Projets nationaux ou internationaux
- Projet LANDSEALOT / Horizon Europe (2024-2027) : Land-Sea interface: Let's observe together (coordinateur : Deltares).
- Projet DEZIGN / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 7 (2023-2026) : Dynamique et évolution des zones intertidales dans un contexte de changement global : modélisation analogue des structures hydro-morpho-sédimentaires estuariennes (coordinateur : F. Grasso et R. Verney - Ifremer).
- Projet CAPTURE / Mission Inter-Estuaires - Office Français de la Biodiversité (2021-2024) : Vers une caractérisation et parametrisation globale de la turbidité dans les estuaires sous pressions anthropiques et climatiques (coordinateur : F. Grasso - Ifremer).
- Projet MORPHOSEINE / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 6 (2017-2020) : Modélisation de l'évolution morphosédimentaire de l'estuaire de la Seine (coordinateur : F. Grasso - Ifremer).
- Projet ARES / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 6 (2019-2020) : Analyse de Rejeux hydro-sédimentaires en Estuaire de Seine (coordinateur : F. Grasso - Ifremer).
- Projet PHARE-SEE / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 6 (2017-2020) : Productivité microphytobenthique des habitats intertidaux en lien avec la dynamique sédimentaire, biogéochimique et les ingénieurs d'écosystème de la faune benthique: implication pour des enjeux de modélisation et de réhabilitation des vasières de la Seine estuarienne (coordinateurs : F. Orvain - BOREA, A. Huguet - METiS).
- HYDRALAB+ / Programme européen H2020 (2015-2019) / JRA1 RECIPE and JRA2 COMPLEX : WP9 Interactions sédiment-biota (coordinateurs : F. Hamer - Deltares, A. Sanchez-Arcilla - PUC, S. McLelland - Hull University).
- Projet AMORAD / Programme de recherche ANR "Investissement d'Avenir" (2013-2019) : Amélioration des modèles de prévision de la dispersion et d’évaluation de l’impact des radionucléides au sein de l’environnement (coordinatrice : J. Garnier-Laplace - IRSN).
- Projet HYMOSED / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 5 (2013-2017) : Modélisation du fonctionnement hydro-morpho-sédimentaire de l'estuaire de la Seine (coordinateur : F. Grasso - Ifremer).
- Projet ANPHYECO-SEINE / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 5 (2013-2017) : Analyse du fonctionnement hydrologique, morphologique, sédimentaire et écologique [en vue d'une recherche de pistes de restauration globale] de l'estuaire de la Seine (coordinateur : S. Van Damme - Antwerp University).
- Projet BARBèS / Programme de recherche Seine-Aval 5 (2013-2017) : Associations biologiques en relation avec le transport sédimentaire : développement d’un modèle de bioturbation par les ingénieurs d’écosystèmes en estuaire de Seine (coordinateur : F. Orvain - BOREA).
Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
METEOR 2017 | Cotes De L | 2017 | Embouchure de l'estuaire de la Gironde |
Jeux de données
Defontaine Sophie, Grasso Florent, Dijkstra Yoeri (2024). Toward an explanatory parameter space for sediment trapping in estuaries . SEANOE .
Diaz Mélanie, Grasso Florent, Caillaud Matthieu (2023). CurviGironde Hindcast. IFREMER.
Grasso Florent, Caillaud Matthieu (2023). CurviLoire Hindcast. IFREMER.
Grasso Florent, Bocher Alan, Jacquet Matthias, Le Berre David, Lecornu Fabrice (2021). Gironde Estuary Mouth MEasurement Stations (GEMMES) . SEANOE .
Grasso Florent, Bismuth Eliott, Verney Romaric (2019). CurviSeine Hindcast. IFREMER.
Grasso Florent, Jacquet Matthias, Cugier Philippe, Carlier Antoine, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Androuin Thibault (2018). Experimental study of sediment-biota interactions under wave-current conditions: Application to the ecosystem engineer species Crepidula fornicata . SEANOE .
Lamarque Bastien, Deflandre Bruno, Galindo Dalto Adriana, Schmidt Sabine, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Garabetian Frédéric, Dubosq Nicolas, Diaz Mélanie, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Bernard Guillaume, Gillet Hervé, Cordier Marie-Ange, Poirier Dominique, Lebleu Pascal, Derriennic Hervé, Danilo Martin, Murilo Barboza Tenório Márcio, Grémare Antoine (2018). Spatial Distributions of Surface Sedimentary Organics and Sediment Profile Image Characteristics in a High-Energy Temperate Marine RiOMar: The West Gironde Mud Patch . SEANOE .
