Sites Web
Domaines de recherche
Océanographie, Halieutique, Modélisation des écosystèmes, Interactions physique-biologie, Cycles de vie et connectivité des populations, petits pélagiques
Projets nationaux ou internationaux
Terminé: CERES
Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
PELGAS 2016 | Thalassa | 2016 | Golfe de Gascogne |
PELGAS 2015 | Thalassa | 2015 | Golfe de Gascogne |
PELGAS 2014 | Thalassa | 2014 | Golfe de Gascogne |
PELGAS 2013 | Thalassa | 2013 | Golfe de Gascogne |
ECLAIR5 | Cotes De L | 2008 | Panache de la Gironde, sur la marge continentale du Golfe de Gascogne |
ECLAIR4 | Gwen Drez | 2008 | Panache de la Gironde, marge continentale |
ECLAIR3 | Thalia | 2008 | Panache de la Gironde, marge continentale |
ECLAIR2 | Cote D Aqu | 2008 | Panache de la Gironde, sur la marge continentale du golfe de Gascogne |
ECLAIR1 | Thalia | 2008 | Panache de la Gironde, marge continentale |
Jeux de données
Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Panaïotis Thelma, Bourriau Paul, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Grandremy Nina, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Irisson Jean-Olivier (2024). ZooCAMNet : plankton images captured with the ZooCAM . SEANOE .
Huret Martin, Favreau Aurelien, Gatti Paul, Le Mestre Sophie (2024). Energy density and proximal composition of anchovy and sardine along the french Atlantic coast . SEANOE .
Grandrémy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Daché Edwin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Huret Martin, Jalabert Laetitia, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Raphalen Elio, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). PELGAS Bay of Biscay ZooScan zooplankton Dataset (2004-2016) . SEANOE .
Grandrémy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). PELGAS Bay of Biscay ZooCAM zooplankton Dataset (2016-2019) . SEANOE .
Dambrine Chloe, Woillez Mathieu, Huret Martin, De Pontual Helene (2020). Spawning areas of Dicentrarchus labrax in the English Channel - Celtic Sea. IFREMER.
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Authier Matthieu, Duhamel Erwan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent, Dorémus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Pennors Laurence, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Gridded maps of pelagic ecosystem parameters collected in the Bay of Biscay during the PELGAS integrated survey . SEANOE .
Huret Martin, Bourriau Paul, Mornet Francoise, Dupuy Christine, Petitgas Pierre (2016). Anchovy and Sardine egg abundances and zooplankton biomass within the Gironde plume in 2008 . SEANOE .
Catalán Ignacio A., Bowlin Noelle M., Baker Matthew R., Berg Florian, Brazier Aaron, Brochier Timothee, Del Favero Jana M., Garrido Susana, Gherardi Douglas F. M., Haase Stefanie, Huret Martin, Kloppmann Matthias H. F., Van Der Kooij Jeroen, de Souza Moraes Luiz Eduardo, Moyano Marta, Nash Richard D. M., Parada Carolina, Peck Myron A., Polte Patrick, Riveiro Isabel, Takahashi Motomitsu, Gutiérrez Mariano, Vásquez Sebastián I., Ospina-Álvarez Andrés . Worldwide Appraisal of Knowledge Gaps in the Space Usage of Small Pelagic Fish: Highlights Across Stock Uncertainties and Research Priorities . Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Favreau Aurelien, Doray Mathieu, Spitz Jérôme, Le Mestre Sophie, Huret Martin (2025). Condition states in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) revealed by energy and proximate composition relationships . Journal Of Fish Biology , 106(2), 465-480 .
Skogen Md, Aarflot Jm, García-García Lm, Ji R, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Almroth-Rosell E, Belgrano A, Benkort D, Daewel U, Edman M, Friedland R, Gao S, Hill-Cruz M, Hjøllo Ss, Huret Martin, Kellner Jb, Van Leeuwen S, Van Leeuwen S, Maar M, Mousing Ea, Peck Ma, Pastor Rollan A, Sailley Sf, Saraiva S, Speakman C, Troost T, Yumruktepe Vç (2024). Bridging the gap: integrating models and observations for better ecosystem understanding . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 739, 257-268 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, McKeown Niall, Campanella Fabio, Boyra Guillermo, Doray Mathieu, Santos Mocoroa Maria, Fernandes Da Silva Joana, Huret Martin (2024). Northward range expansion of Bay of Biscay anchovy into the English Channel . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 741, 217-236 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grandremy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Daché Edwin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Jalabert Laetitia, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2024). Metazoan zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay: a 16-year record of individual sizes and abundances obtained using the ZooScan and ZooCAM imaging systems . Earth System Science Data , 16(3), 1265-1282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rose Kenneth A., Holsman Kirstin, Nye Janet A., Markowitz Emily H., Banha Thomas N.S., Bednaršek Nina, Bueno-Pardo Juan, Deslauriers David, Fulton Elizabeth A., Huebert Klaus B., Huret Martin, Ito Shin-Ichi, Koenigstein Stefan, Li Lingbo, Moustahfid Hassan, Muhling Barbara A., Neubauer Philipp, Paula José Ricardo, Siddon Elizabeth C., Skogen Morten D., Spencer Paul D., Van Denderen P. Daniel, Van Der Meeren Gro I., Peck Myron A. (2024). Advancing bioenergetics-based modeling to improve climate change projections of marine ecosystems . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 732, 193-221 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Silve Violette, Cabral Henrique, Huret Martin, Drouineau Hilaire (2024). Will most suitable spawning grounds for coastal fishes be impacted by climate change? A larval drift modelling approach . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 297, 108584 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Joint ICES-PICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF - outputs from 2023 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(48), 40pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Silve Violette, Cabral Henrique, Huret Martin, Drouineau Hilaire (2023). Sensitivity to life-history parameters in larval fish drift modelling predictions for contrasting climatic conditions . Progress In Oceanography , 217, 103102 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Drouineau Hilaire, Moullec Fabien, Gascuel Didier, Laloë Francis, Lucas Sterenn, Bez Nicolas, Guillotreau Patrice, Guitton Jérôme, Hernvann Pierre-Yves, Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid, Léopold Marc, Mahévas Stephanie, Robert Marianne, Woillez Mathieu, Vermard Youen (2023). Food for thought from French scientists for a revised EU Common Fisheries Policy to protect marine ecosystems and enhance fisheries performance . Marine Policy , 148, 105460 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grandremy Nina, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Dupuy Christine, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2023). Hydrology and small pelagic fish drive the spatio–temporal dynamics of springtime zooplankton assemblages over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf . Progress In Oceanography , 210, 102949 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Menu Clara, Pecquerie Laure, Bacher Cedric, Doray Mathieu, Hattab Tarek, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Huret Martin (2023). Testing the bottom-up hypothesis for the decline in size of anchovy and sardine across European waters through a bioenergetic modeling approach . Progress In Oceanography , 210, 102943 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Everett Jason, Heneghan Ryan, Blanchard Julia, Suthers Iain, Pakhomov Evgeny, Sykes Patrick, Schoeman David, Baird Mark, Basedow Sünnje Linnéa, Błachowiak-Samołyk Katarzyna, Heath Michael, Hopcroft Russell, Huggett Jenny, Huret Martin, Kimmel David, Labat Jean-Philippe, Lopes Rubens, Marcolin Catarina, Nogueira Enrique, Noyon Margaux, Schultes Sabine, Sourisseau Marc, Swadling Kerrie, Trudnowska Emilia, Richardson Anthony (2022). Self-organisation of zooplankton communities produces similar food chain lengths throughout the ocean . Under Review Nature portfolio , (Version 1), 45p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Langa Jorge, Huret Martin, Montes Iratxe, Conklin Darrell, Estonba Andone (2021). Transcriptomic dataset for Sardina pilchardus: Assembly, annotation, and expression of nine tissues . Data In Brief , 39, 107583 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dambrine Chloe, Woillez Mathieu, Huret Martin, de Pontual Helene (2021). Characterising Essential Fish Habitat using spatio‐temporal analysis of fishery data: A case study of the European seabass spawning areas . Fisheries Oceanography , 30(4), 413-428 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Houliez Emilie, Lefebvre Sebastien, Dessier Aurélie, Huret Martin, Marquis Elise, Bréret Martine, Dupuy Christine (2021). Spatio-temporal drivers of microphytoplankton community in the Bay of Biscay: do species ecological niches matter? Progress In Oceanography , 194, 102558 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Working Group on Integrative, Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(73), 62pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Boyra Guillermo, Van Der Kooij Jeroen (eds) (2021). ICES Survey Protocols – Manual for acoustic surveys coordinated under ICES Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Small Pelagic Fish (WGACEGG). 1st Edition. ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences , 64, 100pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for small pelagic fish in NE Atlantic (WGACEGG; outputs from 2020 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(76), 706p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Véron Matthieu, Duhamel Erwan, Bertignac Michel, Pawlowski Lionel, Huret Martin, Baulier Loic (2020). Determinism of Temporal Variability in Size at Maturation of Sardine Sardina pilchardus in the Bay of Biscay . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 567841 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Lebigre Christophe, Iriondo Mikel, Montes Iratxe, Estonba Andone (2020). Genetic population structure of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in North-western Europe and variability in the seasonal distribution of the stocks . Fisheries Research , 229, 105619 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dambrine Chloe, Huret Martin, Woillez Mathieu, Pecquerie Laure, Allal Francois, Servili Arianna, de Pontual Helene (2020). Contribution of a bioenergetics model to investigate the growth and survival of European seabass in the Bay of Biscay – English Channel area . Ecological Modelling , 423, 109007 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Huret Martin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2020). Analysing Temporal Variability in Spatial Distributions Using Min–Max Autocorrelation Factors: Sardine Eggs in the Bay of Biscay . Mathematical Geosciences , 52(3), 337-354 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Veron Matthieu, Duhamel Erwan, Bertignac Michel, Pawlowski Lionel, Huret Martin (2020). Major changes in sardine growth and body condition in the Bay of Biscay between 2003 and 2016: Temporal trends and drivers . Progress In Oceanography , 182, 102274 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bueno-Pardo Juan, Petitgas Pierre, Kay Susan, Huret Martin (2020). Integration of bioenergetics in an individual-based model to hindcast anchovy dynamics in the Bay of Biscay . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 77(2), 655-667 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2020). Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES areas 7, 8 and 9 (WGACEGG; outputs from 2019 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(44), 490pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Ulrich Clara, Auber Arnaud, Gourguet Sophie, Huret Martin, Mazurais David, Pernet Fabrice, Pouvreau Stephane, Richard Marion, Servili Arianna, Thebaud Olivier, Zambonino Infante Jose-Luis (2020). Conséquences du changement climatique sur les écosystèmes marins exploités par la pêche et la conchyliculture . Etudes Marines , (18), 40-53 . Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Tsiaras K, Daewel U, Skogen Md, Gatti Paul, Petitgas Pierre, Somarakis S (2019). Variation in life-history traits of European anchovy along a latitudinal gradient: a bioenergetics modelling approach . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 617, 95-112 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dessier Aurelie, Bustamante Paco, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Huret Martin, Pagano Marc, Marquis Elise, Rousseaux Frederic, Pignon-Mussaud Cecilia, Mornet Francoise, Breret Martine, Dupuy Christine (2018). The spring mesozooplankton variability and its relationship with hydrobiological structure over year-to-year changes (2003–2013) in the southern Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic) . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 76-87 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Perrot Laurie, Gohin Francis, Ruiz-Pino Diana, Lampert Luis, Huret Martin, Dessier Aurelie, Malestroit Pascale, Dupuy Christine, Bourriau Paul (2018). Coccolith-derived turbidity and hydrological conditions in May in the Bay of Biscay . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 41-53 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Authier Matthieu, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome (2018). Monitoring small pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay ecosystem, using indicators from an integrated survey . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 168-188 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Hervy Camille, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Spring habitats of small pelagic fish communities in the Bay of Biscay . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 88-108 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Colas Florent, Tardivel Morgan, Perchoc Jonathan, Lunven Michel, Forest Bertrand, Guyader Gerard, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Le Mestre Sophie, Bourriau Paul, Antajan Elvire, Sourisseau Marc, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2018). The ZooCAM, a new in-flow imaging system for fast onboard counting, sizing and classification of fish eggs and metazooplankton . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 54-65 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome, Authier Matthieu, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent, Doremus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Masse Jacques (2018). The PELGAS survey: ship-based integrated monitoring of the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 15-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome, Authier Matthieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu (2018). Ecosystem spatial structure revealed by integrated survey data . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 189-198 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Bourriau Paul, Doray Mathieu, Gohin Francis, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Survey timing vs. ecosystem scheduling: Degree-days to underpin observed interannual variability in marine ecosystems . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 30-40 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gatti Paul, Cominassi Louise, Duhamel Erwan, Grellier Patrick, Le Delliou Herve, Le Mestre Sophie, Petitgas Pierre, Rabiller Manuella, Spitz Jerome, Huret Martin (2018). Bioenergetic condition of anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay and English Channel . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 129-138 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Maar Marie, Butenschon Momme, Daewel Ute, Eggert Anja, Fan Wei, Hjollo Solfrid S., Hufnagl Marc, Huret Martin, Ji Rubao, Lacroix Genevieve, Peck Myron A., Radtke Hagen, Sailley Sevrine, Sinerchia Matteo, Skogen Morten D., Travers-Trolet Morgane, Troost Tineke A., Van De Wolfshaar Karen (2018). Responses of summer phytoplankton biomass to changes in top-down forcing: Insights from comparative modelling . Ecological Modelling , 376, 54-67 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hufnagl Marc, Payne Mark, Lacroix Genevieve, Bolle Loes J., Daewele Ute, Dickey-Collas Mark, Gerkema Theo, Huret Martin, Janssen Frank, Kreus Markus, Paetsch Johannes, Pohlmann Thomas, Ruardij Piet, Schrum Corinna, Skogen Morten D., Tiessen Meinard C. H., Petitgas Pierre, Van Beek Jan K. L., Van Der Veer Henk W., Callies Ulrich (2017). Variation that can be expected when using particle tracking models in connectivity studies . Journal Of Sea Research , 127, 133-149 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gatti Paul, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2017). Comparing biological traits of anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay: A modelling approach with the Dynamic Energy Budget . Ecological Modelling , 348, 93-109 .
Huret Martin, Bourriau Paul, Gatti Paul, Dumas Franck, Petitgas Pierre (2016). Size, permeability and buoyancy of anchovy ( Engraulis Encrasicolus ) and sardine ( Sardina Pilchardus ) eggs in relation to their physical environment in the Bay of Biscay . Fisheries Oceanography , 25(6), 582-597 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Savina- Marie, Lunghi Mathias, Archambault B., Baulier Loic, Huret Martin, Le Pape Olivier (2016). Sole larval supply to coastal nurseries: Interannual variability and connectivity at interregional and interpopulation scales . Journal Of Sea Research , 111, 1-10 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Politikos Dimitrios, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2015). A coupled movement and bioenergetics model to explore the spawning migration of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . Ecological Modelling , 313, 212-222 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Masse Jacques, Woillez Mathieu (2014). Modelling the variability in fish spatial distributions over time with empirical orthogonal functions: anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 71(9), 2379-2389 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Daewel Ute, Hjollo Solfrid Saetre, Huret Martin, Ji Rubao, Maar Marie, Niiranen Susa, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Peck Myron A., Van De Wolfshaar Karen E. (2014). Predation control of zooplankton dynamics: a review of observations and models . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 71(2), 254-271 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vandromme Pieter, Nogueira Enrique, Huret Martin, Lopez-Urrutia Angel, Gonzalez-Nuevo Gonzalez G., Sourisseau Marc, Petitgas Pierre (2014). Springtime zooplankton size structure over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay . Ocean Science , 10(5), 821-835 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lehuta Sigrid, Petitgas Pierre, Mahevas Stephanie, Huret Martin, Vermard Youen, Uriarte Andres, Record Nicholas R. (2013). Selection and validation of a complex fishery model using an uncertainty hierarchy . Fisheries Research , 143, 57-66 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Sourisseau Marc, Petitgas Pierre, Struski Caroline, Leger Fabien, Lazure Pascal (2013). A multi-decadal hindcast of a physical–biogeochemical model and derived oceanographic indices in the Bay of Biscay . Journal Of Marine Systems , 109, S77-S94 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Rijnsdorp Adriaan D., Dickey-Collas Mark, Engelhard Georg, Peck Myron A., Pinnegar John K., Drinkwater Ken, Huret Martin, Nash Richard D. M. (2013). Impacts of climate change on the complex life cycles of fish . Fisheries Oceanography , 22(2), 121-139 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rochette Sebastien, Huret Martin, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Coupling hydrodynamic and individual-based models to simulate long-term larval supply to coastal nursery areas . Fisheries Oceanography , 21(4), 229-242 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Alheit Juergen, Peck Myron A., Raab Kristina, Irigoien Xabier, Huret Martin, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Pohlmann Thomas, Wagner Carola, Zarraonaindia Iratxe, Dickey-Collas Mark (2012). Anchovy population expansion in the North Sea . Marine Ecology-progress Series , 444, 1-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hinrichsen Hans-Harald, Dickey-Collas Mark, Huret Martin, Peck Myron A., Vikebo Frode B. (2011). Evaluating the suitability of coupled biophysical models for fishery management . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(7), 1478-1487 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berx Barbara, Dickey-Collas Mark, Skogen Morten D., de Roeck Yann-Herve, Klein Holger, Barciela Rosa, Forster Rodney M., Dombrowsky Eric, Huret Martin, Payne Mark, Sagarminaga Yolanda, Schrum Corinna (2011). Does Operational Oceanography Address the Needs of Fisheries and Applied Environmental Scientists? Oceanography , 24(1), 166-171 . Open Access version :
Chassot Emmanuel, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Reygondeau Gabriel, Nieto Karen, Polovina Jeffrey J., Huret Martin, Dulvy Nicholas K., Demarcq Herve (2011). Satellite remote sensing for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(4), 651-666 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Woillez Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Struski Caroline, Leger Fabien (2010). Statistical monitoring of spatial patterns of environmental indices for integrated ecosystem assessment: Application to the Bay of Biscay pelagic zone . Progress In Oceanography , 87(1-4), 83-93 .
Lett Christophe, Ayata Sakina-Dorothee, Huret Martin, Irisson Jean-Olivier (2010). Biophysical modelling to investigate the effects of climate change on marine population dispersal and connectivity . Progress In Oceanography , 87(1-4), 106-113 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu (2010). Dispersal kernels and their drivers captured with a hydrodynamic model and spatial indices: A case study on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) early life stages in the Bay of Biscay . Progress In Oceanography , 87(1-4), 6-17 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brasseur Pierre, Gruber Nicolas, Barciela Rosa, Brander Keith, Doron Maeva, El Moussaoui Abdelali, Hobday Alistair J., Huret Martin, Kremeur Anne-Sophie, Lehodey Patrik, Matear Richard, Moulin Cyril, Murtugudde Raghu, Senina Inna, Svendsen Einar (2009). Integrating Biogeochemistry and Ecology Into Ocean Data Assimilation Systems . Oceanography , 22(3), 206-215 . Open Access version :
North Elizabeth W., Gallego Alejandro, Petitgas Pierre (2009). Manual of recommended practices for modelling physical – biological interactions during fish early life . ICES Cooperative Research Report , (295), pp.1-111 . Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Runge J, Chen Claude, Cowles G, Xu Q, Pringle J (2007). Dispersal modeling of fish early life stages: sensitivity with application to Atlantic cod in the western Gulf of Maine . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 347, 261-274 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Gohin Francis, Delmas Daniel, Lunven Michel, Garcon Véronique (2007). Use of SeaWiFS data for light availability and parameter estimation of a phytoplankton production model of the Bay of Biscay . Journal of Marine Systems , 65(1-4), 509-531 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gohin Francis, Loyer S, Lunven Michel, Labry Claire, Froidefond J, Delmas Daniel, Huret Martin, Herbland Alain (2005). Satellite-derived parameters for biological modelling in coastal waters: Illustration over the eastern continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay . Remote Sensing of Environment , 95(1), 29-46 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Huret Martin, Dadou Isabelle, Dumas Franck, Lazure Pascal, Garcon Véronique (2005). Coupling physical and biogeochemical processes in the Rio de la Plata plume . Continental Shelf Research , 25(5-6), 629-653 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Communication avec actes
Politikos Dimitrios, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2013). A behavioural fish movement approach within an anchovy IBM model to study fish migration patterns in the Bay of Biscay . ICES CM 2013/N:12 .
Lopez Romain, Huret Martin, Pecquerie Laure, Bertignac Michel, Mahevas Stephanie, de Pontual Helene (2013). Modelling the connectivity between spawning and nursery grounds under environmental forcing: application to European sea bass in the Northeast Atlantic . ICES CM 2013/B:17 .
Huret Martin, Vandromme Pieter, Petitgas Pierre, Pecquerie Laure (2012). Connectivity patterns of anchovy larvae in the Bay of Biscay from a coupled transport-bioenergetic model forced by size-structured zooplankton . ICES CM 2012/E:14 .
Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Leger Fabien (2011). Identifying and monitoring limiting factors of recruitment: anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . ICES Annual Science Conference .
Loots Christophe, Planque Benjamin, Vaz Sandrine, Koubbi Philippe, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2010). What controls the spawning distribution of the Bay of Biscay anchovy: a multi-model approach. ICES CM 2010/G:05 .
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Struski Caroline, Léger F., Sourisseau Marc, Lazure Pascal (2010). A 38 years hindcast of a coupled physical-biochemical model and its use for fisheries oceanography in the Bay of Biscay . ICES CM 2010/A:06 - Theme Session A: Operational oceanography for fisheries and environmental applications. 17p.
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Struski Caroline, Leger Fabien, Sourisseau Marc, Lazure Pascal (2010). A 37 years hindcast of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model and its use for fisheries oceanography in the Bay of Biscay . ICES-CIEM Annual Science Conference Nantes ICES CM 2010/A06 (CD-ROM) .
Woillez Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Struski Caroline, Leger Fabien (2010). Statistical change detection in the spatio-temporal dynamics of the biophysical model outputs: towards an operational monitoring of the environment of the Bay of Biscay . ICES CM 2010/G: 20 .
Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Leger Fabien, Peck Myron A., Dickey-Collas Mark, Rijnsdorp Adriaan D. (2009). Patterns and schedules in hindcasted environments and fish life cycles . ICES Annual Science Conference .
Struski Caroline, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2009). Long-term hindcast and climate change forecast of habitat unsuitability using bioenergetics and physical-biogeochemical models: anchovy in the Bay of Biscay and the North Sea . ICES Annual Science Conference .
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Leger Fabien (2009). Potential responses of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) larval dispersal to climate change in the Bay of Biscay . ICES CM 2009/E:08 .
Thesis / HDR
Huret Martin (2005). Apports des données de la 'couleur de l'eau' à la modélisation couplée physique-biogéochimie en milieu dynamique côtier : Application au Rio de la Plata et au Golfe de Gascogne . PhD Thesis , Paul Sabatier Toulouse .
Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Travers-Trolet Morgane (2024). Rapport DEFIPEL. Développement d’une approche de gestion intégrée de la filière petits pélagiques française. R.RBE/HALGO/LBH-2024-02 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2024). 2024 comparison of ICES WGACEGG acoustic and egg-based fish biomass indices . ICES WGACEGG 2024 working document. RBE/HALGO/EMH 24-04 .
Huret Martin (2024). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts Joint ICES/PICES sur les petits poissons pélagiques (WGSPF). La Paz, Mexique, 12 au 14 février 2024 .
Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Michelet Nicolas, Joguet Manon (2024). Projet DEFIPEL. Campagnes Sentinelles. Baie de Seine - 26-28 Juin 2020 et 26-27 Juillet 2021 . PDG/RBE/HALGO/LBH-2024-01 .
Régimbart Amélie (2024). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2023. ODE / VIGIES / 24-03 .
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan (2023). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail du CIEM WGACEGG. San Sebastian, Espagne, Visioconférence, 13-17 novembre 2023 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2023). Comparison of ICES WGACEGG acoustic and egg-based fish biomass indices . ICES WGACEGG 2023 Working Document .
Régimbart Amélie (2023). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2022 . Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 40p.
Huret Martin, Menu Clara, Olmos Maxime (2022). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d’experts Joint ICES/PICES sur les petits poissons pélagiques (WGSPF), Lisbonne, Portugal, 12-13/11/2022 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2022-19 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2021). Space time analysis of a daily fecundity proxy for anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay . ICES - WGACEGG 2021 meeting Working Document .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Bical Raphaël (2021). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS21 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGACEGG & WGHANSA. Online, 15-19 and 22-26 november 2021 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2021). Comparison between acoustic and egg-based fish biomass indices . ICES - WGACEGG 2021 working document .
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid (2021). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM sur la modélisation intégrative physique-biologie et écosystémique (WGIPEM). Visioconférence, 22-25 mars 2021 . RBE/EDERU/CRWG/2021/2 .
Moulin Nina (2021). Distribution et exploitation du maquereau, du chinchard et du sprat par les pêcheries françaises dans l’Atlantique Nord-Est . Mémoire de Master 1, Sciences de la mer et du littoral, Mention Biologie, Sciences Halieutiques et Aquacoles. Université de Bretagne Occidentale .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan (2021). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM consacré aux campagnes acoustiques et œufs des petits pélagiques (WGACEGG). Visio-conférence, 15-19 novembre 2021 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-38 .
