Francois Poisson

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Sete

Adresse postale : Station de Sète - Avenue Jean Monnet - CS 30171 - 34203 Sète Cedex



Underwater observations of an Atlantic puffin [...]
Underwater observations of Yelkouan shearwater [...]
No repellent effect of neodymium magnet on pelagic [...]
Best practices to safely handle and release hooked [...]

Jeux de données


Nikolic Natacha, Floriaan Devloo-Delva, Diane Bailleul, Ekaterina Noskova, Clément Rougeux, Chrystelle Delord, Philippe Borsa, Cathy Liautard-Haag, Mohamad Hassan, Amandine Marie, Pierre Feutry, Peter Grewe, Campbell Davies, Jessica Farley, Daniel Fernando, Sebastian Biton-Porsmoguer, Poisson Francois, Denham Parker, Leone Agostino, Jorden Aulich, Matt Lansdell, Arnaud-Haond Sophie (2021). Worlwide Blue shark population genomics data generated through DartSeq. IFREMER.



Domingo Andrés, Baéz José Carlos, Miller Philip, Parker Denham, Ramos María Lourdes, Sabarros Philippe S., Brown Craig, Camiñas Juan Antonio, Coelho Rui, Forselledo Rodrigo, Fiedler Fernando Niemeyer, Giffoni Bruno, Macías David, Hanke Alex, Kerwath Sven, Lauretta Matthew V., Poisson Francois, Rueda Lucía, Ruiz Jon, Sales Gilberto, de Oliveira Leite Nilamon, Salmerón Francisca, Santiago Josu, Taylor Nathan, Jiménez Sebastián (2025). Sea turtles in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, a step towards understanding bycatch and management of these species in tuna fisheries . Biological Conservation , 302, 110966 (16p.) .


Gilman Eric, Chaloupka Milani, Posanau Nialangis, Hidalgo Marcelo, Pokajam Sylvester, Papaol Donald, Nanguromo Adrian, Poisson Francois (2024). Evidence to inform spatiotemporal management of a western Pacific Ocean tuna purse seine fishery . Ecological Applications , 34(8), e3054 (26p.) .
Baéz Jose Carlos, Domingo Andrés, Murua Hilario, Macías David, Camiñas Juan Antonio, Poisson Francois, Juan Jorda María José, López Jon, Griffiths Shane, Roman Marlon, Hall Martín, Gilman Eric, de Bruyn Paul, Swimmer Yonat, Coelho Rui, Ceballos-Roa Elvira, Wallace Bryan, Abascal Francisco . Challenges and Opportunities in Monitoring and Mitigating Sea Turtle Bycatch in Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations . Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture IN PRESS .
Poisson Francois, Ellis Jim R., Mccully Phillips Sophy R. (2024). Preliminary Insights on the Habitat Use and Vertical Movements of Pelagic Stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) in the Western Mediterranean Sea . Fishes , 9(6), 238 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Demarcq Herve, Coudray Sylvain, Bohn Jens, Camiñas Juan Antonio, Groul Jean-Marc, March David (2024). Movement pathways and habitat use of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Distribution in relation to environmental factors, reproductive biology, and conservation issues . Fisheries Research , 270, 106900 (17p.) .
Poisson Francois (2024). Consumption of Post-Larval Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) by Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus): New Ecological Insights into both Species in the Tyrrhenian Sea . Fishes , 9(2), 65 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Millot Rémi, Poisson Francois, Macías David, Saber Sámar, Aiello Antoine, Durieux Eric Dominique Henri (2023). Reproductive traits and spawning activity of swordfish Xiphias gladius L. in the north-western Mediterranean Sea (Corsica) . Fisheries Research , 267, 106811 (14p.) .
Francis Malcolm P., Lyon Warrick S., Clarke Shelley C., Finucci Brittany, Hutchinson Melanie R., Campana Steven E., Musyl Michael K., Schaefer Kurt M., Hoyle Simon D., Peatman Tom, Bernal Diego, Bigelow Keith, Carlson John, Coelho Rui, Heberer Craig, Itano David, Jones Emma, Leroy Bruno, Liu Kwang‐ming, Murua Hilario, Poisson Francois, Rogers Paul, Sanchez Caroline, Semba Yasuko, Sippel Tim, Smith Neville (2023). Post‐release survival of shortfin mako ( Isurus oxyrinchus ) and silky ( Carcharhinus falciformis ) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean . Aquatic Conservation-marine And Freshwater Ecosystems , 33(4), 366-378 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nikolic Natacha, Devloo‐delva Floriaan, Bailleul Diane, Noskova Ekaterina, Rougeux Clément, Delord Chrystelle, Borsa Philippe, Liautard‐haag Cathy, Hassan Mohamad, Marie Amandine D., Feutry Pierre, Grewe Peter, Davies Campbell, Farley Jessica, Fernando Daniel, Biton‐porsmoguer Sebastian, Poisson Francois, Parker Denham, Leone Agostino, Aulich Jorden, Lansdell Matt, Marsac Francis, Arnaud-Haond Sophie (2023). Stepping up to genome scan allows stock differentiation in the worldwide distributed blue shark Prionace glauca . Molecular Ecology , 32(5), 1000-1019 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Poisson Francois, Budan Pierre, Coudray Sylvain, Gilman Eric, Kojima Takahito, Musyl Michael, Takagi Tsutomu (2022). New technologies to improve bycatch mitigation in industrial tuna fisheries . Fish And Fisheries , 23(3), 545-563 .


Queiroz Nuno, Humphries Nicolas E., Couto Ana, Vedor Marisa, Da Costa Ivo, Sequeira Ana M. M., Mucientes Gonzalo, Santos Antonio M., Abascal Francisco J., Abercrombie Debra L., Abrantes Katya, Acuña-Marrero David, Afonso André S., Afonso Pedro, Anders Darrell, Araujo Gonzalo, Arauz Randall, Bach Pascal, Barnett Adam, Bernal Diego, Berumen Michael L., Lion Sandra Bessudo, Bezerra Natalia P. A., Blaison Antonin V., Block Barbara A., Bond Mark E., Bonfil Ramon, Braun Camrin D., Brooks Edward J., Brooks Annabelle, Brown Judith, Byrne Michael E., Campana Steven E., Carlisle Aaron B., Chapman Demian D., Chapple Taylor K., Chisholm John, Clarke Christopher R., Clua Eric G., Cochran Jesse E. M., Crochelet Estelle C., Dagorn Laurent, Daly Ryan, Cortés Daniel Devia, Doyle Thomas K., Drew Michael, Duffy Clinton A. J., Erikson Thor, Espinoza Eduardo, Ferreira Luciana C., Ferretti Francesco, Filmalter John D., Fischer G. Chris, Fitzpatrick Richard, Fontes Jorge, Forget Fabien, Fowler Mark, Francis Malcolm P., Gallagher Austin J., Gennari Enrico, Goldsworthy Simon D., Gollock Matthew J., Green Jonathan R., Gustafson Johan A., Guttridge Tristan L., Guzman Hector M., Hammerschlag Neil, Harman Luke, Hazin Fábio H. V., Heard Matthew, Hearn Alex R., Holdsworth John C., Holmes Bonnie J., Howey Lucy A., Hoyos Mauricio, Hueter Robert E., Hussey Nigel E., Huveneers Charlie, Irion Dylan T., Jacoby David M. P., Jewell Oliver J. D., Johnson Ryan, Jordan Lance K. B., Joyce Warren, Keating Daly Clare A., Ketchum James T., Klimley A. Peter, Kock Alison A., Koen Pieter, Ladino Felipe, Lana Fernanda O., Lea James S. E., Llewellyn Fiona, Lyon Warrick S., Macdonnell Anna, Macena Bruno C. L., Marshall Heather, McAllister Jaime D., Meÿer Michael A., Morris John J., Nelson Emily R., Papastamatiou Yannis P., Peñaherrera-Palma Cesar, Pierce Simon J., Poisson Francois, Quintero Lina Maria, Richardson Andrew J., Rogers Paul J., Rohner Christoph A., Rowat David R. L., Samoilys Melita, Semmens Jayson M., Sheaves Marcus, Shillinger George, Shivji Mahmood, Singh Sarika, Skomal Gregory B., Smale Malcolm J., Snyders Laurenne B., Soler German, Soria Marc, Stehfest Kilian M., Thorrold Simon R., Tolotti Mariana T., Towner Alison, Travassos Paulo, Tyminski John P., Vandeperre Frederic, Vaudo Jeremy J., Watanabe Yuuki Y., Weber Sam B., Wetherbee Bradley M., White Timothy D., Williams Sean, Zárate Patricia M., Harcourt Robert, Hays Graeme C., Meekan Mark G., Thums Michele, Irigoien Xabier, Eguiluz Victor M., Duarte Carlos M., Sousa Lara L., Simpson Samantha J., Southall Emily J., Sims David W. (2021). Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation . Nature , 595(7866), E20-E28 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Queiroz Nuno, Humphries Nicolas E., Couto Ana, Vedor Marisa, Da Costa Ivo, Sequeira Ana M. M., Mucientes Gonzalo, Santos Antonio M, Abascal Francisco J., Abercrombie Debra L., Abrantes Katya, Acuna-Marrero David, Afonso Andre S., Afonso Pedro, Anders Darrell, Araujo Gonzalo, Arauz Randall, Bach Pascal, Barnett Adam, Bernal Diego, Berumen Michael L., Bessudo Lion Sandra, Bezerra Natalia P. A., Blaison Antonin V., Block Barbara A., Bond Mark E., Bonfil Ramon, Bradford Russell W., Braun Camrin D., Brooks Edward J., Brooks Annabelle, Brown Judith, Bruce Barry D., Byrne Michael E., Campana Steven E., Carlisle Aaron B., Chapman Demian D., Chapple Taylor K., Chisholm John, Clarke Christopher R., Clua Eric G., Cochran Jesse E. M., Crochelet Estelle C., Dagorn Laurent, Daly Ryan, Devia Cortes Daniel, Doyle Thomas K., Drew Michael, Duffy Clinton A. J., Erikson Thor, Espinoza Eduardo, Ferreira Luciana C., Ferretti Francesco, Filmalter John D., Fischer G. Chris, Fitzpatrick Richard, Fontes Jorge, Forget Fabien, Fowler Mark, Francis Malcolm P., Gallagher Austin J., Gennari Enrico, Goldsworthy Simon D., Gollock Matthew J., Green Jonathan R., Gustafson Johan A., Guttridge Tristan L., Guzman Hector M., Hammerschlag Neil, Harman Luke, Hazin Fabio H. V., Heard Matthew, Hearn Alex R., Holdsworth John C., Holmes Bonnie J., Howey Lucy A., Hoyos Mauricio, Hueter Robert E., Hussey Nigel E., Huveneers Charlie, Irion Dylan T., Jacoby David M. P., Jewell Oliver J. D., Johnson Ryan, Jordan Lance K. B., Joyce Warren, Daly Clare A. Keating, Ketchum James T., Klimley A. Peter, Kock Alison A., Koen Pieter, Ladino Felipe, Lana Fernanda O., Lea James S. E., Llewellyn Fiona, Lyon Warrick S., Macdonnell Anna, Macena Bruno C. L., Marshall Heather, McAllister Jaime D., Meyer Michael A., Morris John J., Nelson Emily R., Papastamatiou Yannis P., Penaherrera-Palma Cesar, Pierce Simon J., Poisson Francois, Maria Quintero Lina, Richardson Andrew J., Rogers Paul J., Rohner Christoph A., Rowat David R. L., Samoilys Melita, Semmens Jayson M., Sheaves Marcus, Shillinger George, Shivji Mahmood, Singh Sarika, Skomal Gregory B., Smale Malcolm J., Snyders Laurenne B., Soler German, Soria Marc, Stehfest Kilian M., Thorrold Simon R., Tolotti Mariana T., Towner Alison, Travassos Paulo, Tyminski John P., Vandeperre Frederic, Vaudo Jeremy J., Watanabe Yuuki Y., Weber Sam B., Wetherbee Bradley M., White Timothy D., Williams Sean, Zarate Patricia M., Harcourt Robert, Hays Graeme C., Meekan Mark G., Thums Michele, Irigoien Xabier, Eguiluz Victor M., Duarte Carlos M., Sousa Lara L., Simpson Samantha J., Southall Emily J., Sims David W. (2021). Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone . Nature , 595(7866), E14-E24 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois (2021). Compte rendu de participation à l'atelier de l'ICCAT sur la biologie de l'espadon. 22-26 mars 2021, Virtuel . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-25 .
Sacchi Jacques, Cesarini Catherine, Gambaiani Delphine, Claro Francoise, Girard Fanny, Poisson Francois (2021). France . In Casale P., Hochscheid S., Kaska Y., Panagopoulou A. (Eds.). Sea Turtles in the Mediterr Region: MTSG Annual Regional Report 2020. Report of the IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group, 2020. pp.115-142 .
Báez José Carlos, Macías David, García-Barcelona Salvador, Poisson Francois, Torreblanca Estefanía, Bellido Juan Jesús, Serna-Quintero José Miguel, Pinto Francisco José, Meléndez-Vallejo María José, Camiñas Juan Antonio (2021). Marine Megafauna and Charismatic Vertebrate Species . In Alboran Sea - Ecosystems and Marine Resources. 2021. José Carlos Báez, Juan-Tomás Vázquez, Juan Antonio Camiñas, Mohammed Malouli Idrissi (Eds). Print ISBN 978-3-030-65515-0 Online ISBN 978-3-030-65516-7. Chap.21, pp.707-748 (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) .


Gilman Eric, Chaloupka Milani, Bach Pascal, Fennell Hannah, Hall Martin, Musyl Michael, Piovano Susanna, Poisson Francois, Song Liming (2020). Effect of pelagic longline bait type on species selectivity: a global synthesis of evidence . Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries , 30(3), 535-551 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Metral Luisa, Brisset Blandine, Ellis Jim, McCully Sophy, Cornella Delphine, Wendling Bertrand (2020). How to Reduce the Impacts of the French Mediterranean Longline Fisheries on the Megafauna? Preliminary Results of the SELPAL/RéPAST Projects. In Ceccaldi HJ., Hénocque Y., Komatsu T., Prouzet P., Sautour B., Yoshida J. (eds) Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN 978-3-030-43483-0 Online ISBN 978-3-030-43484-7. pp 509-513 (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) .
Casale Paolo, Hochscheid Sandra, Kaska Yakup, Panagopoulou Aliki, (eds) (2020). Sea Turtles in the Mediterranean Region: MTSG Annual Regional Report 2020 . Report of the IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group .
Mancusi Cecilia, Baino Romano, Fortuna Corina, de Sola Luis Gil, Morey Gabriel, Bradai Mohamed Nejmeddine, Kallianotis Argyrios, Soldo Alen, Hemida Farid, Saad Adib Ali, Dimech Mark, Peristeraki Panagiota, Bariche Michel, Clò Simona, de Sabata Eleonora, Castellano Laura, Garibaldi Fulvio, Lanteri Luca, Tinti Fausto, Pais Antonio, Sperone Emilio, Micarelli Primo, Poisson Francois, Sion Letizia, Carlucci Roberto, Cebrian-Menchero Daniel, Séret Bernard, Ferretti Francesco, El-Far Alaa, Saygu Ismet, Shakman Esmail A., Bartoli Alex, Guallart Javier, Damalas Dimitrios, Megalofonou Persefoni, Vacchi Marino, Bottaro Massimiliano, Notarbartolo Di Sciara Giuseppe, Follesa Maria Cristina, Cannas Rita, Kabasakal Hakan, Zava Bruno, Cavlan Graziella, Jung Armelle, Abudaya Mohammed, Kolitari Jerina, Barash Adi, Joksimovic Aleksandar, Marčeta Bojan, Gonzalez Vilas Luis, Tiralongo Francesco, Giovos Ioannis, Bargnesi Filippo, Lelli Stefano, Barone Monica, Moro Stefano, Mazzoldi Carlotta, Charis Charilaou, Abella Alvaro Juan, Serena Fabrizio, Colloca Francesco, Cetkovic Ilija (2020). MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas . Mediterranean Marine Science , 21(2), 276-288 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois (2020). Compte rendu de participation aux réunions du groupe d'espèces sur l'espadon de l'ICCAT (16-19 mars 2020) et Evaluation du stock d'espadon de la Méditerranée ( 25 mai-2 juin 2020) . RBE/ederu/2020/CRWG-12 .
Gillepsie K, Coelho R, Farley J, Garibaldi F, Gioacchini G, Pappalardo L, Poisson Francois, Quelle P, Rosa D, Saber S (2020). Report of the 2019 ICCAT Workshop on Swordfish biology studies for growth, reproduction and genetics . ICCAT Recueil de Documents Scientifiques / Collective Volume of Scientific Paper , 76(3), 320-329 . Open Access version :
Nikolic Natacha, Devloo-Delva Floriaan, Bailleul Diane, Noskova Ekaterina, Rougeux Clément, Liautard-Haag Cathy, Hassan Mohamad, Marie Amandine, Borsa Philippe, Feutry Pierre, Grewe Peter, Davies Campbell, Farley Jessica, Fernando Daniel, Biton Porsmoguer Sébastien, Poisson Francois, Parker Denham, Aulich Jorden, Lansdell Matt, Marsac Francis, Arnaud-Haond Sophie (2020). Genome scans discriminate independent populations of the blue shark Prionace glauca . WPEB16 - 15th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. 07/09/2020 -10/09/2020, Online.IOTC-2020-WPEB16-14, 18p.


