Joël Knœry

Joël Knœry

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Nantes

Adresse postale : Centre Atlantique - Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu - BP 21105 - 44311 Nantes Cedex 03


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-2826-6436

ResearcherID : B-3898-2012

Domaines de recherche

Marine biogeochemistry of estuarine and coastal ecosystems, with a focus on mercury and other trace metals that are both subjected to and tracers of natural processes and anthropogenic perturbations. 



Boukortt Nour E., Schmidt Sabine, Thibault De Chanvalon Aubin, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joël, Le Merrer Yoann, Souchu Philippe, Maillet Grégoire, Fallou Hélène, Metzger Edouard (2025). Is reducing phosphorus inputs sufficient to reduce hypoxia in estuaries? The example of the Loire estuary . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 313, 109110 (13p.) .


Cossa Daniel, Dang Duc Huy, Knoery Joël, Patel-Sorrentino Nathalie, Tessier Erwan, Démoulin Léo, Garnier Cédric (2024). Sources, chronology of deposition, and mobility of mercury and methylmercury in the sediments of a contaminated Mediterranean bay . Science Of The Total Environment , 949, 175021 (13p.) .
Gil-Díaz Teba, Pougnet Frédérique, Labassa Maëva, Dutruch Lionel, Abdou Melina, Coynel Alexandra, Eyrolle Frédérique, Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joël, Schäfer Jörg (2024). Reactivity and bioconcentration of stable cesium in a hyperturbid fluvial-estuarine continuum: A combination of field observations and geochemical modeling . Chemosphere , 359, 142266 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Arevalo Isabel, Bérard Jean-Baptiste, Bieser Johannes, Le Faucheur Séverine, Hubert Clarisse, Lacour Thomas, Thomas Bastien, Cossa Daniel, Knoery Joël (2024). Mercury Accumulation Pathways in a Model Marine Microalgae: Sorption, Uptake, and Partition Kinetics . ACS ES&T Water , 4(7), 2826-2835 .
Evans Natalya, Floback Alexis E., Gaffney Justin, Chace Peter J., Luna Zachary, Knoery Joël, Reimers Clare E., Moffett James W. (2024). The role of seasonal hypoxia and benthic boundary layer exchange on iron redox cycling on the Oregon shelf . Limnology And Oceanography , 69(4), 742-756 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Jeong Hyeryeong, Briant Nicolas, Le Monier Pauline, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Pellouin-Grouhel Anne, Knoery Joël, Brach-Papa Christophe (2024). Seasonal and multi-decadal zinc isotope variations in blue mussels from two sites with contrasting zinc contamination levels . Chemosphere , 353, 141572 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barreira João, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Knoery Joël, Briant Nicolas, Machado Wilson, Grouhel Anne (2024). The French Mussel Watch Program reveals the attenuation of coastal lead contamination over four decades . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 199, 115975 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joël, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Thomas Bastien, Mojtahid Meryem, Metzger Edouard, Brach-Papa Christophe (2024). Vanishing lead in the Loire River estuary: An example of successful environmental regulation . Environmental Pollution , 340(Part.1), 122860 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barreira João, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Rodrigues Breno Q.A., Tonhá Myller, de Araújo Rafael, Souto-Oliveira Carlos Eduardo, Babinski Marly, Knoery Joël, Sanders Christian J., Garnier Jérémie, Machado Wilson (2024). Copper isotopes as a tool to trace contamination in mangroves from an urbanized watershed . Environmental Pollution , 340(Part 2), 122785 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Dufour Aurélie, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Garcia Arevalo Isabel, Knoery Joël, Thomas Bastien, Carlotti François, Tedetti Marc, Bănaru Daniela (2023). Bioconcentration, bioaccumulation and biomagnification of mercury in plankton of the Mediterranean Sea . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 194(Part B), 115439 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jeong Hyeryeong, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Knoery Joël, Briant Nicolas, Ra Kongtae (2023). Isotopic (Cu, Zn, and Pb) and elemental fingerprints of antifouling paints and their potential use for environmental forensic investigations . Environmental Pollution , 322, 121176 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tedetti Marc, Tronczynski Jacek, Carlotti François, Pagano Marc, Ismail Sana Ben, Sammari Cherif, Hassen Malika Bel, Desboeufs Karine, Poindron Charlotte, Chifflet Sandrine, Zouari Amel Bellaaj, Abdennadher Moufida, Amri Sirine, Bănaru Daniela, Abdallah Lotfi Ben, Bhairy Nagib, Boudriga Ismail, Bourin Aude, Brach-Papa Christophe, Briant Nicolas, Cabrol Léa, Chevalier Cristele, Chouba Lassaad, Coudray Sylvain, Yahia Mohamed Nejib Daly, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Dufour Aurélie, Dutay Jean-Claude, Espinasse Boris, Fierro-González Pamela, Fornier Michel, Garcia Nicole, Giner Franck, Guigue Catherine, Guilloux Loïc, Hamza Asma, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Jacquet Stéphanie, Knoery Joël, Lajnef Rim, Belkahia Nouha Makhlouf, Malengros Deny, Martinot Pauline L., Bosse Anthony, Mazur Jean-Charles, Meddeb Marouan, Misson Benjamin, Pringault Olivier, Quéméneur Marianne, Radakovitch Olivier, Raimbault Patrick, Ravel Christophe, Rossi Vincent, Rwawi Chaimaa, Hlaili Asma Sakka, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Thomas Bastien, Thyssen Melilotus, Zaaboub Noureddine, Garnier Cédric (2023). Contamination of planktonic food webs in the Mediterranean Sea: Setting the frame for the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE oceanographic cruise (spring 2019) . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 189, 114765 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Knoery Joël, Briant Nicolas, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Grouhel Anne, Brach-Papa Christophe (2023). Can copper isotope composition in oysters improve marine biomonitoring and seafood traceability? Journal Of Sea Research , 191, 102334 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Knoery Joël, Briant Nicolas, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Mulholland Daniel Santos, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Brach-Papa Christophe (2022). Cu and Zn stable isotopes in suspended particulate matter sub-fractions from the Northern Bay of Biscay help identify biogenic and geogenic particle pools . Continental Shelf Research , 244, 104791 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cossa Daniel, Knoery Joel, Bănaru Daniela, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Sonke Jeroen E., Hedgecock Ian M., Bravo Andrea G., Rosati Ginevra, Canu Donata, Horvat Milena, Sprovieri Francesca, Pirrone Nicola, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric (2022). Mediterranean Mercury Assessment 2022: An Updated Budget, Health Consequences, and Research Perspectives . Environmental Science & Technology , 56(7), 3840-3862 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Knoery Joel, Briant Nicolas, Vigier Nathalie, Ponzevera Emmanuel (2022). "Non-traditional" stable isotopes applied to the study of trace metal contaminants in anthropized marine environments . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 175, 113398 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Knoery Joel, Briant Nicolas, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Auby Isabelle, Yepez Santiago, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Pellouin-Grouhel Anne, Akcha Farida (2021). Metal stable isotopes in transplanted oysters as a new tool for monitoring anthropogenic metal bioaccumulation in marine environments: The case for copper . Environmental Pollution , 290, 118012 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Knoery Joel, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Crochet Sylvette, Thomas Bastien, Brach-Papa Christophe (2021). Seasonal trace metal distribution, partition and fluxes in the temperate macrotidal Loire Estuary (France) . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 262, 107616 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Foucher Eric, Artigas Felipe, Aucan Jerome, Deflandre Bruno, Gojak Carl, Grigori Gerald, Knoery Joel, Lacroix Denis, Marie Louis, Simplet Laure, Trentesaux Alain, Vincent Benoit, Thiebaut Eric (2021). Rapport du Groupe de Travail Scientifique sur l’analyse de scénarios d’usage d’un Navire Semi-Hauturier sur les côtes métropolitaines françaises / Report of Scientific Working Group on the analysis of scenarios for the use of a Semi-Offshore Vessel on the French metropolitan coasts .
Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Weiss Dominik Jakob, Knoery Joel, Briant Nicolas, Yepez Santiago, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Brach-Papa Christophe (2021). Application of Zn Isotope Compositions in Oysters to Monitor and Quantify Anthropogenic Zn Bioaccumulation in Marine Environments over Four Decades: A “Mussel Watch Program” Upgrade . Acs Environmental Science And Technology Water , 1(4), 1035-1046 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Brach-Papa Christophe (2021). Differences in Copper Isotope Fractionation Between Mussels (Regulators) and Oysters (Hyperaccumulators): Insights from a Ten-Year Biomonitoring Study . Environmental Science & Technology , 55(1), 324-330 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Cossa Daniel, Knoery Joel, Boye Marie, Marusczak Nicolas, Thomas Bastien, Courau Philippe, Sprovieri Francesca (2020). Oceanic mercury concentrations on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar decreased between 1989 and 2012 . Anthropocene , 29, 100230 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dulaquais Gabriel, Waeles Mathieu, Breitenstein Johann, Knoery Joel, Riso Ricardo (2020). Links between size fractionation, chemical speciation of dissolved copper and chemical speciation of dissolved organic matter in the Loire estuary . Environmental Chemistry , 17(5), 385-399 .


Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Bruzac Sandrine, Sireau Teddy, Brach-Papa Christophe (2019). Copper, zinc and lead isotope signatures of sediments from a mediterranean coastal bay impacted by naval activities and urban sources . Applied Geochemistry , 111, 104440 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Thomas Bastien, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Savoye Nicolas, Berail Sylvain, Sonke Jeroen (2019). Use of Hg, C and N stable isotopes as tracers of mercury sources and transfer through temperate coastal marine food webs . AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 7-11 Décembre 2019 .
Mattio Elodie, Ollivier Nadia, Robert-Peillard Fabien, Di Rocco Robert, Branger Catherine, Margaillan Andre, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel, Bonne Damien, Boudenne Jean-Luc, Coulomb Bruno (2019). Modified 3D-printed device for mercury determination in waters . Analytica Chimica Acta , 1082, 78-85 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Strady Emilie, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Radakovitch Olivier, Brach-Papa Christophe, Crochet Sylvette, Knoery Joel, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Thomas Bastien, Tronczynski Jacek, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois (2019). Patterns of trace metal bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in a phytoplankton-zooplankton-small pelagic fish marine food web . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 146, 1013-1030 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gil-Díaz Teba, Schäfer Jörg, Dutruch Lionel, Bossy Cécile, Pougnet Frédérique, Abdou Melina, Lerat-Hardy Antoine, Pereto Clément, Derriennic Hervé, Briant Nicolas, Sireau Teddy, Knoery Joel, Blanc Gerard (2019). Tellurium behaviour in a major European fluvial–estuarine system (Gironde, France): fluxes, solid/liquid partitioning and bioaccumulation in wild oysters . Environmental Chemistry , 16(4), 229-242 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Knoery Joel, Cossa Daniel, Thomas Bastien, Germain Gregory, Rigaud Sylvain (2019). Susane , a device for sampling chemical gradients in the benthic water column . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 17(6), 331-342 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Sireau Teddy, Mojtahid Meryem, Metzger Edouard, Brach-Papa Christophe (2019). Assessment of the metal contamination evolution in the Loire estuary using Cu and Zn stable isotopes and geochemical data in sediments . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 143, 12-23 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Knoery Joel, Briant Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Brochen Michelle, Bruzac Sandrine, Crochet Sylvette, de Vogue Benoist, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Ravel Christophe, Sireau Teddy, Thomas Bastien (2019). SCOTTTI (2018-2019) : Etude des Sources des COntaminants et de leurs Transferts vers le réseau Trophique par des Traceurs Innovants . Rapport final. RST-RBE-BE/LBCM.2019.01 .
Le Guern Cécile, Jean-Soro Liliane, Béchet Béatrice, Lebeau Thierry, Besnard Chloé, Lepinay Alexandra, Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Montavon Gilles, Brétesché Sophie, Fleury-Bahi G, Navarro O, Plottu B, Tendero M (2019). Nonpoint source pollution from land to sea . AquaConSoil "Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources", 15th International Conference. 20–24 May 2019, Antwerp, Belgium .
Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Knoery Joel, Marchand Philippe (2019). Programme de surveillance chimique sanitaire 2018. Bilan scientifique et technique définitif . R.DEP/RBE/ROCCH 2019-02 .
Knoery Joel, Thomas Bastien, Briant Nicolas, Banaru Daniela, Heimburger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Chifflet Sandrine, Hippocampe Scientific Party (2019). Preliminary results from the Mermex/Hippocampe cruise to the Western Mediterranean Sea : distribution of mercury chemical species in their dissolved and particulate forms . ICMGP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. 8-13 september 2019, Krakox, Poland .
Ponzevera Emmanuel, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Briant Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Sireau Teddy, Bruzac Sandrine, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Knoery Joel (2019). Copper, Zinc and Lead isotopes in mollusks to trace metallic marine coastal contaminations . Goldschmidt Conference 2019. August 18-23, Barcelona, Spain .
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Araujo F. Daniel, Bouchoucha Marc, Briant Nicolas, Bruzac Sandrine, Crochet Sylvette, Knoery Joel, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Sireau Teddy, Thomas Bastien, Amouroux David, Berail Sylvain, Brach-Papa Christophe (2019). Sources and Transfer of Cu, Hg and Pb into Marine Food Webs using Innovative Tracers (Metal Stable Isotopes, Trophic Markers): Results of a Pilot Study in a French Coastal Area . CEST 2019 - 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 4 to 7 September 2019, Rhodes, Greece .
Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Briant Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Metzger Edouard, Mojtahid Meryem, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Rozuel Emmanuelle (2019). Evolution de la mesure du risque chimique dans l'estuaire de la Loire . In Sophie Bretesché, Cyrille Harpet, Sylvie Ollitrault et Valérie Héquet, Le risque environnemental. Entre sciences physiques et sciences humaines, Paris, Presses des Mines, collection Développement durable, 2019. ISBN : 978-2-35671-571-5. Partie 1 - De la mesure du risque à sa gestion Chapitre 1.1 - Mesurer le risque. pp.30-34 (Presses des Mines) .


