Research Interests
My work articulates around three disciplines: population genetics (population dynamic, adaptation, selection), reproductive biology (evolution of breeding systems) and ecological genetics (community evolution, species composition and quantification, and link between epigenetics and phenotypes).
I am interested in the way environmental processes influence the genetic and epigenetic composition of a given species/population, but also how selection shapes genetic diversity as a whole (population, species, community, ecosystem), and how epigenetics contributes to acclimation potential and future evolution.
Project coordinator:
ECAP (France Filière Pêche, 2022-2023): Évaluation de la Capacité des méthodes basées sur l’ADN environnemental à contribuer à une meilleure estimation des Populations exploitées en Méditerranée. (On the use of eDNA based methods to contribute to a better estimation of exploited populations biomass and distribution in the Mediterranean Sea).
PERSIST (LabEx CORAIL, 2017): DévelopPement d’outils molEculaiReS pour étudier le fonctIonnement des écoSystèmes récifaux et de leurs populaTions (Development of molecular tools for the study of coral reef ecosystems and their populations).
ECOPE (Politique de Site Ifremer, 2017-2018): Empreinte éCOlogique de la PErliculture sur la diversité planctonique: approche par métabarcoding (Ecological footprint of pearl oyster aquaculture on planktonic diversity: a metabarcoding approach).
SEX-DET (Pays-Ifremer, 2017-2018): Facteurs génétiques et épigénétiques de la DETermination et différentiation du SEXe chez l'huître perlière (Genetic and epigenetic factors involved in sex determination and differentiation in the pearl oyster).
Project participant:
GAMBOC (BiodivOc, région Occitanie, 2022-2024): Coordination of a work package. Gambusia holbrooki, une espèce invasive au service de l’étude des mécanismes de tolérance à la pollution et aux multistress en Occitanie. (Gambusia holbrooki, an invasive species to study mechanisms of pollutants and multistress tolerance in Occitany region).
MASMA (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, 2021-2023): Fish juvenile recruitment in coastal habitats of Western Indian Ocean.
FLATTRAC (Politique de Site Ifremer, 2020-2021): Etude des tracts d'ascendance génétique pour tester l'évolution parallèle chez les huîtres plates (Study of ascendance genetic tracks to test for the hypothesis of parallel evolution in flat oysters).
PINCTADAPT (Private funding, 2019-2024), coordination of a work package: Potentiel adaptatif des espèces d’huîtres perlières du genre Pinctada dans le bassin Pacifique face aux changements globaux (adaptative potential of the Pinctada pearl oyster species in the Pacific Ocean in the context of global change).
AMELIGEN (DRMM-Ifremer-CRIOBE, 2016-2019): AMElioration de la quaLIté de la perle de Polynésie par des approches de GENétique (improving Polynesian pearl quality through the use of genetic tools).
MERLIN microplastiques (IFREMER, 2016-2018): caractérisation et étude de l'impact des microplastiques sur l'huître perlière dans les lagons polynésiens. (characterisation and impact of microplastics on pearl oysters from Polynesian lagoons).
GITHUB repository:
Mentoring / Supervision:
Current supervision:
Oct 2021-Oct 2024: Antoine Gradel (PhD student, EPHE, UMR MARBEC, CRIOBE, UMR EIO): "Genetic structuring, connectivity and local adaptation to thermal regimes of populations of pearl oysters in French Polynesia and in the Pacific Ocean.". Co-supervision with Serge Planes, CRIOBE.
Past supervision:
Jan-Jun 2021: Antoine Gradel (Master2, Université de Brest, IUEM): "Adaptation of pearl oysters to temperature: an approach using association genomics".
May-Jun 2021: Farid Salmi (Master, Université de Montpellier): "Genomic structural variants: definition, roles in phenotypic plasticity and adaptation, and molecular and computational methods to detect them". Litterature review
Oct 2016 - Oct 2019: Pierre-Louis Stenger (PhD student): "Chromatic diversity and plasticity in the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera: characterization of the phenome, genome and epigenome". Co-supervision with Jérémie Vidal Dupiol, Chin Long Ky and Serges Planes (CRIOBE).
2018: Gwenola Plougoulen (Master2, Université de Bordeaux): "Ecological footprint of current perliculture techniques on planctonic and bacterial communities in a polynesian lagoon: a metabarcoding approach".
Oct 2016- Avr 2018: Dr. Vaihiti Teaniniuraitemoana (Postdoctoral Fellow): "The genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of sex determination and differentiation in the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera". Co-supervision with Jérémie Vidal Dupiol and Gilles Le Moullac.
2017: Tony Gardon (Master2, Université de Caen): "Impact of microplastics on the reproduction of Pinctada margaritifera". Co-supervised with Gilles Le Moullac.
2016: Léa Bouvier (Master 2, IUEM, Brest, France): "Morphological, genetic and reproductive analysis of the Pinctada margaritifera populations from the Marquesas archipelago: a new species?"
2014: Loukas Theododiou (Master 2, University of Munich, Germany): "Genetic mapping of asexuality in Artemia". Co supervision with Christoph Haag and Thomas Lenormand.
2014: Nils Svendsen (Master 2, Université de Montpellier, France): "Uncovering cryptic asexuality in Daphnia magna by RAD-Sequencing". Co supervision with Christoph Haag.
2017-2019: Lecturer, Master Level
"Introduction to genomics for the study of coral reef ecosystems" - Université de Polynésie Française (UPF), Tahiti, Polynésie Française. (10 hours)
"Genetic selection in Aquaculture" - Université de Polynésie Française (UPF), Tahiti, Polynésie Française. (5 hours)
May 2014: Worshop coordinator: "De Novo analysis of RAD-Sequencing data", 20 people, 3 days training, CNRS CEFE, Montpellier, France.
Dec 2012: Guest speaker, Master level (3 hours) "Advanced topics in Ecology and Evolution" Topic: turnovers in sex determination systems, evolution, and potential applications for conservation, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Sept - Dec 2012: Lecturer, 3rd year Bachelor Level (16 hours) "Population Genetics", University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Research cruises
PELMED 2020 - 08/09/2020 - 28/09/2020
Colston-Nepali Lila, Roux Camille, Doniol-Valcroze Paul,
Reisser Celine,
Cornette Florence, Fraisse Christelle, Bierne Nicolas,
Lapègue Sylvie (2024).
Parallel patterns of differentiation at chromosomal inversions and other genomic regions in the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) . I-MarCo 24 - 7th International conference on Marine Connectivity: Advancing research for improved management. 27-31 May 2024 - Montpellier, France .
Layton K. K. S., Brieuc M. S. O., Castilho R., Diaz‐arce N., Estévez‐barcia D., Fonseca V. G., Fuentes‐pardo A. P., Jeffery N. W., Jiménez‐mena B., Junge C., Kaufmann J., Leinonen T., Maes S. M., McGinnity P., Reed T. E.,
Reisser Celine, Silva G., Vasemägi A., Bradbury I. R. (2024).
Predicting the future of our oceans—Evaluating genomic forecasting approaches in marine species .
Global Change Biology , 30(3), e17236 (9p.) .
Colston-Nepali Lila, Doniol-Valcroze Paul,
Reisser Celine, Fraisse Christelle,
Cornette Florence, Bierne Nicolas,
Lapègue Sylvie (2023).
Parallel differentiation and structural variation in the European flat oyster . SMBE23 - Conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. 23-27 July 2023, Ferrata, Italy.
Le Luyer Jeremy,
Monaco Cristian, Milhade Leo,
Reisser Celine,
Soyez Claude, Raapoto Hirohiti,
Belliard Corinne,
Le Moullac Gilles,
Ky Chin-Long,
Pernet Fabrice (2022).
Gene expression plasticity, genetic variation and fatty acid remodelling in divergent populations of a tropical bivalve species .
Journal Of Animal Ecology , 91(6), 1196-1208 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fields Peter D, McTaggart Seanna,
Reisser Celine, Haag Christoph, Palmer William H, Little Tom J, Ebert Dieter, Obbard Darren J, Lu Jian (2022).
Population-genomic analysis identifies a low rate of global adaptive fixation in the proteins of the cyclical parthenogen Daphnia magna .
Molecular Biology And Evolution , 39(3), msac048 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stenger Pierre-Louis,
Ky Chin-Long,
Reisser Celine, Cosseau Céline, Grunau Christoph, Mege Mickael, Planes Serge,
Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie (2021).
Environmentally Driven Color Variation in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii (Linnaeus, 1758) Is Associated With Differential Methylation of CpGs in Pigment- and Biomineralization-Related Genes .
Frontiers In Genetics , 12, 630290 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stenger Pierre-Louis,
Ky Chin-Long,
Reisser Celine, Duboisset Julien, Dicko Hamadou,
Durand Patrick, Quintric Laure, Planes Serge,
Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie (2021).
Molecular Pathways and Pigments Underlying the Colors of the Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii (Linnaeus 1758) .
Genes , 12(3), 421 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gardon Tony,
Soyez Claude,
Quillien Virgile, Cassone Anne-Laure,
Reisser Celine,
Le Luyer Jeremy,
Beliaeff Benoit,
Huvet Arnaud, Paul-Pont Ika,
El Rakwe Maria,
Boukerma Kada,
Le Moullac Gilles (2020).
Rapport intermédiaire 2019 de la Convention Microplastiques dans les Lagons. RBE/RMPf/2020 .
Le Luyer Jeremy, Auffret Pauline,
Quillien Virgile, Leclerc Nicolas,
Reisser Celine,
Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie,
Ky Chin-Long (2019).
Whole transcriptome sequencing and biomineralization gene architecture associated with cultured pearl quality traits in the pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera .
Bmc Genomics , 20, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti,
Reisser Celine,
Vidal Dupiol Jeremie,
Le Moullac Gilles (2018).
Etude du déterminisme génétique et épigénétique du changement de sexe chez l’huitre perlière Pinctada margaritifera. RBE/RMPF/2018 .
Reisser Celine, Fasel Dominique, Hurlimann Evelin, Dukic Marinela, Haag-Liautard Cathy, Thuillier Virginie, Galimov Yan, Haag Christoph R. (2017).
Transition from Environmental to Partial Genetic Sex Determination in Daphnia through the Evolution of a Female-Determining Incipient W Chromosome .
Molecular Biology And Evolution , 34(3), 575-588 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer (2017). Bioressources marines . Rapport du groupe 1c - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Svendsen Nils,
Reisser Celine, Dukic Marinela, Thuillier Virginie, Segard Adeline, Liautard-Haag Cathy, Fasel Dominique, Huerlimann Evelin, Lenormand Thomas, Galimov Yan, Haag Christoph R. (2015).
Uncovering Cryptic Asexuality in Daphnia magna by RAD Sequencing .
Genetics , 201(3), 1143-U625 .
Fields Peter D.,
Reisser Celine, Dukic Marinela, Haag Christoph R., Ebert Dieter (2015).
Genes mirror geography in Daphniamagna .
Molecular Ecology , 24(17), 4521-4536 .
Reisser Celine, Bell J. J., Gardner J. P. A. (2014).
Correlation between pelagic larval duration and realised dispersal: long-distance genetic connectivity between northern New Zealand and the Kermadec Islands archipelago .
Marine Biology , 161(2), 297-312 .
Arias M. C., Arnoux E., Bell James J., Bernadou Abel, Bino Giorgia, Blatrix R., Bourguet Denis, Carrea Cecilia, Clamens Anne-Laure, Cunha Haydee A., D'Alencon E., Ding Yi, Djieto-Lordon C., Dubois Mp, Dumas P., Eraud C., Faivre B., Francisco F. O., Francoso E., Garcia M., Gardner Jonathan P. A., Garnier S., Gimenez S., Gold John R., Harris D. J., He Guangcun, Hellemans B., Hollenbeck Christopher M., Jing Shengli, Kergoat G. J., Liu Bingfang, McDowell Jan R., McKey D., Miller Terrence L., Newton Erica, Lohan Katrina M. Pagenkopp, Papetti Chiara, Paterson Ian, Peccoud J., Peng Xinxin, Piatscheck F., Ponsard Sergine, Reece Kimberly S.,
Reisser Celine, Renshaw Mark A., Ruzzante Daniel E., Sauve M., Shields Jeffrey D., Sole-Cava Antonio, Souche E. L., Van Houdt J. K. J., Vasconcellos Anderson, Volckaert F. A. M., Wang Shuzhen, Xiao Jie, Yu Hangjin, Zane Lorenzo, Zannato Barbara, Zemlak Tyler S., Zhang Chunxiao, Zhao Yan, Zhou Xi, Zhu Lili (2012).
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2011-31 January 2012 .
Molecular Ecology Resources , 12(3), 570-572 .
Reisser Celine, Marshall Bruce A., Gardner Jonathan P. A. (2012).
A morphometric approach supporting genetic results in the taxonomy of the New Zealand limpets of the Cellana strigilis complex (Mollusca:Patellogastropoda:Nacellidae) .
Invertebrate Systematics , 26(2), 193-203 .
Reisser Celine, Wood Ann R., Bell James J., Gardner Jonathan P. A. (2011).
Connectivity, small islands and large distances: the Cellana strigilis limpet complex in the Southern Ocean .
Molecular Ecology , 20(16), 3399-3413 .
Reisser Celine, Beldade Ricardo, Bernardi Giacomo (2009).
Multiple paternity and competition in sympatric congeneric reef fishes, Embiotoca jacksoni and E-lateralis .
Molecular Ecology , 18(7), 1504-1510 .