Jerome Detoc

Jerome Detoc

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané




Detoc Jerome, Thepault Baptiste, Carval Thierry, Mahoudo Pierre, Garo Mickael (2021). Scoop-Argo : visual quality control for Argo NetCDF data files . SEANOE .



Charcos-Llorens Miguel, Alcalde Miguel Ángel, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Pearlman Jay, Pearlman Francoise, Tintore Joaquin, Villoria Juan Miguel, Alba Marco, Bruvry-Lagadec Leo, Carval Thierry, Corgnati Lorenzo, Delory Eric, Detoc Jerome, Gorringe Patrick, Jeffery Keith, Keeble Simon, Mader Julien, Mantovani Carlo, Maudire Gilbert, Novellino Antonio, Queric Antoine, Rita Damia, Simpson Pauline, Thijsse Peter (2023). Documentation of JERICO-RI e-infrastructure and capabilities . JERICO-S3-WP7-D7.6-28.02.2023-V1.0 .
Elleboode Romain, Bled--Defruit Geoffrey, Lescoute Guillaume, Nivert Florian (2023). Guide d’utilisation de l’interface Labcollector instance SIH . Action Obsbio .


Bucas Karenn, Detoc Jerome, Nivert Florian (2021). COPIL #8 projet Base de données capteurs P6 . Compte-rendu de réunion. RDT/LDCM/21-027/KB/CR .


Tosello Vanessa, Borremans Catherine, Detoc Jerome, Pelleter Ewan (2016). ARCHIMEDE - A new software for management of geological and biological samples . IMDIS 2016 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. October 11-13, Gdansk, Poland .
Loubrieu Thomas, Detoc Jerome, Borremans Catherine (2016). Sensor Nanny: data supports for science and observation operators on the cloud . IMDIS 2016 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. October 11-13, Gdansk, Poland .
Loubrieu Thomas, Detoc Jerome, Azelmat Hamza, Thorel Arnaud (2016). Sensor Nanny. Data management services for marine observation operators . EGU 2016 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016. 17–22 April 2016, Austria .


Loubrieu Thomas, Treguer Mickael, Detoc Jerome (2015). Sensor Web Enablement at IFREMER . FixO3 Network Project Data Management Workshop. 15 october 2015, Brussels .
Tosello Vanessa, Detoc Jerome (2015). Données géologiques: nouveaux outils, nouveaux services . Journées IDM 2015 .
Carval Thierry, Bernard Vincent, Bonnat Armel, Coatanoan Christine, Detoc Jerome, Maronny Jean-Paul, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2015). Coriolis data centre. Annual report 2015 . Ifremer/IMN/IDM/ISI/15-048 .
Carval Thierry, Bernard Vincent, Bonnat Armel, Coatanoan Christine, Detoc Jerome, Gatti Julie, Maronny Jean-Paul, Petit De La Villeon Loic (2015). Coriolis data centre. Annual report 2014 . Ifremer/IMN/IDM/ISI/14-062 .