Pakhomova Svetlana, Yakushev Evgeniy, Protsenko Elizaveta, Rigaud Sylvain, Cossa Daniel, Knoery Joel, Couture Raoul-Marie, Radakovitch Olivier, Yakubov Shamil, Krzeminska Dominika, Newton Alice (2018). Modeling the Influence of Eutrophication and Redox Conditions on Mercury Cycling at the Sediment-Water Interface in the Berre Lagoon . Frontiers In Marine Science , 5(291), 15p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruffine Livio, Ondreas Helene, Blanc-Valleron Marie-Madeleine, Teichert Barbara M. A., Scalabrin Carla, Rinnert Emmanuel, Birot Dominique, Croguennec Claire, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Pierre Catherine, Donval Jean-Pierre, Alix Anne-Sophie, Germain Yoan, Bignon Laurent, Etoubleau Joel, Caprais Jean-Claude, Knoery Joel, Lesongeur Francoise, Thomas Bastien, Roubi Angelique, Legoix Ludovic Nicolas, Burnard Pete, Chevalier Nicolas, Lu Hailong, Dupre Stephanie, Fontanier Christophe, Dissard Delphine, Olgun Nazli, Yang Hailin, Strauss Harald, Ozaksoy Volkan, Perchoc Jonathan, Podeur Christian, Tarditi Corinne, Ozbeki Eyyup, Guyader Vivien, Marty Bernard, Madre David G, Pitel-Roudaut Mathilde, Grall Celine, Embriaco Davide, Polonia Mina, Gasperini Lucas, Cagatay M. Namik, Henry Pierre, Geli Louis (2018). Multidisciplinary investigation on cold seeps with vigorous gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara (MarsiteCruise): Strategy for site detection and sampling and first scientific outcome . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 153, 36-47 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Bruzac Sandrine, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Knoery Joel, Sireau Teddy, Auby Isabelle, Meteigner Claire, Oger-Jeanneret Helene, Rumebe Myriam, Rigouin Loic, Gonzalez Patrice, Gourves Pierre-Yves, Savoye Nicolas, Akcha Farida (2018). Copper and other trace metals in sediments, seawater, phytoplankton and oysters from the Arcachon Bay: Results of a one-year field study . ISOBAY 16 - XVIth International Symposium of Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 5-7 June 2018, Anglet, France .
Mattio Elodie, Robert-Peillard Fabien, Vassalo Laurent, Branger Catherine, Margaillan Andre, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel, Boudenne Jean-Luc, Coulomb Bruno (2018). 3D-printed lab-on-valve for fluorescent determination of cadmium and lead in water . Talanta , 183, 201-208 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer, LBCM (2018). TROCOCO : TRaçage de l’Origine d’un COntaminant métallique, le mercure (Hg), en milieu COtier - approche isotopique stable Hg, carbone (C) et azote (N) dans deux espèces bioindicatrices du littoral français . Rapport final EC2CO .
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Cresson Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc, Brach-Papa Christophe, Bustamante Paco, Crochet Sylvette, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Thomas Bastien, Knoery Joel (2018). Oligotrophy as a major driver of mercury bioaccumulation in medium-to high-trophic level consumers: A marine ecosystem-comparative study . Environmental Pollution , 233, 844-854 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Savoye Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, David Valerie, Rodriguez Samuel, Charlier Karine, Sonke Jeroen E., Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel (2018). Carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic ratios of filter-feeding bivalves along the French coasts: An assessment of specific, geographic, seasonal and multi-decadal variations . Science Of The Total Environment , 613-614, 196-207 .
Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Knoery Joel, Marchand Philippe (2018). Programme de surveillance Chimique 2017. Bilan scientifique et technique définitif . Convention relative aux actions de surveillance sanitaire Année 2017. Réf. Ifremer n°2017/1212959 .


