Briese Christian, Reimer Christoph, Briese Christian, Reck Christoph, Papadakis Dimitrios, Claus Michele, Brandt Gunnar, Fouilloux Anne, Odaka Tina (2025). From SAFE to Zarr: The EOPF Sample Service Initiative . EGU General Assembly 2025. 27 Apr–2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria .
Fichaut Michele, Gatti Julie, Lherminier Pascale, Odaka Tina, Franc Lea, Crouzille Sébastien (2024). SADCP data format converter and viewer, from oceanSITES to SeaDataNet TrajectoryProfile .
Gatti Julie, Le Hingrat Françoise, Fichaut Michele, Franc Lea, Odaka Tina, Lherminier Pascale (2024). Shipboard ADCP data : from acquisition to standardization and distribution in European RI . IMDIS 2024 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. 27-29 May 2024, Bergen, Norway .
Gonse Marine, Laurans Martial, Magin Justus, Odaka Tina, Delouis Jean Marc, Martin Stephane, Garren Francois, Lazard Coline, Drogou Mickael, Stamp Thomas, Davies Peter, Hall Alice, Sheehan Emma, Woillez Mathieu . Combining acoustic telemetry with archival tagging to investigate the spatial dynamic of the understudied pollack, Pollachius pollachius . Journal of Fish Biology IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kmoch Alexander, Bovy Benoît, Magin Justus, Abernathey Ryan, Strobl Peter, Coca-Castro Alejandro, Fouilloux Anne, Loos Daniel, Odaka Tina (2024). XDGGS: Xarray Extension for Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Kmoch Alexander, Bovy Benoit, Magin Justus, Abernathey Ryan, Coca-Castro Alejandro, Strobl Peter, Fouilloux Anne, Loos Daniel, Uuemaa Evelyn, Chan Wai Tik, Delouis Jean Marc, Odaka Tina (2024). XDGGS: A community-developed Xarray package to support planetary DGGS data cube computations . The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-4/W12-2024 FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) Europe 2024 – Academic Track, 1–7 July 2024, Tartu, Estonia. pp.75-80 .
Odaka Tina, Magin Justus, Gonse Marine, Woillez Mathieu (2024). Leveraging Pangeo to Geolocate Fish Using Biologging Data: The Pangeo-Fish Initiative . BLS8 - The 8th International Bio-logging sciences symposium. 4-8 March 2024, Tokyo, Japan .
Wiesmann Daniel, Odaka Tina, Fouilloux Anne, Autret Emmanuelle, Woillez Mathieu, Ragan-Kelley Benjamin (2024). Harnessing the Pangeo ecosystem for delivering the cloud-based Global Fish Tracking System . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Odaka Tina, Fouilloux Anne, Wiesmann Daniel, Autret Emmanuelle, Woillez Mathieu, Ragan-Kelley Benjamin (2024). Advancing Marine Ecosystem Conservation with the Global Fish Tracking System on the Destination Earth Service Platform . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Magin Justus, Odaka Tina (2024). STAC catalogs for time-varying in-situ data . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Magin Justus, Bovy Benoit, Abernathey Ryan, Kmoch Alexander, Strobl Peter, Coca-Castro Alejandro, Odaka Tina, Loss Daniel, Fouilloux Anne (2023). XDGGS Xarray + DGGS. Result of our BIDS23 pangeo-osgeo sprint session . BIDS23 - Big Data from Space 2023. 6-9 November 2023, Vienna, Austria .
Odaka Tina (2023). PANGEO. A European big data analytics platform in geosciences with Pangeo . EGI 2023,. 19-23 June 2023, Poznań, Poland .
Fouilloux Anne, Marasco Pier Lorenzo, Odaka Tina, Mottram Ruth, Zieger Paul, Schulz Michael, Coca-Castro Alejandro, Laquinta Jean, Eynard Bontemps Guillaume (2023). Pangeo framework for training: experience with FOSS4G, the CLIVAR bootcamp and the eScience course . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Eynard-Bontemps Guillaume, Laquinta Jean, Luna-Valero Sebastian, Caballer Miguel, Paul Frederic, Fouilloux Anne, Ragan-Kelley Benjamin, Pier Lorenzo Marasco, Odaka Tina (2023). Pangeo@EOSC: deployment of PANGEO ecosystem on the European Open Science Cloud . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Odaka Tina, Magin Justus, Derrien Alexandre, Delouis Jean Marc, Woillez Mathieu (2023). Pangeo For Studying Fish Movement Using Bio-logging And Earth Science Data . European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Soille, P., Lumnitz, S., Albani, S., Proceedings of the 2023 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’23) – From foresight to impact – 6-9 November 2023, Austrian Center, Vienna. Soille, P., Lumnitz, S., Albani, S. (Eds), Publications Office of the European Union, 2023. DOI 10.2760/46796. pp.85-88 .
