Amandine Caruana

Amandine Caruana

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Nantes

Postal address : Centre Atlantique - Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu - BP 21105 - 44311 Nantes Cedex 03


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-4763-8995

Research Interests


Toxic microalgae: Alexandrium, Pseudo-nitzschia, cyanobacteria

Ecophysiology, phycology, molecular biology, biochemistry

Phycotoxins, DMSP/DMS, Osmolytes, Pigments

Environment, Salinity variation, Biosynthesis pathways, Biotic interactions, Plastics


Project Coordinator

  • ALGICID-C2 2025, Ifremer-DI, Challenge InO'idées, Investigating the algicide and antifouling potential of a compound of interest
  • PALMITO 2024-2025, Fondation Evertéa, The role of plastics (polymer and plasticizer) as vectors of harmful algae and their toxins: study of the risks for the trophic chain and of an alternative bioplasticizer
  • ALEXVISIT 2019-2020, Ifremer-DS, Production de DMSP et STX par les souches françaises d’Alexandrium, comparaison in vitro et in situ
  • ECOPSEUDO 2014-2015, Ifremer-DS, Ecophysiologie de la prouction des toxines amnésiantes chez Pseudo-nitzschia spp


Postdoc supervision

E Houliez  2017-2018 Adaptive physiology of paralytic toxin-producing cyanobacteria in estuarine zones


PhD supervision

S. Geffroy 2017-2021 Study of physiological and molecular processes involved in the production of paralytic toxins (PSTs) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by Alexandrium minutum et A. pacificum.

M Georges Des Aulnois 2016-2019 Risk transfer assessement of cyanobacteria from fresh waters to estuarin waters.

N. Ayache 2015-2018 Ecophysiological responses of the toxic species Pseudo-nitzschia to environmental change associated with climate change.




Caruana Amandine, Geffroy Solene (2020). AlexVisit, Transcriptome Alexandrium en stress salin. IFREMER.



Jean Natacha, James Amandin, Balliau Thierry, Martino Christian, Ghersy Jérôme, Savar Veronique, Laabir Mohamed, Caruana Amandine (2024). Warming and polymetallic stress induce proteomic and physiological shifts in the neurotoxic Alexandrium pacificum as possible response to global changes . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 209, 117221 (19p.) .
Caruana Amandine, Lapinte Vincent, Maurici Laurine, Cousin Xavier, Begout Marie-Laure, Evrard Elise, Savar Veronique, Hervé Fabienne, Gartili Adélaïde, Laabir Mohamed, Amzil Zouher, Masseret Estelle (2024). Projet PALMITO : le rôle des plastiques (polymères et plastifiants) comme vecteurs de microalgues nuisibles et leurs toxines . Colloque Biofouling et Environnement. 1-2 juillet 2024, Lorient .
Maire Yanis, Schmitt François G, Kormas Konstantinos, Vasileiadis Sotirios, Caruana Amandine, Skouroliakou Dimitra-Ioli, Bampouris Vasileios, Courcot Lucie, Hervé Fabienne, Crouvoisier Muriel, Christaki Urania (2024). Effects of turbulence on diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and associated bacteria . Fems Microbiology Ecology , 100(8), fiae094 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Caruana Amandine, Bucciarelli Eva, Deleporte Céline, Le Floc'h Emilie, Hervé Fabienne, Le Goff Manon (2024). Comparison of methods for DMSP measurements in dinoflagellate cultures . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 22(6), 437-449 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Réveillon Damien, Georges Des Aulnois Maxime, Savar Veronique, Robert Elise, Caruana Amandine, Briand Enora, Bormans Myriam (2024). Extraction and analysis by liquid chromatography – Tandem mass spectrometry of intra- and extracellular microcystins and nodularin to study the fate of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins across the freshwater-marine continuum . Toxicon , 237, 107551 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Caruana Amandine, Deschler Marie, Hervé Fabienne, Boulangé-Lecomte Céline, Fauchot Juliette (2023). Role of algal metabolites in the predation of Pseudo-nitzschia . Conférence annuelle GDR Phycotox - GIS Cyanobactéries 2023. 23-25 Mai 2023, Nantes .


Jean Natacha, Perié Luce, Dumont Estelle, Bertheau Lucie, Balliau Thierry, Caruana Amandine, Amzil Zouher, Laabir Mohamed, Masseret Estelle (2022). Metal stresses modify soluble proteomes and toxin profiles in two Mediterranean strains of the distributed dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum . Science Of The Total Environment , 818, 151680 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nicolas Marina, Lavison-Bompard Gwenaelle, Caruana Amandine, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2022). Nos 8 domaines de collaboration : résultats et perspectives. Biotoxines Marines . Séminaire Anses-Ifremer "Surveillance sanitaire, zoosanitaire et protection du consommateur".
James A., Caruana Amandine, Amzil Zouher, Balliau Thierry, Ghersy Jérôme, Laabir Mohamed, Masseret Estelle, Jean Natacha (2022). Effects of climate warming-related sea temperature increase on toxin production and adaptive proteomic response of an Alexandrium pacificum Mediterranean strain grown under polymetallic stress. Interdisciplinary Summer School "Marine Protected Areas: Current Issues and Challenges". 27 juin-1 juillet 2022, Université d'Aix-Marseille .
Houliez Emilie, Schmitt François, Bampouris Vasileios, Lequiniou Clotilde, Crouvoisier Muriel, Caruana Amandine, Fauchot Juliette, Sauvey Aurore, Christaki Urania (2022). Effects of small-scale turbulence on Pseudo-nitzschia spp . Phycotox. Conférence annuelle du GdR Phycotox. 31 mai -1 juin 2022, Plouzané, France .


Ayache Nour, Lundholm Nina, Gai Frederik, Herve Fabienne, Amzil Zouher, Caruana Amandine (2021). Impacts of ocean acidification on growth and toxin content of the marine diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia australis and P. fraudulenta . Marine Environmental Research , 169, 105380 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Houliez Emilie, Briand Enora, Malo Florent, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Hervé Fabienne, Robert Elise, Marchand Laetitia, Zykwinska Agata, Caruana Amandine (2021). Physiological changes induced by sodium chloride stress in Aphanizomenon gracile, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Dolichospermum sp. Harmful Algae , 103, 102028 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Geffroy Solene, Lechat Marc-Marie, Le Gac Mickael, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Marie Dominique, Bigeard Estelle, Malo Florent, Amzil Zouher, Guillou Laure, Caruana Amandine (2021). From the sxtA4 Gene to Saxitoxin Production: What Controls the Variability Among Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium pacificum Strains? Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 613199 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Caruana Amandine, Geffroy Solene, Lechat Marc-Marie, Le Gac Mickael, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Marie Dominique, Bigeard Estelle, Malo Florent, Amzil Zouher, Guillou Laure (2021). Is sxtA4 gene discriminative for toxic Alexandrium species? What can we learn from its variability in copy number, expression and transcript isoform associated with toxin content? ICHA2021 - The 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae. October 11-15, 2021, La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico .


Nef Charlotte, Henry Céline, Nicolau Elodie, Bérard Jean-Baptiste, Hervé Fabienne, Caruana Amandine, Kaas Raymond, Mairet Francis, Garnier Matthieu (2020). Cobalamin Scarcity Modifies Carbon Allocation and Impairs DMSP Production Through Methionine Metabolism in the Haptophyte Microalgae Tisochrysis lutea . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 569660 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Caruana Amandine, Le Gac Mickael, Hervé Fabienne, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Geffroy Solene, Malo Florent, Abadie Eric, Amzil Zouher (2020). Alexandrium pacificum and Alexandrium minutum: Harmful or environmentally friendly? Marine Environmental Research , 160, 105014 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Georges Des Aulnois Maxime, Réveillon Damien, Robert Elise, Caruana Amandine, Briand Enora, Guljamow Arthur, Dittmann Elke, Amzil Zouher, Bormans Myriam (2020). Salt Shock Responses of Microcystis Revealed through Physiological, Transcript, and Metabolomic Analyses . Toxins , 12(3), 192 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ayache Nour, Hervé Fabienne, Lundholm Nina, Amzil Zouher, Caruana Amandine (2020). Acclimation of the marine diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia australis to different salinity conditions: effects on growth, photosynthetic activity and domoic acid content . Journal Of Phycology , 56(1), 97-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Georges Des Aulnois Maxime, Roux Pauline, Caruana Amandine, Réveillon Damien, Briand Enora, Hervé Fabienne, Savar Veronique, Bormans Myriam, Amzil Zouher, Atomi Haruyuki (2019). Physiological and Metabolic Responses of Freshwater and Brackish-Water Strains of Microcystis aeruginosa Acclimated to a Salinity Gradient: Insight into Salt Tolerance . Applied And Environmental Microbiology , 85(21), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Caruana Amandine, Ayache Nour, Raimbault Virginie, Rétho Michael, Hervé Fabienne, Bilien Gwenael, Amzil Zouher, Chomérat Nicolas (2019). Direct evidence for toxin production by Pseudo-nitzschia plurisecta (Bacillariophyceae) and extension of its distribution area . European Journal Of Phycology , 54(4), 585-594 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ayache Nour, Hervé Fabienne, Martin-Jézéquel Veronique, Amzil Zouher, Caruana Amandine (2019). Influence of sudden salinity variation on the physiology and domoic acid production by two strains of Pseudo-nitzschia australis . Journal Of Phycology , 55(1), 186-195 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Caruana Amandine, Amzil Zouher (2018). Microalgae and Toxins . In Microalgae in Health and Disease Prevention. 1st Edition. 2018. Ira Levine, Joël Fleurence (Eds). eBook ISBN: 9780128114063 Paperback ISBN: 9780128114056. DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-811405-6.00013-X. Chap.13, pp.263-306 (Academic Press) .


IFREMER (2014). Journées REPHY 2014. Nantes, 1er et 2 octobre 2014. Tome 2/2. Compilation des interventions pour la session sanitaire, surveillance et recherche . DYNECO/VIGIES 2014-10.02 .
Caruana Amandine, Malin Gill (2014). The variability in DMSP content and DMSP lyase activity in marine dinoflagellates . Progress In Oceanography , 120, 410-424 .


Caruana Amandine, Steinke M., Turner S. M., Malin Gill (2012). Concentrations of dimethylsulphoniopropionate and activities of dimethylsulphide-producing enzymes in batch cultures of nine dinoflagellate species . Biogeochemistry , 110(1-3), 87-107 .


Caruana Amandine (2010). DMS and DMSP production by marine dinoflagellates . PhD Thesis , University of East Anglia .


Fouchard Swanny, Hemschemeier Anja, Caruana Amandine, Pruvost Kérémy, Legrand Jack, Happe Thomas, Peltier Gilles, Cournac Laurent (2005). Autotrophic and mixotrophic hydrogen photoproduction in sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas cells . Applied And Environmental Microbiology , 71(10), 6199-6205 .
Mus Florence, Cournac Laurent, Cardettini Wéronique, Caruana Amandine, Peltier Gilles (2005). Inhibitor studies on non-photochemical plastoquinone reduction and H-2 photoproduction in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-bioenergetics , 1708(3), 322-332 .