Chouvelon Tiphaine, Spitz Jérôme, Bustamante Paco, Caurant Florence, Knoery Joel, Wessel Nathalie, Mauffret Aourell (2017). Les métaux traces sur les campagnes EVHOE : une passerelle entre chimie et halieutique ? 30 ans de la campagne EVHOE : bilan des campagnes bentho-demersales du golfe de Gascogne et de la mer Celtique. 19 décembre 2017, Nantes .
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Brach-Papa Christophe, Auger Dominique, Bodin Nathalie, Bruzac Sandrine, Crochet Sylvette, Degroote Maxime, Hollanda Stephanie J., Hubert Clarisse, Knoery Joel, Munschy Catherine, Puech Alexis, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Thomas Bastien, West Wendy, Bourjea Jerome, Nikolic Natacha (2017). Chemical contaminants (trace metals, persistent organic pollutants) in albacore tuna from western Indian and south-eastern Atlantic Oceans: Trophic influence and potential as tracers of populations . Science Of The Total Environment , 596-597, 481-495 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Sonke Jeroen, Savoye Nicolas (2017). Multi-Isotope (Hg, C & N) approach to assess mercury origin along the French coast . Goldschmidt Conference. August 13-18, Paris .
Horvat Milena, Knoery Joel, Gardfeldt Katarina, Sprovieri Francesca (2017). Introduction to the special issue in the marine Environment . Marine Chemistry , 193, 1-2 .
Briant Nicolas, Sonke Jeroen, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Martinez Laura, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Savoye Nicolas, Knoery Joel (2017). Traçage du mercure en milieu côtier : spéciation et approche isotopique stable (Hg, C et N) dans les bivalves . Estivale ROCCH. 15 juin 2017 .
Mattio Elodie, Robert-Peillard Fabien, Branger Catherine, Puzio Kinga, Margaillan Andre, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel, Boudenne Jean-Luc, Coulomb Bruno (2017). 3D-printed flow system for determination of lead in natural waters . Talanta , 168, 298-302 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thibault De Chanvalon A., Metzger E., Mouret A., Knoery Joel, Geslin E., Meysman F. J. R. (2017). Two dimensional mapping of iron release in marine sediments at submillimetre scale . Marine Chemistry , 191, 34-49 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Martinez Laura, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Savoye N., Sonke J., Knoery Joel (2017). Spatial and temporal distribution of mercury and methylmercury in bivalves from the French coastline . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 114(2), 1096-1102 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rigaud Sylvain, Deflandre Bruno, Grenz Christian, Pozzato Lara, Cesbron Florent, Meulé Samuel, Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valérie, Mirleau Pascal, Mirleau Fatma, Knoery Joel, Zuberer Frédéric, Guillemain Dorian, Marguerite Sebastien, Mayot Nicolas, Faure Vincent, Grisel Raphael, Radakovitch Olivier (2017). Impact of the temporal variation of oxygen contents in the water column on the biogeochemistry of the benthic zone . EGU 2017 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 .
Briant Nicolas, Savoye Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, David Valérie, Rodriguez Samuel, Charlier Karine, Sonke Jeroen, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel (2017). Variabilité pluri-decennale des rapports isotopiques et élémentaires (C et N) de bivalves filtreurs sur les cotes françaises . EVOLECO - EVOlution à Long terme des Ecosystèmes COtiers : Vers une mise en évidence des forçages et des processus associés. 5-7 décembre 2017, Pessac .
Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Savoye Nicolas, Sonke Jeroen (2017). Insights from the spatial and temporal distributions of mercury species and isotopes in bivalves from the french coastline . ICMGP 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. July 16-21, 2017, Rhode Island .
Sprovieri Francesca, Pirrone Nicola, Bencardino Mariantonia, D'Amore Francesco, Carbone Francesco, Cinnirella Sergio, Landos Matthew, Ebinghaus Ralf, Martin Lynwill, Munthe John, Wangberg Ingvar, Artaxo Paulo, Barbante Carlo, Cairns Warren, Varde Massimiliano, Dieguez Maria, Garcia Patricia, Dommergue Aurélien, Angot Helene, Magand Olivier, Skov Henrik, Horvat Milena, Kotnik Jose, Read Katie, Neves Luis, Sena Fabrizio, Mashyanov Nikolay, Wip Dennis, Feng Xin, Zhang Hui, Fu Xuewu, Ramachandran Ramesh, Knoery Joel, Gawlik Bbernd, Obolkin Vladimir, Labuschagne Casper, Morais Fernandp, Barbose Henrique, Cossa Daniel, Weigelt Andreas (2017). Five-year records of mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites in the framework of the GMOS Global Network . ICMGP 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. July 16 – 21, 2017, Providence, Rhode Island .
Briant Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Savoye Nicolas, Martinez Laura, Rodriguez Samuel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Sonke Jeroen E, Knoery Joel (2017). The use of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to infer the origin of organic matter, and potentially associated trace metals, transferred to bivalves: An example for mercury along the French coast . SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting - 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Europe : Environmental quality through transdisciplinary collaboration.. 7-11 May 2017, Brussels (Belgium) .
Briant Nicolas, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Savoye Nicolas, Sonke Jeroen, Knoery Joel (2017). Biomonitoring along the french coastline: could mercury isotopic composition indicate a temporal change in hg reaching the coastal zone? ICMGP 2017 - 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. July 16-21, 2017, Rhode Island .


