Philippe Schnurle

Philippe Schnurle

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-4400-8402

Direction de campagnes océanographiques

MAGICPourquoi Pas?2012Ocean Atlantique Equatorial, Bassins de Ceara, Maranhao et Para

Jeux de données


Evain Mikael, Schnurle Philippe, Lepretre Angélique, Verrier Fanny, Watremez Louise, Thompson Joseph Offei, De-Clarens Philippe, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline (2021). Crustal structure of the East-African Limpopo Margin, a strike-slip rifted corridor along the continental Mozambique Coastal Plain and North-Natal Valley . SEANOE .
Watremez Louise, Leroy Sylvie, D'Acremont Elia, Roche Vincent, Evain Mikael, Lepretre Angelique, Verrier Fanny, Aslanian Daniel, Dias Nuno, Afilhado Alexandra, Schnurle Philippe, Castilla Raymi, Despinois Frank, Moulin Maryline (2021). Seismic refraction across the Limpopo magma-rich transform margin (South Mozambique) . SEANOE .


Moulin Maryline, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Afilhado Alexandra, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Nouze Herve, Rabineau Marina, Beslier Marie-Odile, Feld Aurelie (2016). P-wave velocity modeling on the Gulf of Lion's margin . SEANOE .
Afilhado Alexandra, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Nouze Herve, Rabineau Marina, Leroux Estelle, Beslier Marie-Odile (2016). P-wave velocity modelling on the West Sardinia margin . SEANOE .



Aslanian Daniel, Gallais Flora, Evain Mikael, Schnurle Philippe, Pinheiro Joao Marcelo, Afilhado Alexandra, Loureiro Afonso, Dias Nuno, Cupertino J.A., Viana Adriano, Moulin Maryline (2024). From São Francisco Craton to Jacuipe basin, passing trough the South Tucano and Recôncavo grabens: New insights from wide-angle-MCS data . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 137, 104821 (27p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Leparoux D., Michel Loïc, Pelleau Pascal, Rousset J., Allemand T., Evain Mikael, Sourice A., Schnurle Philippe, Baltzer Agnes, Valishin O., Lehijeur M. (2024). Sea Bottom Surface Wave Seismic for Windfarm Implantation and Foundations . First EAGE/SUT Workshop on Integrated Site Characterization for Offshore Renewable Energy. 22-23 -May 2024, Boston, Massachusetts .


Rabineau Marina, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Baltzer Agnes, Pellen Romain, Tadeu Dos Reis Antonio, Maia Renata, Mokeddem Zohra, Revillon Sidonie, Schnurle Philippe, Costa Karen, Toledo Felipe, Leroux Estelle, Moulin Maryline, Roessler Viana Adriano, Aslanian Daniel (2023). 100,000 years climatic cycles recorded on very high-resolution seismic data from the Santos Basin’s upper slope during the last 800 ka . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 132, 104635 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schnürle Philippe, Leprêtre A., Evain Mikael, Verrier Fanny, De‐clarens P., Thompson Joseph, Dias N., Afilhado A., Loureiro A., Leroy S., D'Acremont E., Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline (2023). Crustal Structure and Stratigraphy of the South Mozambique Margin to South Mozambique Ridge From Combined Wide‐Angle and Reflection Seismic and Drill Hole Data . Earth And Space Science , 10(10), e2021EA001902 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Evain Mikael, Schnürle Philippe, Loureiro Afonso, Gallais Flora, Pinheiro Joao Marcelo, Afilhado Alexandra, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Dias Nuno, Soares José Eduardo, Fuck Reinhardt, Cupertino J.A., Viana Adriano, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline (2023). Along-strike segmentation of the northeastern Brazilian margins controlled by geodynamics and lithospheric inheritance . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 128, 104479 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Goncalves Susana, Schnürle Philippe, Rabineau Marina, Afilhado A., Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline, Evain Mikael, Loureiro A., Dias N. (2023). Deep crustal structures with reverse time migration applied to offshore wide-angle seismic data: Equatorial and North-West Brazilian margins . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 128, 104398 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schnurle Philippe, Gallais Flora, Afilhado A., Moulin Maryline, Dias N.A., Soares J., Loureiro A., Fuck R., Cupertino J.A., Viana A., Aslanian Daniel (2023). Wide-angle seismic imaging of divergent and transform segments of the Pará-Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará margin, NW Brazil . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 127, 104394 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Loureiro Afonso, Afilhado Alexandra, Schnürle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Dias Nuno A., Klingelhoefer Frauke, Gallais Flora, Pinheiro Joao Marcelo, Soares José Eduardo, Fuck Reinhardt, Cupertino J.A., Viana Adriano, Corela Carlos, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel (2023). Imaging exhumed continental and proto-oceanic crusts in the Camamu triple junction, Brazil . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 126, 104336 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moulin Maryline, Leprêtre A., Verrier Fanny, Schnürle Philippe, Evain Mikael, de Clarens P., Thompson Joseph Offei, Dias N., Afilhado A., Loureiro A., Aslanian Daniel (2023). From the Lebombo Monocline to the Mozambique Deep Basin, using combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data . Tectonophysics , 855, 229814 (30p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Collot J, Sutherland R., Etienne S., Patriat Martin, Roest Walter, Marcaillou B., Clerc C., Stratford W., Mortimer N., Juan C., Bordenave A., Schnurle Philippe, Barker D., Williams S., Wolf S., Crundwell M. (2023). The Norfolk Ridge: A Proximal Record of the Tonga‐Kermadec Subduction Initiation . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 24(3), e2022GC010721 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Evain Mikael, Pelleau Pascal, Schnurle Philippe, Bazin Sara, Geli Louis, Galve Audrey, Oregioni Davide, Ambrois David, Fligiel Damien, Bonnin Mickael (2023). Tests de capteurs OBS . Lettre d'information Résif , (23), 17-18 .
Aslanian Daniel, Schnürle Philippe, Moulin Maryline, Evain Mikael, Pellen Romain, Rabineau Marina, Afilhado Alexandra, Dias Nuno, Noûs Camille (2023). The Mediterranean Sea: A Laboratory to Characterize Micro-Continental Drift and Oceanic Basin Formation Processes . In Khomsi, S., Roure, F. (eds) Geology of North Africa and the Mediterranean: Sedimentary Basins and Georesources. Part of the Regional Geology Reviews book series. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-18747-6, eBook ISBN978-3-031-18747-6, Series E-ISSN 2364-6446. Part I, First Thematic: Geodynamic Evolution of the Mediterranean and Peri-Mediterranean Sedimentary Basins and Regional Geology. Chap.1 pp.3-30 (Springer International Publishing) .


Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Moulin Maryline (2022). Comment on ‘The challenge in restoring magma-rich rifted margins: The example of the Mozambique-Antarctica conjugate margins’ by Tomasi S. et al . Gondwana Research , 103, 401-403 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Klingelhoefer Frauke, Déverchère Jacques, Graindorge David, Aïdi Chafik, Badji Rabie, Bouyahiaoui Boualem, Leprêtre Angélique, Mihoubi Abdelhafid, Beslier Marie-Odile, Charvis Philippe, Schnurle Philippe, Sage Francoise, Medaouri Mourad, Arab Mohamed, Bracene Rabah, Yelles-Chaouche Abdelkarim, Badsi Madjid, Galvé Audrey, Géli Louis (2022). Formation, segmentation and deep crustal structure variations along the Algerian margin from the SPIRAL seismic experiment . Journal Of African Earth Sciences , 186, 104433 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rabineau Marina, Pellen Romain, Pasquier Virgil, Bellucci Massimo, Badhani Shray, Molliex Stéphane, Garcia-Garcia Marta, Leroux Estelle, Arab Mohamed, Do Couto Damien, Jouet Gwenael, Bache Francois, Gaudin Matthieu, Lafosse Manfred, Miramontes Elda, Lofi Johanna, Dos Reis Tadeu, Moulin Maryline, Schnurle Philippe, Poort Jeffrey, Dennielou Bernard, Afilhado Alexandra, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Bassetti Maria-Angela, Toucanne Samuel, Révillon Sidonie, Cattaneo Antonio, Le Roy Pascal, D’acremont Elia, Granjeon Didier, Gorini Christian, Suc Jean-Pierre, Cloetingh Sierd, Joseph Philippe, Guillocheau François, Berné Serge, Droz Laurence, Rubino Jean-Loup, Aslanian Daniel (2022). Multidisciplinary Study of Marine Archives: Reconstruction of Sea-Level, Sediment Yields, Sediment Sources, Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography and Vertical Movement on Margins: Examples from the Western Mediterranean Sea . In Çiner A. et al. (eds) 2022. Recent Research on Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marine Geosciences and Geochemistry. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham. Print ISBN 978-3-030-72546-4 Online ISBN 978-3-030-72547-1. part. Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, and Marine Geosciences (T14): Marine Geosciences—Form Molecular Proxies to Geophysical Surveys. pp 265-270 (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) .
Schnürle Philippe, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline, Afilhado Alexandra, Evain Mikael, Loureiro Afonso, Lepretre Angélique, Dias Nuno (2022). Exhumed Lower Continental Crust and Proto-oceanic Crust Interactions? The BasAlg and ArcMal Deep Seismic Projects . In Advances in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences. Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Tunisia 2019. 2022. Mustapha Meghraoui, Narasimman Sundararajan, Santanu Banerjee, Klaus-G. Hinzen, Mehdi Eshagh, François Rour, Helder I. Chaminé, Said Maouche, André Michard (Eds) Print ISBN978-3-030-73025-3 Online ISBN978-3-030-73026-0. Part. Tectonics and Geodynamics, pp 535–539 (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) .
Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline, Rabineau Marina, Schnürle Philippe, Leroux Estelle, Pellen Romain, Thompson Joseph Offei (2022). Major Kinematic Revolutions: The Underside of the Maps . In Advances in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences. Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Tunisia 2019. 2022. Mustapha Meghraoui, Narasimman Sundararajan, Santanu Banerjee, Klaus-G. Hinzen, Mehdi Eshagh, François Rour, Helder I. Chaminé, Said Maouche, André Michard (Eds) Print ISBN978-3-030-73025-3 Online ISBN978-3-030-73026-0. Part. Tectonics and Geodynamics, pp 529-534 (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) .


Watremez L., Leroy S., D’acremont E., Roche V., Evain Mikael, Leprêtre A., Verrier Fanny, Aslanian Daniel, Dias N., Afilhado A., Schnurle Philippe, Castilla R., Despinois F., Moulin Maryline (2021). The Limpopo magma‐rich transform margin, South Mozambique – Part 1: Insights from deep‐structure seismic imaging . Tectonics , 40(12), e2021TC006915 (29p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moulin Maryline, Schnurle Philippe, Afilhado Alexandra, Gallais Flora, Dias Nuno, Evain Mikael, Soares José, Fuck Reinhardt, Da Cruz Pessoa Neto Otaviano, Viana Adriano, Aslanian Daniel (2021). Imaging early oceanic crust spreading in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean: Insights from the MAGIC wide-angle experiment . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 111, 103493 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aslanian Daniel, Gallais Flora, Afilhado Alexandra, Schnurle Philippe, Moulin Maryline, Evain Mikael, Dias Nuno, Soares Jose, Fuck Reinhart, Da Cruz Pessoa Neto Otaviano, Viana Adriano (2021). Deep structure of the Pará-Maranhão/Barreirinhas passive margin in the equatorial Atlantic (NE Brazil) . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 110, 103322 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Evain Mikael, Schnurle Philippe, Lepretre Angelique, Verrier Fanny, Watremez Louise, Thompson Joseph Offei, de Clarens Philippe, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline (2021). Crustal structure of the East-African Limpopo Margin, a strike-slip rifted corridor along the continental Mozambique Coastal Plain and North-Natal Valley . Solid Earth , 12(8), 1865-1897 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tsang-Hin-Sun Eve, Evain Mikael, Julia J, Lamarque G, Schnurle Philippe (2021). Crustal seismic structure and anisotropy of Madagascar and southeastern Africa using receiver function harmonics: interplay of inherited local heterogeneities and current regional stress . Geophysical Journal International , 226(1), 660-675 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li He, Tang Yong, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Evain Mikael, Schnurle Philippe, Lepretre Angélique, Li Jiabiao (2021). Seismic evidence for crustal architecture and stratigraphy of the Limpopo Corridor: New insights into the evolution of the sheared margin offshore southern Mozambique . Marine Geology , 435, 106468 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Leprêtre Angelique, Schnürle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Verrier Fanny, Moorcroft D., de Clarens P., Corela C., Afilhado A., Loureiro A., Leroy S., D'Acremont E., Thompson Joseph Offei, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline (2021). Deep structure of the North Natal Valley (Mozambique) using combined wide‐angle and reflection seismic data . Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth , 126(4), e2020JB021171 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Evain Mikael, Leprêtre Angelique, Schnurle Philippe, Verrier Fanny, Thompson Joseph Offei, de Clarens P., Leroy S., Dias N., The Pamela‐moz35 Team (2020). Gondwana breakup: messages from the North Natal Valley . Terra Nova , 32(3), 205-214 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Schnurle Philippe, Moulin Maryline, Afilhado Alexandra, Evain Mikael, Loureiro Afonso, Dias Nuno, Aslanian Daniel (2019). From Rifting to Spreading: The Proto-Oceanic Crust . Rossetti F. et al. (Eds). 2019. The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling. Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018. Part of the Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation book series (ASTI). Print ISBN 978-3-030-01454-4 Online ISBN 978-3-030-01455-1. Part. Tectonic Modelling, pp.329-331 .
Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline, Schnurle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Afilhado Alexandra, Rabineau Marina (2019). Passive Margin and Continental Basin: Towards a New Paradigm . Rossetti F. et al. (eds) 2019. The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling. CAJG 2018. Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018. Part of the Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation book series (ASTI). Print ISBN 978-3-030-01454-4 Online ISBN 978-3-030-01455-1. Part.Tectonic Modelling, pp.333-336 .


Pinheiro Joao Marcelo, Schnurle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Afilhado A., Gallais Flora, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Loureiro Afonso, Fuck R., Soares J., Cupertino J. A., Viana A., Rabineau Marina, Baltzer Agnes, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Dias N., Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Morvan Laetitia, Maze Jean-Pierre, Pierre Delphine, Pitel-Roudaut Mathilde, Rio I, Alves D., Barros Junior P., Biari Youssef, Corela C., Crozon Jacques, Duarte J. L., Ducatel Cecile, Falcao C., Fernagu Philippe, Le Piver David, Mokeddem Zohra, Pelleau Pascal, Rigoti C., Roest Walter, Roudaut Mickael (2018). Lithospheric structuration onshore-offshore of the Sergipe-Alagoas passive margin, NE Brazil, based on wide-angle seismic data . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 88, 649-672 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Loureiro Afonso, Schnurle Philippe, Klingelhofer F., Afilhado A., Pinheiro Joao Marcelo, Evain Mikael, Gallais Flora, Dias N. A., Rabineau Marina, Baltzer Agnes, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Soares J., Fuck R., Cupertino J. A., Viana A., Matias L., Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Vinicius Aparecido Gomes De Lima M. (2018). Imaging exhumed lower continental crust in the distal Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil . Journal Of South American Earth Sciences , 84, 351-372 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aidi Chafik, Beslier Marie-Odile, Yelles-Chaouche Abdel Karim, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Bracene Rabah, Galve Audrey, Bounif Abdallah, Schenini Laure, Hamai Lamine, Schnurle Philippe, Djellit Hamou, Sage Francoise, Charvis Philippe, Deverchere Jacques (2018). Deep structure of the continental margin and basin off Greater Kabylia, Algeria – New insights from wide-angle seismic data modeling and multichannel seismic interpretation . Tectonophysics , 728-729, 1-22 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Collot Julien, Sutherland R, Roest Walter, Patriat Martin, Etienne S., Juan C, Marcaillou B, Schnurle Philippe, Barker D, Stratford W, Williams S, Wolf S, Bordenave A, Roussel Clement (2016). Voyage Report TECTA - Tectonic Event of the Cenozoic in the Tasman Area. 3 September - 9 October 2015. R/V L'Atalante. Volume 1. Text. Volume 2 - Appendix . Rapport SGNC2016(01) .


Biari Youssef, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Sahabi Mohamed, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Berglar K., Moulin Maryline, Mehdi K., Graindorge D., Evain Mikael, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Reichert C. (2015). Deep Crustal Structure of the North-West African Margin from Combined Wide-angle and Reflection Seismic Data (MIRROR Seismic Survey) . Tectonophysics , 656, 154-174 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Evain Mikael, Afilhado A., Rigoti C., Loureiro Afonso, Alves D., Klingelhoefer Frauke, Schnurle Philippe, Feld Aurelie, Fuck R., Soares J., de Lima M. Vinicius, Corela C., Matias L., Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Baltzer Agnes, Rabineau Marina, Viana A., Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel (2015). Deep structure of the Santos Basin-São Paulo Plateau System, SE Brazil . Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth , 120(8), 5401-5431 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Evain Mikael, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Afilhado Alexandra, Rigoti Caesar, Loureiro Afonso, Alves Daniela, Schnurle Philippe, Lepretre Angelique, Feld Aurelie, Fuck Reinhardt, Soares José, Vinicius De Lima Marcus, Corela Carlos, Matias Luis, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Baltzer Agnes, Rabineau Marina, Viana Adriano, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel (2015). Deep structure of the Santos Basin-São Paulo Plateau System SE Brazil . AAPG European regional Conference & Exhibition "Tethys-Atlantic Interaction Along the European-Iberian-African Plate Boundaries", 18-19 May 2015, Lisbon .
Evain Mikael, Afilhado Alexandra, Rigoti Caesar, Loureiro Afonso, Alves Daniela, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Schnurle Philippe, Feld Aurelie, Fuck Reinhardt, Soares José, Vinicius De Lima Marcus, Corela Carlos, Matias Luis, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Baltzer Agnes, Rabineau Marina, Viana Adriano, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel (2015). Deep structure of the Santos Basin-São Paulo Plateau System SE Brazil . EGU 2015 - General Assembly 2015 of the European Geosciences Union, 13-17 April 2015, Vienne .
Klingelhoefer Frauke, Evain Mikael, Afilhado A., Rigoti Caesar, Loureiro Afonso, Alves D., Lepretre Angelique, Moulin Maryline, Schnurle Philippe, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Baltzer Agnes, Rabineau Marina, Feld Aurelie, Viana A., Aslanian Daniel (2015). Imaging proto-oceanic crust off the Brazilian Continental Margin . Geophysical Journal International , 200(1), 471-488 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Afilhado Alexandra, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Nouze Herve, Rabineau Marina, Leroux Estelle, Beslier Marie-Odile (2015). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - II. Sardinia's margin . Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France , 186(4-5), 331-351 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moulin Maryline, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Afilhado Alexandra, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Nouze Herve, Rabineau Marina, Beslier Marie-Odile, Feld Aurelie (2015). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - I. Gulf of Lion's margin . Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France , 186(4-5), 309-330 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Baltzer Agnes, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Rabineau Marina, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline, Viana Adriano, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Schnurle Philippe, Evain Mikael, Rigoti Caesar, Loureiro Afonso, Alves Daniela (2014). Investigation of different sediment deposits morphologies in the Santos Basin, Brasilian margin . RST 2014 - 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau.
Moulin Maryline, Afilhado Alexandra, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Beslier Marie-Odile, Rabineau Marina, Leroux Estelle, Feld Aurelie, Gailler Audrey, Matias Luis, Bache Francois (2014). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) . RST 2014 - 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau .
Klingelhoefer Frauke, Evain Mikael, Afilhado Alexandra, Rigoti Caesar, Loureiro Afonso, Alves Daniela, Schnurle Philippe, Lepretre Angelique, Moulin Maryline, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Feld Aurelie, Baltzer Agnes, Viana Adriano, Aslanian Daniel (2014). Imaging proto-oceanic crust off the Brazilian Continental Margin . RST 2014 - 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau.
Evain Mikael, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Schnurle Philippe, Rigoti Caesar, Afilhado Alexandra, Loureiro Afonso, Alves Daniela, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Baltzer Agnes, Fuck Reinhardt, Soares José, Corela Carlos, Matias Luis, Moulin Maryline, Viana Adriano, Aslanian Daniel (2014). Deep structure of the Santos Basin-São Paulo Plateau System SE Brazilian margin . RST 2014 - 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau .
Biari Youssef, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Sahabi Mohamed, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Berglar Kai, Mehdi Khalid, Evain Mikael, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Moulin Maryline, Louden Keith, Reichert Christian (2014). The MIRROR marine seismic survey : Deep crustal structure of the NW Moroccan continental margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data . RST 2014 - 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau .
Mihoubi A., Schnurle Philippe, Benaissa Z., Badsi M., Bracene R., Djelit H., Geli Louis, Sage F., Agoudjil A., Klingelhoefer Frauke (2014). Seismic imaging of the eastern Algerian margin off Jijel: integrating wide-angle seismic modelling and multichannel seismic pre-stack depth migration . Geophysical Journal International , 198(3), 1486-1503 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Afilhado Alexandra, Moulin Maryline, Schnurle Philippe, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Aslanian Daniel, Nouze Herve, Beslier Marie-Odile, Rabineau Marina, Leroux Estelle, Feld Aurelie, Gailler Audrey, Matias Luis, Bache Francois (2014). Insight into the transitional crust across the Sardinia margin from wideangle and near-vertical reflection seismic data . RST 2014 - 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau .


Lepretre Angelique, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Graindorge David, Schnurle Philippe, Beslier M. O., Yelles K., Deverchere Jacques, Bracene R. (2013). Multiphased tectonic evolution of the Central Algerian margin from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data off Tipaza, Algeria . Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth , 118(8), 3899-3916 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lallemand Serge, Theunissen Thomas, Schnurle Philippe, Lee Chao-Shing, Liu Char-Shine, Font Yvonne (2013). Indentation of the Philippine Sea plate by the Eurasia plate in Taiwan: Details from recent marine seismological experiments . Tectonophysics , 594, 60-79 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Klingelhoefer Frauke, Berthet T., Lallemand S., Schnurle Philippe, Lee C. -S., Liu C. -S., McIntosh K., Theunissen T. (2012). P-wave velocity structure of the southern Ryukyu margin east of Taiwan: Results from the ACTS wide-angle seismic experiment . Tectonophysics , 578, 50-62 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline, Schnurle Philippe, Klingelhoefer Fraucke, Leroux Estelle, Rabineau Marina, Gailler Audrey, Bache Francois, Gorini Christian, Kuroda J., Eguchi N., Droxler Andre W., Alain Karine, Roure François, Haq B. (2012). Structure and evolution of the Gulf of Lions: The Sardinia seismic experiment and the GOLD (Gulf of Lions Drilling) project . The Leading Edge , 31(7), 786-792 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Menesguen Claire, Hua Bach-Lien, Carton Xavier, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Schnurle Philippe, Reichert C. (2012). Arms winding around a meddy seen in seismic reflection data close to the Morocco coastline . Geophysical Research Letters , 39(L05604), 6 pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Schnurle Philippe, Liu Char-Shine (2011). Numerical modeling of gas hydrate emplacements in oceanic sediments . Marine And Petroleum Geology , 28(10), 1856-1869 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schnurle Philippe, Liu Char-Shine, Lin Andrew T., Lin Saulwood (2011). Structural controls on the formation of BSR over a diapiric anticline from a dense MCS survey offshore southwestern Taiwan . Marine And Petroleum Geology , 28(10), 1932-1942 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lallemand S, Liu Cs, Dominguez S, Schnurle Philippe, Malavieille J, The Act Scientific Crew (1999). Trench-parallel stretching and folding of forearc basins and lateral migration of the accretionary wedge in the southern Ryukyus: A case of strain partition caused by oblique convergence . Tectonics , 18(2), 231-247 .


Dominguez S, Lallemand S, Malavieille J, Schnurle Philippe (1998). Oblique subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the Ryukyu accretionary wedge system: Insights from marine observations and sandbox experiments . Marine Geophysical Researches , 20(5), 383-402 .


Lallemand Serge E., Liu Char-Shine, Act Cruise Scientific Team (1997). Swath bathymetry reveals active arc-continent collision near Taiwan . Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union , 78(17), 173-175 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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