Grasso Florent (2024). Comment les activités maritimes risquent-elles d’affecter les estuaires ? The Conversation , 242355 (5p.) . Open Access version :
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Le Hir Pierre, Caillaud Matthieu (2024). Investigating sediment dynamics on a continental shelf mud patch under the influence of a macrotidal estuary: a numerical modeling analysis . Continental Shelf Research , 282, 105334 (17p.) .
Verney Romaric, Le Berre David, Repecaud Michel, Bocher Alan, Bescond Tanguy, Poppeschi Coline, Grasso Florent (2024). Suspended particulate matter dynamics at the interface between an estuary and its adjacent coastal sea: Unravelling the impact of tides, waves and river discharge from 2015 to 2022 in situ high-frequency observations . Marine Geology , 471, 107281 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lamour Marie, Le Barh Romaric, Merg Marie-Line, Grasso Florent, Quinton Eric, Rochard Eric, Le Pichon Céline, Acolas Marie-Laure (2024). Using simulated environmental variables to assess the seasonal estuarine habitat selection of a critically endangered anadromous species (Acipenser sturio) . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 298, 108656 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Caillaud Matthieu (2023). A ten-year numerical hindcast of hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in the Loire Estuary . Scientific Data , 10(1), 394 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Carlier Antoine, Cugier Philippe, Verney Romaric, Marzloff Martin (2023). Influence of Crepidula fornicata on suspended particle dynamics in coastal systems: a mesocosm experimental study . Journal Of Ecohydraulics , 8(1), 26-37 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lamarque Bastien, Deflandre Bruno, Schmidt Sabine, Bernard Guillaume, Dubosq Nicolas, Diaz Melanie, Lavesque Nicolas, Garabetian Frédéric, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Rigaud Sylvain, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Cordier Marie-Ange, Poirier Dominique, Danilo Martin, Grémare Antoine (2022). Spatiotemporal dynamics of surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna compositions in a temperate high-energy River-dominated Ocean Margin . Continental Shelf Research , 247, 104833 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Champagnat Juliette, Lecomte Jean Baptiste, Rivot E, Douchet L, Martin N, Grasso Florent, Mounier F, Labadie P, Loizeau Veronique, Bacq N, Le Pape Olivier (2021). Multidisciplinary assessment of nearshore nursery habitat restoration for an exploited population of marine fish . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 680, 97-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mengual Baptiste, Le Hir Pierre, Rivier Aurélie, Caillaud Matthieu, Grasso Florent (2021). Numerical modeling of bedload and suspended load contributions to morphological evolution of the Seine Estuary (France) . International Journal Of Sediment Research , 36(6), 723-735 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Bismuth Eliott, Verney Romaric (2021). Unraveling The Impacts of Meteorological and Anthropogenic Changes on Sediment Fluxes Along an Estuary-Sea Continuum . Scientific Reports , 11(1), 20230 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lamarque Bastien, Deflandre Bruno, Galindo Dalto Adriana, Schmidt Sabine, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Garabetian Frédéric, Dubosq Nicolas, Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Bernard Guillaume, Gillet Hervé, Cordier Marie-Ange, Poirier Dominique, Lebleu Pascal, Derriennic Hervé, Danilo Martin, Murilo Barboza Tenório Márcio, Grémare Antoine (2021). Spatial Distributions of Surface Sedimentary Organics and Sediment Profile Image Characteristics in a High-Energy Temperate Marine RiOMar: The West Gironde Mud Patch . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 9(3), 242 (32p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Sottolichio Aldo, Caillaud Matthieu, Thouvenin Benedicte (2020). Modeling mud and sand transfers between a macrotidal estuary and the continental shelf: influence of the sediment-transport parameterization . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 125(4), e2019JC015643 (37p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre (2019). Influence of morphological changes on suspended sediment dynamics in a macrotidal estuary: diachronic analysis in the Seine Estuary (France) from 1960 to 2010 . Ocean Dynamics , 69(1), 83-100 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2019). Workshop on scoping of physical pressure layers causing loss of benthic habitats D6C1– methods to operational data products (WKBEDLOSS). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 1(15), 37p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schulz Elisabeth, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Verney Romaric, Thouvenin Benedicte (2018). Suspended Sediment Dynamics in the Macrotidal Seine Estuary (France) - Part 2: Numerical Modeling of Sediment Fluxes and Budgets Under Typical Hydrological and Meteorological Conditions . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 123(1), 578-600 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Verney Romaric, Le Hir Pierre, Thouvenin Benedicte, Schulz Elisabeth, Kervella Youenn, Fard I. Khojasteh Pour, Lemoine J. -P., Dumas Franck, Garnier Valerie (2018). Suspended Sediment Dynamics in the Macrotidal Seine Estuary (France) - Part 1: Numerical Modeling of Turbidity Maximum Dynamics . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 123(1), 558-577 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brinkkemper J. A., Lanckriet T., Grasso Florent, Puleo J. A., Ruessink B. G. (2016). Observations of turbulence within the surf and swash zone of a field-scale sandy laboratory beach . Coastal Engineering , 113, 62-72 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruessink B. G., Blenkinsopp C., Brinkkemper J. A., Castelle B., Dubarbier B., Grasso Florent, Puleo J. A., Lanckriet T. (2016). Sandbar and beach-face evolution on a prototype coarse sandy barrier . Coastal Engineering , 113, 19-32 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jaud Marion, Grasso Florent, Le Dantec Nicolas, Verney Romaric, Delacourt Christophe, Ammann Jerome, Deloffre Julien, Grandjean Philippe (2016). Potential of UAVs for Monitoring Mudflat Morphodynamics (Application to the Seine Estuary, France) . Isprs International Journal Of Geo-information , 5(4), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Bassoullet Philippe (2015). Numerical modelling of mixed-sediment consolidation . Ocean Dynamics , 65(4), 607-616 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
de Winter Winnie, Wesselman Daan, Grasso Florent, Ruessink Gerben (2013). Large-scale laboratory observations of beach morphodynamics and turbulence beneath shoaling and breaking waves . Journal Of Coastal Research , Spec.Issue(65), 1515-1520 .
Grasso Florent, Ruessink B. G. (2012). Turbulent viscosity in natural surf zones . Geophysical Research Letters , 39(L23603), 1-5 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruessink B. G., Boers M., Van Geer P. F. C., de Bakker A. T. M., Pieterse A., Grasso Florent, de Winter R. C. (2012). Towards a process-based model to predict dune erosion along the Dutch Wadden coast . Netherlands Journal Of Geosciences-geologie En Mijnbouw , 91(3), 357-372 .
Grasso Florent, Castelle B., Ruessink B. G. (2012). Turbulence dissipation under breaking waves and bores in a natural surf zone . Continental Shelf Research , 43, 133-141 .
Michallet H., Cienfuegos R., Barthelemy E., Grasso Florent (2011). Kinematics of waves propagating and breaking on a barred beach . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 30(6), 624-634 .
Grasso Florent, Michallet H., Barthelemy E. (2011). Sediment transport associated with morphological beach changes forced by irregular asymmetric, skewed waves . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 116, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grasso Florent, Michallet H., Barthelemy E. (2011). Experimental simulation of shoreface nourishments under storm events: A morphological, hydrodynamic, and sediment grain size analysis . Coastal Engineering , 58(2), 184-193 .
Grasso Florent, Ruessink B. G. (2011). Vertical structure of the turbulence dissipation rate in the surf zone . Journal Of Coastal Research , 90-94 .
Castelle Bruno, Marieu Vincent, Bonneton Philippe, Bruneau Nicolas, Grasso Florent (2010). Modélisation des évolutions de profil de plage . Houille Blanche-revue Internationale De L Eau , (1), 104-110 .
Grasso Florent, Michallet H., Barthelemy E., Certain R. (2009). Physical modeling of intermediate cross-shore beach morphology: Transients and equilibrium states . Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans , 114, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berni C., Mignot E., Michallet H., Dalla-Costa C., Grasso Florent, Lagauzere M. (2009). Diversity of bed evolution at wave and tidal scales on Truc-Vert beach . Journal Of Coastal Research , 1726-1730 .
Grasso Florent, Michallet H., Certain R., Barthelemy E. (2009). Experimental Flume Simulation of Sandbar Dynamics . Journal Of Coastal Research , 54-58 .
