Shane Murphy

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Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-2795-0463

Direction of oceanographic cruises

CruiseBoatDateGeographic coverage
FocusX1Pourquoi Pas?2020Est-Sicile



Behrens Joern, Babeyko Andrey, Baptista Maria Ana, Denamiel Clea, González Vida José Manuel, Hancilar Ufuk, Jalayer Fatemeh, Lorito Stefano, Løvholt Finn, Macias Jorge, Murphy Shane, Özer Sözdinler Ceren, Ragu Ramalingam Naveen, Romano Fabrizio, Rudloff Alexander, Selva Jacopo, Volpe Manuela, Kanoglu Utku (2025). Announcing the Global Tsunami Model Association . EGU General Assembly 2025. 27 Apr–2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria .
Vijayan Athira, Le Pape Florian, Bean Christopher J., Murphy Shane, Ker Stephan, Jousset Philippe, Riccobene Giorgio, Viola Salvo, Gutscher Marc-Andre, Currenti Gilda, Aurnia Salvatore, Pulvirenti Sara (2025). Multiscale Secondary Microseism Propagation Analysis Using Full Waveform Modelling and DAS Observations offshore Catania, Sicily . EGU General Assembly 2025. 27 Apr–2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria .


Monoury - - Homet Kim (2024). Traitement de données laser interférométrique haute résolution pour le positionnement d’un câble sous-marin au large de la Sicile . Rapport de stage de 2ème année d'école d'ingénieur. ENSTA-Bretagne .
Jousset Philippe, Currenti Gilda, Murphy Shane, Eibl Eva, Caudron Corentin, Retailleau Lise, Wollin Christopher, Klaasen Sara, Nishimura Takeshi, Fichtner Andreas, Spica Zack, Le Marchand Arnaud, Krawczyk Charlotte (2024). Fiber optic sensing for volcano monitoring and imaging volcanic processes . In “Monitoring “Modern volcanic monitoring” in IAVCEI Book series Advances in Volcanology and Active Volcanoes of the World. 2024. Accepted Version (California Digital Library (CDL)) .
Idrissi Abdelghani, Aurnia Salvatore, Di Mauro Letizia Stella, Pulvirenti Sara, Riccobene Giorgio, Diego-Tortosa Didac, Viola Salvatore, Sanfilippo Simone, Bonanno Danilo, Le Pape Florian, Ker Stephan, Murphy Shane, Cappelli Giuseppe, Quetel Lionel, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2024). Search for fin whale calls and shipping noise in Western Ionian Sea using Distributed Acoustic Sensor . GC12-FibreOptic – Galileo conference : Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences. 16-20 June 2024, Catania, Italy .
Murphy Shane, Palano Mimmo, Garreau Pierre, Terzariol Marco, Ker Stephan, Cappelli Giuseppe, Quetel Lionel, Riccobene Giorgio, Aurnia Salvo, Viola Salvo, Pulvirenti Sara, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2024). Use of distributed fibre sensing in marine geodesy . GC12-FibreOptic – Galileo conference : Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences. 16-20 June 2024, Catania, Italy .
Le Pape Florian, Ker Stephan, Murphy Shane, Riccobene Giorgio, Viola Salvo, Aurnia Salvo, Pulvirenti Sara, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2024). Insights from the DAS analysis of ambient seismic noise recorded off the coast of Sicily . Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences.16–20 June 2024, Catania, Italy .
Cappelli Giuseppe, Murphy Shane, Arhant Mael, Casari Pascal, Quetel Lionel, Davies Peter, Terzariol Marco, Ker Stephan, Gutscher Marc-Andre, Riccobene Giorgio, Aurnia Salvatore, Viola Salvatore, Pulvirenti Sara (2024). Assessing Cable Sensitivity in Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing Offshore Catania . GC12-FibreOptic – Galileo conference : Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences. 16-20 June 2024, Catania, Italy .
Murphy Shane, Festa Gaetano, Lorito Stefano, Röhling Volker, Cotton Fabrice, Strollo Angelo, Urvois Marc, Babeyko Andrey, Bailo Daniele, Michalek Jan, Lange Otto, Quinteros Javier, Majdanski Mariusz, Christalder Iris, Prestes Mateus, Weege Stefanie (2024). EU-financed transnational access in Geo-INQUIRE: an opportunity for researchers to develop leading-edge science at selected test-beds and research facilities across Europe. EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Vijayan Athira, Le Pape Florian, Bean Christopher J., Murphy Shane, Ker Stephan, Jousset Philippe, Riccobene Giorgio, Viola Salvo, Gutscher Marc-Andre, Aurnia Salvo, Currenti Gilda, Pulvirenti Sara (2024). Secondary microseism event characterisation offshore Catania using DAS Data . GC12-FibreOptic – Galileo conference : Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences. 16-20 June 2024, Catania, Italy .


Gutscher Marc-Andre, Quetel Lionel, Murphy Shane, Riccobene Giorgio, Royer Jean-Yves, Barreca Giovanni, Aurnia Salvatore, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Cappelli Giuseppe, Urlaub Morelia, Krastel Sebastian, Gross Felix, Kopp Heidrun (2023). Detecting strain with a fiber optic cable on the seafloor offshore Mount Etna, Southern Italy . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 616, 118230 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Margheriti Lucia, Moretti Milena, Piccinini Davide, Latorre Diana, Alparone Salvatore, Cocina Ornella, Costanzo Antonio, Gutscher Marc-Andre, La Rocca Mario, Marchetti Alessandro, Murphy Shane, Nardi Anna, Pastori Marina, Focus Working Group (2023). Earthquake monitoring in Italy: integration of a temporary seismic experiment into national real-time surveillance, the example of FocusX temporary land-network . IUGG2023 – 28th IUGG General Assembly. 11 to 20 July 2023, Berlin .
Gutscher Marc-Andre, Murphy Shane, Graindorge David, Poitou Charles, Prunier Christophe, Pelleau Pascal, Lenhof Edgar, Murphy Darren, Jamieson Gregor, Ahopelto Taru, Schwartz Ralf, Busse Marc (2023). FocusX3 Cruise Report. 17-27 February 2023, Catania - Catania, R/V Atalante .


Sultan Nabil, Murphy Shane, Riboulot Vincent, Géli Louis (2022). Creep-dilatancy development at a transform plate boundary . Nature Communications , 13(1), 1913 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Babeyko Andrey, Lorito Stefano, Hernandez Francisco, Lauterjungl Joern, Lovholt Finn, Rudloff Alexander, Sorensen Mathilde, Androsov Alexey, Aniel-Quiroga Inigo, Armigliato Alberto, Baptista Maria Ana, Baglione Enrico, Basili Roberto, Behrens Joern, Brizuela Beatriz, Brunie Sergio, Cambaz M. Didem, Cantavella-Nadal Juan, Carrilho Fernando, Chandler Ian, Chang-Seng Denis, Charalampakis Marinos, Cugliari Lorenzo, Denamie Clea, Dogan Gozde Guney, Festa Gaetano, Fuhrman David, Gabriel Alice-Agnes, Galea Pauline, Gibbons Steven J., Gonzalez Mauricio, Graziani Laura, Gutscher Marc-Andre, Harig Sven, Hebert Helen, Ionescu Constantin, Jalayer Fatemeh, Kalligeris Nikos, Kanoglu Utku, Lanucara Piero, Macias Sanchez Jorge, Murphy Shane, Necmioglu Ocal, Omira Rachid, Papadopoulos Gerassimos A., Paris Raphael, Romano Fabrizio, Rossetto Tiziana, Selva Jacopo, Scala Antonio, Tonini Roberto, Trevlopoulos Konstantinos, Triantafyllou Ioanna, Urgeles Roger, Vallone Roberto, Vilibic Ivica, Volpe Manuela, Yalciner Ahmet C. (2022). Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure . Annals Of Geophysics , 65(2), DM215 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Behrens Jörn, Løvholt Finn, Jalayer Fatemeh, Lorito Stefano, Salgado-Gálvez Mario A., Sørensen Mathilde, Abadie Stephane, Aguirre-Ayerbe Ignacio, Aniel-Quiroga Iñigo, Babeyko Andrey, Baiguera Marco, Basili Roberto, Belliazzi Stefano, Grezio Anita, Johnson Kendra, Murphy Shane, Paris Raphaël, Rafliana Irina, de Risi Raffaele, Rossetto Tiziana, Selva Jacopo, Taroni Matteo, Del Zoppo Marta, Armigliato Alberto, Bureš Vladimír, Cech Pavel, Cecioni Claudia, Christodoulides Paul, Davies Gareth, Dias Frédéric, Bayraktar Hafize Başak, González Mauricio, Gritsevich Maria, Guillas Serge, Harbitz Carl Bonnevie, Kânoǧlu Utku, Macías Jorge, Papadopoulos Gerassimos A., Polet Jascha, Romano Fabrizio, Salamon Amos, Scala Antonio, Stepinac Mislav, Tappin David R., Thio Hong Kie, Tonini Roberto, Triantafyllou Ioanna, Ulrich Thomas, Varini Elisa, Volpe Manuela, Vyhmeister Eduardo (2021). Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis: A Review of Research Gaps . Frontiers In Earth Science , 9, 628772 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Basili Roberto, Brizuela Beatriz, Herrero Andre, Iqbal Sarfraz, Lorito Stefano, Maesano Francesco Emanuele, Murphy Shane, Perfetti Paolo, Romano Fabrizio, Scala Antonio, Selva Jacopo, Taroni Matteo, Tiberti Mara Monica, Thio Hong Kie, Tonini Roberto, Volpe Manuela, Glimsdal Sylfest, Harbitz Carl Bonnevie, Lovholt Finn, Baptista Maria Ana, Carrilho Fernando, Matias Luis Manuel, Omira Rachid, Babeyko Andrey, Hoechner Andreas, Gurbuz Mucahit, Pekcan Onur, Yalciner Ahmet, Canals Miquel, Lastras Galderic, Agalos Apostolos, Papadopoulos Gerassimos, Triantafyllou Ioanna, Benchekroun Sabah, Agrebi Jaouadi Hedi, Ben Abdallah Samir, Bouallegue Atef, Hamdi Hassene, Oueslati Foued, Amato Alessandro, Armigliato Alberto, Behrens Joern, Davies Gareth, Di Bucci Daniela, Dolce Mauro, Geist Eric, Gonzalez Vida Jose Manuel, Gonzalez Mauricio, Macias Sanchez Jorge, Meletti Carlo, Ozer Sozdinler Ceren, Pagani Marco, Parsons Tom, Polet Jascha, Power William, Sorensen Mathilde, Zaytsev Andrey (2021). The Making of the NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18) . Frontiers In Earth Science , 8, 616594 (29p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Romano F., Lorito S., Lay T., Piatanesi A., Volpe M., Murphy Shane, Tonini R. (2020). Benchmarking the Optimal Time Alignment of Tsunami Waveforms in Nonlinear Joint Inversions for the Mw 8.8 2010 Maule (Chile) Earthquake . Frontiers In Earth Science , 8, 585429 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dellong David, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Dannowski Anke, Kopp Heidrun, Murphy Shane, Graindorge David, Margheriti Lucia, Moretti Milena, Barreca Giovanni, Scarfì Luciano, Polonia Alina, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2020). Reply to Comment by A. Argnani on "Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction from Wide‐Angle Seismic Data and 3‐D Gravity Modeling" . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 21(8), e2020GC009223 (5p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nakano Masaru, Murphy Shane, Agata Ryoichiro, Igarashi Yasuhiko, Okada Masato, Hori Takane (2020). Self-similar stochastic slip distributions on a non-planar fault for tsunami scenarios for megathrust earthquakes . Progress In Earth And Planetary Science , 7(1), 45 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Murphy Shane, Herrero A (2020). Surface rupture in stochastic slip models . Geophysical Journal International , 221(2), 1081-1089 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dellong David, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Dannowski Anke, Kopp Heidrun, Murphy Shane, Graindorge David, Margheriti Lucia, Moretti Milena, Barreca Giovanni, Scarfì Luciano, Polonia Alina, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2020). Geometry of the deep Calabrian subduction (Central Mediterranean Sea) from wide‐angle seismic data and 3‐D gravity modeling . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 21(3), 23p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Scala A., Lorito S., Romano F., Murphy Shane, Selva J., Basili R., Babeyko A., Herrero A., Hoechner A., Lovholt F., Maesano F. E., Perfetti P., Tiberti M. M., Tonini R., Volpe M., Davies G., Festa G., Power W., Piatanesi A., Cirella A. (2020). Effect of Shallow Slip Amplification Uncertainty on Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis in Subduction Zones: Use of Long-Term Balanced Stochastic Slip Models . Pure And Applied Geophysics , 177(3), 1497-1520 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Batsi Evangelia, Lomax Anthony, Tary Jean-Baptiste, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Riboulot Vincent, Murphy Shane, Monna Stephen, Özel Nurcan Meral, Saritas Hakan, Cifçi Günay, Çagatay Namik, Gasperini Luca, Géli Louis (2020). Reply to “Comment on ‘An Alternative View of the Microseismicity along the Western Main Marmara Fault’ by E. Batsi et al.” by Y. Yamamoto et al. Bulletin Of The Seismological Society Of America , 110(1), 383-386 .


Gutscher Marc-Andre, Royer Jean-Yves, Graindorge David, Murphy Shane, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Aiken Chastity, Cattaneo Antonio, Barreca Giovanni, Quetel Lionel, Riccobene Giorgio, Petersen Florian, Urlaub Morelia, Krastel Sebastian, Gross Felix, Kopp Heidrun, Margheriti Lucia, Beranzoli Laura (2019). Fiber optic monitoring of active faults at the seafloor: I the FOCUS project . Photoniques , Special EOS(Issue 3), 32-37 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Batsi Evangelia, Lomax Anthony, Tary Jean-Baptiste, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Riboulot Vincent, Murphy Shane, Monna Stephen, Ozel Nurcan Meral, Kalafat Dogan, Saritas Hakan, Cifci Gunay, Cagatay Namik, Gasperini Luca, Geli Louis (2018). An Alternative View of the Microseismicity along the Western Main Marmara Fault . Bulletin Of The Seismological Society Of America , 108(5A), 2650-2674 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
IFREMER (2018). GAZCOGNE3 (N/O Thalassa, 27/08-03/09 2018). Cahier de quart .
Herrero A., Murphy Shane (2018). Self similar slip distributions on irregular shaped faults . Geophysical Journal International , 213(3), 2060-2070 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Murphy Shane, Di Toro G., Romano F., Scala A., Lorito S., Spagnuolo E., Aretusini S., Festa G., Piatanesi A., Nielsen S. (2018). Tsunamigenic earthquake simulations using experimentally derived friction laws . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 486, 155-165 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dellong David, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Kopp Heidrun, Graindorge David, Margheriti Lucia, Moretti Milena, Murphy Shane, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2018). Crustal structure of the Ionian basin and eastern Sicily margin: results from a wide-angle seismic survey. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth , 123(3), 2090-2114 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
