Laffargue Pascal, Delaunay Damien, Badts Vincent, Berthele Olivier, Cornou Anne Sophie, Garren Francois (2021). Long term benthic community dataset for fish and cephalopods on the continental shelves of the Bay of Biscay and the Celtic Sea . SEANOE .
Merillet Laurene, Robert Marianne, Salaun Michele, Schuck Lucie, Mouchet Maud, Kopp Dorothee (2018). Underwater video offers new insights into community structure in the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay) . Journal Of Sea Research , 139, 1-9 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Salaun Michele, Rivoalen Jean-Jacques, Coupeau Yann, Marc Emilie, Fifas Spyros (2018). LANGOLF-TV 2018 . RBE/STH/LTBH 2018.010 .
Merillet Laurene, Mouchet Maud, Robert Marianne, Salaun Michele, Schuck Lucie, Vaz Sandrine, Kopp Dorothee (2018). Using underwater video to assess megabenthic community vulnerability to trawling in the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay) . Environmental Conservation , 45(2), 163-172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig, Bellamy Elise, Delpech Jean-Paul, Lazard Coline, Salaun Michele, Verin Yves, Coppin Franck, Travers-Trolet Morgane (2018). Evidence of a relationship between weight and total length of marine fish in the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean: physiological, spatial and temporal variations . Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom , 98(3), 617-625 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Merillet Laurene, Kopp Dorothee, Robert Marianne, Salaun Michele, Mehault Sonia, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Mouchet Maud (2018). Are trawl marks a good indicator of trawling pressure in muddy sand fishing grounds? Ecological Indicators , 85, 570-574 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Fifas Spyros, Salaun Michele, Rivoalen Jean-Jacques (2017). LANGOLF-TV 2017 . RBE/STH/LTBH 2017.009 .
Merillet Laurene, Mouchet Maud, Robert Marianne, Salaun Michele, Schuck Lucie, Vaz Sandrine, Kopp Dorothee (2017). Using underwater video to assess megabenthic community vulnerability to trawling in the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay) . 13ème colloque scientifique de l'AFH - 2017 "Pêches et Changements Globaux". 28 au 30 juin 2017, Ifremer Nantes .
Drogou Mickael, Laurec Alain, Bissery Claire, Mahevas Stephanie, Demaneche Sebastien, Begot Eric, Laurens Martial, Le Goff Ronan, de Pontual Helene, Talidec Catherine, Weiss Jerome, Allanic Guillaume, Barone Herve, Bazet Mathilde, Bouche Ludovic, Le Bourdonnec Pierre, Coupeau Yann, Dimeet Joel, Duhamel Erwan, Fauvel Christian, Le Gall Marie-Annik, Garren Francois, Latrouite Armelle, Lespagnol Patrick, Marc Emilie, Martin Stephane, Le Mestre Sophie, Nedelec Daniel, Pennors Laurence, Le Roy Didier, Le Ru Loic, Salaun Michele, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Projet Bargip. Action Données professionnelles. Rapport final mars 2017 . RST-RBE/STH/LBH/17-002 .
ICES (2017). Interim Report of the Working Group on Nephrops Surveys. WGNEPS 2016 Report 7-8 November 2016. Reykjavik, Iceland . ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:32. 67 pp.
Kopp Dorothee, Merillet Laurene, Robert Marianne, Salaun Michele, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Mouchet Maud (2017). Underwater video as a monitoring tool to detect biodiversity patterns on fished Nephrops grounds . ASC 2017 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 18-21 September 2017, Florida, USA.
ICES (2017). Report of the Workshop on Nephrops burrow counting. WKNEPS 2016 Report 9-11 November 2016. Reykjavík, Iceland. ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:34. 62 pp.
Henry Maryvonne, Le Moigne Morgan, Sorin Paul, Salaun Michele, Verin Yves, Galgani Francois (2016). MICROPLASTIQUES. Acquis, développements et enjeux dans le contexte de la DCSMM . Colloque LITEAU : Observation et recherche en appui aux politiques du littoral et de la mer. Brest, 14-15 janvier 2016 .
Fifas Spyros, Woillez Mathieu, Salaun Michele, Toulhoat Lucile (2016). Bilan des campagnes expérimentales 2014-2015 d’évaluation du stock de langoustines du Golfe de Gascogne par vidéo sous-marine. Programme expérimental LANGOLF-TV .
ICES (2016). Final report of the Working Group on Nephrops Surveys (WGNEPS), 10-13 November 2015, Cadiz, Spain. ICES CM 2015/SSGIEOM:30. 56 pp.
Salaun Michele, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Kopp Dorothee (2016). Compte–rendu de participation au groupe d’experts du CIEM consacré aux campagnes langoustine (WGNEPS). Reykjavík (Islande) 7 au 9 novembre 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT22 .
Woillez Mathieu, Fifas Spyros, Salaun Michele (2016). Geostatiscal estimation of the Nephrops norvegicus biomass using underwater video and trawl surveys: application to the Bay of Biscay . GeoENV 2016 - 11th conference on geostatistics for environmental applications. 6-8 July 2016., Lisbon, Portugal .
Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Robert Marianne, Morandeau Fabien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Simon Julien, Salaun Michele, Duhamel Erwan, Kopp Dorothee (2015). Pêcheurs et scientifiques dans le même bateau . Séminaire France Filière Pêche Paris, le 18 novembre 2015 .
Nikolic Natacha, Dimeet Joel, Fifas Spyros, Salaun Michele, Ravard David, Fauconnet Laurence, Rochet Marie-Joelle (2015). Efficacy of selective devices in reducing discards in the Nephrops trawl fishery in the Bay of Biscay . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 72(6), 1869-1881 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2015). Report of the International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG), 23-27 March 2015, Bergen, Norway . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEOM:24. 278 pp.
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Salaun Michele, Verin Yves (2015). Compte–rendu de participation au Groupe d’experts du CIEM chargé de la coordination des campagnes scientifiques au chalut de fond (IBTSWG) - Bergen, 23-27 mars 2015 . RBE/EDERU/2015/CRGT14 .
Fifas Spyros, Caroff Nicolas (2014). Gisement de coquilles Saint Jacques de la baie de Saint Brieuc. Campagne 2014 d'évaluation directe (23/08 au 4/09/2014). Résultats et analyse. CRPMEM Bretagne - Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins de Bretagne , Ref. Ifremer - STH/LBH- SF –14.013 , 18p., 18p.
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