Sebastien Theetten

Sebastien Theetten

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-3823-2328

Jeux de données


Lherminier Pascale, Perez Fiz F., Branellec Pierre, Mercier Herle, Velo Anton, Messias Marie-José, Castrillejo Maxi, Reverdin Gilles, Fontela Marcos, Baurand Francois (2022). GO-SHIP A25 - OVIDE 2018 Cruise data . SEANOE .


Theetten Sebastien, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Charria Guillaume (2017). BACH1000_100lev-51 : a MARS3D model configuration for the Bay of Biscay . SEANOE .



Martinez Almoyna Maud, Charria Guillaume, Sourisseau Marc, Gaymard Anne, Couvelard Xavier, Theetten Sebastien, Le Roux Jean-Francois (2024). Loire and Gironde’s Regions Of Freshwater Influence over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf during the last two decades . ISOBAY 18 – XVIIIe International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. June 5-7, 2024, , La Rochelle, France .
Charria Guillaume, Poppeschi Coline, Simon Amélie, Gaymard Anne, Martinez Almoyna Maud, Savoye Nicolas, Lienart Camilla, Ulses Caroline, Pairaud Ivane, Couvelard Xavier, Theetten Sebastien, Le Roux Jean-Francois (2024). Impact of Marine Heatwaves over the water column in a coastal ocean: a case study in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .


Jullien Swen, Caillaud Matthieu, Benshila Rachid, Bordois Lucie, Cambon Gildas, Dufois Francois, Gula Jonathan, Le Corre Mathieu, Le Gentil Sylvie, Lemarié Florian, Marchesiello Patrick, Morvan G, Theetten Sebastien (2022). Croco Tutorials . Release 1.3 .
Theetten Sebastien, Charria Guillaume (2022). Description de la configuration BOB1000 (Bay Of Biscay 1000 mètres de résolution spatiale horizontale) . Rapport technique de réalisation de simulations numériques océaniques côtières et premières validations .


Theetten Sebastien, Charria Guillaume (2021). Prise en main du Microrider1000 (Rockland Scientific) . Rapport d'essais. ODE/LOPS-0C ST/GC .
Poppeschi Coline, Charria Guillaume, Goberville Eric, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Barrier Nicolas, Petton Sebastien, Unterberger Maximilian, Grossteffan Emilie, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Theetten Sebastien, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Treguer Paul (2021). Unraveling Salinity Extreme Events in Coastal Environments: A Winter Focus on the Bay of Brest . Frontiers In Marine Science , 8, 705403 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ayouche Adam, Charria Guillaume, Carton Xavier, Ayoub Nadia, Theetten Sebastien (2021). Non-Linear Processes in the Gironde River Plume (North-East Atlantic): Instabilities and Mixing . Frontiers In Marine Science , 8(701773), 24p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poppeschi Coline, Charria Guillaume, Unterberger Maximilian, Goberville Eric, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Barrier Nicolas, Petton Sebastien, Grossteffan Emilie, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Theetten Sebastien, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Treguer Paul (2021). Hydrological extreme event occurrences and impacts linked with climate variations in coastal waters of western Europe . 52nd Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics : Towards an understanding and assessment of human impact on coastal marine environments. May 17th to 21st 2021, Online .


Ayouche Adam, Carton Xavier, Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien, Ayoub Nadia (2020). Instabilities and vertical mixing in river plumes: application to the Bay of Biscay . Geophysical And Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics , 114(4-5), 650-689 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Theetten Sebastien, Charria Guillaume (2020). Description de la configuration régionale BOB400 du modèle CROCO (Bay Of Biscay 400 mètres de résolution spatiale horizontale) . Rapport technique de réalisation de simulation numérique océanique côtière .
Akpinar Anil, Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien, Vandermeirsch Frederic (2020). Cross-shelf exchanges in the northern Bay of Biscay . Journal Of Marine Systems , 205, 103314 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poppeschi Coline, Charria Guillaume, Unterberger Maximilian, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Goberville Eric, Barrier Nicolas, Petton Sebastien, Grossteffan Emilie, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Theetten Sebastien, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Treguer Paul (2020). Extreme coastal events linked with climate variation. Understanding low salinity episodes in the Bay of Brest, north-eastern Atlantic . EGU 2020 General Assembly. 4–8 May 2020, Online .
Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien, Ayouche Adam, Poppeschi Coline, Sudre Joël, Yahia Hussein, Garcon Véronique, Schmitt François (2020). Multi-scale coastal surface temperature in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel . EGU 2020 General Assembly. 4–8 May 2020, Online .
Charria Guillaume, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Goberville Eric, L'Helguen Stéphane, Barrier Nicolas, David-Beausire Christine, Cariou Thierry, Grossteffan Emilie, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Theetten Sebastien, Treguer Paul (2020). Temperature and Salinity Changes in Coastal Waters of Western Europe: Variability, Trends and Extreme Events . In Ceccaldi HJ., Hénocque Y., Komatsu T., Prouzet P., Sautour B., Yoshida J. (eds) Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN 978-3-030-43483-0 Online ISBN 978-3-030-43484-7 . pp 207-226 (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) .


Theetten Sebastien (2019). Gestion des dates dans le code CROCO avec XIOS .
Unterberger Maximilian, Charria Guillaume, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Goberville Eric, Treguer Paul, Barrier Nicolas, Grossteffan Emilie, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Theetten Sebastien (2019). Extreme event occurrence linked with natural and anthropogenic climate variations in coastal waters of western Europe . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France .
Ayouche Adam, Carton Xavier, Charria Guillaume, Ayoub Nadia, Theetten Sebastien (2019). Instabilities and mixing in river plumes: application to the Bay of Biscay . Advances in Coastal and Estuarine Physics from Nearshore to Continental-Margin Scales - Gordon Research Conference. June 16 - 21, 2019, Manchester, USA .
Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien, Ayouche Adam, Akpinar Anil, Vandermeirsch Frederic (2019). Multi-scales coastal circulation in the Bay of Biscay . OceanPredict '19 - GODAE OceanView Symposium. May, 6-10, 2019 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Unterberger Maximilian, Charria Guillaume, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Goberville Eric, Treguer Paul, Barrier Nicolas, Grosstefan Emilie, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Theetten Sebastien (2019). Extreme event characterisation based on long-term in-situ high-frequency observations of coastal waters in western Europe . TS3 2019 - Time Series Analysis conference and training school. 28 January - 1 February 2019 in Tromsø, Norway .


Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Yelekci Ozge, Audiffren Nicole (2017). Interannual evolution of (sub)mesoscale dynamics in the Bay of Biscay . Ocean Science , 13(5), 777-797 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Yelekci Ozge, Charria Guillaume, Capet Xavier, Reverdin Gilles, Theetten Sebastien, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Sudre Joël, Yahia H (2016). Spatial and Seasonal Distributions of Frontal Activity over the Continental Shelf in the Bay of Biscay - Focus on Density Fronts in Winter . Ocean Sciences Meeting (AGU, ASLO and TOS), New Orleans, Louisiana, 21-26 February 2016.
Pairaud Ivane, Cappelli Robin, Garreau Pierre, Petton Sebastien, Theetten Sebastien, Garnier Valerie, Bargain Annaelle, Fabri Marie-Claire (2016). Hydrodynamic modelling of the Cassidaigne canyon: living conditions of cold-water corals in an upwelling area . Rapport - Commission internationale pour l'exploration scientifique de la mer Méditerranée : 41th CIESM Congress, 12-16 september 2016, Kiel, Germany. 2016. n°41, p.125 .


Vandermeirsch Frederic, Theetten Sebastien, Charria Guillaume, Audiffren Nicole (2015). Rapport de réalisation du grand défi sur le supercalculateur OCCIGEN (décembre 2014 -­ janvier 2015). Océanographie Physique Côtière -­ CT1: Environnement. Influence de la résolution verticale . DYNECO/PHYSED/15-­03 .


Assassi Charefeddine, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien (2014). Interannual variability of hydrology and circulation over 50 years in the Bay of Biscay from a regional simulation . ISOBAY 14 - XIV International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 11-13 June 2014, Bordeaux, France .
Charria Guillaume, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Berger Henrick, Lamouroux Julien, Dumas Franck, Petton Sebastien, Lazure Pascal, Theetten Sebastien, Vandermeirsch Frederic (2014). L'observation haute fréquence: quels liens avec la modélisation de l'environnement côtier ? Colloque des 10 ans de la station instrumentée MAREL Carnot, Boulogne-sur-mer, 12 et 13 juin 2014 .
Theetten Sebastien, Thiebault Benoit, Dumas Franck, Paul Julien (2014). BMGTools : a community tool to handle model grid and bathymetry . Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter , (49), 94-98 . Open Access version :
Theetten Sebastien, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Assassi Charefeddine, Charria Guillaume (2014). Technical and physical challenges to achieve a regional simulation at multi-decadal scales: Applications to the Bay of Biscay. EGU 2014 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. 27 April – 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria .
Assassi Charefeddine, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Morel Yves, Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien, Dussin Raphael, Molines Jean-Marc (2014). Interannual variability of temperature over 50 years described by global simulation . EGU 2014 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. 27 April – 02 May 201, Vienna, Austria .
Raynaud Stephane, Charria Guillaume, Wilkins Jonathan, Garnier Valerie, Garreau Pierre, Theetten Sebastien (2014). VACUMM - A Python Library for Ocean Science . Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter , 49, 99-102 . Open Access version :
Charria Guillaume, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Theetten Sebastien, Assassi Charefeddine, Dussin Raphael (2014). A first overview of the 53 year past hydrodynamical variability in the Bay of Biscay from a regional simulation . EGU 2014 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 27 April-02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria .
Charria Guillaume, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Cailleau Sylvain, Enigme’s Group (2014). ENIGME: Interannual Evolution of the Dynamics in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel . MyOcean Science Days - Open Science Conference on Operational Oceanography in Europe. 3rd Edition, 22-24 September 2014, Toulouse .
Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Dumas Franck, Theetten Sebastien, Ardhuin Fabrice, Lecornu Fabrice, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Idier Deborah, Muller Heloise, Pedreros Rodrigo (2014). PREVIMER: Improvement of surge, sea level and currents modelling . Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter , (49), 29-38 . Open Access version :


Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Lecornu Fabrice, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Theetten Sebastien (2013). PREVIMER : Modélisation 2D des courants, niveaux de la mer et surcotes . Journées REFMAR, 17-21 Juin 2013, Paris Saint-Mandé .


Bailly-Du-Bois Pascal, Laguionie Philippe, Garreau Pierre, Fievet Bruno, Boust Dominique, Theetten Sebastien (2012). Marine source-term following Fukushima Dai-ichi accident deduced from seawater measurements: simulation of consecutive marine dispersion . 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 8-13 July 2012 Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga, Japan .
Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Theetten Sebastien, Dumas Franck, Lecornu Fabrice, Idier Deborah (2012). Prévision opérationnelle des niveaux de la mer, surcotes et décotes sur les côtes de la Manche et de l’Atlantique . Actes des XIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Cotier - Génie Civil de Cherbourg 2012. Thème 7 Océanographie opérationnelle et situations extremes, n°105, pp.957-964 .


Theetten Sebastien, Thiebault Benoit, Jeanty-Ruard Benjamin (2011). Évolution des algorithmes d’interpolation . IFR-BMGV3-TN-2011-07-001 .
Theetten Sebastien, Thiebault Benoit, Turbet Jérémie (2011). User manual create_bmg version 3.0 . IFR_BMGV3_D1B_Create_User_Manual .
Theetten Sebastien, Thiebault Benoit (2011). User manual check_bmg version 3.0 . IFR_BMGV3_D1B_Check_User_Manual .


Charria Guillaume, Theetten Sebastien (2010). Développement d'outils génériques Python/CDAT dans le cadre du projet VACUMM (Validation, Analyse, Comparaison dU Modèle Mars) .
Theetten Sebastien (2010). BathyMeshGridTools : CreateBMG User Manual . IFR_BMGV3_D1B_Create_User_Manual .
Theetten Sebastien (2010). Compte-rendu des réunions et ateliers du projet MARMO .
Rattan Sanjay, Myers Paul G., Treguier Anne-Marie, Theetten Sebastien, Biastoch Arne, Boening Claus (2010). Towards an understanding of Labrador Sea salinity drift in eddy-permitting simulations . Ocean Modelling , 35(1-2), 77-88 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Theetten Sebastien (2010). BathyMeshGridTools : CheckBMG User Manual . IFR_BMGV3_D1B_Check_User_Manual .


Le Sommer Julien, Penduff Thierry, Theetten Sebastien, Madec Gurvan, Barnier Bernard (2009). How momentum advection schemes influence current-topography interactions at eddy permitting resolution . Ocean Modelling , 29(1), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Molines Jean-Marc, Barnier Bernard, Penduff Thierry, Brodeau Laurent, Treguier Anne-Marie, Theetten Sebastien, Madec Gurvan (2007). Definition of the interannual experiment ORCA025-G70, 1958-2004 .


Barnier B, Madec G, Penduff T, Molines J, Treguier Anne-Marie, Le Sommer J, Beckmann A, Biastoch A, Boning C, Dengg J, Derval C, Durand E, Gulev S, Remy E, Talandier Claude, Theetten Sebastien, Maltrud M, McClean J, de Cuevas B (2006). Impact of partial steps and momentum advection schemes in a global ocean circulation model at eddy-permitting resolution . Ocean Dynamics , 56(5-6), 543-567 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Molines Jean-Marc, Treguier Anne-Marie, Barnier Bernard, Brodeau Laurent, Le Sommer Julien, Madec Gurvan, Penduff Thierry, Theetten Sebastien, Drillet Yann, Talandier Claude, Orr James, Lachkar Zouair (2006). Le modèle DRAKKAR de la variabilité océanique globale, 1958-2004 . La lettre de l'IDRIS , (8), 11 p. Open Access version :
Molines Jean-Marc, Barnier Bernard, Penduff Thierry, Brodeau Laurent, Treguier Anne-Marie, Theetten Sebastien (2006). Definition of the global 1/2° experiment with CORE forcing, ORCA05-G50 . LEGI report, LEGI-DRA-1-11-2006 .


Treguier Anne-Marie, Theetten Sebastien, Chassignet Ep, Penduff Thierry, Smith R, Talley L, Beismann Jo, Boning C (2005). The North Atlantic subpolar gyre in four high-resolution models . Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 35(5), 757-774 .

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