Hulin Florian, Prevosto Marc, Tassin Alan, Filipot Jean-François, Jacques Nicolas, Grilli Stephan (2025). Breaking onset and breaking strength of focused wave packets: Linear prediction model and nonlinear numerical simulations . Coastal Engineering , 197, 104660 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tassin Alan, Raillard Nicolas, Prevosto Marc (2023). Essais d’impacts de vagues sur un aileron dans le cadre du projet APPHY : 1ère campagne d’essais (Janvier 2020), 2ème campagne d’essais (Juin 2020) . REM/RDT/LHYMAR/23-050 .
Stringari Ce, Prevosto Marc, Filipot Jean-Francois, Leckler Fabien, Guimaraes Pv (2021). A New Probabilistic Wave Breaking Model for Dominant Wind‐sea Waves Based on the Gaussian Field Theory . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 126(4), e2020JC016943 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lindgren Georg, Prevosto Marc (2020). Wave asymmetry and particle orbits in irregular wave models . Journal Of Fluid Mechanics , 905(A27), 19p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ailliot Pierre, Delyon Bernard, Monbet Valerie, Prevosto Marc (2019). Time-change models for asymmetric processes . Scandinavian Journal Of Statistics , 46(4), 1072-1097 .
Filipot Jean-Francois, Guimaraes P., Leckler Fabien, Hortsmann J., Carrasco R., Leroy Elodie, Fady N., Accensi Mickael, Prevosto Marc, Duarte Rui, Roeber V., Benetazzo A., Raoult C., Franzetti M., Varing Audrey, Le Dantec N. (2019). La Jument lighthouse: a real-scale laboratory for the study of giant waves and their loading on marine structures . Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences , 377(2155), 20190008 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Raillard Nicolas, Prevosto Marc, Pineau H. (2019). 3-D environmental extreme value models for the tension in a mooring line of a semi-submersible . Ocean Engineering , 184, 23-31 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sartini Ludovica, Weiss Jerome, Prevosto Marc, Bulteau T., Rohmer J., Maisondieu Christophe (2018). Spatial analysis of extreme sea states affecting Atlantic France: a critical assessment of the RFA approach . Ocean Modelling , 130, 48-65 .
Vyzikas Thomas, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Tassin Alan, Greaves Deborah (2018). Reconstruction of an extreme wave profile with analytical methods . IWWWFB - 33rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. April 4 to April 7, 2018 in Guidel-Plages, FRANCE .
Filipot Jean-Francois, The Dime Group (2018). Extreme sea states and wave breaking characterization for MRE activities . Actes des 16èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2018. 27-29 novembre 2018, Marseille. Session 5 : états de mer. 8p.
Pineau Helene, Girard Françoise, Raynaud Stephane, Prevosto Marc, Raillard Nicolas (2018). Multivariate Extreme Analysis Methodology in Function of Structural Response . ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy Madrid, Spain, June 17–22, 2018 Conference Sponsors: Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division ISBN: 978-0-7918-5131-9. Paper No. OMAE2018-77994, pp. V07BT06A014; 10 pages .
Filipot Jean-François, Duarte Rui, Leckler Fabien, Varing Audrey, Sutherland Peter, Ardhuin Fabrice, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Delpey Matthias (2017). Modelling Wave Breaking Statistics for MRE Applications . Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 27th Aug -1st Sept 2017, Cork, Ireland. ISSN 2309-1983. pp.902-1 / 902-10 .
Klinghammer Christian, Prevosto Marc, Le Boulluec Marc, Perignon Yves (2015). Infragravity waves and moored floating structures .
Guanche Garcia Yanira, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Bulteau Thomas, Paris François (2015). Analyses of Environmental time series: Extreme Values .
Guanche Garcia Yanira, Bulteau Thomas, Paris François, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe (2015). Estimación de la cota de inundación centenal en la zona de Hyeres . XIII Jornadas Espanolas de Ingeneria de Costas y Puertos . 24 y 25 de junio de 2015, Avilés, Asturias .
Filipot Jean-Francois, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Le Boulluec Marc, Thomson Jim (2015). Wave and turbulence measurements at a tidal energy site . Proceedings of a meeting held 2-6 March 2015, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. IEEE Catalog Number:CFP15CWT-POD. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8420-6. pp.198-206 .
Raillard Nicolas, Prevosto Marc, Ailliot Pierre (2015). Modeling process asymmetries with Laplace moving average . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis , 81, 24-37 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Puillat Ingrid, Prevosto Marc, Mercier Herle, Thomas S. (2014). Time series analysis of marine data: a key knowledge at the crossroads of marine sciences . Journal Of Marine Systems , 130, 1-3 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prevosto Marc, Raillard Nicolas (2013). Simulation de vagues non-linéaires à l’aide de processus Laplace moyenne mobile . GRETSI 2013 - 24ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. 3-6 septembre 2013, Brest. pp.673-676 .
