Jean-Baptiste Romagnan

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Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Nantes

Adresse postale : Centre Atlantique - Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu - BP 21105 - 44311 Nantes Cedex 03



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Direction de campagnes océanographiques

ECHOSONDE 2024-2Cotes De L2024Golfe de Gascogne
ECHOSONDE 2024-1Cotes De L2024Golfe de Gascogne

Jeux de données


Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Panaïotis Thelma, Bourriau Paul, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Grandremy Nina, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Irisson Jean-Olivier (2024). ZooCAMNet : plankton images captured with the ZooCAM . SEANOE .
Elineau Amanda, Desnos Corinne, Jalabert Laetitia, Olivier Marion, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Costa Brandao Manoela, Lombard Fabien, Llopis Natalia, Courboulès Justine, Caray-Counil Louis, Serranito Bruno, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Picheral Marc, Gorsky Gaby, Stemmann Lars (2024). ZooScanNet: plankton images captured with the ZooScan . SEANOE .


Grandrémy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Daché Edwin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Huret Martin, Jalabert Laetitia, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Raphalen Elio, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). PELGAS Bay of Biscay ZooScan zooplankton Dataset (2004-2016) . SEANOE .
Grandrémy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). PELGAS Bay of Biscay ZooCAM zooplankton Dataset (2016-2019) . SEANOE .


Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Authier Matthieu, Duhamel Erwan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent, Dorémus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Pennors Laurence, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Gridded maps of pelagic ecosystem parameters collected in the Bay of Biscay during the PELGAS integrated survey . SEANOE .


Blanluet Arthur, Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Le Bouffant Naig, Lehuta Sigrid, Petitgas Pierre (2016). "Characterization of sound scattering layers in the Bay of Biscay using broadband acoustics, nets and video" acoustics and biological Data . SEANOE .



Bertignac Michel, Buchet Rémi, Carlier Antoine, Cuif Marion, Deborde Jonathan, Grouhel Anne, Régimbart Amélie, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2025). Expertise de l'Ifremer sur le dossier de demande d'autorisation environnementale relatif au projet de raccordement du parc éolien AO5 (Bretagne Sud) . DDTM 56 - Direction Départementale des Territoires de la Mer du Morbihan, Vannes , Ref. Expertise N° 25-006 - Courriels de la DDTM56 des 13 et 21 janvier 2025, courrier de la DGEC du 20 janvier 2025 , 2p., 2p.
Bertignac Michel, Buchet Rémi, Carlier Antoine, Cuif Marion, Deborde Jonathan, Grouhel Anne, Régimbart Amélie, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2025). Rapport d’expertise de l’Ifremer sur le dossier de demande d’autorisation environnementale relatif au projet de raccordement mutualisé des parcs éoliens en mer de Bretagne Sud . DGD-DS .


Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Travers-Trolet Morgane (2024). Rapport DEFIPEL. Développement d’une approche de gestion intégrée de la filière petits pélagiques française. R.RBE/HALGO/LBH-2024-02 .
Mahevas Stephanie, Pardo Sophie (2024). Pêche, Imaginaire et Incertitude . Restitution d’un projet inédit art/science/société. 12 avril 2023. Livret. 11p.
Soviadan Yawouvi Dodji, Dugenne Mathilde, Drago Laetitia, Biard Tristan, Trudnowska Emilia, Lombard Fabien, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Jamet Jean-Louis, Kiko Rainer, Gorsky Gabriel, Stemmann Lars (2024). Combining in situ and ex situ plankton image data to reconstruct zooplankton (>1 mm) volume and mass distribution in the global ocean . Journal Of Plankton Research , 46(5), 461-474 .
Dugenne Mathilde, Corrales-Ugalde Marco, Luo Jessica Y., Kiko Rainer, O'Brien Todd D., Irisson Jean-Olivier, Lombard Fabien, Stemmann Lars, Stock Charles, Anderson Clarissa R., Babin Marcel, Bhairy Nagib, Bonnet Sophie, Carlotti Francois, Cornils Astrid, Crockford E. Taylor, Daniel Patrick, Desnos Corinne, Drago Laetitia, Elineau Amanda, Fischer Alexis, Grandremy Nina, Grondin Pierre-Luc, Guidi Lionel, Guieu Cecile, Hauss Helena, Hayashi Kendra, Huggett Jenny A., Jalabert Laetitia, Karp-Boss Lee, Kenitz Kasia M., Kudela Raphael M., Lescot Magali, Marec Claudie, McDonnell Andrew, Meriguet Zoe, Niehoff Barbara, Noyon Margaux, Panaiotis Thelma, Peacock Emily, Picheral Marc, Riquier Emilie, Roesler Collin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Sosik Heidi M., Spencer Gretchen, Taucher Jan, Tilliette Chloe, Vilain Marion (2024). First release of the Pelagic Size Structure database: global datasets of marine size spectra obtained from plankton imaging devices . Earth System Science Data , 16(6), 2971-2999 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Herve Hugo, Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Daures Fabienne, Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid (2024). Tableau de bord d’indicateurs. Outil d’intégration, de suivi et de partage de connaissances autour du socio-écosystème de la filière française de petits pélagiques . AFH 2024 - 16ème colloque de l’AFH "Quels chemins pour une exploitation équitable et durable des ressources halieutiques ?". 26-28 juin 2024 – Ateliers 24-25 juin, à Sète .
Grandremy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Daché Edwin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Jalabert Laetitia, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2024). Metazoan zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay: a 16-year record of individual sizes and abundances obtained using the ZooScan and ZooCAM imaging systems . Earth System Science Data , 16(3), 1265-1282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Régimbart Amélie (2024). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2023. ODE / VIGIES / 24-03 .
Lombard Fabien, Guidi Lionel, Brandão Manoela C., Coelho Luis Pedro, Colin Sébastien, Dolan John Richard, Elineau Amanda, Gasol Josep M, Grondin Pierre Luc, Henry Nicolas, Ibarbalz Federico M, Jalabert Laetitia, Loreau Michel, Martini Séverine, Mériguet Zoé, Picheral Marc, Pierella Karlusich Juan José, Pepperkok Rainer, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Zinger Lucie, Stemmann Lars, Acinas Silvia G, Lee Karp-Boss, Boss Emmanuel, Sullivan Matthew B., de Vargas Colomban, Bowler Chris, Karsenti Eric, Gorsky Gabriel . Ubiquity of inverted ’gelatinous’ ecosystem pyramids in the global ocean . bioRxiv IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .


Grandremy Nina, Dupuy Christine, Petitgas Pierre, Le Mestre Sophie, Bourriau Paul, Nowaczyk Antoine, Forest Bertrand, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). The ZooScan and the ZooCAM zooplankton imaging systems are intercomparable: A benchmark on the Bay of Biscay zooplankton . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 21(11), 718-733 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Elleboode Romain, Badts Vincent, Mahe Kelig, Le Roy Emilie, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Duval Magali, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). Guide pratique pour la normalisation des mesures de paramètres biologiques / Practical guide for the standardisation of biological measurements .
Rubbens Peter, Brodie Stephanie, Cordier Tristan, Destro barcellos Diogo, Devos Paul, Fernandes-Salvador Jose A, Fincham Jennifer I, Gomes Alessandra, Handegard Nils Olav, Howell Kerry, Jamet Cédric, Kartveit Kyrre Heldal, Moustahfid Hassan, Parcerisas Clea, Politikos Dimitris, Sauzède Raphaëlle, Sokolova Maria, Uusitalo Laura, Van den bulcke Laure, Van helmond Aloysius T M, Watson Jordan T, Welch Heather, Beltran-Perez Oscar, Chaffron Samuel, Greenberg David S, Kühn Bernhard, Kiko Rainer, Lo Madiop, Lopes Rubens M, Möller Klas Ove, Michaels William, Pala Ahmet, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Schuchert Pia, Seydi Vahid, Villasante Sebastian, Malde Ketil, Irisson Jean-Olivier (2023). Machine learning in marine ecology: an overview of techniques and applications . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 80(7), 1829-1853 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Régimbart Amélie (2023). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2022 . Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 40p.
Grandremy Nina, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Dupuy Christine, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2023). Hydrology and small pelagic fish drive the spatio–temporal dynamics of springtime zooplankton assemblages over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf . Progress In Oceanography , 210, 102949 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2023). Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys (WGALES; outputs from 2022 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 5(30), 43pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2022). Combination of Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler and acoustic data for estimating and mapping fish daily fecundity . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Orenstein Eric C., Ayata Sakina‐dorothée, Maps Frédéric, Becker Érica C., Benedetti Fabio, Biard Tristan, de Garidel‐thoron Thibault, Ellen Jeffrey S., Ferrario Filippo, Giering Sarah L. C., Guy‐haim Tamar, Hoebeke Laura, Iversen Morten Hvitfeldt, Kiørboe Thomas, Lalonde Jean‐françois, Lana Arancha, Laviale Martin, Lombard Fabien, Lorimer Tom, Martini Séverine, Meyer Albin, Möller Klas Ove, Niehoff Barbara, Ohman Mark D., Pradalier Cédric, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Schröder Simon‐martin, Sonnet Virginie, Sosik Heidi M., Stemmann Lars S., Stock Michiel, Terbiyik‐kurt Tuba, Valcárcel‐pérez Nerea, Vilgrain Laure, Wacquet Guillaume, Waite Anya M., Irisson Jean‐olivier (2022). Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data . Limnology And Oceanography , 67(8), 1647-1669 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rouxel Justin, Fauvarque Olivier, Tardivel Morgan, Guyader Gerard, Coail Jean-Yves, Beriet Patrick, Forest Bertrand, Le Mestre Sophie, Huret Martin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Dreanno Catherine, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2022). In-flow imaging ZooCAM system for zooplankton counting, identification and classification . RBPGO9 - les 9èmes Rencontres Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest 2022. 22-24 juin 2022, Brest.
Vincent D., Goberville E., Vilain M., Goffart A. (2022). Campagnes halieutiques optimisées pour la DCSMM. Analyse du dispositif de surveillance pour répondre aux besoins du programme thématique « Habitats pélagiques » .
Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Alban Frederique, Duhamel Erwan, Hattab Tarek, Petitgas Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Lehuta Sigrid (2022). Fish quality impacts sardine fisheries through bottom-up and industry controls . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Moreno Ana, Uriarte Andres, O'Donnell Claran, Nunes Cristina, Nogueira Enrique, Duhamel Erwan, Campanella Fabio, Ramos Fernando, Costas Gersom, Boyra Guillermo, Riveiro Isabel, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Ibaibarriaga Leire, Iglesias Magdalena, Santos Maria, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Carrera Pablo, Diaz Paz, Jimenez Paz, Amorim Pedro, Petitgas Pierre, Nash Richard, Rodriguez-Climent Silvia, Dominguez Rosario, Angelicao Maria Manuel (2022). Pelagic Ecosystem Surveying in NE Atlantic Waters: WGACEGG Internationally Coordinated Surveys . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
ICES (2022). Working group on machine learning in marine science (WGMLEARN; Outputs from 2021 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 4(15), 16p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Bical Raphaël (2021). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS21 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGACEGG & WGHANSA. Online, 15-19 and 22-26 november 2021 .
Costa Brandao Manoela, Benedetti Fabio, Martini Séverine, Dodji Soviadan Yawouvi, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Elineau Amanda, Desnos Corinne, Jalabert Laetitia, Freire Andrea S, Picheral Marc, Guidi Lionel, Gorsky Gabriel, Bowler Chris, Karp-Boss Lee, Henry Nicolas, de Vargas Colomban, Sullivan Matthew B, Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators , Stemmann Lars, Lombard Fabien, Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators : , Acinas Silvia G, Babin Marcel, Bork Peer, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, Cochrane Guy, de Vargas Colomban, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Grimsley Nigel, Hingamp Pascal, Ludicone Daniele, Jaillon Olivier, Kandels Stefanie, Karp-Boss Lee, Karsenti Eric, Not Fabrice, Ogata Hiroyuki, Poultron Nicole, Pesant Stephane, Raes Jeroen, Sardet Christian, Speich Sabrina, Stemmann Lars, Sullivan Matthew B, Sunagawa Shinichi, Winckler Patrick (2021). Macroscale patterns of oceanic zooplankton composition and size structure . Scientific Reports , 11(1), 19p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Huret Martin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2020). Analysing Temporal Variability in Spatial Distributions Using Min–Max Autocorrelation Factors: Sardine Eggs in the Bay of Biscay . Mathematical Geosciences , 52(3), 337-354 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Blanluet Arthur, Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Le Bouffant Naig, Lehuta Sigrid, Petitgas Pierre (2019). Characterization of sound scattering layers in the Bay of Biscay using broadband acoustics, nets and video . Plos One , 14(10), e0223618 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Huret Martin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2019). Application des MAFs à l'analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des frayères de sardine . XIVèmes Journées de Géostatistique 2019. 19-20 septembre 2019, Fontainebleau, France .
Thomas Amandine, Baudrier Jerome, Gauthier Emilie (2019). Bancarisation des données planctoniques des campagnes halieutiques . Proposition de structuration des données planctoniques des campagnes optimisées pour une intégration dans le SI Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/19/06 .
Lomnard Fabien, Boss Emmanuel, Waite Anya M., Vogt Meike, Uitz Julia, Stemman Lars, Sosik Heidi M., Schulz Jan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Picheral Marc, Pearlman Jay, Ohman Mark D, Niehoff Barbara, Möller Klas O, Miloslavich Patricia, Lara-Lpez Ana, Kudela Raphael, Lopes Ribens M, Kiko Rainer, Karp-Boss Lee, Jaffe Jules S, Iversen Morten H, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Fennel Katja, Hauss Helena, Guidi Lionel, Gorsky Gaby, Giering Sarah L.C., Gaube Peter, Gallager Scott, Dubelaar George, Cowen Robert K, Carlotti François, Briseno-Avena Christian, Berline Léo, Benoit-Bird Kelly, Bax Nicholas, Batten Sonia, Ayata Sakina Dorothée, Artigas Luis Felipe, Appeltans Ward (2019). Globally Consistent Quantitative Observations of Planktonic Ecosystems . Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(196), 21p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Caputi Luigi, Carradec Quentin, Eveillard Damien, Kirilovsky Amos, Pelletier Eric, Karlusich Juan J. Pierella, Vieira Fabio Rocha Jimenez, Villar Emilie, Chaffron Samuel, Malviya Shruti, Scalco Eleonora, Acinas Silvia G., Alberti Adriana, Aury Jean-Marc, Benoiston Anne-Sophie, Bertrand Arnaud, Biard Tristan, Bittner Lucie, Boccara Martine, Brum Jennifer R., Brunet Cedric, Busseni Greta, Carratala Anna, Claustre Herve, Coelho Luis Pedro, Colin Sbastien, D'Aniello Salvatore, Da Silva Corinne, Del Core Marianna, Dore Hugo, Gasparini Stephane, Kokoszka Florian, Jamet Jean-Louis, Lejeusne Christophe, Lepoivre Cyrille, Lescot Magali, Lima-Mendez Gipsi, Lombard Fabien, Lukes Julius, Maillet Nicolas, Madoui Mohammed-Amin, Martinez Elodie, Mazzocchi Maria Grazia, Neou Mario B., Paz-Yepes Javier, Poulain Julie, Ramondenc Simon, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Roux Simon, Manta Daniela Salvagio, Sanges Remo, Speich Sabrina, Sprovieri Mario, Sunagawa Shinichi, Taillandier Vincent, Tanaka Atsuko, Tirichine Leila, Trottier Camille, Uitz Julia, Veluchamy Alaguraj, Vesela Jana, Vincent Flora, Yau Sheree, Kandels-Lewis Stefanie, Searson Sarah, Dimier Cline, Picheral Marc, Bork Peer, Boss Emmanuel, de Vargas Colomban, Follows Michael J., Grimsley Nigel, Guidi Lionel, Hingamp Pascal, Karsenti Eric, Sordino Paolo, Stemmann Lars, Sullivan Matthew B., Tagliabue Alessandro, Zingone Adriana, Garczarek Laurence, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Testor Pierre, Not Fabrice, D'Alcala Maurizio Ribera, Wincker Patrick, Bowler Chris, Iudicone Daniele, Gorsky Gabriel, Jaillon Olivier, Karp-Boss Lee, Krzic Uros, Ogata Hiroyuki, Pesant Stephane, Raes Jeroen, Reynaud Emmanuel G., Sardet Christian, Sieracki Mike, Velayoudon Didier, Weissenbach Jean (2019). Community-Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Planktonic Ecosystems . Global Biogeochemical Cycles , 33(3), 391-419 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Trenkel Verena, Vaz Sandrine, Albouy Camille, Brind'Amour Anik, Duhamel Erwan, Laffargue Pascal, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Simon Julien, Lorance Pascal (2019). We can reduce the impact of scientific trawling on marine ecosystems . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 609, 277-282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2019). Inter-annual variability in fish spatial distributions as revealed by survey data and their space-time modelling . ACS 2019 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2019. 9-12 September 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden. ICES CM 2019/A:329 .


Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome, Authier Matthieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu (2018). Ecosystem spatial structure revealed by integrated survey data . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 189-198 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome, Authier Matthieu, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent, Doremus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Masse Jacques (2018). The PELGAS survey: ship-based integrated monitoring of the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 15-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Colas Florent, Tardivel Morgan, Perchoc Jonathan, Lunven Michel, Forest Bertrand, Guyader Gerard, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Le Mestre Sophie, Bourriau Paul, Antajan Elvire, Sourisseau Marc, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2018). The ZooCAM, a new in-flow imaging system for fast onboard counting, sizing and classification of fish eggs and metazooplankton . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 54-65 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Authier Matthieu, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome (2018). Monitoring small pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay ecosystem, using indicators from an integrated survey . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 168-188 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Berger Laurent, Dorémus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Massé Jacques, Sanchez Florence (2018). Data products for fish stocks and ecosystem assessment:the PELGAS survey example . ASC 2018 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2018. 24-27 september 2018, Hamburg .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Authier Matthieu, Berger Laurent, Doremus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Masse Jacques, Sanchez Florence (2018). Fifteen years of data from the PELGAS integrated survey (2000-2015): what have we learned on the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem? ISOBAY 16 - XVIth International Symposium of Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 5-7 June 2018, Anglet, France .
ICES (2018). Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8 and 9 (WGACEGG). 19-23 November. Nantes, France . ICES CM 2018/EOSG:03. 355pp.
ICES (2018). Report of the Workshop on Machine Learning in Marine Science (WKM-LEARN), 16-20 April 2018, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2018/EOSG. 28. pp.


Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Aldamman Lama, Gasparini Stephane, Nival Paul, Aubert Anais, Jamet Jean Louis, Stemmann Lars (2016). High frequency mesozooplankton monitoring: Can imaging systems and automated sample analysis help us describe and interpret changes in zooplankton community composition and size structure — An example from a coastal site . Journal Of Marine Systems , 162, 18-28 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ohman Mark D., Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2016). Nonlinear effects of body size and optical attenuation on Diel Vertical Migration by zooplankton . Limnology and Oceanography , 61(2), 765-770 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Villar Emilie, Farrant Gregory K., Follows Michael, Garczarek Laurence, Speich Sabrina, Audic Stephane, Bittner Lucie, Blanke Bruno, Brum Jennifer R., Brunet Christophe, Casotti Raffaella, Chase Alison, Dolan John R., D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Grima Nicolas, Guidi Lionel, Hill Christopher N., Jahn Oliver, Jamet Jean-Louis, Le Goff Herve, Lepoivre Cyrille, Malviya Shruti, Pelletier Eric, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Roux Simon, Santini Sebastien, Scalco Eleonora, Schwenck Sarah M., Tanaka Atsuko, Testor Pierre, Vannier Thomas, Vincent Flora, Zingone Adriana, Dimier Celine, Picheral Marc, Searson Sarah, Kandels-Lewis Stefanie, Acinas Silvia G., Bork Peer, Boss Emmanuel, de Vargas Colomban, Gorsky Gabriel, Ogata Hiroyuki, Pesant Stephane, Sullivan Matthew B., Sunagawa Shinichi, Wincker Patrick, Karsenti Eric, Bowler Chris, Not Fabrice, Hingamp Pascal, Iudicone Daniele (2015). Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport . Science , 348(6237), 1-12 .
Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Legendre Louis, Guidi Lionel, Jamet Jean-Louis, Jamet Dominique, Mousseau Laure, Pedrotti Maria-Luiza, Picheral Marc, Gorsky Gabriel, Sardet Christian, Stemmann Lars (2015). Comprehensive Model of Annual Plankton Succession Based on the Whole-Plankton Time Series Approach . Plos One , 10(3), e0119219 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Rossi Vincent, Garcon Veronique, Tassel Joelle, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Stemmann Lars, Jourdin Frederic, Morin Pascal, Morel Yves (2013). Cross-shelf variability in the Iberian Peninsula Upwelling System: Impact of a mesoscale filament . Continental Shelf Research , 59, 97-114 .


Gorsky Gaby, Ohman Mark D., Picheral Marc, Gasparini Stephane, Stemmann Lars, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Cawood Alison, Pesant Stephane, Garcia-Comas Carmen, Prejger Franck (2010). Digital zooplankton image analysis using the ZooScan integrated system . Journal Of Plankton Research , 32(3), 285-303 .

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