Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Tessier Emmanuel, Picard Jacques, Maurin Claude (2024). Scientific survey catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) from 1957 to 1960 . SEANOE .
Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Tessier Emmanuel, Maurin Claude, Bonnet Marc (2024). Scientific survey catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of Sardinia (Mediterranean sea) in 1963 . SEANOE .
Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Tessier Emmanuel (2024). RECLIO survey catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) from 1988 to 1989 . SEANOE .
Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Tessier Emmanuel (2024). CHALIST survey catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) from 1983 to 1992 . SEANOE .
Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Tessier Emmanuel (2024). Scientific survey catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) from 1965 to 1976 . SEANOE .
Certain Gregoire, Jadaud Angelique, Vaz Sandrine, Metral Luisa, Cheret Isabelle, Billet Norbert, Schull Quentin, Tessier Emmanuel, Cornou Anne Sophie, Souplet Arnauld (2024). MEDITS catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion and eastern Corsica (North-western Mediterranean) from 2016 to present . SEANOE .
Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Tessier Emmanuel, Cheret Isabelle, Verin Yves, Ancellin Jacques, Peres Jean-Marie (2024). Catch data from a 1949 trawl survey in the Gulf of Lion (North-West Mediterranean) . SEANOE .
Roger Sibylle, Vaz Sandrine, Tessier Emmanuel, Cheret Isabelle, Verin Yves, Ancellin Jacques, Peres Jean-Marie (2024). Catch data from a 1949 trawl survey in Tunisia (South-West Mediterranean) . SEANOE .
Motte Marie, Certain Gregoire, Vaz Sandrine, Amilhat Elsa, Bellamy Elise, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Cheret Isabelle, Cimiterra Nicolas, Contournet Pascal, Darnaude Audrey, Derolez Valerie, Faliex Elisabeth, Gianaroli Camille, Iotti Marie, Jadaud Angelique, Orozco Lucie, Metral Luisa, Nicolas Delphine, Simon Gael, Schull Quentin, Villeneuve Remi, Violette Herve, Cornou Anne Sophie, Ouisse Vincent (2023). Fish catches from French Mediterranean lagoons INPOLAG surveys (2019-2021) . SEANOE .
Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Jadaud Angelique, Metral Luisa, Certain Gregoire, Brind'Amour Anik, Cornou Anne Sophie, Delaunay Damien (2023). NOURMED beam trawl survey catch data : Coastal benthic assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) in 2018-2019 . SEANOE .
Vaz Sandrine, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Jadaud Angelique, Villeneuve Remi, Raphalen Elio, Metral Luisa, Cheret Isabelle, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Tessier Emmanuel, Cornou Anne Sophie, Bassinet Emmanuel (2023). GOLDYS bottom trawl surveys catch data : Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) in 2022-2023 . SEANOE .
Vaz Sandrine, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Jadaud Angelique, Villeneuve Remi, Raphalen Elio, Metral Luisa, Cheret Isabelle, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Tessier Emmanuel (2023). Suivi spatio-temporel des espèces démersales et benthiques : Rapport final de l’action 3 du Projet GOLDYS . RBE/MARBEC/LHM 2023 .
Vaz Sandrine, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Jadaud Angelique, Villeneuve Remi, Raphalen Elio, Metral Luisa, Cheret Isabelle, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Tessier Emmanuel, Loots Christophe, Antajan Elvire, Bassinet Emmanuel (2023). Mise en œuvre des Campagnes en mer GOLDYS: Rapport final de l’action 2 du Projet GOLDYS . RBE/MARBEC/LHM 2023 .
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Cloatre Thomas, Cornou Anne Sophie, Gauduchon Thibault, Vigneau Joel, Scavinner Marion, Sagan Jonathan, Boiron-Leroy Anne, Huet Jerome, Lazard Coline, Cheret Isabelle, Billet Norbert (2020). Observations biologiques des ventes en criée. Résultats 2019 du programme ObsVentes. Toutes criées .
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Quinquis Jerome, Vastel Alice, Brisset Blandine, Lazard Coline, Le Roy Didier, Garren Francois, Bled--Defruit Geoffrey, Alanic Guillaume, Evano Hugues, Cheret Isabelle, Huet Jerome, Pennors Laurence, Rouquette Manuel, Caroff Nicolas, Goascoz Nicolas, Fleury Pierre-Gildas, Parrad Sophie, Martin Stephane, Lebrun Tanguy, Verin Yves, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Metral Luisa, Mahe Kelig (2016). Maturité sexuelle des poissons. Exercice français d’inter-calibration 2015 .
Jadaud Angelique, Vigneau Joel, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Cheret Ysabelle, Metral Luisa (2009). Description of mixed species in a Mediterranean auction and consequences for stock assessment . PGMED - European Commission , Ref. PGMED - Working Document, Montpellier, 3-6 March 2009 , 4p.
Guennegan Yvon, Guillard Jean, Bigot Jean-Louis, Brehmer Patrice, Colon Michel, Cheret Isabelle, Liorzou Bernard (2004). Importance de la zone côtière dans les évaluations des stocks de petits poissons pélagiques : analyse d'une série de campagnes acoustiques et d'une expérimentation en zone côtière . Workshop of the sub-committe of Stock Assessment Working Group on Small Pelagics. 2004. FAO. 17p.
Brehmer Patrice, Guennegan Yvon, Arzelies Patrick, Guillard Jean, Cheret Isabelle, Duformentelle Pierrette, Colon Michel (2003). Effects of in situ radiated noise of the platform used on shallow water area on echo sounder data in fisheries acoustics . Hydroacoustics , 6, 31-40 .