Paulo Bonifacio



Kaiser Stefanie, Bonifácio Paulo, Kihara Terue C., Menot Lenaick, Vink Annemiek, Wessels Ann-Kathrin, Martinez Arbizu Pedro (2024). Effects of environmental and climatic drivers on abyssal macrobenthic infaunal communities from the NE Pacific nodule province . Marine Biodiversity , 54(2), 35 (20p.) .


Recuero Virto Laura, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Chauvaud Laurent, Maes Christophe, Huvet Arnaud (2023). Objectif de développement durable n°14 sur l’océan. Quelques éclairages sur les subventions à la pêche, le bruit et les plastiques / Sustainable Development Goal 14 on the ocean. Some insights on fisheries subsidies, noise and plastics . Policy Brief , (6), 8p. Open Access version :


Lavesque Nicolas, Hutchings Pat, Londoño-Mesa Mario H., Nogueira João M.M., Daffe Guillemine, Nygren Arne, Blanchet Hugues, Bonifácio Paulo, Broudin Caroline, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Droual Gabin, Gouillieux Benoit, Grall Jacques, Guyonnet Benjamin, Houbin Céline, Humbert Suzie, Janson Anne-Laure, Jourde Jérôme, Labrune Céline, Lamarque Bastien, Latry Lise, Le Garrec Vincent, Pelaprat Corine, Pezy Jean-Philippe, Sauriau Pierre-Guy, de Montaudouin Xavier (2021). The “Spaghetti Project”: the final identification guide to European Terebellidae (sensu lato) (Annelida, Terebelliformia) . European Journal Of Taxonomy , 782, 108-156 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lins Lidia, Zeppilli Daniela, Menot Lenaick, Michel Loic, Bonifácio Paulo, Brandt Miriam, Pape Ellen, Rossel Sven, Uhlenkott Katja, Macheriotou Lara, Bezerra Tania Nara, Sánchez Nuria, Alfaro Lucas Joan Manel, Martínez Arbizu Pedro, Kaiser Stefanie, Murakami Chisato, Vanreusel Ann (2021). Toward a reliable assessment of potential ecological impacts of deep‐sea polymetallic nodule mining on abyssal infauna . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 19(9), 626-650 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bonifácio Paulo, Neal Lenka, Menot Lenaick (2021). Diversity of Deep-Sea Scale-Worms (Annelida, Polynoidae) in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone . Frontiers In Marine Science , 8, 656899 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Washburn Travis W., Menot Lenaick, Bonifácio Paulo, Pape Ellen, Błażewicz Magdalena, Bribiesca-Contreras Guadalupe, Dahlgren Thomas G., Fukushima Tomohiko, Glover Adrian G., Ju Se Jong, Kaiser Stefanie, Yu Ok Hwan, Smith Craig R. (2021). Patterns of Macrofaunal Biodiversity Across the Clarion-Clipperton Zone: An Area Targeted for Seabed Mining . Frontiers In Marine Science , 8, 626571 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Francesca Pasotti, Mevenkamp Lisa, Pape Ellen, Błażewicz Magdalena, Bonifácio Paulo, Riehl Torben, de Smet Bart, Lefaible Nene, Lins Lidia, Vanreusel Ann (2021). A local scale analysis of manganese nodules influence on the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone macrobenthos . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 168, 103449 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Guggolz Theresa, Meißner Karin, Schwentner Martin, Dahlgren Thomas G., Wiklund Helena, Bonifácio Paulo, Brandt Angelika (2020). High diversity and pan-oceanic distribution of deep-sea polychaetes: Prionospio and Aurospio (Annelida: Spionidae) in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean . Organisms Diversity & Evolution , 20(2), 171-187 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bonifácio Paulo, Martinez-Arbizu Pedro, Menot Lenaick (2020). Alpha and beta diversity patterns of polychaete assemblages across the nodule province of the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (equatorial Pacific) . Biogeosciences , 17(4), 865-886 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jourde Jérôme, Lavesque Nicolas, Labrune Céline, Amouroux Jean-Michel, Bonifácio Paulo, Humbert Suzie, Lamarque Bastien, Sauriau Pierre-Guy, Meißner Karin (2020). New insights in the biogeographical distributions of two Spionidae (Annelida) from the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean French coasts . Zoosymposia , 19(1), 173-184 .


Labrune Céline, Lavesque Nicolas, Bonifácio Paulo, Hutchings Pat (2019). A new species of Pista Malmgren, 1866 (Polychaeta, Terebellidae) from the north-western Mediterranean Sea . Zookeys , (838), 71-83 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Besson Florian, Menot Lenaick, Bonifacio Paulo, Zeppilli Daniela, Bermell Sylvain, Ybert Sebastien (2019). Rapport annuel sur les activités menées par l’Ifremer dans le cadre du contrat d'exploration des nodules polymétalliques conclu, au nom de la France, avec l'Autorité Internationale des Fonds Marins (AIFM) . Période du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2018. REM/2019-001 .
Bonifacio Paulo, Menot Lenaick (2019). New genera and species from the Equatorial Pacific provide phylogenetic insights into deep-sea Polynoidae (Annelida) . Zoological Journal Of The Linnean Society , 185(3), 555-635 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Radashevsky Vasily, I, Pankova Victoria V., Malyar Vasily V., Neretina Tatyana, V, Wilson Robin S., Worsfold Tim M., Diez Maria E., Harris Leslie H., Hourdez Stephan, Labrune Celine, Houbin Celine, Kind Britta, Kuhlenkamp Ralph, Nygren Arne, Bonifacio Paulo, Bachelet Guy (2019). Molecular analysis and new records of the invasive polychaete Boccardia proboscidea (Annelida: Spionidae) . Mediterranean Marine Science , 20(2), 393-408 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Bonifacio Paulo, Lelievre Yann, Omnes Emmanuelle (2018). A new species and phylogenetic insights in Hesiospina (Annelida, Hesionidae)  . Zootaxa , 4441(1), 59-75 .
Bonifacio Paulo, Menot Lenaick (2018). Alpha and beta diversity of polychaete assemblages (Annelida) across the nodule province of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (Equatorial Pacific) - Preliminary results - . DSBS 2018 - 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 09 au 14/09/2018, Monterey (Californie) .
Bonifacio Paulo, Gremare Antoine, Gauthier Olivier, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Bichon Sabrina, Amouroux Jean-Michel, Labrune Celine (2018). Long-term (1998 vs. 2010) large-scale comparison of soft-bottom benthic macrofauna composition in the Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean Sea . Journal Of Sea Research , 131, 32-45 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Gallon Regis K., Lavesque Nicolas, Grall Jacques, Labrune Celine, Gremare Antoine, Bachelet Guy, Blanchet Hugues, Bonifacio Paulo, Bouchet Vincent M. P., Dauvin Jean-Claude, Desroy Nicolas, Gentil Franck, Guerin Laurent, Houbin Celine, Jourde Jerome, Laurand Sandrine, Le Duff Michel, Le Garrec Vincent, de Montaudouin Xavier, Olivier Frederic, Orvain Francis, Sauriau Pierre-Guy, Thiebaut Eric, Gauthier Olivier (2017). Regional and latitudinal patterns of soft-bottom macrobenthic invertebrates along French coasts: Results from the RESOMAR database . Journal Of Sea Research , 130, 96-106 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lavesque Nicolas, Daffe Guillemine, Bonifacio Paulo, Hutchings Pat (2017). A new species of the Marphysa sanguinea complex from French waters (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic) (Annelida, Eunicidae) . Zookeys , (716), 1-17 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lavesque Nicolas, Bonifacio Paulo, Londono-Mesa Mario H., Le Garrec Vincent, Grall Jacques (2017). Loimia ramzega sp nov., a new giant species of Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from French waters (Brittany, English Channel) . Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom , 97(5), 935-942 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Besson Florian, Menot Lenaick, Alix Anne-Sophie, Bonifacio Paulo, Ybert Sebastien (2017). Rapport annuel sur les activités menées par l'Ifremer dans le cadre du contrat d'exploration des nodules polymétalliques conclu, au nom de la France, avec l'Autorité Internationale des Fonds Marins (AIFM) - Période du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2016 . REM/2017-007 .
Le Garrec Vincent, Grall Jacques, Chevalier Claire, Guyonnet Benjamin, Jourde Jerome, Lavesque Nicolas, Bonifacio Paulo, Blake James A. (2017). Chaetozone corona (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae) in the Bay of Biscay: a new alien species for the North-east Atlantic waters? Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom , 97(2), 433-445 .
de Smet Bart, Pape Ellen, Riehl Torben, Bonifacio Paulo, Colson Liesbet, Vanreusel Ann (2017). The community structure of deep-sea macrofauna associated with polymetallic nodules in the eastern part of the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone . Frontiers In Marine Science , 4(103), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Bonifacio Paulo, Labrune Celine, Sarda Rafael, Amouroux Jean Michel, Bellan Gerard, Duchene Jean-Claude, Hermand Rachel, Karakassis Ioannis, Dounas Costas, Gremare Antoine (2016). Long-term (1998–2010) large-scale comparison of the ecological quality status of gulf of lions (NW Mediterranean) benthic habitats . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 102(1), 102-113 .