Thibault De Chanvalon A., Metzger E., Mouret A., Knoery Joel, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Brach-Papa Christophe (2016). Particles transformation in estuaries: Fe, Mn and REE signatures through the Loire Estuary . Journal Of Sea Research , 118, 103-112 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thibault De Chanvalon A., Mouret A., Knoery Joel, Geslin E., Peron O., Metzger E. (2016). Manganese, iron and phosphorus cycling in an estuarine mudflat, Loire, France . Journal Of Sea Research , 118, 92-102 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Chouvelon Tiphaine (2016). Rapport d’activités à 9 mois du projet post-doctoral ValoRIS/ TROCOCO. Demande de financement complet pour sa prolongation à 18mois .
Sprovieri Francesca, Pirrone Nicola, Bencardino Mariantonia, D'Amore Francesco, Carbone Francesco, Cinnirella Sergio, Mannarino Valentino, Landis Matthew, Ebinghaus Ralf, Weigelt Andreas, Brunke Ernst-Gunther, Labuschagne Casper, Martin Lynwill, Munthe John, Wangberg Ingvar, Artaxo Paulo, Morais Fernando, Jorge Barbosa Henrique De Melo, Brito Joel, Cairns Warren, Barbante Carlo, Del Carmen Dieguez Maria, Elizabeth Garcia Patricia, Dommergue Aurelien, Angot Helene, Magand Olivier, Skov Henrik, Horvat Milena, Kotnik Joze, Read Katie Alana, Neves Luis Mendes, Gawlik Bernd Manfred, Sena Fabrizio, Mashyanov Nikolay, Obolkin Vladimir, Wip Dennis, Bin Feng Xin, Zhang Hui, Fu Xuewu, Ramachandran Ramesh, Cossa Daniel, Knoery Joel, Marusczak Nicolas, Nerentorp Michelle, Norstrom Claus (2016). Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network . Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics , 16(18), 11915-11935 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briant Nicolas, Knoery Joel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Savoye Nicolas, Sonke Jeroen (2016). Systematic study of stable isotopes (Hg, C & N) in bivalves along the French coastline: Preliminary results from the Trococo project . ICHMET 2016 - 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. 12-15 september 2016, Ghent, Belgium .
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Mouneyrac Catherine, Tavere Hereiti, Auger Dominique, Bertrand Carole, Brach-Papa Christophe, Bruzac Sandrine, Crochet Sylvette, Knoery Joel, Rozuel Emmanuelle (2016). Biological-chemical parameters' coupling for the monitoring of trace metal contaminants in food webs: the case study of a land-to-sea continuum in the North-East Atlantic . Nantes 2016 SETAC Europe - 16th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe. 22-26 May 2016, Nantes (France) .
Briant Nicolas, Freydier Rémi, Elbaz-Poulichet Françoise, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Knoery Joel (2016). Les isotopes stables du Cu: traceurs des sources de pollution ou des processus géochimiques? Perspectives pour le mercure. 28ème Forum des Jeunes Océanographes - du 18 au 20 mai 2016, Cherbourg .
Marusczak Nicolas, Castelle Sabine, de Voguee Benoist, Knoery Joel, Cossa Daniel (2016). Seasonal Variations of Total Gaseous Mercury at a French Coastal Mediterranean Site . Aerosol And Air Quality Research , 16(1), 46-60 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mattio Elodie, Robert-Peillard F, Coulomb Bruno, Boudenne Jean-Luc, Branger Catherine, Puzio K, Margaillan A, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel (2016). 3D printed system for the spectrophotometric determination of lead in water . 20th ICFIA - International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques. 2016 2nd-7th October, Palma de Mallorca, Spain .
Puzio K, Margaillan A, Robert-Peillard F, Boudenne Jl, Mattio E, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel, Coulomb B, Branger C (2016). Synthèse de polymère à empreintes ioniques du plomb (II) . 45ème Colloque National du Groupe Français d’études et d’applications des Polymères (GFP). 15-18 novembre 2016, Marseille .


