Comprendre et expliquer la diversité des traits d’histoires de vie développés par les espèces animales reste un des défis majeurs de la biologie évolutive. Pour permettre une bonne compréhension des processus évolutifs impliqués, il est nécessaire d’identifier les mécanismes écophysiologiques sous-jacents aux compromis d’allocation d’énergie entre grandes fonctions de l’organisme. Par ailleurs, il est crucial de cerner les effets et contraintes liés à l’environnement susceptibles d’affecter le phénotype des individus et leur valeur sélective. Dès lors, l’utilisation d’approches pluridisciplinaires, de la cellule à l’organisme et à la croisée des chemins entre individus, population et environnement permet une compréhension intégrative des processus multi-factoriels en termes d’espace, de temps mais également d’échelle biologique (du génotype à la population). Enfin, dissocier les effets attribuables aux contraintes environnementales naturelles des contraintes anthropiques (e.g. exploitation, contaminants) s’insère pleinement dans une perspective de gestion des ressources naturelles pérenne.
Beauvieux Anaïs,
Bourjea Jerome,
Fromentin Jean-Marc, Jean Claire, Ciccione Stéphane, Ballorain Katia, Romero Diego, Dbouk Zahraa, Hirschler Aurélie, Bertile Fabrice,
Schull Quentin (2024).
Tracing troubles: Unveiling the hidden impact of inorganic contamination on juvenile green sea turtle .
Marine Pollution Bulletin , 208, 117048 (13p.) .
Lemonnier Camille,
Schull Quentin, Stier Antoine, Boonstra Rudy, Delehanty Brendan, Lefol Emilie, Durand Laureline, Pardonnet Sylvia, Robin Jean-Patrice, Criscuolo Francois, Bize Pierre, Viblanc Vincent A. (2024).
Social, not genetic, programming of development and stress physiology of a colonial seabird .
Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences , 291(2028), 20240853 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Beauvieux Anaïs, Mérigot Bastien,
Le Luyer Jeremy,
Fromentin Jean-Marc, Couffin Nathan, Brown Adrien, Bianchimani Olivier, Hocdé Régis, Aurelle Didier, Ledoux Jean-Baptiste, Bertile Fabrice,
Schull Quentin (2024).
Mesophotic zone as refuge: acclimation and in-depth proteomic response of yellow gorgonians in the Mediterranean sea .
Coral Reefs , 43(2), 415-428 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mollier Margaux, Bustamante Paco, Martinez-Alvarez Ignacio,
Schull Quentin, Labadie Pierre, Budzinski Hélène, Cherel Yves, Carravieri Alice (2024).
Blood Kinetics of Lipophilic and Proteinophilic Pollutants during Two Types of Long-Term Fast in King Penguins .
Environmental Science & Technology , 58(14), 6138-6148 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Beauvieux Anaïs,
Fromentin Jean-Marc, Romero Diego, Couffin Nathan, Brown Adrien,
Metral Luisa,
Bourjea Jerome, Bertile Fabrice,
Schull Quentin (2024).
Molecular fingerprint of gilthead seabream physiology in response to pollutant mixtures in the wild .
Environmental Pollution , 340, 122789 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Beauvieux Anaïs,
Fromentin Jean-Marc, Saraux Claire, Romero Diego, Couffin Nathan, Brown Adrien,
Metral Luisa, Bertile Fabrice,
Schull Quentin (2024).
Molecular response to multiple trace element contamination of the European sardine .
Peer Community Journal , 4, e74 (26p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prioux Camille, Tignat‑perrier Romie, Gervais Ophelie, Estaque Tristan,
Schull Quentin, Reynaud Stéphanie, Béraud Eric, Mérigot Bastien, Beauvieux Anaïs, Marcus Maria-Isabelle, Richaume Justine, Bianchimani Olivier, Cheminée Adrien, Allemand Denis, Ferrier‑pagès Christine (2023).
Unveiling microbiome changes in Mediterranean octocorals during the 2022 marine heatwaves: quantifying key bacterial symbionts and potential pathogens .
Microbiome , 11(1), 19p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Estaque Tristan, Richaume Justine, Bianchimani Olivier,
Schull Quentin, Mérigot Bastien,
Bensoussan Nathaniel, Bonhomme Patrick, Vouriot Pauline,
Sartoretto Stephane, Monfort Tiffany, Basthard‐bogain Solène, Fargetton Margaux, Gatti Giulia, Barth Laura, Cheminée Adrien, Garrabou Joaquim (2023).
Marine heatwaves on the rise: One of the strongest ever observed mass mortality event in temperate gorgonians .
Global Change Biology , 29(22), 6159-6162 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schull Quentin, Beauvieux Anais, Viblanc Vincent A.,
Metral Luisa, Leclerc Lina, Romero Diego,
Pernet Fabrice,
Quéré Claudie,
Derolez Valerie,
Munaron Dominique, McKindsey Christopher W., Saraux Claire,
Bourjea Jerome (2023).
An integrative perspective on fish health: Environmental and anthropogenic pathways affecting fish stress .
