Catherine Borremans

Catherine Borremans

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-8328-4306

Web sites

Ocean Spy

Marine Science Videos



Lebeaud Antoine, Tosello Vanessa, Borremans Catherine, Matabos Marjolaine (2024). Deep-sea observatories images labeled by citizen for object detection algorithms . SEANOE .
Marcillat Marin, Menot Lenaick, Van Audenhaege Loic, Borremans Catherine (2024). Exemple data for 2D image annotations onto 3D models . SEANOE .


Ramière Annah, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarrazin Jozee, Borremans Catherine, Soto Vega Pedro Juan, Marcillat Marin, Cannat Mathilde, Wheeler Benjamin, Van Audenhaege Loic (2023). Seabed images and substrata of the southern Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field . SEANOE .
Hanafi-Portier Mélissa, Borremans Catherine, Soubigou Olivier, Samadi Sarah, Corbari Laure, Olu Karine (2023). Benthic megafaunal assemblages from the Mayotte island outer slope: a case study illustrating workflow from annotation on images to georeferenced densities in sampling units . SEANOE .



Matabos Marjolaine, Cottais Pierre, Leroux Riwan, Cenatiempo Yannick, Gasne-Destaville Charlotte, Roullet Nicolas, Sarrazin Jozee, Tourolle Julie, Borremans Catherine (2025). Deep sea spy: An online citizen science annotation platform for science and ocean literacy . Ecological Informatics , 86, 103065 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Borremans Catherine, Zeppilli Daniela, Benzinou Abdesslam, Nasreddine Kamal, Foulon Valentin, Martinel Anthonin, Dache Edwin (2024). Imaging and taxonomic identification of meiofauna: progress on the BLUEREVOLUTION project . MIW2024 - 5th Marine Imaging Workshop : Illuminating the Ocean. October 7-10, 2024, Monterey, California, USA .
Borremans Catherine, Matabos Marjolaine, Tourolle Julie, Carlier Antoine, Cottais Pierre, Tosello Vanessa, Lebeaud Antoine, Martini Séverine (2024). Ocean Spy's annotation data . MIW2024 - 5th Marine Imaging Workshop : Illuminating the Ocean. October 7-10, 2024, Monterey, California, USA .
Escartin Javier, Birard Tristan, Borremans Catherine, Fezzani Ridha, Durand Virginie, Feld Aurelie, Gaillot Arnaud, Guerin Charline, Ildefonse Benoît, Lallier François, Martini Séverine, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Sulpis Olivier (2024). UlyXDemo’24 test cruise . Preliminary report. v.2024/07/04 .
Marcillat Marin, Van Audenhaege Loic, Borremans Catherine, Arnaubec Aurelien, Menot Lenaick (2024). The best of two worlds: reprojecting 2D image annotations onto 3D models . Peerj , 12, e17557 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Borremans Catherine (2024). Citoyens et scientifiques unissent leurs forces pour sonder les mystères des fonds marins . The Conversation , 229515 (4p.) . Open Access version :
Tosello Vanessa, Borremans Catherine, Lebeaud Antoine (2024). Automated identification of seafloor deep species . IMDIS 2024 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. 27-29 May 2024, Bergen, Norway .
Borremans Catherine, Durden Jennifer, Schoening Timm, Curtis Emma, Adams Luther, Branzan Albu Alexandra, Arnaubec Aurelien, Ayata Sakina-Dorothée, Baburaj Reshma, Bassin Corinne, Beck Miriam, Bigham Katharine, Boschen-Rose Rachel, Collett Chad, Contini Matteo, Correa Paulo, Dominguez-Carrió Carlos, Dreyfus Gautier, Duncan Graeme, Ferrera Maxime, Foulon Valentin, Friedman Ariell, Gaikwad Santosh, Game Chloe, Gaytán-Caballero Adriana, Girard Fanny, Giusti Michela, Hanafi-Portier Mélissa, Howell Kerry, Hulevata Iryna, Itiowe Kiamuke, Jackett Chris, Jansen Jan, Karthäuser Clarissa, Katija Kakani, Kernec Maxime, Kim Gabriel, Kitahara Marcelo, Langenkämper Daniel, Langlois Tim, Lanteri Nadine, Jianping Li Claude, Li Qi-Ran, Liabot Pierre-Olivier, Lindsay Dhugal, Loulidi Ali, Marcon Yann, Marini Simone, Marranzino Ashley, Massot-Campos Miquel, Matabos Marjolaine, Menot Lenaick, Moreno Bernabé, Morrissey Marcus, Nakath David, Nattkemper Tim, Neufeld Monika, Obst Matthias, Olu - Le Roy Karine, Parimbelli Alexa, Pasotti Francesca, Pelletier Dominique, Perhirin Margaux, Piechaud Nils, Pizarro Oscar, Purser Autun, Rodrigues Clara, Ceballos Romero Elena, Schlining Brian, Song Yifan, Sosik Heidi, Sourisseau Marc, Taormina Bastien, Taucher Jan, Thornton Blair, Van Audenhaege Loic, von Der Meden Charles, Wacquet Guillaume, Williams Jack, Witting Kea, Zurowietz Martin (2024). Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2022 . Research Ideas and Outcomes , 10, e119782 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martinel Anthonin, Benzinou Abdesslam, Nasreddine Kamal, Foulon Valentin, Borremans Catherine, Zeppilli Daniela (2024). Génération d’images de la Méiofaune à l’aide de StyleGAN2 : Cas des Copepoda . Actes de la 27e Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle : CNIA 2024. Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle, Association Française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle, 2024. 01-05 Juillet 20240, La Rochelle.Session 1, pp.8-11 .


Borremans Catherine (2023). Imaging data workflow for meiofauna studies . MeioScool 2023. 26-30 June 2023, Palma de Mallorca .
Martinel Anthonin, Benzinou Abdesslam, Nasreddine Kamal, Foulon Valentin, Borremans Catherine, Zeppilli Daniela (2023). Meiofauna Images Generation Using StyleGAN2: A Case Study of Copepoda . 2023 5th International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART), Paris, France, 2023, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3849-2, Electronic ISSN: 2831-4352 , pp. 1-4 .
Borremans Catherine, Marcillat Marin (2023). BIIGLE's uses at Ifremer . FUTUROBS expert workshop on benthic video analysis tool. 21-23 Mars 2023, Nantes and hybrid mode .
Borremans Catherine, Philippe Anne-Charlotte, Merceur Frédéric (2023). Annotations Toolbox - ATb . FUTUROBS expert workshop on benthic video analysis tool. 21-23 Mars 2023, Nantes and hybrid mode .
Borremans Catherine (2023). L’imagerie marine aiguise le regard de la science sur l’océan . MINES - Revue des Ingénieurs , (519), 30-33 . Open Access version :


Borremans Catherine, Foulon Valentin, Fuchs Sandra, Nasreddine Kamal, Benzinou Abdesslam, Zeppilli Daniela (2022). Biodiversity underestimation in our bLUe planEt: artificial intelligence REVOLUTION in benthic taxonomy. BLUE REVOLUTION project - What's new? 18 IMCO 2022 - 18th International Meiofauna Conference. 5-9 December 2022, virtual .
Borremans Catherine (2022). Images annotation, storage and accessibility for meiofauna studies . MeioScool 2022: a dive into the microscopic world of meiofauna. Nov.28 - Dec.2, 2022, virtual .
Borremans Catherine, Matabos Marjolaine, Tourolle Julie, Carlier Antoine, Liabot Pierre-Olivier, Marzloff Martin (2022). OCEAN SPY: A platform dedicated to image annotation by citizen for the study of marine ecosystems . MIW2022 - 4th Marine Imaging Workshop. 3-6 october 2022, Brest, France, on-site & on-line .
Pelletier Dominique, Althaus Franzis, Borremans Catherine, Monk Jacquomo, Barrett Neville, Olu-Le Roy Karine, Scoulding Ben, Untiedt Candice, Maguire Kylie, Mortimer Nick, Jackett Chris, Hanafi Portier Melissa, Laffargue Pascal, Vaz Sandrine, Williams Alan (2022). En route to FAIRness: sharing image-derived biodiversity data across institutes, ecosystems and protocols: The QuatreA collaboration . Marine Imaging Workshop. 3-6 October 2022, Brest, France .
Borremans Catherine (2022). Données d'imagerie marine . Atelier technique ODATIS #13. 9 Juin 2022 .
Borremans Catherine (2022). Les initiatives pour la standardisation des données d’imagerie marine . Atelier technique ODATIS #13. 9 juin 2022 .
Soubigou Olivier, Borremans Catherine (2022). BIIGLE 2.0 . Atelier technique ODATIS #13. 9 Juin 2022 .


Hanafi-Portier Melissa, Samadi Sarah, Corbari Laure, Chan Tin-Yam, Chen Wei-Jen, Chen Jhen-Nien, Lee Mao-Ying, Mah Christopher, Saucède Thomas, Borremans Catherine, Olu Karine (2021). When Imagery and Physical Sampling Work Together: Toward an Integrative Methodology of Deep-Sea Image-Based Megafauna Identification . Frontiers in Marine Science , 8, 749078 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Borremans Catherine (2021). Imaging Data Life Cycle . BLUE REVOLUTION project - Training Workshop 2021. September 19-23, 2021 .
Matabos Marjolaine, Rochette Sebastien, Duffau Roland, Philippe Anne-Charlotte, Borremans Catherine (2021). Deep Sea Spy: from citizen annotation to artificial intelligence . 16th DSBS - Deep Sea Biology Symposium. 12 - 17 September 2021, Brest, France .
Borremans Catherine, Foulon Valentin, Fuchs Sandra, Nasreddine Kamal, Benzinou Abdesslam, Zeppilli Daniela (2021). Biodiversity underestimation in our bLUe planEt: artificial intelligence (AI) REVOLUTION in benthic taxonomy. BLUE REVOLUTION project . 16th DSBS - Deep Sea Biology Symposium. 12 - 17 September 2021, Brest, France .
Ben Gaied Khawla, Benzinou Abdesslam, Qayyum Abdul, Nasreddine Kamal, Borremans Catherine, Foulon Valentin, Kihara Terue, Martinez Arbizu Pedro, Zeppilli Daniela (2021). 2D convolutional neural networks for benthic fauna identification . 16th DSBS - Deep Sea Biology Symposium. 12 - 17 September 2021, Brest, France .
Sudre Joel, Nys Cecile, Schmidt Sabine, Harscoat Valerie, Rabevolo Clemence, Gimenez-Papiol Gemma, Hoebeke Mark, Borremans Catherine, Rouilly Arnaud (2021). Compte rendu de l'atelier technique des 22 et 23 septembre 2020 .
Napoléon Thibault, Hanafi Portier Melissa, Carcopino Clemence, Dugard Camille, Gourdon Simon, Borremans Catherine, Olu Karine (2021). Seafloor classification with optimized texture convolutional neural network: application to complex benthic habitats on seamount and volcanic island slopes . 16th DSBS - Deep Sea Biology Symposium. 12 - 17 September 2021, Brest, France .


Tourolle Julie, Matabos Marjolaine, Borremans Catherine (2020). Deep Sea Spy : un outil collaboratif d'annotation d'images . Colloque merIGéo 2020 "De l'océan à la côte : l'information géographique en mouvement". 24 au 26 novembre 2020, Nantes.
Zeppilli Daniela, Borremans Catherine, Benzinou Abdesslam (2020). Biodiversity underestimation in our bLUe planEt: artificial intelligence REVOLUTION in benthic taxonomy - BLUE REVOLUTION project . Integrating Multidisciplinary Observations in Vent Environments (IMOVE) workshop. 23-27 November 2020 , Brest .
Borremans Catherine (2020). Approaches for mapping and monitoring deep-sea habitats using optical imagery . imaginecology : Deep Learning pour le traitement et l'analyse d'images et de sons en écologie. 16-17 novembre 2020 .
Borremans Catherine (2020). "Gestion de données biologiques marines". Imagerie . Atelier technique ODATIS #7 - "Gestion de données biologiques marines". 22 & 23 SEPTEMBRE 2020, Visioconférence .
Pelletier Dominique, Borremans Catherine (2020). L’imagerie à Ifremer: une enquête interne . Rapport interne RBE/EMH. Version finale. 25 p.


Borremans Catherine, Chauvet Pauline, Girard Fanny, Hanafi Portier Melissa, Matabos-Cavanagh Marjolaine, Olu Karine, Sarrazin Jozee, Tourolle Julie (2019). Approaches for mapping and monitoring deep-sea habitats using optical imagery . MIW2019 - 3rd Marine Imaging Workshop. 24-28 June in Victoria, Canada .
Tourolle Julie, Borremans Catherine, Matabos-Cavanagh Marjolaine (2019). Deep Sea Spy: a collaborative annotation tool . MIW2019 - 3rd Marine Imaging Workshop. 24-28 June in Victoria, Canada .
Pelletier Dominique, Borremans Catherine (2019). Looking back and forward : the use of imaging techniques in a marine research institute . MIW2019 - 3rd Marine Imaging Workshop. 24-28 June 2019, Victoria, BC Canada .
Borremans Catherine, Matabos-Cavanagh Marjolaine (2019). Deep Sea Spy. A collaborative annotation tool . Folle Journée de l’Imagerie Nantaise 2019. Session 4 : Interdisciplinarité pour et/ou par l’image. 27 février 2019, Onris, Nantes .


