My research activities aim at a better understanding of the role of the ocean in the climate system through the study of its interannual, decadal, and multi-decadal fluctuations. I am particularly interested in the vertical structure of this variability and in the contribution of intermediate and deep oceanic layers to global and regional heat content trends. A strong emphasis of my research is placed on the North Atlantic Ocean, because of its marked Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) and its key role in sequestering surface signals in the ocean interior. How those signals "escape" from subarctic regions to reach subtropical latitudes is a question I am specificcaly interested in.
Meyssignac B., Fourest S., Mayer Michael, Johnson G.C., Calafat F.M., Ablain M., Boyer T., Cheng L.,
Desbruyeres Damien, Forget G., Giglio D., Kuusela M., Locarnini R., Lyman J.M., Llovel William, Mishonov A., Reagan J., Rousseau V., Benveniste J. (2024).
North Atlantic Heat Transport Convergence Derived from a Regional Energy Budget Using Different Ocean Heat Content Estimates .
Surveys In Geophysics , 45(6), 1855-1874 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Buckley Martha W., Lozier M. Susan,
Desbruyères Damien, Evans Dafydd Gwyn (2023).
Buoyancy forcing and the subpolar Atlantic meridional overturning circulation .
Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences , 381(2262), 20220181 (31p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chafik Léon, Penny Holliday N., Bacon Sheldon, Baker Jonathan A.,
Desbruyères Damien, Frajka-Williams Eleanor, Jackson Laura C. (2023).
Observed mechanisms activating the recent subpolar North Atlantic Warming since 2016 .
Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences , 381(2262), 20220183 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zilberman Nathalie V.,
Thierry Virginie, King Brian, Alford Matthew,
André Xavier,
Balem Kevin, Briggs Nathan, Chen Zhaohui, Cabanes Cecile, Coppola Laurent, Dall’olmo Giorgio,
Desbruyères Damien, Fernandez Denise, Foppert Annie, Gardner Wilford, Gasparin Florent, Hally Bryan, Hosoda Shigeki, Johnson Gregory C., Kobayashi Taiyo, Le Boyer Arnaud, Llovel William, Oke Peter, Purkey Sarah, Remy Elisabeth, Roemmich Dean, Scanderbeg Megan, Sutton Philip, Walicka Kamila, Wallace Luke, Van Wijk Esmee M. (2023).
Observing the full ocean volume using Deep Argo floats .
Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 1287867 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rousseau Victor, Fraudeau Robin, Hammond Matthew, Houndegnonto Odilon Joël, Ablain Michaël, Blazquez Alejandro, Calafat Fransisco Mir,
Desbruyères Damien, Foti Giuseppe, Llovel William, Marti Florence, Meyssignac Benoît, Restano Marco, Benveniste Jérôme .
Withdrawn : Monitoring the regional Ocean Heat Content change over the Atlantic Ocean with the space geodetic approach .
Earth System Science Data IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
von Schuckmann Karina, Miniere Audrey, Gues Flora, Cuesta-Valero Francisco Jose, Kirchengast Gottfried, Adusumilli Susheel, Straneo Fiammetta, Ablain Michael, Allan Richard P., Barker Paul M., Beltrami Hugo, Blazquez Alejandro, Boyer Tim, Cheng Lijing, Church John,
Desbruyeres Damien, Dolman Han, Domingues Catia M., Garcia-Garcia Almudena, Giglio Donata, Gilson John E., Gorfer Maximilian, Haimberger Leopold, Hakuba Maria Z., Hendricks Stefan, Hosoda Shigeki, Johnson Gregory C., Killick Rachel, King Brian, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Korosov Anton, Krinner Gerhard, Kuusela Mikael, Landerer Felix W., Langer Moritz, Lavergne Thomas, Lawrence Isobel, Li Yuehua, Lyman John, Marti Florence, Marzeion Ben, Mayer Michael, Macdougall Andrew H., McDougall Trevor, Monselesan Didier Paolo, Nitzbon Jan, Otosaka Ines, Peng Jian, Purkey Sarah, Roemmich Dean, Sato Kanak, Sato Katsunari, Savita Abhishek, Schweiger Axel, Shepherd Andrew, Seneviratne Sonia I., Simons Leon, Slater Donald A., Slater Thomas, Steiner Andrea K., Suga Toshio, Szekely Tanguy, Thiery Wim, Timmermans Mary-Louise, Vanderkelen Inne, Wjiffels Susan E., Wu Tonghua, Zemp Michael (2023).
