Lucie Pastor

Lucie Pastor

Jeux de données


Michel Loic, Portail Marie, Cowart Dominique, Hsing Pen-Yuan, Pastor Lucie, Olu Karine, Sarrazin Jozee (2022). Stable isotope ratios of C and N in cold seep fauna from the Gulf of Guinea collected during the WACS cruise (2011) . SEANOE .


Pillot Daniel, Battani Anne, Pastor Lucie, Torelli Martina, Kowalewski Isabelle, Jouet Gwenael, Deville Eric (2020). Organic matter analyses (Rock-Eval 6 and LECO) of samples collected in cores and sediment traps of the Mozambique Channel during the PAMELA project . SEANOE .



Manoux Marine, Rabouille Chrisophe, Dumoulin Jean-Pascal, Bombled Bruno, Monvoisin Gaël, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Germain Yoan, Pastor Lucie, Rouxel Olivier, Cathalot Cecile (2025). Early stages impact of volcanism on sedimentary diagenesis: The case of the newly born volcano, Fani Maoré . Chemical Geology , 680, 122674 (15p.) .
Kars M.A.C., Pastor Lucie, Burin C., Koornneef L.M.T. (2025). Data report: characterization of iron oxides and iron sulfides in sediments from IODP Expedition 385 Sites U1549 and U1552 using rock magnetism and geochemistry . In Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program. ISSN: 2377-3189, ISBN: 978-1-954252-77-6 Volume 385. 19p. (International Ocean Discovery Program) .


Yamanaka Toshiro, Sakamoto Arisa, Kiyokawa Kanon, Jaeguk Jo, Onishi Yuji, Kuwahara Yoshihiro, Kim Ji-Hoon, Pastor Lucie, Teske Andreas, Lizarralde Daniel, Höfig Tobias W., The Iodp Expedition 385 Scientists (2024). Nitrogen isotope homogenization of dissolved ammonium through depth and 15N enrichment of ammonium during the incorporation into expandable layer silicates occurred in organic-rich marine sediment from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California . Chemical Geology , 666, 122203 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aiello Ivano W., Höfig Tobias W., Riboulleau Armelle, Teske Andreas P., Lizarralde Daniel, Ash Jeanine L., Bojanova Diana P., Buatier Martine D., Edgcomb Virginia P., Galerne Christophe Y., Gontharet Swanne, Heuer Verena B., Jiang Shijun, Kars Myriam A.C., Kim Ji-Hoon, Koornneef Louise M.T., Marsaglia Kathleen M., Meyer Nicolette R., Morono Yuki, Negrete-Aranda Raquel, Neumann Florian, Pastor Lucie, Peña-Salinas Manet E., Pérez-Cruz Ligia L., Ran Lihua, Sarao John A., Schubert Florian, Khogenkumar Singh S., Stock Joann M., Toffin Laurent, Xie Wei, Yamanaka Toshiro, Zhuang Guangchao (2024). Mineralization kinetics of biosiliceous sediments in hot subseafloors . Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 380, 71-82 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Pastor Lucie, Boissier Audrey, Burin Céline (2023). Data report: wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence in sediments from all IODP Expedition 385 sites in the Guaymas Basin . In Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 385 : Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere Expedition 385 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution from and to San Diego, California (USA) Sites U1545–U1552 15 September–15 November 2019. ISSN: World Wide Web: 2377-3189 ISBN: 978-1-954252-77-6. 12p. (International Ocean Discovery Program) .


