Ivane Pairaud

Ivane Pairaud

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Adresse postale : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané

URL : https://annuaire.ifremer.fr/cv/17098/

ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0001-6038-3275

Projets nationaux ou internationaux

Principaux projets de recherche en cours:
  • MICO (Innovative R&D, région bretagne): MIcro-AUV pour des mesures en milieu côtier. Tests du micro-AUV équipé de capteurs hydrologiques, de turbidité et d'oxygène, développement de la mesure des courants en utilisant le DVL en mode ADCP. Responsable scientifique du projet pour Ifremer.
  • MESURHO (multi-projets, responsable scientifique): plateforme instrumentée multi-paramètres à l'embouchure du Rhône, au sein du réseau COAST-HF de l'I IR ILICO. Etude de l'impact des évènements extrêmes (crues, tempêtes) sur l'hydrologie, les courants et sur la dynamique sédimentaire à la station. Responsable scientifique de la station, correction et validation des mesures physiques.
  • OSR (Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône) : l’observatoire a pour mission de produire, rassembler et gérer des données visant à caractériser les stocks et les flux sédimentaires, ainsi que les pollutions associées à ces sédiments, et d’éclairer, par l’analyse de ces données, les gestionnaires et les élus. Participation au réseau de mesure des flux via la fourniture des données MesuRho.

Principaux projets de recherche passés:

  • MERMEX (Marine Ecosystems Response in the Mediterranean Experiment, http://mermex.pytheas.univ-amu.fr/, 2010-2021) : programme de recherche inter-organismes sur la réponse des écosystèmes marins aux changements globaux en Méditerranée, volet marin du Chantier décennal MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales). Membre de la coordination du programme. 


Globicéphales (Globicephala)

Direction de campagnes océanographiques

RIOMAR-RIGOLTethys Ii2024Golfe du Lion
TURBIDENT 2018Europe2018Toulon-Hyères (Iles d or), La Ciotat-Cassis (Banc des Blauquières-La Cassidaigne)
UPCASTTethys Ii2017Toulon-Cassis
AUV COURANTOEurope2016Presqu'île de Saint-Tropez
RHOMA-AUV 2012Europe2012Rhône + Cassis
RHOMA_LEG2Tethys Ii2011Embouchure du Rhône - Marseille
RHOMA_LEG1Tethys Ii2011Embouchure du Rhône - Marseille
CARTOMEDHaliotis2009Baie de Marseille, zone du massif des Calanques, baie de La Ciotat, ilot de la Cassidaigne, Porquerolles

Jeux de données


Brun Lénaïg, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2024). Modeling results of an upwelling in an idealized submarine canyon under different stratified conditions . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/98745


Brun Lenaig, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Garreau Pierre, Dennielou Bernard (2023). Hydrodynamic dataset from the UPCAST and CASSISED campaigns in the Cassidaigne canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/92820
Pairaud Ivane, Repecaud Michel, Fuchs Rosalie, Ravel Christophe, Chavanon Fabienne, Quéméner Loïc, Herlory Olivier, Bonnat Armel, Le Roux Jean-Francois (2023). MESURHO coastal station time series (2009-2021) : long-time high frequency monitoring off the Rhone River mouth . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/100304


Sartoretto Stephane, Pairaud Ivane, Ravel Christophe, de Vogue Benoist, Chavanon Fabienne (2022). Temperature data from the thermistor chain of Cap Vieux (Toulon), North-Western Mediterranean, 2014-2021 time series . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/86522


Bourras Denis, Cambra Rémi, Marie Louis, Bouin Marie Noëlle, Baggio Lucio, Branger Hubert, Beghoura Houda, Reverdin Gilles, Dewitte Boris, Paulmier Aurélien, Maes Christophe, Ardhuin Fabrice, Pairaud Ivane, Fraunié Philippe, Luneau Christopher, Hauser Danièle (2019). OCARINA (Ocean coupled to the atmosphere: instrumented research on an auxiliary ship) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/59768


Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane (2018). imedia deployment (EGO glider : campe) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/54979


Bourrin François, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Many Gaël, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent (2017). tucpa_rhone deployment (EGO glider : tenuse) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/51456
Bourrin François, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Many Gaël, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent (2017). plumrho deployment (EGO glider : tenuse) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/51434
Bourrin François, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Many Gaël, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent (2017). matugli deployment (EGO glider : theque) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/51458
Bourrin François, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Many Gaël, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent (2017). matugli2017 deployment (EGO glider : theque) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/51459


Bourrin François, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Many Gaël, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent (2016). Matugli01 deployment (EGO glider : Crate) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/49359



