Thierry Reynaud

Thierry Reynaud

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0001-5252-3717

Jeux de données


Lherminier Pascale, Perez Fiz F., Branellec Pierre, Mercier Herle, Velo Anton, Messias Marie-José, Castrillejo Maxi, Reverdin Gilles, Fontela Marcos, Baurand Francois (2022). GO-SHIP A25 - OVIDE 2018 Cruise data . SEANOE .
Reynaud Thierry, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Maes Christophe, Gaillard Fabienne, Reverdin Gilles, Desprez De Gesincourt Floriane, Le Goff Hervé (2022). Sea Surface Salinity from Sailing ships : Delayed mode dataset, annual release . SEANOE .


Defert Éric, Reynaud Thierry, Le Bras Eloïse (2020). Sailing on the bloom in north-east atlantic in spring 2019 for collecting sea surface parameters . SEANOE .



Thierry Virginie, Brion Emilie, Gallian Marine, Reynaud Thierry, Bouinot Thomas, Lagadec Catherine, Piron Anne, Zunino Rodriguez Patricia, Kermabon Catherine (2024). LOCODOX: a Software for Argo Oxygen data correction - User Manual .
Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Kermabon Catherine (2024). Using climatological salinities for estimating the oxygen content in ARGO floats .


Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie (2023). 2022 Delayed-mode correction of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North- Atlantic with LOCODOX. Floats # 6902800, 6902802, 6902806, 6902869, 6901763, 6902818, 6902881, 6902882, 6901601, 6902805, 6902807, 6902686, 6901811, 6902819, 6901753, 6901754, 6901750 .


Reverdin Gilles, Waelbroeck Claire, Pierre Catherine, Akhoudas Camille, Aloisi Giovanni, Benetti Marion, Bourlès Bernard, Danielsen Magnus, Demange Jérôme, Diverrès Denis, Gascard Jean-Claude, Houssais Marie-Noëlle, Le Goff Hervé, Lherminier Pascale, Lo Monaco Claire, Mercier Herle, Metzl Nicolas, Morisset Simon, Naamar Aïcha, Reynaud Thierry, Sallée Jean-Baptiste, Thierry Virginie, Hartman Susan E., Mawji Edward M., Olafsdottir Solveig, Kanzow Torsten, Velo Anton, Voelker Antje, Yashayaev Igor, Haumann Alexander, Leng Melanie J., Arrowsmith Carol, Meredith Michael (2022). The CISE-LOCEAN seawater isotopic database (1998–2021) . Earth System Science Data , 14(6), 2721-2735 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Asselot Remy (2022). Delayed-mode correction of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North-Atlantic with LOCODOX Floats # 1901212, 1901214, 6901021, 6901026, 6901029 .


Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile, Racape Virginie (2021). Delayed-mode quality control of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North- Atlantic with LOCODOX .


Reverdin Gilles, Metzl Nicolas, Reynaud Thierry, Poli Paul, Griboval Yvan (2020). Le voilier OceanoScientific Explorer Boogaloo : Une campagne péri-antarctique en 2017 . La Météorologie. Revue de l’atmosphère et du climat , (109), 40-47 .


Branellec Pierre, Lherminier Pascale, Reynaud Thierry, Le Bihan Caroline (2019). OVIDE 2018. CTD-O2 Data report . ODE/LOPS/19-01 .


Reynaud Thierry, Reverdin Gilles, Metzl Nicolas, Griboval Yvan (2018). Expédition OceanoScientific 2016-2017 : Etudes des mesures de température et de salinité de surface . LOPS/18-05 .