Nmor Stanley, I, Viollier Eric, Pastor Lucie, Lansard Bruno, Rabouille Christophe, Soetaert Karline (2022). FESDIA (v1.0): exploring temporal variations of sediment biogeochemistry under the influence of flood events using numerical modelling . Geoscientific Model Development , 15(19), 7325-7351 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Torelli Martina, Battani Anne, Pillot Daniel, Kohler Eric, de Azevedo Joel Lopes, Kowalewski Isabelle, Pastor Lucie, Brandily Christophe, Schmidt Sabine, Jouet Gwenael, Deville Eric (2021). Origin and Preservation Conditions of Organic Matter in the Mozambique Channel: Evidence for Widespread Oxidation Processes in the Deep-Water Domains . Marine Geology , 440, 106589 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zindorf Mark Sebastian, Rooze Jurjen, Meile Christof, März Christian, Jouet Gwenael, Newton Robert, Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie (2021). The evolution of early diagenetic processes at the Mozambique margin during the last glacial-interglacial transition . Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 300, 79-94 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sánchez Nuria, Zeppilli Daniela, Baldrighi Elisa, Vanreusel Ann, Gasimandova Lahitsiresy Max, Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie, Macheriotou Lara, García-Gómez Guillermo, Dupré Stephanie, Olu Karine (2021). A threefold perspective on the role of a pockmark in benthic faunal communities and biodiversity patterns . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 167, 103425 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Deville Eric, Scalabrin Carla, Jouet Gwenael, Cattaneo Antonio, Battani Anne, Noirez Sonia, Vermesse Hélène, Olu Karine, Corbari Laure, Boulard Marion, Marsset Tania, Dall'Asta Massimo, Torelli Martina, Pastor Lucie, Pierre Delphine, Loubrieu Benoit (2020). Fluid seepage associated with slope destabilization along the Zambezi margin (Mozambique) . Marine Geology , 428, 106275 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Brandily Christophe, Schmidt S., Miramontes E., Péron Maela, Appere Dennis, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Jouet Gwenael (2020). Modern sedimentation and geochemical imprints in sediments from the NW Madagascar margin . Marine Geology , 426, 106184 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Spedicato Adriana, Sánchez Nuria, Pastor Lucie, Menot Lenaick, Zeppilli Daniela (2020). Meiofauna Community in Soft Sediments at TAG and Snake Pit Hydrothermal Vent Fields . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7(200), 10p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Teske A., Lizarralde D., Höfig T.W., And The Expedition 385 Scientists (2020). Expedition 385 Preliminary Report: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere . International Ocean Discovery Program.
Ruffine Livio, Pastor Lucie, Guyader Vivien, Birot Dominique, Rinnert Emmanuel, Hubert Morgane, Donval Jean-Pierre, Jouet Gwenael, Riboulot Vincent, Ehrhold Axel (2020). Migration des fluides et réductions des sulfates en Baie de Concarneau : Quelle influence sur la distribution des pockmarks et des haploops ? SGF days “Pockmarks and Benthic Ecosystems / Pokmarks et Ecosystèmes Benthiques". 30 & 31 janvier 2020, Paris" .


Rabouille C., Dennielou Bernard, Baudin F., Raimonet M., Droz Laurence, Khripounoff Alexis, Martinez P., Mejanelle L., Michalopoulos P., Pastor Lucie, Pruski A., Ragueneau Olivier, Reyss J.-L., Ruffine Livio, Schnyder J., Stetten E., Taillefert M., Tourolle Julie, Olu Karine (2019). Carbon and silica megasink in deep-sea sediments of the Congo terminal lobes . Quaternary Science Reviews , 222, 105854 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miramontes Elda, Penven Pierrick, Fierens Ruth, Droz Laurence, Toucanne Samuel, Jorry Stephan, Jouet Gwenael, Pastor Lucie, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Gaillot Arnaud, Giraudeau Jacques, Raisson François (2019). The influence of bottom currents on the Zambezi Valley morphology (Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean): In situ current observations and hydrodynamic modelling . Marine Geology , 410, 42-55 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Hubert Morgane, Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie (2018). Rapport Mission SYPOCO – LEP . Carottage par plongeurs le 5 juin 2018. Carottage par Kullenberg les 12 et 13 juin 2018 .
Pastor Lucie, Rabouille C., Metzger E., de Chanvalon A. Thibault, Viollier E., Deflandre B. (2018). Transient early diagenetic processes in Rhône prodelta sediments revealed in contrasting flood events . Continental Shelf Research , 166, 65-76 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gautier Laurent (2018). Mission SYPOCO. Compte rendu du déploiement de la station SOLESS . REM-RDT-SIIM 18-R108 .
Peron O., Fourre E., Pastor Lucie, Gegout C., Reeves B., Lethi H. H., Rousseau G., Baglan N., Landesman C., Siclet F., Montavon G. (2018). Towards speciation of organically bound tritium and deuterium: Quantification of non-exchangeable forms in carbohydrate molecules . Chemosphere , 196, 120-128 .


Rabouille C., Olu Karine, Baudin F., Khripounoff Alexis, Dennielou Bernard, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Babonneau Nathalie, Bayle Christophe, Beckler J., Bessette Sandrine, Bombled B., Bourgeois S., Brandily Christophe, Caprais Jean-Claude, Cathalot Cecile, Charlier K., Corvaisier R., Croguennec Chantal, Cruaud Perrine, Decker Carole, Droz L., Gayet Nicolas, Godfroy Anne, Hourdez S., Le Bruchec J., Saout Johan, Le Saout Marie-Helene, Lesongeur Francoise, Martinez P., Mejanelle L., Michalopoulos P., Mouchel Olivier, Noel Philippe, Pastor Lucie, Picot M., Pignet Patricia, Pozzato L., Pruski A. M., Rabiller Manuella, Raimonet M., Ragueneau O., Reyss J. L., Rodier Philippe, Ruesch Blandine, Ruffine Livio, Savignac F., Senyarich C., Schnyder J., Sen Arunima, Stetten E., Sun Ming Yi, Taillefert M., Teixeira S., Tisnerat-Laborde N., Toffin Laurent, Tourolle Julie, Toussaint F., Vetion G., Jouanneau J. M., Bez M. (2017). The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex: Overview of methods, strategies, observations and sampling . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 7-24 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Toffin Laurent, Decker Carole, Olu Karine, Cathalot Cecile, Lesongeur Francoise, Caprais Jean-Claude, Bessette Sandrine, Brandily Christophe, Taillefert M., Rabouille C. (2017). Early diagenesis in the sediments of the Congo deep-sea fan dominated by massive terrigenous deposits: Part III – Sulfate- and methane- based microbial processes . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 139-150 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Olu Karine, Decker Carole, Pastor Lucie, Caprais Jean-Claude, Khripounoff Alexis, Morineaux Marie, Ain Baziz M., Menot Lenaick, Rabouille C. (2017). Cold-seep-like macrofaunal communities in organic- and sulfide-rich sediments of the Congo deep-sea fan . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 180-196 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pozzato Lara, Cathalot Cecile, Berrached Chabha, Toussaint Flora, Stetten Elsa, Caprais Jean-Claude, Pastor Lucie, Olu Karine, Rabouille Christophe (2017). Early diagenesis in the Congo deep-sea fan sediments dominated by massive terrigenous deposits: Part I – Oxygen consumption and organic carbon mineralization using a micro-electrode approach . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 125-138 .
Taillefert Martial, Beckler Jordon S., Cathalot Cecile, Michalopoulos Panagiotis, Corvaisier Rudolph, Kiriazis Nicole, Caprais Jean-Claude, Pastor Lucie, Rabouille Christophe (2017). Early diagenesis in the sediments of the Congo deep-sea fan dominated by massive terrigenous deposits: Part II – Iron–sulfur coupling . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 151-166 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Toffin Laurent, Cathalot Cecile, Brandily Christophe, Olu Karine, Lesongeur Francoise, Decker Carole, Taillefert Martial, Rabouille Christophe (2017). When Organic-Rich Turbidites Reach 5000 m: “Cold-Seep Like” Life in the Congo Deep- Sea Fan . CBE6 - 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems. August 27 - September 1, 2017, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.


Paul Alexia, Hatte Christine, Pastor Lucie, Thiry Yves, Siclet Francoise, Balesdent Jerome (2016). Hydrogen dynamics in soil organic matter as determined by C-13 and H-2 labeling experiments . Biogeosciences , 13(24), 6587-6598 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coularis C., Tisnerat-Laborde N., Pastor Lucie, Siclet F., Fontugne M. (2016). Temporal and spatial variations of freshwater reservoir ages in the Loire river watershed . Radiocarbon , 58(3), 549-563 .


Cathalot Cecile, Rabouille Christophe, Tisnerat-Laborde N., Toussaint Flora, Kerherve P., Buscail R., Loftis K., Sun M. -Y., Tronczynski Jacek, Azoury S., Lansard Bruno, Treignier Claire, Pastor L., Tesi T. (2013). The fate of river organic carbon in coastal areas: A study in the Rhone River delta using multiple isotopic (delta C-13, Delta C-14) and organic tracers . Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 118, 33-55 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lloret E., Dessert C., Pastor Lucie, Lajeunesse E., Crispi O., Gaillardet J., Benedetti M. F. (2013). Dynamic of particulate and dissolved organic carbon in small volcanic mountainous tropical watersheds . Chemical Geology , 351, 229-244 .


Pastor Lucie, Deflandre Bruno, Viollier Eric, Cathalot Cecile, Metzger Edouard, Rabouille Christophe, Escoubeyrou Karine, Lloret Emily, Pruski Audrey M., Vetion Gilles, Desmalades Martin, Buscail Roselyne, Gremare Antoine (2011). Influence of the organic matter composition on benthic oxygen demand in the Rhone River prodelta (NW Mediterranean Sea) . Continental Shelf Research , 31(9), 1008-1019 .
Pastor L., Cathalot C., Deflandre B., Viollier E., Soetaert K., Meysman F. J. R., Ulses C., Metzger E., Rabouille C. (2011). Modeling biogeochemical processes in sediments from the Rhone River prodelta area (NW Mediterranean Sea) . Biogeosciences , 8(5), 1351-1366 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Cathalot C., Rabouille C., Pastor L., Deflandre B., Viollier E., Buscail R., Gremare A., Treignier C., Pruski A. (2010). Temporal variability of carbon recycling in coastal sediments influenced by rivers: assessing the impact of flood inputs in the Rhone River prodelta . Biogeosciences , 7(3), 1187-1205 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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