Prevosto Marc, Raillard Nicolas (2013). Non-linear sea-wave simulation with Laplace moving average processes . Safety, reliability, risk and life-cycle performance of structures and Infrastructures : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, New York, USA, 16-20 June 2013. James L. Martin, George Deodatis, Bruce R. Ellingwood, Dan M. Frangopol (Eds). ISBN 978-1-138-00086-5. pp.2373-2379 .
Prevosto Marc, Ewans Kevin, Forristall George Z., Olagnon Michel (2013). Swell Genesis, Modelling and Measurements in West Africa . Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - ASME 2013. June 9-14, 2013 Nantes, France. Volume 2B: Structures, Safety and Reliability ISBN: 978-0-7918-5533-1. Paper No: OMAE2013-11201, V02BT02A028, 12p.
Ewans Kevin, Forristall George Z., Prevosto Marc, Olagnon Michel (2013). Response Sensitivity to Swell Spectra Off West Africa . Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - ASME 2013. June 9-14, 2013 Nantes, France. Volume 2B: Structures, Safety and Reliability ISBN: 978-0-7918-5533-1. Paper No: OMAE2013-11252, V02BT02A031, 11p.
Forristall George Z., Ewans Kevin, Olagnon Michel, Prevosto Marc (2013). The West Africa Swell Project (WASP) . Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - ASME 2013. June 9-14, 2013 Nantes, France. Volume 2B: Structures, Safety and Reliability ISBN: 978-0-7918-5533-1. Paper No: OMAE2013-11264, V02BT02A032, 8p.
Fontaine E., Orsero P., Ledoux Annick, Nerzic R., Prevosto Marc, Quiniou Valerie (2013). Reliability analysis and Response Based Design of a moored FPSO in West Africa . Structural Safety , 41, 82-96 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Olagnon Michel, Ewans Kevin, Forristall George Z., Prevosto Marc (2013). West Africa Swell Spectral Shapes . Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - ASME 2013. June 9-14, 2013 Nantes, France. Volume 2B: Structures, Safety and Reliability ISBN: 978-0-7918-5533-1. Paper No: OMAE2013-11228, V02BT02A029, 11p.
Jeans Gus, Prevosto Marc, Harrington-Missin Liam, Maisondieu Christophe, Herry Christelle, Lima José Antonio M. (2012). Deepwater Current Profile Data Sources for Riser Engineering Offshore Brazil . Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, pp.1-14 .
Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Forristall George Z., Jeans Gus, Harrington-Missin Liam, Watson Andrew, Harte Gavin, Dooley Patrick, Frelin Cyril, Herry Christelle, Muller Héloïse, Casitas Sophie (2012). Worldwide Approximations of CUrrent Profiles - JIP WACUP .
Prevosto Marc, Forristall George Z., Jeans Gus, Herry Christelle, Harte Gavin, Harrington-Missin Liam, Dooley Patrick (2012). Worldwide Approximations of Current Profiles for Steel Riser Design. The WACUP Project . Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2012 July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, OMAE2012-83348pp.261-268 .
Saulnier Jean Baptiste, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe (2011). Refinements of sea state statistics for marine renewables: A case study from simultaneous buoy measurements in Portugal . Renewable Energy , 36(11), 2853-2865 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Venugopal Vengatesan, Davey Thomas, Smith Helen, Smith George, Holmes Brian, Barrett Sean, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Cavalieri Luigi, Bertotti Luciana, Lawrence John, Girard Francoise (2011). EquiMar. Deliverable D2.2. Wave and tidal resource characterisation .
Saulnier Jean-Baptiste, Clement Alain, Falcao Antonio F. De O., Pontes Teresa, Prevosto Marc, Ricci Pierpaolo (2011). Wave groupiness and spectral bandwidth as relevant parameters for the performance assessment of wave energy converters . Ocean Engineering , 38(1), 130-147 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prevosto Marc, Davies Peter, Compere Chantal, Olagnon Michel (2011). Contraintes de l'environnement marin . In Énergies marines renouvelables : Aspects généraux, éolien, marémoteur et hydrolien. Chap.2, pp.47-68 (Lavoisier, Hermes Science Publication) .
Olagnon Michel, Prevosto Marc (2009). Rogue Waves 2008 : Proceedings of a Workshop organized by Ifremer and held in Brest, France 13-14-15 October 2008 within the Brest Sea Tech Week 2008 . Ifremer.
Mendoume Minko Ignace Davy, Prevosto Marc, Damy Gilbert (2008). Statistical Modelling of Current Profiles for a Riser Reliability Design . Proceedings of the ASME, 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2008. Volume 4: Ocean Engineering; Offshore Renewable Energy. pp.953-960 .
