Loic Petit De La Villeon

Loic Petit De La Villeon

Jeux de données


Gosud (2022). GOSUD -Global Ocean Surface Underway data . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/47403



Copernicus Marine in situ TAC (2024). Product User Manual for Near Real-Time INSITU UV product INSITU_GLO_PHY_UV_DISCRETE_NRT_013_048 . CMEMS-INS-PUM-013-048 . https://doi.org/10.13155/73192
de Alfonso Alonso-Muñoyerro Marta, Manzano Fernando, Gallardo Alejandro (2024). Quality Information Document. In Situ TAC INSITU_GLO_WAV_DISCRETE_MY_013_045. And Synthetic Quality Overview document (SQO) . CMEMS-INS-QUID-013_045, CMEMS-INS-SQO-013_045 . https://doi.org/10.13155/58696
Szekely Tanguy (2024). Product User Manual. In Situ TAC objective analysis Products. INSITU_GLO_PHY_TS_OA_MY_013_052 and INSITU_GLO_PHY_TS_OA_NRT_013_002 . CMEMS-INS-PUM-013-002-052 . https://doi.org/10.13155/96673


Merceur Frédéric, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Van Iseghem Sylvie (2023). SEANOE - un entrepôt thématique . In Partage et valorisation des données de la recherche. Développements, tendances et modèles. 2023. Schöpfel Joachim, Rebouillat Violette (Dir.). ISBN papier : 9781789480733 ISBN ebook : 9781789490732. Chap.5, pp.87-106 (ISTE Wiley) . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00836/94838/


Pertuisot Cecile, Merceur Frédéric, Danioux Nolwenn, Peltier Goulwen, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2021). The french research vessels management: an opportunity for harmonized data . IMDIS 2021 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. 12-14 April, 2021 - Online .


Moulinier Hervé, Vernet Marine, Dosdat Antoine, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Le Gall Morgane, Ibarra Doriane, Meillon Julien (2020). « Sciences et Techniques de la Mer », un inventaire national quantitatif et qualitatif des ressources publiques de recherche . https://doi.org/10.13155/76327
Euro-Argo ERIC (2020). Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo. MOCCA project 5 – year achievements . https://doi.org/10.13155/74328
Merceur Frédéric, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Van Iseghem Sylvie (2020). SEANOE - a thematic repository . In Research Data Sharing and Valorization - Developments, Tendencies, Models. 2022. Joachim Schöpfel, Violaine Rebouillat (Eds.). ISBN : 9781789450736, Online ISBN:9781394163410 , DOI:10.1002/9781394163410. Chap.5, pp.77-96 (Wiley) . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00787/89945/
Moulinier Hervé, Vernet Marine, Dosdat Antoine, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Le Gall Morgane, Ibarra Doriane, Meillon Julien (2020). Cartographie des Sciences et Techniques de la Mer dans la recherche publique française : un premier inventaire. Synthèse . https://doi.org/10.13155/78074


