Domaines de recherche
The general aims of my research are to understand and study the metabolic balance of planktonic communities in different marine ecosystems (open ocean and coastal ecosystems), estimate natural and anthropic factors that drive some marine ecosystems to heterotrophy and evaluate their role in global carbon cycle. I work also macro-ecological models such as the VGPM (Vertically Generalized Production Model) and CbPM (Carbon-based Production Model) using remote sensing data (ex: SeaWiFS, MODIS-A).
Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
LINKS | Antea | 2021 | Plateau guyanais |
Jeux de données
Sourisseau Marc, Cadier Mathilde, Caradec Florian, Chapelle Annie, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Huber Matthias, Latimier Marie, Le Gac Mickael, Le Roy Valerian, Malestroit Pascale, Petton Sébastien, Plus Martin, Pouvreau Stephane, Queau Isabelle, Quere Julien, Rabiller Emilie, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Schmitt Sophie (2025). Environmental time series from a temperate macrotidal bay (Bay of Brest) . SEANOE .
Schmitt Sophie, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Siano Raffaele (2022). Données métagénomique de la campagne LINKS. IFREMER.
Mayen Jeremy, Polsenaere Pierre, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Deborde Jonathan, Collin Karine, Le Merrer Yoann, Foucault Elodie, Ouisse Vincent, André Laurent, Arnaud Marie, Kostyrka Pierre, Lamaud Éric, Abril Gwenaël, Souchu Philippe . Aquatic metabolism influences temporal variations of water carbon and atmospheric carbon dioxide fluxes in a temperate salt marsh . EGUsphere [preprint] IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mena Catalina, Long Marc, Lorand Ophélie, Malestroit Pascale, Rabiller Emilie, Maguer Jean-François, L Helguen Stephane, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore (2024). Impact of light and nutrient availability on the phagotrophic activity of harmful bloom-forming dinoflagellates . Journal Of Plankton Research , 47(1), fbae038 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mayen Jeremy, Polsenaere Pierre, Lamaud Éric, Arnaud Marie, Kostyrka Pierre, Bonnefond Jean-Marc, Geairon Philippe, Gernigon Julien, Chassagne Romain, Lacoue-Labarthe Thomas, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Souchu Philippe (2024). Atmospheric CO2 exchanges measured by eddy covariance over a temperate salt marsh and influence of environmental controlling factors . Biogeosciences , 21(4), 993-1016 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Latorre L, Basterretxea G (2023). Phytoplankton metabolism in a stratified nearshore ecosystem with recurrent harmful algal blooms (HABs) . Journal Of Plankton Research , 45(6), 785-793 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mayen Jeremy, Polsenaere Pierre, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Dupuy Christine, Vagner Marie, Lemesle Jean-Christophe, Poitevin Benoit, Souchu Philippe (2023). Influence of typology and management practices on water pCO and atmospheric CO2 fluxes over two temperate shelf – estuary – marsh water continuums . Regional Studies In Marine Science , 67, 103209 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mayen Jeremy, Polsenaere Pierre, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Deborde Jonathan, Collin Karine, Le Merrer Yoann, Foucault Elodie, Ouisse Vincent, André L., Arnaud Marie, Kostyrka Pierre, Lemesle Jean-Christophe, Lelong V., Vagner Marie, Souchu Philippe (2023). Influence of aquatic metabolism on marsh carbon dynamics and associated atmospheric CO2 fluxes . AGU23. Wide. Open. Science. AGU Fall Meeting 2023. 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA & Online Everywhere .
Polsenaere Pierre, Coutantin Maxime, Lamaud Eric, Soudant Dominique, Bonnefond Jean-Marc, Gernigon Julien, Mayen Jeremy, Kostyrka Pierre, Arnaud Marie, Pery Camille, Deborde Jonathan, Geairon Philippe, Lacoue-Labarthe Thomas, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Souchu Philippe (2023). Variations temporelle et spatiale des échanges de CO2 atmosphérique en pré-salé tempéré : processus, facteurs de contrôle et potentiel de captation associés . Colloque de Restitution PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux ». 9 et 10 novembre 2023, La Rochelle .
Mayen Jeremy, Polsenaere Pierre, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Deborde Jonathan, Arnaud Marie, Kostyrka Pierre, Collin Karine, Le Merrer Yoann, Foucault Elodie, Ouisse Vincent, André L., Lemesle Jean-Christophe, Lelong Vincent, Vagner Marie, Souchu Philippe (2023). Influence du métabolisme planctonique sur la dynamique du carbone des marais . Colloque de Restitution PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux ». 9 et 10 novembre 2023, La Rochelle .
Boucher Clemence, Lacour Thomas, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, L Helguen Stephane, Maguer Jean-Francois, Reveillon Damien, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis (2023). Quantification of trophic modes using stable isotope tracers (carbon and nitrogen) and flow cytometry in the ichthyotoxic microalgae Prymnesium parvum . Conférence annuelle GDR Phycotox - GIS Cyanobactéries 2023. 23-25 Mai 2023, Nantes .
