Domaines de recherche
-Maritime Renewable Energy
- Hydrodynamic
- Fluid Structure Interaction on Sails and Hydrofoils
- High Performance Yacht Design
Querat Simon, Trasch Martin, Augier Benoit, Perier Vincent, Minguez M., Delon A., Barre S. (2025). Multi-scale study of a vertical axis wind turbine wake . In Innovations in Renewable Energies Offshore. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2024, 19-21 November 2024, Lisbon, Portugal). 2025. Carlos Guedes Soares, Shan Wang (Eds). eISSN: 2638-6461, ISBN: 978-1-003-55885-9 (ebk), 10.1201/9781003558859. Part Wind energy, pp.703-712 (CRC Press) .
Perali Paolo, Sacher Matthieu, Leroux Jean-Baptiste, Wackers Jeroen, Augier Benoit, Hauville Frédéric, Bot Patrick (2024). Performance prediction of a hydrofoil near the free surface using low (BEM) and high (RANS) fidelity methods . Applied Ocean Research , 151, 104157 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Faye Antoine, Perali Paolo, Augier Benoit, Sacher Matthieu, Leroux Jean-Baptiste, Nême Alain, Astolfi Jacques-André (2024). Fluid-Structure Interactions Response of a Composite Hydrofoil Modelled With 1D Beam Finite Elements . Journal of Sailing Technology , 9(01), 19-41 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pehlivan Solak Hayriye, Wackers Jeroen, Pellegrini Riccardo, Serani Andrea, Diez Matteo, Perali Paolo, Sacher Matthieu, Leroux Jean-Baptiste, Augier Benoit, Hauville Frederic, Bot Patrick . Optimising hydrofoils using automated multi-fidelity surrogate models . Ships and Offshore Structures IN PRESS .
Träsch Martin, Rosado Hau Nidiana, Matoug Camil, Arhant Mael, Perier Vincent, Augier Benoit, Répécaud Michel (2023). Blade strain analysis from field measurements on a vertical axis wind turbine . Journal Of Renewable And Sustainable Energy , 15(5), 053301 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rosado Hau Nidiana, Augier Benoit, Paillard Benoit, Trasch Martin, Matoug Camil (2023). The assessment of a fast computational method in predicting the unsteady loads of vertical axis wind turbines undergoing floating motion . Journal Of Wind Engineering And Industrial Aerodynamics , 240, 105449 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Faye A., Perali P., Augier Benoit, Sacher M., Leroux J.-B., Nême A., Astolfi J.-A. (2023). Fluid-Structure Interactions response of a composite hydrofoil modelled with 1D beam finite elements . Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation in High Performance Sailing Yachts and Wind-Assisted Ships, Lorient, France, 29-31 May 2023,. ISBN - 978-2-9588124-0-9. pp. 137-157 .
Rosado Hau Nidiana, Augier Benoit, Paillard Benoît, Trasch Martin, Matoug Camil, Guillaud Nathanael (2023). A Verified Numerical Tool to Investigate the Performance of Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbines . AIAA 2023-2244. Session: Topics in Wind Energy Modeling. 7p.
Phelivan Soak H., Wackers J., Pellegrini R., Serani A., Diez M., Perali R., Sacher M., Leroux J., Augier Benoit, Hauville F., Bot P. (2023). Hydrofoil Optimization via Automated Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Models . X International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering. MARINE 2023. J. Garcıa-Espinosa, L. Gonzalez, J.E. Gutierrez & B. Servan-Camas (Eds). Volume Simulation-driven Design Optimization in Marine Engineering, 2023. 22p.
Mohammed Arab Fatiha, Augier Benoit, Deniset François, Casari Pascal, Astolfi Jacques André (2022). Effects on cavitation inception of leading and trailing edge flaps on a high-performance hydrofoil . Applied Ocean Research , 126, 103285 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Perali P., Sacher M., Leroux Jb., Wackers J., Augier Benoit, Hauville F., Bot P. (2022). Comparaison de conditions de surface libre linéarisées pour l’étude d’un hydrofoil submergé à l’aide d’une approche potentielle . CFM2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 2 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Trasch Martin, Rosado Hau Nidiana, Matoug Camil, Perier Vincent, Arhant Mael, Augier Benoit, Repecaud Michel (2022). Experimental assessment of a vertical axis wind turbine blade deformation . CFM 2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 02 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Pernod Laetitia, Sacher Matthieu, Wackers Jeroen, Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick (2022). Free-Surface Effects on Two-Dimensional Hydrofoils by RANS-VOF Simulations . SNAME 24th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium. June 10–11, 2022 Annapolis, Maryland, USA . Paper n°SNAME-CSYS-2022-012, 12p.
de La Hougue Agathe, Androuin Guillaume, Pernod L., Sacher M., Augier Benoit, Bot P., Iachkine Paul (2022). Influence of shaft stiffness on the performance of a plane-like hydrofoil . CFM 2022 - 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 02 septembre 2022, Nantes .