Benetti Marion, Steen-Larsen Hans Christian, Reverdin Gilles, Sveinbjornsdottir Arny Erla, Aloisi Giovanni, Berkelhammer Max B., Bourles Bernard, Bourras Denis, de Coetlogon Gaelle, Cosgrove Ann, Faber Anne-Katrine, Grelet Jacques, Hansen Steffen Bo, Johnson Rod, Legoff Herve, Martin Nicolas, Peters Andrew J., Popp Trevor James, Reynaud Thierry, Winther Malte (2017). Data Descriptor: Stable isotopes in the atmospheric marine boundary layer water vapour over the Atlantic Ocean, 2012-2015 . Scientific Data , 4(160128), 1-17 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Gaillard Fabienne, Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, von Schuckmann Karina (2016). In-situ based reanalysis of the global ocean temperature and salinity with ISAS: variability of the heat content and steric height . Journal Of Climate , 29(4), 1305-1323 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Reynaud Thierry, Desprez De Gesincourt Floriane, Gaillard Fabienne (2015). Mesures de température et salinité de surface sur voiliers d’opportunité. Bilan 2014 . LPO 15-02 .


Serpette Alain, Le Cann Bernard, Reynaud Thierry, Hamon Mathieu, Prigent Annaig, Gourmelen Loic (2014). CONGAS. Rapport de données. Flotteurs Lagrangiens de type RAFOS. décembre 2004 – février 2010 . SHOM/DOPS/HOM/REC/NP rapport technique no 4 .


Gaillard Fabienne, Reynaud Thierry, von Schuckmann Karina, Roquet Fabien, Prigent Annaig, Lagadec Catherine (2012). ARGO based statistics for climate monitoring . 4th ARGO Science Worshop, 27-29 september, Venice .


Ollitrault Michel, Reynaud Thierry (2011). Complementary study n°2 search of the AF447 wreckage area . LPO 2011_01 .
Gaillard Fabienne, Reynaud Thierry, von Schuckmann Karina, Cabanes Cecile (2011). Global analysis: sensitivity experiment . Progress report – 01/02/2011 .


Reynaud Thierry, Gaillard Fabienne (2010). Courants et masses d’eau au voisinage de la zone de fracture Charlie Gibbs . Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement , Ref. Note LPO 2010-01 , 7p., 3p., 13p., 6p.


Treguier Anne-Marie, Barnier B, de Miranda A, Molines J, Grima N, Imbard M, Madec G, Messager Christophe, Reynaud Thierry, Michel Sylvain (2001). An eddy-permitting model of the Atlantic circulation: Evaluating open boundary conditions . Journal of Geophysical Union - Research C - Oceans , 106(C10), 22115-22129 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barnier B, Reynaud Thierry, Beckmann A, Boning C, Molines Jm, Barnard S, Jia Yl (2001). On the seasonal variability and eddies in the North Brazil Current: insights from model intercomparison experiments . Progress In Oceanography , 48(2-3), 195-230 .


Reynaud Thierry, Le Grand Pascal, Mercier Herle, Barnier Bernard (1998). A new analysis of hydrographic data in the Atlantic and its application to an inverse modeling study . International WOCE Newsletter , 32, 29-31 . Open Access version :
Le Grand Pascal, Mercier Herle, Reynaud Thierry (1998). Combining T/P altimetric data with hydrographic data to estimate the mean dynamic topography of the North Atlantic and improve the geoid . Annales Geophysicae-atmospheres Hydrospheres And Space Sciences , 16(5), 638-650 .


Speer Kevin, Holfort Jurgen, Reynaud Thierry, Siedler Gerold (1996). South Atlantic heat transport at 11°S . In The South Atlantic Present and Past Circulation. 1996 Prof. Dr. Gerold Wefer, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Berger, Prof. Dr. Gerold Siedler, Dr. David J. Webb ISBN: 978-3-642-80355-0 (Print) 978-3-642-80353-6 (Online) pp.105-120 (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) .


Reynaud Thierry, Weaver Andrew J, Greatbatch Richard J (1995). Summer mean circulation of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 100(C1), 779-816 .


Reynaud Thierry, Ingram Rg, Freeland Howard J, Weaver Andrew J (1992). Propagation of coastal‐trapped waves under an ice cover in Hudson Bay . Atmosphere-ocean , 30(4), 593-620 .

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