Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
DRUMB-2 | Europe | 2012 | Méditerranée Bassin Occidental |
DRUMB-1 | Europe | 2012 | Méditerranée Bassin Occidental |
Jeux de données
Speich Sabrina, Meinen Christopher, Ansorge Isabelle, Lamont Tarron, Peden Olivier, Hamon Michel, Van Den Berg Marcel, Louw Gavin, Laxenaire Rémi, Terre-Terrillon Thierry (2019). SAMBA East raw data sets . SEANOE .
Terre Terrillon Thierry, Gaillard Fabienne (2016). CAMBIOS Tomography data: level 1 to 3 . SEANOE .
Terre Terrillon Thierry, Gaillard Fabienne (2016). CAMBIOS Tomography data: level 0 . SEANOE .
Gaillard Fabienne, Terre Terrillon Thierry (2016). CAMBIOS Tomography data: classification of arrival sequences . SEANOE .
Kersalé M., Meinen C. S., Perez Rc, Le Hénaff M., Valla D., Lamont T., Sato O. T., Dong S., Terre-Terrillon Thierry, Van Caspel M., Chidichimo M. P., Van Den Berg M., Speich S., Piola A. R., Campos E. J. D., Ansorge I., Volkov D. L., Lumpkin R., Garzoli S. L. (2020). Highly variable upper and abyssal overturning cells in the South Atlantic . Science Advances , 6(32), eaba7573 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kersalé Marion, Perez Renellys C., Speich Sabrina, Meinen Christopher S., Lamont Tarron, Le Hénaff Matthieu, Van Den Berg Marcel A., Majumder Sudip, Ansorge Isabelle J., Dong Shenfu, Schmid Claudia, Terre Thierry, Garzoli Silvia L. (2019). Shallow and deep eastern boundary currents in the South Atlantic at 34.5 ° S: mean structure and variability . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 124(3), 1634-1659 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kersale Marion, Lamont Tarron, Speich Sabrina, Terre Thierry, Laxenaire Remi, Roberts Mike J., Van Den Berg Marcel A., Ansorge Isabelle J. (2018). Moored observations of mesoscale features in the Cape Basin: characteristics and local impacts on water mass distributions . Ocean Science , 14(5), 923-945 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Meinen Christopher S., Speich Sabrina, Piola Alberto R., Ansorge Isabelle, Campos Edmo, Kersale Marion, Terre Terrillon Thierry, Chidichimo Maria Paz, Lamont Tarron, Sato Olga T., Perez Renellys C., Valla Daniel, Van Den Berg Marcel, Le Henaff Matthieu, Dong Shenfu, Garzoli Silvia L. (2018). Meridional Overturning Circulation Transport Variability at 34.5 degrees S During 2009-2017: Baroclinic and Barotropic Flows and the Dueling Influence of the Boundaries . Geophysical Research Letters , 45(9), 4180-4188 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer (2018). Synthèse sur les volets technologies et infrastructures Mise en perspective du travail mené par les autres groupes . Rapport du groupe 4a - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Dushaw Brian, Gaillard Fabienne, Terre Thierry (2017). Acoustic Tomography in the Canary Basin: Meddies and Tides . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 122(11), 8983-9003 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Durand Fabien, Marin Frederic, Fuda Jean-Luc, Terre Terrillon Thierry (2017). The East Caledonian Current: A Case Example for the Intercomparison between AltiKa and In Situ Measurements in a Boundary Current . Marine Geodesy , 40(1), 1-22 .
Hamon Michel, Thomas Pierre, Prigent Sebastien, Peden Olivier, Ardhuin Fabrice, Sutherland Peter, Terre-Terrillon Thierry (2016). A small drifting buoy for measuring waves in open ocean and sea-ice interactions . InMartech 2016. 4-6 October 2016, Bergen, Norway .
Ansorge Isabelle J., Baringer Molly, Campos Edmo J.D., Dong S., Fine R.A., Garzoli Silvia L., Goni Gustavo, Meinen Christopher S., Perez R.C., Piola Alberto R., Roberts M.J., Speich Sabrina, Sprintall J., Terre Terrillon Thierry, Van Den Berg M.A. (2014). Basin-Wide Oceanographic Array Bridges the South Atlantic . Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union , 95(6), 53-54 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Fabienne, Terre Thierry, Guillot A (2006). Monitoring moored instrument motion by optimal estimation . Ocean Engineering , 33(1), 1-22 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Fabienne, Terre Thierry (2004). CAMBIOS Contribution à CANIGO (MAS3-CT96-0060). Volume 8 : Expérience CAMBIOS. Analyse des données de tomographie . R.INT.DRO/DOPS/LPO 04-03 .
Gaillard Fabienne, Terre Thierry (2003). CAMBIOS Contribution à CANIGO (MAS3-CT96-0060). Volume 7 : Expérience CAMBIOS. Traitement des données de tomographie . R.INT.DRO/DOPS/LPO 03-11 .
Terre Thierry, Gaillard Fabienne (2003). CAMBIOS. Contribution à CANIGO (MAS3-CT96-0060). Volume 6 : Expérience CAMBIOS. Rapport des données de tomographie . R.INT.DRO/DOPS/LPO 03-01 .
Terre Thierry (2001). A data format for tomography . Octopus group - EU project .
Gac Christian, Le Gall Yves, Terre Terrillon Thierry (1999). For ocean acoustic tomography new modular instrumentation . Sea Technology , 40(3), 55-60 .
Gac Christian, Le Gall Yves, Terre Thierry, Leduc Bernard, Person Roland (1998). A new modular instrumentation for Ocean Acoustic Tomography, present status and future trends . OCEANS '98 Conference Proceedings. ISBN : 0-7803-5045-6 . Volume:3, pp.1219 - 1223 .
Mauuary D, Jourdain G, Terre Thierry (1998). Fast ambiguity processing in SOFAR propagation involving periodic signals and M sequences . Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing , 46(8), 2225-2230 .
Gac Christian, Le Gall Yves, Person Roland, Terre Terrillon Thierry, Leduc Bernard, Leculier Jm, Grosso G, Ayela Gérard, Jacob M. (1998). A new modular instrumentation for ocean acoustic tomography, present status and future trends . 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Rome, 98 .
Send U, Krahmann G, Mauuary D, Desaubies Yves, Gaillard Fabienne, Terre Thierry, Papadakis J, Taroudakis M, Skarsoulis E, Millot C (1997). Acoustic observations of heat content across the Mediterranean Sea . Nature , 385(6617), 615-617 .
Gac Christian, Leduc Bernard, Lurton Xavier, Terre Terrillon Thierry, Evennou François, Le Gall Yves, Ayela Gérard, Jacob M. (1996). Development of a new-generation instrumentation for Ocean Acoustical Tomography . Oceanology International '96', 5-8 March 1996, Brighton, United Kingdom .
Gac Christian, Leduc Bernard, Lurton Xavier, Terre Terrillon Thierry, Le Gall Yves (1996). SARA : A new autonomous receiver for Ocean Acoustic Tomography . OCEANS '96. MTS/IEEE. Prospects for the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings. ISBN : 0-7803-3519-8. Volume:2, pp.660-664 .
Faure B, Mauuary D, Terre Thierry (1994). Analyse spatio-temporelle de trajets propagés en ASM sur de moyennes distances . Journal de Physique Iv , 4(C5), 1039-1042 .