Bellanger Manuel, Dudouet Benjamin, Gourguet Sophie, Thébaud Olivier, Ballance Lisa T., Becu Nicolas, Bisack Kathryn D., Cudennec Annie, Daurès Fabienne, Lehuta Sigrid, Lent Rebecca, Marshall C. Tara, Reid David, Ridoux Vincent, Squires Dale, Ulrich Clara (2025). A practical framework to evaluate the feasibility of incentive-based approaches to reduce bycatch of marine mammals and other protected species . Marine Policy , 177, 106661 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ulrich Clara, Peltier Hélène, Spitz Jérôme, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Que sait-on sur les captures accidentelles de dauphins dans le golfe de Gascogne, et pourquoi est-il si difficile de les éviter ? The Conversation , 223890 (5p.) . Open Access version :
Tam Jamie C., Parlee Courtenay E., Campbell-Miller Jill, Bellanger Manuel, Bentley Jacob, Pourfaraj Vahab, Andrews Evan J., Eger Sondra L., Cook Adam M., Beaulieu Gabrielle (2024). Expanding the scope and roles of social sciences and humanities to support integrated ecosystem assessments and ecosystem-based management . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 81(1), 22-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gentil Eric, Bellanger Manuel (2024). Pêche de loisir. Façade Nord Atlantique - Manche Ouest . DCSMM cycle 3.
Le Gentil Eric, Bellanger Manuel (2024). Pêche de loisir. Façade Manche Est – Mer du Nord . DCSMM cycle 3.
Le Gentil Eric, Bellanger Manuel (2024). Pêche de loisir. Façade Sud Atlantique . DCSMM cycle 3.
Le Gentil Eric, Bellanger Manuel (2024). Pêche de loisir. Façade Méditerranée . DCSMM cycle 3.
Bellanger Manuel, Dudouet Benjamin, Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Ballance Lisa T., Becu Nicolas, Bisack Kathryn D., Cudennec Annie, Daures Fabienne, Lehuta Sigrid, Lent Rebecca, Marshall C. Tara, Reid David, Ridoux Vincent, Squires Dale, Ulrich Clara (2023). Report of the Workshop Potentialities of incentive-based approaches to reduce dolphin bycatch in the Bay of Biscay organized in Brest on 16-17 March 2023 . DELMOGES project, Ifremer, 46 p.
Pérez Agúndez José A., Gourguet Sophie, Monge Sophie, Bas Adeline, Bellanger Manuel, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Le Gentil Eric, Le Grand Christelle, Leonardi Sophie, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Mongruel Remi, Scemama Pierre, Thebaud Olivier (2023). Unité d’Economie Maritime. Rapport d’activité 2022 .
Châles Fanny, Bellanger Manuel, Bailly Denis, Dutra Leo X.C., Pendleton Linwood (2023). Using standards for coastal nature-based solutions in climate commitments: applying the IUCN Global Standard to the case of Pacific Small Island Developing States . Nature-Based Solutions , 3, 100034 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Masse Ugo, Bellanger Manuel, Scemama Pierre, Richard Joëlle, Thebaud Olivier, Bas Adeline, Bailly Denis (2022). Report of the DEEP-REST stakeholder workshop, 11 May 2022 .
Pérez Agúndez José A., Gourguet Sophie, Monge Sophie, Bas Adeline, Bellanger Manuel, Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Le Gentil Eric, Le Grand Christelle, Leonardi Sophie, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Mongruel Remi, Scemama Pierre, Thebaud Olivier (2022). Rapport d’activité 2021. Unité d’Economie Maritime .