Marine Pollution Bulletin , 194(Part B), 115318 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ouisse Vincent, Aliaume Catherine, Amilhat Elsa,
Badts Vincent,
Bourdeix Jean-Herve,
Cheret Isabelle,
Cimiterra Nicolas, Darnaude Audrey,
Derolez Valerie, Faliex Elisabeth,
Jadaud Angelique,
Laugier Thierry,
Metral Luisa, Millot Jade, Motte Marie, Nicolas Delphine, Orozco Lucie,
Schull Quentin, Simier Monique, Simon Gaël,
Vaz Sandrine, Villeneuve Remi, Violette Herve,
Certain Gregoire (2023).
Développement d’un indicateur poissons en lagune adapté au contexte français – Projet INPOLAG – Rapport final . R.ODE/UL/LERLR 23-03. 71p + Annexes .
Hocdé Régis, Thouzeau Gerard, Bourquin Sophie, Borel Laurent, Coulange Mathieu, Féral Jena-Pierre, Feunteun Eric, Jacquet Stéphan,
Le Bras Philippe, Le Gall Line, Legrand Sebastien, Lenfant Philippe, Lepage Mario, Play Caroline, Saragoni Gilles,
Schull Quentin (2023).
Scientific diving in France: an overview of the current practices in science . ECSD7 - 7th European Conference on Scientific Diving. 14 tu 18 May 2023, Roscoff, France .
Bramanti Lorenzo, Manea Elisabetta, Giordano Bruna, Estaque Tristan, Bianchimani Olivier, Richaume Justine, Mérigot Bastien,
Schull Quentin,
Sartoretto Stephane, Garrabou Joaquim Garrabou, Guizien Katell (2023).
The deep vault: a temporary refuge for temperate gorgonian forests facing marine heat waves .
Mediterranean Marine Science , 24(3), 601-609 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Beauvieux Anais, Queiros Q,
Metral Luisa,
Dutto Gilbert,
Gasset Eric, Criscuolo F,
Fromentin Jean-Marc, Saraux Claire,
Schull Quentin (2022).
Energy allocation trade-offs between life-history traits in the Mediterranean sardine: an ecophysiological approach .
Marine Ecology Progress Series , 701, 99-118 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Quque Martin, Ferreira Charly, Sosa Sebastian,
Schull Quentin, Zahn Sandrine, Criscuolo François, Bleu Josefa, Viblanc Vincent A. (2022).
Cascading Effects of Conspecific Aggression on Oxidative Status and Telomere Length in Zebra Finches .
Physiological And Biochemical Zoology , 95(5), 416-429 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Viblanc Vincent A., Criscuolo François, Sosa Sebastian,
Schull Quentin, Boonstra Rudy, Saraux Claire, Lejeune Mathilde, Roth Jeffrey D., Uhlrich Pierre, Zahn Sandrine, Dobson F. Stephen (2022).
Telomere dynamics in female Columbian ground squirrels: recovery after emergence and loss after reproduction .
Oecologia , 199(2), 301-312 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kriesell Hannah Joy, Aubin Thierry, Planas-Bielsa Víctor,
Schull Quentin, Bonadonna Francesco, Cornec Clément, Le Maho Yvon, Troudet Laura, Le Bohec Céline (2021).
How king penguins advertise their sexual maturity .
Animal Behaviour , 177, 253-267 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Luyer Jeremy,
Schull Quentin, Auffret Pauline, Lopez Pierre, Crusot Margaux,
Belliard Corinne,
Basset Caline, Carradec Q., Poulain J., Planes S.,
Saulnier Denis (2021).
Dual RNAseq highlights the kinetics of skin microbiome and fish host responsiveness to bacterial infection .
Animal Microbiome , 3(1), 35 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Viblanc Vincent A.,
Schull Quentin, Stier Antoine, Durand Laureline, Lefol Emilie, Robin Jean-Patrice, Zahn Sandrine, Bize Pierre, Criscuolo François (2020).
Foster rather than biological parental telomere length predicts offspring survival and telomere length in king penguins .
Molecular Ecology , 29(16), 3155-3167 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Queiros Quentin,
Fromentin Jean-Marc,
Gasset Eric,
Dutto Gilbert, Huiban Camille,
Metral Luisa, Leclerc Lina,
Schull Quentin, McKenzie David, Saraux Claire (2019).
Food in the Sea: Size Also Matters for Pelagic Fish .
Frontiers In Marine Science , 6(385), 13p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Eckbo Norith, Le Bohec Céline, Planas-Bielsa Victor, Warner Nicholas A.,
Schull Quentin, Herzke Dorte, Zahn Sandrine, Haarr Ane, Gabrielsen Geir W., Borgå Katrine (2019).
Individual variability in contaminants and physiological status in a resident Arctic seabird species .
Environmental Pollution , 249, 191-199 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Viblanc Vincent A.,
Schull Quentin, Roth Jeffrey D., Rabdeau Juliette, Saraux Claire, Uhlrich Pierre, Criscuolo François, Dobson F. Stephen (2018).
Maternal oxidative stress and reproduction: testing the constraint, cost and shielding hypotheses in a wild mammal .
Functional Ecology , 32(3), 722-735 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :