Marie Morfin

Marie Morfin

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Lorient

Adresse postale : Station de Lorient - BP 30535 - 8 rue François Toullec - 56105 LORIENT


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-1637-5910



Boet Bistarelli Pauline, Méhault Sonia, Simon Julien, Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee (2025). Epibenthic communities' structure in St. Pierre Bank revealed by underwater video . Journal Of Sea Research , 203, 102562 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2025). ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB; outputs from 2024 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 7(15), 260pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Boet Bistarelli Pauline, Kopp Dorothee, Méhault Sonia, Morfin Marie, Bonin Aurélie, Lejeune Benjamin (2024). Gut content metabarcoding of six crustaceans provides detailed diet description and insights into their roles as predators and scavengers . Journal Of Sea Research , 200, 102509 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baulier Loic, McHugh Matthew, Minto Cóilín, Morandeau Fabien, Murphy Shane, Sourget Quiterie, Oliver Martin, Morfin Marie (2024). Survivorship of discarded cuckoo ray in bottom trawl fisheries in the northern Bay of Biscay, Southern Celtic and Irish Seas . Fisheries Research , 273, 106971 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morfin Marie, Méhault Sonia, Zambonino Infante Jose-Luis, Simon Julien, Servili Arianna, Kopp Dorothee (2024). Survivorship of discarded sole (Solea solea) characterised via telemetry, vitality, and physiology . Regional Studies In Marine Science , 69, 103348 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Morfin Marie, Sourget Quiterie, Mehault Sonia (2023). INSER : INdicateurs de SElectivité en Routine. Package R . DECOD/RBE/HALGO/LTBH/2023. 45pp.
Boussarie Germain, Kopp Dorothee, Lavialle Gaël, Mouchet Maud, Morfin Marie (2023). Marine spatial planning to solve increasing conflicts at sea: A framework for prioritizing offshore windfarms and marine protected areas . Journal Of Environmental Management , 339, 117857 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lavialle Gaël, Boussarie Germain, Kopp Dorothee, Morfin Marie, Mouchet Maud A. (2023). Mapping marine ecosystem services in a multifunctional seascape: the case of Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay) . Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 1110299 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(83), 317pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mehault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Morfin Marie, Sourget Quiterie (2022). PROJET « CAPS » : Cellule d’APpui à la Sélectivité .


Baulier Loic, Morandeau Fabien, Morfin Marie, Ramonet Morgane, Sourget Quiterie, Winkler Joachim (2021). Projet SURF: Etude de la SUvie des rejets de Raies Fleuries / The SURF Project: survivability of discarded cuckoo rays (Leucoraja naevus) in French bottom trawl fisheries .
Kopp Dorothee, Morfin Marie, Baulier Loic, Halouani Ghassen (2021). Atelier du CIEM pour l'inclusion des rejets et de leur survie dans les évaluations de stocks (WKSURVIVE), 9-11 février 2021 . RBE/EDERU/CRWG/2021/1 .
ICES (2021). Workshop on the Inclusion of Discard Survival in Stock Assessments (WKSURVIVE). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(41), 59pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Robert Marianne, Cortay Aurore, Morfin Marie, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Deneubourg Jean Louis, Vincent Benoit (2020). A methodological framework for characterizing fish swimming and escapement behaviors in trawls . Plos One , 15(12), e0243311 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boussarie Germain, Kopp Dorothee, Méhault Sonia, Morfin Marie (2020). High survivability of discarded invertebrates from bottom trawling fisheries . Regional Studies In Marine Science , 40, 101543 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Simon Julien, Kopp Dorothee, Larnaud Pascal, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Morandeau Fabien, Lavialle Gael, Morfin Marie (2020). Using automated video analysis to study fish escapement through escape panels in active fishing gears: Application to the effect of net colour . Marine Policy , 116, 103785 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gatti Paul, Méhault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Morfin Marie, Robert Marianne (2020). Reducing discards of demersal species using a 100 mm square mesh cylinder: Size selectivity and catch comparison analysis . Marine Policy , 116, 103777(10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Méhault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee, Morfin Marie, Cuillandre Jean Pierre, Larnaud Pascal, Morandeau Fabien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Rimaud Thomas (2020). Escapement patterns of red mullet, sole, horse mackerel and hake facing two trawl selective devices . Marine Policy , 116, 103844 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Benoît Hugues P., Morfin Marie, Capizzano Connor W. (2020). Improved estimation of discard mortality rates with in situ experiments involving electronic and traditional tagging . Fisheries Research , 221, 105398 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2020). Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS; outputs from 2019 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(8), 75pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Morfin Marie, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Baulier Loic, Méhault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee (2019). Using acoustic telemetry to estimate post-release survival of undulate ray Raja undulata (Rajidae) in northeast Altantic . Ocean & Coastal Management , 178, 104848 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee, Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Robert Marianne, Simon Julien, Vincent Benoit (2019). Science-fishing industry collaborations to improve gear selectivity: feedbacks and future strategies . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France .
Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee, Benoît Hugues P., Méhault Sonia (2019). Comparative assessment of two proxies of fish discard survival . Ecological Indicators , 98, 310-316 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mehault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee, Morfin Marie (2019). Informations sur les taux de survie des rejets . DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, La Défense , Ref. DG/2019.194 - Saisine DPMA 19-13937 (II) , 16p., 6p.
Robert Marianne, Cortay Aurore, Morfin Marie, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Vincent Benoit (2019). Fish behavior facing selective device in a bottom trawl: factor contributing to escape . 14e colloque de l’AFH "Recherche Halieutique et Développement Durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019 , Université de Caen Normandie .


Morfin Marie, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Baulier Loic, Mehault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee (2018). Using acoustic telemetry to estimate undulate ray discard survival . Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS), 29 October - 2 November 2018, Mundaka, Spain .
Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee, Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Robert Marianne, Simon Julien, Vincent Benoit (2018). Pro-scientist collaborations for fishing gear development: Feedback from the French Fishing Technology Laboratory (LTBH-Lorient) . Workshop on Methods for Stakeholder Involvement in Gear Development (WKMSIGD), 22-24 May 2018, BSAC and ICES HQ, Copenhagen .
Lavialle Gael, Morfin Marie, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Vimard Mathieu, Larnaud Pascal (2018). Rapport d’étude final du projet REJEMCELEC - Réduction des Rejets en Manche et mer Celtique par la Sélectivité des engins de pêche .
Merillet Laurene, Mehault Sonia, Rimaud Thomas, Piton Corentine, Morandeau Fabien, Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee (2018). Survivability of discarded Norway lobster in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay . Fisheries Research , 198, 24-30 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2018). Report of the Workshop on Methods for Stakeholder Involvement in Gear Development (WKMSIGD), 22-24 May 2018, BSAC and ICES HQ, Copenhagen . ICES CM 2018/EOSG:24. 48 pp.
ICES (2018). Interim Report of the Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS), 29 October - 2 November 2018, Mundaka, Spain . ICES CM 2018/HAPISG:01. 43 pp.
Morfin Marie (2018). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM sur les méthodes pour estimer la survie des rejets (WGMEDS II). 29 octobre - 2 novembre 2018, Mundaka . RBE/ederu/2018/CR8 .
ICES (2018). Interim Report of the Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS). 27 November - 1 December 2017 Olhão, Portugal . CIEM , Ref. ICES CM 2018/HAPISG:01 , 23p.
Morfin Marie (2018). Compte rendu de participation à l'atelier méthodologique du CIEM pour l'implication des parties-prenantes dans le développement des engins de pêche (WKMSIGD). 22-24 mai 2018, Copenhague . RBE/ederu/2018/CR11 .


Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee, Benoit Hugues P., Mehault Sonia, Randall Peter, Foster Robert, Catchpole Thomas (2017). Survival of European plaice discarded from coastal otter trawl fisheries in the English Channel . Journal Of Environmental Management , 204(Part.1), 404-412 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vogel Camille, Kopp Dorothee, Morandeau Fabien, Morfin Marie, Mehault Sonia (2017). Improving gear selectivity of whiting ( Merlangius merlangus ) on board French demersal trawlers in the English Channel and North Sea . Fisheries Research , 193, 207-216 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morfin Marie, Mehault Sonia, Benoit Hugues P., Kopp Dorothee (2017). Narrowing down the number of species requiring detailed study as candidates for the EU Common Fisheries Policy discard ban . Marine Policy , 77, 23-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kopp Dorothee, Mehault Sonia, Morfin Marie (2017). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM sur les méthodes pour estimer la survie des rejets (WGMEDS I). Faro (Portugal), 27 novembre-01 décembre 2017 . RBE/ederu/2017/CR15 .
Morfin Marie, Benoit Hugues, Mehault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee (2017). Assessment of two proxies of discard survival . ASC 2017 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 18–21 September 2017, Florida, USA .


Morfin Marie, Mehault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee, Benoît Hugues, Randall Peter, Forster Robert, Catchpole Tom (2016). Discarded fish: from on deck vitality assessment to survival after release - Application to Pleuronectes platessa in the English Channel . AFS 2016 - American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting : Fisheries Conservation and Management: Making Connections and Building Partnerships. August 21-25, 2016, Kansas City .
Morfin Marie, Bez Nicolas, Fromentin Jean-Marc (2016). Habitats of ten demersal species in the Gulf of Lions and potential implications for spatial management . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 547, 219-232 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2016). Report of the Workshop on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival 5 (WKMEDS 5), 23- 27 May 2016, Lorient, France . ICES CM 2016/ACOM:56. 51 pp.
ICES (2016). Report of the Workshop on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival 6 (WKMEDS6), 12–16 December 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2016/ACOM:56. 49 pp.
ICES (2016). Report of the Workshop on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival 4 (WKMEDS4), 30 November–4 December 2015, Ghent, Belgium . ICES CM 2015\ACOM:39. 57 pp.
Kopp Dorothee, Morfin Marie (2016). Compte rendu de participation à l'Atelier méthodologique du CIEM pour l’estimation de la survie des rejets (WKMEDS VI). Copenhague – 12-16 décembre 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT26 .


Saraux Claire, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Bigot Jean-Louis, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Morfin Marie, Roos David, Van Beveren Elisabeth, Bez Nicolas (2014). Spatial Structure and Distribution of Small Pelagic Fish in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea . Plos One , 9(11), 1-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Morfin Marie, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Jadaud Angelique, Bez Nicolas (2012). Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Key Exploited Marine Species in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea . Plos One , 7(5) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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