Bellanger Manuel, Fonner Robert, Holland Daniel S., Libecap Gary D., Lipton Douglas W., Scemama Pierre, Speir Cameron, Thébaud Olivier (2021). Cross-sectoral externalities related to natural resources and ecosystem services . Ecological Economics , 184, 106990 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellanger Manuel, Speir Cameron, Blanchard Fabian, Brooks Kate, Butler James R. A., Crosson Scott, Fonner Robert, Gourguet Sophie, Holland Daniel S., Kuikka Sakari, Le Gallic Bertrand, Lent Rebecca, Libecap Gary D., Lipton Douglas W., Nayak Prateep Kumar, Reid David, Scemama Pierre, Stephenson Robert, Thébaud Olivier, Young Juliette C. (2020). Addressing Marine and Coastal Governance Conflicts at the Interface of Multiple Sectors and Jurisdictions . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7(544440), 21p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fonner Robert, Bellanger Manuel, Warlick Amanda (2020). Economic analysis for marine protected resources management: Challenges, tools, and opportunities . Ocean & Coastal Management , 194, 105222 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baudrier Jerome, Blanchard Fabian, Bellanger Manuel, Biseau Alain, Talidec Catherine, Duval Magali, Thouard Emmanuel, Goraguer Herle, Guyader Olivier, Renault Tristan, Foucher Eric, Marchal Paul, Pelletier Dominique, Trenkel Verena (2020). Note relative à la définition du périmètre de l’implication de l’Ifremer concernant la pêche maritime de loisir.
Frangoudes Katia, Bellanger Manuel, Curtil Olivier, Guyader Olivier (2020). Small-Scale Fisheries in France: Activities and Governance Issues . In Small-Scale Fisheries in France: Activities and Governance Issues. In: Pascual-Fernández J., Pita C., Bavinck M. (eds) Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and Governance. MARE Publication Series, vol 23. Springer, Cham. DOI . Print ISBN 978-3-030-37370-2 Online ISBN 978-3-030-37371-9 Series Print ISSN 2212-6260 Series Online ISSN 2212-6279. Chap.12, pp.231-252 (Springer) .
Bellanger Manuel, Holland Daniel S., Anderson Christopher M., Guyader Olivier (2019). Incentive effect of joint and several liability in fishery cooperatives on regulatory compliance . Fish And Fisheries , 20(4), 715-728 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellanger Manuel, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Guyader Olivier, Le Grand Christelle (2018). Investigating trade-offs in alternative catch-share systems: an individual-based bio-economic model applied to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery . Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences , 75(10), 1663-1679 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hyder Kieran, Weltersbach Marc Simon, Armstrong Mike, Ferter Keno, Townhill Bryony, Ahvonen Anssi, Arlinghaus Robert, Baikov Andrei, Bellanger Manuel, Birzaks Janis, Borch Trude, Cambie Giulia, de Graaf Martin, Diogo Hugo M. C., Dziemian Lukasz, Gordoa Ana, Grzebielec Ryszard, Hartill Bruce, Kagervall Anders, Kapiris Kostas, Karlsson Martin, Kleiven Alf Ring, Lejk Adam M., Levrel Harold, Lovell Sabrina, Lyle Jeremy, Moilanen Pentti, Monkman Graham, Morales-Nin Beatriz, Mugerza Estanis, Martinez Roi, O'Reilly Paul, Olesen Hans Jakob, Papadopoulos Anastasios, Pita Pablo, Radford Zachary, Radtke Krzysztof, Roche William, Rocklin Delphine, Ruiz Jon, Scougal Callum, Silvestri Roberto, Skov Christian, Steinback Scott, Sundelof Andreas, Svagzdys Arvydas, Turnbull David, Van Der Hammen Tessa, Van Voorhees David, Van Winsen Frankwin, Verleye Thomas, Veiga Pedro, Volstad Jon-Helge, Zarauz Lucia, Zolubas Tomas, Strehlow Harry V. (2018). Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context-Participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment . Fish And Fisheries , 19(2), 225-243 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet Sophie, Briand Frédéric, Thebaud Olivier, Bellanger Manuel (2018). Marine species interfering with human activities . IIFET 2018 - International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Conference. July 16-20, 2018, Seattle .
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Bellanger Manuel (2018). Assessing the bio-economic impacts of marine biodiversity on commercial fisheries and aquaculture . CIESM workshop monographs , (50), 31-38 .
Frangoudes Katia, Bellanger Manuel (2017). Fishers’ opinions on marketization of property rights and the quota system in France . Marine Policy , 80, 107-112 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellanger Manuel (2017). Modelling institutional arrangements and bio-economic impacts of catch share management systems. Application to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery . PhD Thesis , Université de Bretagne Occidentale .
Bellanger Manuel, Levrel Harold (2017). A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative survey methods used for the monitoring of marine recreational fishing in France . Ocean & Coastal Management , 138, 19-28 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Bertignac Michel, Guyader Olivier, Bellanger Manuel (2017). IAM : Impact Assessment Model for fisheries management . STECF expert working group EWG 16-20: Bio-economic methodology. 23-27 january 2017, JRC ISPRA, Italy .
Macher Claire, Bellanger Manuel, Merzereaud Mathieu, Guyader Olivier, Le Grand Christelle (2017). An individual-based bio-economic model to investigate trade-offs in quota governance systems in the Bay of Biscay sole fishery . EAFE 2017 - The XXIII Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists "The socio-economics of adaptation in EU fisheries: Lessons from the new Common Fisheries Policy and beyond". 25th to 27th April 2017, Dublin.
Regimbart Amelie, Baudrier Jerome, Foucher Eric, Bellanger Manuel, Delaunay Damien (2016). Monitoring approaches of recreational fisheries in France under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive . ICES Annual Science Conference 2016. 19 - 23 september 2016, Riga, Latvia .
Bellanger Manuel, Macher Claire, Guyader Olivier (2016). A new approach to determine the distributional effects of quota management in fisheries . Fisheries Research , 181, 116-126 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Guyader Olivier, Metz Sebastien, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Le Floch Pascal, Bellanger Manuel (2015). Self-imposed catch shares by French producers organizations (POs) . MARE Academic Conference : people and the sea viii conference. Theme: geopolitics of the oceans. 24-26 June 2015, Amsterdam .
Bellanger Manuel, Macher Claire, Guyader Olivier (2015). Distributional effects of quota self-governance by French producer organizations: the case of the Bay of Biscay sole fishery . NAAFE Forum 2015 - North American Association of Fisheries Economists 8th (2015) Biennial Forum. 20-22 May 2015, Ketchikan, Alaska .
Levrel Harold, Bellanger Manuel, Le Goff Ronan, Drogou Mickael (2013). La pêche récréative en mer en France métropolitaine (Atlantique, Manche, Mer du Nord, Méditerranée). Résultats de l'enquête 2011-2013 . Note/RBE/STH 13-01 .
Reynal Lionel, Demaneche Sebastien, Guyader Olivier, Bertrand Jacques, Berthou Patrick, Dromer Clement, Maros Emmanuel, Bruneau Marie, Bellanger Manuel, Merrien Claude, Guegan Fabrice, Lespagnol Patrick, Pitel-Roudaut Mathilde, Jezequel Michele, Leblond Emilie, Daures Fabienne (2013). Projet pilote du Système d’Informations Halieutiques (SIH) Martinique (2007-2010). Premières données sur la pêche en Martinique (2009-2010) . Ifremer-SIH-2013/06/30 .
Guyader Olivier, Bellanger Manuel, Reynal Lionel, Demaneche Sebastien, Berthou Patrick (2013). Fishing strategies, economic performance and management of moored fishing aggregating devices in Guadeloupe . Aquatic Living Resources , 26(1), 97-105 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Guyader Olivier, Bellanger Manuel (2011). Méthodologie de calcul des indicateurs économiques pour les flottilles de pêche à partir des différentes sources de données. Guadeloupe - Guyane - Martinique .
Frangoudes Katia, Bellanger Manuel, Roncin Nicolas, Le Grand Christelle, Van Iseghem Sylvie, Alban Frederique, Daures Fabienne (2011). Eléments sociaux de caractérisation de la population de pêcheurs enquêtée au sein du Parc Naturel Marin de la Mer d’Iroise (2010) .
Demaneche Sebastien, Merrien Claude, Lespagnol Patrick, Guegan Fabrice, Bruneau Marie, Guyader Olivier, Bellanger Manuel, Reynal Lionel, Le Ru Loic, Ruchon Francois (2011). Estimation des efforts de pêche et des productions par échantillonnage des marées au débarquement. Bilan et résultats obtenus par façade. Rapport annuel de la Convention DPMA-Ifremer 2010 .
Guyader Olivier, Berthou Patrick, Reynal Lionel, Demaneche Sebastien, Bruneau Marie, Bellanger Manuel, Angin Baptiste, Merrien Claude, Guegan Fabrice, Lespagnol Patrick, Pitel Mathilde, Jezequel Michele, Leblond Emilie, Daures Fabienne (2011). Situation de la pêche en Guadeloupe en 2008. Rapport du projet pilote Système d'Informations Halieutiques Guadeloupe 2007/2009 . Ifremer-SIH-2011/02/28 .