Fouilloux Anne, Odaka Tina, Coca-Castro Alejandro, Luna-Valero Sebastian, Marasco Pier Lorenzo, Eynard-Bontemps Guillaume (2023). Pangeo@EOSC: Enabling Open, Reproducible, and Scalable Big Data Geoscience for Everyone . European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Soille, P., Lumnitz, S., Albani, S., Proceedings of the 2023 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’23) – From foresight to impact – 6-9 November 2023, Austrian Center, Vienna. Soille, P., Lumnitz, S., Albani, S. (Eds), Publications Office of the European Union, 2023. DOI 10.2760/46796. pp.81-84 .
Odaka Tina, Gouaillardet Gilles, Talandier Claude, Lique Camille, Derouillat Julien, Meurdesoif Yann (2023). Benchmark of the high-resolution Nemo-SI3-XIOS configuration SEDNA on an ARM-based HPC system, Fugaku. EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Carval Thierry, Bodéré Erwan, Meillon Julien, Woillez Mathieu, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Magin Justus, Odaka Tina (2023). Enabling simple access to a data lake both from HPC and Cloud using Kerchunk and Intake . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Magin Justus, Odaka Tina (2023). Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) for in-situ data . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Magin Justus, Woillez Mathieu, Queric Antoine, Odaka Tina (2022). Pangeo for geolocating fish using biologging data . EGU General Assembly 2022. 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Odaka Tina, Talandier Claude, Lique Camille, Gouaillardet Gilles (2021). Real Time Monitoring of HPC Simulation Outputs using Dask and Xarray . Dask distributed summit. May 19th - 21st, 2021 .
Odaka Tina (2021). A scaling study of SEDNA, Hight resolution simulation of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice interplays, on Fugaku . Project Number: hp 200264 .
Eynad-Bontemps Guillaume, Odaka Tina (2020). Analyse de données scientifiques à l’échelle sur HPC ou dans le Cloud avec Pangeo . Teratec Digital Forum 2020. 13 & 14 octobre 2020, Online .
Bennis Anne-Claire, Furgerot Lucille, Bailly Du Bois Pascal, Dumas Franck, Odaka Tina, Lathuilière Cyril, Filipot Jean-Francois (2020). Numerical modelling of three-dimensional wave-current interactions in complex environment: Application to Alderney Race . Applied Ocean Research , 95, 102021 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Odaka Tina, Banihirwe Anderson, Eynard-Bontemps Guillaume, Ponte Aurelien, Maze Guillaume, Paul Kevin, Baker Jared, Abernathey Ryan (2019). The Pangeo Ecosystem: Interactive Computing Tools for the Geosciences: Benchmarking on HPC . Juckeland G., Chandrasekaran S. (eds) Tools and Techniques for High Performance Computing. HUST 2019, SE-HER 2019, WIHPC 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1190. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN 978-3-030-44727-4 Online ISBN 978-3-030-44728-1. pp.190-204 .
Cotty Pierre, Thomas Doare Anne, Croize-Fillon Denis, Odaka Tina (2018). Pôle de Calcul et de Données pour la Mer. Rapport d’activités 2016-2017 .
Maze Guillaume, Balem Kevin, Odaka Tina, Queric Antoine (2018). What was tried as data mining with spark on Datarmor . 17th PCIM meeting. 2018/05/17 .
Odaka Tina (2018). SCCJ Cafe - Season 6 - Letter from France, Pôle de Calcul et de Données Pour La Mer at IFREMER (1) “History on Parallelizing Coastal Numerical Modeling System MARS” . Journal Of Computer Chemistry-japan , 17(2), A4-A10 .
Odaka Tina, Le Bris Chantal, Croize-Fillon Denis, Le Brun Dominique, Cotty Pierre (2016). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer - Rapport d'activités 2015 . IDM/RIC/2016.007 .
Odaka Tina, Wittische-Helou Annaig, Croize-Fillon Denis, Le Brun Dominique, Cotty Pierre (2015). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer - Rapport d'activités 2014 . IDM/RIC/2015.027 .
Odaka Tina, Wittische-Helou Annaig, Croize-Fillon Denis, Le Brun Dominique, Maudire Gilbert, Cotty Pierre (2014). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer. Rapport d'activités 2013 . IMN/IDM/RIC/2014.010 .
Croize-Fillon Denis, Odaka Tina, Le Brun Dominique, Cotty Pierre (2013). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer. Rapport d'activités 2012 . IDM/RIC 2013-016 .
Bennis Anne-Claire, Ardhuin Fabrice, Odaka Tina, Dumas Franck (2013). Un nouveau modèle couplé vagues-courant 3D : développement et validation . Revue Paralia , 6, 8.1-8.12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Brun Dominique, Le Rest Jacques, Odaka Tina, Croize Fillon Denis (2012). Audit Datacenter Ifremer Centre de Brest - Cahier des charges . IDM/RIC 2012-012 .
Odaka Tina, Cotty Pierre, Prevosto Bernard (2012). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer - Rapport d'activités 2011 .
Odaka Tina, Cotty Pierre, Prevosto Bernard (2011). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer - Rapport d'activités 2010 . IDM/RIC 11.013 .
Cotty Pierre, Treguier Anne-Marie, Ardhuin Fabrice, Menesguen Alain, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Piolle Jean-Francois, Wittische-Helou Annaig, Odaka Tina (2010). Appel à projets Equipex 2010 - Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer – Equipement d’Excellence .
Cotty Pierre, Odaka Tina, Prevosto Bernard (2010). Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer - Rapport d'activités 2009 . IDM 09.013 .
Melnikov V, Odaka Tina, Jensen P, Hirano T (2008). The double Renner effect in the (X)over-tilde(2)A '' and (A)over-tilde (2)A ' electronic states of HO2 - art. no. 114316 . Journal of Chemical Physics , 128(11), NIL_306-NIL_315 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Odaka Tina, Melnikov Vladlen V., Jensen Per, Hirano Tsuneo, Lang Bruno, Langer Peter (2007). Theoretical study of the double Renner effect for (A)over-tilde (2)Pi MgNC/MgCN: Higher excited rovibrational states . Journal Of Chemical Physics , 126(9), 094301 (1-9) .
Odaka Tina, Jensen Per, Hirano Tsuneo (2006). The double Renner effect: A theoretical study of the MgNC/MgCN isomerization in the (A)over-tilde (2)Pi electronic state . Journal Of Molecular Structure , 795(1-3), 14-41 .
Bludsky O, Spirko V, Odaka Tina, Jensen P, Hirano T (2004). A theoretical study of the MgNC/MgCN isomerization in the electronic ground state . Journal Of Molecular Structure , 695-696, 219-226 .
Jensen P, Odaka Tina, Kraemer Wp, Hirano T, Bunker Pr (2004). Reply to the comment on: "The Renner effect in triatomic molecules with application to CH2+, MgNC and NH2" . Spectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy , 60(3), 737-739 .
Odaka Tina, Hirano T, Jensen P (2002). A theoretical study of (A)over-tilde-(2)Pi MgCN . Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy , 216(2), 379-396 .
Hirano T, Ishii K, Odaka Tina, Jensen P (2002). A theoretical study of MgNC and MgCN in the (X)over-tilde(2)Sigma(+) electronic state . Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy , 215(1), 42-57 .
Jensen P, Odaka Tina, Kraemer Wp, Hirano T, Bunker Pr (2002). The Renner effect in triatomic molecules with application to CH2+, MgNC and NH2 . Spectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy , 58(4), 763-794 .
Odaka Tina, Hirano T, Jensen P (2002). An ab initio study of the (A)over-tilde(2)Pi state and the (A)over-tilde(2)Pi <- (X)over-tilde(2)Sigma(+) electronic transition of MgNC . Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy , 211(1), 147-161 .
Odaka Tina, Taketsugu T, Hirano T, Nagashima U (2001). Ab initio molecular orbital prediction of the Renner-Teller effect for the first excited state (2)Pi of MgNC: Reinterpretation of the laser-induced fluorescence spectrum based on the predicted spectroscopic constants . Journal Of Chemical Physics , 115(3), 1349-1354 .