Paul Marchal

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Boulogne

Adresse postale : Centre Manche Mer du Nord - 150, Quai Gambetta - 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-2047-4599

Jeux de données


Timmerman Charles-Andre, Marchal Paul, Denamiel Margaux, Couvreur Clemence, Cresson Pierre (2020). Seasonal and ontogenetic variation of whiting diet in the Eastern English Channel-Southern North Sea . SEANOE .



Neven Carolin, Soudant Philippe, Marchal Paul, Lefebvre Sebastien, Lefebvre Alain, Wacquet Guillaume, Quere Claudie, Pernet Fabrice, Giraldo Carolina (2025). Factors influencing spatial variability in the trophic transfer of essential nutrients from plankton to European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 82(2), fsaf012 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Giraldo Carolina, Johns David, Lefebvre Sebastien, Loots Christophe, Toomey Lola (2025). Effects of zooplankton abundance on the spawning phenology of winter-spawning Downs herring (Clupea harengus) . Plos One , 20(2), e0310388 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Neven Carolin Julie, Giraldo Carolina, Girardin Raphael, Lefebvre Alain, Lefebvre Sebastien, Loots Christophe, Meunier Cédric Leo, Marchal Paul (2024). Winter distribution of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages in the North Sea and the English Channel . Plos One , 19(10), e0308803 (33p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (2024). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail du CIEM (HAWG 2024 – Herring Assessment Working Group For The Area South Of 62°n). Aberdeen + hybride, 12-21 mars 2024 .
Neven Carolin, Lefebvre Alain, Devreker David, Wacquet Guillaume, Soudant Philippe, Marchal Paul, Pernet Fabrice, Giraldo Carolina (2024). Spatial patterns in zooplankton’s nutritional potential for small pelagic fish revealed by fatty acid and community composition analysis . ICES/PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium. 17-22 March 2024, Hobart, Australia .
Mahe Kelig, Caboche Josselin, Cure Clemence, Cordier Remy, Cresson Pierre, Giraldo Carolina, Girardin Raphael, Halouani Ghassen, Lefebvre Valerie, Mackenzie Kirsteen, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe, Denamiel Margaux, Ernande Bruno, Rouquette Manuel, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Bracis Chloe, Denis Jeremy, Di Pane Julien, Du Pontavice Hubert, Engler Alexandra, Joly Lea, Genu Mathieu, Gendrot Félix, Lheriau Alexandre, Lepretre Marie-Anais, Pernak Michele, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Vallet Quentin, Werquin Sarah, Ito Maysa, Toomey Lola (2024). Modélisation et approche empirique des réseaux trophiques en Manche-Est et sud mer-du-Nord et un focus sur l'effet du changement climatique sur le développement embryonnaire du hareng des Downs . In Observer le monde marin, de la ressource à l'assiette. Recherches marines et littorales en Côte d'Opale. 2024. François G. Schmitt, Anne Brisabois. ISBN 978-3-8416-7831-7 . pp.29-40 (Editions Universitaires Européennes) .
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .
ICES (2024). Second Workshop on Stock Identification and Allocation of Catches of Herring to Stocks (WKSIDAC2; outputs from 2023 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(5), 67pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Herring Assessment Working Group (HAWG) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 06(24), 969p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Workshop on a research roadmap for Bristol and Western Channel Herring (WKRRBWCH). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(47), 48pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Marchal Paul (2023). Compte rendu de participation au second atelier du CIEM sur l'identification des stocks et la répartition en stocks des captures de hareng WKSIDAC2 2023. Visioconférence, 19-23 juin 2023 .
Toomey Lola, Giraldo Carolina, Loots Christophe, Mahé Kelig, Marchal Paul, Mackenzie Kirsteen (2023). Impact of temperature on Downs herring (Clupea harengus) embryonic stages: First insights from an experimental approach . Plos One , 18(4), e0284125 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Vermard Youen (2023). Species targeting and discarding in mixed fisheries . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 80(3), 532-541 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (2023). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail du CIEM (HAWG 2023 – Herring Assessment Working Group For The Area South Of 62°n). Copenhague, 14-22 mars 2023 .
ICES (2023). Herring Assessment Working Group for the area south of 62° N (HAWG) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports Scientifiques du CIEM , 5(23), 837pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig, Loots Christophe, Dubroca Laurent, Andrialovanirina Nicolas, Auber Arnaud, Bled--Defruit Geoffrey, Caboche Josselin, Charpagne Clea, Cordier Remy, Cornille Vincent, Cresson Pierre, Cure Clemence, Dussuel Antoine, Elleboode Romain, Foucher Eric, Giraldo Carolina, Girardin Raphael, Halouani Ghassen, Koubbi Philippe, Le Meleder Anna, Lebeurre Mathilde, Lefebvre Valerie, Lescoute Guillaume, Mackenzie Kirsteen, Marchal Paul, Martin-Baillet Victor, Merland Camille, Parrad Sophie, Schlaich Ivan, Telliez Solene, Thellier Marion, Toomey Lola, Varenne Fanchon, Vigneau Joel, Vogel Camille (2023). Rapport annuel 2022 de l’unité Halieutique Manche – Mer du Nord (HMMN) .
ICES (2023). Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys (WGALES; outputs from 2022 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(30), 43pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Workshop to develop a research roadmap for channel and celtic seas sprat (WKRRCCSS) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(79), 65pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Potignon Amélie (2022). Analyse temporelle long terme des variations d’abondance et de phénologie zooplanctonique en réponse aux conditions environnementales . Mémoire de fin d’études de Master 2 en Sciences halieutiques et aquacoles. Ressources et écosystèmes aquatiques. VetAgro Sup .
Comité Approche Ecosystémique de l’Halieutique (2022). Consultation européenne 2022 sur la Politique Commune de la Pêche. Note de synthèse . RBE/CAEH/2022 .
Ballutaud Marine, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Marchal Paul, Dubois Stanislas, Giraldo Carolina, Parnell Andrew C., Nuche-Pascual M. Teresa, Lefebvre Sebastien (2022). Inferences to estimate consumer’s diet using stable isotopes: Insights from a dynamic mixing model . Plos One , 17(2), e0263454 (26p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (2022). Compte rendu de participation à l'atelier du CIEM consacré aux besoins de recherche sur le sprat dans la Manche et les mers celtiques (WKRRCCSS), Visioconférence, 12-14 Septembre 2022 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2022-11 .
ICES (2022). Herring Assessment Working Group for the area south of 62° N (HAWG) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(16), 745pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (2022). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM pour l'évaluation des stocks de hareng (HAWG), Visioconférence, 9-12 et 18 mai 2022 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2022-02 .


Amelot Morgane, Batsleer Jurgen, Foucher Eric, Girardin Raphael, Marchal Paul, Poos Jan Jaap, Sys Klaas (2021). Evidence of difference in landings and discards patterns in the English Channel and North Sea Rajidae complex fishery . Fisheries Research , 242, 106028 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Cresson Pierre, Foveau Aurelie, Giraldo Carolina, Lefebvre Sebastien, Vérin Yves (2021). Using the diet of fish to reflect spatial patterns of their benthic prey . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 677, 33-49 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Di Pane Julien, Koubbi Philippe, Gendrot F., Giraldo Carolina, Karasiewicz Stephane, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2021). Investigating environmental influence and temporal changes in sole (Solea solea) larvae condition using histology . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 250, 107161 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Inter-Benchmark Process to evaluate a change in operating model for mixed fishery consid-erations in the Celtic Sea and North Sea (IBPMIXFISH). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(101), 63p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cresson Pierre, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Denamiel Margaux, Millet Lucie, Marchal Paul (2021). Alimentation du merlan en Manche . Résultats issus du projet VARITROPH .
Marchal Paul, Biseau Alain, Loots Christophe, Lorance Pascal (2021). Avis de l'Ifremer sur l'extension de l'usage dérogatoire de la pêche au hareng au chalut pélagique dans la bande des trois milles . DIRM-MEMN - Direction Interrégionale de la Mer Manche Est - Mer du Nord, Service Régulation des Activités et des Emplois Maritimes, Unité Réglementation des Ressources Marines, Le Havre , Ref. 21-077_Ifremer-DC/MMN/2021.083 - 2021/SRAEM/64 , 1p., 17p., 16p.
Cresson Pierre, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Cordier Remy, Couvreur Clemence, Denamiel Margaux, Engler Alexandra, Lebon Fabien, Lepretre Marie-Anais, Marchal Paul (2021). Alimentation du maquereau en Manche . Résultats issus du projet VARITROPH .
Cresson Pierre, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Couvreur Clemence, Denamiel Margaux, Lepretre Marie-Anais, Marchal Paul (2021). Alimentation de la sole et de la plie en Manche . Résultats du projet VARITROPH .


