Geli Louis, Gomez Jérémy, Pelleau Pascal, Guyader Vivien, Rinnert Emmanuel, Besançon Simon, Bertil Didier, Lemarchand Arnaud, Vanderwoerd Jérôme (2019). Birth of a large volcano offshore Mayotte through lithosphere-scale rifting . AGU Fall Meeting. 9 - 13 December 2019, San Francisco.
Bernard Pascal, Feron Romain, Plantier Guy, Nercessian Alexandre, Couteau Julien, Sourice Anthony, Feuilloy Mathieu, Cattoen Michel, Seat Han‐cheng, Chawah Patrick, Chéry Jean, Brunet Christophe, Boudin Frédérick, Boyer Daniel, Gaffet Stéphane, Geli Louis, Pelleau Pascal (2019). Onland and Offshore Extrinsic Fabry–Pérot Optical Seismometer at the End of a Long Fiber . Seismological Research Letters , 90(6), 2205-2216 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Pinheiro Joao Marcelo, Schnurle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Afilhado A., Gallais Flora, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Loureiro Afonso, Fuck R., Soares J., Cupertino J. A., Viana A., Rabineau Marina, Baltzer Agnes, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Dias N., Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Morvan Laetitia, Maze Jean-Pierre, Pierre Delphine, Pitel-Roudaut Mathilde, Rio I, Alves D., Barros Junior P., Biari Youssef, Corela C., Crozon Jacques, Duarte J. L., Ducatel Cecile, Falcao C., Fernagu Philippe, Le Piver David, Mokeddem Zohra, Pelleau Pascal, Rigoti C., Roest Walter, Roudaut Mickael (2018). Lithospheric structuration onshore-offshore of the Sergipe-Alagoas passive margin, NE Brazil, based on wide-angle seismic data . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 88, 649-672 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barbot Stephane, Bompais Xavier, Bounmy Julien, Coail Jean-Yves, Gautier Laurent, Guillemot Anne, Guyavarch Pierre, Le Vourch Damien, Pelleau Pascal, Roudaut Mickael, Woerther Patrice (2018). Projet TIPS. Spécifications techniques . REM/RDT/SIIM/18-R029 .
Pelleau Pascal, Woerther Patrice, Bompais Xavier (2018). Plan projet MODAL-Tâche 2 - Développement d'un tiltmètre . REM/RDT/I2M/17-R074 .
Bompais Xavier, Pelleau Pascal, Woerther Patrice (2018). Projet TIPS. Cahier des charges fonctionnel . REM-RDT-SIIM 18-R008 .


Pelleau Pascal, Roudaut Mickael (2016). Rapport d'essai. Influence de la température et de la salinité de l'eau de mer sur le largage d'un burnwire MicrOBS .
Pelleau Pascal (2016). Test effort de pointe Penfled . DIT.REM/GM/CTDI 20160602-PP01 .
Gac Christian, Tanné Gérard, Laurent Paul, Talbot Philippe, Pelleau Pascal (2016). Optimisation d’une paire d’antennes patch appliquée au sondage de sédiment sous-marin . Actes du colloque JCMM 2016 -14èmes Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux. Calais, 23-25 mars 2016. pp.1-4 .
Apprioual Ronan, Crozon Jacques, Fernagu Philippe, Pelleau Pascal, Roudaut Mickael (2016). Rapport technique déploiement OBS. Campagne MOZ 3 et 5 Du 11/02/2016 au 04/04/2016. Canal du Mozambique. Navire : POURQUOI PAS .


Steiner Alois, Kopf Achim J., Henry Pierre, Stegmann Sylvia, Apprioual Ronan, Pelleau Pascal (2015). Cone penetration testing to assess slope stability in the 1979 Nice landslide area (Ligurian Margin, SE France) . Marine Geology , 369, 162-181 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Loubrieu Benoit, Roest Walter, Harster Marine, Pierre Delphine (2015). Rapport des opérations de la campagne POLYPLAC2. 21 avril – 5 mai 2015 N/O L’Atalante . Convention Extraplac MEDDE-GGEC / Ifremer n°13/1210684/B-AV1 .
Pelleau Pascal (chief Scient.), Pichard Régis (captain) (2015). Cahier de quart. Mission NODULE 2015. 30 octobre 2015 – 01 décembre 2015, N/O L’Atalante .


Sinquin Jean-Marc, Sorribas Jordi (2014). GLOBE Software - Global Oceanography and Bathymetry Explorer . AGU 2014 - Fall Meeting. 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, USA .


Stegmann Sylvia, Sultan Nabil, Garziglia Sebastien, Pelleau Pascal, Apprioual Ronan, Kopf Achim, Zabel Matthias (2012). A Long-term Monitoring Array for Landslide Precursors: A Case Study at the Ligurian Slope (Western Mediterranean Sea) . Offshore Technology Conference Paper 2012. ISBN 978-1-61399-200-5, OTC-23271-PP. pp.1-10 .


Stegmann Sylvia, Sultan Nabil, Kopf Achim, Apprioual Ronan, Pelleau Pascal (2011). Hydrogeology and its effect on slope stability along the coastal aquifer of Nice, France . Marine Geology , 280(1-4), 168-181 .


Lin Jing-Yi, Sibuet Jean-Claude, Lee Chao-Shing, Hsu Shu-Kun, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Auffret Yves, Pelleau Pascal, Crozon Jacques, Lin Cheng-Horng (2009). Microseismicity and faulting in the southwestern Okinawa Trough . Tectonophysics , 466(3-4), 268-280 .


Auffret Yves, Pelleau Pascal, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Geli Louis, Crozon Jacques, Lin J.Y., Sibuet Jean-Claude (2004). MicrOBS: A new generation of ocean bottom seismometer . First Break , 22(7), 41-47 .


Savoye Bruno, Cochonat Pierre, Apprioual Ronan, Bain Olivier, Baltzer Agness, Bellec Valerie, Beuzart Paul, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Cagna Reanaud, Cremer M, Crusson Alban, Dennielou Bernard, Diebler D, Droz Laurence, Ennes Jc, Floch Gilbert, Guiomar M, Harmegnies Francois, Kerbrat Rene, Klein B, Kuhn H, Landure Jean-Yves, Lasnier C, Le Drezen Eliane, Le Formal Jean-Pierre, Lopez M, Loubrieu Benoit, Marsset Tania, Migeon Sebastien, Normand Alain, Nouze Herve, Ondreas Helene, Pelleau Pascal, Saget Philippe, Seranne M, Sibuet Jean-Claude, Tofani R, Voisset Michel (2000). Structure and recent evolution of the Zaire deep-sea fan: preliminary results of the ZaiAngo 1 and 2 cruises (Angola-Congo margin). Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 331(3), 211-220 .
Auffret Gérard-André, Zaragosi S, Voisset Michel, Droz Laurence, Loubrieu Benoit, Pelleau Pascal, Savoye R, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Baltzer Agness, Bourquin S, Dennielou Bernard, Coutelle Alain, Weber N, Floch Gilbert (2000). Premières observations sur la morphologie et les processus sédimentaires récents de l'Éventail celtique . Oceanologica Acta , 23(1), 109-116 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