Mendoume Minko Ignace Davy, Prevosto Marc, Le Boulluec Marc (2008). Distribution of Maxima of Non-Linear Rolling in Case of Coupled Sway and Roll Motions of a Floating Body in Irregular Waves . Proceedings of the ASME 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2008, June 15-20, 2008, Estoril, Portugal. Volume 2: Structures, Safety and Reliability. OMAE2008-57935 .
Prevosto Marc, Soulard Thomas (2007). HAWAI project - WP3: Hydrodynamic wave loading - Optimisation of the time-series reconstruction . R07HO07 .
Prevosto Marc, Le Louarne Jean-Franois, Guede Zakoua (2007). Statistical Analysis of Low Frequency Motions of Floating Bodies in Shallow Water . Proceedings of the Sixteenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-6, 2007 .
Monbet Valérie, Ailliot P, Prevosto Marc (2007). Survey of stochastic models for wind and sea state time series . Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics , 22(2), 113-126 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kerbiriou Marie-Aurelie, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Clement Alain, Babarit Aurélien (2007). Influence of Sea-States Description on Wave Energy Production Assessment . Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Porto, Portugal, 2007 .
Kerbiriou Marie-Aurelie, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Babarit Aurélien, Clement Alain (2007). Influence of an Improved Sea-State Description on a Wave Energy Converter Production . Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 5: Ocean Space Utilization; Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology; The Robert Dean Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering; Special Symposium on Offshore Renewable Energy. pp.463-473 .
Nerzic Raymond, Frelin Cyril, Prevosto Marc, Quiniou-Ramus Valérie (2007). Joint distributions of Wind/Waves/Current in West Africa and derivation of multivariate extreme I-FORM contours . Proceedings of the Seventeenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conférence. Volume 1, pp.36-42 .
Prevosto Marc (2006). Rapport d'évaluation 2001-2005 Service Hydrodynamique et Océanométéo (HO) . DOP/DCB/ERT/HO N° R02HO06 .
Ailliot Pierre, Monbet Valérie, Prevosto Marc (2006). An autoregressive model with time-varying coefficients for wind fields . Environmetrics , 17(2), 107-117 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Monbet Valerie, Ailliot Pierre, Prevosto Marc (2005). Nonlinear simulation of multivariate sea state time series . Proceedings of OMAE2005 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2005) June 12-17, 2005, Halkidiki, Greece .
Olagnon Michel, Prevosto Marc (eds) (2005). Rogue waves 2004. Proceedings of a Workshop organized by Ifremer and held in Brest, France 20-21-22 October 2004 within the Brest Sea Tech Week 2004 .
Olagnon Michel, Prevosto Marc (2005). Are rogue waves beyond conventional predictions ? Proceedings of the 14th 'Aha Huliko'a Winter Workshop 2005 on Rogue Waves, January 25–28, 2005, Honolulu, USA .
Olagnon Michel, Prevosto Marc, Van Iseghem Sylvie, Ewans Kevin, Forristall George Z. (2004). WASP - West Africa Swell Project - Final report and Appendices .
Forristall Gz, Barstow Sf, Krogstad He, Prevosto Marc, Taylor Ph, Tromans Ps (2004). Wave Crest Sensor Intercomparison Study: An overview of WACSIS . Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering Transactions Of The Asme , 126(1), 26-34 .
Prevosto Marc, Forristall Gz (2004). Statistics of wave crests from models vs. measurements . Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering Transactions Of The Asme , 126(1), 43-50 .
Ailliot Pierre, Prevosto Marc, Soukissian T., Diamenti C., Theodoulides A., Politis C. (2003). Simulation of sea state parameters process to study the profitability of a maritime line . Proceedings of The Thirteenth (2003) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Volume 3, pp.51-57 .
Ailliot Pierre, Prevosto Marc (2003). Modélisation de l'évolution spatio-temporelle des champs de vent . 35ème Journées de Statistique, 2 au 6 juin 2003, LYON .
Prevosto Marc, Forristall George Z. (2002). Statistics of Wave Crests From Models vs. Measurements . 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Volume 2, pp.463-473 .
Forristall George Z., Barstow Stephen F., Krogstad Harald E., Prevosto Marc, Taylor Paul H., Tromans Peter (2002). Wave Crest Sensor Intercomparison Study: An Overview of WACSIS . Proceedings of OMAE 2002, 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 2, pp.451-461 .
Prevosto Marc, Bouffandeau Barbara (2002). Probability of occurrence of a “giant” wave crest . Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Volume 2, pp.483-490 .