Doray Mathieu, Coulon Noémie, Huret Martin, Le Bouffant Naig, Berger Laurent (2020). Did acoustic miss much spawning anchovy surface schools in the Bay of Biscay in spring 2019 ? WGACEGG2020 Working Document .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin (2020). Rationale for and examples of acoustic and egg indices comparison for quality control of fish-stock survey estimates . WGACEGG2020 Working Document .
Thomas Amandine, Baudrier Jerome, Gauthier Emilie (2019). Bancarisation des données planctoniques des campagnes halieutiques . Proposition de structuration des données planctoniques des campagnes optimisées pour une intégration dans le SI Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/19/06 .
Crenan Brieuc (2019). N/O Thalassa, Guide d’utilisation et de gestion de la Ferrybox . NE-2019-591 .
Ubiqus , Talidec Catherine, Petitgas Pierre (2019). Compte rendu des Journées scientifiques : approche écosystémique halieutique, Nantes, 17 et 18 janvier 2019 .
Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Gatti Paul, Lebigre Christophe, Le Mestre Sophie, Petitgas Pierre, Rabiller Manuella, Guigue Thierry, Joguet Manon, Maillet Jérome (2019). Rapport Final – Projet CAPTAIN. Connaissances Améliorées à l'aide des Pêcheurs sur la sArdIne et l'ANchois de la façade Atlantque - Bilan 2015-2018 . PDG/RBE/STH/LBH-2019-01 .
Devreker David, Lefebvre Alain (2018). Optimisation du programme de surveillance DCSMM pour les descripteurs 5 - Eutrophisation et 1 - Habitats Pélagiques. Campagnes océanographiques à l'échelle des sous-régions marines. RST/LER.BL/18.06 .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Marie-Lepoittevin Theodore, Peltier Hélène, Autthier Matthieu (2018). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS18 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine). Lisbon, 26-30 June.2018 .
Mabileau Guillaume, Baudrier Jerome (2018). Bancarisation des données hydrologiques des campagnes halieutiques. Proposition d’harmonisation et de restitution des données au titre de la DCSMM . ODE/VIGIES .
ICES (2018). Final Report of the Working Group on Integrative Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM) 16-20 April 2018 ICES Headquarters, Denmark . ICES CM 2018/IEASG:01. 42 pp.
Lehuta Sigrid, Huret Martin, Issac Pierre, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Impact du changement climatique sur les populations de petits pélagiques des façades françaises. Atleier CERES, éléments de synthèse .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Lespagnol Patrick, Doremus Gislain, Le Bourdonnec Pierre (2017). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS17 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Bilbao, 24-29 June.2017) .
Ifremer (2017). Etudes de processus régulateurs du climat et impacts des variations climatiques . Rapport du groupe 1d - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Lehuta Sigrid, Huret Martin (2017). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d’experts du CIEM Integrative Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM 2017). Oristano, 13-15 juin 2017 . RBE/EDERU/2017/CRGT9 .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Lespagnol Patrick, Doremus Ghislain, Lemerre Charlotte (2016). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS16 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Lorient, 24-29 June.2016) .
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Lehuta Sigrid, Savina-Rolland Marie, Huret Martin (2016). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d’experts du CIEM Integrative Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM 2016). Brest, 6-8 avril 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT13 .
Schrum Corinna, Menze Sebastian, Daewel Utte, Samuelsen Annette, Logemann Kai, Marteinsdottir Gudrun, Pollani Annika, Tsiaras Kostas, Somarakis Stelios, Triantafyllou Georg, Dortel Emmanuelle, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2016). SEAMAN Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. D6.3 Report on the Assessment of predictive capacities of models, methods and indicators . SEAMAN Deliverable 6.3 .
Wehde Henning, Triantafyllou Georg, Somarakis Stelios, Giannoulaki Marianna, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Remond Barbara, Sourisseau Marc, Logemann Kai (2016). SEAMAN Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. 1.2 Manuscript on results of findings comparing the different observation methodologies .
Giannoulaki M., Tsiaras K., Pyrounaki M.-M., Schismenou E., Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Masse Jacques, Woillez Mathieu, Politikos Dimitrios, Logemann K., Marteinsdóttir G. (2016). SEAMAN Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. Deliverables D2.1, D2.2 and D2.3 Work Package II. Fish behaviour in response to environmental controls . SEAMAN Deliverables 2.1-2.2-2.3 .
Schrum C., Daewel U., Dortel Emmanuelle, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Skogen M. (2016). SEAMAN Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. D6.2 Manuscripts on higher trophic indicators . SEAMAN Deliverable 6.2 .
ICES (2016). Interim Report of the Working Group on Integrative Physical-Biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM). 6-8 June 2016 Brest, France . ICES CM 2016/SSGIEA:01 .
ICES (2016). Report of the Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine (WGHANSA). 24-29 June 2016 Lorient, France . ICES CM 2016/ACOM:17 .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Authier Matthieu, Bergot Patricia (2015). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS15 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Lisbon, 24-29 June.2015) .
Doray Mathieu, Badts Vincent, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Doremus Ghislain, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2015). Guide du chef de mission de la campagne PELGAS .
ICES (2015). Report of the Working Group on Integrative Physical - biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM). 16–19 March 2015, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEA:01 .
Lorance Pascal, Berthou Patrick, Bertrand Jacques, Dintheer Christian, Ernande Bruno, Foucher Eric, Huret Martin, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Trenkel Verena (2014). Rapport du groupe de travail Campagnes halieutiques en Manche. Groupe de travail interne RBE, réflexion sur les campagnes halieutiques en Manche, février-mars 2014 .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Authier Matthieu, Gestin Thomas (2014). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS14 acoustic survey .
Doray Mathieu, Badts Vincent, Masse Jacques, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin, Doremus Ghislain, Petitgas Pierre (2014). Manual of fisheries survey protocols. PELGAS surveys (PELagiques GAScogne) . RBE/EMH 2014-01 .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Doremus Ghislain, Pengrech Alexis (2013). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS13 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Bilbao, June.2013) .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2012). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Juillet Août Septembre 2012 - n°17 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2012). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Avril Mai Juin 2012 - n°16 .
Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques, Huret Martin, Doremus Ghislain, Duhamel Erwan (2012). Rapport de la campagne à la mer PELGAS2012 . PDG-RBE-EMH/2012-01 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2012). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Janvier Février Mars 2012 - n°15 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2012). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Octobre Novembre Décembre 2011 - n°14 .
ICES (2012). Report of the ICES Working Group on Interactive, Physical-Biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM), 13–16 March 2012, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen . ICES CM 2012/SSGSUE:01 .
ICES (2012). Report of the Working Group on Operational Oceanographic Products for Fisheries and Environment (WGOOFE), 12-16 March 2012 and 6-8 November 2012 ICES HQ, Copenhagen and Brussels, Belgium . ICES CM 2012/SSGSUE:06 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2011). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Juillet Août Septembre 2011 - n°13 .
Menesguen Alain, Huret Martin, Vanhoutte Brunier Alice, Trenkel Verena (2011). Compte rendu de mission au symposium international AMEMR (Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research), Plymouth (UK), 27-30 Juin 2011 .
ICES (2011). Report of the Working Group on Modelling of Physical/Biological Interactions (WGPBI) . ICES CM 2011/SSGEF:08 .
ICES (2011). Report of the ICES Working Group on Operational Oceanography products for Fisheries and Environment 2011 (WGOOFE) . ICES CM 2011/SSGSUE:09 .
Lazure Pascal, Huret Martin, Gohin Francis, Menesguen Alain, Lecornu Fabrice, Le Traon Pierre-Yves, Thomin Pascale, Jegou P., Baraer F., Corre Gilles, Louazel Stephanie (2010). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Janvier Février 2010 - n°12 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2010). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Novembre Décembre 2009 - n°11 .
ICES WGPBI (2010). Report of the Working Group on Physical Biological Interactions (WGPBI) . ICES CM 2010/SSGEF:14 .
ICES WGOOFE (2010). ICES WGOOFE report 2010 (executive summary) . ICES CM 2010/SSGSUE:03 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2009). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Septembre Octobre 2009 - n°10 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2009). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Juillet Août 2009 - n°9 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2009). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Mai Juin 2009 - n°8 .
Lazure Pascal, Huret Martin, Gohin Francis, Sourisseau Marc, Saulquin Bertrand, Lecornu Fabrice, de Roeck Yann-Herve, Legrand Jacques, Thomin Pascale, Aoustin Yannick, Jegou P., Baraer F., Le Stum M., Louazel Stephanie (2009). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Mars Avril 2009- n°7 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2009). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Janvier Février 2009 - n°6 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2009). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Novembre Décembre 2008 - n°5 .
Huret Martin, Struski Caroline, Leger Fabien, Petitgas Pierre, Lazure Pascal, Sourisseau Marc (2009). Modélisation couplée physique-biogéochimie du golfe de Gascogne sur la période 1971-2007 . R.INT.DOP/EMH/ 2009-01 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2008). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Septembre Octobre 2008 - n°4 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2008). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Juin Juillet Août 2008 - n°3 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2008). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Avril Mai 2008 - n°2 .
Equipe projet PREVIMER (2008). Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Février Mars 2008 - n°1 .
Ernande Bruno, Blanchard Fabian, Bourjea Jerome, Brind'Amour Anik, Caill-Milly Nathalie, de Pontual Helene, Desaunay Yves, Fablet Ronan, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Grizel Henri, Huret Martin, Lobry Jeremy, Mahe Kelig, Petitgas Pierre, Planque Benjamin, Prouzet Patrick, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Taquet Marc, Thebaud Olivier, Vaz Sandrine, Vendeville Philippe (2008). Bilan du projet STRADA. Des STRAtégies aDAptatives des organismes à une approche écosystémique des pêches . PDG/DPCP/PGD02/PJD0207 2008-001 .
Ouvrage / Actes de colloque / Chapitre d'ouvrage
Marchal Paul, Gasche Loic, Girardin Raphael, Le Pape Olivier, Huret Martin, Mahevas Stephanie, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vaz Sandrine (2015). From Data to End-to-End Models: 15 Years of Research to Describe the Dynamics of Exploited Marine Ecosystems in the Eastern Channel . In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. Editors: Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi, Yves Hénocque, Yasuyuki Koike, Teruhisa Komatsu, Georges Stora, Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin. 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online) . pp.169-173 (Springer Science + Business Media) .
Expertises / Avis
Huret Martin, Biseau Alain (2023). Réponse à la saisine pour avis scientifique sur une demande de dérogation pour la pêche du maquereau au chalut dans la bande côtière des trois milles de la baie de Lannion . DIRM NAMO - Direction InterRégionale de la Mer Nord Atlantique-Manche Ouest, Division pêche et aquaculture, Rennes , Ref. D/CB 2023.17 - 17/2023 , 15p., 2p., 2p.
ICES (2017). Interim Report of the Working Group on Integrative Physical-Biological and Ecosystem Modelling. 13-15 June 2017 Oristano, Italy . ICES/CIEM - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea/Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer , Ref. ICES CM 2017/SSGIEA:01 , 24p.
ICES (2017). Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8, and 9. Capo, Granitola, Sicily, Italy 14-18 November 2016 . ICES / CIEM - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea/Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer , Ref. ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:31 , 330p.
Gailhard-Rocher Isabelle, Huret Martin, Lazure Pascal, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Gatti Julie, Garreau Pierre, Gohin Francis (2012). Identification de « paysages hydrologiques » dans les eaux marines sous juridiction française (France métropolitaine) . Ministère de l'Ecologie et du développement durable, Directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) , Ref. R.INT.ODE/DYNECO/D 12-04 , 48p.
Huret Martin, Gailhard-Rocher Isabelle (2012). Distribution des biotopes principaux de la colonne d’eau. Sous-région marine Mers celtiques. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MC/14/2012 , 11p.
Huret Martin, Gailhard-Rocher Isabelle (2012). Distribution des biotopes principaux de la colonne d’eau. Sous-région marine Manche - Mer du Nord. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MMN/16/2012 , 11p.
Petitgas Pierre, Massé Jacques, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan (2012). Populations ichtyologiques de petits pélagiques. Sous-région marine Mers celtiques. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MC/30/2012 , 3p.
Huret Martin, Gailhard-Rocher Isabelle (2012). Distribution des biotopes principaux de la colonne d’eau. Sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MO/16/2012 , 9p.
Petitgas Pierre, Massé Jacques, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan (2012). Populations ichtyologiques de petits pélagiques. Sous-région marine Golfe de Gascogne. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/GDG/32/2012 , 10p.
Huret Martin, Gailhard-Rocher Isabelle (2012). Distribution des biotopes principaux de la colonne d’eau. Sous-région marine Golfe de Gascogne. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/GDG/16/2012 , 11p.
ICES WKANSARNS (2010). Report of the Workshop on Anchovy, Sardine and Climate Variability in the North Sea and Adjacent Areas (WKANSARNS) . ICES , Ref. ICES CM 2010/SSGRSP:04 , 51p.
ICES (2010). Report of the Workshop on Understanding and quantifying mortality in fish early-life stages: experiments, observations and models (WKMOR) . ICES , Ref. ICES CM 2010/SSGEF:13 , 34p.
Forest Andre, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Masse Jacques (2009). Bilan des connaissances actuelles sur les liens environnement/ anchois qui pourraient expliquer les faibles recrutements actuels de l’anchois dans le golfe de Gascogne . Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, Paris 75 , Ref. Autosaisine et suite à la saisine MAP2008) , 13p.
Rouxel Justin, Fauvarque Olivier, Tardivel Morgan, Guyader Gerard, Coail Jean-Yves, Beriet Patrick, Forest Bertrand, Le Mestre Sophie, Huret Martin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Dreanno Catherine, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2022). In-flow imaging ZooCAM system for zooplankton counting, identification and classification . RBPGO9 - les 9èmes Rencontres Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest 2022. 22-24 juin 2022, Brest.
Lindegren Martin, Huret Martin, Berg Florian, Boldt Jennifer, Cleary Jaclyn, Van Denderen Peter Daniel, Doray Mathieu, Hattab Tarek, Jacobsen Nis Sand, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Kuriyama Peter, Ramos Fernando, Rincon Margarita R., Riveiro Isabel, Somarakis Stelios, Takahashi Motomitsu, Takasuka Akinori, Wise Laura (2022). A cross system comparison of internal and external forcing regulating growth of Small Pelagic Fish throughout ontogeny . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Le Moan Eline, Ouzara Terry, Flores Valiente Jorge Arturo, de Cubber Lola, Menu Clara, Huret Martin, Maury Olivier, Groenewald Grea, Marques Gonçalo M., Van Der Lingen Carl, Vagner Marie, Pecquerie Laure (2022). Caractérisation des différences de traits de vie chez les anchois du genre Engraulis spp.. Apports d’une approche de modélisation de type Dynamic Energy Budget . 15ème colloque de l’Association Française d’Halieutique (AFH) "Les systèmes halieutiques face aux crises", 29 juin-1er juillet 2022, Brest .
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Moreno Ana, Uriarte Andres, O'Donnell Claran, Nunes Cristina, Nogueira Enrique, Duhamel Erwan, Campanella Fabio, Ramos Fernando, Costas Gersom, Boyra Guillermo, Riveiro Isabel, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Ibaibarriaga Leire, Iglesias Magdalena, Santos Maria, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Carrera Pablo, Diaz Paz, Jimenez Paz, Amorim Pedro, Petitgas Pierre, Nash Richard, Rodriguez-Climent Silvia, Dominguez Rosario, Angelicao Maria Manuel (2022). Pelagic Ecosystem Surveying in NE Atlantic Waters: WGACEGG Internationally Coordinated Surveys . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Couturier Christian, Doublet Sylvain (2019). Vers un développement durable de la pêche française ? Perspectives du scénario d’agriculture durable Afterres2050 . 14e colloque de l’AFH "Recherche Halieutique et Développement Durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019 , Université de Caen Normandie .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Berger Laurent, Dorémus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Massé Jacques, Sanchez Florence (2018). Data products for fish stocks and ecosystem assessment:the PELGAS survey example . ASC 2018 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2018. 24-27 september 2018, Hamburg .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Authier Matthieu, Berger Laurent, Doremus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Masse Jacques, Sanchez Florence (2018). Fifteen years of data from the PELGAS integrated survey (2000-2015): what have we learned on the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem? ISOBAY 16 - XVIth International Symposium of Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 5-7 June 2018, Anglet, France .
Veron Matthieu, Lebigre Christophe, Bertignac Michel, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin, Pawlowski Lionel (2017). Evolution spatio-temporelle de la condition, de la structure en taille et en âge de la sardine Atlantique . 13ème colloque scientifique de l'AFH - 2017 "Pêches et Changements Globaux". 28 au 30 juin 2017, Ifremer Nantes .
Dortel Emmanuelle, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2016). Factors forcing the anchovy recruitment in the Bay of Biscay: a bioenergetic individual-based modelling approach . ISOBAY 15 - XV International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 22-24 June 2016, Bilbao, Spain.
Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Bourriau Paul, Lunven Michel (2015). Integrated understanding of initial conditions of early life stages using integrated ecosystem survey data . ICES 2015 Annual Science Conference. ICES CM 2015/C:17 .
Dessier Aurelie, Bustamante Paco, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Marquis Elise, Huret Martin, Mornet Francoise, Breret Martine, Dupuy Christine (2014). Spring mesozooplankton community and its relationship with hydro-biological structure over the last decade in the southern part of the Bay of Biscay (North-East Atlantic) . ISOBAY 2014 - 14th International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, 11-13 June 2014, Bordeaux, France .
Masse Jacques, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Dupuy Christine, Van Canneyt Olivier, Doremus Ghislain (2013). Les campagnes écosystémiques PELGAS : Depuis le suivi des stocks exploités vers un monitoring de l’écosystème pélagique … .
Rochette Sebastien, Huret Martin (2011). A biophysical model to analyse the inlfuence of larval supply on fish recruitment: Application to a coastal and estuarine nursery-dependent flatfish population . Flatfish Symposium 2011, 5-10 Novembre 2011, IJmuiden, NL .
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick (2011). An individual Based Model of anchovy early life stages in the Bay of Biscay: validation of vertical distribution and growth . AMEMR 2011 .
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Struski Caroline (2010). Integrating a sequence of models over different life stages to predict the response of fish populations to environmental drivers : anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . ICES Annual Science Conference ICES CM 2010/L:07 .
Couraudon-Reale Marine, Huret Martin, Bourriau Paul, Taraud Laure, Petitgas Pierre (2010). Densité des oeufs d'anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) et de sardines (Sardina pilchardus) dans le golfe de Gascogne . Soutenance Master 2, Université Paris VI .
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Sourisseau Marc, Struski Caroline, Leger Fabien, Lazure Pascal (2010). A 38 years hindcast of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model and derived indices for fisheries oceanography . XII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY) .
Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Struski Caroline (2010). Effects of spawning patterns and larval mortality on survival to the juvenile stage : a modelling analysis on the anchovy population of the Bay of Biscay . The ICES Workshop on Understanding and quantifying mortality in fish early-life stages: experiments, observations and models (WKMOR) .
Gohin Francis, Huret Martin (2005). Bilan de sept années d’observation du Golfe de Gascogne à travers un serveur d’images satellites . Colloque défi golfe de Gascogne 2005 .
Lunven Michel, Guillaud Jean-Francois, Crassous Marie Pierre, Youenou Agnes, Gohin Francis, Huret Martin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Kerouel Roger, Labry Claire, Aminot Alain (2005). Hydrologie et populations phytoplanctoniques dans le panache de la Loire et en Baie de Vilaine en période estivale : résultats de la campagne VILOIR. Colloque quadriennal de Restitution du CIRMAT - Comité InterRégional Manche ATlantique, Université de Rouen, 6-7 Décembre 2005.
Communications sans actes
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Herve Hugo, Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Daures Fabienne, Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid (2024). Tableau de bord d’indicateurs. Outil d’intégration, de suivi et de partage de connaissances autour du socio-écosystème de la filière française de petits pélagiques . AFH 2024 - 16ème colloque de l’AFH "Quels chemins pour une exploitation équitable et durable des ressources halieutiques ?". 26-28 juin 2024 – Ateliers 24-25 juin, à Sète .
Doray Mathieu, Carrera Pablo, Amorim Pedro, Moreno Anna, Duhamel Erwan, Boyra Guillermo, O'Donnell Ciaran, Santos Maria, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Angelico Maria Manuel, Nunes Cristina, Rodriguez-Climent Silvia, Campanella Fabio, Ramos Fernando, Diaz Paz, Jimenez Paz, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2022). Anchovy and sardine springtime habitats in the European Atlantic area . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Hattab Tarek (2022). Space-time dynamics of size-structured clupeiformes communities in Atlantic and Mediterranean habitats . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2022). Combination of Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler and acoustic data for estimating and mapping fish daily fecundity . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Woillez Mathieu, Dambrine Chloé, Huret Martin, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Daverat Françoise, Le Luherne Emilie, de Pontual Helene (2022). Combinaison de marqueurs individuels et d'une approche de modélisation pour étudier la structure et la connectivité des populations de poissons : cas du bar européen . 15 ème colloque de l’Association Française d’Halieutique (AFH) "Les systèmes halieutiques face aux crises". 29 juin-1er juillet 2022, Brest .
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Campanella Fabio, McKeown Niall, Boyra Guillermo, Doray Mathieu, Santos Maria, Huret Martin (2022). Northward range expansion of Bay of Biscay anchovy due to increased temperature envelope and population increase . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Alban Frederique, Duhamel Erwan, Hattab Tarek, Petitgas Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Lehuta Sigrid (2022). Fish quality impacts sardine fisheries through bottom-up and industry controls . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Catalan Ignacio, Bowlin Noelle, Bertrand Arnaud, Berg Florian, Del Favero Jana M., Garrido Susana, Gherardi Douglas F.M., Huret Martin, Kloppmann Matthias, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Van Der Lingen Carl, de Souza Moraes Luiz Eduardo, Moyano Marta, Peck Myron, Polte Patrick, Riveiro Isabel, Takahashi Motomitsu, Vasquez Sebastian (2022). Worldwide appraisal of knowledge gaps in the space usage of SPF highlights across stock uncertainties and research priorities . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Angelico Maria Manuel, Diaz Paz, Oliveira Paulo B., Tel Elena, Huret Martin (2022). Egg production estimation for Atlantic Iberian sardine using CUFES sampling. Implementation of a biophysical model to assess the egg vertical density distribution . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Menu Clara, Pecquerie Laure, Bacher Cedric, Doray Mathieu, Hattab Tarek, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Huret Martin (2022). Decreasing trend in size for small pelagic fish across European waters : bioenergetic modeling to explore the underlying individual to population scale processes . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Woillez Mathieu, Dambrine Chloe, Huret Martin, Le Luherne Emilie, Daverat Françoise, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Fablet Ronan, de Pontual Helene (2019). Inferring fish population structure and connectivity by the combination of individual markers: application to the European seabass . iMArCo 2019 - 5th International Marine Connectivity Conference, 23-25 September 2019, Aveiro, Portugal .
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Huret Martin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2019). Application des MAFs à l'analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des frayères de sardine . XIVèmes Journées de Géostatistique 2019. 19-20 septembre 2019, Fontainebleau, France .
Garric Sarah, Vermard Youen, Du Pontavice Hubert, Huret Martin, Gascuel Didier, Allain Gwenhael, Doray Mathieu (2019). Première évaluation du potentiel de production halieutique des eaux de la Zone Economique Exclusive française en 2050 . 14e colloque de l’AFH "Recherche Halieutique et Développement Durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019 , Université de Caen Normandie .
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2019). Inter-annual variability in fish spatial distributions as revealed by survey data and their space-time modelling . ACS 2019 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2019. 9-12 September 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden. ICES CM 2019/A:329 .
de Pontual Helene, Woillez Mathieu, Lopez Romain, Pecquerie Laure, Huret Martin, Garren Francois, Martin Stephane, Mahevas Stephanie, Bertignac Michel (2016). European sea bass population connectivity: what can we learn from archival tagging of adults and IBM modelling of larval dispersal? iMarCo - First meeting of the International Research Network on Marine Connectivity. 27-29th June, 2016, Saint Andrews, UK .
Woillez Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Rivoirard Jacques (2015). Développement d'un modèle spatio-temporel de distribution de poissons à partir de données haute résolution d'acoustique et de pêcherie : cas des espèces pélagiques du Golfe de Gascogne . XIVèmes Journées de Géostatistique 2019. 19-20 septembre 2019, Fontainebleau, France.
Woillez Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Rivoirard Jacques (2015). Modelling fish distribution using high resolution acoustic and fishery data: Bay of Biscay anchovy as case study . ICES Symposium on “Marine Ecosystem Acoustics (Some Acoustics)– observing the ocean interior in support of integrated management”. 25-28 May 2015, Nantes, France .
Petitgas Pierre, Grellier Patrick, Huret Martin (2014). Growth-dependent spatial distribution and mortality in the anchovy of the bay of Biscay . Johan Hjort Symposium on Recruitment Dynamics and Stock Variability, 7-9 October 2014, Bergen, Norway .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Masse Jacques, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Dupuy Christine, Van Canneyt Olivier, Doremus Ghislain (2014). The PELGAS story: from target species biomass assessment to multidisciplinary pelagic ecosystem monitoring . ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, 15 -19 September 2014, A Coruña, Spain.
Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Dupuy Christine, Van Canneyt Olivier, Doremus Ghislain (2014). Spatial structure of the bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem in spring as revealed by the survey series PELGAS . ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, 15 -19 September 2014, A Coruña, Spain .