Alexis Mouche

Alexis Mouche

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-1250-4436

Jeux de données


Nouguier Frederic, Mouche Alexis, Grouazel Antoine, Febvre Quentin, Maillard Lisa, Marquart Robin (2024). SARWAVE Sentinel-1 Experimental Dataset - Level-1B XSP. IFREMER.
Nouguier Frederic, Mouche Alexis, Grouazel Antoine, Febvre Quentin, Maillard Lisa, Marquart Robin (2024). SARWAVE Sentinel-1 Experimental Dataset - Level-2 WAV. IFREMER.
Pouplin Clement, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2024). Characterisation of the wave field induced by tropical cyclone Larry from a multi-sensor approach . SEANOE .


Nouguier Frederic, Mouche Alexis, Grouazel Antoine (2023). python SAR processor for level-1 SLC product . SEANOE .
Wang Chen, Stopa Justin, Vandemark Doug, Foster Ralph, Ayet Alex, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2023). A multi-tagged Sentinel-1 wave mode SAR image dataset near Barbados (MulTags-SARwv) . SEANOE .


Wang Chen, Mouche Alexis, Tandeo Pierre, Stopa Justin, Longépé Nicolas, Erhard Guillaume, Foster Ralph, Vandemark Douglas, Chapron Bertrand (2018). Labeled SAR imagery dataset of ten geophysical phenomena from Sentinel-1 wave mode (TenGeoP-SARwv) . SEANOE .



Velden Christopher, Knaff John, Herndon Derrick, Mouche Alexis, Hawkins Jeffrey, Panegrossi Giulia, Stoffelen Ad, Courtney Joseph, Tsukada Taiga, Fontan Anne-Claire (2025). Recent innovations in satellite-based applications and their impacts on tropical cyclone analyses and forecasts . Journal of the European Meteorological Society , 2, 100011 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Huimin, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Wang Chen, Lin Wenming, He Yijun (2025). Ocean surface wind wave signatures in single look complex SAR data . IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , 63, 4203111 (11p.) .
Wang Chen, Stopa Justin, Vandemark Doug, Foster Ralph, Ayet Alex, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Sadowski Peter (2025). A multi-tagged SAR ocean image dataset identifying atmospheric boundary layer structure in winter tradewind conditions . Geoscience Data Journal , 12(1), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Stopa Justin e., Vandemark Doug, Foster Ralph, Emond Marc, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2024). Characterizing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer for Offshore Wind Energy Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery . Wind Energy , 27(11), 1340-1352 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pouplin Clement, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2024). A Multi‐Sensor Approach for the Characterization of Tropical Cyclone Induced Swell—Application to TC Larry, 2021 . Geophysical Research Letters , 51(20), e2024GL109712 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Combot Clement, Mouche Alexis, de Boyer Montegut Clement, Chapron Bertrand (2024). Toward Comprehensive Understanding of Air‐Sea Interactions Under Tropical Cyclones: On the Importance of High Resolution and Multi‐Modal Observations . Geophysical Research Letters , 51(19), e2024GL110637 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Shimada Udai, Hayashi Masahiro, Mouche Alexis (2024). A Comparison Between SAR Wind Speeds and Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Best Track Estimates . Journal Of The Meteorological Society Of Japan , 102(5), 575-593 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Avenas Arthur, Mouche Alexis, Knaff J., Carton Xavier, Chapron Bertrand (2024). On the Tropical Cyclone Integrated Kinetic Energy Balance . Geophysical Research Letters , 51(16), e2024GL108327 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mironov A. S., Jegou Klet, Piolle J.-F., Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2024). The Approach for Wind Vector Inversion Using Multisource Collocated Radar Measurements . IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, ISBN:979-8-3503-6032-5, ISSN: 2153-7003 . pp. 5814-5818 .
Ristea Nicolae-Cătălin, Anghel Andrei, Mouche Alexis, Nouguier Frederic, Grouazel Antoine, Datcu Mihai (2024). Multi-Head Transposed Attention Transformer for Sea Ice Segmentation in Sar Imagery . IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, ISBN:979-8-3503-6032, ISSN: 2153-7003. pp.183-187 .
Avenas Arthur, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Platzer Paul, Vinour Leo (2024). Revealing short-term dynamics of tropical cyclone wind speeds from satellite synthetic aperture radar . Scientific Reports , 14(1), 12808 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tripathi S.P., Chapron Bertrand, Collard F., Guitton Gilles, Lopez-Radcenco Manuel, Mouche Alexis, Fablet Ronan (2024). Deep Learning Inversion of Ocean Wave Spectrum from SAR Satellite Observations . ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 2024. Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4485-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-4486-8. Electronic ISSN: 2379-190X Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 1520-6149. pp. 8711-8715 .
Wang Chen, Li Xiao-Ming, Shi Li-Jian, Li Hui-Min, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand . Sentinel-1 Wave Mode Sar Monitoring of Icebergs Around the Antarctica . Preprint IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Ricciardulli Lucrezia, Howell Brian, Jackson Christopher R., Hawkins Jeff, Courtney Joe, Stoffelen Ad, Langlade Sebastian, Fogarty Chris, Mouche Alexis, Blackwell William, Meissner Thomas, Heming Julian, Candy Brett, McNally Tony, Kazumori Masahiro, Khadke Chinmay, Glaiza Escullar Maria Ana (2023). Remote Sensing and Analysis of Tropical Cyclones: Current and Emerging Satellite Sensors . Tropical Cyclone Research And Review , 12(4), 267-293 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Avenas Arthur, Mouche Alexis, Tandeo Pierre, Piolle Jean-Francois, Chavas Dan, Fablet Ronan, Knaff John, Chapron Bertrand (2023). Reexamining the Estimation of Tropical Cyclones Radius of Maximum Wind from Outer Size with an Extensive Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataset . Monthly Weather Review , 151(12), 3169-3189 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hauser Danièle, Abdalla Saleh, Ardhuin Fabrice, Bidlot Jean-Raymond, Bourassa Mark, Cotton David, Gommenginger Christine, Evers-King Hayley, Johnsen Harald, Knaff John, Lavender Samantha, Mouche Alexis, Reul Nicolas, Sampson Charles, Steele Edward C.C, Stoffelen Ad (2023). Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Winds, Waves, and Currents: Where are we Now? Surveys In Geophysics , 44(5), 1357-1446 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vinour Leo, Jullien Swen, Mouche Alexis (2023). Diagnosing tropical cyclone intensity variations from the surface wind field evolution . Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences , 80(10), 2459-2479 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
O’driscoll Owen, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Kleinherenbrink Marcel, López‐dekker Paco (2023). Obukhov Length Estimation From Spaceborne Radars . Geophysical Research Letters , 50(15), e2023GL104228 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brilouet P.‐e., Bouniol D., Couvreux F., Ayet Alex, Granero‐belinchon C., Lothon M., Mouche Alexis (2023). Trade Wind Boundary Layer Turbulence and Shallow Precipitating Convection: New Insights Combining SAR Images, Satellite Brightness Temperature and Airborne In Situ Measurements . Geophysical Research Letters , 50(2), e2022GL102180 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Granero Belinchon Carlos, Roux Stéphane G., Garnier Nicolas B., Tandeo Pierre, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis (2022). Two-dimensional structure functions for characterizing convective rolls in the marine atmospheric boundary layer from Sentinel-1 SAR images . Remote Sensing Letters , 13(9), 946-957 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stopa Justin E., Wang Chen, Vandemark Doug, Foster Ralph, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2022). Automated global classification of surface layer stratification using high‐resolution sea surface roughness measurements by satellite synthetic aperture radar . Geophysical Research Letters , 49(12), e2022GL098686 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Peureux Charles, Longépé Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Tison Céline, Tourain Cédric, Lachiver Jean‐michel, Hauser Danièle (2022). Sea‐ice detection from near‐nadir Ku‐band echoes from CFOSAT/SWIM scatterometer . Earth And Space Science , 9(6), e2021EA002046 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Yurovskaya Maria, Kudryavtsev Vladimir, Mironov Alexey, Mouche Alexis, Collard Fabrice, Chapron Bertrand (2022). Surface Wave Developments under Tropical Cyclone Goni (2020): Multi-Satellite Observations and Parametric Model Comparisons . Remote Sensing , 14(9), 2032 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fan Shengren, Zhang Biao, Perrie William, Mouche Alexis, Liu Guoqiang, Li Huimin, Wang Chen, He Yijun (2022). Observed Ocean Surface Winds and Mixed Layer Currents under Tropical Cyclones: Asymmetric Characteristics . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 127(2), e2021JC017991 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wang He, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain, Grouazel Antoine, Chapron Bertrand, Yang Jingsong (2022). Assessment of Ocean Swell Height Observations from Sentinel-1A/B Wave Mode against Buoy In Situ and Modeling Hindcasts . Remote Sensing , 14(4), 862 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Colin Aurélien, Fablet Ronan, Tandeo Pierre, Husson Romain, Peureux Charles, Longépé Nicolas, Mouche Alexis (2022). Semantic Segmentation of Metoceanic Processes Using SAR Observations and Deep Learning . Remote Sensing , 14(4), 851 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wang He, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain, Chapron Bertrand, Yang Jingsong, Liu Jianqiang, Ren Lin (2022). Quantifying Uncertainties in the Partitioned Swell Heights Observed From CFOSAT SWIM and Sentinel-1 SAR via Triple Collocation . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 60(4207716), 1-16 .
Yurovskaya Maria, Mouche Alexis, Mironov Alexey, Collard Fabrice, Chapron Bertrand, Kudryavtsev Vladimir (2022). Combined satellite observation and modeling the waves in tropical cyclones . Asian journal of Geoinformatics , (22), AJG-2112002 (11p .
Longepe Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Ferro-Famil Laurent, Husson Romain (2022). Co-Cross-Polarization Coherence Over the Sea Surface From Sentinel-1 SAR Data: Perspectives for Mission Calibration and Wind Field Retrieval . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 60, 4200816 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis, Perrie William (2022). First Quasi-Synchronous Hurricane Quad-Polarization Observations by C-band Radar Constellation Mission and RADARSAT-2 . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 60(4206510), 10p.


