Jeux de données
Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien, Matabos Marjolaine (2024). COSTOF2, technical data from SeaMoN East, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2023-2024 . SEANOE .
Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien, Matabos Marjolaine (2024). COSTOF2, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2023-2024 . SEANOE .
Sarrazin Jozee, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien (2024). SMOOVE, video data from EMSO-Azores observatory, 2022-2023 . SEANOE .
Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien, Matabos Marjolaine (2023). COSTOF2, technical data from SeaMoN East, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2022-2023 . SEANOE .
Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien, Matabos Marjolaine (2023). COSTOF2, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2022-2023 . SEANOE .
Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Matabos Marjolaine (2023). COSTOF2, technical data from SeaMoN East, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2021-2022 . SEANOE .
Gautier Laurent, Chauvet Adrien, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Matabos Marjolaine (2023). COSTOF2, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2021-2022 . SEANOE .
Grasso Florent, Bocher Alan, Jacquet Matthias, Le Berre David, Lecornu Fabrice (2021). Gironde Estuary Mouth MEasurement Stations (GEMMES) . SEANOE .
Verney Romaric, Le Berre David, Repecaud Michel, Bocher Alan, Bescond Tanguy, Poppeschi Coline, Grasso Florent (2024). Suspended particulate matter dynamics at the interface between an estuary and its adjacent coastal sea: Unravelling the impact of tides, waves and river discharge from 2015 to 2022 in situ high-frequency observations . Marine Geology , 471, 107281 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prado Enora, Lefevre Coralyne, Courson Remi, Rouxel Justin, Fauvarque Olivier, Tardivel Morgan, Bocher Alan, Forest Bertrand, Dreanno Catherine (2021). Biotoxins detection with SPR imaging in situ system . GDRMNF 2021 - Journées plénières du GDR MicroNanoFluidique / Micro-Nano-Fluidics Meeting. September, 23-24 2021, Toulouse, France .
Prado Enora, Colas Florent, Laurent Sebastien, Tardivel Morgan, Evrard Justine, Forest Bertrand, Bocher Alan, Rouxel Justin (2020). Toward a SPR imaging in situ system to detect marine biotoxin . Michael T. Canva, Ambra Giannetti, Hatice Altug, Julien Moreau (Eds). Proceedings Volume 11361, Biophotonics in Point-of-Care; 113610J (2020). 13p.
Bocher Alan, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Charria Guillaume, Verney Romaric, Le Berre David, Jacquet Matthias, Legrand Julien, Moreau Bertrand, Prigent Sebastien, Coail Jean-Yves, Lafontaine Jean-Pierre, Mertz Nicolas (2019). Stations côtières haute fréquence en estuaire de Seine. De l’instrumentation à la mesure sur le terrain. AEI 2019 - Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation, 9-11 juillet 2019, Lille .
Grasso Florent, Bocher Alan, Jacquet Matthias, Le Berre David, Lecornu Fabrice (2018). Observations of sediment suspension induced by waves, tides and internal waves in a shallow continental shelf under estuarine influence . PECS 2018 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas meeting 2018. October 15-19, 2018, Galveston, TX, USA .
Daniel Anne, Repecaud Michel, Bocher Alan, Caradec Florian, Cathalot Cecile, Cotty Cecile, Davy Romain, Lagadec Jean Romain, Lintanf Herve, Peleau Michel, Quéméner Loïc, Rabiller Emilie, Thomas Lena (2018). MISSION ChEMIST. Campagne Essais chiMie Interface eau SédimenT. Baie de Vilaine 25-30 juillet 2018 . ODE/DYNECO/PELAGOS 2018-01 .
Verney Romaric, Lecornu Fabrice (2018). Projet CPIER PHRESQUES - Synthèse des tests de la bouée SCENES réalisés à St Anne du Portzic – Eté 2017 . ODE/DYNECO/DHYSED/18-00X/RV .