Augier Benoit, Paillard Benoit, Sacher Matthieu, Leroux Jean-Baptiste, Aubin Nicolas (2021). Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Spinnaker Aerodynamics Close to Curling . Journal of sailing Technology , 6(01), 118-132 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Temtching Temou Vanilla, Augier Benoit, Paillard Benoit (2021). Hydro-elastic response of composite hydrofoil with FSI . Ocean Engineering , 221, 108230 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Augier Benoit, Paillard Benoît, Sacher Matthieu, Leroux Jean-Baptiste, Aubin Nicolas (2020). The Verge of Curling: Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Spinnaker Aerodynamics. INNOV'SAIL - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovation in High Performance Sailing Yachts and Sail-Assisted Ship Propulsion Gothenburg – Sweden (Online) 15th - 17th June 2020. Session 1 Aerodynamics, pp.17-26 .
Matoug Camil, Augier Benoit, Paillard B, Maurice G, Sicot C, Barre S (2020). An hybrid approach for the comparison of VAWT and HAWT performances for floating offshore wind turbines . Science Of Making Torque From Wind (torque 2020), Pts 1-5 , 1618, 032026 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arab Fatiha Mohammed, Augier Benoit, Deniset François, Casari Pascal, Astolfi Jacques André (2019). Morphing Hydrofoil Model Driven by Compliant Composite Structure and Internal Pressure . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 7(12), 423 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mohammed Arab Fatiha, Augier Benoit, Deniset François, Casari Pascal, Astolfi Jacques-André (2019). Structures Compliantes Composites sous Chargement Hydrodynamique . CFM 2019 - 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. 26-30 aout 2019, Brest .
Mohammed Arab Fatiha, Augier Benoit, Deniset François, Casari Pascal, Asrolfi Jacques-André (2019). Morphing Hydrofoil Model Driven by Compliant Composite Structure and Cavity Pressure . Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - smp'19. 26 - 30 May 2019, Rome, Italy. Mario Felli and Cecilia Leotardi (Eds). ISBN (printed proceedings): 978-88-7617-047-8 (vol. 1) & 978-88-7617-048-5 (vol. 2) ISBN (Electronic proceedings): 978-88-7617-049-2 ISSN : 2414-6129. Session TA4 : Unconventional propulsors 4. TA4.1, I-436, 8p.
Temtching V., Augier Benoit, Dalmas T., Dumergue Nicolas, Paillard B. (2019). Impact of Composite Layup on Hydrodynamic Performances of a Surface Piercing Hydrofoil . The 23rd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium. 15-16 march 2019, Annapolis, Maryland .
Maisondieu Christophe, Augier Benoit, Damy Gilbert, Le Boulluec Marc, Le Roux Dominique, Tassin Alan, Tancray Aurelien, Chalony Sebastien (2019). Présentation des infrastructures d'essais en hydrodynamique. Le bassin à houle profond et le canal d'expérimentation . RDT/LCSM/R18LCSM18-214/CM .
Laurent Matthieu, Cotty Cecile, Dussud Loic, Kerboul Andre, Menut Eric, Renaut Corentin, Rousseaux Patrick, André Xavier, Augier Benoit, Dumergue Nicolas, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Le Gall Maelenn, Salvetat Florence, Le Bihan Caroline, Gautier Laurent, Rouyer Tristan, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Bernard Serge, Kerzeho Vincent (2019). POPSTAR: POP-up Satellite Tag for Advancing Research in marine ecology. Développement d’une marque pour thons . AEI 2019 - Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation : AEI Océan Atmosphère. 9 au 11 juillet 2019, Lille .
Aubin N., Augier Benoit, Deparday J., Sacher M., Bot P. (2018). Performance enhancement of downwind sails due to leading edge flapping: A wind tunnel investigation . Ocean Engineering , 169, 370-378 .
Temtching Vanilla, Augier Benoit, Dalmas T., Fagherazzi O., Dumergue Nicolas (2018). Analysis of Composite Layup Impact on Hydrodynamic Performances of Sail Yacht Flexible Hydrofoils . Actes des 16èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2018. 27-29 novembre 2018, Marseille. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 11 : Interactions fluide-structure - Propulsion. 11p.