Amelot Morgane, Batsleer Jurgen, Foucher Eric, Girardin Raphael, Marchal Paul, Poos Jan Jaap, Sys Klaas (2020). Developing a multispecific stocks MSE framework : English Channel and North Sea Rajidae complex . Deliverable D4.2.1 .
Timmerman Charles-Andre, Marchal Paul, Denamiel Margaux, Couvreur Clemence, Cresson Pierre (2020). Seasonal and ontogenetic variation of whiting diet in the Eastern English Channel and the Southern North Sea . Plos One , 15(9), e0239436. (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe, Cresson Pierre, Girardin Raphael, Auber Arnaud, Cochard Marie-Laure, Coppin Franck, Dubroca Laurent, Ernande Bruno, Foucher Eric, Giraldo Carolina, Halouani Ghassen, Koubbi Philippe, Lazard Coline, Mahe Kelig, Parrad Sophie, Schlaich Ivan, Verin Yves, Vigneau Joel, Vogel Camille (2020). Rapport annuel 2019 de l’unité Halieutique Manche – Mer du Nord (HMMN) . RBE/HMMN/20-01 .
Di Pane Julien, Gendrot F., Giraldo Carolina, Marchal Paul, Koubbi Philippe, Loots Christophe (2020). Evaluating the histological-based condition of wild collected larval fish: A synthetic approach applied to common sole (Solea solea) . Journal Of Marine Systems , 204, 103309 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Di Pane Julien, Koubbi Philippe, Giraldo Carolina, Lefebvre Valerie, Caboche Josselin, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2020). Recent changes in ichthyoplanktonic assemblages of the eastern English Channel . Journal Of Sea Research , 157, 101848 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baudrier Jerome, Blanchard Fabian, Bellanger Manuel, Biseau Alain, Talidec Catherine, Duval Magali, Thouard Emmanuel, Goraguer Herle, Guyader Olivier, Renault Tristan, Foucher Eric, Marchal Paul, Pelletier Dominique, Trenkel Verena (2020). Note relative à la définition du périmètre de l’implication de l’Ifremer concernant la pêche maritime de loisir.
Amelot Morgane, Bastleer Jurgen, Foucher Eric, Girardin Raphael, Marchal Paul, Poos Jan Jaap, Sys Klaas (2020). Channel and North Sea ray stock assessment in a data limited framework . SUMARiS Interreg project. Deliverable D1.3.1 .


Talidec Catherine, Petitgas Pierre (2019). Document stratégique pour l’approche écosystémique halieutique (AEH). Bilan et perspectives .
Di Pane Julien, Joly Lea, Koubbi Philippe, Giraldo Carolina, Monchy Sébastien, Tavernier Eric, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2019). Ontogenetic shift in the energy allocation strategy and physiological condition of larval plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) . Plos One , 14(9), e0222261 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mc Lean Matthew James (2019). Réponses taxonomiques et fonctionnelles des communautés de poissons aux gradients environnementaux en Manche orientale . La CGFS a 30 ans. 24-25 avril 2019, Boulogne sur Mer, France .
Bourdaud Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2019). Improving the interpretation of fishing effort and pressures in mixed fisheries using spatial overlap metrics . Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences , 76(4), 586-596 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Akkus Gizem, Jemaa Sherif, Gucu Ali Cemal, Marchal Paul, Carbonara Pierluigi, Bacha Mohamed, Amara Rachid, Ernande Bruno, Saraux Claire, Mahe Kelig (2019). Differentiation of the Anchovy (Engraulis Encrasicolus) Stocks from Atlantic to the Black Sea by Using Otolith Shape Analysis . ISBA 2019 - Sixth International Symposium on Biological Shape Analysis. June 25 – 28, 2019, Nausicaa, Boulevard Sainte-Beuve, Boulogne sur mer, France .


Denis Jeremy, Vincent Dorothee, Antajan Elvire, Vallet Carole, Mestre Julie, Lefebvre Valerie, Caboche Josselin, Cordier Remy, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2018). Gut fluorescence technique to quantify pigment feeding in Downs herring larvae . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 607, 129-142 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
McLean Matthew, Mouillot David, Lindegren Martin, Engelhard Georg, Villeger Sebastien, Marchal Paul, Brind'Amour Anik, Auber Arnaud (2018). A Climate-Driven Functional Inversion of Connected Marine Ecosystems . Current Biology , 28(22), 3654-3660 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Timmerman Charles-Andre, Cresson Pierre, Denamiel Margaux, Marchal Paul (2018). A multi-tissue approach for a better understanding of the ecology of commercial fish species . IsoEcol 2018 -11th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, 30 July - 3 august 2018, Vina del Mar, Chile .
Mc Lean Matthew James, Mouillot David, Lindegren Martin, Engelhard Georg, Villeger Sébastien, Marchal Paul, Brind'Amour Anik, Auber Arnaud (2018). A functional inversion of marine ecosystems related to climate oscillations and warming . WCMB 2018 - 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. May 13 to 16, 2018, Montréal, Canada .
Girardin Raphael, Fulton Elizabeth A., Lehuta Sigrid, Rolland Marie, Thebaud Olivier, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2018). Identification of the main processes underlying ecosystem functioning in the Eastern English Channel, with a focus on flatfish species, as revealed through the application of the Atlantis end-to-end model . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 201, 208-222 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Janssen Holger, Bastardie Francois, Eero Margit, Hamon Katell, Hinrichsen Hans-Harald, Marchal Paul, Nielsen J. Rasmus, Le Pape Olivier, Schulze Torsten, Simons Sarah, Teal Lorna R., Tidd Alex (2018). Integration of fisheries into marine spatial planning: Quo vadis? Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 201, 105-113 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Peck Myron A., Arvanitidis Christos, Butenschon Momme, Canu Donata Melaku, Chatzinikolaou Eva, Cucco Andrea, Domenici Paolo, Fernandes Jose A., Gasche Loic, Huebert Klaus B., Hufnagl Marc, Jones Miranda C., Kempf Alexander, Keyl Friedemann, Maar Marie, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul, Nicolas Delphine, Pinnegar John K., Rivot Etienne, Rochette Sebastien, Sell Anne F., Sinerchia Matteo, Solidoro Cosimo, Somerfield Paul J., Teal Lorna R., Travers-Trolet Morgane, Van De Wolfshaar Karen E. (2018). Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: A critical review of the suite of modeling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 201, 40-55 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nielsen J. Rasmus, Thunberg Eric, Holland Daniel S., Schmidt Jorn O., Fulton Elizabeth A., Bastardie Francois, Punt Andre E., Allen Icarus, Bartelings Heleen, Bertignac Michel, Bethke Eckhard, Bossier Sieme, Buckworth Rik, Carpenter Griffin, Christensen Asbjorn, Christensen Villy, Da-Rocha Jose M., Deng Roy, Dichmont Catherine, Doering Ralf, Esteban Aniol, Fernandes Jose A., Frost Hans, Garcia Dorleta, Gasche Loic, Gascuel Didier, Gourguet Sophie, Groeneveld Rolf A., Guillen Jordi, Guyader Olivier, Hamon Katell, Hoff Ayoe, Horbowy Jan, Hutton Trevor, Lehuta Sigrid, Little L. Richard, Lleonart Jordi, Macher Claire, Mackinson Steven, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul, Mato-Amboage Rosa, Mapstone Bruce, Maynou Francesc, Merzereaud Mathieu, Palacz Artur, Pascoe Sean, Paulrud Anton, Plaganyi Eva, Prellezo Raul, Van Putten Elizabeth I., Quaas Martin, Ravn-Jonsen Lars, Sanchez Sonia, Simons Sarah, Thebaud Olivier, Tomczak Maciej T., Ulrich Clara, Van Dijk Diana, Vermard Youen, Voss Rudi, Waldo Staffan (2018). Integrated ecological-economic fisheries models-Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation . Fish And Fisheries , 19(1), 1-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Batsleer J., Marchal Paul, Vaz Sandrine, Vermard Youen, Rijnsdorp A. D., Poos J. J. (2018). Exploring habitat credits to manage the benthic impact in a mixed fishery . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 586, 167-179 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Akkus Gizem, Jemaa Sharif, Cemal Gucu Ali, Marchal Paul, Carbonara Pierluigi, Bacha Mahmoud, Amara Rachid, Ernande Bruno, Saraux Claire, Mahe Kelig (2018). Understanding the Population Structure of the European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean by Using Otolith Shape Analysis . IOS2018 - 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018. 15 - 20 April Keelung, Taiwan .


