Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
ESSTECH-TL-2024-2 | Thalassa | 2024 | Mer Celtique |
Boet Bistarelli Pauline, Méhault Sonia, Simon Julien, Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee (2025). Epibenthic communities' structure in St. Pierre Bank revealed by underwater video . Journal Of Sea Research , 203, 102562 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Roy Didier, Vincent Benoit, Goascoz Nicolas, Simon Julien, Laffargue Pascal (2024). Rapport technique sur les essais en mer du chalut JTS610 à bord du R/V Thalassa (7 au 12 septembre 2023) / Technical report on the JTS610 trawl sea trials onboard the R/V Thalassa (September 7 to 12, 2023) .
Dawkins Matthew, Prior Jack, Lewis Bryon, Faillettaz Robin, Banez Thompson, Salvi Mary, Rollo Audrey, Simon Julien, Campbell Matthew, Lucero Matthew, Chaudhary Aashish, Richards Benjamin, Hoogs Anthony (2024). FishTrack23: An Ensemble Underwater Dataset for Multi-Object Tracking . 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 2024. E-ISSN: 2642-9381, Print ISSN 2472-6737, E ISBN:979-8-3503-1892-0, Print ISBN:979-8-3503-1893-7, pp. 7152-7161 .
Morfin Marie, Méhault Sonia, Zambonino Infante Jose-Luis, Simon Julien, Servili Arianna, Kopp Dorothee (2024). Survivorship of discarded sole (Solea solea) characterised via telemetry, vitality, and physiology . Regional Studies In Marine Science , 69, 103348 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Workshop 2 on Innovative Fishing Gear (WKING2) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(97), 290pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kopp Dorothee, Faillettaz Robin, Le Joncour Anna, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Le Bourdonnec Pierre, Bouché Ludovic, Méhault Sonia (2023). Assessing without harvesting: Pros and cons of environmental DNA sampling and image analysis for marine biodiversity evaluation . Marine Environmental Research , 188, 106004 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(83), 317pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martin-Baillet Victor, Simon Julien, Glidic Marie-Gabrielle, Parrad Sophie, Goraguer Herle (2023). Rapport de mission HOLOTVSPM23 . RINT – RBE/HALGO/LTBH/2023/HOLOTVSPM23 .
Méhault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Faillettaz Robin, Abangan Alexa, Cortay Aurore, Kopp Dorothee (2022). Using fish behavior to design a fish pot: Black seabream (Spondyliosoma cantharus) case study . Frontiers In Marine Science , 9, 1009992. (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Foucher Eric, Simon Julien, Goraguer Herle, Vigneau Joel, Martin-Baillet Victor, Varenne Fanchon (2022). Évaluation par analyse vidéo de la biomasse de concombres de mer ( Cucumaria frondosa ) dans les eaux de Saint Pierre et Miquelon . SPM 2022 - 2ème édition du Congrès Franco-Candien sur les Sciences Aquatiques à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. 23-27 sept. 2022, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon .
Belmouhcine Abdelbadie, Simon Julien, Courtrai Luc, Lefevre Sebastien (2022). Fully Deep Simple Online Real-time Tracking: Efficient Re-Identification by Attention without Explicit Similarity Learning . 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-9063-4 pp. 3522-3528, .
Simon Julien, Martin-Baillet Victor, Varenne Fanchon, Orban Alexandre, Goraguer Herle (2022). Rapport de mission HOLOTVSPM22 . RBE/HALGO/LTBH/2022/HOLOTVSPM22 .
Dawkins Matt, Campbell Matthiew, Prior Jack, Faillettaz Robin, Simon Julien, Lucero Matthew, Banez Thompson, Richards Benjamin, Rollo Audrey, Salvi Mary, Lewis Byron, Davis Brandon, Blue Rusty, Hoogs Anthony, Chaudhary Aashish (2022). FishTrack22: An Ensemble Dataset for Multi-Object Tracking Evaluation . CV4Animals: Computer Vision for Animal Behavior Tracking and Modeling. June 19-24 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA .
Mehault Sonia, Deroiné Morgan, Morandeau Fabien, Kopp Dorothee, Fluhr Julie, Simon Julien, Baudry Jéromine, Ledreau Nicolas, Cortay Aurore, Grohens Yves, Le Guinnec Solenne, Quemeneur Erwan (2022). BAITFISH : Comportement, performances et impacts des nasses à poissons . Rapport final de projet. RBE/STH/LTBH 2022-01 .