Monbet Valerie, Prevosto Marc (2001). Bivariate simulation of non stationary and non Gaussian observed processes - Application to sea state parameters . Applied Ocean Research , 23(3), 139-145 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prevosto Marc, Van Iseghem Sylvie, Moreau Benjamin, Forristall George Z. (2001). WACSIS, Wave Crest Sensor Intercomparaison Study : Common Data Base, Analyses, Crest Height Models . TMSI/IDM/COM/00-040 .
Prevosto Marc (2001). Distribution of maxima of non-linear barge rolling with medium damping . ISOPE 2001, the Proceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Volume 3, pp.307-316 .
Ailliot Pierre, Prevosto Marc (2001). Two methods for simulating the bivariate process of wave height and direction . Proceedings of the Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Stavanger. Volume 3, pp.15-18 .
Prevosto Marc (2000). Statistics of wave crests from second order irregular wave 3D models . Actes de colloque Ifremer, Brest, 29-30 November 2000, n°32, pp.59-72 .
Prevosto Marc, Krogstad He, Robin Agnes (2000). Probability distributions for maximum wave and crest heights . Coastal Engineering , 40(4), 329-360 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Paillard Michel, Prevosto Marc, Barstow Sf, Soares Cg (2000). Field measurements of coastal waves and currents in Portugal and Greece . Coastal Engineering , 40(4), 285-296 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nerzic Raymond, Prevosto Marc (2000). Modelling of wind and wave joint occurence probability and persistence duration from satellite observation data . Proceedings of the Tenth (2000) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Seattle,. Volume 3, pp.154-158 .
Monbet Valerie, Prevosto Marc (2000). Bivariate simulation of non-stationary and non-Gaussian observed processes: Application to sea state parameters . Proceedings of the Tenth (2000) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Seattle. Volume 3, pp.91-94 .
Lindgren G, Rychlik I, Prevosto Marc (1999). Stochastic Doppler shift and encountered wave period distributions in Gaussian waves . Ocean Engineering , 26(6), 507-518 .
Olagnon Michel, Nerzic Raymond, Prevosto Marc (1999). Extreme Water Level from Joint Distributions of Tide, Surge and Crests: a case study . Proceedings of the Nintll (1999) International Off'îhore and Polar Engineering Conference. Volume 3, pp.95-100 .
Nerzic Raymond, Prevosto Marc (1998). A Weibull-Stokes Model for the Distribution of Maximum Wave and Crest Heights . International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering , 8(2), 90-101 .
Prevosto Marc, Nerzic Raymond (1998). Wave Climate Parameterization of the Distribution of Maximum Wave Heights and Crest Elevations . Ocean wave kinematics, dynamics, and loads on structures: proceedings of the 1998 International OTRC Symposium, pp.396-403 .
Prevosto Marc (1998). Effect of Directional Spreading and Spectral Bandwidth on the Nonlinearity of the Irregular Waves . Proceedings of the Eighth (1998) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Volume 3, pp.119-123 .
Monbet Valerie, Prevosto Marc, Deshayes Julie (1996). Joint PDF parametric models for the rate of upcrossings of the acceleration for a non-linear stochastic oscillator . International Journal Of Non-linear Mechanics , 31(5), 591-599 .
Prevosto Marc, Krogstad He, Barstow Sf, Guedes Soares C (1996). Observations of the High-Frequency Range of the Wave Spectrum . Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering-transactions Of The Asme , 118(2), 89-95 .
IST (Instituto Superior Técnico - Portugal), Ifremer (Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer - France), LHF (Laboratoire d'Hydraulique de France - France), MARTEDEC (Greece), SINTEF (Norway), NTUA (National Technical University of Athens - Greece), OCEANOR (Norway), PCM (Programa de Clima Maritimo - Spain), STCPMVN (Service Technique Central des Ports Maritimes et Voies Navigables - France), STNMTE (Service technique de la navigation maritime et des transmissions de l'équipement - France), IH (Instituto Hidrográfico - Portugal), DUT (Delft University of Technology - Netherlands) (1995). WAVEMOD Project - Probabilistic Models for Coastal Site Investigations . Second "MAST days and EUROMAR market" symposium, 7-10 November 1995, Sorrento, Italy .
Basseville M., Benveniste A., Gach-Devauchelle B., Goursat M, Bonnecase D., Dorey P, Prevosto Marc, Olagnon Michel (1993). In situ damage monitoring in vibration mechanics : diagnostics and predictive maintenance . Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 7(5), 401-423 .
Prevosto Marc, Olagnon Michel, Benveniste A, Basseville M, Levey G (1991). State space formulation: A solution to modal parameter estimation . Journal Of Sound And Vibration , 148(2), 329-342 .
Olagnon Michel, Prevosto Marc, Ozanne Philippe (1986). Les motivations et les moyens de quelques instrumentations " in situ " d'ouvrages en mer / The underlying reasons and the means for some in-situ instrumentation used for works at sea . La Houille Blanche , (4-5), 315-318 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :