Fouqueau L., Reynes L., Tempera Fernando, Bajjouk Touria, Blanfuné A., Chevalier C, Laurans Martial, Mauger S., Sourisseau Marc, Assis J., Lévêque L., Valero M. (2024). Seascape genetic study on Laminaria digitata underscores the critical role of sampling schemes . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 740, 23-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Taranto Gerald Hechter, González-Irusta José-Manuel, Dominguez-Carrió Carlos, Pham Christopher K., Tempera Fernando, Ramos Manuela, Gonçalves Guilherme, Carreiro-Silva Marina, Morato Telmo (2023). Spatial distributions, environmental drivers and co-existence patterns of key cold-water corals in the deep sea of the Azores (NE Atlantic) . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 197, 104028 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tempera Fernando, Milla‐figueras David, Sinde‐mano Ana Luísa, Atchoi Elizabeth, Afonso Pedro (2021). Range Extension of Mesophotic Kelps (Ochrophyta: Laminariales and Tilopteridales) in the Central North Atlantic: Opportunities for Marine Forest Research and Conservation . Journal Of Phycology , 57(4), 1140-1150 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Milla-Figueras David, Schmiing Mara, Amorim Patrícia, Horta E Costa Barbara, Afonso Pedro, Costa Tempera Fernando (2020). Evaluating seabed habitat representativeness across a diverse set of marine protected areas on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge . Biodiversity And Conservation , 29(4), 1153-1175 .
Vasquez Mickael, Manca Eleonora, Inghilesi Roberto, Martin Simon, Agnesi Sabrina, Al Hamdani Zyad, Annunziatellis Aldo, Bekkby Trine, Pesch Roland, Askew Natalie, Bentes Luis, Castle Lewis, Doncheva Valentina, Drakopoulou Vivi, Gonçalves Jorge, Laamanen Leena, Lillis Helen, Loukaidi Valia, McGrath Fergal, Mo Giulia, Monteiro Pedro, Muresan Mihaela, O'Keeffe Eimear, Populus Jacques, Pinder Jordan, Ridgeway Amy, Sakellariou Dimitris, Simboura Mika, Teaca Adrian, Tempera Fernando, Todorova Valentina, Tunesi Leonardo, Virtanen Elina (2020). EUSeaMap 2019, A European broad-scale seabed habitat map, technical report . EASME/EMFF/2018/– EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 2 – Seabed Habitats .
Zhao Zhongwei, Mitchell Neil C., Quartau Rui, Tempera Fernando, Bricheno Lucy (2019). Submarine platform development by erosion of a Surtseyan cone at Capelinhos, Faial Island, Azores . Earth Surface Processes And Landforms , 44(15), 2982-3006 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Virtanen Elina, Niemelä Waltteri, Bekkby Trine, Gonçalves Jorge, Laamanen Leena, Lillis Helen, Manca Eleonora, Pesch Roland, Tempera Fernando, Vasquez Mickael, Viitasalo Markku, Castle Lewis, O’keefe Eimear (2019). Review and compilation of habitat models in European Seas . WP3: Individual habitat modelling. EASME/EMFF/2016/006 .
Micael Joana, Tempera Fernando, Berning Björn, López-Fé Carlos M., Occhipinti-Ambrogi Anna, Costa Ana Cristina (2019). Shallow-water bryozoans from the Azores (central North Atlantic): native vs. non-indigenous species, and a method to evaluate taxonomic uncertainty . Marine Biodiversity , 49(1), 469-480 .
Tempera Fernando, Vasquez Mickael, Caillaud Matthieu (2019). Brittany’s infralittoral seabed: an objective partitioning into marine ecological units . RBE/STH/LBH 2019-2 .
Rebelo Ana Cristina, Johnson Markes E., Quartau Rui, Rasser Michael W., Melo Carlos S., Neto Ana I., Tempera Fernando, Madeira Patricia, Avila Sergio P. (2018). Modern rhodoliths from the insular shelf of Pico in the Azores (Northeast Atlantic Ocean) . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 210, 7-17 .
Assis Jorge, Serrao Ester Alvares, Coelho Nelson Castilho, Tempera Fernando, Valero Myriam, Alberto Filipe (2018). Past climate changes and strong oceanographic barriers structured low-latitude genetic relics for the golden kelp Laminaria ochroleuca . Journal Of Biogeography , 45(10), 2326-2336 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Afonso Pedro, Schmiing Mara, Fontes Jorge, Tempera Fernando, Morato Telmo, Santos Ricardo S. (2018). Effects of marine protected areas on coastal fishes across the Azores archipelago, mid-North Atlantic . Journal Of Sea Research , 138, 34-47 .
Davies J. S., Guillaumont Brigitte, Tempera Fernando, Vertino A., Beuck L., Olafsdottir S. H., Smith C. J., Fossa J. H., Van Den Beld Inge, Savini A., Rengstorf A., Bayle Christophe, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Grehan A. (2017). A new classification scheme of European cold-water coral habitats: implications for ecosystem-based management of the deep sea . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 145, 102-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Parra Hugo E., Pham Christopher K., Menezes Gui M., Rosa Alexandra, Tempera Fernando, Morato Telmo (2017). Predictive modeling of deep-sea fish distribution in the Azores . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 145, 49-60 .
Gomes-Pereira Jose Nuno, Carmo Vanda, Catarino Diana, Jakobsen Joachim, Alvarez Helena, Aguilar Ricardo, Hart Justin, Giacomello Eva, Menezes Gui, Stefanni Sergio, Colaco Ana, Morato Telmo, Santos Ricardo S., Tempera Fernando, Porteiro Filipe (2017). Cold-water corals and large hydrozoans provide Essential Fish Habitat for Lappanella fasciata and Benthocometes robustus . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 145, 33-48 .
Gomes-Pereira Jose Nuno, Auger Vincent, Beisiegel Kolja, Benjamin Robert, Bergmann Melanie, Bowden David, Buhl-Mortensen Pal, de Leo Fabio C., Dionisio Gisela, Durden Jennifer M., Edwards Luke, Friedman Ariell, Greinert Jens, Jacobsen-Stout Nancy, Lerner Steve, Leslie Murray, Nattkemper Tim W., Sameoto Jessica A., Schoening Timm, Schouten Ronald, Seager James, Singh Hanumant, Soubigou Olivier, Tojeira Ines, Van Den Beld Inge, Dias Frederico, Tempera Fernando, Santos Ricardo S. (2016). Current and future trends in marine image annotation software . Progress In Oceanography , 149, 106-120 .
Ramos Manuela, Bertocci Iacopo, Tempera Fernando, Calado Goncalo, Albuquerque Monica, Duarte Pedro (2016). Patterns in megabenthic assemblages on a seamount summit (Ormonde Peak, Gorringe Bank, Northeast Atlantic) . Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective , 37(5), 1057-1072 .
Katsanevakis Stelios, Tempera Fernando, Teixeira Heliana (2016). Mapping the impact of alien species on marine ecosystems: the Mediterranean Sea case study . Diversity And Distributions , 22(6), 694-707 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gomes-Pereira Jose Nuno, Tempera Fernando (2016). Hydroid gardens of Nemertesia ramosa (Lamarck, 1816) in the central North Atlantic . Marine Biodiversity , 46(1), 85-94 .
Quartau R., Madeira J., Mitchell N. C., Tempera Fernando, Silva P. F., Brandao F. (2016). Reply to comment by Marques et al. on "The insular shelves of the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores archipelago): A morphological record of its evolution" . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 17(2), 633-641 .
Peran Antonio D., Pham Christopher K., Amorim Patricia, Cardigos Frederico, Tempera Fernando, Morato Telmo (2016). Seafloor Characteristics in the Azores Region (North Atlantic) . Frontiers In Marine Science , 3(204), 4p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vasquez Mickael, Mata Chacon D., Tempera Fernando, O'Keeffe Eimear, Galparsoro Ibon, Sanz Alonso J. L., Goncalves Jorge M. S., Bentes Luis, Amorim Patricia, Henriques Victor, McGrath Fergal, Monteiro Pedro, Mendes Beatriz, Freitas Rosa, Martins Roberto, Populus Jacques (2015). Broad-scale mapping of seafloor habitats in the north-east Atlantic using existing environmental data . Journal Of Sea Research , 100, 120-132 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Populus Jacques, Rodrigues Ana Maria, Freitas Rosa, Quintino Victor, McGrath Fergal, Tempera Fernando, Galparsoro Ibon, Goncalves Jorge, Sanz Alonso Jose Luis (2015). Preface to "MeshAtlantic: Mapping Atlantic area seabed habitats for better marine management" . Journal Of Sea Research , 100, 1-1 .
Amorim Patricia, Atchoi Elizabeth, Berecibar Estibaliz, Tempera Fernando (2015). Infralittoral mapping around an oceanic archipelago using MERIS FR satellite imagery and deep kelp observations: A new tool for assessing MPA coverage targets . Journal Of Sea Research , 100, 141-151 .
Quartau R., Madeira J., Mitchell N. C., Tempera Fernando, Silva P. F., Brandao F. (2015). The insular shelves of the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores archipelago): A morphological record of its evolution . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 16(5), 1401-1420 .
Tempera Fernando, Carreiro-Silva M., Jakobsen K., Porteiro F. M., Braga-Henriques Andreia, Jakobsen J. (2015). An Eguchipsammia (Dendrophylliidae) topping on the cone . Marine Biodiversity , 45(1), 3-4 .
Quartau Rui, Hipolito A., Romagnoli C., Casalbore D., Madeira J., Tempera Fernando, Roque C., Chiocci F. L. (2014). The morphology of insular shelves as a key for understanding the geological evolution of volcanic islands: Insights from Terceira Island (Azores) . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 15(5), 1801-1826 .
de Matos Valentina, Gomes-Pereira Jose N., Tempera Fernando, Ribeiro Pedro A., Braga-Henriques Andreia, Porteiro Filipe (2014). First record of Antipathella subpinnata (Anthozoa, Antipatharia) in the Azores (NE Atlantic), with description of the first monotypic garden for this species . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 99, 113-121 .
Tempera Fernando, Hipolito Ana, Madeira Jose, Vieira Sara, Campos Aldino S., Mitchell Neil C. (2013). Condor seamount (Azores, NE Atlantic): A morpho-tectonic interpretation . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 98(Part A), 7-23 .
Porteiro Filipe M., Gomes-Pereira Jose N., Pham Christopher K., Tempera Fernando, Santos Ricardo S. (2013). Distribution and habitat association of benthic fish on the Condor seamount (NE Atlantic, Azores) from in situ observations . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 98(Part A), 114-128 .
Chiocci F. L., Romagnoli C., Casalbore D., Sposato A., Martorelli Eleonora, Alonso B., Casas D., Conte A. M., Di Bella L., Ercilla G., Estrada Ferran, Falese F., Farran M., Forleo V., Frezza V., Hipolito A., Lebani A., Maisto F., Pacheco J., Pimentel A., Quartau Rui, Roque C., Sampaio I., Santoro P. C., Tempera Fernando (2013). Bathy-morphological setting of Terceira Island (Azores) after the FAIVI cruise . Journal Of Maps , 9(4), 590-595 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Afonso P., Porteiro F. M., Fontes J., Tempera Fernando, Morato T., Cardigos F., Santos R. S. (2013). New and rare coastal fishes in the Azores islands: occasional events or tropicalization process? Journal Of Fish Biology , 83(2), 272-294 .
Morato T., Kvile K. O., Taranto G. H., Tempera Fernando, Narayanaswamy B. E., Hebbeln D., Menezes G. M., Wienberg C., Santos R. S., Pitcher T. J. (2013). Seamount physiography and biology in the north-east Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea . Biogeosciences , 10(5), 3039-3054 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kalwa J., Carreiro-Silva M., Tempera Fernando, Fontes J., Santos R. S., Fabri Marie-Claire, Brignone Lorenzo, Ridao P., Birk A., Glotzbach T., Caccia M., Alves Jose-Henrique, Pascoal A. (2013). The MORPH Concept and Its Application in Marine Research . 2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS - Bergen, Bergen, 2013, pp. 1-8 .
Schmiing Mara, Afonso Pedro, Tempera Fernando, Santos Ricardo S. (2013). Predictive habitat modelling of reef fishes with contrasting trophic ecologies . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 474, 201-216 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Galparsoro Ibon, Connor David W., Borja Angel, Aish Annabelle, Amorim Patricia, Bajjouk Touria, Chambers Caroline, Coggan Roger, Dirberg Guillaume, Ellwood Helen, Evans Douglas, Goodin Kathleen L., Grehan Anthony, Haldin Jannica, Howell Kerry, Jenkins Chris, Michez Noemie, Mo Giulia, Buhl-Mortensen Pal, Pearce Bryony, Populus Jacques, Salomidi Maria, Sanchez Francisco, Serrano Alberto, Shumchenia Emily, Tempera Fernando, Vasquez Mickael (2012). Using EUNIS habitat classification for benthic mapping in European seas: Present concerns and future needs . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 64(12), 2630-2638 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Quartau R., Tempera Fernando, Mitchell N. C., Pinheiro L. M., Duarte H., Brito P. O., Bates C. R., Monteiro J. H. (2012). Morphology of the Faial Island shelf (Azores): The interplay between volcanic, erosional, depositional, tectonic and mass-wasting processes . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 13(4), Q04012 (1-30) .
Braga-Henriques Andreia, Carreiro-Silva Marina, Tempera Fernando, Porteiro Filipe Mora, Jakobsen Kirsten, Jakobsen Joachim, Albuquerque Monica, Santos Ricardo Serrao (2012). Carrying behavior in the deep-sea crab Paromola cuvieri (Northeast Atlantic) . Marine Biodiversity , 42(1), 37-46 .
Quartau R., Trenhaile A. S., Mitchell N. C., Tempera Fernando (2010). Development of volcanic insular shelves: Insights from observations and modelling of Faial Island in the Azores Archipelago . Marine Geology , 275(1-4), 66-83 .
Santos Ricardo S., Tempera Fernando, Menezes Gui, Porteiro Filipe, Morato Telmo (2010). Sedlo Seamount . Oceanography , 23(1), 202-203 .
Morato Telmo, Pitcher Tony J., Clark Malcolm R., Menezes Gui, Tempera Fernando, Porteiro Filipe, Giacomello Eva, Santos Ricardo S. (2010). Can We Protect Seamounts for Research? A Call For Conservation . Oceanography , 23(1), 190-199 .
Santos Ricardo S., Tempera Fernando, Colaco Ana, Cardigos Frederico, Morato Telmo (2010). Dom Joao de Castro Seamount . Oceanography , 23(1), 200-201 .
Amat Jaen Nieto, Tempera Fernando (2009). Zoobotryon verticillatum Della Chiaje, 1822 (Bryozoa), a new occurrence in the archipelago of the Azores (North-Eastern Atlantic) . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 58(5), 761-764 .
Schmiing M., Afonso P., Tempera Fernando, Santos R. (2009). Integrating Recent and Future Marine Technology in the Design of Marine Protected Areas - the Azores as Case Study . OCEANS 2009-EUROPE, Bremen, 2009, pp. 1-7 .
Afonso Pedro, Fontes Jorge, Guedes Rui, Tempera Fernando, Holland Kim N., Santos Ricardo S. (2009). A Multi-Scale Study of Red Porgy Movements and Habitat Use, and Its Application to the Design of Marine Reserve Networks . J.L. Nielsen et al. (eds.). 2009. Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices, Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries 9. ISBN 978-1-4020-9639-6. pp.423-443 .
Afonso Pedro, Tempera Fernando, Menezes Gui (2008). Population structure and habitat preferences of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) in the Azores, central North Atlantic . Fisheries Research , 93(3), 338-345 .
Mitchell Neil C., Beier Christoph, Rosin Paul L., Quartau Rui, Tempera Fernando (2008). Lava penetrating water: Submarine lava flows around the coasts of Pico Island, Azores . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 9(3), Q03024 (1-29) .
Morato Telmo, Machete Miguel, Kitchingman Adrian, Tempera Fernando, Lai Sherman, Menezes Gui, Pitcher Tony J., Santos Ricardo S. (2008). Abundance and distribution of seamounts in the Azores . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 357, 17-21 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cardigos F, Tempera Fernando, Avila S, Goncalves J, Colaco Ana, Santos Rs (2006). Non-indigenous marine species of the Azores . Helgoland Marine Research , 60(2), 160-169 .
Cardigos F, Colaco Ana, Dando Pr, Avila Sp, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Tempera Fernando, Conceicao P, Pascoal A, Santos Rs (2005). Shallow water hydrothermal vent field fluids and communities of the D. Joao de Castro Seamount (Azores) . Chemical Geology , 224(1-3), 153-168 .