Ching-Maria Villanueva

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-2562-3282

ResearcherID :

Domaines de recherche

Mes travaux scientifiques s'appuient aux études fondamentales, théoriques et émpiriques. Mes thématiques de recherche portent sur la bio-écologie des poissons et autres ressources biologiques exploitées, l'écologie fonctionelles, la rélation proie-prédateur, les niches écologiques, l'éco-toxicologie, les contaminants, l'écologie de pêche, les réseaux trophiques, la modélisation bio-socio-économique, la biodiversité et son lien à la stabilité de l'écosystème, évaluations des impacts d'espèces exotiques et effets cumulatifs d'activités antrophiques et le développement d'énérgies marines renouvables dans le milieu et les indicateurs bio-écologiques et écosystémiques. Mes études portent essentiellement sur l'utilisation des modèles écosystémiques à la comprehension du fonctionnement et l'aménagement de l'exploitation des écosystèmes aquatiques (lacs, rivières, eaux saûmatres et marines) et terrestres.

Projets nationaux ou internationaux

2020-2023: Le rôle des parcs éoliens offshore dans la sécurisation de la biodiversité et des services écosystémiques (WindServ). France Energies Marines. R&D Consolidation MRE-ITE.

2020-2022: Reseau sur les DLMs pour les pêcheries multi-spécifiques avec une focale tropical/Outre-Mer (MultiFish). Direction Scientifique de l'IFREMER.

2018-2020: Validation de la détermination de l'âge de la baudroie et du merlu: Un enquête exploratoire utilisant l'analyse de la microchimie (AHA). UE EASME: E-Tenders Programme.

2017-2021: Evaluation des conséquences écologiques et socio-économiques de la déprédation exercée par les cétacés sur les pêcheries à la palangre: Mise en œuvre d'une approche technico-économique en vue de sa suppression (OrcaDepred). Programme ANR Projet de Recherche Collaborative (ANR-PRC).

2016-2018: Modélisation du rôle des éoliennes offshore dans la modification du fonctionnement des réseaux trophiques côtiers et dans le cumul d'impacts (TROPHIK). Programme ANR Projet de Recherche Collaborative Conventions EMR-ITE de Normandie.

2016-2017: Projet sur l'Economie-Ecologique des pêcheries guyanaises face aux changements (ECOPE). CNRS-Pépinière interdisciplinaire de Guyane (CNRS-PIG). Conventions CNRS-IFREMER-DEAL de Guyane.

2014-2016: Projet sur l'Elaboration d'aides à la Gestion Intégrée des Populations de Bar de l'Atlantique du Nord Est: Golfe de Gascogne, Manche et Mer du Nord (BarGIP). Conventions IFREMER-DPMA et IFREMER-FFP.

2011-2014: Vectors of Change (VECTORS) Programme UE 7ème PCRD.

2011-2014: End-to-End Modeling and Indictors for BIOdiversity Scenarios (EMIBIOS) Programme FBR.

2011-2013: Interactions écosystémiques et impacts anthropiques dans les populations de COquilles Saint-Jacques de la MANCHE (COMANCHE) Programme ANR Systerra.

2011-2013: Mnemiopsis leidyi : Ecology, Modelling and Observation (MEMO) Programme UE InterReg IVA-2 Mers.

2009-2012 : CHannel integrated Approach for Fisheries Resources Management (CHARM III) Programme UE InterReg IVA et Fonds Européen de Développement Régional.

2009-2011 : Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) sur le Suivi des Impacts de l'Extraction de Granulats MArins (SIEGMA). Programme de la Région de la Haute-Normandie et de la Ministère Délégué de Recherche et Nouvelle Technologies.

2006-2010 : Écosystèmes, Sociétés, COnsilience, Principe de précaution : Elaboration d’une méthode d’évaluation du coût sociétal pour de meilleures pratiques de pêches et des politiques publiques efficients (ECOST) Programme UE-INCO-DEV. Programme UE 6ème PCRD

2006-2008 : Atlas des Habitats des Ressources Marines de la Manche Orientale (CHARM II) Programme UE-InterReg IIIA.

2006-2008 : Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) sur les Granulats marins au large de Dieppe (SIEGMA) Programme de la Région de la Haute-Normandie et de la Ministère Délégué de Recherche et Nouvelle Technologies.

2004-2005 : Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) sur l’Environnement, Écologie et Économie du Bassin Adour Garonne (ECOBAG) Programme de la Région Midi-Pyrénées, l’Agence de l’Eau et de la Ministère Délégué de Recherche et Nouvelle Technologies.

2003: Génésis II: Et l'homme créa la nature (MERU) Programme France Télévision 5 et Kenya Wildlife Services.

2002-2004 : Étude environnementale de l’écosystème du lac Kivu : exploitation rationnelle des ressources piscicoles (KIVU) Programme de l’AUF.

2002-2004 : Étude des relations trophiques d’une lagune Ouest Africaine : Le lac Nokoué (LACNOC) Programme de l'AUF.

2002 : « Coherence of public policy of conservation and development of coastal and marine protected areas in in West Africa » (CONSDEV) Programme UE – INCO-DEV. Programme UE 5ème PCRD

2000-2004: Réponses Adaptatives des populations et des peuplements de poissons aux pressions de l’environnement (RAP). Programme SPIRALES.

2000-2001: Lake Victoria : A new beginning (LVFRP) Programme de la Banque Mondiale et de Ministère de l'Environnement et Ressources Naturelles.

1999-2003: Strategies for Partitioning the Productivity of Asian Reservoirs and Lakes Between Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture for Social Benefit and Local Market without Negative Environmental Impact (FISHTRAT) Programme UE-INCO-DEV. Programme UE 4ème PCRD

Campagnes océanographiques





ICES (2025). Workshop on marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (WKmCDR; outputs from 2024 Meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 7(7), 16pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


ICES (2024). Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM; outputs from 2023 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(13), 218p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(12), 63p. Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(99), 77pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Working Group on Social Indicators (WGSOCIAL; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(10), 10pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Piroddi Chiara, Serpetti Natalia, Marcia Moy Diego, Garcia Gorriz Elisa, Polimene Luca, Ferreira Nuno, Duteil Olaf, Andonegi Eider, Bentley Jacob, Corrales Xavier, Gascuel Didier, Lynam Christoper, Potier Mikaëla, Szalaj Dorota, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2024). Report of the 6th meeting of the Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment . JRC138091. ISBN 978-92-68-18338-0, KJ-05-24-535-EN-N .
ICES (2024). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(59), 762p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Workshop to compare the indicators for CFP and MSFD D3 management objectives through simulations (WKSIMULD3). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(4), 165pp. Publisher's official version : to compare the indicators for CFP and MSFD D3 management objectives through simulations (WK , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(11), 52pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Workshop to apply thresholds for the preselected indicators for MSFD D3C3 (WKD3C3THRESHOLDS). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(3), 141pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Kempf Alexander, Spence Michael A., Lehuta Sigrid, Trijoulet Vanessa, Bartolino Valerio, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Gaichas Sarah K. (2023). Skill assessment of models relevant for the implementation of ecosystem-based fisheries management . Fisheries Research , 268, 106845 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Workshop on the Development of Quantitative Assessment Methodologies based on Life-history traits, exploitation characteristics, and other relevant parameters for data-limited stocks (WKLIFEXII) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(103), 111p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Workshop to scope and preselect indicators for criterion D3C3 under MSFD decision (EU) 2017/848 (WKD3C3SCOPE). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(87), 37pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Benchmark workshop on selected megrim stocks (WKMEGRIM; outputs from 2022 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(61), 240p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2023). English Channel: Towards understanding ecosystem responses and adaptation to cumulative stress . MEME -Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment. 6-7 June 2023, JRC, Ispra, italy .
ICES (2023). Second Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBES Raise&TAF2) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(109), 71pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Workshop on guidelines and methods for the design and evaluation of rebuilding plans for category 1-2 stocks (WKREBUILD2) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(112), 79pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice Methodology (WGMIXFISH-METHODS) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(105), 73pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Benchmark workshop on anglerfish and hake (WKANGHAKE; outputs from 2022 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(17), 354 p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM; outputs from 2022 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(12), 233pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Workshop 2 on Fish Distribution (WKFISHDISH2; outputs from 2022 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(7), 127pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(69), 803pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