Heat stored in the Earth system 1960–2020: Where does the energy go? Earth System Science Data , 15(4), 1675-1709 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Desbruyeres Damien, Bollard Marine (2022).
Climat : « Deep Argo », une nouvelle génération de flotteurs pour sonder l’océan à plus de 4 000 mètres .
The Conversation , 185811 (5p.) . Open Access version :
Desbruyères Damien, Prieto Bravo Eva,
Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle,
Lherminier Pascale, Cabanes Cécile, Biló Tiago C., Fried Nora, Femke De Jong M. (2022).
Warming‐to‐cooling reversal of overflow‐derived water masses in the Irminger Sea during 2002‐2021. Geophysical Research Letters , 49(10), e2022GL098057 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Liu Chunlei, Allan Richard P., Mayer Michael, Hyder Patrick,
Desbruyères Damien, Cheng Lijing, Xu Jianjun, Xu Feng, Zhang Yu (2020).
Variability in the global energy budget and transports 1985–2017 .
Climate Dynamics , 55(11-12), 3381-3396 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Beal L. M., Vialard J., Roxy M.K., Li J., Andres M., Annamalai H., Feng M., Han W., Hood R., Lee T., Lengaigne Matthieu, Lumpkin R., Masumoto Y., McPhaden M.J., Ravichandran M., Shinoda T., Sloyan B.M., Strutton P.G., Subramanian A.C., Tozuka T., Ummenhofer C.C., Unnikrishnan A.S., Wiggert J., Yu L., Cheng L.,
Desbruyères Damien, Parvathi V (2020).
A Road Map to IndOOS-2: Better observations of the rapidly-warming Indian Ocean .
Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society , 101(11), E1891-E1913 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Traon Pierre-Yves, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Babin Marcel, Leymarie Edouard, Marec Claudie, Pouliquen Sylvie,
Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile, Claustre Hervé,
Desbruyeres Damien, Lacour Leo, Lagunas Jose-Luis,
Maze Guillaume, Mercier Herle, Penkerc'h Christophe,
Poffa Noe, Poteau Antoine, Prieur Louis, Racape Virginie, Randelhoff Achim, Rehm Eric, Schmechtig Catherine Marie, Taillandier Vincent, Wagener Thibaut, Xing Xiaogang (2020).
Preparing the New Phase of Argo: Scientific Achievements of the NAOS Project .
Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 577408 (27p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Desbruyères Damien, Sinha B., McDonagh E. L., Josey S. A., Holliday N. P., Smeed D. A., New A. L., Megann A., Moat B. I. (2020).
Importance of boundary processes for heat uptake in the Subpolar North Atlantic .
Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 125(9), e2020JC016366 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
von Schuckmann Karina, Cheng Lijing, Palmer Matthew D., Hansen James, Tassone Caterina, Aich Valentin, Adusumilli Susheel, Beltrami Hugo, Boyer Tim, Cuesta-Valero Francisco José,
Desbruyères Damien, Domingues Catia, García-García Almudena, Gentine Pierre, Gilson John, Gorfer Maximilian, Haimberger Leopold, Ishii Masayoshi, Johnson Gregory C., Killick Rachel, King Brian A., Kirchengast Gottfried, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lyman John, Marzeion Ben, Mayer Michael, Monier Maeva, Monselesan Didier Paolo, Purkey Sarah, Roemmich Dean, Schweiger Axel, Seneviratne Sonia I., Shepherd Andrew, Slater Donald A., Steiner Andrea K., Straneo Fiammetta, Timmermans Mary-Louise, Wijffels Susan E. (2020).
Heat stored in the Earth system: where does the energy go? Earth System Science Data , 12(3), 2013-2041 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moat Ben I., Smeed David A., Frajka-Williams Eleanor,
Desbruyères Damien, Beaulieu Claudie, Johns William E., Rayner Darren, Sanchez-Franks Alejandra, Baringer Molly O., Volkov Denis, Jackson Laura C., Bryden Harry L. (2020).
Pending recovery in the strength of the meridional overturning circulation at 26° N .
Ocean Science , 16(4), 863-874 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Roemmich Dean, Alford Matthew H., Claustre Hervé, Johnson Kenneth, King Brian, Moum James, Oke Peter, Owens W. Brechner, Pouliquen Sylvie, Purkey Sarah, Scanderbeg Megan, Suga Toshio, Wijffels Susan, Zilberman Nathalie, Bakker Dorothee, Baringer Molly, Belbeoch Mathieu, Bittig Henry C., Boss Emmanuel, Calil Paulo, Carse Fiona,
Carval Thierry, Chai Fei, Conchubhair Diarmuid Ó., D’ortenzio Fabrizio, Dall’olmo Giorgio,
Desbruyeres Damien, Fennel Katja, Fer Ilker, Ferrari Raffaele, Forget Gael, Freeland Howard, Fujiki Tetsuichi, Gehlen Marion, Greenan Blair, Hallberg Robert, Hibiya Toshiyuki, Hosoda Shigeki, Jayne Steven, Jochum Markus, Johnson Gregory C., Kang Kiryong, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Körtzinger Arne, Traon Pierre-Yves Le, Lenn Yueng-Djern,
Maze Guillaume, Mork Kjell Arne, Morris Tamaryn, Nagai Takeyoshi, Nash Jonathan, Garabato Alberto Naveira, Olsen Are, Pattabhi Rama Rao, Prakash Satya, Riser Stephen, Schmechtig Catherine, Schmid Claudia, Shroyer Emily, Sterl Andreas, Sutton Philip, Talley Lynne, Tanhua Toste,
Thierry Virginie, Thomalla Sandy, Toole John, Troisi Ariel, Trull Thomas W., Turton Jon, Velez-Belchi Pedro Joaquin, Walczowski Waldemar, Wang Haili, Wanninkhof Rik, Waterhouse Amy F., Waterman Stephanie, Watson Andrew, Wilson Cara, Wong Annie P. S., Xu Jianping, Yasuda Ichiro (2019).
On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array .
Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(439), 28p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robson Jon, Sutton Rowan T., Archibald Alex, Cooper Fenwick, Christensen Matthew, Gray Lesley J., Holliday N. Penny, Macintosh Claire, McMillan Malcolm, Moat Ben, Russo Maria, Tilling Rachel, Carslaw Ken,
Desbruyeres Damien, Embury Owen, Feltham Daniel L., Grosvenor Daniel P., Josey Simon, King Brian, Lewis Alastair, McCarthy Gerard D., Merchant Chris, New Adrian L., O'Reilly Christopher H., Osprey Scott M., Read Katie, Scaife Adam, Shepherd Andrew, Sinha Bablu, Smeed David, Smith Doug, Ridout Andrew, Woollings Tim, Yang Mingxi (2018).
Recent multivariate changes in the North Atlantic climate system, with a focus on 2005-2016 .
