Jeux de données
Retho Michael, Repecaud Michel, Huguet Antoine, Malo Florent, Le Gall Christian, Manach Soazig (2024). COAST-HF - data and metadata from the MOLIT buoy in the Vilaine Bay . SEANOE .
Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Verin Francoise, Maheux Frank, Le Gall Patrik, Cheve Julien, Lebrun Luc, Gabellec Raoul, Schmitt Anne, Bruneau Audrey, Le Fur Ines, Gouriou Laure, Rigouin Loic, Munaron Dominique, Gianaroli Camille, Serais Ophelie, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Connes Coralie, Brodu Nicolas, Lebon Fabien, Malo Florent, Costes Louis, Benhamou Jeremy (2024). ROCCH dataset : chemical contaminants levels for shellfish area quality management . SEANOE .
Petton Sebastien, Pouvreau Stephane, Fleury Elodie, Lagarde Franck (2024). ECOSCOPA network : high frequency environmental database . SEANOE .
Normand Julien, Louis Wilfried (2023). MYTILOBS Campagne 2021-2022. Réseau d'observation des moules d'élevage sur la côte Atlantique et dans la Manche. Edition 2023 . ODE/UL/LERN/2023-11 .
Geffroy Solene, Lechat Marc-Marie, Le Gac Mickael, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Marie Dominique, Bigeard Estelle, Malo Florent, Amzil Zouher, Guillou Laure, Caruana Amandine (2021). From the sxtA4 Gene to Saxitoxin Production: What Controls the Variability Among Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium pacificum Strains? Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 613199 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Le Goïc Nelly, Malo Florent, Boulais Myrina, Fabioux Caroline, Zaccagnini Lucas, Carpentier Liliane, Sibat Manoella, Réveillon Damien, Séchet Veronique, Hess Philipp, Hégaret Helene (2020). Cultures of Dinophysis sacculus, D. acuminata and pectenotoxin 2 affect gametes and fertilization success of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Environmental Pollution , 265(Part B), 114840 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Malo Florent, Carpentier Liliane, Bougaran Gael, Hégaret Helene, Réveillon Damien, Hess Philipp, Séchet Veronique (2020). Combined effects of temperature, irradiance and pH on Teleaulax amphioxeia (Cryptophyceae) physiology and feeding ratio for its predator Mesodinium rubrum (Ciliophora) . Journal Of Phycology , 56(3), 775-783 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Carpentier Liliane, Malo Florent, Bougaran Gael, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Sourisseau Marc, Hegaret Helene, Sechet Veronique, Hess Philipp (2019). Culture of prey organisms of Dinophysis sp. helps explain why its occurence along the french Atlantic coast does not show trends over a 20-years period . EPC7 - 7th European Phycological Congress. 25-30 august 2019, Zagreb .
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Carpentier Liliane, Malo Florent, Bougaran Gael, Reveillon Damien, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Sechet Veronique (2019). Culture of prey organisms of Dinophysis helps explain why its occurrence along the French Atlantic coast does not show trends over a 20-year period . Oceanext 2019 Interdisciplinary Conference «Building the future of marine and coastal socio-ecosystems / Construisons le futur des socio-écosystèmes marins et littoraux». 3-5 juillet 2019, Nantes .
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Carpentier Liliane, Malo Florent, Bougaran Gael, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Sechet Veronique (2018). Influence of temperature, irradiance and pH on the physiology of Teleaulax amphioxeia . ICHA2018 - 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae "From ecosystems to socio-ecosystems". 21-26 october 2018, Nantes, France.
Boulais Myrina, Suquet Marc, Arsenault-Pernet Marie Eve Julie, Malo Florent, Queau Isabelle, Pignet Patricia, Ratiskol Dominique, Le Grand Jacqueline, Huber Matthias, Cosson Jacky (2018). pH controls spermatozoa motility in the Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas ) . Biology Open , 7(3), bio031427 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coulombier Noemie, Malo Florent, Brun Pierre, Chim Liet, Morezzi Nicola, Nakagawa Kento, Chateau Christelle, Charrier Aurelie, Le Dean Loic (2016). Programme AMICAL. Rapport d'activité 2015 et programmation 2016 .
Boulais Myrina, Dzyuba Boris, Suquet Marc, Arsenault-Pernet Eve-Julie, Malo Florent, Gros Sylvie, Epelboin Yanouk, Cosson Jacky (2014). Effect of pH on activation and movement regulation of sperm in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Physiomar 2014. 3-6 novembre 2014, La Serena, Chili .
Suquet Marc, Arsenault-Pernet Eve-Julie, Malo Florent, Epelboin Yanouk, Ratiskol Dominique, Le Grand Jacqueline, Gros Sylvie, Mingant Christian (2014). Cryopreservation of great scallop (Pecten maximus) sperm . Physiomar 2014. November 3-6, 2014, La Serena, Chile .