Poisson Francois, Catteau Sidonie, Chiera Caroline, Groul Jean-Marc (2019). The effect of hook type and trailing gear on hook shedding and fate of pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea): New insights to develop effective mitigation approaches . Marine Policy , 107, 103594 (5p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Queiroz Nuno, Humphries Nicolas E., Couto Ana, Vedor Marisa, Da Costa Ivo, Sequeira Ana M. M., Mucientes Gonzalo, Santos Antonio M, Abascal Francisco J., Abercrombie Debra L., Abrantes Katya, Acuna-Marrero David, Afonso Andre S., Afonso Pedro, Anders Darrell, Araujo Gonzalo, Arauz Randall, Bach Pascal, Barnett Adam, Bernal Diego, Berumen Michael L., Lion Sandra Bessudo, Bezerra Natalia P. A., Blaison Antonin V., Block Barbara A., Bond Mark E., Bonfil Ramon, Bradford Russell W., Braun Camrin D., Brooks Edward J., Brooks Annabelle, Brown Judith, Bruce Barry D., Byrne Michael E., Campana Steven E., Carlisle Aaron B., Chapman Demian D., Chapple Taylor K., Chisholm John, Clarke Christopher R., Clua Eric G., Cochran Jesse E. M., Crochelet Estelle C., Dagorn Laurent, Daly Ryan, Cortes Daniel Devia, Doyle Thomas K., Drew Michael, Duffy Clinton A. J., Erikson Thor, Espinoza Eduardo, Ferreira Luciana C., Ferretti Francesco, Filmalter John D., Fischer G. Chris, Fitzpatrick Richard, Fontes Jorge, Forget Fabien, Fowler Mark, Francis Malcolm P., Gallagher Austin J., Gennari Enrico, Goldsworthy Simon D., Gollock Matthew J., Green Jonathan R., Gustafson Johan A., Guttridge Tristan L., Guzman Hector M., Hammerschlag Neil, Harman Luke, Hazin Fabio H. V., Heard Matthew, Hearn Alex R., Holdsworth John C., Holmes Bonnie J., Howey Lucy A., Hoyos Mauricio, Hueter Robert E., Hussey Nigel E., Huveneers Charlie, Irion Dylan T., Jacoby David M. P., Jewell Oliver J. D., Johnson Ryan, Jordan Lance K. B., Jorgensen Salvador J., Joyce Warren, Daly Clare A. Keating, Ketchum James T., Klimley A. Peter, Kock Alison A., Koen Pieter, Ladino Felipe, Lana Fernanda O., Lea James S. E., Llewellyn Fiona, Lyon Warrick S., Macdonnell Anna, Macena Bruno C. L., Marshall Heather, McAllister Jaime D., McAuley Rory, Meyer Michael A., Morris John J., Nelson Emily R., Papastamatiou Yannis P., Patterson Toby A., Penaherrera-Palma Cesar, Pepperell Julian G., Pierce Simon J., Poisson Francois, Quintero Lina Maria, Richardson Andrew J., Rogers Paul J., Rohner Christoph A., Rowat David R. L., Samoilys Melita, Semmens Jayson M., Sheaves Marcus, Shillinger George, Shivji Mahmood, Singh Sarika, Skomal Gregory B., Smale Malcolm J., Snyders Laurenne B., Soler German, Soria Marc, Stehfest Kilian M., Stevens John D., Thorrold Simon R., Tolotti Mariana T., Towner Alison, Travassos Paulo, Tyminski John P., Vandeperre Frederic, Vaudo Jeremy J., Watanabe Yuuki Y., Weber Sam B., Wetherbee Bradley M., White Timothy D., Williams Sean, Zarate Patricia M., Harcourt Robert, Hays Graeme C., Meekan Mark G., Thums Michele, Irigoien Xabier, Eguiluz Victor M., Duarte Carlos M., Sousa Lara L., Simpson Samantha J., Southall Emily J., Sims David W. (2019). Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries . Nature , 572(7770), 461-466 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gilman Eric, Chaloupka Milani, Dagorn Laurent, Hall Martin, Hobday Alistair, Musyl Michael, Pitcher Tony, Poisson Francois, Restrepo Victor, Suuronen Petri (2019). Robbing Peter to pay Paul: replacing unintended cross-taxa conflicts with intentional tradeoffs by moving from piecemeal to integrated fisheries bycatch management . Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries , 29(1), 93-123 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Demarcq Herve, Metral Luisa, Brisset Blandine, Cornella Delphine, Wending Bertrand (2019). French Bluefin Tuna Longline Fishery Bycatch Programme . In Komatsu T., Ceccaldi HJ., Yoshida J., Prouzet P., Henocque Y. (eds) Oceanography Challenges to Future Earth. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-00137-7 ISBN 978-3-030-00138-4 (eBook) Chap. 31 pp.401-405 (Springer Nature) .
Sacchi Jacques, Senegas Jb, Poisson Francois (2019). La tortue Louise : observation, recensement et alerte en vue d’un sauvetage . Les dossiers d'AGROPOLIS International. Compétences de la communauté scientifique en région Occitanie , (24), 123 . Open Access version :
Poisson Francois (2019). Groupe d'experts de la CICTA/ICCAT consacré à l'espadon et aux requins. Madrid, 24-27 septembre 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR36 .
Poisson Francois (2019). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de rédaction de l'avis du CIEM sur les captures accessoires (ADGBYC). 20-21 aout 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR16 .
Poisson Francois (2019). Atelier de la CICTA/ICCAT sur l'échantillonnage et la biologie de l'espadon d'atlantique et de Méditerranée. Olhao, Portugal,18-21 juin 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR35 .


Bailleul Diane, Mackenzie Alicia, Sacchi Olivier, Poisson Francois, Bierne Nicolas, Arnaud-Haond Sophie (2018). Large-scale genetic panmixia in the blue shark ( Prionace glauca ): a single worldwide population, or a genetic lag-time effect of the “grey zone” of differentiation? Evolutionary Applications , 11(5), 614-630 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois (2018). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion du groupe expèces de la CICTA consacré à l'espadon (SCRS ESPADON). 26-27 septembre 2018, Madrid . RBE/ederu/2018/CR15 .
Poisson Francois (2018). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion du groupe d'experts de la CICTA consacré aux requins. 2-6 juillet 2018, Madrid . RBE/ederu/2018/CR15 .
Gilman Eric, Bigler Beau, Muller Bobby, Moreno Gala, Largacha Erick D, Hall Martin, Poisson Francois, Toole Joanna, He Pingguo, Chiang Wei-Chuan (2018). Stakeholder Views on Methods to Identify the Ownership and Track the Position of Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices Used by Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries with Reference to the FAO Draft Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear . FAO fisheries circular , (1163), 74p.
Poisson Francois (2018). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion intersession 2018 du sous-comité des écosystèmes de la CICTA. 4-8 juin 2018, Madrid . RBE/ederu/2018/CR14 .


Ellis J. R., Phillips S. R. Mccully, Poisson Francois (2017). A review of capture and post-release mortality of elasmobranchs . Journal Of Fish Biology , 90(3), 653-722 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hutchinson Melanie, Poisson Francois, Swimmer Yonat (2017). Developing best handling practice guidelines to safely release mantas and mobulids captured in commercial fisheries . 13th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee. 9 – 17 August 2017, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Information papers. WCPFC-SC13-2017/ SA-IP-08. pp.1-5 .
Poisson Francois (2017). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts de l'ICCAT consacré à l'espadon de Méditerranée (SWO-MED). Madrid, 27-28 septembre 2017 . RBE/ederu/2017/CR14 .
Poisson Francois (2017). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion intersession du sous-comité des écosystèmes (SC-ECO) de la CICTA. 10-14 juillet 2017, Madrid . RBE/EDERU/2017/CRGT10 .


Poisson Francois, Abascal Crespo Francisco, Ellis Jim R., Chavance Pierre, Bach Pascal, Santos Miguel. N., Seret Bernard, Korta Maria, Coelho Rui, Ariz Javier, Murua Hilario (2016). Technical mitigation measures for sharks and rays in fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species: turning possibility into reality . Aquatic Living Resources , 29(4), 402 (1-3) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois (2016). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion intersession du groupe d’experts de l’ICCAT consacrés aux requins. Madrid, 25-29 avril 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT15 .
Claro F, Doin M, Nalovic Ma, Gambaiani D, Bedel S, Forin-Wiart Ma, Poisson Francois (2016). Interactions entre pêcheries et tortues marines en France métropolitaine et d'Outre-mer . Rapport. Patrinat 2016-117 .
Poisson Francois, Wendling Bertrand, Cornella Delphine, Segorb Christine (2016). Guide du pêcheur responsable. Bonnes pratiques pour réduire la mortalité des espèces sensibles capturées accidentellement par les palangriers pélagiques français en Méditerranée. Projets SELPAL et RéPAST .
Poisson Francois (2016). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion du sous-comité de l'ICCAT sur les écosystèmes. Madrid, 5-9 septembre 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT16 .


Poisson Francois, Mitsunaga Y, Kojima T, Torisawa S, Seret B, Demarcq H, Banegue A, Groul Jm (2015). Satellite Tagging of Blue Sharks (Prionace glauca) in the Gulf of Lions: Depth Behaviour, Temperature Experience and Movements – Preliminary Results . Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium Editors: Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi, Yves Hénocque, Yasuyuki Koike, Teruhisa Komatsu, Georges Stora, Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin ISBN: 978-3-319-13877-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13878-7 (Online) . Part VIII Short and Preliminary Communications, pp.367-368 .
Filmalter J, Hutchinson M, Poisson Francois, Eddy W, Brill R, Bernal D, Itano D, Muir J, Vernet Al, Holland K, Dagorn Laurent (2015). Global comparison of post release survival of silky sharks caught by tropical tuna purse seine vessels . ISSF Technical Report 2015-­‐10 .
Lescure Jean, Cateau Sidonie, Senegas Jean Baptiste, Oliver Guy, de Massary Jean Christophe, Poisson Francois, Cesarini Catherine, Sacchi Jacques (2015). Présence de la Tortue verte, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758), en Méditerranée française / Presence of the Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758), in the French Mediterranean Sea. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France , 156, 1-14 . Open Access version :


