Virginie Thierry

Virginie Thierry

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-1602-6478

ResearcherID : M-3086-2015


Visite de Katja Matthes, Directrice de l'Institut [...]
Table ronde sur le thème du dérèglement climatique [...]

Direction de campagnes océanographiques

RREX 2017Atalante2017Océan Atlantique Nord
RREX 2015Thalassa2015Océan Atlantique Nord
OVIDE 5Thalassa2010Atlantique NE (Limite 40 W)

Jeux de données


Argo (2025). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) . SEANOE .


Fontela Marcos, Alonso-Perez F., Bastero S., Thierry Virginie, Pérez Fiz Fernández (2024). Discrete measurements of pH, dissolved inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and hydrographic variables (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen) obtained during the cruise RREX 2015 . SEANOE .
waterisotopes-CISE-LOCEAN (2024). Water isotopes of sea water analyzed since 1998 at LOCEAN . SEANOE .


Balem Kevin (2020). Matlab Toolbox for Time Series Exploration and Analysis . SEANOE .


Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Petit Tillys, Branellec Pierre, Balem Kevin, Lherminier Pascale (2018). Reykjanes Ridge Experiment (RREX) dataset . SEANOE .


Ferron Bruno, Hamon Michel, Hogue Brian, Peden Olivier, Thierry Virginie (2017). Microstructure dataset from the Reykjanes Ridge Experiment (RREX) 2017 cruise . SEANOE .
Barbieux Marie, Organelli Emanuele, Claustre Hervé, Schmechtig Catherine, Poteau Antoine, Boss Emmanuel, Bricaud Annick, Briggs Nathan, Dall'Olmo Giorgio, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Prieur Louis, Roesler Collin, Uitz Julia, Xing Xiaogang (2017). A global database of vertical profiles derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements for biogeochemical and bio-optical applications . SEANOE .


Organelli Emanuele, Claustre Hervé, Bricaud Annick, Schmechtig Catherine, Poteau Antoine, Xing Xiaogang, Prieur Louis, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Dall'Olmo Giorgio, Vellucci Vincenzo (2016). Near-real-time quality-controlled radiometric profiles acquired by Bio-Argo floats . SEANOE .
Organelli Emanuele, Barbieux Marie, Claustre Hervé, Schmechtig Catherine, Poteau Antoine, Bricaud Annick, Uitz Julia, D’ortenzio Fabrizio, Dall’olmo Giorgio (2016). A global bio-optical database derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements within the layer of interest for field and remote ocean color applications . SEANOE .


Ferron Bruno, Hamon Michel, Leizour Stephane, Menage Olivier, Thierry Virginie (2015). Microstructure dataset from the Reykjanes Ridge Experiment (RREX) 2015 cruise . SEANOE .



Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Portela Rodriguez Esther, Thierry Virginie, Prigent Annaig (2024). ISASO2 : Recent trends and regional patterns of Ocean Dissolved Oxygen change . Earth System Science Data , 16(11), 5191-5206 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Asselot Remy, Thierry Virginie, Carracedo Lidia, Mercier Herle, Velo Anton, Bajon Raphael, Pérez Fiz F. . Temporal evolution of anthropogenic carbon in the subpolar North Atlantic gyre between 2011 - 2021 . ESS Open Archive / submitted to AGU Advances IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reverdin Gilles, Olivier Léa, Cabanes Cecile, Boutin Jacqueline, Thouvenin-Masson Clovis, Vergely Jean-Luc, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Thierry Virginie, Khvorostyanov Dmitry, Jouanno Julien (2024). Missing Argo float profiles in highly stratified waters of the Amazon river plume . Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology , 41(3), 221-233 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Asselot Remy, Carracedo Lidia, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Bajon Raphael, Pérez Fiz F. (2024). Anthropogenic carbon pathways towards the North Atlantic interior revealed by Argo-O2, neural networks and back-calculations . Nature Communications , 15(1), 1630 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zilberman Nathalie V., Thierry Virginie, King Brian, Alford Matthew, André Xavier, Balem Kevin, Briggs Nathan, Chen Zhaohui, Cabanes Cecile, Coppola Laurent, Dall’olmo Giorgio, Desbruyères Damien, Fernandez Denise, Foppert Annie, Gardner Wilford, Gasparin Florent, Hally Bryan, Hosoda Shigeki, Johnson Gregory C., Kobayashi Taiyo, Le Boyer Arnaud, Llovel William, Oke Peter, Purkey Sarah, Remy Elisabeth, Roemmich Dean, Scanderbeg Megan, Sutton Philip, Walicka Kamila, Wallace Luke, Van Wijk Esmee M. (2023). Observing the full ocean volume using Deep Argo floats . Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 1287867 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Feucher Charlène, Portela Esther, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Thierry Virginie (2022). Subpolar gyre decadal variability explains the recent oxygenation in the Irminger Sea . Communications Earth & Environment , 3(1), 279 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petit Tillys, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle (2022). Deep through-flow in the Bight Fracture Zone . Ocean Science , 18(4), 1055-1071 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reverdin Gilles, Waelbroeck Claire, Pierre Catherine, Akhoudas Camille, Aloisi Giovanni, Benetti Marion, Bourlès Bernard, Danielsen Magnus, Demange Jérôme, Diverrès Denis, Gascard Jean-Claude, Houssais Marie-Noëlle, Le Goff Hervé, Lherminier Pascale, Lo Monaco Claire, Mercier Herle, Metzl Nicolas, Morisset Simon, Naamar Aïcha, Reynaud Thierry, Sallée Jean-Baptiste, Thierry Virginie, Hartman Susan E., Mawji Edward M., Olafsdottir Solveig, Kanzow Torsten, Velo Anton, Voelker Antje, Yashayaev Igor, Haumann Alexander, Leng Melanie J., Arrowsmith Carol, Meredith Michael (2022). The CISE-LOCEAN seawater isotopic database (1998–2021) . Earth System Science Data , 14(6), 2721-2735 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Desbruyères Damien, Prieto Bravo Eva, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Lherminier Pascale, Cabanes Cécile, Biló Tiago C., Fried Nora, Femke De Jong M. (2022). Warming‐to‐cooling reversal of overflow‐derived water masses in the Irminger Sea during 2002‐2021. Geophysical Research Letters , 49(10), e2022GL098057 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Johnson Gregory C., Hosoda Shigeki, Jayne Steven R., Oke Peter R., Riser Stephen C., Roemmich Dean, Suga Tohsio, Thierry Virginie, Wijffels Susan E., Xu Jianping (2022). Argo—Two Decades: Global Oceanography, Revolutionized . Annual Review Of Marine Science , 14, 379-403 .
Roemmich Dean, Talley Lynne, Zilberman Nathalie, Osborne Emily, Johnson Kenneth, Barbero Leticia, Bittig Henry, Briggs Nathan, Fassbender Andrea, Johnson Gregory, King Brian, McDonagh Elaine, Purkey Sarah, Riser Stephen, Suga Toshio, Takeshita Yuichiro, Thierry Virginie, Wijffels Susan (2021). The Technological, Scientific, and Sociological Revolution of Global Subsurface Ocean Observing . Oceanography , Suppl. 34(4), 2-8 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grégoire Marilaure, Garçon Véronique, Garcia Hernan, Breitburg Denise, Isensee Kirsten, Oschlies Andreas, Telszewski Maciej, Barth Alexander, Bittig Henry C., Carstensen Jacob, Carval Thierry, Chai Fei, Chavez Francisco, Conley Daniel, Coppola Laurent, Crowe Sean, Currie Kim, Dai Minhan, Deflandre Bruno, Dewitte Boris, Diaz Robert, Garcia-Robledo Emilio, Gilbert Denis, Giorgetti Alessandra, Glud Ronnie, Gutierrez Dimitri, Hosoda Shigeki, Ishii Masao, Jacinto Gil, Langdon Chris, Lauvset Siv K., Levin Lisa A., Limburg Karin E., Mehrtens Hela, Montes Ivonne, Naqvi Wajih, Paulmier Aurélien, Pfeil Benjamin, Pitcher Grant, Pouliquen Sylvie, Rabalais Nancy, Rabouille Christophe, Recape Virginie, Roman Michaël, Rose Kenneth, Rudnick Daniel, Rummer Jodie, Schmechtig Catherine, Schmidtko Sunke, Seibel Brad, Slomp Caroline, Sumalia U. Rashid, Tanhua Toste, Thierry Virginie, Uchida Hiroshi, Wanninkhof Rik, Yasuhara Moriaki (2021). A Global Ocean Oxygen Database and Atlas for Assessing and Predicting Deoxygenation and Ocean Health in the Open and Coastal Ocean . Frontiers In Marine Science , 8, 724913 (29p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barnoud Anne, Pfeffer Julia, Guérou Adrien, Frery Marie‐laure, Siméon Mathilde, Cazenave Anny, Chen Jianli, Llovel William, Thierry Virginie, Legeais Jean Francois, Ablain Michaël (2021). Contributions of altimetry and Argo to non‐closure of the global mean sea level budget since 2016 . Geophysical Research Letters , 48(14), e2021GL092824 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li F., Lozier M. S., Bacon S., Bower A. S., Cunningham S. A., de Jong M. F., Deyoung B., Fraser N., Fried N., Han G., Holliday N. P., Holte J., Houpert L., Inall M. E., Johns W. E., Jones S., Johnson C., Karstensen J., Le Bras I. A., Lherminier Pascale, Lin X., Mercier Herle, Oltmanns M., Pacini A., Petit T., Pickart R. S., Rayner D., Straneo F., Thierry Virginie, Visbeck M., Yashayaev I., Zhou C. (2021). Subpolar North Atlantic western boundary density anomalies and the Meridional Overturning Circulation . Nature Communications , 12(1), 3002 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vic Clement, Ferron Bruno, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Lherminier Pascale (2021). Tidal and near-inertial internal waves over the Reykjanes Ridge . Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 51(2), 419-437 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
André Xavier, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Le Reste Serge, Dutreuil Vincent, Leymarie Edouard, Malardé Damien, Marec Claudie, Sagot Jérôme, Amice Martin, Babin Marcel, Claustre Hervé, David Arnaud, D’ortenzio Fabrizio, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lagunas José Luis, Le Menn Marc, Moreau Bertrand, Nogré David, Penkerc’h Christophe, Poteau Antoine, Renaut Corentin, Schaeffer Christophe, Taillandier Vincent, Thierry Virginie (2020). Preparing the New Phase of Argo: Technological Developments on Profiling Floats in the NAOS Project . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 577446 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Traon Pierre-Yves, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Babin Marcel, Leymarie Edouard, Marec Claudie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile, Claustre Hervé, Desbruyeres Damien, Lacour Leo, Lagunas Jose-Luis, Maze Guillaume, Mercier Herle, Penkerc'h Christophe, Poffa Noe, Poteau Antoine, Prieur Louis, Racape Virginie, Randelhoff Achim, Rehm Eric, Schmechtig Catherine Marie, Taillandier Vincent, Wagener Thibaut, Xing Xiaogang (2020). Preparing the New Phase of Argo: Scientific Achievements of the NAOS Project . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 577408 (27p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wong Annie P. S., Wijffels Susan E., Riser Stephen C., Pouliquen Sylvie, Hosoda Shigeki, Roemmich Dean, Gilson John, Johnson Gregory C., Martini Kim, Murphy David J., Scanderbeg Megan, Bhaskar T. V. S. Udaya, Buck Justin J. H., Merceur Frederic, Carval Thierry, Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cécile, André Xavier, Poffa Noe, Yashayaev Igor, Barker Paul M., Guinehut Stéphanie, Belbéoch Mathieu, Ignaszewski Mark, Baringer Molly O'Neil, Schmid Claudia, Lyman John M., McTaggart Kristene E., Purkey Sarah G., Zilberman Nathalie, Alkire Matthew B., Swift Dana, Owens W. Brechner, Jayne Steven R., Hersh Cora, Robbins Pelle, West-Mack Deb, Bahr Frank, Yoshida Sachiko, Sutton Philip J. H., Cancouët Romain, Coatanoan Christine, Dobbler Delphine, Juan Andrea Garcia, Gourrion Jerome, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Bernard Vincent, Bourlès Bernard, Claustre Hervé, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Le Reste Serge, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Rannou Jean Philippe, Saout-Grit Carole, Speich Sabrina, Thierry Virginie, Verbrugge Nathalie, Angel-Benavides Ingrid M., Klein Birgit, Notarstefano Giulio, Poulain Pierre-Marie, Vélez-Belchí Pedro, Suga Toshio, Ando Kentaro, Iwasaska Naoto, Kobayashi Taiyo, Masuda Shuhei, Oka Eitarou, Sato Kanako, Nakamura Tomoaki, Sato Katsunari, Takatsuki Yasushi, Yoshida Takashi, Cowley Rebecca, Lovell Jenny L., Oke Peter R., Van Wijk Esmee M., Carse Fiona, Donnelly Matthew, Gould W. John, Gowers Katie, King Brian A., Loch Stephen G., Mowat Mary, Turton Jon, Rama Rao E. Pattabhi, Ravichandran M., Freeland Howard J., Gaboury Isabelle, Gilbert Denis, Greenan Blair J. W., Ouellet Mathieu, Ross Tetjana, Tran Anh, Dong Mingmei, Liu Zenghong, Xu Jianping, Kang Kiryong, Jo Hyeongjun, Kim Sung-Dae, Park Hyuk-Min (2020). Argo Data 1999–2019: Two Million Temperature-Salinity Profiles and Subsurface Velocity Observations From a Global Array of Profiling Floats . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7(700), 23p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Portela Esther, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Vic Clement, Thierry Virginie (2020). Physical mechanisms driving oxygen subduction in the global ocean . Geophysical Research Letters , 47(17), e2020GL089040 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Portela Esther, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Maes Christophe, Thierry Virginie (2020). Interior Water-Mass Variability in the Southern Hemisphere Oceans during the Last Decade . Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 50(2), 361-381 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Holliday N. Penny, Bersch Manfred, Berx Barbara, Chafik Léon, Cunningham Stuart, Florindo-López Cristian, Hátún Hjálmar, Johns William, Josey Simon A., Larsen Karin Margretha H., Mulet Sandrine, Oltmanns Marilena, Reverdin Gilles, Rossby Tom, Thierry Virginie, Valdimarsson Hedinn, Yashayaev Igor (2020). Ocean circulation causes the largest freshening event for 120 years in eastern subpolar North Atlantic . Nature Communications , 11(1), 585 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zunino Rodriguez Patricia, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie (2020). Why did deep convection persist over four consecutive winters (2015-2018) southeast of Cape Farewell? Ocean Science , 16(1), 99-113 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petit Tillys, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie (2019). New insight into the formation and evolution of the East Reykjanes Ridge Current and Irminger Current . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 124(12), 9171-9189 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Racape V., Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Cabanes Cecile (2019). ISOW spreading and mixing as revealed by Deep‐Argo floats launched in the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 124(10), 6787-6808 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bittig Henry C., Maurer Tanya L., Plant Joshua N., Schmechtig Catherine, Wong Annie P. S., Claustre Hervé, Trull Thomas W., Udaya Bhaskar T. V. S., Boss Emmanuel, Dall’olmo Giorgio, Organelli Emanuele, Poteau Antoine, Johnson Kenneth S., Hanstein Craig, Leymarie Edouard, Le Reste Serge, Riser Stephen C., Rupan A. Rick, Taillandier Vincent, Thierry Virginie, Xing Xiaogang (2019). A BGC-Argo Guide: Planning, Deployment, Data Handling and Usage . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(502), 23p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Roemmich Dean, Alford Matthew H., Claustre Hervé, Johnson Kenneth, King Brian, Moum James, Oke Peter, Owens W. Brechner, Pouliquen Sylvie, Purkey Sarah, Scanderbeg Megan, Suga Toshio, Wijffels Susan, Zilberman Nathalie, Bakker Dorothee, Baringer Molly, Belbeoch Mathieu, Bittig Henry C., Boss Emmanuel, Calil Paulo, Carse Fiona, Carval Thierry, Chai Fei, Conchubhair Diarmuid Ó., D’ortenzio Fabrizio, Dall’olmo Giorgio, Desbruyeres Damien, Fennel Katja, Fer Ilker, Ferrari Raffaele, Forget Gael, Freeland Howard, Fujiki Tetsuichi, Gehlen Marion, Greenan Blair, Hallberg Robert, Hibiya Toshiyuki, Hosoda Shigeki, Jayne Steven, Jochum Markus, Johnson Gregory C., Kang Kiryong, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Körtzinger Arne, Traon Pierre-Yves Le, Lenn Yueng-Djern, Maze Guillaume, Mork Kjell Arne, Morris Tamaryn, Nagai Takeyoshi, Nash Jonathan, Garabato Alberto Naveira, Olsen Are, Pattabhi Rama Rao, Prakash Satya, Riser Stephen, Schmechtig Catherine, Schmid Claudia, Shroyer Emily, Sterl Andreas, Sutton Philip, Talley Lynne, Tanhua Toste, Thierry Virginie, Thomalla Sandy, Toole John, Troisi Ariel, Trull Thomas W., Turton Jon, Velez-Belchi Pedro Joaquin, Walczowski Waldemar, Wang Haili, Wanninkhof Rik, Waterhouse Amy F., Waterman Stephanie, Watson Andrew, Wilson Cara, Wong Annie P. S., Xu Jianping, Yasuda Ichiro (2019). On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(439), 28p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lozier M. S., Li F., Bacon S., Bahr F., Bower A. S., Cunningham S. A., de Jong M. F., de Steur L., Deyoung B., Fischer J., Gary S. F., Greenan B. J. W., Holliday N. P., Houk A., Houpert L., Inall M. E., Johns W. E., Johnson H. L., Johnson C., Karstensen J., Koman G., Le Bras I. A., Lin X., Mackay N., Marshall D. P., Mercier Herle, Oltmanns M., Pickart R. S., Ramsey A. L., Rayner D., Straneo F., Thierry Virginie, Torres D. J., Williams R. G., Wilson C., Yang J., Yashayaev I., Zhao J. (2019). A sea change in our view of overturning in the subpolar North Atlantic . Science , 363(6426), 516-521 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petit Tillys, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie (2018). First direct estimates of volume and water mass transports across the Reykjanes Ridge . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 123(9), 6703-6719 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wolf Mitchell K., Hamme Roberta C., Gilbert Denis, Yashayaev Igor, Thierry Virginie (2018). Oxygen Saturation Surrounding Deep Water Formation Events in the Labrador Sea From Argo-O-2 Data . Global Biogeochemical Cycles , 32(4), 635-653 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lozier M. Susan, Bacon Sheldon, Bower Amy S., Cunningham Stuart A., de Jong M. Femke, de Steur Laura, Deyoung Brad, Fischer Juergen, Gary Stefan F., Greenan Blair J. W., Heimbach Patrick, Holliday Naomi P., Houpert Loic, Inall Mark E., Johns William E., Johnson Helen L., Karstensen Johannes, Li Feili, Lin Xiaopei, Mackay Neill, Marshall David P., Mercier Herle, Myers Paul G., Pickart Robert S., Pillar Helen R., Straneo Fiammetta, Thierry Virginie, Weller Robert A., Williams Richard G., Wilson Chris, Yang Jiayan, Zhao Jian, Zika Jan D. (2017). Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: a new international ocean observing system . Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society , 98(4), 737-752 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Desbruyeres Damien, McDonagh Elaine L., King Brian A., Thierry Virginie (2017). Global and Full-depth Ocean Temperature Trends during the early 21 st century from Argo and Repeat Hydrography . Journal Of Climate , 30(6), 1985-1997 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Piron Anne, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Caniaux G. (2017). Gyre scale deep convection in the subpolar North-Atlantic Ocean during winter 2014-2015 . Geophysical Research Letters , 44(3), 1439-1447 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Daniault Nathalie, Mercier Herle, Lherminier Pascale, Sarafanov Artem, Falina Anastasia, Zunino Patricia, Perezf Fiz F., Rios Aida F., Ferron Bruno, Huck Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Gladyshev Sergey (2016). The northern North Atlantic Ocean mean circulation in the early 21st Century . Progress In Oceanography , 146, 142-158 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cabanes Cecile, Thierry Virginie, Lagadec Catherine (2016). Improvement of bias detection in Argo float conductivity sensors and its application in the North Atlantic . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 114, 128-136 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferron Bruno, Kokoszka Florian, Mercier Herle, Lherminier Pascale, Huck Thierry, Rios Aida, Thierry Virginie (2016). Variability of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation along the A25 Greenland-Portugal transect repeated from 2002 to 2012. Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 46(7), 1989-2003 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Reste Serge, Dutreuil Vincent, Andre Xavier, Thierry Virginie, Renaut Corentin, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Maze Guillaume (2016). "Deep-Arvor": A new profiling float to extend the Argo observations down to 4000m depth. Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology , 33(5), 1039-1055 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Piron Anne, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Caniaux Guy (2016). Argo float observations of basin-scale deep convection in the Irminger sea during winter 2011-2012 . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 109, 76-90 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Fabienne, Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, von Schuckmann Karina (2016). In-situ based reanalysis of the global ocean temperature and salinity with ISAS: variability of the heat content and steric height . Journal Of Climate , 29(4), 1305-1323 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mercier Herle, Lherminier Pascale, Sarafanov Artem, Gaillard Fabienne, Daniault Nathalie, Desbruyeres Damien, Falina Anastasia, Ferron Bruno, Gourcuff Claire, Huck Thierry, Thierry Virginie (2015). Variability of the meridional overturning circulation at the Greenland–Portugal OVIDE section from 1993 to 2010 . Progress In Oceanography , 132, 250-261 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Desbruyeres Damien, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie (2015). On the mechanisms behind decadal heat content changes in the eastern subpolar gyre . Progress In Oceanography , 132, 262-272 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reverdin Gilles, Morisset S., Boutin Jacqueline, Martin N., D'Ovidio Francesco, Marie L., Gaillard Fabienne, Thierry Virginie, Diverres Denis, Alory Gael, Font Jordi, Salvador Joaquin, Le Reste Serge, Andre Xavier, Claustre Herve, Nencioli Francesco, Ward B. (2013). European contributions to SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean regional Study) : research cruise STRASSE, Argo and Provbio floats, surface drifters, ships of opportunity . Mercator Ocean – CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter , (48), 20-25 .
Desbruyeres Damien, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle (2013). Simulated decadal variability of the Meridional Overturning Circulation across the A25-Ovide section . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 118(1), 462-475 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
de Boisseson Eric, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Caniaux G., Desbruyeres Damien (2012). Origin, formation and variability of the Subpolar Mode Water located over the Reykjanes Ridge . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 117(C12005), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Traon Pierre-Yves, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Babin M., Claustre H., Pouliquen Sylvie, Le Reste Serge, Thierry Virginie, Brault Patrice, Guigue Michel, Le Menn M. (2012). NAOS : preparing the new decade for Argo . Mercator Ocean – CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter , (45), 3-4 . Open Access version :
Le Traon Pierre-Yves, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Babin Marcel, Claustre Hervé, Pouliquen Sylvie, Le Reste Serge, Thierry Virginie, Brault Patrice, Guigue Michel, Le Menn Marc (2012). Le projet Equipex NAOS : l'observation globale des océans Préparation de la nouvelle décennie d'Argo . La Météorologie , (76), 19-25 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Maze Guillaume, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie, Memery Laurent, Morin P., Perez F.F. (2012). Mass, nutrient and oxygen budgets for the northeastern Atlantic Ocean . Biogeosciences , 9(10), 4099-4113 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
de Boisseson Eric, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Caniaux G. (2010). Mixed layer heat budget in the Iceland Basin from Argo . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 115, 1-15 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Fabienne, Autret Emmanuelle, Thierry Virginie, Galaup Philippe, Coatanoan Christine, Loubrieu Thomas (2009). Quality Control of Large Argo Datasets . Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology , 26(2), 337-351 .
Vage Kjetil, Pickart Robert S., Thierry Virginie, Reverdin Gilles, Lee Craig M., Petrie Brian, Agnew Tom A., Wong Amy, Ribergaard Mads H. (2009). Surprising return of deep convection to the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in winter 2007-2008 . Nature Geoscience , 2(1), 67-72 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thierry Virginie, de Boisseson Eric, Mercier Herle (2008). Interannual variability of the Subpolar Mode Water properties over the Reykjanes Ridge during 1990-2006 . Journal of Geophysical Research ( JGR ) - Oceans , 113(C04016), NIL_62-NIL_75 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hoteit I, Cornuelle B, Thierry Virginie, Stammer D (2008). Impact of resolution and optimized ECCO forcing on Simulations of the tropical pacific . Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology , 25(1), 131-147 .
Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Treguier Anne-Marie (2006). Seasonal fluctuations in the deep central equatorial Atlantic Ocean: a data-model comparison . Ocean Dynamics , 56(5-6), 581-593 .
Thierry Virginie, Treguier Anne-Marie, Mercier Herle (2004). Numerical study of the annual and semi-annual fluctuations in the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean . Ocean Modelling , 6(1), 1-30 .
Treguier Anne-Marie, Hogg Ng, Maltrud M, Speer Kevin, Thierry Virginie (2003). The origin of deep zonal flows in the Brazil Basin . Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 33(3), 580-599 .<0580:TOODZF>2.0.CO;2
Thierry Virginie, Morel Yves (1999). Influence of a strong bottom slope on the evolution of a surface-intensified vortex . Journal Of Physical Oceanography , 29(5), 911-924 .<0911:IOASBS>2.0.CO;2