International Journal Of Climatology , 38(14), 5050-5076 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cazenave Anny, Meyssignac Benoit, Ablain Michael, Balmaseda Magdalena, Bamber Jonathan, Barletta Valentina, Beckley Brian, Benveniste Jerome, Berthier Etienne, Blazquez Alejandro, Boyer Tim, Caceres Denise, Chambers Don, Champollion Nicolas, Chao Ben, Chen Jianli, Cheng Lijing, Church John A., Chuter Stephen, Cogley J. Graham, Dangendorf Soenke,
Desbruyeres Damien, Doell Petra, Domingues Catia, Falk Ulrike, Famiglietti James, Fenoglio-Marc Luciana, Forsberg Rene, Galassi Gaia, Gardner Alex, Groh Andreas, Hamlington Benjamin, Hogg Anna, Horwath Martin, Humphrey Vincent, Husson Laurent, Ishii Masayoshi, Jaeggi Adrian, Jevrejeva Svetlana, Johnson Gregory, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Kusche Juergen, Lambeck Kurt, Landerer Felix, Leclercq Paul, Legresy Benoit, Leuliette Eric, Llovel William, Longuevergne Laurent, Loomis Bryant D., Luthcke Scott B., Marcos Marta, Marzeion Ben, Merchant Chris, Merrifield Mark, Milne Glenn, Mitchum Gary, Mohajerani Yara, Monier Maeva, Monselesan Didier, Nerem Steve, Palanisamy Hindumathi, Paul Frank, Perez Begona, Piecuch Christopher G., Ponte Rui M., Purkey Sarah G., Reager John T., Rietbroek Roelof, Rignot Eric, Riva Riccardo, Roemmich Dean H., Sorensen Louise Sandberg, Sasgen Ingo, Schrama E. J. O., Seneviratne Sonia I., Shum C. K., Spada Giorgio, Stammer Detlef, Van De Wal Roderic, Velicogna Isabella, von Schuckmann Karina, Wada Yoshihide, Wang Yiguo, Watson Christopher, Wiese David, Wijffels Susan, Westaway Richard, Woppelmann Guy, Wouters Bert (2018).
Global sea-level budget 1993-present .
Earth System Science Data , 10(3), 1551-1590 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Roberts C. D., Palmer M. D., Allan R. P.,
Desbruyeres Damien, Hyder P., Liu C., Smith D. (2017).
Surface flux and ocean heat transport convergence contributions to seasonal and interannual variations of ocean heat content .
Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 122(1), 726-744 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Desbruyères Damien, McDonagh Elaine L., King Brian A. (2016).
Observational Advances in Estimates of Oceanic Heating .
Current Climate Change Reports , 2(3), 127-134 .
Mercier Herle,
Lherminier Pascale, Sarafanov Artem,
Gaillard Fabienne, Daniault Nathalie,
Desbruyeres Damien, Falina Anastasia, Ferron Bruno, Gourcuff Claire, Huck Thierry,
Thierry Virginie (2015).
Variability of the meridional overturning circulation at the Greenland–Portugal OVIDE section from 1993 to 2010 .
Progress In Oceanography , 132, 250-261 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Purkey Sarah,
Desbruyeres Damien, Zilberman Nathalie (2015).
Warming the abyss: The deep ocean's contribution to global warming .
VARIATIONS , 13(3), 15-20 . Open Access version :
Desbruyeres Damien (2013).
The Meridional Overturning Circulation variability and heat content changes in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre . PhD Thesis , Université de Bretagne Occidentale .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Desbruyeres Damien (2022). Contribution to the ICES Report on Ocean Climate : North Atlantic Ocean in 2021 . National report: France, May 2022. LOPS-WGOH-2022-05 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Desbruyeres Damien (2021). Contribution to the ICES Report on Ocean Climate : North Atlantic Ocean in 2020 . National report: France, May 2021. LOPS_21_05_IROC_WGOH .
Desbruyeres Damien, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas (2020).
Contribution to the ICES Report on Ocean Climate : North Atlantic Ocean in 2019. National report: France, May 2020. LOPS-WGOH-2020-05 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Reverdin Gilles,
Desbruyeres Damien (2018).
Contribution to the ICES Report on Ocean Climate : North Atlantic Ocean in 2017 . National report: France, June 2018. LOPS-WGOH-2018-01 .
Vincent Patrick (2007). Océan et Climat : au croisement de multiples questions au coeur de l'ifremer .
Meeting abstracts
Desbruyeres Damien, Mercier Herle,
Maze Guillaume, Daniault Nathalie (2019).
Surface Predictor of Overturning Circulation and Heat Content Changes in the Subpolar North Atlantic . EGU General Assembly 2019. 7-12 April 2019, Vienna .