Salgado-Hernanz Paula Maria, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, Antoine David, Basterretxea Gotzon (2022). Pelagic primary production in the coastal Mediterranean Sea: variability, trends and contribution to basin scale budgets . Biogeosciences , 19(1), 47-69 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Ciotti Aurea M (2022). Planktonic Metabolism and Primary Production in the Oceans . In Pan, J., & Pratolongo, P.D. (Eds.). (2022). Marine Biology: A Functional Approach to the Oceans and their Organisms (1st ed.). Serie : Marine Science, volume1. CRC Press. Chap.4, pp.72-87 (CRC Press) .
Chapelle Annie, Sourisseau Marc, Plus Martin (2021). Rapport Alex Breizh. Impact des contrôles environnementaux sur la dynamique des efflorescences de l’algue toxique Alexandrium minutum en Rade de Brest. Modélisation en compétition interspécifique. ODE/DYNECO/PELAGOS 2021-1 .
Ifremer. ODE/VIGIES (2020). Journées REPHY 2020. Nantes, 5 et 6 février 2020. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/20-04 .
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Huete-Ortega M., Sobrino C., López-Sandoval D.C., González N., Fernández-Carrera A., Vidal M, Marañón E., Cermeño P., Latasa M., Agustí S., Duarte C.M. (2019). Multi-model remote sensing assessment of primary production in the subtropical gyres . Journal Of Marine Systems , 196, 97-106 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Agusti Susana, Martinez-Ayala Juan, Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Duarte Carlos M. (2017). Oligotrophication and Metabolic Slowing-Down of a NW Mediterranean Coastal Ecosystem . Frontiers in Marine Science , 4(432), 1-6 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Castagna Alexandre, Ferreira Amabile, Abbrecht Medea, Braga Elisabete S., Ciotti Aurea M. (2017). Influence of mixed upwelled waters on metabolic balance in a subtropical coastal ecosystem: Sao Sebastiao Channel, southern Brazil . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 573, 61-72 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Holding J. M., Duarte C. M., Sanz-Martin M., Mesa E., Arrieta J. M., Chierici M., Hendriks I. E., Garcia-Corral L. S., Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Delgado A., Reigstad M., Wassmann P., Agusti S. (2015). Temperature dependence of CO2-enhanced primary production in the European Arctic Ocean . Nature Climate Change , 5(12), 1079-1082 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Sal S., Lopez-Urrutia A. (2015). Poor correlation between phytoplankton community growth rates and nutrient concentration in the sea . Biogeosciences , 12(6), 1915-1923 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia-Corral Lara S., Agusti Susana, Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Iuculano Francesca, Carrillo-De-Albornoz Paloma, Wassmann Paul, Duarte Carlos M. (2014). Ultraviolet radiation enhances Arctic net plankton community production . Geophysical Research Letters , 41(16), 5960-5967 .
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Lasternas Sébastien, Agustí Susana, Duarte Carlos M. (2014). Comparing marine primary production estimates through different methods and development of conversion equations . Frontiers in Marine Science , 1(19), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Agusti Susana, Duarte Carlos M. (2014). UV sensitivity of planktonic net community production in ocean surface waters . Journal Of Geophysical Research-biogeosciences , 119(5), 929-936 .
Agusti Susana, Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Arrieta Jesus M., Duarte Carlos M. (2014). Consequences of UV-enhanced community respiration for plankton metabolic balance . Limnology And Oceanography , 59(1), 223-232 .
Garcia-Corral L. S., Barber E., Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Sal S., Holding J. M., Agusti S., Navarro N., Serret P., Mozetic P., Duarte C. M. (2014). Temperature dependence of planktonic metabolism in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean . Biogeosciences , 11(16), 4529-4540 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Duarte Carlos M. (2013). Global patterns in oceanic planktonic metabolism . Limnology And Oceanography , 58(3), 977-986 .
Duarte Carlos M., Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Arrieta Jesus M., Delgado-Huertas Antonio, Agusti Susana (2013). The Oligotrophic Ocean Is Heterotrophic . Annual Review Of Marine Science, Vol 5 , 5, 551-569 .
Vaquer-Sunyer R., Duarte C. M., Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Holding J., Garcia-Corral L. S., Reigstad M., Wassmann P. (2013). Seasonal patterns in Arctic planktonic metabolism (Fram Strait - Svalbard region) . Biogeosciences , 10(3), 1451-1469 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Duarte C. M. (2012). Temperature dependence of planktonic metabolism in the ocean . Global Biogeochemical Cycles , 26(1), GB1015 (1-10)- .
Duarte Carlos M., Agusti Susana, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore (2011). The role of marine biota in the metabolism of the biosphere . In The role of marine biota in the functioning of the biosphere. 2011. Edited by Carlos M. Duarte and al.. ISBN 978-84-92937-04-2. Chap.2, pp.39-53 (Fundacion BBVA) .
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Duarte Carlos M. (2010). Plankton metabolism in the Greenland Sea during the polar summer of 2007 . Polar Biology , 33(12), 1651-1660 .
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Duarte Carlos M. (2010). Compensation irradiance for planktonic community metabolism in the ocean . Global Biogeochemical Cycles , 24(4), GB4013 (1-9) .
Duarte Carlos M., Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore (2009). Thresholds of gross primary production for the metabolic balance of marine planktonic communities . Limnology And Oceanography , 54(3), 1015-1022 .
Regaudie-De-Gioux Aurore, Vaquer-Sunyer R., Duarte C. M. (2009). Patterns in planktonic metabolism in the Mediterranean Sea . Biogeosciences , 6(12), 3081-3089 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :