Wataniyakun Waranya, Le Gall Maelenn, El Rakwe Maria, Karl Christian W., Larsen Roger B (2025). Biodegradable fishing gears: A potential solution to ghost fishing and marine plastic pollution . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 212, 117607 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Madeira Hugo, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron E. (2025). Impact Of Carbon Black Content In Relationships Between Mechanical Properties And Crosslinking Of Filled Polychloroprene During Oxidative Aging . Rubber Chemistry and Technology , 98(1), 46-61 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Laot Robin, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Broudin M., Ovalle C., Laiarinandrasana L. (2024). Embrittlement induced by oxidation in polyethylene: Role of initial bimodality . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 230, 111025 (12p.) .
Madeira Hugo, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron E. (2024). Marine durability of carbon black-filled polychloroprene: effect of seawater ageing on network, tensile and fatigue properties . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 230, 111045 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Madeira Hugo, Costecalde L., Coret M., Leygue A., Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron E. (2024). Data-Driven Identification unravels multiaxial mechanical response of a carbon-black filled elastomer during ageing . Polymer Testing , 137, 108521 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Niu Zhiyue, Curto Marco, Le Gall Maelenn, Demeyer Elke, Asselman Jana, Janssen Colin R, Dhakal Hom Nath, Davies Peter, Catarino Ana Isabel, Everaert Gert (2024). Accelerated fragmentation of two thermoplastics (polylactic acid and polypropylene) into microplastics after UV radiation and seawater immersion . Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety , 271, 115981 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Madeira Hugo, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron E. (2024). Prediction of fatigue lifetime by the strain energy density for filled polychloroprene during thermo-oxidative ageing . International Journal Of Fatigue , 178, 108023 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davies Peter, Le Gall Maelenn, Niu Z, Catarino Ai, de Witte Y, Everaert G, Dhakal H, Park C H, Demeyer E (2023). Recycling and ecotoxicity of flax/PLA composites: Influence of seawater ageing . Composites Part C: Open Access , 12, 100379 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Loubrieu Gauthier, Le Gall Maelenn, Priour Daniel, Stewart Gregg, Melot Denis, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2023). Water absorption in hollow glass microsphere composites under hydrostatic pressure: Mechanisms and influencing parameters . Applied Research , 2(5), e202200075 (8p.) .
Arhant Mael, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2023). Non-Arrhenian Hydrolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate – a 5-year Long Aging Study Above and Below The Glass Transition Temperature . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 215, 110439 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Benali S., Raquez J-M., Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Priour Daniel, Cerantola S., Stoclet G., Le Gac Pierre Yves (2022). Hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) - Towards an understanding of microplastics fragmentation . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 205, 110122 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Loubrieu Gauthier, Le Gall Maelenn, Priour Daniel, Stewart Gregg, Melot Denis, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2022). Hydrostatic strength of hollow glass microspheres composites: influencing factors and modeling . Composites Part C: Open Access , 8, 100286 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gall Maelenn, Niu Z., Curto M., Catarino A.I., Demeyer E., Jiang C., Dhakal H., Everaert G., Davies Peter (2022). Behaviour of a self-reinforced polylactic acid (SRPLA) in seawater . Polymer Testing , 111, 107619 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Madeira Hugo, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron E. (2022). Effect of thermal oxidation on tensile and fatigue properties of a filled polychloroprene . Constitutive Models for Rubber XII Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2022), September 7–9, 2022, Milano, Italy. 2022. Claudia Marano, Francesco Briatico Vangosa, Luca Andena, Roberto Frassine (Eds). DOI 10.1201/9781003310266 , ISBN 9781003310266. Part Aging, pp.446-451 .
Madeira Hugo, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron Erwan (2022). Effect of thermal oxidation on tensile and fatigue properties of a filled polychloroprene . ECCMR 2022 - XII European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers. 7th to September 9th, 2022., Milano, Italy .
Madeira Hugo, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Verron E. (2022). Impact du vieillissement en air sur les propriétés en traction et en fatigue d’un polychloroprène chargé . CFM 2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 02 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Curto Marco, Le Gall Maelenn, Catarino Ana Isabel, Niu Zhiyue, Davies Peter, Everaert Gert, Dhakal Hom N. (2021). Long-term durability and ecotoxicity of biocomposites in marine environments: a review . RSC Advances , 11(52), 32917-32941 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Stoclet G., Priour Daniel, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2021). Origin of embrittlement in Polyamide 6 induced by chemical degradations: mechanisms and governing factors . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 191, 109657 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Popineau V., Célino A., Le Gall Maelenn, Martineau L., Baley C., Le Duigou A. (2021). Vacuum-Bag-Only (VBO) Molding of Flax Fiber-reinforced Thermoplastic Composites for Naval Shipyards . Applied Composite Materials , 28(3), 791-808 .
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Priour Daniel, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2021). Modelling pure polyamide 6 hydrolysis: influence of water content in the amorphous phase . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 183, 109435 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lagadec Jean Romain, Le Gall Maelenn (2020). Essai de tenue de peinture sur support acier . Projet MarHa – Ballast à vessie. 20-R122 - G99DGB00 .