Di Pane Julien, Giraldo Carolina, Werner Ugo, Koubbi Philippe, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2017). Spring distribution of Flatfish larvae along French Coast of the Eastern English Channel . IFS 2017 - 10th Flatfish Symposium. 11-16 November, 2017, Saint-Malo .
Bourdaud Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vermard Youen, Cormon Xochitl, Marchal Paul (2017). Inferring the annual, seasonal, and spatial distributions of marine species from complementary research and commercial vessels’ catch rates . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 74(9), 2415-2426 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bourdaud Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Poos Jan-Jaap, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2017). Fisher’s behaviour and ecosystem state under the EU landing obligation implementation in a mixed-fisheries ecosystem . AMEMR 2017 - Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research. 3-6 July 2017, Plymouth .
Girardin Raphael, Hamon Katell, Pinnegar John, Poos Jan Jaap, Thebaud Olivier, Tidd Alex, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2017). Thirty years of fleet dynamics modelling using discrete-choice models: What have we learned? Fish And Fisheries , 18(4), 638-655 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Denis Jeremy, Mahe Kelig, Tavernier Eric, Monchy Sebastien, Vincent Dorothee, Vallet Carole, Marchal Paul, Antajan Elvire, Caboche Josselin, Lefebvre Valerie, Cordier Remy, Loots Christophe (2017). Ontogenetic changes in the larval condition of Downs herring: use of a multi‑index approach at an individual scale . Marine Biology , 164(7), 154 (1-14) .
Bourdaud Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Poos Jan-Jaap, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2017). Comportement des pêcheurs soumis à une réduction des rejets et conséquences sur l’écosystème dans un cas de pêcheries mixtes . 13ème colloque scientifique de l’AFH - Association Française d'Halieutique. 28 – 30 juin 2017, Nantes, France .
Torres-Irineo Edgar, Dreyfus-Leon Michel, Gaertner Daniel, Salas Silvia, Marchal Paul (2017). Adaptive responses of tropical tuna purse-seiners under temporal regulations . Ambio , 46(1), 88-97 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vermard Youen, Bourdaud Pierre, Marchal Paul (2017). Effets des interactions trophiques et techniques sur la définition des points de réference MSY . 13e colloque de l'AFH « Pêches et Changements Globaux ». 28 au 30 juin 2017, Ifremer, Nantes .


Queiros Ana M., Huebert Klaus B., Keyl Friedemann, Fernandes Jose A., Stolte Willem, Maar Marie, Kay Susan, Jones Miranda C., Hamon Katell, Hendriksen Gerrit, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul, Teal Lorna R., Somerfield Paul J., Austen Melanie C., Barange Manuel, Sell Anne F., Allen Icarus, Peck Myron A. (2016). Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change . Global Change Biology , 22(12), 3927-3936 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Andersen Jesper Levring, Aranda Martin, Fitzpatrick Mike, Goti Leyre, Guyader Olivier, Haraldsson Gunnar, Hatcher Aaron, Hegland Troels Jacob, Le Floc h Pascal, Macher Claire, Malvarosa Loretta, Maravelias Christos D., Mardle Simon, Murillas Arantza, Nielsen J. Rasmus, Sabatella Rosaria, Smith Anthony D. M., Stokes Kevin, Thoegersen Thomas, Ulrich Clara (2016). A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the European Union and in other countries worldwide: Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand . Fish And Fisheries , 17(3), 803-824 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Denis Jeremy, Vallet Carole, Courcot Lucie, Lefebvre Valerie, Caboche Josselin, Antajan Elvire, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2016). Feeding strategy of Downs herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) in the English Channel and North Sea . Journal Of Sea Research , 115, 33-46 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cormon Xochitl, Kempf Alexander, Vermard Youen, Vinther Morten, Marchal Paul (2016). Emergence of a new predator in the North Sea: evaluation of potential trophic impacts focused on hake, saithe, and Norway pout . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 73(5), 1370-1381 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Ernande Bruno, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vigneau Joel (2016). Rapport annuel 2015 de l’unité Halieutique Manche – Mer du Nord (HMMN) .
Cormon Xochitl, Ernande Bruno, Kempf Alexander, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2016). North Sea saithe Pollachius virens growth in relation to food availability, density dependence and temperature . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 542, 141-151 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Larnaud Pascal, Marchal Paul (2015). Compte-rendu de participation. International Dialogue Meeting on pulse fisheries. Scheveningen – Pays-Bas, 3 juillet 2015 . R.INT.RBE/STH/LTBH/15.009 .
Girardin Raphael, Vermard Youen, Thebaud Olivier, Tidd Alex, Marchal Paul (2015). Predicting fisher response to competition for space and resources in a mixed demersal fishery . Ocean & Coastal Management , 106, 124-135 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Auber Arnaud, Ernande Bruno, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Coppin Franck, Marchal Paul (2015). Intercalibration of research survey vessels: “GWEN DREZ” and “THALASSA” .
Marchal Paul, Gasche Loic, Girardin Raphael, Le Pape Olivier, Huret Martin, Mahevas Stephanie, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vaz Sandrine (2015). From Data to End-to-End Models: 15 Years of Research to Describe the Dynamics of Exploited Marine Ecosystems in the Eastern Channel . In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. Editors: Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi, Yves Hénocque, Yasuyuki Koike, Teruhisa Komatsu, Georges Stora, Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin. 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online) . pp.169-173 (Springer Science + Business Media) .
Reecht Yves, Gasche Loïc, Lehuta Sigrid, Vaz Sandrine, Smith Robert J, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul (2015). Toward a Dynamical Approach for Systematic Conservation Planning of Eastern English Channel Fisheries . In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. 2015. Editors: Ceccaldi, H.J., Hénocque, Y., Koike, Y., Komatsu, T., Stora, G., Tusseau-Vuillemin, M.-H. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online). pp.175-185 (Springer Science + Business Media) .
Marchal Paul, Carpentier Andre, Foucher Eric (2015). The Channel Programme: A Large-Scale Integrated Approach . In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. Editors: Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi, Yves Hénocque, Yasuyuki Koike, Teruhisa Komatsu, Georges Stora, Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin. 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online) . pp.161-167 (Springer Science + Business Media) .
Tidd Alex N., Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul, Pinnegar John, Blanchard Julia L., Milner-Gulland E. J. (2015). Fishing for space: Fine-scale multi-sector maritime activities influence fisher location choice . Plos One , 10(1), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Floc'h Pascal, Murillas Arantza, Aranda Martin, Daures Fabienne, Fitzpatrick Mike, Guyader Olivier, Hatcher Aaron, Macher Claire, Marchal Paul (2015). The regional management of fisheries in European Western Waters . Marine Policy , 51, 375-384 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lehuta Sigrid, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2015). A spatial model of the mixed demersal fisheries in the Eastern Channel . In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. Editors: Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi, Yves Hénocque, Yasuyuki Koike, Teruhisa Komatsu, Georges Stora, Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin. 2015. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-13878-7_20. ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online) . Part IV, pp.187-195 .
ICES (2015). SCICOM Progress Report 2015, An annual report to the ICES Council to describe the development and implementation of the ICES Science Plan . CM 2015/SCICOM:04. 45 pp.


Denis Jeremy, Vallet Carole, Vincent Dorothée, Courcot Lucie, Marchal Paul, Loots Christophe (2014). Feeding strategy of Downs herring larvae in the English Channel and North Sea . Johan Hjort Symposium on Recruitment Dynamics and Stock Variability 7-9 October 2014, Bergen, Norway .
Cormon Xochitl, Loots Christophe, Vaz Sandrine, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2014). Spatial interactions between saithe (Pollachius virens) and hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the North Sea . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 71(6), 1342-1355 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Desprez Michel, Vermard Youen, Tidd Alex (2014). How do demersal fishing fleets interact with aggregate extraction in a congested sea? Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 149, 168-177 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Bartelings Heleen, Bastardie François, Batsleer Jurgen, Delaney Alyne, Girardin Raphael, Gloaguen Pierre, Hamon Katell, Hoefnagel Ellen, Jouanneau Charlène, Mahevas Stephanie, Nielsen Rasmus, Piwowarczyk Joanna, Poos Jan-Jaap, Schulze Torsten, Rivot Etienne, Simons Sarah, Tidd Alex, Vermard Youen, Woillez Mathieu (2014). Mechanisms of change in human behaviour . WP2.3 D.2.3.1 .
Eigaard Ole Ritzau, Marchal Paul, Gislason Henrik, Rijnsdorp Adriaan D. (2014). Technological Development and Fisheries Management . Reviews In Fisheries Science & Aquaculture , 22(2), 156-174 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Garcia Dorleta, Urtizberea Agurtzane, Diez Guzman, Gil Juan, Marchal Paul (2013). Bio-economic management strategy evaluation of deepwater stocks using the FLBEIA model . Aquatic Living Resources , 26(4), 365-U3382 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gasche Loic, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul (2013). Supporting Fisheries Management by Means of Complex Models: Can We Point out Isles of Robustness in a Sea of Uncertainty? Plos One , 8(10), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, de Oliveira Jose A. A., Lorance Pascal, Baulier Loic, Pawlowski Lionel (2013). What is the added value of including fleet dynamics processes in fisheries models? Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences , 70(7), 992-1010 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Vermard Youen (2013). Evaluating deepwater fisheries management strategies using a mixed-fisheries and spatially explicit modelling framework . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 70(4), 768-781 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delavenne Juliette, Marchal Paul, Vaz Sandrine (2013). Defining a pelagic typology of the eastern English Channel . Continental Shelf Research , 52, 87-96 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Batsleer Jurgen, Poos J. J., Marchal Paul, Vermard Youen, Rijnsdorp A. D. (2013). Mixed fisheries management: protecting the weakest link . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 479, 177-190 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Girardin Raphael, Vermard Youen, Thebaud Olivier, Tidd Alex, Marchal Paul (2013). Effort allocation in a demersal mixed fishery competing for space and resources with other users of the marine space . EAFE Conference 2013 "Securing the future ‐ Implementing reform in European Fisheries". 15th – 17th April 2013, Edinburgh, UK .
Large Philip A., Agnew David J., Alvarez Perez Jose Angel, Barrio Frojan Christopher, Cloete Rudi, Damalas Dimitrios, Dransfeld Leonie, Edwards Charles T. T., Feist Stephen, Figueiredo Ivone, Gonzalez Fernando, Gil Herrera Juan, Kenny Andrew, Jakobsdottir Klara, Longshaw Matt, Lorance Pascal, Marchal Paul, Mytilineou Chryssi, Planque Benjamin, Politou Chrissi-Yianna (2013). Strengths and Weaknesses of the Management and Monitoring of Deep-Water Stocks, Fisheries, and Ecosystems in Various Areas of the World-A Roadmap Toward Sustainable Deep-Water Fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic? Reviews In Fisheries Science , 21(2), 157-180 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Iriondo Ane, Garcia Dorleta, Santurtun Marina, Castro Jose, Quincoces Inaki, Lehuta Sigrid, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul, Tidd Alex, Ulrich Clara (2012). Managing mixed fisheries in the European Western Waters: Application of Fcube methodology . Fisheries Research , 134-136, 6-16 .
Vermard Youen, Lehuta Sigrid, Mahevas Stephanie, Thebaud Olivier, Marchal Paul, Gascuel Didier (2012). Combining fleet dynamics and population dynamics for a volatile fishery: the example of the anchovy fishery of the Bay of Biscay .


Mahevas Stephanie, Vermard Youen, Hutton Trevor, Iriondo Ane, Jadaud Angelique, Maravelias Christos D., Punzon Antonio, Sacchi Jacques, Tidd Alex, Tsitsika Efthymia, Marchal Paul, Goascoz Nicolas, Mortreux Serge, Roos David (2011). An investigation of human vs. technology-induced variation in catchability for a selection of European fishing fleets . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(10), 2252-2263 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Little L. Richard, Thebaud Olivier (2011). Quota allocation in mixed fisheries: a bioeconomic modelling approach applied to the Channel flatfish fisheries . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(7), 1580-1591 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Biseau Alain, Forest Andre, Dintheer Christian, Marchal Paul, Larnaud Pascal, Fauconnet Laurence (2010). Rejets de cabillaud en Manche- Est / Mer du Nord . Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche, de la Ruralité et de l'Aménagement du territoire, DPMA, Paris 75 , Ref. 10-2628 , 4p., 6p., 2p.
Vermard Youen, Rivot Etienne, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul, Gascuel Didier (2010). Identifying fishing trip behaviour and estimating fishing effort from VMS data using Bayesian Hidden Markov Models . Ecological Modelling , 221(15), 1757-1769 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (2010). Dynamique de la mortalité par pêche et impact sur la gestion des ressources halieutiques . HDR.