Cotty Pierre (2019). Ifremer-Sismer Core Trust Seal: document d'évaluation pour la certification . https://doi.org/10.13155/76796
Smith Shawn R., Alory Gaël, Andersson Axel, Asher William, Baker Alex, Berry David I., Drushka Kyla, Figurskey Darin, Freeman Eric, Holthus Paul, Jickells Tim, Kleta Henry, Kent Elizabeth C., Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Kramp Martin, Loh Zoe, Poli Paul, Schuster Ute, Steventon Emma, Swart Sebastiaan, Tarasova Oksana, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Vinogradova-Shiffer Nadya (2019). Ship-Based Contributions to Global Ocean, Weather, and Climate Observing Systems . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(434), 26p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00434 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00509/62042/
Carval Thierry, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2019). GTSPP data management report 2018. Coriolis data center . https://doi.org/10.13155/61486
Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Reppucci Antonio, Alvarez Fanjul Enrique, Aouf Lotfi, Behrens Arno, Belmonte Maria, Bentamy Abderrahim, Bertino Laurent, Brando Vittorio Ernesto, Kreiner Matilde Brandt, Benkiran Mounir, Carval Thierry, Ciliberti Stefania A., Claustre Hervé, Clementi Emanuela, Coppini Giovanni, Cossarini Gianpiero, de Alfonso Alonso-Muñoyerro Marta, Delamarche Anne, Dibarboure Gerald, Dinessen Frode, Drevillon Marie, Drillet Yann, Faugere Yannice, Fernández Vicente, Fleming Andrew, Garcia-Hermosa M. Isabel, Sotillo Marcos García, Garric Gilles, Gasparin Florent, Giordan Cedric, Gehlen Marion, Gregoire Marilaure L., Guinehut Stephanie, Hamon Michel, Harris Chris, Hernandez Fabrice, Hinkler Jørgen B., Hoyer Jacob, Karvonen Juha, Kay Susan, King Robert, Lavergne Thomas, Lemieux-Dudon Benedicte, Lima Leonardo, Mao Chongyuan, Martin Matthew J, Masina Simona, Melet Angelique, Buongiorno Nardelli Bruno, Nolan Glenn, Pascual Ananda, Pistoia Jenny, Palazov Atanas, Piolle Jean-Francois, Pujol Marie Isabelle, Pequignet Anne Christine, Peneva Elisaveta, Pérez Gómez Begoña, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Pinardi Nadia, Pisano Andrea, Pouliquen Sylvie, Reid Rebecca, Remy Elisabeth, Santoleri Rosalia, Siddorn John, She Jun, Staneva Joanna, Stoffelen Ad, Tonani Marina, Vandenbulcke Luc, von Schuckmann Karina, Volpe Gianluca, Wettre Cecilie, Zacharioudaki Anna (2019). From Observation to Information and Users: The Copernicus Marine Service Perspective . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(234), 22p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00234 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00498/60983/


Meillon Julien, Briand Dominique, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2018). SISMER - Systèmes d’Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00795/90667/
Etienne Hélène, Rio Marie-Hélène (2018). Atlantos. Current EOV Report . D7.14 . https://doi.org/10.13155/55475
Carval Thierry, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2018). GTSPP data management report 2017. Coriolis DAC . IRSI/ISI-DTI/RAP-18-047 . https://doi.org/10.13155/55019
Petersen W, Colijn F, Gorringe P, Kaitala S, Karlson B, King A, Lips U, Ntoumas M, Seppala J, Sorensen K, Petihakis G, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Wehde H (2018). FerryBoxes within Europe: State-of-the-art and Integration in the European Ocean Observation System (EOOS) . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.63-70 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00450/56150/
Petit De La Villeon Loic, Pouliquen Sylvie, Cmems Instac Partners (2018). The In situ component of the CMEMS – Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service . Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.431-438 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00450/56159/
Ifremer (2018). Quelle(s) observation(s) et modélisation(s) associée(s) pour demain ? Rapport du groupe 3c - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .


Fichaut Michele, Maudire Gilbert, Conquet Florence, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2016). IODE accreditation file submitted by the French National Oceanographic Data Centre . R.INT.IMN/IDM/SISMER 16-046 . https://doi.org/10.13155/50015
Carval Thierry, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2016). GTSPP data management report 2016. Coriolis DAC . IMN/IDM/ISI-DTI/RAP-16-054 . https://doi.org/10.13155/46796
Carval Thierry, Manzano Muñoz Fernando (2016). IQuOD 4th workshop in Tokyo: Copernicus Marine in situ TAC, a service for operational oceanography . The 4th Annual IQuOD Workshop - International Quality controlled Ocean Database . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00353/46410/
Sparnocchia S., Nair R., Petihakis G., Aydogdu A., Dobricic S., Farcy Patrick, Martinelli M., Petersen W., Petit De La Villeon Loic (2016). An interlinked coastal observatory network for Europe . Journal Of Operational Oceanography , 9(sup.1), S193-S201 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1080/1755876X.2015.1114808 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00341/45263/


Morin Pascal, Krieger Magali, Durand Dominique, Puillat Ingrid, Farcy Patrick (2015). The joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories: Achievements and Strategy for the Future . D1.11 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00349/46022/
Carval Thierry, Bernard Vincent, Bonnat Armel, Coatanoan Christine, Detoc Jerome, Gatti Julie, Maronny Jean-Paul, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2015). Coriolis data centre. Annual report 2014 . Ifremer/IMN/IDM/ISI/14-062 . https://doi.org/10.13155/35573
Carval Thierry, Bernard Vincent, Bonnat Armel, Coatanoan Christine, Detoc Jerome, Maronny Jean-Paul, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2015). Coriolis data centre. Annual report 2015 . Ifremer/IMN/IDM/ISI/15-048 . https://doi.org/10.13155/42402