Nikolic Natacha, Puech Alexis, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Munschy Catherine, Bodin Nathalie, Brach-Papa Christophe, Potier Michel, West Wendy, Knoery Joel, Zudaire Iker, Dhurmeea Zahirah, Degroote Maxime, Cedras Maria, Evano Hugues, Bourjea Jerome (2015). Projet GERMON. Structure génétique et migration du thon Germon . RST/DOI/2015-09 .
Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Thomas Bastien, Auger Dominique, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Crochet Sylvette, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois (2015). Decadal trends of mercury levels, behavior and speciation in a macrotidal estuary : the Loire River (France) . 13th International Symposium on Estuarine Biogeochemistry .
Knoery Joel, Thomas Bastien, Geli Louis, Henry Pierre, Pirrone Nicola, Ruffine Livio (2015). Mercury species and distribution in the Marmara Sea, and their relationship with sub-seafloor processes . International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2015), June 14-19 2015, Jeju, Korea .
Cresson Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Mahe Kelig, Morat Fabien, Chavanon Fabienne, Brach Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel, Fabri Marie-Claire, Cossa Daniel (2015). Un niveau de contamination chimique mesuré dans un poisson est-il toujours le reflet du niveau de contamination environnementale ? Colloque Qualité et Sécurité des Produits Alimentaires de l'ANSES, 17-19 Juin, Boulogne-sur-Mer .
Knoery Joel, Marusczak Nicolas, Thomas Bastien, de Vogue Benoist, Cossa Daniel, Varde Massimiliano, Ammoscato Ivano, Horvat Milena, Pirrone Nicola (2015). Can field constraints be placed on net in situ mercury methylation rate? An example from the Mediterranean Sea. ICMGP, June 14-19 2015, Korea .
Dreves Luc, Amouroux Isabelle, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Knoery Joel, Andral Bruno, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Brach-Papa Christophe, Claisse Didier, Burgeot Thierry (2015). Expertise de l'Ifremer sur la contamination significative historique en milieu marin, en particulier par des métaux toxiques tels que le mercure et l'arsenic par la société Alteo . Madame la Ministre de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie, France , Ref. Ifremer-PDG/2015-014 , 14p.
Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Thomas Bastien, Auger Dominique, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Crochet Sylvette, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Sanjuan Jane, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois (2015). Behavior and decadal trends of mercury levels and speciation in a macrotidal estuary : the Loire River (France) . International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2015), June 14-19 2015, Jeju, Korea .
de Chanvalon A. Thibault, Metzger E., Mouret A., Cesbron F., Knoery Joel, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Launeau P., Nardelli M. P., Jorissen F. J., Geslin E. (2015). Two-dimensional distribution of living benthic foraminifera in anoxic sediment layers of an estuarine mudflat (Loire Estuary, France) . Biogeosciences , 12(20), 6219-6234 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Cresson Pierre, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel, Thomas Bastien, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Andral Bruno, Bouchoucha Marc, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bustamante Paco (2015). Hg bioaccumulation in deep-sea fauna: investigation of the influence of the trophic functioning at the base of food webs . 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant - ICMGP, 14th-19th June 2015, Jeju, Korea .


Cresson Pierre, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bouchoucha Marc, Brach-Papa Christophe, Chavanon Fabienne, Jadaud Angelique, Knoery Joel, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Cossa D. (2014). Mercury in organisms from the Northwestern Mediterranean slope: Importance of food sources . Science Of The Total Environment , 497, 229-238 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Knoery Joel, Brach Papa Christophe, Thomas Bastien, Auger Dominique, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Crochet Sylvette, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Sanjuan Jane, Thibault Aubin, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois (2014). Evolution temporelle du comportement estuarien du mercure: cas de l'estuaire de la Loire . 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27 au 31 Octobre 2014, Pau .
Cresson Pierre, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Chavanon Fabienne, Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe (2014). Niveaux trophiques et niveaux de contamination en métaux traces des espèces démersales de la pente continentale du Golfe du Lion. (Données MEDITS 2012) . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-06 .
Brach-Papa Christophe, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Knoery Joel, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Auger Dominique, Bretaudeau-Sanjuan Jane, Crochet Sylvette, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Thomas Bastien, Vasileva Emilia, Oriana Anna Maria (2014). Monitoring of Pb Contamination in Loire Estuary: Trends, Distribution and Isotopic composition . EGU - European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2014, 27 April – 02 May 2014, Vienne, Autriche .
Cresson Pierre, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Chavanon Fabienne, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel (2014). Etat d'avancement du programme RETROMED Canyons . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-04 .
Cresson Pierre, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Chavanon Fabienne, Brach-Papa Christophe, Knoery Joel (2014). Niveaux trophiques et niveaux de contamination en mercure des espèces démersales dans les canyons du Golfe du Lion (Données MEDITS 2012) . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-05 .
Chouvelon Tiphaine, Cresson Pierre, Andral Bruno, Bouchoucha Marc, Brach Papa Christophe, Bustamante Paco, Fabri Marie-Claire, Knoery Joel, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Thomas Bastien (2014). Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to infer mercury bioaccumulation in marine food webs: a comparative study between NE Atlantic and NW Mediterranean deep‐sea food webs . SFIsotrace 2014 - Colloque de la Société Française des Isotopes Stables, 8 au 12 Septembre 2014, Brest .
Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe, Auger Dominique, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Crochet Sylvette, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Bretaudeau-Sanjuan Jane, Thibault Aubin, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois (2014). Temporal evolution of the estuarine behavior of mercury in a macrotidal estuary : the case of the Loire river . SFISotrace, 8 – 12 septembre 2014, Brest .


Knoery Joel (2012). Impacts des substances chimiques sur l’écosystème. Sous-région marine Manche - Mer du Nord. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/PI/MMN/20/2012 , 12p.
Knoery Joel (2012). Impacts des substances chimiques sur l’écosystème. Sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/PI/MO/20/2012 , 8p.
Knoery Joel (2012). Impacts des substances chimiques sur l’écosystème. Sous-région marine Golfe de Gascogne. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/PI/GDG/20/2012 , 12p.
Knoery Joel (2012). Impacts des substances chimiques sur l’écosystème. Sous-région marine Mers celtiques. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/PI/MC/18/2012 , 8p.


Croquette Jean, Knoery Joel, Abarnou Alain, Dreves Luc (2011). Avis scientifique de l'Ifremer sur les conséquences sur le milieu marin de l'immersion de la cargaison d'oxyde de fer suite au naufrage du navire Union Neptune . Préfecture Maritime de l'Atlantique, Brest , Ref. Ifremer/PDG/Dopler/2011-254 - Courrier n°2-44724-2011 du 23 aout 2011 , 4p.
HASEC (Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee) (2011). Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee "HASEC 2011", (28/03-01/04/11 - Bonn) . OSPAR , Ref. HASEC 11/12/1 , 114p.