Communication avec actes

Freeland Howard J., Roemmich Dean, Garzoli Silvia L., Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Ravichandran Muthalagu, Riser Stephen, Thierry Virginie, Wijffels Susan, Belbéoch Mathieu, Gould John, Grant Fiona, Ignazewski Mark, King Brian, Klein Birgit, Mork Kjell Arne, Owens Breck, Pouliquen Sylvie, Sterl Andreas, Suga Toshio, Suk Moon-Sik, Sutton Philip, Troisi Ariel, Vélez-Belchi Pedro Joaquin, Xu Jianping (2010). ARGO - a decade of progress . OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009 .
Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie, Coatanoan Christine, Gaillard Fabienne, Poulain Pm, Carval Thierry (2006). Argo workshop in Ghana, December 2006 . Argo workshop in Ghana, December 2006 .
Coatanoan Christine, Galaup P, Thierry Virginie (2006). Delayed mode quality control on Argo floats at the Coriolis data center . Poster Argo Workshop. 17-18 March 2006. Venice, Italy .


Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, André Xavier, Carval Thierry, Claustre Hervé, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Leymarie E, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Maze Guillaume, Poffa Noe, Poteau Antoine, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzede Rapahaëlle, Thierry Virginie, Uitz J. (2025). National Strategy for Argo Global Network Profiling floats Deployments . Comité de pilotage Argo-France/Argo-France Steering Committee. AF-2025-DEP-STRAT .
Thierry Virginie, Brion Emilie, Gallian Marine, Reynaud Thierry, Bouinot Thomas, Lagadec Catherine, Piron Anne, Zunino Rodriguez Patricia, Kermabon Catherine (2024). LOCODOX: a Software for Argo Oxygen data correction - User Manual .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Cabanes Cecile, Claustre Hervé, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Leymarie Edouard, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzède R, Poffa Noe, Thierry Virginie, Uitz J. (2024). Labellisation Service National d'Observation Argo France (INSU/CNRS) 2025-2029 . AF-2025-LABEL-SNO2025 .
Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Kermabon Catherine (2024). Using climatological salinities for estimating the oxygen content in ARGO floats .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, André Xavier, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Natanaele, Leymarie Edouard, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzède Raphaelle, Poffa Noe, Thierry Virginie, Uitz Julia (2024). Plan d'Activité Argo-France 2024 . AF-2024-PA2024 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, André Xavier, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Natanaele, Leymarie Edouard, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzède Raphaelle, Poffa Noe, Thierry Virginie, Uitz Julia (2024). Bilan Argo France 2023 . AF-2024-BILAN2023 .
Eparkhina Dina, Nolan Joseph E., (eds) (2023). Proceedings of the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference. European Operational Oceanography for the ocean we want - Addressing the UN Ocean Decade challenges. 3-5 October 2023, Galway, Ireland .
Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie (2023). 2022 Delayed-mode correction of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North- Atlantic with LOCODOX. Floats # 6902800, 6902802, 6902806, 6902869, 6901763, 6902818, 6902881, 6902882, 6901601, 6902805, 6902807, 6902686, 6901811, 6902819, 6901753, 6901754, 6901750 .
Schmechtig Catherine, Wong Annie, Maurer Tanya L., Bittig Henry, Thierry Virginie (2023). Argo quality control manual for biogeochemical data .
Petihakis George, Karstensen Johannes, Fernande Vicente (2023). Observing Networks final Assessment . WP3. D3.18 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, André Xavier, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Leymarie Edouard, Maze Guillaume, Lebreton Nathanaele, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Poteau Antoine, Sauzede Raphaelle, Schmechtig Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Uitz Julia (2023). Plan d'Actvité Argo-France 2023 . AF-2023-PA2023 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, André Xavier, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortentzio Fabrizion, Lebreton Nathanaele, Leymarie Edouard, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzede Raphaelle, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie, Uitz Julia (2023). Bilan Argo France 2022 . AF-2023-BILAN2022 .
Thierry Virginie, Bittig Henry, Gilbert Denis, Kobayashi Taiyo, Kanako Sato, Schmid Claudia (2022). Processing Argo oxygen data at the DAC level .
Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Asselot Remy (2022). Delayed-mode correction of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North-Atlantic with LOCODOX Floats # 1901212, 1901214, 6901021, 6901026, 6901029 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Andre Xavier, Cabanes Cécile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Sauzède Raphaelle, Schmechtig Catherine, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2022). Plan d’Activité Argo-France 2022 . AF-2022-PA2022 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Andre Xavier, Cabanes Cécile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzède Raphaelle, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2022). Bilan Argo France 2021 . AF-2022-BILAN2021 .
Reynaud Thierry, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile, Racape Virginie (2021). Delayed-mode quality control of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North- Atlantic with LOCODOX .
Argo-France Management Board (2021). French National Report on Argo - 2020 AST 22 . AF-2021-FR-2020-AST22 .
Cabanes Cecile, Angel-Benavides Ingrid, Buck Justin, Coatanoan Christine, Dobler Delphine, Herbert Gaelle, Klein Birgit, Maze Guillaume, Notarstefano Guilio, Owens Breck, Thierry Virginie, Walicka Kamila, Wong Annie (2021). DMQC Cookbook for Core Argo parameters .
Thierry Virginie, Bittig Henry, The Argo-Bgc Team (2021). Argo quality control manual for dissolved oxygen concentration .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Andre Xavier, Cabanes Cécile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabricio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Schmechtig Catherine, Sauzède Raphaëlle, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2021). Bilan Argo France - 2020 . AF-2021-BILAN2020 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Andre Xavier, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Sauzède Raphaelle, Schmechtig Catherine, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2021). Plan d’Activité Argo-France 2021 . AF-2021-PA2021 .
Euro-Argo ERIC (2020). Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo. MOCCA project 5 – year achievements .
Maze Guillaume, Andre Xavier, Cabanes Cécile, Carval Thierry, Claustre Hervé, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lebreton Nathanaele, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Poteau Antoine, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Sauzede Raphaëlle, Schmechtig Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2020). French National Report on Argo - 2019 .
Coriolis Data Management (2019). Implementation of Argo real time quality controls by Coriolis data centre .
Zilberman Nathalie, King Brian, Purkey Sarah, Thierry Virginie, Roemmich Dean (2019). Report on the 2nd Deep Argo Implementation Workshop. Hobart, May 13-15th 2019 .
Crenan Brieuc (2019). N/O Thalassa, Guide d’utilisation et de gestion de la Ferrybox . NE-2019-591 .
Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Claustre Hervé, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lebreton Nathanaele, Le Reste Serge, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Poteau Antoine, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Schmechtig Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2019). French National Report on Argo - 2018 .
Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Maze Guillaume, Poteau Antoine, Le Reste Serge, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Schmechtig Catherine, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2019). Bilan Argo-France 2018 . AF-2019-BILAN2018 .
Obolensky Grigor (2019). Argo Dataset Production . Deliverable D3.15 .
Balem Kevin (2019). TOOTSEA. Toolbox for Time Series Exploration and Analysis .
Pouliquen Sylvie (2019). Sustainability of the new Argo mission . Deliverable D3.16 .
Gallian Marine, Thierry Virginie (2018). Delayed-mode quality control of dissolved oxygen concentration measured by ARGO floats in the North- Atlantic with LOCODOX - Floats deployed in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 .
Branellec Pierre, Thierry Virginie (2018). RREX 2017. CTD-O2 Data report . Rap. Int. LOPS/18-04 .
Cabanes Cecile, Racape Virginie, Thierry Virginie (2018). Delayed mode analysis of DEEP ARVOR floats . SO ARGO - LOPS report n°LOPS/18-03 .
Bittig Henry, Körtzinger Arne, Johnson Ken, Claustre Herve, Emerson Steve, Fennel Katja, Garcia Hernan, Gilbert Denis, Gruber Nicolas, Kang Dong-Jin, Naqvi Wajih, Prakash Satya, Riser Steven, Thierry Virginie, Tilbrook Bronte, Uchida Hiroshi, Ulloa Osvaldo, Xing Xiaogang (2018). SCOR WG 142: Quality Control Procedures for Oxygen and Other Biogeochemical Sensors on Floats and Gliders. Recommendations on the conversion between oxygen quantities for Bio-Argo floats and other autonomous sensor platforms .
Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Claustre Hervé, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lebreton Nathanaele, Poteau Antoine, Le Reste Serge, Schmechtig Catherine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2018). French National Report on Argo - 2017 .
Petit Tillys, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle (2018). RREX 2015. S-ADCP data processing report . LOPS/18-01 (March 2018) .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901208 . Internal Report LPO 17-25 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901206 . Internal Report LPO 17-15 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901214 . Internal Report LPO 17-21 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901205 . Internal Report LPO 17-14 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 6901570 . Internal Report LOPS 2017 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901213 . Internal Report LOPS/17-20 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901211 . Internal Report LOPS/17-18 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902301 . Internal Report LOPS/17-27 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 1901209 . Internal Report LOPS/17-06 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902303 . Internal Report LOPS/17-08 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902304 . Internal Report LOPS/17-09 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902308 . Internal Report LOPS/17-12 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902300 . Internal Report LOPS/17-06 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902302 . Internal Report LOPS/17-07 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902306 . Internal Report LOPS/17-10 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902307 . Internal Report LOPS/17-11 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902269 . Internal Report LOPS/17-13 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Floats WMO 5902299 and 5902305 . Internal Report LOPS/17-26 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902298 . Internal Report LOPS/17-05 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Delayed mode quality control and Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902297 . Internal Report LOPS/17-04 .
Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Claustre Hervé, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lebreton Nathanaele, Poteau Antoine, Le Reste Serge, Schmechtig Catherine, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2017). French National Report on Argo - 2016. Present status and future plans .
Reverdin Gilles, Thierry Virginie, Utiz Julia, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Bradshaw Elizabeth, Pfeil Benjamin (2017). QC Report. AtlantOS project . D7.2 .
Euro-Argo ERIC (2017). Strategy for evolution of Argo in Europe . EA-2016-ERIC-STRAT .
Branellec Pierre, Thierry Virginie (2016). RREX 2015. CTD-O2 Data report . ODE/LOPS/16-26 .
Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cecile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Lebreton Nathanaele, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Poffa Noe, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2016). French National Report on Argo - 2015. Present status and future plans . LPO/16-01 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900403 . Internal Report LPO/15-10 .
Thierry Virginie, Branellec Pierre, Leizour Stephane, Hamon Michel (2015). Compte rendu de la campagne RREX 2015. N/O Thalassa 5 juin 2015 - 10 Juillet 2015 . Note technique LPO-GT15-15 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900404 . Internal Report LPO/15-09 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900402 . Internal Report LPO/15-08 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900399 . Internal Report LPO/15-07 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900406 . Internal Report LPO/15-11 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900491 . Internal Report LPO/15-25 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900638 . Internal Report LPO/15-23 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900451 . Internal Report LPO/15-13 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900450 . Internal Report LPO/15-14 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900190 . Internal Report LPO/15-15 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900395 . Internal Report LPO/15-12 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900642 . Internal Report LPO/15-16 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900643 . Internal Report LPO/15-17 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900496 . Internal Report LPO/15-21 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo data - float WMO 6900495 . Internal Report LPO/15-20 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900498 . Internal Report LPO/15-22 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo data - float WMO 6900494 . Internal Report LPO/15-19 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900640 . Internal Report LPO/15-24 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2015). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo data - float WMO 6900493 . Internal Report LPO/15-18 .
Petit Tillys (2015). Dynamique des courants océaniques sur la Ride de Reykjanes: évaluation et analyse de simulations numériques de résolutions différentes.
Maze Guillaume, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile, Schmechtig Catherine, The Argo-France Management Board (2015). SNO Argo-France. 2010-2014 report and 2015-2019 evolution .
Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cécile, Carval Thierry, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaelle, Le Reste Serge, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2015). French National Report on Argo - 2014. Present status and future plans . LPO-15-01 .
Bittig Henry, Kortzinger Arne, Johnson Ken, Claustre Hervé, Emerson Steve, Fennel Katja, Garcia Hernan, Gilbert Denis, Gruber Nicolas, Kang Dong-Jin, Naqvi Wajih, Prakash Satya, Riser Steven, Thierry Virginie, Tilbrook Bronte, Uchida Hiroshi, Ulloa Osvaldo, Xing Xiagang (2015). SCOR WG 142: Quality Control Procedures for Oxygen and Other Biogeochemical Sensors on Floats and Gliders. Recommendation for oxygen measurements from Argo floats, implementation of in-air-measurement routine to assure highest long-term accuracy .
Maze Guillaume, Cabanes Cecile, Coatanoan Christine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lebreton Nathanaele, Le Reste Serge, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Mamaca Emina, Pouliquen Sylvie, Thierry Virginie (2014). French National Report on Argo -­ 2013. Present status and future plans . LPO/14-02 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2013). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 5902301 . Internal Report LPO/13-10 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2013). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 5902299 . Internal Report LPO/13-08 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2013). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 5902305 . Internal Report LPO/13-14 .
Cabanes Cecile, Thierry Virginie (2013). Surface Data of PROVOR/ARVOR floats based on Coriolis GDAC at 08/03/2013 . SO ARGO - LPO report LPO/13-05 .
Branellec Pierre, Thierry Virginie (2013). OVIDE 2010 CTD-O2 Cruise report . ODE/LPO/13/01 .
Cabanes Cecile, Thierry Virginie (2012). Surface Pressure of PROVOR/ARVOR floats based on Coriolis GDAC at 19/09/2012 . SO ARGO - LPO report LPO/12-04 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2012). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900492 . Internal Report LPO/12-09 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2012). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900639 . Internal Report LPO/12-08 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2012). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900400 . Internal Report LPO/12-05 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2012). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900405 . Internal Report LPO/12-06 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2012). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900191 . Internal Report LPO/12-07 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2011). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900490 . Internal Report LPO/11-05 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2011). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900637 . Internal Report LPO/11-07 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2011). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900497 . Internal Report LPO/11-06 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2010). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900641 . Internal Report LPO/10-10 .
Thierry Virginie (2010). Argo-France. Evolution 2010-2013 . Dossier pour une première labellisation (2010-2013) d’un Système National d'Observation .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2010). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900452 . Internal Report LPO/10-09 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2010). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900449 . Internal Report LPO/10-08 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2009). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900401 . Internal Report LPO/09-13 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2009). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900398 . Internal Report LPO/09-11 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2009). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900396 . Internal Report LPO/09-12 .
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie (2009). Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo Data. Float WMO 6900397 . Internal Report LPO/09-10 .
Thierry Virginie, Gaillard Fabienne, Mercier Herle (2001). Réalisation d'un modèle inverse de l'Atlantique Nord-Est pour les années Arcane-Cambios (1996 - 1998) . Marché .


Desbruyeres Damien, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie, Lherminier Pascale, Gula Jonathan, Cyr F, Kieke D, Holliday P, Smeed D (2019). CROSSROAD. Climatic ROle of Subpolar Slopes: a Regional Observational Array off NewfoundlanD . Journées Scientifiques LEFE/GMMC (Groupe Mission Mercator Coriolis ) 2019. 12-14 juin 2019, Toulon .
Petit Tillys, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie (2018). Circulation in the vicinity of the Reykjanes Ridge in June-July 2015 / First direct estimates of volume and water mass transports across the Reykjanes Ridge . 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting AGU/ASLO. 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon .
Dutreuil Vincent, Andre Xavier, Le Reste Serge, Thierry Virginie, Renaut Corentin, Brault Patrice, Sagot Jerome, David Arnaud (2015). NAOS: Profileurs Deep Arvor & Argos-3 – 4ème Réunion annuelle . 4ème réunion annuelle NAOS. 21-22 septembre 2015, Brest .
Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Maze Guillaume, Le Reste Serge, Dutreuil Vincent, Andre Xavier, Lenault Yannick (2015). Deep-Arvor floats (4000m) : first results and future plans . GAIC2015 - "Sustained ocean observing for the next decade" A combined GO-SHIP/Argo/ IOCCP conference on physical and biogeochemical measurements of the water column. 14 – 18 September 2015, Galway, Ireland .
Dutreuil Vincent, Le Reste Serge, Thierry Virginie, Andre Xavier, Lenault Yannick, Renaut Corentin, Brault Patrice, Sagot Jerome, David Arnaud (2014). Deep-Arvor: The results of the first industrial prototype deployment . 3rd NAOS annual meeting, 16-17 June 2014, Brest .
Le Reste Serge, Thierry Virginie, Dutreuil Vincent, Andre Xavier, Lenault Yannick (2014). Deep-Arvor: a profiling float for deep sea applications . Oceanology International 2014, 11-13 March, London .
Piron Anne, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie, Caniaux Guy (2014). Direct observation of 1000m deep convection in the Irminger Sea by ARGO-O2 floats during winter 2011-2012 . EGU 2014, European Geosciences Union, 27 avril - 2 mai 2014, Vienne.
Le Reste Serge, Thierry Virginie, Dutreuil Vincent, Andre Xavier, Trautmann Coralie (2013). Deep-Arvor: Technology & results from the first deployment . 4th Euro-Argo Science Meeting and Workshop on the Arctic and sub-Polar North Atlantic, 18 - 20 June 2013, Southampton, UK .
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle (2013). The Atlantic Ocean main pycnocline from Argo data . EGU 2013 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 7-12 avril 2013, Vienne, Autriche .
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle (2012). The North Atlantic main pycnocline from Argo data . 4th Argo Science workshop, 27-29 September 2012, Venice, Italy .
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herle, Perez Fiz F., Memery Laurent, Morin Pascal (2012). Mass, nutrients and oxygen budgets in the North Eastern Atlantic Ocean . 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 February 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA .

Communications sans actes

Bajon Raphael, Carracedo Lidia, Mercier Herle, Perez Fiz F., Velo Anton, Asselot Remy, Thierry Virginie (2023). Intra-annual variability of carbon signature and transport in the North Atlantic Ocean . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Andre Xavier, Thierry Virginie, Desbruyeres Damien, Maze Guillaume, Renaut Corentin (2020). Deep-Arvor. Profiling float . AST 21- Argo Steering Team Meeting 21. April 13 – 17, 2020.
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Le Reste Serge, Hamon Michel, Branellec Pierre, Halverson Mark, Johnson Greg, Leconte Jean Michel, Taylor Jon, Zhang Rui (2018). Preliminary evaluation of the deep RBRconcerto during the RREX17 cruise . AST 1- 19th Argo Steering Team Meeting. March 12-15, 2018, Sidney, B.C., Canada .
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie (2014). International Strategy: Argo-Deep . 3rd NAOS annual meeting. 16-17 June 2014, Brest, France.
Cabanes Cecile, Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Lagadec Catherine (2013). NA-ARC Activities . ADMT14 - 14th Argo Data Management Meeting. Southampton, UK.
Maze Guillaume, Mercier Herle, Thierry Virginie (2013). The main pycnocline of the Atlantic Ocean . 4th Euro-Argo Science Meeting and Workshop on the Arctic and sub-Polar North Atlantic. June 18-20th, 2013, National Oceanographic Center, Southampton, U.K .
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herlé, Perez Fiz, Memery Laurent, Morin Pascal (2011). Mass, nutrients and oxygen budgets in the North-East Atlantic . OVIDE/CATARINA meeting. 19-21 Dec. 2011, Vigo, Spain.
Maze Guillaume, Thierry Virginie, Mercier Herlé (2011). Oxygen budget in the North-East Atlantic Ocean . Annual OVIDE Meeting. January 10-11 2011, Brest, France.

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