Gregory Germain

Gregory Germain

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Boulogne

Postal address : Centre Manche Mer du Nord - 150, Quai Gambetta - 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-8324-5104

ResearcherID : Grégory Germain on Research">Grégory Germain on Research

Research Interests

  • Naval hydrodynamic
  • Marine Renewable Energy
  • Fluid / structure interaction
  • Experimental and numerical modelling


Thesis supervision:

DUFOUR Marc-Amaury : Prédiction des performances d’un parc d’hydroliennes en tenant compte des caractéristiques géométriques et structurelles des machines et des conditions locales du milieu marin, co-financée Région Normandie/Ifremer, 2022/(2025), co-encadrement Grégory PINON, Université du Havre

MAGNIER Maëlys : Caractérisation expérimentale de la turbulence régie par les courants de marée, en présence d'onde de surface et d'obstacles, IFREMER, 2020/(2023), co-encadrement Philippe DRUAULT et Benoit GAURIER

MOREAU Martin : Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique des interactions entre une hydrolienne à membrane ondulante et son environnement, CIFRE HydroQuest, 2020/(2023), Co-encadrement Guillaume MAURICE, HydroQuest

MOREAU Martin : Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique des interactions entre une hydrolienne à membrane ondulante et son environnement, CIFRE Eel Energy, 2019/2020

FASSE Guillaume : Développement d'une plateforme expérimentale de propulseur à axe transverse à pales commandées, IRENAV, 2018/(2022), co-encadrement Jacques-André ASTOLFI et Frédéric HAUVILLE, IRENAV

CHOMA-BEX Camille : Développement de modèles numériques pour la simulation du comportement d'hydroliennes, IFREMER, 2017/2021, co-encadrement Elie RIVOALEN, INSA Rouen et Grégory PINON, Université du Havre

GAURIER Benoit : Etude expérimentale des performances d'une hydrolienne soumise aux effets de la turbulence et de l'interaction houle-courant, IFREMER, 2017/2020, co-encadrement Grégory PINON, Université du Havre

IKHENNICHEU Maria : Etude expérimentale de la turbulence présente dans les sites fortement énergétiques dédiés aux EMR, co-financée Ifremer/Région Hauts de France, 2016/2019, co-encadrement Philippe DRUAULT, Université Paris 6

TRASCH Martin : Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique du comportement hydrodynamique d'une hydrolienne à membrane ondulante, co-financée ADEME/Eel Energy, 2015/2019

FUR Arnaud : Etude numérique du comportement de membranes ondulantes, co-financée Ifremer/Région Normandie, 2015/2016, co-encadrement Elie RIVOALEN, INSA Rouen

CARLIER Clément : Simulation du comportement d'hydroliennes dans des conditions de fonctionnement réalistes, co-financée Ifremer/Région Haute-Normandie, 2013/2017, co-encadrement Elie RIVOALEN, INSA Rouen

MALLAT Bachar : Etude du phénomène d'aération sur les carènes des navires océanographiques, co-financée Ifremer/Région Nord Pas de Calais, 2014/2017, co-encadrement Jean-Yves BILLARD, Université Brest

DEPORTE Astrid : Caractérisation du fonctionnement d’une membrane ondulante pour récupérer l’énergie des courants marins, co-financée ADEME / Eel Energy, 2012 / 2016, co-encadrement Peter Davies, UBO

DELACROIX Sylvain : Caractérisation de la génération et de la propagation de bulles sur les carènes de navires, co-financée IFREMER/DGA, 2012/2015, co-encadrement JY. Billard, Université Brest Occidentale

MYCEK Paul : Caractérisation numérique et expérimentale des effets d’interaction fluide/structure entre hydroliennes, co-financée Ifremer/Région Haute-Normandie, 2010/2013, co-encadrement Elie RIVOALEN, INSA Rouen

BOUHOUBEINY Elkhadim : Caractérisation numérique et expérimentale de l’écoulement autour d’une structure souple et poreuse. Application aux engins de pêche, co-financée Ifremer / Ministère Agriculture et Pêche, 2009/2012, co-encadrement Philippe DRUAULT, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6

MAGANGA Fabrice : Caractérisation numérique et expérimentale des effets d’interaction entre une hydrolienne et le milieu marin, co-financée Ifremer/Région Haute-Normandie, 2007/2011, co-encadrement Elie RIVOALEN, Université du Havre


Hydroliennes en bassin d'essais
Hydrolienne tri-pales à axe horizontal
Hydrolienne à membrane ondulante
Caractérisation des effets de sillage [...]