Jourde Jerome, Sampaio Leandro, Barnich Ruth, Bonifacio Paulo, Labrune Celine, Quintino Victor, Sauriau Pierre-Guy (2015). Malmgrenia louiseae sp nov., a new scale worm species (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) from southern Europe with a key to European Malmgrenia species . Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom , 95(5), 947-952 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lavesque Nicolas, Bonifacio Paulo, Meissner Karin, Blanchet Hugues, Gouillieux Benoit, Dubois Sophie, Bachelet Guy (2015). New records of Spio symphyta and Spio martinensis ('Polychaeta': Canalipalpata: Spionidae) from Arcachon Bay (France), NE Atlantic . Marine Biodiversity , 45(1), 77-86 .


Bonifacio Paulo, Bourgeois Solveig, Labrune Celine, Amouroux Jean Michel, Escoubeyrou Karine, Buscail Roselyne, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Lantoine Francois, Vetion Gilles, Bichon Sabrina, Desmalades Martin, Riviere Beatrice, Deflandre Bruno, Gremare Antoine (2014). Spatiotemporal changes in surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna composition off the Rhône River in relation to its hydrological regime . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 151, 196-209 .
Lavesque Nicolas, Gouillieux Benoit, de Montaudouin Xavier, Bachelet Guy, Bonifacio Paulo, Simonet Elodie (2014). Premier signalement de l’espèce introduite Grandidierella japonica Stephensen, 1938 (Crustacea : Amphipoda : Aoridae) dans le bassin d’Arcachon . An aod - les cahiers naturalistes de l’Observatoire marin, , III(1), 11-19 .
Garcia Aurelie, Desroy Nicolas, Le Mao Patrick, Miossec Laurence (2014). Protocole de suivi stationnel des macroinvertébrés benthiques de substrats meubles subtidaux et intertidaux dans le cadre de la DCE - Façades Manche et Atlantique - Rapport AQUAREF 2014 . Rapport AQUAREF 2014 .


Lavesque Nicolas, Sorbe Jean-Claude, Bachelet Guy, Gouillieux Benoit, de Montaudouin Xavier, Bonifacio Paulo, Blanchet Hugues, Dubois Sophie (2013). Recent discovery of Paranthura japonica Richardson, 1909 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Paranthuridae) in European marine waters (Arcachon Bay, Bay of Biscay . BioInvasions Records , 2(3), 215-219 .

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