Alan Tassin

Alan Tassin

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Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané




Tassin Alan, Hulin Florian, Jacques Nicolas (2024). A direct multimode method for the reduction of vibration induced oscillations on force signals during “pseudo-rigid” water impact experiments . Journal Of Sound And Vibration , 581, 118378 (27p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Batlle Martin Marc, Harris Jeffrey C., Filipot Jean-François, Hulin Florian, Tassin Alan, Renaud Paul (2023). Deep water focused breaking wave loads on a fixed cylinder . Coastal Engineering , 186, 104397 (12p.) .
Tassin Alan, Raillard Nicolas, Prevosto Marc (2023). Essais d’impacts de vagues sur un aileron dans le cadre du projet APPHY : 1ère campagne d’essais (Janvier 2020), 2ème campagne d’essais (Juin 2020) . REM/RDT/LHYMAR/23-050 .
Le Page Sacha, Tassin Alan, Caverne Julien, Le Gall Yves, Gomez Benoit, Ducrozet Guillaume (2023). Towards accurate stereo-video based free-surface reconstruction for wave tank experiments . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1288(1), 012009 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Goron Mathieu, Langrand B., Jacques N., Fourest T., Tassin Alan, Robert A., Chauveheid D. (2023). Simulation of water entry-exit problems highlighting suction phenomena by coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian approach . European Journal Of Mechanics B-fluids , 100, 37-51 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Renaud Paul, Hulin Florian, Batlle Martin Marc, Scolan Yves-Marie, Tassin Alan, Jacques Nicolas, Harris Jeffrey C., Filipot Jean-François (2023). Semi-Analytical Load Models Accounting for the Tilt and Motion of a Cylinder Impacted by a Plunging Breaking Wave . Proceedings of the ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 2: Structures, Safety, and Reliability. Melbourne, Australia. June 11–16, 2023. ISBN: 978-0-7918-8684-7. V002T02A021. ASME.10p.
Hulin Florian, Tassin Alan, Filipot Jean-François, Jacques Nicolas (2023). Experimental investigation of parameters influencing hydrodynamic loads generated by breaking wave impacts on floating offshore wind turbines . IWWWFB38 - International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. 7-10 May, 2023. Hybrid Workshop .


Goron Mathieu, Langrand Bertrand, Fourest Thomas, Jacques Nicolas, Tassin Alan (2022). Assessment of Coupled Lagrangian–Eulerian Finite Element Simulations to Model Suction Forces during Hydrodynamic Impacts . High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials V : Encompassing Shock and Impact Loading. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment. 2022. Edited By: S. Hernández, G. Schleyer. ISBN 978-1-78466-471-8 eISBN 978-1-78466-472-5. Volume 2019, pp.103-114 .
Hulin F., Del Buono A., Tassin Alan, Bernardini G., Iafrati A. (2022). Gravity effects in two-dimensional and axisymmetric water impact models . Journal Of Fluid Mechanics , 944(A9), 38p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Goron M., Langrand B., Fourest T., Jacques N., Tassin Alan (2022). Simulation numérique de forces de succion lors d’impacts hydrodynamiques par une méthode de couplage Euler Lagrange . CFM 2022 - 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique. 29 août au 2 septembre 2022, Nantes, france .


Del Buono A., Bernardini G., Tassin Alan, Iafrati A. (2021). Water entry and exit of 2D and axisymmetric bodies . Journal Of Fluids And Structures , 103, 103269 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Breton Thibaut, Tassin Alan, Jacques N. (2020). Experimental investigation of the water entry and/or exit of axisymmetric bodies . Journal Of Fluid Mechanics , 901(A37), 38p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cognet Vincent, Tassin Alan, Arhant Mael, Eddi Antonin, Fermigier Marc (2020). Manipulation of hydroelastic waves in a large floating structure . IWWWFB35 - The 35th Internationl Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Blodies.26-29 April, 2020, Seoul, Korea - Virtual Workshop .


Hascoët Romain, Jacques Nicolas, Scolan Yves-Marie, Tassin Alan (2019). A two-dimensional analytical model of vertical water entry for asymmetric bodies with flow separation . Applied Ocean Research , 92, 101878 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Maisondieu Christophe, Augier Benoit, Damy Gilbert, Le Boulluec Marc, Le Roux Dominique, Tassin Alan, Tancray Aurelien, Chalony Sebastien (2019). Présentation des infrastructures d'essais en hydrodynamique. Le bassin à houle profond et le canal d'expérimentation . RDT/LCSM/R18LCSM18-214/CM .


Tassin Alan, Breton Thibaut, Jacques Nicolas (2018). Etudes expérimentales et théoriques des phenomènes d’entrée et sortie d’eau . Actes des 16èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique - JH 2018. 27-29 novembre 2018, Marseille. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 18 : Entrée et sortie d'eau - Impacts. 13p .
Tassin Alan, Breton Thibaut, Jacques Nicolas (2018). Experiments on the water entry and/or exit of a cone . IWWWFB33 - The 33 rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Guidel-Plages, France, 4-7 April, 2018 .
Vyzikas Thomas, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Tassin Alan, Greaves Deborah (2018). Reconstruction of an extreme wave profile with analytical methods . IWWWFB - 33rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. April 4 to April 7, 2018 in Guidel-Plages, FRANCE .


Tassin Alan, Breton Thibaut, Forest Bertrand, Ohana Jeremy, Chalony Sebastien, Le Roux Dominique, Tancray Aurelien (2017). Visualization of the contact line during the water exit of flat plates . Experiments In Fluids , 58(8), 104 (1-9) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tassin Alan, Breton Thibaut, Jacques Nicolas (2017). Evolution of the contact line during the water exit of flat plates . IWWWFB32 - The 32 nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Dalian, China, 23-26 April, 2017 .


Tassin Alan, Jacques Nicolas, Forest Bertrand, Chalony Sebastien, Ohana Jeremy, Le Roux Dominique, Tancray Aurelien (2016). Etude expérimentale et numérique du phénomène de sortie d’eau . Actes des 15èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, 22-24 novembre 2016, Brest. ISSN : 1161-1847. Session 10 : Interaction fluide-structure. 12p .
Ohana Jeremy (2016). Sigma Wave Energy Converter. 2nd test campaign . RDT/LCSM/2016-48 .
Chalony Sebastien, Tassin Alan, Ohana Jeremy, Priour Daniel (2016). Bassin d’essais de Brest. Calibration de la Houle . RDT-LCSM-16-043 .


Tassin Alan, Chalony Sebastien, Ohana Jeremy (2015). Essais en bassin d’un prototype de bouée dérivante pour la mesure des vagues . RDT/LCSM - 15-093 .


Ohana Jeremy, Tassin Alan, Tancray Aurelien, Le Roux Dominique (2014). Essais en bassin de l’éolienne flottante TetraFloat . RDT/CSM/R15-018 .