Poisson Francois (2014). Compte-rendu de participation à la Réunion du groupe conservation des élasmobranches en Méditerranée et en mer Noire de la CGPM. Sète, 10–12 Décembre 2014. RBE/EDERU/2014/CRGT32 .
Poisson Francois, Filmalter John David, Vernet Anne-Lise, Dagorn Laurent (2014). Mortality rate of silky sharks ( Carcharhinus falciformis) caught in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Indian Ocean . Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences , 71(6), 795-798 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Seret Bernard, Vernet Anne-Lise, Goujon Michel, Dagorn Laurent (2014). Collaborative research: Development of a manual on elasmobranch handling and release best practices in tropical tuna purse-seine fisheries . Marine Policy , 44, 312-320 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Murua Hilario, Santos M. N., Chavance Pierre, Amande J, Abascal Francisco J., Ariz Javier, Bach Pascal, Korta M, Poisson Francois, Coelho R, Seret Bernard (2013). EU project for the Provision of Scientific Advice for the Purpose of the implementation of the EUPOA sharks: a brief overview of the results for Indian Ocean . IOTC-2013-WPEB09-19 Rev_1 .
Murua Hilario, Abascal Francisco J., Amande J, Ariz P, Bach Pascal, Chavance Pierre, Coelho R, Korta M, Poisson Francois, Santos M. N., Seret Bernard (2013). Provision of scientific advice for the purpose of the implementation of the EUPOA sharks. Final Report. European Commission, Studies for Carrying out the Common Fisheries Policy (MARE/2010/11 - LOT 2) . IOTC-2013-WPEB09-45 .
Poisson Francois (2013). Compte rendu de participation à la réunion du sous-comité de l’environnement et des écosystèmes marins (SCMEE) de la CGPM. Rome, 18–20 février 2013 . RBE/EDERU/2013/CRGT8 .
SAC/GFCM (2013). Report of the thirteenth session of the Sub-Committee on Marine Environment and Ecosystems (SCMEE). FAO HQs, Rome, Italy, 18–20 February 2013 . CGPM / GFCM , Ref. GFCM-SAC-SCMEE-2013 , 55p.


Guégan Fabrice, Poisson Francois, Le Ru Loic (2012). Migration des données des palangriers de La Réunion vers Harmonie . div-sih-not-12-002 .
Poisson Francois, Filmater John David, Vernet Anne-Lise, Goujon Michel, Dagorn Laurent (2012). Survival rate of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) caught incidentally onboard French tropical purse seiners . EBFMTuna-2012, Mitigating impacts of fishing on pelagic ecosystems: towards ecosystem-based management of tuna fisheries, October 15-18 2012, Montpellier, France .
Poisson Francois, Seret Bernard, Vernet Anne-Lise, Goujon Michel, Dagorn Laurent (2012). Good practices to reduce the mortality of sharks and rays caught incidentally by the tropical tuna purse seiners . Mitigating impacts of fishing on pelagic ecosystems: towards ecosystem-based management of tuna fisheries, October 15-18 2012, Montpellier, France .
Filmalter John, Poisson Francois, Vernet Anne-Lise, Forget Fabien, Cowley Paul, Dagorn Laurent (2012). Horizontal movement behaviour of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks in the Indian Ocean . EBFMTuna-2012, Mitigating impacts of fishing on pelagic ecosystems: towards ecosystem-based management of tuna fisheries, October 15-18 2012, Montpellier, France .
Filmalter John, Forget Fabien, Poisson Francois, Vernet Anne-Lise, Dagorn Laurent (2012). An update on the post-release survival of silky sharks incidentally captured by tuna purse seine vessels in the Indian Ocean . IOTC-2012-WPEB08-20 .
Filmater John, Forget Fabien, Poisson Francois, Vernet Anne-Lise, Bach Pascal, Dagorn Laurent (2012). Vertical and horizontal behaviour of silky, oceanic white tip and blue sharks in the western Indian Ocean . IOTC-2012-WPEB08-23 .
Poisson Francois, Vernet Anne-Lise, Seret Bernard, Dagorn Laurent (2012). Guide de bonnes pratiques pour réduire la mortalité des requins et des raies capturés accidentellement par les thoniers senneurs tropicaux / Good pratices to reduce the mortality of sharks and rays caught incidentally by tropical tuna purse seiners / Guía de buenas prácticas para reducir la mortalidad de los tiburones y las rayas capturados de manera accidental por buques cerqueros atuneros tropicales . Eds de l'Union Européenne.


Poisson Francois (2011). Review of the available data on four Elasmobranches species caught by the French fleets on the Mediterranean coast (Gulf of Lions and Corsica) . Workshop on Stock Assessment of Selected Species of Elasmobranchs in the GFCM area, December 12-16 2011, Brussels, Belgium .


Poisson Francois, Monville Isabelle, Wendling B, Seret Bernard (2010). Incidental catches of thresher sharks in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea) . How minimizing the footprint of aquaculture and fisheries on the ecosystem?: proceedings of the French-Symposium, Ifremer, Sète, France, September 1-3 2010, pp 146-148 .
Dagorn Laurent, Poisson Francois, Seret Bernard, Filmalter John David, Moreno Gala, Cowley Paul, Restrepo Victor (2010). Mitigating impacts of tropical tuna purse seine fisheries on elasmobranches . ICES CM 2010/E :05 .
Poisson Francois, Seret Bernard (2010). "MADE" Project: Methods to release elasmobranches from purse seine . How minimizing the footprint of aquaculture and fisheries on the ecosystem?: proceedings of the French-Symposium, Ifremer, Sète, France, September 1-3 2010, pp 107-109 .
Di-Meglio N, Poisson Francois, Claro Françoise, David L, Sacchi Jacques (2010). Endangered species and fisheries in the Western Mediterranean: Which strategy to mitigate the interactions? How minimizing the footprint of aquaculture and fisheries on the ecosystem?: proceedings of the French-Symposium, Ifremer, Sète, France, September 1-3 2010, pp 125-130 .
Poisson Francois, Gaertner Jean-Claude, Taquet Marc, Durbec Jean-Pierre, Bigelow Keith (2010). Effects of lunar cycle and fishing operations on longline-caught pelagic fish: fishing performance, capture time, and survival of fish . Fishery Bulletin , 108(3), 268-281 . Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Biais Gerard (2010). Compte rendu de participation au Groupe de travail sur les élasmobranches 2010 du CIEM (WGEF) .
Poisson Francois (2010). Evaluation du stock d'espadon de Méditerranée . Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche, de la Ruralité et de l'Aménagement du territoire, DPMA, Paris 75 , Ref. 10-0217 , 10p., 2p.
Poisson Francois (2010). Development and sustainability of a monofilament swordfish longline fishery in the Southwestern Indian Ocean: A case study in Réunion Island (France) from 1994 to 2008 . PhD Thesis , Kinki University .
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Farrugio Henri, Poisson Francois, Fromentin Jean-Marc (2010). Aerial surveys of bluefin tuna in the Western Mediterranean sea: retrospective, prospective, perspective . Collective Volume of Scientific Papers , 65(3), 801-811 . Open Access version :
Kolody Dale, Poisson Francois, Bourjea Jerome (2010). Reunion longline swordfish catch rate standardization . Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Working Party on Billfish Working Paper : IOTC-2010-WPB-03 .
Yamane Takeshi, Sacchi Jacques, Poisson Francois (2010). How minimizing the footprint of aquaculture and fisheries on the ecosystem? Proceedings of the French-Japanese Symposium, Ifremer, Sète, France, September 1-3 2010 . University of Kinki, Ifremer.


Poisson Francois (2009). Fate of the fish caught on longline gears and potential mitigation measures . Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch Working Paper : IOTC-2009-WPEB-15 .
Poisson Francois, Seret Bernard (2009). Pelagic sharks in the Atlantic and Mediterranean french fisheries: analysis of catch statistics . Collective Volume of Scientific Papers - Iccat , 64(5), 1547-1567 . Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Fauvel Christian (2009). Reproductive dynamics of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the southwestern Indian Ocean (Reunion Island). Part 1: oocyte development, sexual maturity and spawning . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(1), 45-58 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poisson Francois, Fauvel Christian (2009). Reproductive dynamics of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the southwestern Indian Ocean (Reunion Island). Part 2: fecundity and spawning pattern . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(1), 59-68 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Poisson Francois (2007). Compilation of information on blue shark (Prionace glauca), silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis), oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) and shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Indian Ocean . 3rd Session of the IOTC Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch, July 11-13 2007, Victoria, Seychelles .
Berthou Patrick, Daures Fabienne, Demaneche Sebastien, Le Corre Gildas, Sacchi Jacques, Planchot Marie, Leblond Emilie, Le Mestre Sophie, Farrugio Henri, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Jadaud Angelique, Poisson Francois, Souplet Arnauld (2007). Analyse des possibilités de reconversion des thonailleurs méditerranéens . DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, Sous-direction des pêches maritimes, Bureau de la ressource, de la réglementation et des affaires internationales, Bureau de l’économie des pêches, Paris , Ref. 07-0809 , 3p., 64p., 47p.


Dissanayake D.C.T., Amarasiri C, Samaraweera E.K.V., Adikari U, Poisson Francois (2006). Preliminary catch estimates of tuna and tuna-like species from NARA / IOTC / OFCF sampling program in Sri Lanka . 8th Session of the IOTC Working Party on Tropical Tunas, July 24-28 2006, Seychelles .
Dissanayake D.C.T., Amarasiri C, Samaraweera E.K.V., Adikari U, Perera C, Poisson Francois (2006). Monitoring and assessment of offshore (Gillnet/Longline) fishery in Sri Lanka . 5th Meeting of the IOTC Working Party on Billfish, March 27-31 2006, Colombo, Sri Lanka .
Bigelow Keith, Musyl Michael K., Poisson Francois, Kleiber Pierre (2006). Pelagic longline gear depth and shoaling . Fisheries Research , 77(2), 173-183 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Poisson Francois (2005). Biological data on tuna and tuna-like species gathered at the IOTC Secretariat: Status Report . IOTC-2005-WPTT-05 .


Guyomard David, Desruisseaux Martin, Poisson Francois, Taquet Marc, Petit Michel (2004). GAM analysis of operational and environmental factors affecting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch and CPUE of the Reunion Island longline fishery, in the South Western Indian Ocean . Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Working Party on Billfish Working Paper : IOTC-2004-WPB-08 .


Wendling Bertrand, Lucas Vincent, Bargain Rose Marie, Poisson Francois, Taquet Marc (2003). Characteristics of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catches achieved by experimental fishing using instrumented longline in the Seychelles exclusive economic zone (EEZ):preliminary results of an experimental long line fishing program: « Programme d’Action de la Pêche Palangrière Seychelloise – PAPPS » . IOTC Proceedings, 2003, n° 6, pp 315-324 (WPB-03-06) .


Poisson Francois (2002). Biologie de la reproduction de l'espadon (Xkhias gladius) dans le sud Ouest de l'océan Indien . Mémoire pour l'obtention du diplôme de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. Sciences de la vie et de la terre .


Poisson Francois, Taquet Marc (2001). L'espadon : de la recherche à l'exploitation durable . IFREMER 98/1212978/F .
Poisson Francois, Marjolet Corentin, Fauvel Christian (2001). Sexual maturaty, spawning season and estimation of batch fecundity of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) caught by the reunion-based pelagic longline fishery (SWOI) . IOTC Proceedings, 2001, n° 4, pp 120-125 (WPB01-05) .
Vanpouille Karine, Poisson Francois, Taquet Marc, Ogor Andre, Troadec Herve (2001). Atelier de travail sur les poissons à rostre Commission thonière de l'Océan Indien. Etude de la croissance de l'espadon (Xiphias gladius) . IOTC Proceedings, 2001, n° 4, pp 126-143 (WPB01-06) .
Poisson Francois, Taquet Marc (2001). Country report reunion swordfish fishery (France) . IOTC Proceedings, 2001, n° 4, pp 144-154 (WPB01-07) .
Poisson Francois, Bargain R.M., Taquet Marc (2001). Premiers essais de marquages d'espadon (Xiphias gladius) à l'aide de marques intelligentes archives de type "pop up" . IOTC Proceedings, 2001, n° 4, pp 245-254 (WPT01-02) .


Poisson Francois, Taquet Marc (2000). French swordfish longline fishery in south west Indian Ocean: preliminary results from the PPR program . IOTC Proceedings, 2000, n° 3, pp 169-201 (WPB00-06) .
Taquet Marc, Poisson Francois (2000). Working Party on Tuna - Tagging and Billfish Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) - Indian Océan Tuna Commission (IOTC) Victoria, Seychelles Du 26/09 au 7/10/2000 . IFREMER/DR/00/R/01/MT .
Poisson Francois (2000). Programme scientifique et technique d'accompagnement au développement de la pêcherie hauturière des grands pélagiques - Etat d'avancement du programme PPR (juillet 1999 - juillet 2000) .
Tessier E, Poisson Francois (2000). Peche artisanale sur DCP et peche palangriere a la Reunion: antagonisme ou complementarite? Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999 .


Poisson Francois (1999). Bilan sur le suivi des pêcheries palangrières dans le sud ouest de l’Océan Indien .


Rene Francois, Poisson Francois, Guyomard D (1998). The status of Réunion Island (France) - Based tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean . IOTC Proceedings No. 1 .
Guyomard David, Rene Francois, Poisson Francois, Larue M (1998). Determination of resource/environment dynamics at an oceanic scale, an integrated approach necessary for a new management . 7th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas, November 9-14 1998, Victoria, Seychelles .
Poisson Francois, Guyomard D, Rene Francois (1998). Collection of statistical and biological information on the Réunion Island swordfish fishery . IOTC Proceedings, n° 1, pp 268-276 (EC7-39) .
Poisson Francois (1998). Mise en place des collaborations avec le LASAA et le Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Reproduction des poissons marins dans le cadre du « Programme Palangre Réunion» (PPR). Compte rendu de mission Brest du 5 au 16 octobre 1998 .
Rene Francois, Poisson Francois, Tessier Emmanuel (1998). Evolution de la pêcherie palangrière ciblant l'espadon (Xiphias gladius) à partir de La Réunion / Evolution of the swordfish longline fishery Xiphias gladius operating in the lndian Ocean from Réunion Island . In Cayré Patrice (ed.), Le Gall J.Y. Le thon : enjeux et stratégies pour l'océan Indien. Paris : ORSTOM, 1998, p. 287-312. (Colloques et Séminaires). Conférence Internationale Thonière de Maurice, Port Louis (MUS), 1996/11/27-29. ISBN 2-7099-1417-4 (Editions de l'Orstom) .
Poisson Francois, Guyomard David, Verge Romain, Baronce R (1998). Programme scientifique et technique d'accompagnement au développement de la pêcherie hauturière des grands pélagiques. Bilan des premières campagnes .


Poisson Francois, Mace Nicolas (1997). Répartition spatio-temporelle des principales espèces des pêcheries palangrières présentes dans la zone Sud ouest de l'Océan indien . Série des documents scientifiques de l'Association Thonière, n°33 .
Ifremer (1997). Grands Pélagiques : une nouvelle richesse pour La Réunion .
Poisson Francois, Tessier Emmanuel (1997). Bilan sur les trois années de suivi des pêcheries palangrières dans les ZEE françaises de l'océan Indien .


Chabanet Pascale, Tessier Emmanuel, Poisson Francois, Rene Francois (1996). Diagnostic sur l'état de la ressource en poissons des bancs de Geyser et Zélée . Convention n° 2 au contrat cadre 95/1212354/F .


Petit M, Bernardet X, Poisson Francois, Tessier E, Rene Francois (1995). Implementation of space-time database between environment and fisheries on a daily basis . 6th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas, September 25-29 1995, Colombo, Sri Lanka .
Renee F. A., Poisson Francois (1995). Recent evolution of the fisheries sector in La Reunion . 6th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas, September 25-29 1995, Colombo, Sri Lanka .
Poisson Francois, Domingue G, Rene Francois, Michaud P (1995). Recent developments in the reunion national longline fishery and results of the experimental fishery of the Seychelles targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Comparison of characteristics of the two fisheries: catch, effort, catch rates, bycatch, and size structure of the catch . 6th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas, September 25-29 1995, Colombo, Sri Lanka .


Poisson Francois, Tessier Emmanuel, Roos David, Rene Francois, Conand François (1994). Recent Development of Swordfish, Xiphias gladius, Longline Fisheries near Reunion Island, Southwestern Indian Ocean . In: Biology and fisheries of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, edited by Izadora Barrett, Oscar Sosa-Nishizaki, Norman Bartoo. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 142, NOAA, US Department of commerce, 1998, 276 p.


Comps Michel, Mari Jocelyne, Poisson Francois, Bonami Jean-Robert (1991). Biophysical and biochemical properties of an unusual birnavirus pathogenic for rotifers . Journal Of General Virology , 72, 1229-1236 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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