Marchal Paul, Leonardi Sophie, Leblond Emilie (2009). Evolution et répartition de la capacité des navires de pêche français au regard des avis scientifiques sur les ressources halieutiques . Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, Paris 75 , Ref. 09-1738 , 2p., 9p.
Leonardi Sophie, Leblond Emilie, Le Blond Samuel, Marchal Paul (2009). Evolution et répartition de la capacité physique et de l'effort de pêche des navires français. Estimation de l'adéquation de la capacité utilisée et des possibilités de pêche .
Marchal Paul, Lallemand Philippe, Stokes Kevin, Thebaud Olivier (2009). A comparative review of the fisheries resource management systems in New Zealand and in the European Union . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 463-481 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Francis Chris, Lallemand Philippe, Lehuta Sigrid, Mahevas Stephanie, Stokes Kevin, Vermard Youen (2009). Catch-quota balancing in mixed-fisheries: a bio-economic modelling approach applied to the New Zealand hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) fishery . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 483-498 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (2009). Evolution du calcul des capacités de captures . Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, Paris 75 , Ref. 08-2838 , 2p., 24p., 17p., 2p., 15p.
Marchal Paul, Lallemand Philippe, Stokes Kevin (2009). The relative weight of traditions, economics, and catch plans in New Zealand fleet dynamics . Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences , 66(2), 291-311 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul, Mahevas Stephanie, Thebaud Olivier (2008). A dynamic model of the Bay of Biscay pelagic fleet simulating fishing trip choice: the response to the closure of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) fishery in 2005 . Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences , 65(11), 2444-2453 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reynal Lionel, Marchal Paul, Baron Regis, Berge Jean-Pascal, Chopin Christine, Jerome Marc, Larnaud Pascal, Liorzou Bernard, Meillat Marc, Mongruel Remi, Pelletier Dominique, Priour Daniel, Sacchi Jacques, Taquet Marc, Thebaud Olivier, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Vincent Benoit (2008). Bilan du Projet GUAPA. Aide à la Gestion, Utilisation des Ressources Halieutiques. PGD0206 - DEMOSTEM/GUAPA .
Marchal Paul (2008). A comparative analysis of métiers and catch profiles for some French demersal and pelagic fleets . ICES Journal of Marine Science , 65(4), 674-686 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reeves Stuart A., Marchal Paul, Mardle Simon, Pascoe Sean, Prellezo Raul, Thebaud Olivier, Travers Muriel (2008). From fish to fisheries: the changing focus of management advice . In Advances in fisheries science. 50 years on from Beverton and Holt (Blackwell Science Publ) .


Marchal Paul, Andersen Bo, Caillart B., Eigaard Ole, Guyader Olivier, Hovgaard Holger, Iriondo Ane, Le Fur Fanny, Sacchi Jacques, Santurtun Marina (2007). Impact of technological creep on fishing effort and fishing mortality, for a selection of European fleets . ICES Journal of Marine Science , 64(1), 192-209 . Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Poos Jan-Jaap, Quirijns Floor (2007). Linkage between fishers' foraging, market and fish stocks density: Examples from some North Sea fisheries . Fisheries Research , 83(1), 33-43 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Marchal Paul, Andersen B, Bromley D, Iriondo A, Mahevas Stephanie, Quirijns F, Rackham B, Santurtun M, Tien N, Ulrich Clara (2006). Improving the definition of fishing effort for important European fleets by accounting for the skipper effect . Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences , 63(3), 510-533 . Open Access version :


Holley Jean-Francois, Marchal Paul (2004). Fishing strategy development under changing conditions: examples from the French offshore fleet fishing in the North Atlantic . ICES Journal of Marine Science , 61(8), 1410-1431 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Marchal Paul, Ulrich Clara, Korsbrekke K, Pastoors M, Rackham B (2003). Annual trends in catchability and fish stock assessments . Scientia Marina , 67, 63-73 .


Ulrich Clara, Marchal Paul (2002). Sensitivity of some biological reference points to shifts in exploitation patterns and inputs uncertainty for three North Sea demersal stocks . Fisheries Research , 58(2), 153-169 .
Marchal Paul, Ulrich Clara, Korsbrekke K, Pastoors M, Rackham B (2002). A comparison of three indices of fishing power on some demersal fisheries of the North Sea . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 59(3), 604-623 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ulrich Clara, Pascoe S, Sparre Pj, de Wilde Jw, Marchal Paul (2002). Influence of trends in fishing power on bioeconomics in the North Sea flatfish fishery regulated by catches or by effort quotas . Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences , 59(5), 829-843 .
Marchal Paul, Ulrich Clara, Pastoors M (2002). Area-based management and fishing efficiency . Aquatic Living Resources , 15(2), 73-85 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul (coord.) (2002). Technological developments and tactical adaptations of important EU fleets. TECTAC . EU project n° Q5RS-2002-01291 .

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