Demol Margot, Ponte Aurelien, Dumas Franck, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Garnier Valerie, Ndiaye Khodia S. (2024). C-SWOT2023 field experiment. Mesoscale dynamics under SWOT swaths in the Mediterranean Sea . 2024 SWOT Science Team Meeting. 17-21 June 2024, Chapel Hill North Carolina, USA . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00896/100830/
Gruat Alexandra, Coquery Marina, Le Coz Jérôme, Thollet Fabien, Lagouy Mickael, Dabrin Aymeric, Masson Matthieu, Grisot Ghislaine, Richard Loïc, Bonnefoy Adrien, Courapied F., Martelet A., Dur Genevieve, Labille Jérôme, Borschneck D., Vidal Vladimir, Lapage Hugo, Giner Franck, Mourier David, Raimbault Patrick, Fornier Michel, Herlory Olivier, Pairaud Ivane, Ravel Christophe, Repecaud Michel (2024). Fonctionnement du réseau d’observation des flux de matières en suspension et de contaminants particulaires (OSR 6 – année 2023) . Rapport final. Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône – 6ème programme d’action. 43 p.
Garreau Pierre, Dumas Franck, Ponte Aurelien, Garnier Valerie, Pairaud Ivane, Sadji Ndiaye Khodia, Demol Margot (2024). C-SWOT2023: a Mediterranean intensive field experiment in the framework of the SWOT fast sampling phase . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Blin Paul, Loncke Lies, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Dupont Pauline, Pairaud Ivane, Zaragosi Sébastien, Fauquembergue Kelly, Basile Christophe, Scientific Team Diadem (2024). Investigation of sedimentary structures associated with the Deep Western Boundary Current in French Guiana (Demerara Plateau) . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Charria Guillaume, Poppeschi Coline, Simon Amélie, Gaymard Anne, Martinez Almoyna Maud, Savoye Nicolas, Lienart Camilla, Ulses Caroline, Pairaud Ivane, Couvelard Xavier, Theetten Sebastien, Le Roux Jean-Francois (2024). Impact of Marine Heatwaves over the water column in a coastal ocean: a case study in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .


Sentchev Alexei, Yaremchuk Max, Bourras Denis, Pairaud Ivane, Fraunié Philippe (2023). Estimation of the Eddy Viscosity Profile in the Sea Surface Boundary Layer from Underway ADCP Observations . Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology , 40(10), 1291-1305 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-22-0083.1 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00857/96908/
Pelaez Quiñones Julián David, Sladen Anthony, Ponte Aurelien, Lior Itzhak, Ampuero Jean-Paul, Rivet Diane, Meulé Samuel, Bouchette Frédéric, Pairaud Ivane, Coyle Paschal (2023). High resolution seafloor thermometry for internal wave and upwelling monitoring using Distributed Acoustic Sensing . Scientific Reports , 13(1), 17459 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-44635-0 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00856/96827/
El Serafy Ghada, Mészáros Lőrinc, Fernández Vicente, Capet Arthur, She Jun, Sotillo Marcos Garcia, Melet Angelique, Legrand Sebastien, Mourre Baptiste, Campuzano Francisco, Federico Ivan, Guarnieri Antonio, Rubio Anna, Dabrowski Tomasz, Umgiesser Georg, Staneva Joanna, Ursella Laura, Pairaud Ivane, Bruschi Antonello, Frigstad Helen, Baetens Katrijn, Creach Veronique, Charria Guillaume, Alvarez Fanjul Enrique (2023). EuroGOOS roadmap for operational coastal downstream services . Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 1177615 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1177615 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00846/95798/
Demol Margot, Ponte Aurelien, Dumas Franck, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Garnier Valerie, Giscard D'Estaing Guillaume, Fercoq Solenn, Michel Marceau, Hamon Michel (2023). C-SWOT2023 / WEMSWOT. Two combined campaigns dedicated to the mesoscale dynamics under SWOT swaths in the Mediterranean Sea . Journées Scientifiques LEFE/GMMC 2023. 31 mai-2 juin 2023, Plouzané, France . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00847/95923/
Vissenaekens Elise, Guizien Katell, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Pairaud Ivane, Leredde Yann, Puig Pere, Bourrin François (2023). Accuracy of high resolution coastal flow speed simulations during and outside of wind, wave and stratification events (Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean) . Journal Of Marine Systems , 239, 103845 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103845 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00809/92083/
Brun Lenaig, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Garreau Pierre, Dennielou Bernard (2023). Strong hydrodynamic processes observed in the Mediterranean Cassidaigne submarine canyon . Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 1078831 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1078831 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00819/93128/
Gruat A., Coquery M, Le Coz J., Thollet F., Lagouy M., Masson M., Grisot G., Richard L., Bonnefoy A., Dur G., Ambrosi J.-P., Labille J., Borschneck D., Vidal V., Lepage H., Giner F., Mourier D., Raimbault P., Fornier M., Pairaud Ivane, Ravel Christophe, Repecaud Michel, Herlory Olivier (2023). Fonctionnement du réseau d’observation des flux de matières en suspension et de contaminants particulaires (OSR 6 – année 2022) . Rapport final. Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône – 6ème programme d’action. 44 p.
Brun Lenaig, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Garreau Pierre, Dennielou Bernard (2023). Hydrodynamics of the Mediterranean Cassidaigne submarine canyon from observations . EGU General Assembly 2023. 23–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .


Ody Anouck, Doxaran David, Verney Romaric, Bourrin François, Morin Guillaume P., Pairaud Ivane, Gangloff Aurélien (2022). Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Suspended Sediments along a Continuum from Rivers to River Plumes: Concentration, Transport, Fluxes and Dynamics . Remote Sensing , 14(9), 2026 (36p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14092026 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00766/87846/
Pinazo Christel, Barré Lucille, Diaz Fréféric, Doglioli Andrea M., Faure Vincent, Fraysse Marion, Lajaunie-Salla Katixa, Mazoyer Camille, Pairaud Ivane, Ross Oliver N., Thouvenin Benedicte, Verney Romaric, Wagener Thibaut, Yohia Christophe (2022). 3D modelling of the interactions between the atmosphere-ocean system and the marine biogeochemistry in the coastal zone (focussing on the Bay of Marseille): Influence of anthropogenic contributions by a large coastal city on the marine ecosystem .
Piégay H, Radakovitch O (coord.), Arnaud F., Belletti B, Camenen B., Cassel M., Coquery M., Dabrin A., Dépret T., Fressard M., Ghaffarian Roohparvar H., Gruat A., Janssen P., Lang M., Delile H., Le Coz J., Lepage H., Lucas M., Mourier B., Pairaud Ivane, Seignemartin G., Tal M., Serlet A., Tena A., Vázquez Tarrío D., Winiarski T. (2022). OSR - Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône. 12 années de recherche pour la connaissance et la gestion hydro-sédimentaire du fleuve. Bilans et perspectives scientifiques . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00808/92047/
Pinazo C, Barré L, Diaz F, Doglioli A, Faure V, Fraysse Marion, Lajaunie-Salla K, Mazoyer C, Pairaud Ivane, Ross O, Thouvenin Benedicte, Verney Romaric, Wagener T, Yohia C (2022). Modélisation 3D des interactions atmosphère-océan-biogéochimie marine en zone côtière (application à la baie de Marseille): Influence des apports anthropiques de la métropole sur l’écosystème marin .
Delaval Adrien, Duffa Celine, Pairaud Ivane, Radakovitch Olivier (2022). Dracar: An Estuarine Transfer Function to Predict Dissolved Pollutant Fluxes to the Sea. Application for Radionuclides . Gourbesville, P., Caignaert, G. (eds) 2022. Advances in Hydroinformatics. Print ISBN978-981-19-1599-4 Online ISBN978-981-19-1600-7. Part of the Springer Water book series (SPWA). Part. Advanced Modelling Solutions. pp.1115-1129 .


Delaval A., Duffa Celine, Pairaud Ivane, Radakovitch O. (2021). A fuzzy classification of the hydrodynamic forcings of the Rhone River plume: an application in case of accidental release of radionuclides . Environmental Modelling & Software , 140, 105005 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105005 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00682/79361/
Pairaud Ivane, Verney Romaric, Repecaud Michel, Ravel Christophe (2021). Suivi événementiel des flux de MES à la station MesuRho. Rapport Final. Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône (OSR), 5ème Programme d’Actions, 14p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00707/81930/
Pairaud Ivane, Fuchs Rosalie (2021). Rapport des campagnes TURBIDENT Leg1 (Mai 2018) & Leg2 (Octobre 2018) . LOPS/21-01 . https://doi.org/10.13155/78596


Mikolajczak Guillaume, Estournel Claude, Ulses Caroline, Marsaleix Patrick, Bourrin Francois, Martin Jacobo, Pairaud Ivane, Puig Pere, Leredde Yann, Many Gael, Seyfried Leo, Durrieu De Madron Xavier (2020). Impact of storms on residence times and export of coastal waters during a mild autumn/winter period in the Gulf of Lion . Continental Shelf Research , 207, 104192 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2020.104192 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00658/76960/
Gentil Mathieu, Many Gaël, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Cauchy Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Verney Romaric, Bourrin François (2020). Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Turbidity in the Coastal Zone . Remote Sensing , 12(18), 2875 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12182875 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00648/76039/
(2020) Microplastics2. Pollution aux microplastiques : détection, risques et remédiation à l'interface terre-mer . Rapport de synthèse . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00644/75659/
Rossi Vincent, Lo Madiop, Legrand Terence, Ser-Giacomi Enrico, de Jode Aurélien, Thierry De Ville D’avray Laure, Pairaud Ivane, Faure Vincent, Fraysse Marion, Pinazo Christel, Chenuil Anne (2020). Small-scale connectivity of coralligenous habitats: insights from a modelling approach within a semi-opened Mediterranean bay . Vie Et Milieu-life And Environment , 70(3-4), 161-174 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00680/79225/


Garrabou Joaquim, Gómez-Gras Daniel, Ledoux Jean-Baptiste, Linares Cristina, Bensoussan Nathaniel, López-Sendino Paula, Bazairi Hocein, Espinosa Free, Ramdani Mohamed, Grimes Samir, Benabdi Mouloud, Souissi Jamila Ben, Soufi Emna, Khamassi Faten, Ghanem Raouia, Ocaña Oscar, Ramos-Esplà Alfonso, Izquierdo Andres, Anton Irene, Rubio-Portillo Esther, Barbera Carmen, Cebrian Emma, Marbà Nuria, Hendriks Iris E., Duarte Carlos M., Deudero Salud, Díaz David, Vázquez-Luis Maite, Alvarez Elvira, Hereu Bernat, Kersting Diego K., Gori Andrea, Viladrich Núria, Sartoretto Stephane, Pairaud Ivane, Ruitton Sandrine, Pergent Gérard, Pergent-Martini Christine, Rouanet Elodie, Teixidó Nuria, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Fraschetti Simonetta, Rivetti Irene, Azzurro Ernesto, Cerrano Carlo, Ponti Massimo, Turicchia Eva, Bavestrello Giorgio, Cattaneo-Vietti Riccardo, Bo Marzia, Bertolino Marco, Montefalcone Monica, Chimienti Giovanni, Grech Daniele, Rilov Gil, Tuney Kizilkaya Inci, Kizilkaya Zafer, Eda Topçu Nur, Gerovasileiou Vasilis, Sini Maria, Bakran-Petricioli Tatjana, Kipson Silvija, Harmelin Jean G. (2019). Collaborative Database to Track Mass Mortality Events in the Mediterranean Sea . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(707), 5p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00707 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00592/70448/
Lazure Pascal, Pairaud Ivane, Leizour Stephane, Puillat Ingrid (2019). Report on the Mastodon2D mooring system . JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.5-190719-V1.1 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00630/74245/
Bourras Denis, Cambra Remi, Marié Louis, Bouin Marie-Noëlle, Baggio Lucio, Branger Hubert, Beghoura Houda, Reverdin Gilles, Dewitte Boris, Paulmier Aurélien, Maes Christophe, Ardhuin Fabrice, Pairaud Ivane, Fraunié Philippe, Luneau Christopher, Hauser Danièle (2019). Air-Sea Turbulent Fluxes From a Wave-Following Platform During Six Experiments at Sea . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 124(6), 4290-4321 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014803 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00503/61436/
Fuchs Rosalie (2019). Qualification des données MESURHO 2009-2018 . IFREMER/ODE/LER-PAC 19-09 . https://doi.org/10.13155/62695
Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Charria Guillaume, Pairaud Ivane, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Claquin Pascal, Jacqueline Franck, Lefebvre Alain, Facq Jean-Valery, Retho Michael, Verney Romaric (2019). National observation infrastructure: an example of a fixed-plateforms network along the French Coast: COAST HF . OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, Marseille, France, 2019. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-1450-7 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-1451-4, pp. 1-6. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00497/60866/
Charria Guillaume, Schmitt François, Artigas Felipe, Berthebaud Eric, Bonnat Armel, Bourrin François, Bozec Yann, Cariou Thierry, Claquin Pascal, Conan Pascal, Coppola Laurent, Delalée Franck, Facq Jean-Valery, Farcy Patrick, Ferreira Sophie, Garcia Fabrice, Grisoni Jean-Michel, Jacqueline Franck, Jacquet Matthias, Lefebvre Alain, Leredde Yann, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Mas Sébastien, Mostajir Behzad, Mousseau Laure, Pairaud Ivane, Petton Sebastien, Pouvreau Stephane, Quemener Loic, Ravel Christophe, Raimbault Patrick, Repecaud Michel, Retho Michael, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Riou Philippe, Savoye Nicolas, Souchu Philippe, Verney Romaric, Vuillemin Renaud (2019). National observation infrastructures in a European framework: COAST-HF A fixed-platform network along French coasts . OCEANOBS'19 : An Ocean of Opportunity. September 16-20 2019, Honolulu, HI, US . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00635/74723/


Bargain Annaelle, Foglini F., Pairaud Ivane, Bonaldo D., Carniel S., Angeletti L., Taviani M., Rochette Sebastien, Fabri Marie-Claire (2018). Predictive habitat modeling in two Mediterranean canyons including hydrodynamic variables . Progress In Oceanography , 169, 151-168 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.015
Puillat Ingrid, Rubio Anna, Vitorino Joao, Pairaud Ivane, Davila X, Basurko Oc, Caballero A, Mourre B, Quentin C, Jerico-Next Partners (2018). JERICO-RI: Progress for hydrography and transport products in Europe . 4th Geo Blue planet symposium "Our Future is Blue : Linking Ocean and Coastal Information with Societal needs". July 4-6, 2018, Toulouse, France.
Millet Bertrand, Pinazo Christel, Banaru Daniela, Pages Remi, Guiart Pierre, Pairaud Ivane (2018). Unexpected spatial impact of treatment plant discharges induced by episodic hydrodynamic events: Modelling Lagrangian transport of fine particles by Northern Current intrusions in the bays of Marseille (France) . Plos One , 13(4), e0195257 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195257 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00439/55027/
Sempere Richard, Guieu Cecile, Pairaud Ivane, de Madron Xavier Durrieu (2018). Preface of special issue of MERMEX project: Recent advances in the oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea . Progress In Oceanography , 163, 1-6 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2018.03.014 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00433/54469/


Pairaud Ivane, Garnier Valerie, Le Berre David, Ravel Christophe, Leizour Stephane, Lazure Pascal, Garreau Pierre (2017). Mastodon-2D. Deployment in Mediterranean Sea During Upcast field Experiment . MonGOOS Workshop "Mediterranean Sea Observing System". November 14 2017, Athens, Greece . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00412/52310/
Fabri Marie-Claire, Bargain Annaelle, Pairaud Ivane, Pedel Laura, Taupier-Letage I. (2017). Cold-water coral ecosystems in Cassidaigne Canyon: An assessment of their environmental living conditions . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 137, 436-453 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.06.006 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00343/45373/
Peschoud Cecile, Minghelli Audrey, Mathieu Sandrine, Lei Manchun, Pairaud Ivane, Pinazo Christel (2017). Fusion of Sun-Synchronous and Geostationary Images for Coastal and Ocean Color Survey Application to OLCI (Sentinel-3) and FCI (MTG) . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 10(1), 45-56 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2558819 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00343/45413/
Cusi S., Rodriguez P., Pujol N., Pairaud Ivane, Nogueras M., Antonijuan J., Masmitja I., Del Rio J. (2017). Evaluation of AUV-Borne ADCP Measurements in Different Navigation Modes . Proceedings of Oceans 2017 - Aberdeen. ISBN 978-1-5090-5278-3/17/$31.00. 8p.


Lei Manchun, Minghelli Audrey, Fraysse Marion, Pairaud Ivane, Verney Romaric, Pinazo Christel (2016). Geostationary Image Simulation on Coastal Waters Using Hydrodynamic Biogeochemical and Sedimentary Coupled Models . Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing , 9(11), 5209-5222 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2533662 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00363/47462/
Thibaut Thierry, Bottin Lorraine, Aurelle Didier, Boudouresque Charles-Francois, Blanfune Aurelie, Verlaque Marc, Pairaud Ivane, Millet Bertrand (2016). Connectivity of Populations of the Seaweed Cystoseira amentacea within the Bay of Marseille (Mediterranean Sea): Genetic Structure and Hydrodynamic Connections . Cryptogamie Algologie , 37(4), 233-255 . https://doi.org/10.7872/crya/v37.iss4.2016.233
Pairaud Ivane, Repecaud Michel, Ravel Christophe, Fuchs Rosalie, Arnaud Mireille, Champelovier Alain, Rabouille Christophe, Bombled Bruno, Toussaint Flora, Garcia Fabrice, Raimbault Patrick, Verney Romaric, Meule Samuel, Gaufres Pierre, Bonnat Armel, Cadiou Jean-Francois (2016). MesuRho. Plateforme instrumentée de suivi des paramètres environnementaux à l’embouchure du Rhône . In Mesures à haute résolution dans l'environnement marin côtier. 2016. Schmitt, F.G. et Lefebvre A. (Eds.). CNRS Alpha. ISBN : 978-2-271-08592-4. pp.73- 87 .
Fabri Marie-Claire, Bargain Annaelle, Pairaud Ivane, Pedel Laura, Taupier-Letage Isabelle (2016). Cold-water coral ecosystems in Cassidaigne Canyon (Mediteranean Sea): an assessment of their environmental living conditions . 3rd INCISE International Submarine Canyon Symposium 2016. 25 to 27 July 2016, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada .
Fabri Marie-Claire, Bargain Annaelle, Pairaud Ivane, Pedel Laura (2016). Cold-water coral ecosystems in Cassidaigne Canyon: an assessment of their potential distribution . GeoHab 2016 (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping). 2nd to the 6th of May 2016, England.
Fabri Marie-Claire, Bargain Annaelle, Angeletti Lorenzo, Bonaldo Davide, Pairaud Ivane, Foglini Federica, Taviani Marco (2016). Predictive habitat modeling in Mediterranean Canyons including hydrodynamics variables . GeoHab 2016 (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping). 2nd to the 6th of May 2016, England .
Many Gael, Bourrin Francois, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Pairaud Ivane, Gangloff Aurelien, Doxaran David, Ody Anouck, Verney Romaric, Menniti Christophe, Le Berre David, Jacquet Matthias (2016). Particle assemblage characterization in the Rhone river ROFI . Journal Of Marine Systems , 157, 39-51 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.12.010 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00307/41809/
Garreau Pierre, Garnier Valerie, Pairaud Ivane (2016). (Sub-)Mesoscale processes in North-Western Mediterranean Sea Observations and Modelling . 48th Liege Colloquium - Submesoscale Processes: Mechanisms, Implications And New Frontiers. 23-27 May 2016, Liege, Belgium . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00337/44841/
Pairaud Ivane (2016). Consultation institutionnelle avant-projet du contrat de baie des îles d'or . DDTM 83 - Direction départementale des territoires et de la mer du Var, Délégation à la mer et au littoral, Toulon , Ref. CM/D/16-019 - Courrier DDTMIBEM/2016/90 du 29/03/2016 , 2p., 1p., 1p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00333/44412/
Ody Anouck, Doxaran David, Vanhellemont Quinten, Nechad Bouchra, Novoa Stefani, Many Gael, Bourrin Francois, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Gentili Bernard (2016). Potential of High Spatial and Temporal Ocean Color Satellite Data to Study the Dynamics of Suspended Particles in a Micro-Tidal River Plume . Remote Sensing , 8(3), 35p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8030245 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00333/44408/
Ross Oliver N., Fraysse Marion, Pinazo Christel, Pairaud Ivane (2016). Impact of an intrusion by the Northern Current on the biogeochemistry in the eastern Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 170, 1-9 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2015.12.022 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00302/41359/
Mermex group (2016). MERMEX. Marine Ecosystems Response in the Mediterranean Experiment. Synthesis 2010-2015 .
Pairaud Ivane, Cappelli Robin, Garreau Pierre, Petton Sebastien, Theetten Sebastien, Garnier Valerie, Bargain Annaelle, Fabri Marie-Claire (2016). Hydrodynamic modelling of the Cassidaigne canyon: living conditions of cold-water corals in an upwelling area . Rapport - Commission internationale pour l'exploration scientifique de la mer Méditerranée : 41th CIESM Congress, 12-16 september 2016, Kiel, Germany. 2016. n°41, p.125 .


Pinazo Christel, Doglioli Andrea, Faure Vincent, Fraysse Marion, Ross Oliver, Pairaud Ivane, Petrenko Anne, Thouvenin Benedicte, Tronczynski Jacek, Verney Romaric, Yohia Christophe (2015). MASSILIA Project. Modelling of the Bay of Marseille : Impact of the Anthropogenic Supply on the marine coastal ecosystem . MERMEX 2015 Workshop. 7-10 Apr 2015 Marseille, France) . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00292/40337/
Fabri Marie-Claire, Bargain Annaelle, Arnaubec Aurelien, Pairaud Ivane, Pedel Laura, Raugel Ewen (2015). A case study on vulnerable marine ecosystems in Cassidaigne Canyon - New technologies to track anthropogenic impact . CIESM workshop monographs , (47), 79-86 .


Pairaud Ivane, Garreau Pierre, Le Berre David, Fernandez Delphine, Bellomo Lucio, Garnier Valerie (2014). Observation of Mesoscale Instabilities of the Northern Current in the North Western Mediterranean Sea: a combined study using Gliders, Surface Drifters, Moving Vessel Profiler and Vessel Data in the Ligurian . 2014 AGU Fall meeting. 15-19 December 2014, USA . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00410/52142/
Oursel B., Garnier C., Zebracki Mathilde, Durrieu G., Pairaud Ivane, Omanović D., Cossa Daniel, Lucas Yves (2014). Flood inputs in a Mediterranean coastal zone impacted by a large urban area: Dynamic and fate of trace metals . Marine Chemistry , 167, 44-56 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2014.08.005 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00206/31761/
Toussaint Flora, Rabouille Christophe, Cathalot Cecile, Bombled Bruno, Abchiche Abdel, Aouji Oualid, Buchholtz Gilles, Clemencon Aurelien, Geyskens Nicolas, Repecaud Michel, Pairaud Ivane, Verney Romaric, Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine (2014). A new device to follow temporal variations of oxygen demand in deltaic sediments: the LSCE benthic station . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 12, 729-741 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.4319/lom.2014.12.729 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00230/34126/
Fraysse Marion, Pairaud Ivane, Ross Oliver N., Faure Vincent M., Pinazo Christel (2014). Intrusion of Rhone River diluted water into the Bay of Marseille: Generation processes and impacts on ecosystem functioning . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 119(10), 6535-6556 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JC010022 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00245/35612/
Fabri Marie-Claire, Opderbecke Jan, Pairaud Ivane, Drogou Michele (2014). Rapport de Campagne. ESSAUV-BATHYCOR1. Août 2014 . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-20 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00233/34401/
Andral Bruno (2014). Bases scientifiques et techniques d’un observatoire du changement global en mer . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-09 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00233/34388/
Garnier Valerie, Pairaud Ivane, Nicolle Amandine, Alekseenko Elena, Baklouti Melika, Thouvenin Benedicte, Lecornu Fabrice, Garreau Pierre (2014). MENOR: a high-resolution (1.2 km) modeling of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea routinely run by the PREVIMER operational forecast system . Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter , 49, 69-75 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00204/31519/
Oursel B., Garnier C., Pairaud Ivane, Omanovic D., Durrieu G., Syakti A. D., Le Poupon C., Thouvenin Benedicte, Lucas Y. (2014). Behaviour and fate of urban particles in coastal waters: Settling rate, size distribution and metals contamination characterization . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 138, 14-26 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2013.12.002 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00169/28066/
Fuchs Rosalie, Pairaud Ivane (2014). Documentation de l'interface MBI (Matlab Buoy Interface). Interface Matlab pour gestion des données issues de bouées in situ haute fréquence. Application à la bouée MAREL MesuRho . ODE/LER-PAC/14-26 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00226/33693/
Pairaud Ivane, Bensoussan Nathaniel, Garreau Pierre, Faure Vincent, Garrabou Joaquim (2014). Impacts of climate change on coastal benthic ecosystems: assessing the current risk of mortality outbreaks associated with thermal stress in NW Mediterranean coastal areas . Ocean Dynamics , 64(1), 103-115 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-013-0661-x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00171/28210/
Fuchs Rosalie, Pairaud Ivane (2014). Study of high frequency measurements from the MesuRho mooring . ODE/LER-PAC/14-25 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00226/33697/


Fraysse Marion, Pinazo Christel, Faure Vincent Martin, Fuchs Rosalie, Lazzari Paolo, Raimbault Patrick, Pairaud Ivane (2013). Development of a 3D Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical Model for the Marseille Coastal Area (NW Mediterranean Sea): What Complexity Is Required in the Coastal Zone? Plos One , 8(12), e80012 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080012 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00170/28090/
Pairaud Ivane, Arsouze Thomas, Ayata Sakina-Dorothee, Baklouti Melika, Banaru Daniela, Diaz Frederic, Dutay Jean-Claude, Estournel Claude, Garnier Valerie, Garreau Pierre, Marsaleix Patrick, Pinazo Christel, Ulses Caroline, Verney Romaric, Thouvenin Benedicte (2013). Rapport sur les activités de modélisation du groupe Mermex-modélisation (septembre 2013) . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/13-30 .
Garnier Cedric, Brach-Papa Christophe, Cossa Daniel, Dang D.H., Goutx Madeleine, Oursel B., Pairaud Ivane, Pinazo Christel, Schafer Jörg, Tedetti Marc, Thouvenin Benedicte (2013). C3A (Contaminant inputs from large Cities in the Coastal Area) . Mermex - WP3 Letter , (2), 6-11 .
Garrabou Joachim, Bensoussan Nathaniel, Pairaud Ivane, Garreau Pierre, Somot Samuel, Linares Cristina, Kersting Diego K., Cebrian Emma, de Caralt Sonia, Kipson Silvija, Ledoux Jean-Baptiste, Frleta-Valic Masa (2013). Assessing climate change impacts on marine biodiversity conservation: The case study of mass mortality events in the NW Mediterranean basin . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00164/27558/
Pinazo Christel, Fraysse Marion, Doglioli Andrea, Faure Vincent Martin, Pairaud Ivane, Petrenko Anne, Thouvenin Benedicte, Tronczynski Jacek, Verney Romaric, Yohia Christophe (2013). MASSILIA: Modélisation de la baie de MArSeILLe : Influence des apports Anthropiques de la métropole sur l’écosystème marin . RST.ODE/LER/PAC/13-14 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00145/25592/
Bensoussan Nathaniel, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Somot S., Garrabou J. (2013). Multidisciplinary approach to assess potential risk of mortality of benthic ecosystems facing climate change in the NW Mediterranean Sea . Oceans - San Diego, 2013. pp.1-7 .
Verney Romaric, Jany Cassandre, Thouvenin Benedicte, Pairaud Ivane, Vousdoukas Michalis I., Pinazo Christel, Ardhuin Fabrice, Cann Philippe (2013). Sediment transport in the Bay of Marseille : Role of extrem events. Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2013, June 24-28 2013, Arcachon, France. pp.1811-1822 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00204/31515/


Dussurget Renaud, Pairaud Ivane, Dufau Claire, Charria Guillaume, Garreau Pierre, Garnier Valerie (2012). Regional assessment of altimetry products in the NW Med : Comparison to in-situ data and model outputs . CAW-6 - 6th Coastal Altimetry Workshop. 21-22 Sept. 2012, Lido di Garda. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00410/52143/
Jany Cassandre, Pairaud Ivane, Thouvenin Benedicte, Verney Romaric (2012). METROC : modélisation idéalisée de substances dissoutes et particulaires rejetées en rade de Marseille . RST.ODE/LER/PAC/12-21 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00090/20088/
Andral Bruno, Fiandrino Annie, Roque D'Orbcastel Emmanuelle, Pairaud Ivane, Galgani Francois, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Bouchoucha Marc (2012). Partenariat Ifremer – Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée et Corse : Recherche – Surveillance – Expertise. 15 années au service de la Méditerranée . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/12-20 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00116/22711/
Jany Cassandre, Zebracki Mathilde (2012). METROC : évaluation des apports de contaminants chimiques de la métropole marseillaise au milieu marin . RST.ODE/LER/PAC/12-02 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00116/22692/
Tonani Marina, Nilsson J.A.U, Lyubartsev Vladyslav, Grandi Alessandro, Aydogdu A., Azzopardi Joel, Bolzon G., Bruschi A., Drago Aldo, Garau T., Gatti Julie, Gertman Isaac, Goldman R., Hayes Dan, Korres Gerrakimos, Lorente P., Malacic Vlado, Mantziafou Anneta, Nardone G., Olita Antonio, Ozsoy E., Pairaud Ivane, Pensieri S., Perivoliotis L., Petelin Boris, Ravaioli M., Renault L., Sofianos S., Sotillo M.G., Teruzzi A., Zodiatis George (2012). Operational evaluation of the Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre products: Implementation and Results . Ocean Science Discussions , 9, 1813-1851 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5194/osd-9-1813-2012 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00226/33687/
Pairaud Ivane, Desmare Stéphanie, Gatti Julie, Taupier-Letage Isabelle (2012). Courantologie. Sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MO/06/2012 , 9p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00330/44111/


Pairaud Ivane, Gatti Julie, Bensoussan Nathaniel, Verney Romaric, Garreau Pierre (2011). Hydrology and circulation in a coastal area off Marseille: Validation of a nested 3D model with observations . Journal Of Marine Systems , 88(1), 20-33 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.02.010


Andral Bruno, Pairaud Ivane (2010). Metroc : les apports par les grandes métropoles. Evaluation des apports et modélisation hydrosédimentaire de la Baie de Marseille . RST.DOPLER/PAC/10-13 .
Cadiou Jean-Francois, Repecaud Michel, Arnaud Mireille, Rabouille Christophe, Raimbault Patrick, Radakovitch Olivier, Meule Samuel, Gaufres Pierre, Pairaud Ivane (2010). MESURHO : a high frequency oceanographic buoy at the Rhone River mouth . 39th CIESM Congress - Venice, Italy, 10 - 14 May 2010 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00070/18161/
Gatti Julie, Pairaud Ivane (2010). Optimisation échantillonnage in situ : Qualification des configurations méditerranéennes du modèle MARS3D . RST.DOP.LER-PAC/10-10 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00028/13932/
Pairaud Ivane, Auclair Francis, Marsaleix Patrick, Lyard Florent, Pichon Annick (2010). Dynamics of the semi-diurnal and quarter-diurnal internal tides in the Bay of Biscay. Part 2: Baroclinic tides . Continental Shelf Research , 30(3-4), 253-269 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2009.10.008
Pairaud Ivane, Staquet Chantal, Sommeria Joel, Mahdizadeh Mahdi M. (2010). Generation of harmonics and sub-harmonics from an internal tide in a uniformly stratified fluid: numerical and laboratory experiments . Iutam Symposium On Turbulence In The Atmosphere And Oceans , 28(1), 51-62 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0360-5_5 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00038/14915/


Sauzade Didier, Andral Bruno, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Pairaud Ivane, Verney Romaric, Zebracki Mathilde, Cadiou Jean-Francois, Boissery Pierre (2009). Pressions et état de la contamination chimique marine dans le voisinage d'une grande ville côtière méditerranéenne, le cas de Marseille / Pressure and state of the marine chemical contamination in the vicinity of a large coastal Mediterranean city, the case of Marseilles . Proceedings of the International workshop on the Impact of large coastal Mediterranean cities on marine ecosytems, Alexandria, Egypt – 10-12 Feb. 2009 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00070/18164/

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