Gaurier Benoit, Ordonez-Sanchez Stéphanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Martinez Rodrigo, Salvatore Francesco, Santic Ivan, Davey Thomas, 0ld Chris, Sellar Brian (2021). MaRINET2 Tidal "Round Robin" dataset: comparisons between towing and circulating tanks test results for a tidal energy converter submitted to wave and current interactions . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Payne Grégory, Bacchetti Thomas, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Shoukat Gohar (2021). Force variations measurement on a tidal turbine model due to tower proximity . SEANOE .
Smyth Amanda, Young Anna, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2021). Comparison of three different turbine designs in unsteady flow conditions . SEANOE .


Marty Antoine, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Bacchetti Thomas (2020). Experimental investigation of the marine growth effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions . SEANOE .
Träsch Martin, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2020). Measurements in the wake of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter . SEANOE .
Marty Antoine, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas (2020). Experimental database of the seabed roughness effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions . SEANOE .


Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit (2019). Experimental database of a tidal turbine in a wall-mounted square cylinder wake . SEANOE .
Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit (2019). Experimental database of the flow past a wall-mounted square cylinder . SEANOE .
Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit (2019). Experimental database of the flow past a wall-mounted square cube . SEANOE .


Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Duran-Medina Olmo (2018). Experimental measurements of a synchronized flow velocity and a marine current turbine power production . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Day Sandy, Johnstone Cameron, Di Felice Fabio, Costanzo Marcello (2018). Towing and circulating tanks tidal energy converter test results . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Carlier Clement, Pinon Grégory (2018). Three tidal turbines in interaction: an experimental data-set on wake and performances . SEANOE .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Bacchetti Thomas, Baudet Lætitia, Birades Michel (2018). Marine growth effects on the hydrodynamical forces of a circular cylinder . SEANOE .