Vincent Benoit, Robert Marianne, Simon Julien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Faillettaz Robin (2022). Exploring the mechanics of fish escape attempts through mesh . Fisheries Research , 248, 106195 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2022). Working group on machine learning in marine science (WGMLEARN; Outputs from 2021 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(15), 16p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Bouche Ludovic, Butler Rosemarie, Coupeau Yann, Garren Francois, Le Bourdonnec Pierre, Martin-Baillet Victor, Rivoalen Jean-Jacques, Simon Julien, Fifas Spyros (2021). LANGOLF-TV 2021 . RBE/STH/LTBH/2021-07 .
Chary Killian, Callier Myriam, Coves Denis, Aubin Joel, Simon Julien, Fiandrino Annie (2021). Scenarios of fish waste deposition at the sub-lagoon scale: a modelling approach for aquaculture zoning and site selection . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 78(3), 922-939 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Simon Julien, Martin-Baillet Victor, Varenne Fanchon, Goraguer Herle (2021). Rapport de mission HOLOTVSPM21 . RBE/STH/LTBH/2021-021 .
ICES (2021). Working Group on Nephrops Surveys (WGNEPS; outputs from 2020) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(36), 114pp. Open Access version :
Belmouhcine Abdelbadie, Simon Julien, Courtrai Luc, Lefevre Sebastien (2021). Robust Deep Simple Online Real-Time Tracking . Proceedings Of The 12th International Symposium On Image And Signal Processing And Analysis (ispa 2021) , 138-144 .
Robert Marianne, Cortay Aurore, Morfin Marie, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Deneubourg Jean Louis, Vincent Benoit (2020). A methodological framework for characterizing fish swimming and escapement behaviors in trawls . Plos One , 15(12), e0243311 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kopp Dorothee, Coupeau Yann, Vincent Benoit, Morandeau Fabien, Méhault Sonia, Simon Julien (2020). The low impact of fish traps on the seabed makes it an eco-friendly fishing technique . Plos One , 15(8), e0237819 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Simon Julien, Kopp Dorothee, Larnaud Pascal, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Morandeau Fabien, Lavialle Gael, Morfin Marie (2020). Using automated video analysis to study fish escapement through escape panels in active fishing gears: Application to the effect of net colour . Marine Policy , 116, 103785 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vincent Benoit, Di Cesare Noëlie, Simon Julien (2020). Development of a model for flexural rigidity of fishing net with a spring mass approach and its inverse identification by metaheuristic parametric optimization. Ocean Engineering , 203, 107166 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vincent Benoit, Robert Marianne, Sourget Quiterie, Simon Julien (2020). Projet Fusion. Volet Scotch . Rapport final .
Vigneau Joel, Goraguer Herle, Foucher Eric, Simon Julien (2020). Protocole de collecte de données sur le stock de concombre de mer (Curcumaria frondosa) à St-Pierre et Miquelon . DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes & de l’Aquaculture, La Défense , Ref. DG 2020 - 2520 - Saisine n° 20-16044 du 6 octobre 2020 , 2p., 35p., 3p.
Morfin Marie, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Baulier Loic, Méhault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee (2019). Using acoustic telemetry to estimate post-release survival of undulate ray Raja undulata (Rajidae) in northeast Altantic . Ocean & Coastal Management , 178, 104848 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Butler Rosemarie, Coupeau Yann, Garren Francois, Rivoalen Jean-Jacques, Simon Julien, Marc Emilie, Fifas Spyros (2019). LANGOLF-TV 2019 . RBE/STH/LTBH/2019-14 .
Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee, Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Robert Marianne, Simon Julien, Vincent Benoit (2019). Science-fishing industry collaborations to improve gear selectivity: feedbacks and future strategies . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France .
Trenkel Verena, Vaz Sandrine, Albouy Camille, Brind'Amour Anik, Duhamel Erwan, Laffargue Pascal, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Simon Julien, Lorance Pascal (2019). We can reduce the impact of scientific trawling on marine ecosystems . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 609, 277-282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
FAO (2019). Report of the 2016 Symposium on Technology Development and Sustainable Fisheries. 25–29 April 2016, Merida, Mexico . FAO fisheries and aquaculture report , (R1182) . Open Access version :
Robert Marianne, Cortay Aurore, Morfin Marie, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Vincent Benoit (2019). Fish behavior facing selective device in a bottom trawl: factor contributing to escape . 14e colloque de l’AFH "Recherche Halieutique et Développement Durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019 , Université de Caen Normandie .