Michallet H., Grasso Florent, Barthelemy E. (2007). Long Waves and Beach Profile Evolutions . Journal Of Coastal Research , 221-225 .
Communication avec actes
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Caillaud Matthieu, Thouvenin Benedicte (2020). Numerical Modelling Of Sediment Exchanges From The Gironde Estuary To The Continental Shelf: Hydrodynamic Model Validation and Sensitivity Analysis Of Sediment Fluxes To Sediment Transport Parameters . Nguyen K., Guillou S., Gourbesville P., Thiébot J. (eds) Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change. Springer Water. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN 978-981-15-2080-8 Online ISBN 978-981-15-2081-5. Part. Modeling of Sediment Transport and Morphological Evolution in Estuaries. pp.355-377 .
Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Le Hir Pierre, Grasso Florent (2018). Numerical study of sediment transport in the Seine estuary: contribution of dredging . Nguyen K., Guillou S., Gourbesville P., Thiébot J. (eds) Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change. Springer Water. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN 978-981-15-2080-8 Online ISBN 978-981-15-2081-5. Part. Modeling of Sediment Transport and Morphological Evolution in Estuaries. pp.241-255 .
Grasso Florent, Schulz Elisabeth, Le Hir Pierre, Verney Romaric, Thouvenin Benedicte (2016). Influence des conditions hydrométéorologiques sur les flux et bilans sédimentaires en estuaire de Seine . XIVèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, 29 juin - 1er juillet 2016, Toulon. Ed.: D.Levacher, M. Sanchez et V.Rey . ISBN 978-2-35921-017-0. N°14 (2016), Thème 2 Dynamique sédimentaire pp.201-210 .
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Thouvenin Benedicte, Verney Romaric, Jestin Herve (2015). Mixed-sediment model performance to simulate erosion/deposition events in a macrotidal estuary mouth . Coastal Sediments 2015 : The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015. Edited by: Ping Wang, Julie D Rosati, Jun Cheng. ISBN: 978-981-4689-98-4 .
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Bassoullet Philippe (2014). Analysis of mixed-sediment consolidation experiments . XIIIèmes Journée Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. 2014 Dunkerque. Ed.: D.Levacher, M. Sanchez, A. Hequette et Y. Lalaut. ISBN 978-2-35921-012-5. Thème 2 : Dynamique sédimentaire.pp.353-362 .
Grasso Florent, Verney Romaric, Le Hir Pierre (2014). Numerical modelling of the turbidity maximum dynamics in a macrotidal estuary: sensitivity to hydrodynamic and hydrological forcing . Proceedings of the 17th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 .
Dubarbier Benjamin, Castelle Bruno, Marieu Vincent, Michallet Hervé, Grasso Florent, Ruessink Gerben (2013). Numerical modelling of equilibrium and evolving lightweight sediment laboratory beach profiles. Proceedings on Coastal Dynamics 2013, pp.521-530 .
Thesis / HDR
Grasso Florent (2022). Dynamique hydro-morpho-sédimentaire des estuaires macrotidaux dans un contexte de changement global . HDR.
Grasso Florent (2024). Vers une CAractérisation et Paramétrisation globale de la TURbidité dans les Estuaires sous pressions anthropiques et climatiques . Rapport final du projet CAPTURE (2021-2024) .
Lehuen Amélie, Dancie Chloé, Grasso Florent, Orvain Francis (2024). A quantile regression approach to define optimal ecological niche (habitat suitability) of cockle populations (Cerastoderma edule) .
Orvain Francis, Huguet Arnaud, (coord.) (2022). Projet PHARESEE : Productivité microphytobenthique des HAbitats intertidaux en lien avec la dynamique sédimentaire, biogéochimique et les ingénieurs d'écosystème de la faune benthique : implication pour des enjeux de modélisation et de REhabilitation des vasières de la SEine Estuarienne . Rapport de recherche du programme Seine-Aval 6, 161 p .
Huguet Arnaud, Orvain Francis (coords), Morelle Jérôme, Thouvenin Benedicte, Parlanti Edith, Maire Olivier, Richard Anaïs, Rakotomalala Christiane, Savelli Raphaël, Lebreton Benoit, Laverman Anniet, Roose-Amsaleg Céline, Mesnage Valérie, Deloffre Julien, Lecoq Nicolas, Le Fouest Vincent, Dupuy Christine, Grasso Florent, Van De Heijden Luuk, Viollier Eric, Sebilo Matthieu, Guizien Katell (2022). PHARESEE : Productivité microphytobenthique des HAbitats intertidaux en lien avec la dynamique sédimentaire, biogéochimique et les ingénieurs d'écosystème de la faune benthique : implication pour des enjeux de modélisation et de REhabilitation des vasières de la SEine Estuarienne . Rapport de recherche du programme Seine-Aval 6. 161p.
Grasso Florent, Mengual Baptiste, Le Hir Pierre, Walther Régis, Verney Romaric (2021). MORPHOSEINE. Modélisation de l’évolution morphosédimentaire de l’estuaire de la Seine . Rapport de recherche du programme Seine-Aval 6 .
Grasso Florent, Bismuth Eliott, Verney Romaric (2020). ARES. Analyse de Rejeux hydro-sédimentaires en Estuaire de Seine . Rapport Projet Seine-Aval 6.
Thouvenin Benedicte, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Orvain Francis, Plus Martin, Rakotomalala Christiane (2020). Modèle cross-shore 2DV hydro-sédimentaire et biogéochimique dans une vasière intertidale de l'estuaire de la Seine . Rapport intermédiaire PHARE-SEE. R.ODE/DYNECO/DHYSED 2020 .
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre (2017). Modélisation du fonctionnement HYdro-MOrpho-SEDimentaire de l’estuaire de la Seine [HYMOSED]. Volet « Modélisation » . Rapport final Seine-Aval 5 .
Grasso Florent, Verney Romaric (2017). Modélisation du fonctionnement HYdro-MOrpho-SEDimentaire de l’estuaire de la Seine [HYMOSED] - Volet « Mesures» . Rapport final Seine-Aval 5 .
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Bassoulet Philippe (2013). MODEL. Modélisation validée de l’hydro-morpho-sédimentologie base physique d’une modélisation environnementale de l’estuaire de la Seine. Rapport complémentaire . Rapport Seine-Aval 4 .
Expertises / Avis
Robert Alexandre, Grasso Florent, Fabri-Ruiz Salome, Vogel Camille, Bizzozero Lucie, Grouhel Anne, Amouroux Isabelle, Le Gall Yves, Simplet Laure (2024). Demande de contribution de l’Ifremer sur la demande d’autorisation environnementale du PER Granulats Marins Large Loire (2L) . DREAL Pays de la Loire - Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement des Pays de la Loire, Service des risques naturels et technologiques, Division des risques naturels, hydrauliques et sous-sols, Nantes , Ref. Ifremer DG/2024-1238 _ P9-24-058 - Courriel du 24 juin 2024 avec saisine adressée via le guichet unique numérique de l’environnement , 9p.
Bhoobun Chitrachandika, Verney Romaric, Grasso Florent (2025). Automated Characterisation of Tidal Course Morphology for Intertidal Mudflat Study . NCK Days 2025. 19-21 March 2025, Oosterscheldekering, The Netherlands .
Grasso Florent, Bismuth Eliott, Burchard Hans, Defontaine Sophie, Dijkstra Yoeri, Geyer Rocky, Kösters Frank, Lafite Robert, Reese Lloyd, Schuttelaars Henk, Sottolichio Aldo, Van Kessel Thijs, Vanlede Joris, Van Maren Bas, Verney Romaric, Walther Régis, Zorndt Anna (2024). A simple method for estimating potential turbidity maximum in NW European tidal estuaries . PECS 2024 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas conference. September 23-27, 2024, Bordeaux, France .
Grasso Florent, Bismuth Eliott, Burchard Hans, Defontaine Sophie, Dijkstra Yoeri, Geyer R, Kösters Frank, Lafite Robert, Reese Nina, Schuttelaars Henk, Sottolichio Aldo, Van Kessel Thijs, Vanlede Joris, Van Maren Bas, Verney Romaric, Walther Régis, Zorndt Anna (2023). Can we simply predict maximum turbidity in tidal estuaries? AGU23. Wide. Open. Science. AGU Fall Meeting 2023. 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA & Online Everywhere .
Moncuquet Adele, Dufois Francois, Jones Nicole, Bordois Lucie, Grasso Florent, Lazure Pascal (2022). Observation of Non Linear Internal Waves on the Landes Shelf (Bay of Biscay) . OSM 2022 - Ocean Science Meeting “Come Together and Connect”. 24 february - 4 march 2022, Online everywhere .
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Caillaud Matthieu, Thouvenin Benedicte (2019). Accumulation and dispersion dynamics of mud and sand particles in a continental shelf under estuarine influence: a numerical modelling analysis (Gironde, France) . Advances in Coastal and Estuarine Physics from Nearshore to Continental-Margin Scales - Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Gordon Research Conference. 16-21 June 2019, Manchester, NH, USA .
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Caillaud Matthieu, Thouvenin Benedicte (2018). Modelling sediment exchanges between the Gironde Estuary and the adjacent continental shelf: sensitivity analysis of sediment fluxes to the sediment initialisation and parameterization . PECS 2018 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas meeting 2018. October 15-19, 2018, Galveston, TX, USA.
Bacq Nicolas, Cugier Philippe, Grasso Florent, Le Gendre Romain, Le Hir Pierre, Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Riou Philippe, Schulz Elisabeth, Thouvenin Benedicte, Verney Romaric (2015). Modélisation environnementale de l'estuaire de la Seine . 3ème colloque Biennal des Zones Ateliers, 15-16 octobre 2015, Paris, France.
Communications sans actes
Defontaine Sophie, Dijkstra Yoeri, Grasso Florent (2024). Sediment trapping in estuaries . PECS 2024 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas conference. September 23-27, 2024, Bordeaux, France .
Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre (2024). Anthropogenic forcings can prevail: the case of maintenance dredging in the Seine Estuary . PECS 2024 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas conference. September 23-27, 2024, Bordeaux, France .
Lamarque Bastien, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Deflandre Bruno, Bernard Guillaume, Schmidt Sabine, Garabetian Frédéric, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Dubosq Nicolas, Rigaud Sylvain, Danilo Martin, Grémare Antoine (2024). Spatio-temporal changes in benthic biological activity traces within the West Gironde Mud Patch as assessed through Sediment Profile Imagery . ISOBAY 18 – XVIIIe International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. June 5-7, 2024, , La Rochelle, France .
Grasso Florent, Bismuth Eliott (2022). Intercomparison of suspended sediment dynamics in tidal estuaries: Sketching a global functioning based on limited forcing parameters . PECS 2022 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas conference. October 24-28, 2022, Perth, Australia.
Grasso Florent, Diaz Melanie, Sottolichio Aldo, Bismuth Eliott (2022). Investigating sediment transfers between macrotidal estuaries and coastal seas: Numerical modelling of the Gironde Estuary (France) . Ems-Scheldt symposium. 16-17 June 2022, Wageningen, The Netherlands .
Moncuquet Adele, Dufois Francois, Grasso Florent, Jones Nicole, Bordois Lucie, Lazure Pascal (2022). In situ observations of nonlinear internal waves with trapped core in the south coast of the Bay of Biscay . ICTS - International Congres of Theoretical Sciences discussion meeting : waves, instabilities and mixing in rotating and stratified flows. 04 April to 08 April 2022, online .
Moncuquet Adele, Dufois Francois, Bordois Lucie, Grasso Florent, Jones Nicole, Lazure Pascal (2022). Nonlinear internal tide and solitary waves on the south coast of the Bay of Biscay . PECS 2022 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas conference. October 24-28, 2022, Perth, Australia .
Grasso Florent, Diaz Melanie, Bismuth Eliott, Verney Romaric, Sottolichio Aldo, Le Hir Pierre (2021). Conceptualization of Sediment Transfers Between Macrotidal Estuaries and Coastal Seas . AGU Fall Meeting 2021. 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA, USA .
Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Grasso Florent, Mengual Baptiste, Le Hir Pierre (2021). Mid-term effects of maintenance dredging in the physical functionning of the Seine Estuary . INTERCOH 2021 - International conference on cohesive sediment transport. 13-17 september 2021, Delft, The Netherlands.
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Le Hir Pierre, Thouvenin Benedicte, Caillaud Matthieu (2021). Numerical modeling of suspended sediment fluxes between a macrotidal estuary and its adjacent shelf: horizontal and vertical structures . INTERCOH 2021 - International conference on cohesive sediment transport. 13-17 september 2021, Delft, The Netherlands.
Grasso Florent, Mengual Baptiste, Le Hir Pierre, Lemoine Jean-Philippe (2021). Intertidal mudflats can (not) survive sea level rise . INTERCOH 2021 - International conference on cohesive sediment transport. 13-17 september 2021, Delft, The Netherlands.
Verney Romaric, Grasso Florent, Gaillard Cécile (2021). Sediment dynamics at an estuary mouth: detrending the impact of tides, river discharge and waves from high-frequency measurements . INTERCOH 2021 - International conference on cohesive sediment transport. 13-17 september 2021, Delft, The Netherlands.
Grasso Florent, Diaz Melanie, Bismuth Eliott, Verney Romaric, Le Hir Pierre, Sottolichio Aldo (2021). Investigating mud and sand fluxes between tidal estuaries and coastal seas: What can we learn from realistic process-based numerical modelling? INTERCOH 2021 - International conference on cohesive sediment transport. 13-17 september 2021, Delft, The Netherlands .
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Sottolichio Aldo, Le Hir Pierre, Caillaud Matthieu (2021). Investigating sediment budgets on a continental shelf sub-tidal mud patch under estuarine influence: a numerical model-ling analysis . ISOBAY 17 - XVII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 1-4 June 2021, virtual event .
Grasso Florent, Mengual Baptiste, Le Hir Pierre, Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Caillaud Matthieu, Thouvenin Benedicte (2019). A retrospective numerical modelling analysis of the Seine Estuary (France) morphodynamics over the last 50 years . RCEM 2019 - 11th River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics Symposium. 16-21 November 2019, Auckland .
Diaz Melanie, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Thouvenin Benedicte, Caillaud Matthieu (2019). Numerical modeling of sediment budgets in intertidal and subtidal mud flats of a macrotidal estuary and its adjacent coast: influence of hydro-meteorological and estuarine forcing . INTERCOH 2019 - 15th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. 13-17 October 2019, Istanbul, Turkey .
Grasso Florent, Bocher Alan, Jacquet Matthias, Le Berre David, Lecornu Fabrice (2018). Observations of sediment suspension induced by waves, tides and internal waves in a shallow continental shelf under estuarine influence . PECS 2018 - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas meeting 2018. October 15-19, 2018, Galveston, TX, USA .
Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, Chini Nicolas (2017). Diachronic numerical modelling of the turbidity maximum dynamics in the macrotidal Seine estuary (France) from 1960 to 2010 . INTERCOH 2017- 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. November 13-17, 2017, Uruguay.
Van Prooijen Bram, Grasso Florent, Le Hir Pierre, de Vet Lodewijk, Wang Zheng, Walles Branda, Ysebaert Tom (2017). Equilibria and Evolution of Estuarine Fringing Intertidal Mudflats . INTERCOH 2017- 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. November 13-17, 2017, Uruguay.
Le Hir Pierre, Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Grasso Florent, Thouvenin Benedicte (2017). Modelling morphodynamics in the sand/mud context of the Seine estuary mouth: methodology, validation and questions . INTERCOH 2017- 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. November 13-17, 2017, Uruguay.
Verney Romaric, Grasso Florent, Druine Flavie, Deloffre Julien, Lemoine Jean-Philippe (2017). Using real time monitoring networks for investigating sediment dynamics in estuaries: a step beyond turbidity time series analysis . INTERCOH 2017- 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. November 13-17, 2017, Uruguay .
Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Le Hir Pierre, Grasso Florent (2017). Impacts of maintenance dredging on suspended sediment dynamics in the Seine estuary . INTERCOH 2017- 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. November 13-17, 2017, Uruguay.
Le Hir Pierre, Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Grasso Florent (2017). Modelling Morphodynamics in Mixed Sediment Environments: Management of the Morphological Factor Allowing Forcing Variability and Processes Inside the Sediment, Application to the Seine Estuary . RCEM 2017 - 10th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. 15-22 september 2017, Padova, Italy .
Grasso Florent, Le Mercier Julien, Deloffre Julien, Verney Romaric, Jaud Marion, Le Dantec Nicolas, Delacourt Christophe, Ammann Jérôme, Grandjean Philippe (2016). Intertidal mudflat morphodynamics of a macrotidal estuary: a combined altimetric analysis based on local altimeters, terrestrial laser scanner and unmanned aerial vehicle . PECS2016 - 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference. October 9-14, 2016, The Nertherlands .