Vinour Leo, Jullien Swen, Mouche Alexis, Combot Clement, Mangeas Morgan (2021). Observations of tropical cyclone inner-core fine-scale structure, and its link to intensity variations . Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences , 78(11), 3651-3671 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Huimin, Stopa Justin, Mouche Alexis, Zhang Biao, He Yijun, Chapron Bertrand (2021). Assessment of ocean wave spectrum using global Envisat/ASAR data and hindcast simulation . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 264, 112614 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Abadie V, Ali A, Aouf L, Artioli Y, Ascione I, Autret Emmanuelle, Aydogdu A, Aznar R, Bahurel P, Barrera E, Bastide L, Bazin D, Behrens A, Bentamy Abderrahim, Bertino L, Böhm E, Bonofiglio L, Bourdallé Badie R, Brando V.E, Brandt-Kreiner M, Bricaud C, Bruciaferri D, Buongiorno Nardelli B, Buus-Hinkler J, Cailleau S, Calton B, Carrasco A, Carval Thierry, Cesarini C, Chabot G, Charles E, Chau T, Ciliberti S, Cipollone A, Claustre H, Clementi E, Colella S, Colombo F, Coppini G, Cossarini G, Crosnier Laurence, D’alimonte D, Dabrowski T, de Alfonso M, de Nucé A, Delamarche A, Derval C, Di Cicco A, Dibarboure G, Dinessen F, Dodet Guillaume, Drevillon M, Drillet Y, Drudi M, Durand E, Escudier R, Etienne H, Fabardines M, Faugère Y, Fleming A, Forneris V, Garcia-Hermosa I, Sotillo M.G, Garnesson P, Garric G, Gasciarino G, Gehlen M, Giesen R, Giordan C, Girard-Ardhuin Fanny, Golbeck I, Good S.A, Gourrion Jerome, Gregoire M, Greiner E, Guinehut S, Gutknecht E, Harris C, Hernandez F, Hieronymi M, Høyer J, Huess V, Husson R, Jandt-Scheelke S, Jansen E, Kärnä T, Karvonen j J, Kay S, King R.R, Korres G, Krasemann H, Labrousse C, Lagemaa P, Lamouroux J, Law Chune S, Lecci R, Legros V, Lellouche J.M, Levier B, Li X, Lien V.S, Lima L, Lindenthal A, Linders J, Lorente P, Lorkowski I, Mader J, Maksymczuk J, Maljutenko I, Mangin A, Marinova V, Masina S, Matreata M, McConnell N, Melet A, Melsom A, Messal F, Morrow R, Mouche Alexis, Mulet S, Netting J, Nord A, Novellino A, Obaton Dominique, Palazov A, Pascual A, Payet J, Peneva E, Pequignet A.C, Perivolis L, Perruche Coralie, Pfeil B, Piollé Jean-Francois, Pisano A, Pistoia J, Polton J.A, Pouliquen Sylvie, Pujol M.I, Quade G, Quéau A, Ravdas M, Reffray G, Régnier C, Renshaw R, Reppucci A, Rotlan P, Ruggiero G, Saldo R, Salon S, Samson G, Santoleri R, Saulter A, Saux-Picart E, Sauzède R, Schwichtenberg F, She J, Siddorn J, Skakala J, Staneva J, Stelzer K, Stoffelen A, Sykes P, Szczypta C, Szekely Tanguy, Tamm S, Tan T.A, Tarot Stephane, Teruzzi A, Thomas-Courcoux C, Tintore J, Titaud O, Tonani M, Tronci M, Tuomi L, Van Der Zande d D, Vandenbulcke L, Verbrugge N, Volpe G, von Schuckmann Karina, Wakelin S.L, Wedhe H, Zacharioudaki A, Zuo H (2021). The Copernicus Marine Service from 2015 to 2021: six years of achievements . Mercator Ocean Journal , (Spec.Issue), 57 (221p.) .
Knaff John A., Sampson Charles R., Kucas Matthew, Slocum Christopher J., Brennan Michael J., Meissner Thomas, Ricciardulli Lucrezia, Mouche Alexis, Reul Nicolas, Morris Mary, Chirokova Galina, Caroff Philippe (2021). Estimating tropical cyclone surface winds: Current status, emerging technologies, historical evolution, and a look to the future . Tropical Cyclone Research And Review , 10(3), 125-150 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zhao Yuan, Longépé Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain (2021). Automated Rain Detection by Dual-Polarization Sentinel-1 Data . Remote Sensing , 13(16), 3155 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stoffelen Ad, Marseille Gert-Jan, Ni Weicheng, Mouche Alexis, Polverari Federica, Portabella Marcos, Lin Wenming, Sapp Joe, Chang Paul, Jelenak Zorana (2021). Hurricane Ocean Wind Speeds . 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0369-6, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 . pp. 1182-1185 .
Husson R., Mouche Alexis, Longepe N., Archer Olivier, Goimard G., Mamaca Emina, Berger Henrick, Soulat F., Rio Mh, Martino L., Potin P. (2021). Cyclone Monitoring with Sentinel-1: Service Demonstration . 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021. Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0369-6, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 . pp. 1057-1060 .
Colin Aurelien, Peureux Charles, Husson Romain, Longepe Nicolas, Rauzy Regis, Fablet Ronan, Tandeo Pierre, Saoudi Samir, Mouche Alexis, Dibarboure Gerald (2021). Segmentation of Sentinel-1 SAR Images Over the Ocean, Preliminary Methods and Assessments . 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021. Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0369-6, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 . pp. 4067-4070 .
Husson R., Longepe N., Mouche Alexis, Berger Henrick, Lin C., Archer Olivier, Colin A. (2021). Wind Direction Estimation and Accuracy Retrieval from Sentinel-1 SAR Images Under Thermal and Dynamical Unstable Conditions . 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021. Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0369-6, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 . pp. 7588-7591 .
Barthe Christelle, Bousquet Olivier, Bielli Soline, Tulet Pierre, Pianezze Joris, Claeys Marine, Tsai Chia-Lun, Thompson Callum, Bonnardot François, Chauvin Fabrice, Cattiaux Julien, Bouin Marie-Noëlle, Amelie Vincent, Barruol Guilhem, Calmer Radiance, Ciccione Stéphane, Cordier Emmanuel, Duong Quoc-Phi, Durand Jonathan, Fleischer-Dogley Frauke, Husson Romain, Lees Edouard, Malardel Sylvie, Marquestaut Nicolas, Mavume Alberto, Mékiès Dominique, Mouche Alexis, Ravoson Navalona Manitriniana, Razafindradina Bruno, Rindraharisaona Elisa, Roberts Gregory, Singh Manvendra, Zakariasy Lova, Zucule Jonas (2021). Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 2: Modeling Component of the Research Program RENOVRISK-CYCLONE . Atmosphere , 12(6), 689 (29p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jackson Christopher, Ruff Tyler, Knaff John, Mouche Alexis, Sampson Charles (2021). Chasing Cyclones from Space . Eos , 102, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Duong Quoc-Phi, Langlade Sébastien, Payan Christophe, Husson Romain, Mouche Alexis, Malardel Sylvie (2021). C-Band SAR Winds for Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Forecast in the South-West Indian Ocean . Atmosphere , 12(5), 576 (27p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bousquet Olivier, Barruol Guilhem, Cordier Emmanuel, Barthe Christelle, Bielli Soline, Calmer Radiance, Rindraharisaona Elisa, Roberts Gregory, Tulet Pierre, Amelie Vincent, Fleischer-Dogley Frauke, Mavume Alberto, Zucule Jonas, Zakariasy Lova, Razafindradina Bruno, Bonnardot François, Singh Manvendra, Lees Edouard, Durand Jonathan, Mekies Dominique, Claeys Marine, Pianezze Joris, Thompson Callum, Tsai Chia-Lun, Husson Romain, Mouche Alexis, Ciccione Stephane, Cattiaux Julien, Chauvin Fabrice, Marquestaut Nicolas (2021). Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 1: Overview and Observing Component of the Research Project RENOVRISK-CYCLONE . Atmosphere , 12(5), 544 (41p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zhang Biao, Lu Yiru, Perrie William, Zhang Guosheng, Mouche Alexis (2021). Compact Polarimetry Synthetic Aperture Radar Ocean Wind Retrieval: Model Development and Validation . Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology , 38(4), 747-757 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Quach Brandon, Glaser Yannik, Stopa Justin, Mouche Alexis, Sadowski Peter (2021). Deep Learning for Predicting Significant Wave Height From Synthetic Aperture Radar . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 59(3), 1859-1867 .
Wang He, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain, Chapron Bertrand (2021). Indian Ocean Crossing Swells: New Insights from “Fireworks” Perspective Using Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar . Remote Sensing , 13(4), 670 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Alpers Werner, Zhao Yuan, Mouche Alexis, Chan Pak Wai (2021). A note on radar signatures of hydrometeors in the melting layer as inferred from Sentinel-1 SAR data acquired over the ocean . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 253, 112177 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Yiru Lu, Zhang Biao, Perrie William, Mouche Alexis, Zhang Guosheng (2021). CMODH Validation for C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar HH Polarization Wind Retrieval Over the Ocean . Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters , 18(1), 102-106 .
Hauser Daniele, Tourain Cedric, Hermozo Laura, Alraddawi D., Aouf L., Chapron Bertrand, Dalphinet A., Delaye L., Dalila M., Dormy E., Gouillon F., Gressani Victor, Grouazel Antoine, Guitton Gilles, Husson R., Mironov Alexey, Mouche Alexis, Ollivier A., Oruba L., Piras E., Suquet R. Rodriguez, Schippers P., Tison C., Tran Ngan (2021). New Observations From the SWIM Radar On-Board CFOSAT: Instrument Validation and Ocean Wave Measurement Assessment . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 59(1), 5-26 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miranda Nuno, Meadows P., Piantanida R., Recchia A., Franceschi N., Hajduch G., Husson R., Vincent Pauline, Small D., Schubert A., Mouche Alexis (2021). Sentinel-1A/B SAR Calibration and Performance Status . EUSAR 2021 - 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, online, 2021, Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5457-1, ISSN 2197-4403. pp.766-769 .
Yurovskaya Maria, Mouche Alexis, Mironov Alexey, Collard Fabrice, Chapron Bertrand, Kudryavtsev Vladimir (2021). Combined satellite observation and modeling the waves in tropical cyclones . ACRS2021 Proceedings. n°108, 176 (9p.) .
Hajduch Guillaume, Husson Romain, Johnsen Harald, Longepe Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Miranda Nuno, Vincent Pauline (2021). Status for Sentinel-1 Level-2 Ocean Products . EUSAR 2021 - 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, online, 2021, Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5457-1, ISSN 2197-4403. pp.198-201 .
Hajduch Guillaume, Husson Romain, Johnsen Harald, Longepe Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Miranda Nuno, Vincent Pauline, Zhao Yuan (2021). Perspectives for Sentinel-1 Level-2 Ocean Products . EUSAR 2021 - 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, online, 2021, Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5457-1, ISSN 2197-4403. pp.202-205 .


Wang Chen, Vandemark Douglas, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Li Huimin, Foster Ralph C. (2020). An assessment of marine atmospheric boundary layer roll detection using Sentinel-1 SAR data . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 250, 112031 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Combot Clement, Mouche Alexis, Knaff John, Zhao Yili, Zhao Yuan, Vinour Leo, Quilfen Yves, Chapron Bertrand (2020). Extensive high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data analysis of Tropical Cyclones: comparisons with SFMR flights and Best-Track . Monthly Weather Review , 148(11), 4545-4563 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
von Schuckmann Karina, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Smith Neville, Pascual Ananda, Djavidnia Samuel, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Grégoire Marilaure, Nolan Glenn, Aaboe Signe, Fanjul Enrique Álvarez, Aouf Lotfi, Aznar Roland, Badewien T. H., Behrens Arno, Berta Maristella, Bertino Laurent, Blackford Jeremy, Bolzon Giorgio, Borile Federica, Bretagnon Marine, Brewin Robert J.W., Canu Donata, Cessi Paola, Ciavatta Stefano, Chapron Bertrand, Trang Chau Thi Tuyet, Chevallier Frédéric, Chtirkova Boriana, Ciliberti Stefania, Clark James R., Clementi Emanuela, Combot Clement, Comerma Eric, Conchon Anna, Coppini Giovanni, Corgnati Lorenzo, Cossarini Gianpiero, Cravatte Sophie, de Alfonso Marta, de Boyer Montégut Clement, de Lera Fernández Christian, de Los Santos Francisco Javier, Denvil-Sommer Anna, de Pascual Collar Álvaro, Dias Nunes Paulo Alonso Lourenco, Di Biagio Valeria, Drudi Massimiliano, Embury Owen, Falco Pierpaolo, D’andon Odile Fanton, Ferrer Luis, Ford David, Freund H., León Manuel Garcia, Sotillo Marcos García, García-Valdecasas José María, Garnesson Philippe, Garric Gilles, Gasparin Florent, Gehlen Marion, Genua-Olmedo Ana, Geyer Gerhard, Ghermandi Andrea, Good Simon A., Gourrion Jerome, Greiner Eric, Griffa Annalisa, González Marcelo, Griffa Annalisa, Hernández-Carrasco Ismael, Isoard Stéphane, Kennedy John J., Kay Susan, Korosov Anton, Laanemäe Kaari, Land Peter E., Lavergne Thomas, Lazzari Paolo, Legeais Jean Francois, Lemieux Benedicte, Levier Bruno, Llovel William, Lyubartsev Vladyslav, Lien Vidar S., Lima Leonardo, Lorente Pablo, Mader Julien, Magaldi Marcello G., Maljutenko Ilja, Mangin Antoine, Mantovani Carlo, Marinova Veselka, Masina Simona, Mauri Elena, Meyerjürgens J., Mignot Alexandre, McEwan Robert, Mejia Carlos, Melet Angélique, Menna Milena, Meyssignac Benoît, Mouche Alexis, Mourre Baptiste, Müller Malte, Notarstefano Giulio, Orfila Alejandro, Pardo Silvia, Peneva Elisaveta, Pérez-Gómez Begoña, Perruche Coralie, Peterlin Monika, Poulain Pierre-Marie, Pinardi Nadia, Quilfen Yves, Raudsepp Urmas, Renshaw Richard, Révelard Adèle, Reyes-Reyes Emma, Ricker M., Rodríguez-Rubio Pablo, Rotllán Paz, Gelabert Eva Royo, Rubio Anna, Ruiz-Parrado Inmaculada, Sathyendranath Shubha, She Jun, Solidoro Cosimo, Stanev Emil V., Staneva Joanna, Storto Andrea, Su Jian, Bakhsh Tayebeh Tajalli, Tilstone Gavin H., Tintoré Joaquín, Toledano Cristina, Tournadre Jean, Tranchant Benoit, Uiboupin Rivo, Valcarcel Arnaud, Valcheva Nadezhda, Verbrugge Nathalie, Vrac Mathieu, Wolff J.-O., Zambianchi Enrico, Zielinski O., Zinck Ann-Sofie, Zunino Serena (2020). Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4 . Journal Of Operational Oceanography , 13(sup1), S1-S172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sapp Joseph W., Mouche Alexis, Jelenak Zorana, Chang Paul S., Frasier Stephen J. (2020). Comparison of the Sentinel-1B Synthetic Aperture Radar With Airborne Microwave Sensors in an Extra-Tropical Cyclone . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 58(7), 4721-4729 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fan Shengren, Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis, Perrie William, Zhang Jun A., Zhang Guosheng (2020). Estimation of Wind Direction in Tropical Cyclones Using C-Band Dual-Polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 58(2), 1450-1462 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tourain C., Hauser D., Hermozo L., Suquet R. Rodriguez, Schippers P., Aouf L., Dalphinet A., Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Collard Fabrice, Dufour C., Gouillon F., Ollivier A., Piras F., Dalila M., Guitton Gilles, Lachiver J-M, Tison C. (2020). CAL/VAL Phase for the Swim Instrument Onboard cFOSAT . IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2020, pp. 5678-5681 .
Combot Clement, Quilfen Yves, Mouche Alexis, Gourrion Jerome, de Boyer Montegut Clement, Chapron Bertrand, Tournadre Jean (2020). Space-based observations of surface signatures in the wakes of the 2018 Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones . Journal of Operational Oceanography , 13(Suppl.1), S132-S137 . Open Access version :
Hu Denghui, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Xu Yongsheng (2020). Preliminary Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Ocean Waves Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data . IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2020, pp. 3529-3532 .


Li Huimin, Mouche Alexis, Wang He, Stopa Justin, Chapron Bertrand (2019). Polarization Dependence of Azimuth Cutoff From Quad-Pol SAR Images . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 57(12), 9878-9887 .
Wang Chen, Tandeo Pierre, Mouche Alexis, Stopa Justin, Gressani Victor, Longepe Nicolas, Vandemark Douglas, Foster Ralph C., Chapron Bertrand (2019). Classification of the global Sentinel-1 SAR vignettes for ocean surface process studies . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 234, 111457 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kudryavtsev Vladimir N., Fan Shengren, Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2019). On Quad-Polarized SAR Measurements of the Ocean Surface . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 57(11), 8362-8370 .
Wang Chen, Mouche Alexis, Tandeo Pierre, Stopa Justin, Longépé Nicolas, Erhard Guillaume, Foster Ralph C., Vandemark Douglas, Chapron Bertrand (2019). A labelled ocean SAR imagery dataset of ten geophysical phenomena from Sentinel‐1 wave mode . Geoscience Data Journal , 6(2), 105-115 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis, Lu Yiru, Perrie William, Zhang Guosheng, Wang He (2019). A Geophysical Model Function for Wind Speed Retrieval from C-Band HH-polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar . Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters , 16(10), 1521-1525 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fan Shengren, Kudryavtsev Vladimir, Zhang Biao, Perrie William, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis (2019). On C-Band Quad-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Properties of Ocean Surface Currents . Remote Sensing , 11(19), 2321 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ren Lin, Yang Jingsong, Mouche Alexis, Wang He, Zheng Gang, Wang Juan, Zhang Huaguo, Lou Xiulin, Chen Peng (2019). Assessments of Ocean Wind Retrieval Schemes Used for Chinese Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Co-Polarized Data . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 57(9), 7075-7085 .
Bourassa Mark A., Meissner Thomas, Cerovecki Ivana, Chang Paul S., Dong Xiaolong, de Chiara Giovanna, Donlon Craig, Dukhovskoy Dmitry S., Elya Jocelyn, Fore Alexander, Fewings Melanie R., Foster Ralph C., Gille Sarah T., Haus Brian K., Hristova-Veleva Svetla, Holbach Heather M., Jelenak Zorana, Knaff John A., Kranz Sven A., Manaster Andrew, Mazloff Matthew, Mears Carl, Mouche Alexis, Portabella Marcos, Reul Nicolas, Ricciardulli Lucrezia, Rodriguez Ernesto, Sampson Charles, Solis Daniel, Stoffelen Ad, Stukel Michael R., Stiles Bryan, Weissman David, Wentz Frank (2019). Remotely Sensed Winds and Wind Stresses for Marine Forecasting and Ocean Modeling . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(443), 28p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gommenginger Christine, Chapron Bertrand, Hogg Andy, Buckingham Christian, Fox-Kemper Baylor, Eriksson Leif, Soulat Francois, Ubelmann Clément, Ocampo-Torres Francisco, Nardelli Bruno Buongiorno, Griffin David, Lopez-Dekker Paco, Knudsen Per, Andersen Ole, Stenseng Lars, Stapleton Neil, Perrie William, Violante-Carvalho Nelson, Schulz-Stellenfleth Johannes, Woolf David, Isern-Fontanet Jordi, Ardhuin Fabrice, Klein Patrice, Mouche Alexis, Pascual Ananda, Capet Xavier, Hauser Daniele, Stoffelen Ad, Morrow Rosemary, Aouf Lotfi, Breivik Øyvind, Fu Lee-Lueng, Johannessen Johnny A., Aksenov Yevgeny, Bricheno Lucy, Hirschi Joel, Martin Adrien Ch, Martin Adiran P, Nurser George, Polton Jeff, Wolf Judith, Johnsen Harald, Soloviev Alexander, Jacobs Gregg A., Collard Fabrice, Groom Steve, Kudryavtsev Vladimir, Wilkin John, Navarro Victor, Babanin Alex, Martin Matthew, Siddorn John, Saulter Andrew, Rippeth Tom, Emery Bill, Maximenko Nikolai, Romeiser Roland, Graber Hans, Azcarate Aida Alvera, Hughes Chris W., Vandemark Doug, Silva Jose Da, Leeuwen Peter Jan Van, Naveira-Garabato Alberto, Gemmrich Johannes, Mahadevan Amala, Marquez Jose, Munro Yvonne, Doody Sam, Burbidge Geoff (2019). SEASTAR: A Mission to Study Ocean Submesoscale Dynamics and Small-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Processes in Coastal, Shelf and Polar Seas . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(457), 7p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jang Jae-Cheol, Park Kyung-Ae, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Lee Ji-Hyun (2019). Validation of Sea Surface Wind From Sentinel-1A/B SAR Data in the Coastal Regions of the Korean Peninsula . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 12(7), 2513-2529 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Villas Bôas Ana B., Ardhuin Fabrice, Ayet Alex, Bourassa Mark A., Brandt Peter, Chapron Bertrand, Cornuelle Bruce D., Farrar J. T., Fewings Melanie R., Fox-Kemper Baylor, Gille Sarah T., Gommenginger Christine, Heimbach Patrick, Hell Momme C., Li Qing, Mazloff Matthew R., Merrifield Sophia T., Mouche Alexis, Rio , Rodriguez Ernesto, Shutler Jamie D., Subramanian Aneesh C., Terrill Eric J., Tsamados Michel, Ubelmann Clement, Van Sebille Erik (2019). Integrated Observations of Global Surface Winds, Currents, and Waves: Requirements and Challenges for the Next Decade . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(425), 34p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Knaff John, Zhao Yili, Zhang Biao, Combot Clement (2019). Copolarized and Cross‐Polarized SAR Measurements for High‐Resolution Description of Major Hurricane Wind Structures: Application to Irma Category 5 Hurricane . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 124(6), 3905-3922 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Longepe N, Husson R, Wang Chen, Mouche Alexis, Tandeo P (2019). On the detection and segmentation of metocean features on SAR images using Deep Learning: perspectives for SWOT . SWOT Science Team Meeting and Calval Workshop. June 17-20, 2019 Bordeaux, France .
Ardhuin Fabrice, Stopa Justin, Chapron Bertrand, Collard Fabrice, Husson Romain, Jensen Robert E., Johannessen Johnny, Mouche Alexis, Passaro Marcello, Quartly Graham D., Swail Val, Young Ian (2019). Observing Sea States . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(124), 29p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Huimin, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Stopa Justin (2019). A new ocean SAR cross-spectral parameter: definition and directional property using the global Sentinel-1 measurements . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 124(3), 1566-1577 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Huimin, Mouche Alexis, Stopa Justin E., Chapron Bertrand (2019). Calibration of the Normalized Radar Cross Section for Sentinel-1 Wave Mode . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 57(3), 1514-1522 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Huimin, Mouche Alexis, Stopa Justin (2019). Impact of Sea State on Wind Retrieval From Sentinel-1 Wave Mode Data . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 12(2), 559-566 .
Bentamy Abderrahim, Mouche Alexis, Grouazel Antoine, Moujane Abderrahim, Mohamed Ait Ahmed (2019). Using sentinel-1A SAR wind retrievals for enhancing scatterometer and radiometer regional wind analyses . International Journal Of Remote Sensing , 40(3), 1120-1147 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Longepe Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain, Pottier Eric, Archer Olivier (2019). Co-Cross Polarization Coherence Over Sea Surface from Sentinel-1 Data: Perspectives for Mission Calibration and Wind Field Retrieval . IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IEEE). Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-9154-0 USB ISBN: 978-1-5386-9153-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-9155-7, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2153-6996,, pp.4681-4684 .
Zhang Biao, Fan Shengren, Mouche Alexis, Zhang Guosheng, Perrie William (2019). Synergistic Measurements of Hurricane Wind Speeds and Directions from C-band Dual-Polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar . IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IEEE). Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-9154-0 USB ISBN: 978-1-5386-9153-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-9155-7, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2153-6996,, pp.4618-4621 .
Mouche Alexis, Soulat Francois, Potin Pierre, Martino Luca (2019). Sentinel-1 Contribution To Tropical Cyclones Observations At High Resolution . IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IEEE). Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-9154-0 USB ISBN: 978-1-5386-9153-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-9155-7, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2153-6996, pp.5472-5475 .
Wang Chen, Mouche Alexis, Foster Ralph C., Vandemark Douglas, Stopa Justin, Tandeo Pierre, Longepe Nicolas, Chapron Bertrand (2019). Characteristics of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Roll Vortices from Sentinel-1 Sar Wave Mode . IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 2019. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-9154-0 USB ISBN: 978-1-5386-9153-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-9155-7. pp. 7908-7911.
Suquet R. Rodriguez, Hermozo L., Tourain C., Tison C., Hauser D., Schippers P., Delaye L., Aouf L., Dalphinet A., Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Collard Fabrice, Dufour C., Gouillon F., Ollivier A., Guitton Gilles, Lachiver J-M. (2019). CAL/VAL phase for the SWIM instrument onboard CFOSAT . IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 2019. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-9154-0 USB ISBN: 978-1-5386-9153-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-9155-7. pp. 8015-8018.


Nouguier Frederic, Chapron Bertrand, Collard Fabrice, Mouche Alexis, Rascle Nicolas, Ardhuin Fabrice, Wu Xiaoqing (2018). Sea Surface Kinematics From Near-Nadir Radar Measurements . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 56(10), 6169-6179 .
Lu Yiru, Zhang Biao, Perrie William, Mouche Alexis, Li Xiaofeng, Wang He (2018). A C-Band Geophysical Model Function for Determining Coastal Wind Speed Using Synthetic Aperture Radar . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 11(7), 2417-2428 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zhao Yuan, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Reul Nicolas (2018). Direct Comparison Between Active C-Band Radar and Passive L-Band Radiometer Measurements: Extreme Event Cases . Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters , 15(6), 897-901 .
Ardhuin Fabrice, Aksenov Yevgueny, Benetazzo Alvise, Bertino Laurent, Brandt Peter, Caubet Eric, Chapron Bertrand, Collard Fabrice, Cravatte Sophie, Delouis Jean Marc, Dias Frederic, Dibarboure Gerald, Gaultier Lucile, Johannessen Johnny, Korosov Anton, Manucharyan Georgy, Menemenlis Dimitris, Menendez Melisa, Monnier Goulven, Mouche Alexis, Nouguier Frederic, Nurser George, Rampal Pierre, Reniers Ad, Rodriguez Ernesto, Stopa Justin, Tison Celine, Ubelmann Clement, Van Sebille Erik, Xie Jiping (2018). Measuring currents, ice drift, and waves from space: the Sea surface KInematics Multiscale monitoring (SKIM) concept . Ocean Science , 14(3), 337-354 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Huimin, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis (2018). SAR Cross-Spectral Analysis of Radial Intermediate Waves: Directional Properties . IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 5827-5830.
Fan Shengren, Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis (2018). Tropical Cyclone Wind Direction Retrieval from C-band Dual-polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar . 2018 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama), Toyama, 2018, SSN: 1559-9450 pp. 1423-1427.
Gressani Victor, Nouguier Frederic, Mouche Alexis (2018). Wave Spectrometer Tilt Modulation Transfert Function Using Near-Nadir Ku- and Ka-Band GPM Radar Measurements . IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 4107-4110.
Wang He, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain, Chapron Bertrand (2018). Dynamic Validation of Ocean Swell Derived from Sentinel-1 Wave Mode Against Buoys . IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 3223-3226.
Lu Yiru, Zhang Biao, Perrie William, Mouche Alexis, Li Xiaofeng, Wang He (2018). A C-band Geophysical Model Function for Determining Coastal Wind Speed Using Synthetic Aperture Radar . 2018 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama), Toyama, 2018, ISSN: 1559-9450 . pp. 1440-1446.
Husson R., Mouche Alexis, Johnsen H., Collard F., Engen G., Longepe N., Guitton Gilles, Wang H., Wang H, Soulat F., Chapron Bertrand (2018). Sentinel-1 Achievements for Ocean and Extreme Events Monitoring . IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 1573-1576.
Wang Chen, Mouche Alexis, Tandeo Pierre, Stopa Justin, Chapron Bertrand, Foster Ralph, Vandemark Douglas (2018). Automated Geophysical Classification of Sentinel-1 Wave Mode SAR Images Through Deep-Learning . IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 1776-1779.


Ren Lin, Yang Jingsong, Mouche Alexis, Wang He, Wang Juan, Zheng Gang, Zhang Huaguo (2017). Preliminary Analysis of Chinese GF-3 SAR Quad-Polarization Measurements to Extract Winds in Each Polarization . Remote Sensing , 9(12), 1215 (1-17) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Zhang Biao, Husson Romain (2017). Combined Co- and Cross-Polarized SAR Measurements Under Extreme Wind Conditions . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 55(12), 6746-6755 .
Reul Nicolas, Chapron Bertrand, Zabolotskikh E., Donlon C., Mouche Alexis, Tenerelli Joseph, Collard F., Piolle Jean-Francois, Fore A., Yueh S., Cotton J., Francis P., Quilfen Yves, Kudryavtsev V. (2017). A new generation of Tropical Cyclone Size measurements from space . Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society , 98(11), 2367-2386 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wang He, Yang Jingsong, Mouche Alexis, Shao Weizeng, Zhu Jianhua, Ren Lin, Xie Chunhua (2017). GF-3 SAR Ocean Wind Retrieval: The First View and Preliminary Assessment . Remote Sensing , 9(7), 694 (1-12) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kim Tae-Sung, Park Kyung-Ae, Li Xiaofeng, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Lee Moonjin (2017). Observation of Wind Direction Change on the Sea Surface Temperature Front Using High-Resolution Full Polarimetric SAR Data . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 10(6), 2599-2607 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rascle Nicolas, Molemaker Jeroen, Marie Louis, Nouguier Frederic, Chapron Bertrand, Lund Bjorn, Mouche Alexis (2017). Intense deformation field at oceanic front inferred from directional sea surface roughness observations . Geophysical Research Letters , 44(11), 5599-5608 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stoffelen Ad, Aaboe Signe, Calvet Jean-Christophe, Cotton James, de Chiara Giovanna, Saldana Julia Figa, Mouche Alexis, Portabella Marcos, Scipal Klaus, Wagner Wolfgang (2017). Scientific Developments and the EPS-SG Scatterometer . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 10(5), 2086-2097 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stopa Justin, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Collard Fabrice (2017). Sea State Impacts on Wind Speed Retrievals From C-Band Radars . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 10(5), 2147-2155 .
Li Xiuzhong, Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis, He Yijun, Perrie William (2017). Ku-Band Sea Surface Radar Backscatter at Low Incidence Angles under Extreme Wind Conditions . Remote Sensing , 9(5), 474 (1-14) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stopa Justin, Mouche Alexis (2017). Significant wave heights from Sentinel-1 SAR: Validation and applications . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 122(3), 1827-1848 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jiang Haoyu, Mouche Alexis, Wang He, Babanin Alexander V., Chapron Bertrand, Chen Ge (2017). Limitation of SAR Quasi-Linear Inversion Data on Swell Climate: An Example of Global Crossing Swells . Remote Sensing , 9(2), 107 (1-8) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Rascle Nicolas, Nouguier Frederic, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Ponte Aurelien (2016). Surface roughness changes by fine scale current gradients: Properties at multiple azimuth view angles . Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 46(12), 3681-3694 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Alpers Werner, Zhang Biao, Mouche Alexis, Zeng Kan, Chan Pak Wai (2016). Rain footprints on C-band synthetic aperture radar images of the ocean - Revisited . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 187, 169-185 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nouguier Frederic, Mouche Alexis, Rascle Nicolas, Chapron Bertrand, Vandemark Douglas (2016). Analysis of Dual-Frequency Ocean Backscatter Measurements at Ku- and Ka-Bands Using Near-Nadir Incidence GPM Radar Data . Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters , 13(9), 1310-1314 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Badger Merete, Pena Alfredo, Hahmann Andrea N., Mouche Alexis, Hasager Charlotte B. (2016). Extrapolating Satellite Winds to Turbine Operating Heights . Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology , 55(4), 975-991 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vandemark Douglas, Chapron Bertrand, Feng Hui, Mouche Alexis (2016). Sea Surface Reflectivity Variation With Ocean Temperature at Ka-Band Observed Using Near-Nadir Satellite Radar Data . Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters , 13(4), 510-514 .
Jiang Haoyu, Stopa Justin, Wang He, Husson Romain, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Chen Ge (2016). Tracking the attenuation and nonbreaking dissipation of swells using altimeters . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 121(2), 1446-1458 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Husson R., Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Johnsen H., Collard F., Vincent Patrick, Guitton Gilles, Longepe N., Hajduch G., Quilfen Yves, Gaultier Lucile (2016). Taking advantage of Sentinel-1 acquisition modes to improve ocean sea state retrieval . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. pp. 3886-3889 .
Wang He, Mouche Alexis, Husson Romain, Chapron Bertrand, Jiang Haoyu (2016). A global distribution of crossing swell from Envisat ASAR Wave Mode data based on swell propagation . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. pp.4657-4660 .
Mouche Alexis, He W., Husson R., Guitton Gilles, Chapron Bertrand, Li Huimin (2016). 2D ocean waves spectra from space: a challenge for validation and synergetic use . Remote Sensing Of The Oceans And Inland Waters: Techniques, Applications, And Challenges , 9878L, 1-16 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Johnsen Harald, Collard Fabrice, Wang H, Guitton G, Yang J, Husson R (2016). Perspectives for combining and exploiting ocean wave spectra measured from different space missions . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. 10-15 July 2016. pp.5816-5819 .
Johnsen Harald, Nilsen Vegard, Engen Geir, Mouche Alexis, Collard Fabrice (2016). Ocean doppler anomaly and ocean surface current from Sentinel 1 tops mode . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. 10-15 July 2016.pp. 3993 - 3996 .
Aouf L., Hauser D., Tison C., Mouche Alexis (2016). Perspectives for directional spectra assimilation : Results from a study based on joint assimilation of CFOSAT synthetic wave spectra and observed SAR spectra from Sentinel-1A . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. pp.5820-5822 .
Hauser D., Tison C., Amiot T., Delaye L., Mouche Alexis, Guitton Gilles, Aouf L., Castillan P. (2016). CFOSAT: A new Chinese-French satellite for joint observations of ocean wind vector and directional spectra of ocean waves . Remote Sensing Of The Oceans And Inland Waters: Techniques, Applications, And Challenges , 9878T, 1-20 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Fois Franco, Hoogeboom Peter, Le Chevalier Francois, Stoffelen Ad, Mouche Alexis (2015). DopSCAT: A mission concept for simultaneous measurements of marine winds and surface currents . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 120(12), 7857-7879 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Longepe N., Mouche Alexis, Goacolou M., Granier N., Carrere L., Lebras J. Y., Lozach P., Besnard S. (2015). Polluter identification with spaceborne radar imagery, AIS and forward drift modeling . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 101(2), 826-833 .
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2015). Global C-Band Envisat, RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 SAR measurements in copolarization and cross-polarization . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 120(11), 7195-7207 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ardhuin Fabrice, Collard Fabrice, Chapron Bertrand, Girard-Ardhuin Fanny, Guitton Gilles, Mouche Alexis, Stopa Justin (2015). Estimates of ocean wave heights and attenuation in sea ice using the SAR wave mode on Sentinel-1A . Geophysical Research Letters , 42(7), 2317-2325 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hasager Charlotte B., Mouche Alexis, Badger Merete, Bingol Ferhat, Karagali Ioanna, Driesenaar Tilly, Stoffelen Ad, Pena Alfredo, Longepe Nicolas (2015). Offshore wind climatology based on synergetic use of Envisat ASAR, ASCAT and QuikSCAT . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 156, 247-263 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miranda Nuno, Meadows Peter, Hajduch Guillaume, Pilgrim Alan, Piantanida Riccardo, Giudici Davide, Small David, Schubert Adrian, Husson Romain, Vincent Pauline, Mouche Alexis, Johnsen Harald, Palumbo Giovanna (2015). The Sentinel-1A Instrument and Operational Product Performance Status . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International. 26-31 July 2015, Milan Italy . DOI 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326755. pp.2824-2827 .
Alpers Werner, Mouche Alexis, Horstmann Jochen, Ivanov Andrei Yu., Barabanov Vladyslav S. (2015). Application of a new algorithm using Doppler information to retrieve complex wind fields over the Black Sea from ENVISAT SAR images . International Journal Of Remote Sensing , 36(3), 863-881 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hasager C. B., Vincent P., Husson Romain, Mouche Alexis, Badger M., Pena A., Volker P., Badger J., Di Bella A., Palomares A., Cantero E., Correia P. M. F. (2015). Comparing satellite SAR and wind farm wake models . Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 625, 1-10 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Bringer Alexandra, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Guerin Charles-Antoine (2014). Revisiting the Short-Wave Spectrum of the Sea Surface in the Light of the Weighted Curvature Approximation . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 52(1), 679-689 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Giudici Davide, Villa Alberto, Recchia Lisa, Guarnieri Andrea Monti, Johnsen Harald, Meadows Peter, Mouche Alexis, Miranda Nuno, Ottavianelli Giuseppe (2014). Long Term PS-CAL analysis of ERS and ASAR data and comparison to other calibration techniques . EUSAR 2014; 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2014, Print ISBN:978-3-8007-3607-2 pp. 1-4.