Niu Zhiyue, Catarino Ana Isabel, Davies Peter, Le Gall Maelenn, Curto Marco, Jiang Chulin, Dotcheva Mariana, Vancoillie Gertjan, Dhakal Hom, Vandegehuchte Michiel, Everaert Gert (2020). Potential solution for marine litter ? Assessment of the degradability and ecotoxicity of biobased composites . VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020 .
Bourmaud Alain, Mérotte Justin, Siniscalco David, Le Gall Maelenn, Gager Victor, Le Duigou Antoine, Pierre Floran, Behlouli Karim, Arnould Olivier, Beaugrand Johnny, Baley Christophe (2019). Main criteria of sustainable natural fibre for efficient unidirectional biocomposites . Composites Part A-applied Science And Manufacturing , 124, 105504 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Kemlin Guillaume (2019). Comportement Mécanique de Composites Renforcés de Lamelles de Bambou, Influence du Vieillissement dans l’Eau de Mer / Mechanical Behaviour of Composites Reinforced by Bamboo Strips, Influence of Seawater Aging . Revue Des Composites Et Des Materiaux Avances-journal Of Composite And Advanced Materials , 29(4), 209-214 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, Dreanno Catherine, Priour Daniel (2019). Compréhension de la formation des Microplastiques : Impact de l’hydrolyse du polyamide 6 sur les propriétés à la rupture . Premières rencontres nationales du GDR Polymères et Océans. 24 – 26 juin 2019, Université Paris-Est Créteil .
Arhant Mael, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter (2019). Impact of hydrolytic degradation on mechanical properties of PET - Towards an understanding of microplastics formation . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 161, 175-182 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Laurent Matthieu, Cotty Cecile, Dussud Loic, Kerboul Andre, Menut Eric, Renaut Corentin, Rousseaux Patrick, André Xavier, Augier Benoit, Dumergue Nicolas, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Salvetat Florence, Le Bihan Caroline, Gautier Laurent, Rouyer Tristan, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Bernard Serge, Kerzeho Vincent (2019). POPSTAR: POP-up Satellite Tag for Advancing Research in marine ecology. Développement d’une marque pour thons . AEI 2019 - Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation : AEI Océan Atmosphère. 9 au 11 juillet 2019, Lille .
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, El Rakwe Maria, Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Priour Daniel (2018). Study of Microplastic formation: Accelerated degradation of polyamide 6 in thermal and hygrothermal environment . MICRO 2018 -International Conference "Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions". 19-23 November 2018, Lanzarote .
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, Dreanno Catherine, Priour Daniel (2018). Etude de la formation des Microplastiques : Impact de la dégradation du PA6 sur les propriétés à la rupture . DEPOS28 - 28ème colloque National "DÉformation des POlymères Solides". 25-28 septembre 2018, la Bresse .
Le Gall Maelenn, Davies Peter, Martin Nicolas, Baley Christophe (2018). Recommended flax fibre density values for composite property predictions . Industrial Crops And Products , 114, 52-58 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davies Peter, Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Arhant Mael (2018). Marine Ageing Behaviour of New Environmentally Friendly Composites . In Davies P., Rajapakse Y. (eds) Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment 2. Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, vol 244 (Part of the Solid Mechanics and Its Applications book series). pp.225-237 (Springer Nature) .
Davies Peter, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Arhant Mael, Humeau Corentin (2018). Durability of Polymers and Composites: The Key to Reliable Marine Renewable Energy Production . ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy Madrid, Spain, June 17–22, 2018 Conference Sponsors: Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division ISBN: 978-0-7918-5131-9. Paper No. OMAE2018-77558, pp. V010T09A017; 9 pages .
Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Arhant Mael, Le Gall Maelenn, Davies Peter (2017). Yield stress changes induced by water in polyamide 6: Characterization and modeling . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 137, 272-280 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davies Peter, Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Le Gall Maelenn (2017). Influence of Sea Water Aging on the Mechanical Behaviour of Acrylic Matrix Composites . Applied Composite Materials , 24(1), 97-111 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arhant Mael, Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Burtin Christian, Briancon Christophe, Davies Peter (2016). Modelling the non Fickian water absorption in polyamide 6 . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 133, 404-412 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arhant Mael, Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Burtin Christian, Briancon Christophe, Davies Peter (2016). Effect of sea water and humidity on the tensile and compressive properties of carbon-polyamide 6 laminates . Composites Part A-applied Science And Manufacturing , 91(Part.1), 250-261 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Arhant Mael, Le Gall Maelenn, Burtin Christian, Davies Peter (2016). Prediction of mechanical property loss in polyamide during immersion in sea water . VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “TIMES OF POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES”: From Aerospace to Nanotechnology. 19–23 June 2016, Naples, Italy. 2016. Editors : Alberto d'Amore, Domenico Acierno and Luigi Grassia. ISBN : 978-0-7354-1390-0. AIP Conference Proceedings n°1736, 020037, pp.1-4 .
Le Gall Maelenn, Choqueuse Dominique, Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Davies Peter, Perreux Dominique (2014). Novel mechanical characterization method for deep sea buoyancy material under hydrostatic pressure . Polymer Testing , 39, 36-44 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :