Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
ECHOSONDE 2024-2 | Cotes De L | 2024 | Golfe de Gascogne |
ECHOSONDE 2024-1 | Cotes De L | 2024 | Golfe de Gascogne |
Hernandez-Leon Santiago, Loreto Torreblanca M., Herrera Inma, Armrengol Laia, Franchy Gara, Ariza Alejandro, Garijo Juan Carlos, Couret Maria (2025). Variability of plankton communities in relation to the lunar cycle in oceanic waters . Frontiers In Marine Science , 12, 1476524 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Cambreling Mathis, Ariza Alejandro, Le Bouffant Naig, Poncelet Cyrille, Veit Emeline, Berger Laurent, Ponchart Marie, Ducatel Cecile, Duhamel Erwan, Marchand Laetitia, Petitgas Pierre (2024). DELMOGES. Caractérisation hydroacoustique de la distribution des dauphins communs et des petits poissons pélagiques dans le Golfe de Gascogne en février 2023 et 2024 . WP2. Livrable L.222 .
Receveur Aurore, Menkes Christophe, Lengaigne Matthieu, Ariza Alejandro, Bertrand Arnaud, Dutheil Cyril, Cravatte Sophie, Allain Valerie, Barbin Laure, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Lehodey Patrick, Nicol Simon (2024). A rare oasis effect for forage fauna in oceanic eddies at the global scale . Nature Communications , 15(1), 4834 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). ICES Sponsored Symposia Report 2023 . 57pp.
Ariza Alejandro, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Nerini David, Pauthenet Etienne, Roudaut Gildas, Assunção Ramilla, Tosetto Everton, Bertrand Arnaud (2023). Acoustic seascape partitioning through functional data analysis . Journal Of Biogeography , 50(9), 1546-1560 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Assunção Ramilla, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Da Silva Alex C., Roudaut Gildas, Ariza Alejandro, Eduardo Leandro N., Queiroz Syumara, Bertrand Arnaud (2023). Fine-scale vertical relationships between environmental conditions and sound scattering layers in the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic . Plos One , 18(8), e0284953 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berger Laurent, Le Bouffant Naig, Ariza Alejandro (2023). Compte rendu de participation au symposium ICES "From Echosounders to the Cloud : Transforming Acoustic Data to Information". Portland, USA du 27 au 31 mars 2023 .
Ariza Alejandro, Lengaigne Matthieu, Menkes Christophe, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Receveur Aurore, Gorgues Thomas, Habasque Jeremie, Gutiérrez Mariano, Maury Olivier, Bertrand Arnaud (2022). Global decline of pelagic fauna in a warmer ocean . Nature Climate Change , 12(10), 928-934 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Escanez Alejandro, Guerra Angel, Riera Rodrigo, Ariza Alejandro, Gonzalez Angel F., Aguilar De Soto Natacha (2022). New contribution to the knowledge of the mesopelagic cephalopod community off the western Canary Islands slope . Regional Studies In Marine Science , 55, 102572 (8p.) .