Pouliquen Sylvie, Carval Thierry, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2011). Coriolis : contribution au rapport CNES/INSU observation de la terre . IDM/ISI/11-072 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00063/17406/
Pouliquen Sylvie, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Carval Thierry (2011). Argo Data Management : contribution to Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) workshop . IDM/ISI/11-070 .
Raimbault Patrick, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Coppola Laurent (2011). SOERE MOOSE : Mediterranean Ocean Observing System on Environment . SIS_NOTE_MOOSE_CE .
Brion Emilie, Gaillard Fabienne, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Delcroix Thierry, Alory Gael, Reverdin Gilles (2011). Collecting and gridding complementary in-situ SST/SSS data for the calibration and validation of SMOS . Mercator Ocean – CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter , (41), 33-40 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00114/22548/
Petit De La Villeon Loic (2011). Global Ocean Surface Underway Data pilot project (GOSUD) . IDM/ISI/11-028 .
Petit De La Villeon Loic (2011). Report on GOSUD for IODE XXI for 2009-2010 . IDM/SISMER/11-007 .


Cabanes Cecile, de Boyer Montegut Clement, Coatanoan Christine, Ferry N., Pertuisot Cecile, von Schuckmann Karina, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Carval Thierry, Pouliquen Sylvie, Le Traon Pierre-Yves (2010). Coriolis Ocean database for Re-Analyses . Mercator Ocean – CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter , (37), 55 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00027/13849/
Petit De La Villeon Loic, Keeley Robert (2010). GOSUD - Global Ocean Surface Underway Data . IMDIS 2010, Conférence au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 29-31 mars 2010, Paris .
Coatanoan Christine, Pertuisot Cecile, Cabanes Cecile, de Boyer Montegut Clement, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2010). In-situ delayed mode dataset at the Coriolis Data Center . IMDIS 2010, Conférence au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 29-31 mars 2010, Paris .
Cabanes Cecile, de Boyer Montegut Clement, von Schuckmann Karina, Coatanoan Christine, Pertuisot Cecile, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Carval Thierry, Pouliquen Sylvie, Le Traon Pierre-Yves (2010). Coriolis Ocean database for Re-Analyses, a new comprehensive and qualified ocean in-situ dataset from 1990 to 2008 . Mercator Ocean – CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter , (36), 58 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00028/13889/
Ifremer (2010). Guide méthodologique pour l’acquisition des données des navires et engins . DCB/NSE/ILE 2010-137 .


Mantoura F, Coppola Laurent, Cousin M., Antoine David, Beguery Laurent, Blain Stephane, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Cadiou Jean-Francois, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Forget Philippe, Fraunie Philippe, Gojak Carl, Gorsky Gaby, Goyet Catherine, Lebaron Philippe, Lellouche Jean-Michel, Ludwig Hubert, Molcard Anne, Mortier Laurent, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Petrenko Anne, Piazzola J., Queguiner B., Raimbault Patrick, Rigaud Vincent, Sempere Richard, Tamburini Jean-Simon, Testor Pierre, Vuillemin Renaud, Zakardjian B. (2009). Moose: An integrated multi-sites observatory system in the NW Mediterranean sea . HYMEX 2009, 3rd HyMeX workshop 1-4 June 2009 Heraklion (Gournes), Crete-Greece . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00122/23341/


Coatanoan Christine, Carval Thierry, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Autret Emmanuelle, Gouriou Yves, Gourmelen Loic (2006). Operational oceanography in France : the Coriolis project . Poster Argo Workshop. 17-18 March 2006. Venice, Italy . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4691/


Pouliquen Sylvie, Carval Thierry, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Gourmelen Loic, Gouriou Yves (2005). Coriolis, a French project for operational oceanography . EGU Meeting, Vienna, 25-29 April, 2005 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00059/17004/


Ifremer, Université de Bordeaux (1991). Compte-rendu de mission en Chine - Campagne BOHAI - 9 septembre-1er octobre 1991 .


Auffret J.P., Berne Serge, Gresselin F, Guillaumont Brigitte, Walker P (1984). Surveillance écologique. Site de Flamanville. Le domaine benthique : étude par sonar latéral et prises de vue sous-marines (1983-1984) . Contrat EDF n° FA 1982-111 DERO-87.05-DERO/EL . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6464/

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