Morfin Marie, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Baulier Loic, Mehault Sonia, Kopp Dorothee (2018). Using acoustic telemetry to estimate undulate ray discard survival . Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS), 29 October - 2 November 2018, Mundaka, Spain .
Lavialle Gael, Morfin Marie, Simon Julien, Morandeau Fabien, Vimard Mathieu, Larnaud Pascal (2018). Rapport d’étude final du projet REJEMCELEC - Réduction des Rejets en Manche et mer Celtique par la Sélectivité des engins de pêche .
Morfin Marie, Kopp Dorothee, Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Robert Marianne, Simon Julien, Vincent Benoit (2018). Pro-scientist collaborations for fishing gear development: Feedback from the French Fishing Technology Laboratory (LTBH-Lorient) . Workshop on Methods for Stakeholder Involvement in Gear Development (WKMSIGD), 22-24 May 2018, BSAC and ICES HQ, Copenhagen .
Vincent Benoit, Simon Julien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Morandeau Fabien, Larnaud Pascal, Kopp Dorothee, Mehault Sonia, Morfin Marie, Savina-Rolland Marie, Marc Emilie (2018). Lorient Flume tank . RBE/STH/LTBH/2018.003 .
Mehault Sonia, Larnaud Pascal, Rimaud Thomas, Cuillandre Jean-Pierre, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe (2018). Essais de dispositifs sélectifs par les flottilles chalutières du golfe de Gascogne. Programme REDRESSE . RBE/STH/LTBH/2018.002 .
Lamothe Julien, Larnaud Pascal, Fiche Marion, Robert Marianne, Morandeau Fabien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Scavinner Marion, Simon Julien (2017). Projet CELSELEC. Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers hauturiers en mer Celtique . RST/STH/LTBH 17-002 .
Kopp Dorothee, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien, Mehault Sonia (2017). Survivability of skates in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay . ASC 2017 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 18-21 September 2017, Florida, USA.
Larnaud Pascal, Morandeau Fabien, Bouche Ludovic, Coail Jean-Yves, Bavouzet Gerard, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Le Merrer Yoann, Bouget Jean-Francois, Simon Julien (2016). Projet PREDADOR - Limitation de la prédation causée par les daurades dans les élevages conchylicoles : Etat des lieux et Solutions - Rapport final « Protection physique des parcs » (action C) . RST/STH/LTBH/2016.012 .
Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Vincent Benoit, Simon Julien, Kopp Dorothee, Robert Marianne, Morandeau Fabien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe (2016). ICES Working Group on Fishing Technologies and Fish Behaviour. WG FTFB. French National Report 2016 . R.INT.RBE/STH/LTBH/16.14 .
ICES (2016). Report of the Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB), 25-29 April 2016, Merida, Mexico. ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:22. 183 pp.
Mehault Sonia, Larnaud Pascal, Cuillandre Jean Pierre, Simon Julien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Kopp Dorothee, Rimaud Thomas (2016). Discards mitigation in the trawl Nephrops fishery of the bay of Biscay: innovations, improvements and challenges . 2016 ICES-FAO WGFTFB Symposium on Technology Development and Sustainable Fisheries. April 25-29, 2016, Merida Mexico .
Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Robert Marianne, Morandeau Fabien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Simon Julien, Salaun Michele, Duhamel Erwan, Kopp Dorothee (2015). Pêcheurs et scientifiques dans le même bateau . Séminaire France Filière Pêche Paris, le 18 novembre 2015 .
Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Vincent Benoit, Morandeau Fabien, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Simon Julien, Kopp Dorothee, Priour Daniel (2015). ICES Working Group on Fishing Technologies and Fish Behaviour WG FTFB / French National Report 2015 . R.INT.RBE/STH/LTBH/15.008 .
Larnaud Pascal, Mehault Sonia, Morandeau Fabien, Simon Julien (2015). ICES Working Group on Fishing Technologies and Fish Behaviour WG FTFB / 2015. Some French experiences to improve the contact probability of selective devices . R.INT.RBE/STH/LTBH/15.010 .
Vincent Benoit, Larnaud Pascal, Simon Julien (2014). Guide de bonnes pratiques pour la mise en œuvre des systèmes d’observation vidéo autour des engins de pêche .