Linant Robin, Saouli Yanis, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2025). Experimental Study of the Wave Effects on a Ducted Twin Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine Wake Development . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 13(2), 375 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dufour M.‐a., Pinon G., Rivoalen E., Blondel F., Germain Gregory (2024). Development and validation of a lifting‐line code associated with the vortex particle method software Dorothy . Wind Energy , 27(7), 633-666 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fasse Guillaume, Sacher Matthieu, Hauville Frederic, Astolfi Jacques-Andre, Germain Gregory (2024). Multi-objective optimization of cycloidal blade-controlled propeller: An experimental approach . Ocean Engineering , 299, 117363 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Martin, Bloch Noam, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2024). Experimental study of the upstream bathymetry effects on a ducted twin vertical axis turbine . Renewable Energy , 224, 120140 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Krawczynski Jean-François, Çan Erdi, Germain Gregory (2024). On the necessity of considering the hub when examining the induction of a horizontal axis tidal turbine . Renewable Energy , 224, 120107 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Allmark Matthew James, Mason-Jones Allan, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, O’doherty Tim . The Effect of Combined Yawed and Turbulence Intensity on the Wake Development and Performance of a Tidal Stream Turbine . Preprint IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dufour M-A, Pinon Gregory, Rivoalen E, Germain Gregory (2024). Influence of wakes interaction and upstream turbulence on three tidal turbines behaviour . Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2767(5), 052017 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Magnier Maelys, Saouli Yanis, Gaurier Benoît, Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2023). Modification of the wake of a wall-mounted bathymetry obstacle submitted to waves opposing a tidal current . Ocean Engineering , 288(Part 2), 116087 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2023). Experimental Investigation of Surface Waves Effect on a Ducted Twin Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 11(10), 1895 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2023). Experimental flow conditions effects on a bottom-mounted ducted twin vertical axis tidal turbine compared to real sea conditions . Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference , 15, ???
Saouli Yanis, Coquet , Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Gomez Benoit, Marcon , Maurice Guillaume, Moreau Martin (2023). Experimental comparison of the flow-induced loading between a ducted bottom-mounted twin vertical axis tidal turbine at still and an unducted prototype . Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference , 15, ??
Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2023). Experimental performance and wake study of a ducted twin vertical axis turbine in ebb and flood tide currents at a 1/20th scale . Renewable Energy , 214, 318-333 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2023). Misaligned sheared flow effects on a ducted twin vertical axis tidal turbine . Applied Ocean Research , 138, 103626 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jouenne Lucien, Druault Philippe, Krawczynski Jean-François, Germain Gregory (2023). Induction study of a horizontal axis tidal turbine: Analytical models compared with experimental results . Ocean Engineering , 268, 113458 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume, Richard Aloïs (2022). Sea states influence on the behaviour of a bottom mounted full-scale twin vertical axis tidal turbine . Ocean Engineering , 265, 112582 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marty Antoine, Schoefs Franck, Damblans G., Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory (2022). Experimental study of two kinds of hard marine growth effects on the hydrodynamic behavior of a cylinder submitted to wave and current loading . Ocean Engineering , 263, 112194 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2022). Determination of the Response Amplitude Operator of a tidal turbine as a spectral transfer function . International Marine Energy Journal , 5(2), 151-160 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2022). Experimental investigation of the upstream turbulent flow modifications in front of a scaled tidal turbine . Renewable Energy , 196, 1204-1217 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Magnier Maelys, Delette Nina, Druault Philippe, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2022). Experimental study of the shear flow effect on tidal turbine blade loading variation . Renewable Energy , 193, 744-757 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2022). Prediction of the tidal turbine power fluctuations from the knowledge of incoming flow structures . Ocean Engineering , 252, 111180 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fasse Guillaume, Becker Florent, Hauville Frederic, Astolfi Jacques-Andre, Germain Gregory (2022). An experimental blade-controlled platform for the design of smart cross-flow propeller . Ocean Engineering , 250, 110921 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Khaddaj-Mallat Bachar, Germain Gregory, Billard Jean-Yves, Gabillet Céline (2022). Breaking wave bubble measurements around ship model by optical probe . Ocean Engineering , 246, 110438 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2022). Spatial integration effect on velocity spectrum: Towards an interpretation of the − 11/3 power law observed in the spectra of turbine outputs . Renewable Energy , 181, 1062-1080 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marty Antoine, Berhault Christian, Damblans Guillaume, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Soulard T., Schoefs Franck (2021). Experimental study of hard marine growth effect on the hydrodynamical behaviour of a submarine cable . Applied Ocean Research , 114, 102810 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Slama Myriam, Pinon Grégory, El Hadi Charifa, Togneri Michael, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Nuño José, Mansilla Pablo, Nicolas Erwann, Marcille Julie, Pacheco André (2021). Turbine design dependency to turbulence: An experimental study of three scaled tidal turbines . Ocean Engineering , 234, 109035 (20p.) .
Allmark Matthew, Martinez Rodrigo, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Lloyd Catherine, O’doherty Tim, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Johnstone Cameron (2021). A Phenomenological Study of Lab-Scale Tidal Turbine Loading under Combined Irregular Wave and Shear Flow Conditions . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 9(6), 593 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marty Antoine, Schoefs Franck, Soulard Thomas, Berhault Christian, Facq Jean-Valery, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2021). Effect of Roughness of Mussels on Cylinder Forces from a Realistic Shape Modelling . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 9(6), 598 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Magnier Maelys, Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2021). Experimental investigation of upstream cube effects on the wake of a wall-mounted cylinder: Wake rising reduction, TKE budget and flow organization . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 87, 92-102 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martinez Rodrigo, Gaurier Benoit, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Santic Ivan, Salvatore Francesco, Davey Thomas, Old Chris, Sellar Brian G. (2021). Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests: A Comparison of Flow Measurements and Turbine Loading . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 9(4), 425 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ebdon Tim, Allmark Matthew J., O’doherty Daphne M., Mason-Jones Allan, O’doherty Tim, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit (2021). The Impact of Turbulence and Turbine Operating Condition on the Wakes of Tidal Turbines . Renewable Energy , 165(Part 2), 96-116 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lloyd Catherine, Allmark Matthew, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Martinez Rodrigo, Johnstone Cameron, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Mason-Jones Allan, O'Doherty Tim (2021). Validation of the dynamic load characteristics on a Tidal Stream Turbine when subjected to wave and current interaction . Ocean Engineering , 222, 108360 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Choma Bex Camille, Carlier Clement, Fur Arnaud, Pinon Gregory, Germain Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2020). A stochastic method to account for the ambient turbulence in Lagrangian Vortex computations . Applied Mathematical Modelling , 88, 38-54 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Young Anna M., Atkins Nicholas R., Clark Christopher J., Germain Gregory (2020). An Unsteady Pressure Probe for the Measurement of Flow Unsteadiness in Tidal Channels . Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering , 45(4), 1411-1426 .
Martinez Rodrigo, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Allmark Matthew, Lloyd Catherine, O’doherty Tim, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Johnstone Cameron (2020). Analysis of the effects of control strategies and wave climates on the loading and performance of a laboratory scale horizontal axis tidal turbine . Ocean Engineering , 212, 107713 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Druault Ph., Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory (2020). Experimental analysis of the shear flow effect on tidal turbine blade root force from three-dimensional mean flow reconstruction . Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences , 378(2178), 20200001 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ikhennicheu Maria, Druault Philippe, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2020). Turbulent kinetic energy budget in a wall-mounted cylinder wake using PIV measurements . Ocean Engineering , 210, 107582 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory, Druault Philippe (2020). Experimental study of bathymetry generated turbulence on tidal turbine behaviour . Renewable Energy , 156, 1158-1170 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Träsch Martin, Déporte Astrid, Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Drevet Jean-Baptiste (2020). Wake characterization of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter . Applied Ocean Research , 100, 102222 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Ordonez-Sanchez Stephanie, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Johnstone Cameron, Martinez Rodrigo, Salvatore Francesco, Santic Ivan, Davey Thomas, Old Chris, Sellar Brian (2020). MaRINET2 Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests—Performance Comparison of a Horizontal Axis Turbine Subjected to Combined Wave and Current Conditions . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 8(6), 463 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Träsch Martin, Delacroix Sylvain, Déporte Astrid, Drevet Jean-Baptiste, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2020). Dynamic behaviour of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter under wave and current loading . Ocean Engineering , 206, 107340 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mercier Philippe, Ikhennicheu Maria, Guillou Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Poizot Emmanuel, Grondeau Mikaël, Thiébot Jérôme, Druault Philippe (2020). The merging of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices into large coherent flow structures in a high Reynolds number flow past a wall-mounted square cylinder . Ocean Engineering , 204, 107274 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Carlier Clement, Germain Gregory, Pinon Grégory, Rivoalen Elie (2020). Three tidal turbines in interaction: An experimental study of turbulence intensity effects on wakes and turbine performance . Renewable Energy , 148, 1150-1164 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Choma Bex Camille, Pinon Gregory, Slama Myriam, Gaston Benoist, Germain Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2020). Lagrangian Vortex computations of turbine wakes: recent improvements using Poletto’s Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM) to account for ambient turbulence . Science Of Making Torque From Wind (torque 2020), Pts 1-5 , 1618, 062028 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory, Druault Philippe, Gaurier Benoit (2019). Experimental investigation of the turbulent wake past real seabed elements for velocity variations characterization in the water column. International Journal Of Heat And Fluid Flow , 78, 108426 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ikhennicheu Maria, Germain Gregory, Druault Philippe, Gaurier Benoit (2019). Experimental study of coherent flow structures past a wall-mounted square cylinder . Ocean Engineering , 182, 137-146 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Knoery Joel, Cossa Daniel, Thomas Bastien, Germain Gregory, Rigaud Sylvain (2019). Susane , a device for sampling chemical gradients in the benthic water column . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 17(6), 331-342 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Trasch Martin, Deporte Astrid, Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Drevet Jean-Baptiste (2019). Analytical linear modelization of a buckled undulating membrane tidal energy converter . Renewable Energy , 130, 245-255 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ikhennicheu Maria, Gaurier Benoit, Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2018). Experimental analysis of the floor inclination effect on the turbulent wake developing behind a wall mounted cube . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 72, 340-352 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mallat Bachar, Germain Gregory, Billard Jean-Yves, Gaurier Benoit (2018). A 3D study of the bubble sweep-down phenomenon around a 1/30 scale ship model . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 72, 471-484 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Trasch Martin, Deporte Astrid, Delacroix Sylvain, Drevet Jean-Baptiste, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory (2018). Power estimates of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter . Ocean Engineering , 148, 115-124 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mallat Bachar, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Druault Philippe, Billard Jean-Yves (2018). Experimental study of the bubble sweep-down phenomenon on three bow designs . Ocean Engineering , 148, 361-375 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Duran-Medina Olmo, Schmitt Francois G., Calif Rudy, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit (2017). Turbulence analysis and multiscale correlations between synchronized flow velocity and marine turbine power production . Renewable Energy , 112, 314-327 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pinon Gregory, Carlier Clement, Fur Arnaud, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Riyoalen Elie (2017). Account of ambient turbulence for turbine wakes using a Synthetic-Eddy-Method . Wake Conference 2017 , 854, 012016 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2016). Analysis of hydrodynamics of a moving trawl codend and its fluttering motions in flume tank . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 60, 219-229 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sheehan Emma V., Vaz Sandrine, Pettifer Erin, Foster Nicola L., Nancollas Sarah J., Cousens Sophie, Holmes Luke, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Attrill Martin J. (2016). An experimental comparison of three Towed Underwater Video Systems using species metrics, benthic impact and performance . Methods In Ecology And Evolution , 7(7), 843-852 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mycek Paul, Pinon Gregory, Germain Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2016). Formulation and analysis of a diffusion-velocity particle model for transport-dispersion equations . Computational & Applied Mathematics , 35(2), 447-473 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dussol David, Druault Philippe, Mallat Bachar, Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory (2016). Automatic dynamic mask extraction for PIV images containing an unsteady interface, bubbles, and a moving structure . Comptes Rendus Mecanique , 344(7), 464-478 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Billard Jean-Yves (2016). Experimental study of bubble sweep-down in wave and current circulating tank: Part I—Experimental set-up and observed phenomena . Ocean Engineering , 120, 78-87 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Billard Jean-Yves (2016). Experimental study of bubble sweep-down in wave and current circulating tank: Part II—Bubble clouds characterization . Ocean Engineering , 120, 88-99 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Berger Laurent, Billard Jean-Yves (2016). Bubble sweep-down occurrence characterization on Research Vessels . Ocean Engineering , 111, 34-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Johnstone C.M., Grant A.D., Day A.H., Nixon E., Di Felice F., Costanzo M. (2015). Tidal Energy ”Round Robin” Tests Comparisons between towing tank and circulating tank results . International Journal of Marine Energy , 12, 87-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2015). PIV measurements combined with the motion tracking technique to analyze flow around a moving porous structure . Journal Of Fluids And Structures , 56, 190-204 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mycek Paul, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Pinon Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2014). Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part II: Two interacting turbines . Renewable Energy , 68, 876-892 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mycek Paul, Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Pinon Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2014). Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part I: One single turbine . Renewable Energy , 66, 729-746 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bouhoubeiny Elkhadim, Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory (2014). Phase-averaged mean properties of turbulent flow developing around a fluttering sheet of net . Ocean Engineering , 82, 160-168 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Davies Peter, Deuff Albert, Germain Gregory (2013). Flume tank characterization of marine current turbine blade behaviour under current and wave loading . Renewable Energy , 59, 1-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mycek Paul, Pinon Gregory, Germain Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2013). A self-regularising DVM–PSE method for the modelling of diffusion in particle methods . Comptes Rendus Mecanique , 341(9-10), 709-714 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davies Peter, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Boisseau Amelie, Perreux Dominique (2013). Evaluation of the durability of composite tidal turbine blades . Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences , 371(1985) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pinon Gregory, Mycek Paul, Germain Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2012). Numerical simulation of the wake of marine current turbines with a particle method . Renewable Energy , 46, 111-126 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Druault Philippe, Bouhoubeiny Elkhadim, Germain Gregory (2012). POD investigation of the unsteady turbulent boundary layer developing over porous moving flexible fishing net structure . Experiments In Fluids , 53(1), 277-292 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Kervella Youen, Davourie Julia, Cayocca Florence, Lesueur Patrick (2011). Experimental and numerical characterization of an oyster farm impact on the flow . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 30(5), 513-525 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bouhoubeiny Elkhadim, Germain Gregory, Druault Philippe (2011). Time-Resolved PIV investigations of the flow field around cod-end net structures . Fisheries Research , 108(2-3), 344-355 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kervella Youen, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Facq Jean-Valery, Cayocca Florence, Lesueur Patrick (2010). Experimental study of the near-field impact of an oyster table on the flow . European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids , 29(1), 32-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pichot Geraldine, Germain Gregory, Priour Daniel (2009). On the experimental study of the flow around a fishing net . European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids , 28(1), 103-116 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Le Boulluec Marc, Giry Eric, Fontaine Emmanuel (2008). Experimental and numerical results on VIV and WIO . IUTAM Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction in Ocean Engineering , 8, 57-68 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Proceedings paper

Gaurier Benoît, Druault Philippe, Ahssayni Nabila, Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory, Gomez Benoit (2024). Étude de l'écoulement proche du rotor d'une hydrolienne et de son intéraction avec celle-ci, lorsqu'elle est soumise à un courant réaliste . Actes des 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2024. 26-28 novembre 2024, Nantes. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 5 : Energies marines renouvelables. 12p .
Saouli Yanis, Hinard Camille, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2024). Experimental investigation of the wake development around a counter-rotating twin vertical axis turbine . Actes des 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2024. 26-28 novembre 2024, Nantes. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 2 : Techniques expérimentales. 12p.
Dufour Marc-Amaury, Germain Gregory, Pinon Grégory, Rivoalen Elie (2024). Wave Modelling In Vortex Particle Solver Dorothy: a Tidal Turbine Study . Actes des 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2024. 26-28 novembre 2024, Nantes. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 5 : Energies marines renouvelables. 12p.
Dufour Marc-Amaury, Pinon Grégory, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Togneri Michael, Represas Fabio, Nicolas Erwann, Marcille Julie (2023). Comparison of the experimental response of two horizontal axis tidal turbines to wave and current from a frequency dependency point of view . Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–10 November 2022). 2023. C. Guedes Soares (Ed.). ISBN 9781032420035. Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series. Volume 10. Part Tidal energy, pp.123-132 .
Choma Bex Camille, Dufour M.-A., Ben Belkacem Y., Pinon G., Germain Gregory, Rivoalen E. (2023). Tidal and wind turbine simulation with the simulation code DOROTHY . Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–10 November 2022). 2023. C. Guedes Soares (Ed.). ISBN 9781032420035. Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series. Volume 10. Part Tidal energy, pp.113-122 .
Magnier Maelys, Gaurier Benoît, Germain Gregory, Druault P. (2023). Analysis of the wake of a wide bottom-mounted obstacle in presence of surface wave following tidal current . Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–10 November 2022). 2023. C. Guedes Soares (Ed.). ISBN 9781032420035. Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series. Volume 10. Part Tidal energy, pp.151-160 .
Moreau M., Derveaux C., Maurice G., Facq Jean-Valery, Germain Gregory (2023). Experimental study of two opposed flow directions effect on a ducted twin vertical axis tidal turbine . Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–10 November 2022). 2023. C. Guedes Soares (Ed.). ISBN 9781032420035. Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series. Volume 10. Part Tidal energy, pp.161-168 .
Bloch Noam, Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2022). Experimental study of bathymetry variation effects on a cross-flow water turbine . Actes des 18èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH2022, du 22 au 24 novembre 2022, Poitiers. Session : Energies marines renouvelables. 12p.
Saouli Yanis, Magnier Maelys, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoît, Druault Philippe (2022). Experimental characterisation of the waves propagating against current effects on the wake of a wide bathymetric obstacle . Actes des 18èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH2022, du 22 au 24 novembre 2022, Poitiers. Session : Energies marines renouvelables. 12p.
Magnier Maelys, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Druault Philippe (2021). Velocity profile effects on a bottom-mounted square cylinder wake and load variations . Proceedings of the 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 5-9th Sept 2021, Plymouth, UK. ISSN: 2706-6940 (online) 2706-6932 (CD-ROM) 2706-6932 (Print). pp.???
Moreau Martin, Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume, Richard Aloïs, Coquet Raphaël (2021). HydroQuest: Feedback from Paimpol-Bréhat and validation of the design method . Proceedings of the 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 5-9th Sept 2021, Plymouth, UK. ISSN: 2706-6940 (online) 2706-6932 (CD-ROM) 2706-6932 (Print). pp.2229-1 / 2229-8 .
Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2021). Determination of the Response Amplitude Operator of a tidal turbine as a spectral transfer function . Proceedings of the 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 5-9th Sept 2021, Plymouth, UK. ISSN: 2706-6940 (online) 2706-6932 (CD-ROM) 2706-6932 (Print). pp.???