Claisse Didier, Knoery Joel (2010). A French environmental specimen bank of marine bivalves : archive of trace chemical contamination . Conference for european environmental specimens banks, 21-22 juin 2010, Berlin .
Ifremer, Université de Nantes (2010). Gestion globale des ressources marines et des risques dans les espaces côtiers. Gerrico. Volume 1 : rapport de synthèse. Volume 2 : Fiches actions par axe .
German C. R., Thurnherr A. M., Knoery Joel, Charlou Jean-Luc, Jean-Baptiste P., Edmonds H. N. (2010). Heat, volume and chemical fluxes from submarine venting: A synthesis of results from the Rainbow hydrothermal field, 36 degrees N MAR . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 57(4), 518-527 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Cozic Amandine, Viollier E, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Knoery Joel, Rozuel Emmanuelle (2008). Interactions between Volatile Reduced Sulfur Compounds and Metals in the Seine Estuary (France) . Estuaries and coasts : Journal of the Estuarine Research Federation , 31(6), 1063-1071 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Bouchet Vincent, Debenay Vincent, Sauriau Pierre-Guy, Radford Knoery Joel, Soletchnik Patrick (2007). Effects of short-term environmental disturbances on living benthic foraminifera during the Pacific oyster summer mortality in the Marennes-Oléron Bay (France) . Marine Environmental Research , 64(3), 358-383 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
(2007) Rapport de synthèse des travaux 2007 du projet Gerrico .
(2007) "Asian-French Workshop on Management and Protection on Coastal Waters". Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, France, June 19-22, 2007 . Book of abstracts .
Moal Jeanne, Lambert Christophe, Pouvreau Stephane, Le Moullac Gilles, Samain Jean-Francois (2007). Le facteur de risque température . In Mortalités estivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Défi Morest.Samain Jean-François, McCombie Helen (Eds). 2007. Ifremer/Quae. Chap.7, pp.271-289 (Quae) .


Bedier Edouard, Knoery Joel Radford, Fleury Pierre-Gildas, Quiniou Francoise, Langlade Aime, Cozic Amandine, Delesmont Edith, Delesmont Régis, Caisey Xavier, Lecureuil Laetitia (2006). Impact du sédiment sur les mortalités estivales de naissain d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas en baie de Quiberon . RST/LER-MPL/06-20 .
Ropert Michel, Mazurie Joseph, Bedier Edouard, Le Coz Florence, Soletchnik Patrick (2006). Défi MOREST - Mortalités estivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas - Caractérisation des facteurs de risques associés au mortalites estivales - Synthèse du thème I - Évaluation des risques dans les écosystèmes conchylicoles. (La Rochelle 14- 15 mars 2006) .
Lambert C., Moal J., Pouvreau Stephane, Le Moullac Gilles, Samain Jean-Francois (2006). Défi MOREST - Mortalités estivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Caractérisation des facteurs de risques associés aux mortalités estivales - Synthèse du thème 6 - Le risque température. (La Rochelle 14- 15 mars 2006) .
Burgeot Thierry, Gagnaire Beatrice, Renault Tristan, Haure Joel, Moraga D., David E., Boutet L., Sauriau P.G., Malet Nathalie, Bouchet V., Lapegue Sylvie, Bouilly Karine, Le Moullac Gilles, Arzul Genevieve, Knoery Joel, Quiniou Francoise, Bacher Cedric, Soletchnik Patrick (2006). Caractérisation des facteurs de risques associés au mortalités estivales - Synthèse du thème 3 - Risque associé au stress environnemental - 2002-2005 .


Soletchnik Patrick, Bouchet Vincent, Malestroit Pascale, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Blouin Frederic, Radford-Knoery Joël, Burgeot Thierry, Sauriau Pierre-Guy (2005). Mortalité de Crassostrea gigas dans le bassin de Marennes Oléron. Etude physico chimique du sédiment. Etude du modèle de mortalité "plat-table" de C. gigas dans le bassin de Marennes Oléron. Etude "Dynamo" du projet MOREST . ETUDE "DYNAMO" DU PROJET MOREST .


Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fouquet Yves, Ondreas Helene, Knoery Joel, Cochonat Pierre, Levache D, Poirier Y, Jean-Baptiste P, Fourre E, Chazallon B (2004). Physical and chemical characterization of gas hydrates and associated methane plumes in the Congo-Angola Basin . Chemical Geology , 205(3-4), 405-425 .
Jean Baptiste Philippe, Fourre Elise, Charlou Jean-Luc, German Christopher, Radford Knoery Joel (2004). Helium isotopes at the Rainbow hydrothermal site (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36 degrees 14 ' N) . Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 221(1-4), 325-335 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Dreves Luc, Grossel Hubert, Knoery Joel, Lazure Pascal (2003). Analyse critique d'un complément du dossier de demande d'autorisation au titre des installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement. Expertise de l'Ifremer sur l'acceptabilité du niveau de rejet de managanèse dans le milieu marin. INERIS - Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques, Verneuil en Halatte , Ref. Ifremer DEL/D-03.171 - Commande DA-213282 de novembre 2003 , 23p.
Samain Jean-Francois, Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Pouvreau Stephane, Ropert Michel, Bedier Edouard, Thouard Emmanuel, Martin J.L., Haure Joel, Moal J., Huvet Arnaud, Van Wormhoudt A., Boulo Viviane, Mathieu M., Costil K., Kellner K., Heude C., Lambert Christophe, Soudant Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Le Roux F., Renault Tristan, Thomas H., Burgeot Thierry, Quiniou Francoise, Knoery Joel, Lelong C., Moraga Dario, Tanguy A., Bacher Cedric, Lefèbvre Sebastien, Mille D., Blin J.L., Pajot R., Haffray P., Dupé Francoise (2003). MOREST. MORtalités ESTivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport 2003. Synthèse intermédiaire des résultats 2001-2002-2003 .