ICES (2022). Working Group on Ecosystem Assessment of Western European Shelf Seas (WGEAWESS) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(79), 54p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2022). What priorities and partnerships should be developed towards African Ocean sustainable management? African Conference on Priority Setting & Partnership Development for the Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development. 10-12 May, 2022. United Nations Decade of Science for Sustainable Development. Hybrid Conference .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2022). Long-term threats of microplastics in the Oceans: Challenges and risks ahead . Ocean Plastic Workshop 2022: Designing Diverse Collaboration Framework. 5-7 April 2022 Online workshop .
Cresson Pierre, Lefebvre Sebastien, Kopp Dorothee, Giraldo Carolina, Rouquette Manuel, Denamiel Margaux, Cure Clemence, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Marchal Paul, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Ernande Bruno (2022). Intégrer isotopes stables, contenus stomacaux et modèles écosystémiques pour souligner l’influence du couplage bentho-pélagique dans la structuration des assemblages de poissons en Manche . 8è RIF - 8èmes Rencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France. 14-18 mars 2022, Paris .
ICES (2022). Workshop on ICES reference points (WKREF1) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(2), 70pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2022). International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(65), 183p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2022). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(52), 847pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


ICES (2021). Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(115), 50pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Workshop on Data-Limited Stocks of Short-Lived Species (WKDLSSLS3) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(86), 60pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brophy Deirdre, Pérez-Mayol Sílvia, Duncan Roxanne, Hüssy Karin, Geffen Audrey, Gerritsen Hans D., Villanueva Ching-Maria, Morales-Nin Beatriz (2021). Elemental composition of illicia and otoliths and their potential application to age validation in white anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius linnaeus, 1758) . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 261, 107557 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Niquil Nathalie, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Araignous Emma, Bourdaud Pierre, Halouani Ghassen, Hattab Tarek, Le Loch Francois, Leroy Boris, Noguès Quentin, Raoux Aurore, Safi Georges, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Dauvin Jean-Claude (2021). Promoting an ecosystem approach of marine renewable energy: a set of modelling tools for studying cumulative impacts on ecosystem functioning, based on the bay of Seine case study . 52nd Liège Colloquim on Ocean Dynamics: Towards an understanding and assessment of human impact on coastal marine environments. 17-21 May 2021. Online event.
Drogou Mickael, Woillez Mathieu, Vermard Youen, Fifas Spyros, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Lecomte Jean Baptiste (2021). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM chargé de l'évaluation des stocks du golfe de Gascogne et des eaux ibériques (WGBIE), Visio-conférence, 06 au 13 mai 2021 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-27 .
ICES (2021). Working Group on Biodiversity Science (WGBIODIV) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(79), 57pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS) . ICES Business Reports, 1:5. 60 pp.
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2021). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM pour l'évaluation de l'écosystème des eaux européennes occidentales (WGEAWESS). Visio-conférence, 5-8 juillet 2021 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-22 .
ICES (2021). Working Group on Social Indicators (WGSOCIAL; outputs from 2020 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(8), 29p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM; outputs from 2020 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(10), 231p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(48), 1101pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Workshop on the production of abundance estimates for sensitive species (WKABSENS) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(96), 128pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Halouani Ghassen, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Raoux Aurore, Dauvin Jean Claude, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Foucher Eric, Le Loc'h Francois, Safi Georges, Araignous Emma, Robin Jean Paul, Niquil Nathalie (2020). A spatial food web model to investigate potential spillover effects of a fishery closure in an offshore wind farm . Journal Of Marine Systems , 212, 103434 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kraan Marloes (2020). After the first shock: An assessment framework for understanding the impact of COVID-19 on fisheries . ICES reflections: Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on fisheries, markets, communities, and management. Online conference, 16 September 2020 .
Niquil Nathalie, Raoux Aurore, Haraldsson Matilda, Araignous Emma, Halouani Ghassen, Leroy Boris, Safi Georges, Nogues Quetin, Grangere Karine, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Riera Fabien, Maze Camille, Le Loch Francois, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Hattab Tarek, Bourdaud Pierre, Champagnat Juliette, Ben Rais Lasram Frida (2020). Toward an Ecosystem Approach of Marine Renewable Energy: The Case of the Offshore Wind Farm of Courseulles-sur-Mer in the Bay of Seine . Nguyen K., Guillou S., Gourbesville P., Thiébot J. (eds) Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change. Springer Water. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN 978-981-15-2080-8 Online ISBN 978-981-15-2081-5. Part. Renewable Energies in the Sea and in Tidal Rivers: CFD Modelling and Impacts. pp.137-148 .
ICES (2020). Tenth Workshop on the Development of Quantitative Assessment Methodologies based on LIFE-history traits, exploitation characteristics, and other relevant parameters for data-limited stocks (WKLIFE X). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(98), 72pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Girardin Raphael, Vigneau Joel, Thebaud Olivier (2020). CIEM WGCHAIRS 2020. Groupe de travail rassemblant tous les présidents de groupe de travail du CIEM . Compte-rendu de participation. RBE/ederu/CRWG-1 .
ICES (2020). Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS). 28-30 January 2020, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2020/ACOM/SCICOM:01. 63 pp .
ICES (2020). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(49), 865p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Villanueva Ching-Maria, Suberg Lavinia, Pruvost Patrice (2019). Why depredation should be better accounted for in EBMs . Ecopath 35 years – Making Ecosystem-Based Management Operational. 4-11 December 2019, St. Peterburg, Florida .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Suberg Lavinia (2019). Understudied & underappreciated fish mortality from depredation makes effective EBM difficult to achieve. Accounting for unwanted mortality due to depredation in EBMs . Ecopath 35 years – Making Ecosystem-Based Management Operational. 4-11 December 2019, St. Peterburg, Florida .
Vallee Vincent, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Blanchard Fabian (2019). Functional richness and turnover patterns reveal assembly rules structuring marine fish communities on the continental shelf of French Guiana . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 630, 183-195 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Suberg Lavinia, Tixier Paul, Gasco Nicolas, Péron Clara, Duhamel Guy, Stelzenmüller Vanessa, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2019). How space-time use by fishermen can be optimized to reduce sperm whales depredation impact in the Patagonian toohfish longline fisheries . ASC 2019 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 9-13 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Noguès Quentin, Bourdaud Pierre, Araignous Emma, Champagnat Juliette, Foucher Eric, Halouani Ghassen, Hattab Tarek, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Le Loch Francois, Leroy Boris, Raoux Aurore, Robin Jean-Paul, Safi Georges, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Niquil Nathalie (2019). Indices ENA et approche holistique des écosystèmes : application à la baie de Seine, espace de cumul d’activités humaines autour du futur parc éolien . 14e Colloque de l'AFH "Recherche halieutique et dévloppement durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019, Université de Caen Normandie.
Niquil Nathalie, Araignous Emma, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Bourdaud Pierre, Champagnat Juliette, Grangere Karine, Halouani Ghassen, Haraldsson Matilda, Hattab Tarek, Le Loch Francois, Leroy Boris, Nogues Quentin, Raoux Aurore, Robin Jean-Paul, Safi Georges, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Halouani Ghassen (2019). Vers une approche socio-écosystémique des EMR : combiner les modèles pour caractériser les impacts du changement climatique, de la pêche et du futur parc éolien en Baie de Seine . 14e Colloque de l'AFH "Recherche halieutique et dévloppement durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019, Université de Caen Normandie .
Vallee Vincent, Perez Ilan, Blanchard Fabian, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2019). Effects of climate change and the collapse of the shrimp fishery on fish communities’ diversity and functions in a tropical context: the case of the continental shelf off French Guiana . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France.
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Suberg Lavinia, Tixier Paul, Gasco Nicolas, Péron Clara, Guinet Christophe (2019). Managing depredation impacts in the Kerguelen toothfish fishery . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France.
Suberg Lavinia, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Tixier Paul, Gasco Nicolas, Péron Clara, Guinet Christophe (2019). Variable sperm whale occurrence on the Kerguelen Plateau has implications for depredation management in the local D. eleginoides fishery . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France.
Suberg Lavinia, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Tixier Paul, Gasco Nicolas, Péron Clara, Guinet Christophe (2019). Variable sperm whale occurrence on the Kerguelen Plateau has implications for depredation management in the local toothfish fishery . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France .
Araignous Emma, Beaugrand Gregory, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Bourdaud Pierre, Champagnat Juliette, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Grangeré Karine, Halouani Ghassen, Haraldsson Matilda, Hattab Tarek, Le Loch Francois, Leroy Boris, Lejart Morgane, Niquil Nathalie, Nogues Quintin, Pagot J.-P., Raoux Aurore, Safi Georges, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2019). Recommandations pour une approche écosystémique des aires d’implantation d’énergies marines renouvelables. Cas d’étude du parc éolien offshore de Courseulles-sur-mer . France Energies Marines Editions.
White Jonathan (2019). ICES Bay of Biscay Advice Drafting Group (ADGBBI) : Minutes. 11th to 13th June 2019 .
ICES (2019). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion ( WGBIE ) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 1(31), 692p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gallic Bertrand, Gourguet Sophie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Guinet Christophe (2019). Projet OrcaDepred: Dimension socio-économique . Second meeting. 28 February 2018 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Clavareau Lyndsay, Faure Johanna, Tixier Paul, Suberg Lavinia, Gasco Nicolas, Attou Nourel Islam, Péron Clara, Pruvost Patrice, Chazeau Charlotte, Le Gallic Bertrand, Duhamel Guy, Gourguet Sophie, Guinet Christophe (2019). Projet OrcaDepred Dimension socio-économique (WP 2): Modélisations . Second meeting, 28 Février 2019, CNPMEM Paris .
Tixier Paul, Burch Paul, Richard Gaetan, Olsson Karin, Welsford Dirk, Lea Mary-Anne, Hindell Mark A., Guinet Christophe, Janc Anais, Gasco Nicolas, Duhamel Guy, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Suberg Lavinia, Arangio Rhys, Söffker Marta, Arnould John P.Y. (2019). Commercial fishing patterns influence odontocete whale-longline interactions in the Southern Ocean . Scientific Reports , 9(1904), 11p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lee Sung-Tse, Lin Chitsan, Thanh Vu Chi, Chen Yi-Cyuan, Chen Kang-Shin, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2019). How human activities in commercial areas contribute to phthalate ester pollution in street dust of Taiwan . Science Of The Total Environment , 647, 619-626 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2019). Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS) 21-25 January 2019 ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2019/ACOM/SCICOM:01.
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Vigneau Joel, Thebaud Olivier (2019). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail rassemblant tous les présidents de groupes de travail du CIEM (WGCHAIRS). Copenhague, 21-25 janvier 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR1 .
Brophy Deidre (coord.) (2019). Validating age-determination of anglerfish and hake . EASME/EMFF/2016/ Final Report .
Tixier Paul, Welsford Dirk, Lea Mary-Anne, Hindell Mark, Guinet Christophe, Janc Anaïs, Richard Gaetan, Gasco Nicolas, Duhamel Guy, Arangio Rhys, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Suberg Lavinia, Arnould John (2019). Variations de la répartition des cachalots sur le plateau de Kerguelen suggérée par les données d’interaction avec les pêcheries / Fisheries interaction data suggest variations in the distribution of sperm whales on the Kerguelen Plateau . Welsford, D., J. Dell and G. Duhamel (Eds). 2019 The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Proceedings of the Second Symposium. Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-876934-30-9. pp.259-270 .


ICES (2018). Report of the Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM), 15–19 October 2018, Paris, France . ICES CM 2018/HAPISG:20 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Tixier Paul (2018). Evaluation of the socio-economic and ecologic impacts of whale depradation on longline fisheries: An ecosystem approach towards mitigation and potential suppression of productivity loss . IMAS-IFREMER Collaborative Meeting "Ecosystem modelling meeting". 5 Novembre 2018, Hobart .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Tixier Paul, Gasco Nicolas, Suberg Lavinia, Pruvost Patrice, Chazeau Charlotte, Duhamel Guy, Guinet Christophe (2018). How changing fishing practices can mitigate ecological and economic fisheries losses from fish depredation . Ecology in the Anthropocene: addressing the grand challenge of our time Statement of the Ecological Society of Australia 2018 Conference. 29 November 2018, Brisbane, Australia .
Safi Georges (2018). Compte-rendu de réunion d’avancement du projet TROPHIK (M26) . FEM-2018- 464 .
Vallee Vincent, Perez Ilan, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Blanchard Fabian (2018). Shrimp fishery collapse and Climate change: long term effects on the structure and diversity of fish communities of French Guiana . SFEcologie 2018 - international Conference on Ecological Sciences. October 22-25 2018, Rennes .
Vallee Vincent, Perez Ilan, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Blanchard Fabian (2018). The effects of climate change and the collapse of the shrimp fishery on fish communities’ diversity and functions in a tropical context: The case of the continental shelf off French Guiana . SFEcologie 2018 - International Conférence on Ecological Sciences. 22-25 October 2018, Rennes .
Janc Anais, Richard Gaetan, Guinet Christophe, Arnould John P. Y., Villanueva Ching-Maria, Duhamel Guy, Gasco Nicolas, Tixier Paul (2018). How do fishing practices influence sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) depredation on demersal longline fisheries? Fisheries Research , 206, 14-26 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2018). Report of the Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE), 3–10 May 2018 ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Denmark , Ref. ICES CM 2018/ACOM:12 , 585p.
Vallee Vincent, Perez Ilan, Blanchard Fabian, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2018). The effects of climate change on ground fish communities’ diversity and functions in a tropical context: The case of the continental shelf off French Guiana . ECCWO18 - 4th International Conference on The effects of climate change on the World's Ocean. 4-8 June 2018, Washington D.C.
Safi Georges (2018). Bilan de l’avancement du projet TROPHIK : M20. Compte-rendu de réunion d’avancement du projet TROPHIK . FEM-2018-308 .
Niquil Nathalie, Raoux Aurore, Safi Georges, Halouani Ghassen, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Leroy Boris, Hattab Tarek, Lasram Frida, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Mazé Camille, Araignous Emma, Champagnat Juliette, Nogués Quentin (2018). TROPHIK. Approche écosystémique des EMR – Modélisation du rôle des éoliennes offshore dans la modification du fonctionnement des réseaux trophiques côtiers et dans le cumul d’impacts . Réunion d’advancement du projet ANR TROPHIK. 31 Mai 2018, Université de Caen .
Vallee Vincent, Perez Ilan, Blanchard Fabian, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2018). Assembly rules and long-term changes in ground fish communities’ functional diversity of the continental shelf off French Guiana . European Conference of Tropical Ecology " Challenges in tropical ecology and conservation - global perspectives". 26-29 March 2018, Paris .
Janc Anais, Richard Gaetan, Guinet Christophe, Arnould John Py, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Duhamel Guy, Gasco Nicolas, Tixier Paul (2018). How do fishing practices influence sperm whale depredation (Physeter macrocephalus) on demersal longline fisheries? 5th YNMH - Young Natural History Scientists' Meeting. 6-10 March 2018, MNHN Paris .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2018). Gouqi EwE Model: A report on changes made from the initial model . INT/REP/RBE-LBH/2018-1 .
Reynal Lionel, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2018). Halieutique Antilles (Martinique) . Atelier CPUE – Unité BiodivEnv. 31 janvier 2018, Nantes .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Gourguet Sophie, Le Gallic Bertrand, Poupon Hugo, Gasco Nicolas, Pruvost Patrice, Chazot Charlotte, Duhamel Guy, Tixier Paul, Guinet Christophe (2018). Projet OrcaDepred. Dimension socio-économique . Project OrcaDepred, Réunion de Lancement. 29 Jan 2018, MNHN, Paris .
Gourguet Sophie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Le Gallic Bertrand, Poupon Hugo, Guinet Christophe (2018). Projet OrcaDepred. Dimension socio-économique . Réunion SARPC. 18 Janvier 2018, Paris .
ICES (2018). Interim Report of the Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM), 16–20 October 2017, San Sebastian, Spain . ICES , Ref. ICES CM 2017/SSGEPI:20 , 397p.
Brophy Deirdre, Minto Coilin, Gerritsen Hans, Geffen Audrey, Mahe Kelig, Villanueva Ching-Maria, de Pontual Helene, Morales-Nin Beatriz, Hüssy Karine (2018). Validating age-determination of anglerfish and hake: an exploratory investigation using microchemistry analysis . EU ETENDERS EASME Kick-off Meeting. 11 janvier 2018, DG MARE, Brussels .
Tan Barron Cedric, Anticamara Jonathan, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2018). Modeling of degraded reefs in Leyte Gulf, Philippines in the face of climate change and human-induced disturbances . Climate, Disaster and Development Journal , 3(1), 1-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cresson Pierre, Lefebvre Sebastien, Kopp Dorothee, Giraldo Carolina, Denamiel Margaux, Rouquette Manuel, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2018). Importance trophique du benthos en Manche . Journées scientifiques Manche – Mer du Nord 2018. 19-21 Novembre 2018, Université du Havre, France .
Ceesay Adam, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Wolff Matthias (2018). Climate change adaptation in the river Gambia estuary: How far have we come? 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists "Wetland Science: Integrating Research, Practice, and Policy – and Exchange of Expertise". May 29-June 1, 2018 Hilton Denver Center City, Denver, Colorado, USA .
(2018) Compte rendu de participation à la réunion annuelle du groupe de travail sur les méthodes d’évaluation multispécifiques (WGSAM). 15-19 octobre 2018, Issy les Moulineaux . RBE/ederu/2018/CR9 .
ICES (2018). Report of the Benchmark Workshop on Anglerfish Stocks in the ICES Area (WKANGLER), 12–16 February 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2018/ACOM:31 .
FAO (2018). Report of the Technical Workshop on “Best-practices for the implementation and reporting of SDG Indicator 14.4.1 – Percentage of biologically sustainable fish stocks, 21–24 November 2017. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1222 .
Lissardy Muriel, Drogou Mickael, Fifas Spyros, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2018). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM pour l'évaluation des stocks démersaux du Golfe de Gascogne et des eaux ibériques. 3-10 mai 2018, Copenhague . RBE/ederu/2018/CR5 .


Auber Arnaud, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2017). A new application of principal response curves for summarizing abrupt and cyclic shifts of communities over space . Ecosphere , 8(12), e02023 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Technical workshop on Best-practices for the implementation and reporting of SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Percentage of biologically sustainable fish stocks. FAO – India Room, Rome, 21-24 November 2017. Minutes of the meeting .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Reynal Lionel (2017). Fisheries Assessment: Martinique dilemma . Technical Workshop on the Estimation and Reporting of SDG Indicator 14.4.1. 21-24 Novembre 2017, FAO, Rome .
Halouani Ghassen, Niquil Nathalie, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Modélisation spatialisée en 2D des réseaux trophiques de la Baie de Seine étendue : Mise en place des modèles Ecosim et Ecospace. Rapport d’avancement du projet ANR TROPHIK (Lot 2) . RI 2017/STH/PLOUZANE .
Lin Chitsan, Nguyen Kim Anh, Vu Chi Thanh, Senoro Delia, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Contamination levels and potential sources of organic pollution in an Asian river . Water Science And Technology , 76(9), 2434-2444 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chi Thanh Vu, Lin Chitsan, Yeh Gavin, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Bioaccumulation and potential sources of heavy metal contamination in fish species in Taiwan: Assessment and possible human health implications . Environmental Science And Pollution Research , 24(23), 19422-19434 .
Lin Chitsan, Vu Thanh, Senoro Delia, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). The Investigation of Volatile and Semi-volatile Organic Contaminations in Houjing River, Kaohsiung City, Southern Taiwan . ASM Science Journal , Special Issue 1(ICT-BIO), 74-81 . Open Access version :
Halouani Ghassen, Niquil Nathalie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Dauvin Jean-Claude (2017). Avancement Lot 2 : Modélisation spatialisée en 2D des réseaux trophiques de la Baie de Seine étendue .
Drogou Mickael, Laurec Alain, Bissery Claire, Mahevas Stephanie, Demaneche Sebastien, Begot Eric, Laurens Martial, Le Goff Ronan, de Pontual Helene, Talidec Catherine, Weiss Jerome, Allanic Guillaume, Barone Herve, Bazet Mathilde, Bouche Ludovic, Le Bourdonnec Pierre, Coupeau Yann, Dimeet Joel, Duhamel Erwan, Fauvel Christian, Le Gall Marie-Annik, Garren Francois, Latrouite Armelle, Lespagnol Patrick, Marc Emilie, Martin Stephane, Le Mestre Sophie, Nedelec Daniel, Pennors Laurence, Le Roy Didier, Le Ru Loic, Salaun Michele, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Projet Bargip. Action Données professionnelles. Rapport final mars 2017 . RST-RBE/STH/LBH/17-002 .
Le Goff Ronan, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Drogou Mickael, de Pontual Helene (2017). Projet Bargip. Action Nourriceries. Rapport final . RST-RBE/STH/LBH/17-001 .
ICES (2017). Report of the Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM). 10-14 October 2016 Reykjavik, Iceland . CIEM , Ref. ICES CM 2016/SSGEPI:21 , 96p.
Cachera Marie, Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Lefebvre Sebastien (2017). Individual diet variation in a marine fish assemblage: Optimal Foraging Theory, Niche Variation Hypothesis and functional identity . Journal Of Sea Research , 120, 60-71 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Halouani Ghassen, Niquil Nathalie, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2017). Lot 2 Tâche 2 & 3 Livrables L2 & L3 : Modélisation spatialisée en 2D des réseaux trophiques de la Baie de Seine étendue : Mise en place des modèles Ecosim et Ecospace . Document Interne France Energies Marines .
ICES (2017). Report of the Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE). 4-11 May 2017, Cadiz, Spain . ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea , Ref. ICES CM 2017/ACOM:12 , 532p.


Belhabib Dyhia, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Pauly Daniel (2016). Benin . In Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries: A critical appraisal of cathces and ecosystem impacts. 2016. Edited by Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller. pp.204 (Island Press) .
Dubroca Laurent, Vigneau Joel, Cornou Anne-Sophie, Demaneche Sebastien, Weiss Jerome, Merzereaud Mathieu, Vermard Youen, Savina-Rolland Marie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Schlaich Ivan, Pawlowski Lionel, Robert Marianne, Lissardy Muriel, Morandeau Gilles, Drogou Mickael, Fifas Spyros, Gadenne Helene, Lorance Pascal, Saraux Claire, Rouyer Tristan, Gontrand Florence (2016). Ptyx : data compilation at the edge of automation . ASC 2016 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2016. 19-23 september 2016, Riga .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Amarasinghe Upali, Duncan Annie, Moreau Jacques, Sricharoendham Boonsong, Vijverberg Koos, Simon David, Schiemer Fritz (2016). How a transdisciplinary approach leads to sustainable management of Asian inland fisheries . ICFA 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture. 24-25 August, Negombo, Sri Lanka .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Amarasinghe Upali, Duncan Annie, Moreau Jacques, Sricharoendham Boonsong, Vijverberg Koos, Simon David, Schiemer Friedrich (2016). Managing inland Asian aquatic resources: how a transdisciplinary approach leads to sustainable management of fisheries . 3rd International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture. 24-25 August, Negombo, Sri Lanka .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Aguilar Ibarra Alonso (2016). Assessing the ecological stress in a Garonne River stretch, southwest France . Ecological Indicators , 67, 466-473 .
Mille Tiphaine, Mahe Kelig, Cachera Marie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, de Pontual Helene, Ernande Bruno (2016). Diet is correlated with otolith shape in marine fish . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 555, 167-184 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Le Roy Didier, Martin Stephane, Garren Francois, Le Ru Loic, Le Goff Ronan (2016). Que mangent les juvéniles de bar commun (Dicentrarchus labrax) en rade de Brest et en baie de Douarnenez ? R.INT.RBE/STH-LBH/RH 2016-2 .
Deepananda K.H.M.A, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Amarasinghe Upali, Jayasinghe-Mudalige U.K. (2016). Fishers’ knowledge as smart fishing compass and management tips . MSEAS 2016 - Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments. 30 May - 3 June 2016 Brest, France .
Lin Chitsan, Vu Chi Thanh, Senoro Delia, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2016). Investigation of volatile and semi-volatile organic contamination in Houjing River (Southern Taiwan) . ICT-Bio Asia 2016. May 30-31, 2016, Malaysia .
Le Goff Ronan, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Cornou Anne-Sophie, Berthele Olivier, Drogou Mickael, de Pontual Helene, Woillez Mathieu, Le Roy Didier, Le Ru Loic, Garren Francois, Martin Stephane, Caroff Nicolas, Rostiaux Emilie, Ignacio-Cifre Rachel, Le Gall André, Bissery Claire (2016). Projet BarGip. Action Nourriceris: Rapport d'activité 2015 . RST-RBE/STH/LBH/16-001 .
Lissardy Muriel, Fifas Spyros, Drogou Mickael, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2016). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d’experts du CIEM chargé de l’évaluation des stocks du golfe de Gascogne et des eaux ibériques (WGBIE). Copenhague, 13-19 mai 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT19 .
Mille Tiphaine, Ernande Bruno, de Pontual Helene, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Mahe Kelig (2016). Sources of otolith morphology variation at the intra-population level: directional asymmetry and diet. Journées de la SFI 2016. 26-27 mai 2016, Marseille .
ICES (2016). Report of the Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian waters Ecoregion (WGBIE). 13-19 May 2016, ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM/ACOM:12 .
Lehuta Sigrid, Rault Jonathan, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2016). Compte–rendu de participation à l'atelier du CIEM sur le développement des méthodologies pour l’évaluation multi-espèces (WGSAM). Reykjavik, 10-14 Octobre 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT21 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2016). How transdisciplinary approaches lead to sustainable management of marine fisheries . World fisheries Congres, 23-27 May 2016, Busan .
ICES (2016). Report of the Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM). 9–13 November 2015 Woods Hole, USA . International Council for the Exploration of the Sea , Ref. ICES CM 2015/SSGEPI:20 , 208p.


Villanueva Ching-Maria (2015). Is high biodiversity and complex trophic networks equal to ecosystem stability?: A comparative study of tropical mangrove estuaries . Liga Workshop 2015, 24-28 November 2015, CCIG de la Guyane, Cayenne .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Leblond Emilie, Macabiau Christophe, Berthou Patrick (2015). RECOPESCA, a tool for possible application to seafood traceability application as a guarantee of quality . Fish products: Quality and Human Health (EXPOMILAN), 18 October 2015, Milan .
Mille Tiphaine, Mahe Kelig, Villanueva Ching-Maria, de Pontual Helene, Ernande Bruno (2015). Sagittal otolith morphogenesis asymmetry in marine fishes . Journal Of Fish Biology , 87(3), 646-663 .
Tecchio Samuele, Rius Antonio, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Lobry Jeremy, Lassalle Geraldine, Morin Jocelyne, Bacq Nicolas, Cachera Marie, Chaalali Aurelie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Niquil Nathalie (2015). The mosaic of habitats of the Seine estuary: Insights from food-web modelling and network analysis . Ecological Modelling , 312, 91-101 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Anticamara Jonathan, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2015). Climate change challenges: The Philippines coral reefs experience . RFCC (Regional Forum on Climate Change) - Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Societies: Bridging Science, Practice, and Policy , 1-3 July 2015, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand .
Auber Arnaud, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2015). Regime Shift in an Exploited Fish Community Related to Natural Climate Oscillations . Plos One , 10(7), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Metcalfe Kristian, Vaz Sandrine, Engelhard Georg H., Villanueva Ching-Maria, Smith Robert J., Mackinson Steven (2015). Evaluating conservation and fisheries management strategies by linking spatial prioritization software and ecosystem and fisheries modelling tools . Journal Of Applied Ecology , 52(3), 665-674 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Anticamara Jonathan, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2015). Assessment and rehabilitation of Philippine reef biodiversity: Towards improved coastal productivity and resilience to climate change . Bio-Asia. Workshop Programme and Abstract Book, Matrix Biolpolis, Singapore, pp 37-38 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2015). Contrasting tropical estuarine ecosystem functioning and stability: A comparative study . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 155, 89-103 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Cachera Marie, Villanueva Maria Ching, Ernande Bruno (2015). Reorganization of a marine trophic network along an inshore-offshore gradient due to stronger pelagic-benthic coupling in coastal areas . Progress In Oceanography , 130, 157-171 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lehuta Sigrid, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2015). Compte rendu de participation à l'atelier CIEM sur le développement des méthodologies pour l’évaluation multi-espèces (Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods, WGSAM). MBL, Woods Hole, 9-13 Novembre 2015 . RBE/EDERU/2015/CRGT24 .


Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Baheux Mickael, Lefevbre Sébastien (2014). Écologie fonctionnelle et relations trophiques de poissons: Protocoles de collecte et analyse des échantillons en Manche Orientale . R.INT.STH.HMMN/RBE/LBH.RH LAB RESEAUX TROPHIQUES 2014-1 .
Busseni Greta, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Bertignac Michel (2014). The European Hake : Bio-ecology, Distribution and Exploitation of the species Merluccius merluccius . Atelier Scientifique en Océanographie et Environnements Marins. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 16-20 Juin 2014, Paris .
Mille Tiphaine, Mahe Kelig, Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria, de Pontual Helene (2014). Patron de morphogénèse des otolithes: sont-ils les mêmes entre l’otolithe gauche et l’otolithe droit? 8ème Symposium National de Morphométrie et d'Evolution des formes, 2-3 juin 2014, Dijon .
Busseni Greta, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Bertignac Michel (2014). The European Hake: Bio-ecology, Distribution and Exploitation of the species Merluccius merluccius . R.INT.STH BREST/SERV 2014-6 .
Auber Arnaud, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2014). Regime shift in an exploited fish community primarily driven by climate . SFI 2014 - Journées annuelles de la Société Française d'Ichtyologie, 9-10 avril 2014, Boulogne sur Mer .
Mille Tiphaine, Mahe Kelig, Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria, de Pontual Helene (2014). Patron de morphogénèse des otolithes : sont-ils les mêmes entre l’otolithe droit et l’otolithe gauche? Journées 2014 de la Société Française d'Ichtyologie, 9-10 Avril 2014, Boulogne-sur-Mer .
Mahe Kelig, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Vaz Sandrine, Coppin Franck, Koubbi Philippe, Carpentier Andre (2014). Morphological variability of the shape of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in relation to stock discrimination between the Bay of Biscay and the eastern English Channel . Journal Of Fish Biology , 84(4), 1063-1073 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baheux Mickael, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2014). Les Gélatineux: Collecte en mer et préparation des gélatineux pour l'analyse isotopique . R.INT.HMMN/RBE/RH LAB RESEAUX TROPHIQUES 2014-1 .
Mille Tiphaine, Mahe Kelig, Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria, de Pontual Helene (2014). Does diet influence otolith shape? 5th international otolith symposium 20-24 October 2014, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain .
Desprez Michel, Lafitte Robert, Le Blot Sophie, Duclos Pierre-Arnaud, de Roton Gwenola, Villanueva Maria, Ernande Bruno, Claveleau David, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Delpech Jean-Paul, Delsinne Nicolas, Lanshere Julien, Papore Laetitia, Simplet Laure (2014). Monitoring the impacts of marine aggregate extraction. Knowledge synthesis 2012 (GIS SIEGMA) .
Auber Arnaud, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2014). Regime shift in an exploited fish community related to climate variability . VECTORS meeting. 25 septembre 2014, Paris .


Rombouts Isabelle, Beaugrand Gregory, Artigas L. F., Dauvin Jean-Claude, Gevaert Francois, Goberville E., Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Luczak C., Spilmont Nicolas, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Kirby R. R. (2013). Evaluating marine ecosystem health: Case studies of indicators using direct observations and modelling methods . Ecological Indicators , 24, 353-365 .
Gnohossou P., Laleye P., Atachi P., Magali G., Villanueva Ching-Maria, Moreau Jacques (2013). Temporal variations in the food habits of some fish species in Lake Nokoué, Benin . African Journal Of Aquatic Science , 38, 43-47 .


Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2012). Body size-trophic position relationship in marine fish depends on the biological and spatial scales considered . 8th ISOECOL - International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, 20-24 August 2012, Brest .
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2012). Trophic relationships in the eastern English Channel: how to simplify food web structure description for trophic niche determination? 8th ISOECOL - International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, 20-24 August 2012, Brest .
Desprez Michel, Chevreau Pierre, Duclos Pierre-Arnaud, Delpech Jean-Paul, Ernande Bruno, Lafite Robert, Le Bot Sophie, de Roton Gwenola, Tavernier Eric, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2012). Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique "Suivi des Impacts de l'Extraction de Granulats Marins" (GIS SIEGMA). Compte-Rendu Assemblée Générale 2 juillet 2012 .
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2012). Body size-trophic position relationship in marine fish depends on biological and spatial scales . WFC 2012 - 6th World Fisheries Congress, 7-11 May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland .
Desprez Michel, Lafitte Robert, Le Blot Sophie, Duclos Pierre-Arnaud, de Roton Gwenola, Villanueva Maria, Ernande Bruno, Claveleau David, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Delpech Jean-Paul, Delsinne Nicolas, Lanshere Julien, Papore Laetitia, Simplet Laure (2012). Suivi des impacts de l'extraction de granulats marins. Synthèse des connaissances 2012 (GIS SIEGMA) .
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2012). Simplifying food web structure description into functional groups for further model construction . WFC 2012 - 6th World Fisheries Conference, 7-11 May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland .
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2012). Body size-trophic position relationship: Is it space-invariant at species, guild or community level? WFC 2012 - 6th World Fisheries Conference, 7-11 May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Brotz Lucas, Pauly Daniel (2012). Jellyfishes: Global distribution and risk to the health of marine ecosystems . WFC 2012 - 6th World Fisheries Conference. 7-11 May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland .
Cachera Marie, Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Baheux Mickael, Lefebvre Sebastien (2012). FISH : shapes and swimming styles . Third UK One-Day Meeting on Morphometrics and Statistical Shape Analysis, York, 6th January 2012 .
Metcalfe Kristian, Delavenne Juliette, Harrop Stuart, Vaz Sandrine, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Smith Bob (2012). Exploring the impacts of spatial marine zoning for fisheries and conservation using an ecosystem model . ECCB'12 - The 11th European Conference on Computational Biology, 9-12 September 2012, Center Basel, Switzerland .


Villanueva Ching-Maria, Vaz Sandrine, Ernande Bruno, Gardel Laure, Coppin Franck, Carpentier Andre, Martin Corinne, Eastwood Paul D., Ota Yoshi, Harrop Stuart (2011). The Charm Project: Defying the Channel’s loss by facing environmental challenges across borders . La Mer , 49(3-4), 83-92 .
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2011). Body size-trophic position relationship: Is it space-invariant at species guild or community level? CHARM3 Meeting. 8-9 Novembre 2011, Université de Caen .
Cachera Marie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Baheux Mickael, Lefebvre Sebastien (2011). Morphological determinism of predator-prey interactions . CHARM III Partners Meeting, 9-10 Novembre 2011, Caen .
Baheux Mickael, Lecuyer Eric, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Lefebvre Sebastien (2011). Collecte et traitement du zooplancton pour l'analyse isotopique. Campagne Somlit . HMMMN/LAB RESS HALIEUT/SERV 2011-1 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Carpentier Andre (2011). The Charm Project: Defying the Channel's degradation by facing environmental challenges across borders . Techno-Ocean Conference: Oceanic Engineering Conference, 14-16 October 2010, Kobe, Japan .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2011). No More Fish to Fry . HDR.
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2011). Indicateurs de la biodiversité et les relations trophiques . Atelier : Indicateurs de la diversité et des réseaux trophiques, Laboratoire d'Océanographie et de Géoscience, 13 Mai 2011, Wimereaux .
Briffault Axel, Gascuel Didier, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2011). Evaluation de l'impact des extractions de granulats marins sur l'écosystème de Manche Est. Programme CHARM3 .
Desprez Michel, Le Bot Sophie, Duclos Pierre-Arnaud, de Roton Gwenola, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2011). Impact des extractions de granulats marins sur l'environnement: Contribution du G.I.S. SIEGMA au bilan des connaissances .
Briffault Axel, Gascuel Didier, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2011). Modélisation des effets de l’habitat sur le fonctionnement trophique des écosystèmes marins : application à l’étude de l’impact des extractions de granulats en Manche Est . 10e forum halieumétrique « Changements environnementaux et dynamiques halieutiques », 29 Juin 2011 au 01 Juillet 2011, CCI, Boulogne-sur-Mer .
Cachera Marie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Baheux Mickael, Rouquette Manuel, Chambord Sophie, Lefebvre Sebastien (2011). How does shape affect predator- prey interactions in fish? Implications for marine food web structure and dynamics . Colloque « Vulnérabilité des écosystèmes côtiers au changement global et aux évènements extrêmes », 18 au 21 octobre 2011 , Biarritz.
Le Fur Ines, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Lefebvre Sebastien (2011). Fonction de prédation chez deux espèces de poissons de Manche Orientale : déterminisme morphologique du régime alimentaire . 10e forum halieumétrique "Changements environnementaux et dynamiques halieutiques", 29 Juin 2011 au 01 Juillet 2011, CCI, Boulogne-sur-Mer .
Kopp Dorothee, Lefebvre Sebastien, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2011). Does the positive body-size-trophic level relationship hold at the species level? Colloque « Vulnérabilité des écosystèmes côtiers au changement global et aux évènements extrêmes », 18 au 21 octobre 2011 , Biarritz.
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Brotz L, Pauly Daniel (2011). Jellyfishes as a threat to the heath of marine ecosystems . Colloque « Vulnérabilité des écosystèmes côtiers au changement global et aux évènements extrêmes », 18 au 21 octobre 2011 , Biarritz .
Chambord Sophie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Lefebvre Sebastien (2011). La forme du poisson: Permet-elle de déduire les guildes trophiques . 10ème Forum de l'Association Française d'Halieutique - AFH . 29 Juin - 1er Juillet 2011, Boulogne/Mer, France .
Christensen Villy, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2011). Ecosystem-based fisheries management using Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software. Report for 2nd regional workshop.Regional coordination unit, Accra, Ghana, 13-17th december 2010 .


Villanueva Ching-Maria (2010). Ecosystem "pictures & projections": A case of the eastern English Channel . French-Japanese International Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management, Ocean Policy Research Foundation, 18 October 2010, Tokyo .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Daskalov Georgi, Ernande Bruno (2010). Modélisation trophique de la Manche Orientale: Où sommes nous? GIS SIEGMA - Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique de Suivi des Impacts de l'Extraction de Granulats Marins - Assemblée Générale, Hotel de Ville, 24 Juin 2010, Dieppe .
Ernande Bruno, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Rostiaux Emilie, Delpech Jean-Paul (2010). Guide de mise en place d'un protocole pour la description de l'état initial et le suivi des ressources halieutiques dans le cadre d'extractions industrielles de granulats marins .
GIS SIEGMA (2010). GIS Siegma. Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique de Suivi des Impacts de l'Extraction de Granulats Marins. Exposition . Fête de la Science, ESTRAN Cité de la Mer, 1-31 Janvier 2010, Dieppe .
Chambord Sophie, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Lefebvre Sébastien (2010). Can fish morphology determine its diet? ICES Annual Conference, 20-24 September 2010 .
Van Mai Viet, Phuong Nguyen Thanh, Dinh Tran Dac, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Moreau Jacques (2010). A mass-balance Ecopath model of Coastal Areas in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam . Asian Fisheries Society , 23, 208-223 . Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Carpentier Andre, Vaz Sandrine, Martin Corinne, Coppin Franck, Curet Lucie, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Delavenne Juliette, Dewarmez Jean-Michel, Dupuis Ludovic, Engelhard Georg, Ernande Bruno, Foveau Aurelie, Garcia Clement, Gardel Laure, Harrop Stuart, Just Roger, Koubbi Philippe, Lauria Valentina, Meaden Geoff, Morin Jocelyne, Ota Yoshi, Rostiaux Emilie, Smith R, Spilmont Nicolas, Verin Yves, Warembourg Caroline (2010). The Charm Project: Defying the Channel’s loss by facing environmental challenges across borders (ICES Annual Conference) . ICES Annual Conference, 19-23 September 2010, Nantes .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2010). Can fish shape be used to infer functional trophic guilds? ICES 2010 - Annual Science Conference, 20-24 September 2010, Nantes .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Martin Corinne, Gardel Laure, Vaz Sandrine, Coppin Franck, Ota Yoshi, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Smith Bob, Harrop Stuart, Carpentier Andre (2010). A numerical atlas of the Channel Marine Resources: The Charm Project . How minimizing the footprint of aquaculture and fisheries on the ecosystem? Proceedings of the French-Japanese Symposium, Ifremer, Sète, France , 1-3 September 2010. pp.218-220 .


Martin C. S., Carpentier Andre, Vaz Sandrine, Coppin Franck, Curet L., Dauvin J. -C., Delavenne Juliette, Dewarumez J. -M., Dupuis L., Engelhard G., Ernande Bruno, Foveau Aurelie, Garcia C., Gardel Laure, Harrop S., Just R., Koubbi P., Lauria Valentina, Meaden G. J., Morin Jocelyne, Ota Y., Rostiaux Emilie, Smith R., Spilmont N., Verin Yves, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Warembourg Caroline (2009). The Channel habitat atlas for marine resource management (CHARM): an aid for planning and decision-making in an area under strong anthropogenic pressure . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 499-508 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2009). Wildlife Conservation: The Genesis II Project . Ecopath 25 years Conference and Workshop, Unversity of British Columbia Fisheries Centre, 30 Aug-2 Sep 2009, Vancouver .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Delpech Jean-Paul (2009). Modélisation trophique de la Manche Orientale: Où sommes nous? Conférénce Publique du Projet SIEGMA. 25 juin 2009, Rouen .
Ernande Bruno, Mackinson Steve, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2009). Réseau trophique / Trophic network . In Channel Habitat Atlas for marine Resource Management, final report / Atlas des habitats des ressources marines de la Manche orientale, rapport final (CHARM phase II). INTERREG 3a Programme, IFREMER, Boulogne-sur-mer, France. 2009. Carpentier A, Martin CS, Vaz S (Eds.). Chap.6, pp.548-562 (Ifremer) .
GIS SIEGMA (2009). Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique SIEGMA. Suivi des Impacts de l'Extraction de Granulats Marins . Fête de la Science, IUT d’EVREUX, 19-22 Novembre 2009, Evreux .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Jenkins Mark, Moreau Jacques (2009). Poaching/preservation: the case of the Meru National Park, Kenya . Fisheries Centre Research Reports , 17(3), 118-119 . Open Access version :
Villasante Sebastian, Garcia-Negro Maria Do Carme, Rodriguez G. Rodriguez, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Christensen Villy, Sumaila Ussif Rashid (2009). A preliminary model of coastal resources of the Pantagonian marine ecosystem . Fisheries Centre Research Reports , 17(3), 151-152 .
Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Curet Lucie, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Delavenne Juliette, Dewarumez Jean-Marie, Dupuis Ludovic, Foveau Aurélie, Garcia Clément, Gardel Laure, Harrop Stuart, Just Roger, Koubbi Philippe, Lauria Valentina, Martin Corinne, Meaden Geoff, Morin Jocelyne, Ota Yoshi, Rostiaux Emilie, Smith Bob, Spilmont Nicolas, Vaz Sandrine, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Verin Yves, Walton Joanne, Warembourg Caroline (2009). Atlas des Habitats des Ressources Marines de la Manche Orientale - CHARM II / Channel Habitat Atlas for marine Resource Management - CHARM II . PROGRAMME INTERREG 3A .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Christensen Villy, Failler Pierre (2009). Linking ecology, sociology and economics to determine the cost of aquatic environments . Proceedings of the 5th World Fisheries Congress - Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environmental Conservation, 20-24 October 2008, Yokohama, Japan .


Desprez Michel, Chevreau Pierre, Duclos Pierre-Arnaud, Lafite Robert, Le Bot Sophie, de Roton Gwenola, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2008). Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique « Suivi des impacts de l’extraction de granulats marins » (GIS SIEGMA). Compte-Rendu Assemblée Générale du 20 juin 2008 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Isumbisho M, Kaningini B, Moreau J, Micha J (2008). Modeling trophic interactions in Lake Kivu: What roles do exotics play? Ecological Modelling , 212(3-4), 422-438 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Mackinson Steve, Ernande Bruno, Lefevbre Sébastien (2008). Eastern English Channel: Trophic modeling. Progress report . R.INT.HMMMN/LAB RESS HALIEUT/SERV 2008-1 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Moreau Jacques, Amarasinghe Upali S., Schiemer Fritz (2008). Foodweb and the trophic structure of two Asian Reservoirs using Ecopath with Ecosim and Ecospace: A comparative study . In Aquatic Systems and Development: Comparative Asian Perspectives. 2008. Fritz SCHIEMER, Dacid SIMON, Upali S. AMARASINGHE, Jacques MOREAU (Eds). Chap.21, pp.413-434 (Backhuys Publishers, Margraf Publishers) .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Delpech Jean-Paul (2008). Modélisation du fonctionnement du réseau trophique de Manche Est . Fête de la Science, ESTRAN Cité de la Mer, 15 au 19 Novembre 2008, Dieppe .
Amarasinghe Upali S., Weliange Wasantha S., Kakkaeo Montharop, Villanueva Ching Maria (2008). Diel feeding pattern and food consumption of selected fish populations in Asian Reservoirs . In Aquatic Systems and Development: Comparative Asian Perspectives. 2008. Schiemer fritz, Simon David, Amarasinghe Upali S., Moreau Jacques (Eds.). Chap.14, pp.249-264 (Backhuys Publishers, Margraf Publishers) .
Haputhantri S, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Moreau J (2008). Trophic interactions in the coastal ecosystem of Sri Lanka: An ECOPATH preliminary approach . Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 76(2), 304-318 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Jacques, Amarasinghe Upali S., Sricharoendham Boonsong, Jayarasinghe R.P. Prabath, Villanueva Ching Maria (2008). Population Dynamic of Commercially Important Fish Species in Four Asian Reservoirs . In Aquatic Systems and Development: Comparative Asian Perspectives. 2008. Fritz Schiemer, David Simon, Upali S. Amarasinghe & Jaques Moreau (Eds). Chap.17, pp.295-304 (Backhuys Publishers, Margraf Publishers) .


Christensen Villy, Moreau Jacques, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2007). WP4 Ecological Modeling . 5th ECOST Meeting, 12-16 November 2007, Bavaro, Dominican Republc .
Desprez Michel, Duclos Pierre-Arnaud, Le Bot Sophie, de Roton Gwenola, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2007). Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique: Suivi des impacts de l'extraction de granulats marins. Compte-Rendu Assemblée Générale du 20 juin 2007 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno, Delpech Jean-Paul, Carpentier Andre (2007). Modèle trophique: Où sommes nous? GIS SIEGMA Assemblée Générale, ESTRAN Cité de la Mer, 20 Juin 2007, Dieppe .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2007). Trophic modeling of the Eastern English Channel. Progress report . R.INT.DIR/RH/PEB 2007-1 .
Christensen V, Aiken K, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2007). Threats to the ocean: on the role of ecosystem approaches to fisheries . Social Science Information , 46(1), 67-86 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Laleye Philippe A, Lae Raymond, Albaret Jean-Jacques, Tito De Morais Luis, Simier Monique, Moreau Jacques (2007). Preliminary trophic flow models of two West African lagoons . Journal of Afrotropical Zoology , (Spécial), 199-212 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ernande Bruno (2007). How biodiversity is translated in ecosystem stability . EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology, 22 May 2007 - 27 May 2007 Beijing, China .
Diallo Ibrahima, Masumbuko Bora, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Jouffre Didier (2007). Les indicateurs et la modélisation trophique dans l’approche écosystémique des pêches : une application au suivi des ressources marines de la Guinée . 8ème Forum Halieumétrique : Changements Réversibles et Irréversibles dans les Ressources et leurs Usages, 19-21 Juin 2007, La Rochelle .
Laleye Philippe A, Villanueva Ching Maria, Enstua-Mensah Mamaa, Moreau Jacques (2007). A review of the aquatic living resources in Gulf of Guinea lagoons, with particular emphasis on fisheries management issues . Journal of Afrotropical Zoology , 3(Spec.Issue), 123-136 .
Laleye Philippe A, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Chikou Antoine, Almeida Arsène D', Monteil Claude, Moreau Jacques (2007). Diel feeding periodicity, daily ration and relative food consumption of selected freshwater fish species in the Ouémé basin, Benin (West Africa) . Journal of Afrotropical Zoology , 3, 113-121 .
Niyonkuru Charles, Laleye Philippe A, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Moreau Jacques (2007). Population parameters of main species of Lake Nokoué, Benin (West Africa) . Journal of Afrotropical Zoology , 3(Special), 149-155 .


Villanueva Ching-Maria (2006). Modélisation trophique de la Manche Orientale. Rapport d'avancement . R.INT.DIR/RH/PEB 2006-1 .
Villanueva Ching Maria, Ernande Bruno, Vaz Sandrine, Delpech Jean-Paul, Carpentier Andre (2006). Trophic food web and ecosystem attributes of the Eastern English Channel. A work package in the Eastern Channel Habitat Atlas for Marine Resource Management (CHARM II) Interreg IIIA project . CM 2006/ I: 41 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Laleye P, Albaret J, Lae Raymond, Tito De Morais Luis, Moreau J (2006). Comparative analysis of trophic structure and interactions of two tropical lagoons . Ecological Modelling , 197(3-4), 461-477 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Weliange Wasantha S., Amarasinghe Upali S., Moreau Jacques, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2006). Diel feeding periodicity, daily ration and relative food consumption in some fish populations in three reservoirs of Sri Lanka . Aquatic Living Resources , 19(3), 229-237 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Christensen Villy, Villanueva Ching Maria, Aiken Karl A (2006). Ecosystem at Risk: The contribution of ecosystem approaches to Fisheries to identify Problems and evaluate potential solutions . Proceedings of the Thirteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 11-14, 2006, Portsmouth, UK: Rebuilding Fisheries in an Uncertain Environment. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2006. CD ROM. ISBN 0-9763432-3-1 . 12p.
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Ouedraogo Maxime, Moreau Jacques (2006). Trophic relationships in the recently impounded Bagré reservoir in Burkina Faso . Ecological Modelling , 191, 243-259 .


Villanueva Ching-Maria (2005). Complexity in trophic structure and stability in a modeled West African estuary . Symposium on the Coastal Ecosystem of West Africa, 15-16 February 2005, Brussels, Belgium .
Lim Puy, Villanueva Ching-Maria, Chhouk B, Chay K.K., Brun J.M., Moreau Jacques (2005). Fish Assessment in the Rehabilitation Polders of Prey Nup (Cambodia) . Asian Fisheries Science , 18, 241-253 . Open Access version :
Moreau Jacques, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2005). The possible evolution of Lake Victoria fisheries as assessed by Ecopath IV (with Ecosim and Ecospace) software . LVFO 2005: Proceedings of Lake Victoria 2000 A new Beginning Conference. 15-19 May 2000, Jinja, Uganda. ISBN: 9970-713-11-1, pp 193-201 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Diouf P.S., Albaret J.-J., Moreau J. (2005). Complexity in trophic structure and stability in a modelled West African estuary . Coastal Ecosystems of West-Africa Biological Diversity-Resources-Conservation , 15-26 . Open Access version :
Moreau Jacques, Lek Sovan, Leelaprata W, Sricharoendham Boonsong, Villanueva Ching Maria (2005). Comparison of Various Fitting Techniques for Predicting fish Yield in Ubolratana Reservoir (Thailand) from a time series data . In Modelling Community Structure in Freshwater Ecosystems Modelling Community Structure in Freshwater Ecosystems Lek, S.; Scardi, M.; Verdonschot, P.F.M.; Descy, J.-P.; Park, Y.-S. (Eds.) 2005, XII, 518p. 227 illus.. With CD-ROM. chap.3.6, pp.90-99 (Sovan LEK, Michele SCARDI, Piet F.M. VERDONSCHOT, Jean-Pierre DESCY, Young-Seuk PARK) .


Villanueva Ching-Maria, Tito De Morais Luis, Weigel Jean-Yves, Moreau Jacques (2004). Modèle Ecopath pour une réserve de la biosphère : le delta du Siné-Saloum (Sénégal) / An Ecopath Model of the Sine-Saloum Delta Biosphere Reserve (Senegal). Note . In Pêcheries maritimes, écosystemes et societes en Afrique de l'Ouest : un demi-siecle de changement. actes du Symposium International. Dakar, sénégal, 24-28 juin 2012. EUR 21126 . pp.405-414 (Office des Publications Officielles des Communautés Européennes) .
Kakkaeo Montharop, Chittapalapong Tanaporn, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2004). Food Habits, Daily Ration and Relative Food Consumption in Some Fish Populations in Ubolratana Reservoir, Thailand . Asian Fisheries Science , 17, 249-259 . Open Access version :


Villanueva Ching-Maria, Laleye Philippe A, Lae Raymond, Tito De Morais Luis, Albaret Jean-Jacques, Moreau Jacques (2003). Comparative study of preliminary trophic flow models of two West African Coastal Lagoons: Ebrié Lagoon (Ivory Coast) and Lake Nokoué . 3rd International Conference of the Pan African Fisheries Society, 10-14 November 2003, Cotonou .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Lim Puy, Lek Sovan (2003). Fish community response to anthropogenic changes : A case of the Mekong River . Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries, 11 - 14 February 2003, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia .


Moreau Jacques, Lek Sovan, Leelaprata Wattana, Sricharoendham Boonsong, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2002). A comparison of various fitting techniques for predicting yield for the Ubolratana reservoir (Thailand) from a time series data on catch and hydrological features . 3rd Conference of the International Society for Ecological Informatics. Book of Abstracts. page 57 .
Moreau Jacques, Villanueva Ching Maria (2002). Exploratory analysis of possible management strategies in Lake Victoria fisheries (Kenyan sector) using the recent Ecosim software . Fisheries Centre Research Reports , 10(2), 150-154 . Open Access version :
Villanueva Ching Maria, Moreau Jacques (2002). Recent trends in the Lake Victoria fisheries assessed by ECOPATH . In Management and Ecology of Lake and Reservoir Fisheries (ed I. G. Cowx), Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2002, Chap.9, pp.96-111 .


Villanueva Ching-Maria (2001). Le lac artificiel Ubolratana (Thaïlande). Approche multidisciplinaire et intégration des connaissances pour une gestion durable des ressources halieutiques .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Moreau Jacques, Kakkaeo Montharop (2001). Daily food consumption of Clupeichtys aesarnensis (Wongratana, 1983) in Ubolratana reservoir (Thailand) application to the estimate of the annual relative food consumption . Energetics and Interactions in the Open Water, Institue of Ecology and Concervation Biology, University of Vienna, 18 May 2001 .
Villanueva Ching-Maria (2001). Evaluating Ecosystem Fragility . French-Norwegian Workshop on Water Quality Management, Trondheim University, 17-19 April 2001, Trondheim .
Moreau Jacques, Villanueva Ching Maria, Amarasinghe Upali S., Schiemer Fritz (2001). Trophic relationships and possible evolution of the production under various fisheries management strategies in a Sri Lankan Reservoir . In Reservoir and Culture-based Fisheries: Biology and Management. ACIAR Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand from 15–18 February 2000. Sena S. De Silva (Ed). n°98, pp.201-214 (ACIAR - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) .

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