Bringer Alexandra, Guerin Charline, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis (2012). Peakedness Effects in Near-Nadir Radar Observations of the Sea Surface . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 50(9), 3293-3301 .
Mouche Alexis, Collard Fabrice, Chapron Bertrand, Dagestad Knut-Frode, Guitton Gilles, Johannessen Johnny A., Kerbaol Vincent, Hansen Morten Wergeland (2012). On the Use of Doppler Shift for Sea Surface Wind Retrieval From SAR . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 50(7), 2901-2909 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hansen M. W., Kudryavtsev V., Chapron Bertrand, Johannessen J. A., Collard Fabrice, Dagestad K. -F., Mouche Alexis (2012). Simulation of radar backscatter and Doppler shifts of wave-current interaction in the presence of strong tidal current . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 120, 113-122 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thompson Donald R., Horstmann Jochen, Mouche Alexis, Winstead Nathaniel S., Sterner Raymond, Monaldo Francis M. (2012). Comparison of high-resolution wind fields extracted from TerraSAR-X SAR imagery with predictions from the WRF mesoscale model . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 117(C02035), 1-17 .
Wang Bo, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Mercier Gregoire, Garello Rene, He Ming-Xia (2012). Interpreting C-band sea surface depolarization observations . 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012,Electronic ISBN:978-1-4673-1159-5 Print ISBN:978-1-4673-1160-1 Online ISBN:978-1-4673-1158-8, Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 Print ISSN: 2153-6996 Online ISSN: 2153-6996, pp. 1509-1512 .