Radford Knoery Joel, German C, Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fouquet Yves (2001). Distribution and behavior of dissolved hydrogen sulfide in hydrothermal plumes . Limnology and Oceanography , 46(2), 461-464 . Open Access version :


Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Douville E, Jean-Baptiste P, Radford Knoery Joel, Fouquet Yves, Dapoigny A, Stievenard M (2000). Compared geochemical signatures and the evolution of Menez Gwen (37 degrees 50 ' N) and Lucky Strike (37 degrees 17 ' N) hydrothermal fluids, south of the Azores Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge . Chemical Geology , 171(1-2), 49-75 .
Auzende Jean-Marie, Ishibashi J, Beaudouin Y, Charlou Jean-Luc, Delteil J, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fouquet Yves, Gouillou Jp, Ildefonse B, Kimura H, Nishio Y, Knoery Joel, Ruollan E (2000). Extensive magmatic and hydrothermal activity in Manus Basin . Eos Transactions , 81(39), 449, 452-453 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Auzende Jean-Marie, Ishibashi J, Beaudoin Y, Charlou Jean-Luc, Delteil J, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fouquet Yves, Gouillou Jean-Pierre, Ildefonse B, Kimura H, Nishio Y, Radford Knoery Joel, Ruellan E (2000). The eastern and western tips of Manus Basin (Papua, New Guinea) explored by submersible; MANAUTE cruise. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 331(2), 119-126 .
Gracia E, Charlou Jean-Luc, Radford Knoery Joel, Parson Lm (2000). Non-transform offsets along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Azores (38 degrees N-34 degrees N): ultramafic exposures and hosting of hydrothermal vents . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 177(1-2), 89-103 .
Auzende Jean-Marie, Ishibashi J, Beaudouin Y, Charlou Jean-Luc, Delteil J, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fouquet Yves, Gouillou Jean-Pierre, Ildefonse B, Kimura H, Nishio Y, Radford-Knoery Joel, Ruellan Etienne (2000). Rift propagation and extensive off-axis volcanic and hydrothermal activity in the Manus Basin (Papua New Guinea) : ANAUTE cruise . InterRidge News , 9(2), 21-25 . Open Access version :


German C.R., Fouquet Yves, Desbruyeres Daniel, Searle R. (1999). AMORES. Azores Mid-Oceanic Ridge Ecosystem Studies. Contrat n°MAS3-CT95-0040. Synopsis .


Bougault Henri, Aballea Martine, Radford-Knoery Joel, Charlou Jean-Luc, Baptiste Pj, Appriou P, Needham Hd, German C, Miranda M (1998). FAMOUS and AMAR segments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: ubiquitous hydrothermal Mn, CH4, delta He-3 signals along the rift valley walls and rift offsets . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 161(1-4), 1-17 .
Aballea Martine, Radford-Knoery Joel, Appriou P, Bougault Henri, Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Etoubleau Joel, Fouquet Yves, German Cr, Miranda M (1998). Manganese distribution in the water column near the Azores Triple Junction along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in the Azores domain . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 45(8), 1319-1338 .
Jean-Baptiste P, Bougault Henri, Vangriesheim Annick, Charlou Jean-Luc, Radford-Knoery Joel, Fouquet Yves, Needham David, German C (1998). Mantle He-3 in hydrothermal vents and plume of the Lucky Strike site (MAR 37 degrees 17 ' N) and associated geothermal heat flux . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 157(1-2), 69-77 .
Radford-Knoery Joel, Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Aballea Martine, Fouquet Yves, Ondreas Helene (1998). Distribution of dissolved sulfide, methane, and manganese near the seafloor at the Lucky Strike (37 degrees 17 ' N) and Menez Gwen (37 degrees 50 ' N) hydrothermal vent sites on the mid-Atlantic Ridge . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 45(2-3), 367-386 .
Fouquet Yves, Barriga F, Charlou Jean-Luc, Elderfield H, German C.R, Ondreas Helene, Parson L, Radford-Knoery Joel, Relvas J, Ribeiro A, Schultz A, Apprioual R, Cambon P, Costa I, Donval Jean-Pierre, Douville E, Landure Jy, Normand A, Pelle H, Ponsevera E (1998). FLORES diving cruise with Nautile near the Azores - First dives on the Rainbow field: hydrothermal seawater/mantle interaction . InterRidge News , 7(1), 24-28 . Open Access version :


Ondreas Helene, Fouquet Yves, Voisset Michel, Radford-Knoery Joel (1997). Detailed Study of Three Contiguous Segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, South of the Azores (37º N to 38º30€ N), Using Acoustic Imaging Coupled with Submersible Observations . Marine Geophysical Researches , 19(3), 231-255 .


German Cr, Parson Lm, Bougault F, Coller D, Critchley M, Dapoigny A, Day C, Eardley D, Fearn A, Flewellen C, Kirk R, Klinkhammer G, Landure Jean-Yves, Ludford E, Miranda M, Needham Hd, Patching J, Pearce R, Pelle Henri, Radford-Knoery Joel, Rouse I, Scott J, Stoffregen P, Taylor P, Teare D, Wynar J (1996). Hydrothermal exploration near the Azores Triple Junction: Tectonic control of venting at slow-spreading ridges? Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 138(1-4), 93-104 .


Fouquet Yves, Ondreas Helene, Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Radford Knoery Joël, Costa Isabel, Lourenco N, Tivey Mk (1995). Atlantic lava lakes and hot vents . Nature , 377(6546), 201-201 .


Fouquet Yves, Charlou Jean-Luc, Donval Jean-Pierre, Radford-Knoery Joel, Pelle P, Ondreas Helene, Lourenco N, Segonzac Michel, Tivey Mk (1994). A detailed study of the Lucky-Strike hydrothermal site and discovery of a new hydrothermal site: « Menez-Gwen ». Preliminary results of DIVA 1 cruise (5-29 May, 1994) . Inter-Ridge News , 3(2), 14-17 . Open Access version :

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CAMELIA 5Cotes De L2022Estuaire de la Loire, Golfe de Gascogne entre Noirmoutier et Belle Ile
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