Borremans Catherine, Matabos Marjolaine (2018). The Deep Sea Spy system. Building a marine images annotation database from participative science . Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata , 59(Suppl.1), 46-48 . Open Access version :
Borremans Catherine (2018). An overview of Ifremer's imagery acquisition systems . Imagery Workshop 2018. May 29-31 2018, Brest .
Tourolle Julie, Borremans Catherine, Olu Karine, Menot Lenaick, Matabos Marjolaine (2018). Apports de l’imagerie pour la cartographie et le suivi des habitats profonds . Colloque MerIGéo "De la côte à l'océan : l'information géographique en mouvement". 20 au 22 mars 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France .


Borremans Catherine, Satra-Le Bris Catherine, Merceur Frederic (2017). Attribution de DOI pour les jeux de données marines. Atelier 4 : Appropriation et réutilisation des données . Séminaire INSIDE 2017 - Le numérique au service de l'eau, de la biodiversité et du milieu marin. 28-29 mars 2017, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle .
Borremans Catherine (2017). Traitement des opérations en mer et des données des engins sous-marins . CARHAMB'AR 2017 – Colloque national sur la cartographie des habitats marins benthiques. 14 au 16 mars 2017, Brest .


Appeltans Ward, Provoost Pieter, Reed Greg, Vandepitte Leen, Baker Maria, Higgs Nicholas, O'Hara Timothy, Althaus Franziska, Amon Diva, Bilan Meri, Blazewicz Magdalena, Borremans Catherine, Bourque Jill, Brager Stefan, Chapman Abbie, Cobley Amber, Cunha Marina, Dahlgren Thomas, Davies Andrew, de Leo Fabio, Dornback Matt, Horton Tammy, Ingels Jeroen, Martini Severine, McVeigh Doreen, Olson Christopher, Polanco Andrea, Ramos Ana, Rastoin Etienne, Ravara Ascensão, Riehl Torben, Roterman Christopher, Sidi Mohamed Mohamed Moctar (2016). The revival of the deep sea in OBIS . Deep-Sea Life , (8), 24-26 . Open Access version :
Loubrieu Thomas, Detoc Jerome, Borremans Catherine (2016). Sensor Nanny: data supports for science and observation operators on the cloud . IMDIS 2016 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. October 11-13, Gdansk, Poland .
Borremans Catherine, Merceur Frederic (2016). Marine Science Videos . IMDIS 2016 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. October 11-13, Gdansk, Poland .
Tosello Vanessa, Borremans Catherine, Detoc Jerome, Pelleter Ewan (2016). ARCHIMEDE - A new software for management of geological and biological samples . IMDIS 2016 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. October 11-13, Gdansk, Poland .


Borremans Catherine (2015). Les données issues des campagnes - Bancarisation des données des engins sous-marins . Techno Flotte 2015 "Prospective technologique pour les équipements scientifiques". Paris 11 & 12 mai 2015 .
Ten Hoopen Petra, Pesant Stephane, Kottmann Renzo, Kopf Anna, Bicak Mesude, Claus Simon, Deneudt Klaas, Borremans Catherine, Thijsse Peter, Dekeyzer Stefanie, Schaap Dick M. A., Bowler Chris, Gloeckner Frank Oliver, Cochrane Guy (2015). Marine microbial biodiversity, bioinformatics and biotechnology (M2B3) data reporting and service standards . Standards In Genomic Sciences , 10(20), 1-10 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tosello Vanessa, Borremans Catherine (2015). Vers une gestion commune des données de géologie et de biologie en environnement profond . Journées IDM 2015 .
Matabos Marjolaine, Borremans Catherine, Soubigou Olivier (2015). Development of a citizen science project to help processing imagery data from deep-sea observatories – requirements document . REM/EEP/LEP 15-13 .


Borremans Catherine, Soubigou Olivier (2014). Traitement des opérations en mer et des données des engins sous-marins - SEALOG . Valor-IG 14 - Application des SIG en milieu marin. 15-16 Avril, 2014, Nantes .


Borremans Catherine (2013). Management of events, samples, videos and data generated by deep-sea submersibles . International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS 2013), September 23-25, 2013, Lucca (Italia), .


Borremans Catherine (2012). Avant projet pour la refonte du système d'information Biocéan. Version 2.0 . IDM/SISMER/12-038 .
Borremans Catherine (2012). Compte-rendu de l’Atelier sur les Identifiants Persistants (PIDs) organisé par le GBIF France à Paris (MNHN) le 27 juin 2012. IDM/SISMER/12-030 .


Borremans Catherine, Fabri Marie-Claire, Menot Lenaick (2011). Biocéan et le référentiel des écosystèmes marins . Groupe de Travail référentiels taxinomiques, Ifremer, 28 Juin 2011, Lorient .