Ifremer (2023). WORKSHOP Méthodes expérimentales et numériques pour l’hydrolien organisé par le Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique Marine . .

Book / Conference proceedings / Book section

Slama M., Pinon G., Togneri M., Jump E., Gaurier Benoit, Germain Gregory, Represas F., Grande J., Nicolas E., Marcille J. (2020). Blade root load variations on two scaled industrial tidal turbines . In Guedes Soares, C. (Ed.). (2020). Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore (1st ed.). CRC Press. DOI 10.1201/9781003134572. ISBN 9781003134572. 9p. (Informa UK Limited) .


Coquet Raphael, Germain Gregory (2024). A first tidal farm project in the Raz Blanchard 2025 - 2029 . 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique. 26-28 novembre 2024, Nantes .
Germain Gregory, Maurice Guillaume (2024). A common laboratory to develop vertical axis tidal turbine. 2024- 2028 . 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique. 26-28 novembre 2024, Nantes .
Germain Gregory, Bennis Anne-Claire, Coquet Raphael, Guillou S., Lafosse M (2022). The FloWatt Project . ICOE-OEE 2022 - International Conference on Ocean Energy and Ocean Energy Europe’s annual event. 18-20 October 2022, San Sebastian .
Raillard Nicolas, Maisondieu Christophe, Germain Gregory (2022). Resourcecode: A high-resolution wave parameter dataset for the European Shelf and analysis toolbox . Seanergy 2022. 15-17 June 2022, Le Havre, France .

Meeting abstracts

Dufour Marc-Amaury, Gaurier Benoît, Pinon Grégory, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery, Togneric Michael, Represas Fabio, Nicolas Erwann, Marcillee Julie (2022). Comparison of the experimental response of two horizontal axis tidal turbines to wave and current . CFM2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 2 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Fasse G., Sacher M., Hauville F., Germain Gregory (2022). Optimization of a marine cycloidal propeller using experimental blade-controlled platform . CFM 2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 02 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Choma Bex Camille, Dufour Marc-Amaury, Ben Belkacem Yasmine, Pinon Grégory, Germain Gregory, Rivoalen Elie (2022). Simulations d’hydroliennes et éoliennes avec le code DOROTHY . CFM 2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 02 septembre 2022, Nantes .