Deparday Julien, Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick (2018). Experimental analysis of a strong fluid–structure interaction on a soft membrane—Application to the flapping of a yacht downwind sail . Journal Of Fluids And Structures , 81, 547-564 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Temtching Temou Vanilla, Fagherazzi Odran, Augier Benoit, Astolfi Jacques-André, Raison David (2018). An experimental and numerical study of FSI applied to sail yacht flexible hydrofoil with large deformations . Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise July 8-11, 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. FIV2018-222, FSI applications II, 7p.
Aubin Nicolas, Augier Benoit, Deparday Julien, Sacher Matthieu (2017). To curl or not to curl: wind tunnel investigations of spinnakerperformance . INNOVSAIL 2017 Papers - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in High Performance Sailing Yachts, 28-30 june 2017. Lorient, France. pp.139-149 .
Aubin Nicolas, Augier Benoit, Sacher Matthieu, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frédéric, Flay Richard G.J. (2017). Wind tunnel investigation of dynamic trimming on upwind sail aerodynamics . Journal of Sailing Technology , (2017-01), 27p. Open Access version :
Deparday Julien, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frédéric, Augier Benoit, Rabaud Marc, Motta Dario, Le Pelley David (2017). Modal Analysis of Pressures on a Full-Scale Spinnaker . Journal of Sailing Technology , (2017-05), 21p. Open Access version :
Yan J., Augier Benoit, Korobenko A., Czarnowski J., Ketterman G., Bazilevs Y. (2016). FSI modeling of a propulsion system based on compliant hydrofoils in a tandem configuration . Computers & Fluids , 141, 201-211 .
Deparday Julien, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frédérick, Augier Benoit, Rabaud Marc (2016). Full-scale flying shape measurement of offwind yacht sails with photogrammetry . Ocean Engineering , 127, 135-143 .
Aubin N., Augier Benoit, Bot P., Hauville F., Floch R (2016). Inviscid approach for upwind sails aerodynamics. How far can we go? Journal Of Wind Engineering And Industrial Aerodynamics , 155, 208-215 .
Aubin Nicolas, Dhome Ulysse, Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frédérick (2016). How to be the best at sail pumping? Sports Physics. 8th– 10th June 2016, Ecole Polytechnique, FRANCE .
Deparday J., Hauville Frédérick, Bot Patrick, Augier Benoit, Rabaud M. (2015). Full-scale flying shape detection of offwind sails with photogrammetry . High Performance Sailing Yachts. 28-29 October 2015, Southampton, UK .
Augier Benoit, Yan J., Korobenko A., Czarnowski J., Ketterman G., Bazilevs Y. (2015). Experimental and numerical FSI study of compliant hydrofoils . Computational Mechanics , 55(6), 1079-1090 .
Augier Benoit, Hauville Frederic, Bot Patrick, Aubin Nicolas, Durand Mathieu (2014). Numerical study of a flexible sail plan submitted to pitching: Hysteresis phenomenon and effect of rig adjustments . Ocean Engineering , 90, 119-128 .
Komaty Ali, Boudraa Abdel-Ouahab, Augier Benoit, Dare-Emzivat Delphine (2014). EMD-Based Filtering Using Similarity Measure Between Probability Density Functions of IMFs . IEEE Transactions on Instrumentationand Measurements , 63(1), 27-34 .
Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frederic, Durand Mathieu (2013). Dynamic behaviour of a flexible yacht sail plan . Ocean Engineering , 66, 32-43 .
Augier Benoit, Hauville Frédérick, Bot Patrick, Deparday Julien, Durand Mathieu (2013). Numerical study of a flexible sail plan: effect of pitching decomposition and adjustments . INNOV’SAIL 2013. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Innovation for High Performance Sailing Yachts INNOV’SAIL. 26-28 juin 2013, Lorient, France. pp.155-164 .
Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frédéric, Durand Mathieu (2013). Fluid Structure Interaction of Yacht Sails in the Unsteady Regime . In Sports Physics, 2013, sous la direction de Christophe Clanet, Les éditions de l’Ecole Polytechnique, ISBN 978-2-7302-1615-9, Chapitre 1: Waves and Fluids, pp. 66-78. (éditions de l’Ecole Polytechnique) .
Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frederic, Durand Mathieu (2012). Experimental validation of unsteady models for fluid structure interaction: Application to yacht sails and rigs . Journal Of Wind Engineering And Industrial Aerodynamics , 101, 53-66 .
Augier Benoit, Bot Patrick, Hauville Frédérick, Durand Mathieu (2010). Experimental validation of unsteady models for wind/ sails/ rigging fluid sructure interaction . Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovation for High Performance Sailing Yachts INNOV’SAIL, Lorient, France, 30 juin - 1er juillet 2010, RINA, ISBN No: 978-1-905040-72-8. 9p.