Rouault M. J., Mouche Alexis, Collard Fabrice, Johannessen J. A., Chapron Bertrand (2010). Mapping the Agulhas Current from space: An assessment of ASAR surface current velocities . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 115, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Johannessen J, Chapron Bertrand, Collard F, Kudryavtsev V, Mouche Alexis, Akimov D, Dagestad K (2008). Direct ocean surface velocity measurements from space: Improved quantitative interpretation of Envisat ASAR observations . Geophysical Research Letters , 35(22), 1-6 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tenerelli Joseph, Reul Nicolas, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand (2008). Earth-viewing L-band radiometer sensing of sea surface scattered celestial sky radiation - Part I: General characteristics . IEEE-Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing , 46(3), 659-674 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Reul Nicolas, Collard F (2008). Predicted Doppler shifts induced by ocean surface wave displacements using asymptotic electromagnetic wave scattering theories . Waves in Random and Complex Media , 18(1), 185-196 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hauser D., Caudal G., Guimbard Sebastien, Mouche Alexis (2008). A study of the slope probability density function of the ocean waves from radar observations . Journal Of Geophysical Research Oceans , 113(C2006), 1-16 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Reul Nicolas, Hauser D, Quilfen Yves (2007). Importance of the sea surface curvature to interpret the normalized radar cross section - art. no. C10002 . Journal of Geophysical Research ( JGR ) - Oceans , 112(C10002), 1-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Quilfen Yves, Prigent C, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Houti N (2007). The potential of QuikSCAT and WindSat observations for the estimation of sea surface wind vector under severe weather conditions - art. no. C09023 . Journal of Geophysical Research ( JGR ) - Oceans , 112(C9), NIL_49-NIL_66 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Reul Nicolas (2007). A simplified asymptotic theory for ocean surface electromagnetic wave scattering . Waves in Random and Complex Media , 17(3), 321-341 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hauser Daniele, Caudal Gerard, Guimbard Sebastien, Mouche Alexis (2007). Probability density function of ocean surface slopes from radar observations . 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007, Print ISBN:978-1-4244-1211-2, Print ISSN: 2153-6996 Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 . pp. 1346-1349 .
Danilo Celine, Chapron Bertrand, Mouche Alexis, Garello Rene, Collard Fabrice (2007). Comparisons between HF radar and SAR current measurements in the Iroise Sea . OCEANS 2007 - Europe, 2007, Print ISBN:978-1-4244-0634-0. pp. 1-5 .


Mouche Alexis, Hauser D, Kudryavtsev V (2006). Radar scattering of the ocean surface and sea-roughness properties: A combined analysis from dual-polarizations airborne radar observations and models in C band . Journal of geophysical research ocean , 111(C9004), 1-18 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouche Alexis, Hauser Daniele, Caudal Gerard, Kudryavstev Vladimir, Chapron Bertrand (2006). Use of Dual Polarization Radar Measurements to understand the azimuth behavior of the sea surface backscattered signal . 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2006, Print ISBN:0-7803-9510-7, Print ISSN: 2153-6996 Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 , pp. 1867-1870 .


Mouche Alexis, Hauser D, Daloze Jf, Guerin C. (2005). Dual-polarization measurements at C-band over the ocean: Results from airborne radar observations and comparison with ENVISAT ASAR data . Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing , 43(4), 753-769 .


Hauser D, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Johnsen H, Daloze Jf, Guerin C, Caudal G, Lefevre Jm (2003). Ocean wave spectrum and radar cross-section analysis from coincident ENVISAT ASAR observations and airborne polarimetric radar measurements performed during the VALPARESO experiment . IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37477), 2003, Print ISBN:0-7803-7929-2. pp. 1910-1914, .

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